Foxes in a Dorm can be Dangerous

Story by Incognito Pichu on SoFurry

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Valyri was cool enough to let me use his impossibly hot fox boy, Julian alongside my fox boy, Miles' for this piece. It seems to be their first day at college, and already the two are finding themselves in some... surprising situations... Not that they're complaining.

Disclaimer: This story contains themes of homosexuality as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage. If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further.


Foxes in a Dorm Can be Dangerous

"J, tell me again why we're staying in the dorm? I thought the plan was that your parents were setting you up with an apartment nearby."

"First off, stop calling me J... Secondly, that was the plan, but as it turns out, there's a rule that first-year students are required to live on-campus, so we get to stay here for the next 9 months." Julian stopped in front of a door, and opened it, revealing the boys' shared dorm room.

Miles chuckled to himself lightly as he glanced around the room, unimpressed. The room was a pretty standard dorm room, a bit bigger than his room at home.

Julian glanced at the arctic fox's face, noticing the apathetic expression, "Heh, yeah, that's what how I felt when I first got here too."

Having arrived a day prior, the red fox's stuff was already set up throughout the place, and one of the beds had very clearly been claimed.

Miles stepped into the room, and set his stuff down on the free bed, "It's cool, this place is nice. Plus, if we're staying here, that just means you'll have more money to spend on me instead."

With a roll of his eyes, the red fox set the bag he was carrying down onto Miles' bed, "I should have never let you know that my family has money. I told you, I'm not one of those spoiled kids that gets whatever he wants."

"Whatever. Go buy me a Playstation, bitch."

The red fox shot his friend a smirk, and responded to remark with an extension of his middle finger towards the other boy.

Despite having known each other for close to a year, Miles had only recently discovered his friend's family's ample financial state, and since finding out, had not missed an opportunity to tease the red fox about it.

"Honestly, I'm surprised." Miles took a seat on his bed as he continued on, "You've been here for an entire day, and you didn't move the beds together. Too busy checking out the talent I assume?"

With a mischievous look on his face, Julian sat down next to the white-fur, "Actually, I tried. The beds are bolted down. Also, why would I need to look around, when I have my own personal fucktoy staying in the same room as I am?"

A dangerous expression formed on Julian's muzzle, as he leveled his gaze directly at Miles' ice blue pupils.

"Oh? I'm your fucktoy? Is that right, Mr. Suddenly-Alpha-Male?" Miles snickered and returned the gaze, "If I recall, only one of us has had his cock inside of the other..."

Julian stood back up, the impish look still on his face as he turned, so that he was face-to-face with the arctic fox. "About that... Thanks for reminding me."

Without warning, Julian climbed over Miles front, showing impressive agility as he loomed over him on the bed. Before Miles could even react properly, the red fox had his knees in place, right on either side of the other boy's upper chest, and was leaning in, making it very apparent what he was intending to happen.

"You remember our agreement, Miles. First day of college."

The white fox was indeed aware of what his friend was referring to. While the arctic fox had never been so inclined to be on the giving end of oral pleasure, he had gone so far as to make an agreement with his friend, that if he hadn't done so by their first day of college, then that would be the day.

"Well, technically... Classes don't start until next week, you know." Miles gave the weak excuse, not really expecting it to really deter the russet-fur much. The only response he got was the sound of Julian's zipper being lowered.

"Miles, you of all people, should know what happens when a fox gets you pinned..." With a downward tug, the red fox lowered his shorts and underwear, thus freeing his quickly extending pride. Already near seven inches exposed from his sheath, and showing no signs of slowing down. He let the largely humanoid looking shaft hang right above his friend's muzzle. "And for the record, I haven't gotten off in a week, in anticipation of this."

"Fine, but we're trading beds after this. I've seen what you can do to a mattress. You're not turning my bed into your cum sponge on our first day..."

Miles heard the light chuckle from Julian, but didn't look away from the still growing monster slowly journeying towards his face. While the arctic fox had never particularly wanted to suck a dick before, there was just something about the red fox, and Miles actually found himself licking his lips in anticipation.

"Waiting for an invitation, snowboy?"

About nine inches free, and sufficiently plumped up, the organ was in reaching distance of Miles' mouth.

"Hey, don't rush me, do you even know how big this thing is?"

"HA! Says the guy that's a foot long!"

"Thirteen inches." Miles was quick to correct the red fox, "And, just because I am that size, doesn't mean I can swallow it. It's not like I suck myself off."

Julian reflected for a moment upon hearing the comment, "Oh that's right, I meant to teach you how to do that... Remind me later." He took a hold of his quickly-approaching-full-size member, and lightly tapped it against his friend's lips. "Now get that tongue in motion, it's almost time for your paint job."

Though he tried as hard as he could to not display it, the white fox couldn't help but show a bit of a grin. Hesitantly, either out of apprehension or anticipation, Miles extended his tongue and lapped around the humanoid head of the penis, helping to free the organ from its foreskin.

"Oh, fuck..." The first sensation of Miles licking against that sensitive organ, and Julian was already letting out little moans of pleasure, russet and white blurs appearing behind the red fox as his tail flicked around like the blades of a fan. He couldn't help but move his hips ever so slightly, closer to Miles.

"Mmm, c'mon... open up..." Biting his lip, the red fox took grip of his own length, black-furred digits wrapping around as much of the thickness as could be managed, and helped to guide it past his friend's spread lips.

"Hey, Jules, I--oh..."

Neither of the fox boys even heard the door open, but standing there with a very understandably surprised look on his face was a leopard boy, doing his best to not look at the scene in front of him.

Glancing towards the door, Julian took note of his friend's reaction, and didn't hesitate to point it out. "Oh, hey Jamie..." Julian relaxed his position over Miles, making sure that the leopard boy had a full view of the other fox's face. "You look like you just saw something interesting. Is that why you barged in without knocking?" With a smirk, Julian started tapping his thick length firmly against Miles' cheek.

"Tch... so funny, Julian..." Miles groused.

The red fox snickered at his friend's sarcasm, "Well, I think Jamie is a little jealous. It's been a while since I've fucked his face as hard as I'm about to fuck yours."

Jamie blushed, "Well, I mean... uh... sorry, your door was open a crack, so I uh..."

Julian had to think for a second, to realize that he actually didn't close the door all the way upon entering, "Oh yeah... Heh." The red fox looked down at his willing captive, "It's fine though, I don't mind if you watch me turn Miles' throat into my personal fleshlight."

Miles kept his face turned away slightly, and spoke with the same sardonic tone, "Keep talking, J... We'll see if you're still so smug later, when my knot is buried inside your ass..."

Jamie, sensing that the situation was still on the verge of escalating further, decided that it would be best to interrupt the fox boys' activities. "Err, actually... I just came to tell you that the dormitory counselor needs to see you. Something about room reassignments, he said it was urgent."

"Room reassignment?" That bit definitely got both of the boys' attention. The fox boys had been planning the arrangement ever since getting accepted to the same school, and had it confirmed over a month ago. They had no intentions of letting the dorm counselor mess up their plans.

"Fuck..." Reluctantly, the russet-fur climbed off of Miles, and stuffed himself uncomfortably back into his shorts. "The dorm counselor... I haven't even met him yet. Where's his office?"

Jamie paused for a second to consider that, "Oh, no office, he's in dorm 206."

Miles leaned up from his position on the bed, "Uh, the faculty members can live in the student dorms? How exactly does that work?"

"Oh! No, no... the counselor is a student, a senior usually, dependent on grades and student records, stuff like that. His assistant asked me to relay the message to you."

The arctic fox watched as his friend did his best to make himself presentable, at least as much as he could, with 11 inches of thick steel somehow finagled into his pants, a comically unmistakable tube snaking down the inside of his left thigh.

"You sure you want to handle this, Julian? As you are now, your dick might get there five minutes before the rest of you."

"Like you're much better off?" Julian motioned towards the similar bulge just below Miles' waist.

"Er... Heh... Well, one of us has to go..."

The leopard boy took a step back towards the door, "I'll uh... let you guys figure it out. Later Jules, Miles."

With the leopard boy out of the room, each fox boy looked towards the other, silently trying to decide which one of the two should be the one to go.

The red fox grabbed his phone from the desk, and began tapping at the screen, "It should probably be me, I have all the e-mail confirmations and stuff saved."

"Glad that's decided!" Miles hopped up off of the bed, more than happy to not have to deal with it. "I'm gonna take a shower then. It's summer, and that was a four hour drive to get here. I feel sticky."

Julian didn't miss a beat with his response. "You're lucky that Jamie just interrupted us, or you'd be feeling a LOT stickier right about now."

"Maybe next time, J." Miles pulled off his shirt, and opened his bag to get his shower supplies. "Or maybe I'll just bend you over the bed, like last time we got together. You know how much I like that foxy ass of yours..."

Ignoring his friend's comments, Julian grabbed his phone and wallet off of the desk, and made his way out of the dorm room, "Enjoy your shower, snowboy..."

Just before clicking the door closed, he flashed a devious grin towards Miles. "You're gonna need another one later on."


"Let's see... Room 206...?" Julian approached the door, still a bit confused at what problems could possibly have arisen. Tentatively, he brought up a paw to knock at the door.

** nok nok **

"It's open!"

As soon as he heard the voice, before he even reached for the knob, the voice struck him as one that he recognized. Though vaguely, he knew that he had heard it somewhere before.

Then upon opening the door, it all clicked in his mind. He saw the small body sitting there at the desk, and the long orange and black tail swaying from side-to-side, "Wait... you're Miles' friend..." The images and videos that Miles had of the tiger played quickly in his mind as he searched his memory for the name. "Quinn, right...? Y-You're the--"

"Yes! I am the all-powerful dorm counselor, Mr. Ardoir..."

The small tiger was doing his best to sound serious, but Julian was having a very difficult time seeing him that way. Julian had never properly met Quinn, but honestly, he had heard a good bit about the petite feline from Miles. Back in high school, the tiger was quite promiscuous, and would often attend parties or events with the sole objective of finding, and receiving, as much dick as he possibly could.

"Quinn... What... why...?" The red fox wasn't even sure how to react, he was surprised, to say the least, but also with a bit of confusion. "Jamie didn't mention that it was you... and how are you even counselor? I thought it was supposed to be a senior. You're barely a sophomore."

"Jamie can't mention what he doesn't know. As the all-powerful counselor, I simply had one of my underlings relay my message to him, and then he delivered it to you."

"Underlings...?" Julian shrugged, "Okay, that was a bit unnecessary, but whatever... Still doesn't explain how you're in charge of the dorm. You're not even a year older than me or Miles."

Quinn smirked, "It's usually a senior, but it doesn't have to be a senior, Julie... Due to my exemplary student records, and my 4.0 GPA, they made an exception. Plus, it doesn't hurt that the dean has a thing for sticking his dick into cute tigers..."

That explains it... The thought ran through Julian's mind, it seemed that the tiger's hobbies hadn't changed much from when he was Miles' primary fucktoy back in high school.

"Okay... Fine, then what's this about? We're not changing dorm rooms, Quinn."

"That's not for you to decide, Julie. Through my extensive research, I have determined that having you two in the same dorm room would not be beneficial to your educations."

"Extensive research? The semester hasn't even started..."

Quinn stood up, and waved dismissively, "Nevertheless... I'm going to recommend that one of you be moved to dorm hall C... I only called you here because the rules state that I have to inform you before submitting the recommendation." He grabbed what was, in all likelihood, the submission form that he was referring to off of a nearby stack of papers, "That'll be all, you can go now, Julie..."

Julian, unsurprisingly, did not exit the room, instead, stepping further in, and closing the door behind him, "What is this, Quinn...? Getting back at us for the fact that Miles never let you meet me? Something like that?"

"Pffft... It has nothing to do with the fact that you two gave my brother, of all people, the fucking of a lifetime, and didn't even think to do anything to someone who actually wanted it..."

"Miles says that you get too eager, and that you're too small to take it as rough as I gave it to your brother..." Julian paused for a moment to look the tiger up-and-down real quick, "And seeing you up close, he was definitely right. We'd have ripped through you like a paper bag, you look like you barely weigh 50 pounds..."

"I'm up to 100, actually." With the form in-hand, he began to walk towards the door, speaking as he passed the younger boy, "Now, if you'll excuse me... I have to get to the dean's office, Julie..."

Quinn started to step around the fox boy, but before he could reach the door, black-furred fingers gripped his shoulder, and the feline suddenly found his path blocked by the russet-fur.

"Quinn, like I said, you're not changing our dorm rooms."

"Oh? And how do you plan to stop it from happening, Ju--"

The russet-fur shoved him backwards, interrupting the last word before he could get it out, "Call me Julie again, Quinn... and I'll be tempted to show you exactly what your brother experienced..."

"Tch..." Quinn seemed uninterested, "That's supposed to impress me, I assume?"

Julian stepped up to the femboy tiger, close enough to emphasize their differences in height, the younger fox, at about 5'8", stood over half-a-foot taller than the feline, "This is what's gonna happen... If you don't rip up that form right now, I'm going to have to convince you to do it..."

"I doubt that." Quinn replied flatly, "You're a lowly freshman... I'm the all-powerful dorm counselor. I'm the one in charge."

Julian sighed, "Alright then... I guess I'll have to show you how in charge I can be too..."



"J, you back yet?" Miles stepped back into the dorm room. Having just taken a shower, he was clad in nothing but a towel as he took a quick glance around the room, "Guess not..."

The white-furred fox walked over to his stuff, starting to look through for some clothes to put on.

Hm... I probably should have gotten some clothes ready before going to shower...

He pulled a shirt out and set it aside, "Alright, now where the hell is a pair of underwear..."

** nok nok nok **

"Hm?" Miles turned at hearing the knock on the door, "Jamie again, maybe...?"

He considered not answering, due to the fact that he still was wearing nothing, save for the towel wrapped around his waist, "Ugh... it could be related to the room assignments issue... I guess I should see."

Miles stepped over to the door and opened it to reveal a new face.

"Hello? I'm looking for..." He paused for a moment to read the card he was holding, "Julian Ardoir...? Freshman? Fox? I think this is his dorm...? "

It was an otter boy, maybe a few years older than himself. He had deep brown, almost black fur, and was right around the same height as himself. He'd had to stop and read Julian's name off of a card, so it was clearly not someone that knew him personally.

"Oh, yeah, you're in the right place."

Before Miles could say anything further, the otter boy stepped into the room, "Excellent! It's a pleasure to meet you! My name is Greysen Hall, call me Grey!"

Miles was taken a bit off guard at the otter just inviting himself in, "Oh, uh... Yeah, you think you could come back in a little bit... I'm kinda... still getting settled in and--"

"I gotta say you're by far our top prospect this year!" Grey continued talking, apparently not interested in what Miles had to say, "I very much regret not being able to have seen you in action last year, you broke all sorts of state records!"

"Broke... records...?" It took a second for it to click in the arctic fox's head.

Oh, he thinks that I'm Julian...

Julian was an avid member of the swim team in high school, and from what Miles had seen, pretty good at it too, "You must be from the swim team or something..."

"Oh! That's right! Sorry!" The otter spun around, facing Miles with an excited look on his face, "I'm actually the captain of the swim team... err, well... prospective captain... I'm hoping that you can help me with that..."

Miles held up his paws, "Well, great... but I--"

"See, I saw your file, and I figured I should be the one to try and recruit you." Grey interrupted the fox, "If I show up this year with a first-class prospect like you, it will definitely secure my position as team captain. So, as you probably assumed, I'm here to ask you to try out for the school's swim team!"

The otter's voice was even more eager sounding than it was when he first entered. Still under the assumption that the fox standing in front of him was Julian, he was very clearly attempting to stay as inviting as he could be.

"Listen..." Miles once again tried to get the fact across that he was not the one that the otter was looking for, "I'm gonna have to stop you before you get any further. I'm not--"

"Don't make your decision just yet!" Once again, Grey interrupted the white fur before he was able to get the words out, "You should know, the team has finished among the top 3 in the entire region for several consecutive years, the addition of you to the team just might be just enough to push us over the top!"

The otter was clearly not prepared to accept any response that sounded like it could be refusal, making it difficult for Miles to explain what the situation was.

"Grey, look, I'm not--"

"Plus, I'd be happy to... y'know, persuade you in a different way... if it'd help sway your decision."

Grey's voice shifted to a clearly suggestive tone, and just like that, Miles found himself getting interested.


Seeing that he'd finally offered something that drew a bit of intrigue, Grey didn't hesitate to lean down and catch a finger on Miles' towel, tugging slightly.

"Heh... Wow." Miles honestly couldn't believe how far the otter was taking it without even giving him a chance to explain, "Dude, I'd love to, really, but I--"

Grey gave another tug, slightly firmer this time, "Come on! I guarantee that I'm good! Just let me try and convince you before you make a decision!" He interrupted again, predicting a refusal, "I won't take 'no' for an answer."

Finally conceding, Miles shrugged, "Okay then... if you think you can handle me."

The otter smirked up at the fox from his kneeling position, with an expression on his face as if to say, I won't have any trouble handling a fox...

However, the expression faded a moment later when he undid the towel.


Miles grinned at the favorable reaction, "Problem, Grey?"

He swallowed nervously, but otherwise, kept up the composed demeanor, "Of course not, it's just... uh... bigger... than I thought it'd be..." The otter kept his wits about him, but it was rather apparent on his face that he didn't know what he was getting into. Grey suddenly found himself face-to-face with the biggest cock he'd ever seen, and suddenly his offer to Miles seemed like a much more daunting task than he was expecting.

Miles held back a chuckle, "Oh? I mean, it's only about seven inches soft. If that's more than you can handle, I'll just--"

The white fox was silenced by the sudden feeling of a wet lap at his length.

"Ah! Alright, I guess you can handle it..."

Grey, on a mission of sorts, ran his tongue dutifully all over Miles' flaccid length, right away showing his prowess at the task.

"Heh, you do know what you're doing, don't you?"

Proud of his efforts, Grey smiled, and continued on, bringing up a paw to help stroke the quickly growing member, and focused is tonguework on the tip of the tapered organ.

Shit... I can't just take advantage of this guy, can I...? I mean he's into it, but it's not like I can make a promise that someone else will join the swim team, even if it is Julian...

Grey kept taking more and more of the thick foxmeat past his lips, just as Miles kept on getting longer and longer. Now approaching a foot long, the intimidating organ bumped into the back of Grey's throat, with most of it still outside of his mouth.

The otter pulled himself away with a breath, and then gasped in awe upon seeing exactly what he was getting himself into.

"Holy shit..."

Miles couldn't help letting out a bit of a chuckle at the otter's amazement. He'd seen the look in the older fur's eyes before, and usually it was followed by, "You're too big, I can't do it." Or something similar. What he didn't expect however, was for Grey to lean in and start working his tongue over one of his balls.

"Ooh... careful there..."

With the huge spire more-or-less draped over his face, Grey did his best to manage the vulpine testicles, finding that they were just as intimidating as the organ that they hung heavily beneath. Each one the size of a clementine, he found himself unable to fit both into his maw at the same time, and instead, resorted to use a paw to try and caress one while he sucked and licked eagerly at the other.

If this is how team captains welcome new members, maybe I should try out for sports more often...

Even as Grey struggled with Miles' balls, his other paw stayed in place, getting thoroughly soaked in pre as it still gripped firmly around Miles' dick. Each of the otter's strokes coaxed out a bit more pre, simply adding to the slickness on his paw, until reaching the point where the clear fluid was literally dripping down onto Grey's face.

Hesitantly, the otter pulled away, thin strands of saliva still stretching from his tongue to the oversized orbs in front of his face. He had to lean back slightly to even get a full view of the arctic fox's monumental erection.

"You're fucking huge!" The otter spoke louder than he intended to as he gazed upon the slick spire. He turned his head upwards, meeting Miles' slightly mischievous gaze, "How do you even swim with all this weighing you down?"

"Uhh... trade secret... heh..." Miles was a little shocked that Grey wasn't backing down, but managed an answer, just in time to see the otter softly place a paw back at the base of the flesh, and dive back onto it, apparently managing to suppress his gag reflex enough to take in even more of the imposing cock than he had earlier.

The erection pulsed in the tight space. Miles could feel every slight vibration in Grey's body, and every twinge coaxed another splash of pre from the vulpine member. Not even Miles himself was quite sure how the otter was performing so adeptly, "Oh, Fuck... You can -ngh- take me pretty deep there, -ngh- Grey..."

The otter had managed to take about half of the 13 inch leviathan that Miles called his dick, and surprisingly didn't seem fazed just yet. He didn't slow himself from continuing to progress downwards, even as the thick length started to bulge through his throat.

"Heh, hope you don't mind if I..." Miles slowly brought a paw up, sliding white-furred digits gently over the otter's shoulders, and onto the dark furred head, "...offer just a little assistance."

Upon Miles applying a slight bit of pressure, Grey responded by forcing himself down even further, seemingly undaunted by the remainder of the task. Miles' free paw gripped the edge of the bed tightly, the otter was definitely performing better than what Miles was ready for.

This'll be fine... Julian already plans to join the swim team, right...? Miles kept trying to justify it in his head, now well past the point of being willing to risk the completion of the blowjob by telling him the truth.

Another inch passed through Grey's lips, putting the arctic fox at about 10 deep inside the otter's maw, and that's when the otter began making very slight choking sounds as he struggled to swallow around the biggest cock he had ever seen. His throat constricted around it as best as he could manage, and his tongue caressed the sides of the thick invader as far as it could. Even as he was very audibly meeting resistance on his endeavor, he forced himself further, even bringing his own paws to cup Miles' behind and using the leverage to drive the spear further into his throat.

"Ng... Getting close, Grey... Y-You might wanna..."

Miles gave the otter the warning, and stopped applying pressure on the back of his head. He could feel it building up, quickly moving towards the point of no return. It didn't seem to concern Grey though, as the older boy seemed to be just as determined as ever, if not more. Nearly Miles' entire cock had disappeared past Grey's maw, a feat that even Quinn had trouble with.

The otter bobbed up-and-down, gradually increasing his pace. Enormous balls bounced against his chin, pre leaked and seeped out of the corners of his mouth, his throat was bulged out just from the girth of Miles' endowment, even breathing around the wrist-thick impediment was clearly becoming a hassle. He had to know that the fox's climax was imminent; still he didn't relent.

Miles felt the familiar tingling in his balls, and his knot begin to inflate. "Ah... f-fair warning, it's -ngh- it's gonna be a lot..."

Feeling the knot getting dangerously close to becoming too big to remove, Grey slid back a bit, letting the thick bulb slip out of his mouth, leaving the pulsing length deep enough for him to feel the first thick shot of cum travel directly into his stomach.

Grey's eyes went wide. He had of course been expecting the arctic fox's climax to hit, but at the same time, he wasn't ready for the eruption that was occurring midway down his throat.

** HRRK **

With a gag, Grey pulled back as far as he could, managing to let the entirety of the monstrous penis slip from his lips, and found himself staring right into the eye of the beast, just as it nailed him right between the eyes with its second shot.

"AH!" He let out the surprised yelp, but acted as quickly as he could, throwing his mouth back over the erupting spire, trying to contain the explosion as much as he could. Another heavy blast collided with the back of his mouth, and just as quickly as the otter managed to swallow the offering, two more followed.

Even swallowing as quickly as he could, the amount of cum that Miles was unloading was not something that Grey had anticipated. The substance was already beginning to dribble out around the edges of his mouth, his cheeks were puffed out, simply due to the staggering amount that they were filled with, he had already swallowed enough to feel it weighing in his gut, and Miles' orgasm was showing no signs of tapering.

The otter's changing emotions could clearly be seen in his eyes. First there was surprise, then disbelief, and now he seemed to be bordering on panic. It was quickly becoming evident that he was not going to be able to handle a load as substantial as what Miles was producing. The arctic fox's waves of semen were so heavy it was almost like a continuous stream surging into him. He swallowed one more large mouthful of the fluid, before coming to the conclusion that he had no choice.

"Ah! Haaah..." With a gasp, he pulled himself back, and let the organ free from the warm confines of his mouth. It took mere seconds before his vision was notably inhibited by an oozing white filter.


A splattering of cum immediately concealed over half of the otter's face, cascading down and even making a mess of the brown fur's previously clean outfit.

"Ngaah! -cough cough- ACK!" Grey coughed and choked as he was battered with the thick substance, unable to even see anything past the rush of semen dominating his vision.

Miles could tell the otter was struggling, but was too consumed by his climax to respond. The arctic fox had unloaded such a monumental amount of cum onto the countenance of the other boy, he was barely even recognizable.

Shivers of euphoria wracked the fox's body for a full minute before his orgasm finally started to wane, coating Grey with viscous seed up until the very end.

"S-Shit... -cough- you weren't kidding about there being -cough- a lot..." Grey coughed through his words, still trying to expel the fluid from his throat.

"Hehe, well... -huff- you definitely didn't disappoint, Grey..." Still largely out of breath after the lengthy climax, Miles leaned back, nearly collapsing down onto the bed. He looked down towards the otter to see him doing his best to clear the mess from his body, far from an easy task.

The otter shook his head back and forth a few times and did his best to wipe his eyes clear, hoping that he could actually see what he was doing. After one quick glance at the state of his clothes, he immediately began to pull his shirt off.

"Heh... sorry about that, dude..." With a bit of a tense chuckle, Miles smiled at Grey.

"No, uh... N-No problem..." Grey stood, needing to steady himself by grabbing the bed, so as to not slip in the ample semen puddle at his feet. He definitely seemed a bit dazed, rubbing his paw over his gut softly as he once again looked over his noticeable state of disarray.

Miles leaned back onto the bed, supporting himself on his elbows, "I wasn't particularly planning on that... or at least... not that much..."

"Really... don't worry about it... I just hope that means that you're on-board for the swim team...?"

"About that, heh..." now that Grey finally seemed ready to listen, Miles thought for a second about finally setting the facts straight for the otter. He took one more look at Grey. The otter's hopeful expression was apparent, even through the mask of white that was currently concealing his face, and ultimately the fox didn't have the heart to reveal the truth.

"Yep... Sure... I can guarantee that the name Julian Ardoir will be on the swim team sign-up sheet..."

His expression changed from one of anxiousness to one of happiness, "Great! I'll make sure to let coach know right away!" He looked down over himself, "That is... once I get, err... cleaned up a bit..."

Miles grabbed the towel that had been wrapped around his waist, and held it out, "I can... offer you a towel..."


Back in Room 206...

Tossing the cutoff shorts that Quinn had been wearing to the ground, Julian roughly shoved the tiger face down onto the bed, pressing down on his upper back so as to restrict his movement.

"Hmph! So you plan to have your way with me, against my will? I can't believe we even accepted a deviant such as yourself into this school..."

Julian rolled his eyes, "Oh cut the shit, Quinn... You're hard as a rock, and you're so excited that you can't even stop smiling."

"I'm smiling, because I find it funny that you think you can intimidate me... I'm still the one in charge he--OOF!" Quinn collapsed forward a bit, losing his balance upon his briefs being roughly pulled off of him.

Feeling the paw against his back withdraw, Quinn turned, "You could warn me before ripping my underwear off like that!" Even after voicing his complaint, the tiger kept his eyes on the fox boy who had begun to pull off his own clothes. Julian had already stripped down, and was now wearing nothing more than a tight pair of boxers. Despite the fact that Quinn was rather enjoying the view, he was not willing to admit it.

Julian slung his shirt next to his pants over the back of Quinn's computer chair before looking back over towards the small tiger, he leveled a dominant gaze towards the feline as he spoke, "Last chance, dorm counselor..."

"Last chance for what, exactly?" Quinn stood back up, and met Julian's gaze with one of indifference, "Just because you pulled my clothes off, you think I'll rip up the form? You're not at scary as you think you are, fox boy..."

Julian threw up his paws and shrugged, "Whatever... Then get on your knees, and get your tongue in motion."

"And why would I do that...?"

Julian smirked impishly, letting his tail flick slowly from side-to-side as he took a couple steps towards the tiger, "Because it's going inside you either way..." he paused, and lowered a paw to adjust his shorts, emphasizing the sizeable bulge that was present, "...and believe me, you want me as slick as possible when that happens."

Quinn kept his defiant stance, but couldn't stop himself from letting his eyes wander down the fit form of the handsome fox, and letting his gaze linger on the bulge that was so prominently displayed. It was becoming exceedingly obvious to both males that Quinn's curiosity was going to win-out sooner, rather than later.

"Don't think that you're in-charge here, child. Don't forget, it's me that wields all the power..."

Julian placed a paw on Quinn's shoulder, "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind... Now, do as you're told, little kitty..." The fox teen began applying a bit of pressure to Quinn's shoulder, coaxing him down into position, not that it was necessary. Quinn dropped to his knees eagerly, and immediately hooked a finger onto the waistband of the boxers in front of him, barely needing to tug at all before getting a glimpse of Julian's pride.

"Oh..." Upon seeing the base, Quinn didn't hesitate to snatch the garment the rest of the way down. Julian's organ was a new visual experience for Quinn, quite a feat given the amount of dicks that the tiger had seen. The fox had a somewhat standard sheath, but the penis spilling out of it looked to be largely humanoid, complete with a foreskin. The long walk to the room had granted time for his shaft to soften, but Julian was impressive at any level of arousal, and the level of desire that Quinn was experiencing from ogling it was a testament to that.

"As satisfying as it is watching you drool over my cock..." Julian paused and gave a slight hip thrust for emphasis, "...just get to it already."

While he was starting to take exception to the increasingly dominant tone that the younger male seemed to be portraying, Quinn did indeed start his task. Almost instantly, the tiger extended his tongue, running it over the exterior of the organ, and up to the head. It was almost instinctive after he got started, small paws slid up the sides of Julian's legs, the first one finding one of the fox's firm ass cheeks, the other slid to the inside of the thigh closing in on the orbs that would be found there.

Slim feline fingers began to grip gently around the white-furred sack, and Quinn paused for a moment, seemingly stunned by something, "Wait... w-what...?" He rolled one of the fox's balls around in his fingers, finding that his paw was barely enough to contain just one of the plum-sized orbs.

Julian snickered at the tiger's confusion, "Time's wasting, Quinn..."

Snapping himself out of it, Quinn continued on, gently caressing the fox boy's sack while simultaneously lapping all over the exposed cock as it emerged from its sheath.

"Mph... I can see why Miles kept you around all through high school..." The dual pleasure was hitting Julian right away. Almost faster than Quinn could even react, the fox was seven, eight, nine inches emerged from his sheath, and getting increasingly rigid as well.

Quinn pulled back, backing off of the slick member to gauge his progress, "Hmm... I supposed you're somewhat impressive... For a child..."

Julian smirked down at the tiger, "Well, we'll see if you feel the same way after I've hollowed you out like a jack-o-lantern." Subtly getting his paw in position closer to Quinn's ear, he held him firmly, as he thrust slightly, making sure that his still-growing erection was quickly returned to within reach of the older boy's tongue.

Miles wasn't kidding, he is really good at this... Julian kept the thought internal, but the sentiment was apparent, just from the pace that was being kept. A few more laps against the warm flesh, and a bit more massaging of the vulpine orbs was all it took to get the imposing fox cock to its full length.

Upon realizing that he had brought Julian to his full length, Quinn couldn't even stop himself from licking his lips in anticipation. The feigned look of stern indifference began to fade, and a twinkle of excitement could be seen in his eyes. In any other situation, the tiger would have been happy to lap and suck on the oversized fox cock for hours if he could, but intent on trying to keep up his air of callousness, he stopped to speak. "Well, I've seen, bigger--GLK!"

Not interested in Quinn's little comment, Julian took advantage of the open mouth and thrust himself in sharply, "I don't recall telling you to stop."

"NNNNGLLLH!" The head of Julian's cock struck roughly against the back of Quinn's mouth. The older boy couldn't have possibly been more surprised at the sudden action. Out of reflex, he tried shouting out, but was a little surprised upon finding the soda-can-thick member had taken up the entirety of the space inside of his maw.

Slim tiger arms flailed a bit as the russet-fur held the tiger boy in place. Julian snickered inwardly at the little bout of panic the tiger was displaying, "I'd really love to see your throat bulging out around my cock, but you seem to be having a little trouble taking the whole thing..."

Taking note of Julian's taunt, Quinn narrowed his eyes, and glared upwards towards the fox's face. The younger boy simply stared back mischievously, and spoke with a smirk, "It's a little disappointing really... I'm not even halfway in. After all that Miles has said, I expected you to be better at this." He gave a thrust, eliciting another sharp gag from the tiger.

As he started to spot pre leaking out around his member, and noticing the labored inhales no doubt being hindered by the watery fluids, Julian pulled back, letting his head slip out of the other boy's mouth, a clear trickle visibly running from the tip.


Finally able to, Quinn inhaled as much as he could through his coughing, letting the still-dripping dick that had just been impeding his breathing bob idly in front of his face, "Don't... -cough- don't get cocky, fox boy, I can take a lot more than what you can -cough cough- give out."

Julian lowered a paw to his slickened organ and began to stroke casually, "Is that so? I'm glad to hear it..." He punctuated his comment with another stroke of his cock, producing a rather hefty spurt of watery pre-seed, which splashed against, and subsequently, began dripping down the nose of the older feline, "I was beginning to think that even my pre was going to be too much for you."

"Ah!" Reflexively, Quinn turned his head to the side, shielding part of his face from any further eruptions, and was almost immediately pulled upwards, and shoved roughly face-down onto the bed again, "Hey!"

Ignoring the surprising shout from the smaller male, Julian leaned in close over his back and spoke in a low tone, adding on to his previous statement, "...because I don't plan to hold back."

Before Quinn could even think to say anything back, a strong paw gripped the back of his head, and pressed forward. Julian forced the smaller male's face into the mattress, thus muffling any sounds the tiger could hope to make.


Julian let out another snicker upon hearing the largely muffled sound that Quinn was attempting to make. Whatever objection or declination it may have been would have fallen on deaf ears anyway, the fox was already lining himself up, still nonchalantly stroking his erection, letting out another ample shot of pre-fluid onto the tight ring of muscle that he was set to invade.

With a firm press, the warm cock head nudged against the tiger's entrance, and almost immediately began wedging its way past the tight threshold.

"MMMM! MMMNNNNNN!" More moans from Quinn, simultaneous with Julian's intrusion.

"Ooh... don't know how you stay so tight, with as much dick as you get..." He gave another quick thrust, "Don't worry, I plan to change that." The russet-furred tail swished back and forth predatorily as Julian started to slowly pierce his way inward. Despite only having the first inch or so in, he could already feel the tiger spasming around him.

Letting up on the back of Quinn's head a bit, Julian brought both paws in against the tiger's behind. Holding him steady, he did his best to stretch the tight hole as wide as he could, in an effort to get that monstrous girth further inside the feline.

"F--Fuuuuuck... Haaah--how fucking... thick... NGAH!" Finally able to pull his face up enough to speak, Quinn didn't hesitate to try and voice his concerns, not that he was having much luck getting any kind of intelligent thoughts across.

"If you can't even form a coherent sentence, maybe next time, I'll just fuck your throat, Quinn. I'm sure they'd be able to relocate your jaw."

"NGGGH! S-Shut up! AHN!" As much as he tried hiding it, the struggle was clear on the tiger's face. Even with Quinn's considerable experience, Julian's girth was definitely testing his limits. He clenched his eyes shut, grit his teeth, tiger paws gripped the sheets on the bed tightly enough to nearly rip through them, and the overwhelming cock spreading him wide was not even at its halfway point.

"You know Quinn, you interrupted something between me and Miles when you summoned me..."

"NGGGH! Well, I -ngh- h-hope you enjoyed it -ngh- since you two will be in -ngh- completely different dorm halls soon--NGGGAHHH!" Quinn continue to insist on his threat, even as Julian ravaged his insides.

"Oh, is that so...?" Julian paused, pulling himself completely free of the tight tiger hole that was gripping him, "Then, I guess I have no reason to keep going, right?"

The sudden feeling of emptiness hit Quinn like a truck, he whipped his head around, and shouted, "WHAT?!? NO!"

Julian kept the head of his weapon in place, tip of his member still kissing Quinn's ring of muscle, "What's that, almighty dorm counselor?" The red fox took the opportunity, knowing how much Quinn wanted him to continue, "Were you just saying something about my room assignments?"

Quinn hesitated, knowing that he'd be giving up whatever leverage he had over the russet-fur. He struggled with the decision, at least until feeling a copious jet of warm pre splash against his willing hole, "Nghhh... F-Fine! I may have been a little h-hasty, j-just don't stop!"

Julian felt Quinn's needy entrance quiver against his tip, and couldn't keep himself from grinning, "You want this that much, huh? Think you can even handle it?"

Quinn bit his lip, basically trying to will the dick back into him, "Y-YES! JUST FUCK ME!" The tiger managed to crane his head enough to glare impatiently into the jade eyes of the fox, hoping it would urge the younger boy to get his hips back into motion.

"Heh, fine... but I'll be redecorating your interior."

Just as quickly as he had pulled out, Julian lined back up, and thrust his slick length back in, even deeper than he had managed at first.


Quinn's cry was one of ecstasy. The younger boy's sudden strike had him seeing stars, and nearly unable to keep his body upright. If it wasn't for Julian's grip holding him in place, he likely would have crumpled to the bed in a heap.

Julian pulled back, and slammed in again, and again, and again. Increasing his pace with each rotation, until he was jackhammering into the small tiger's behind. He leaned in a bit, letting his paws wander underneath Quinn, feeling over his midriff, where he felt the slim feline's gut bulge out with the outline of his cock on each thrust.

"Fuck, I might just burst right though you..." Despite the theory, Julian's tempo didn't relent, nor did Quinn want it to, "You'd probably like that, wouldn't you? For me to stuff my knot in you and fill you so much that it'd spill out your mouth? I bet you'd be willing to beg for it..."


It was unclear if Quinn was responding to Julian's comments, or if his shouts were just a byproduct of the intense pleasure surging through him. Either way, Julian was in complete control, the tiger was little more than a moaning mass under him, and was unlikely to say or do anything that might risk interrupting his euphoria.

"I really should punish you for making me waste this load on you..."


Julian slammed forth again, the entirety of his massive foxcock buried inside the feline, giant knot slamming against his entrance, and huge semen filled balls collided against the tiger's own. The younger boy's more-than-substantial flow of pre had slowed, signifying that his orgasm was impending. His tail snapped from side-to-side quickly and his breathing began to labor as he held still inside of the smaller male.

Fuck... Miles will kill me if I break his toy...

Reluctantly, Julian thrust in once more, making a conscious effort to not force his softball-sized knot past that tight ring, "Ngh... Better be r-ready for it, baby stripes!"

The feeling was immediate. Even in Quinn's state, the warm torrent firing into him wasn't something that he could have been ready for. As if by reflex, the tiger's paw snapped to feel at his gut, where he could already feel the waves of Julian's output filling him at an alarming rate. Where moments ago, the protrusion of the fox boy's cock could be felt, the tiger's entire gut began to bulge and round out. Even without Julian's knot in place, the sheer girth of the hybrid organ kept Quinn plugged up, little more than a small dribble able to leak out around it.


Quinn was basically drooling as he moaned out, only 30 seconds into Julian's orgasm, and he was already sporting a noticeable swell in his midsection. Julian's eruption was showing no signs of letting up, either. The fox's thick member remained in place making sure the tiger got exactly what he wanted.

As Julian continued to thrust, more of his ejaculate began to squirt and leak out, slicking the dilated ring more and more. Even given the size of the swollen knot, it was becoming increasingly difficult for the fox to avoid slipping it into Quinn.

A full minute into the orgasm, the handsome fox leaned in. With his paw still against the swelling gut of the feline, a bit of a smile curled on to his face, and he couldn't help but let out a whisper, "Nnnhh... come on, baby stripes... cough some up..."

The words were just loud enough for Quinn to hear, not that he was in a coherent enough state to think anything of them. It wasn't until he felt a light itching in his throat that he even considered the words, and even then... before he could complete the thought, he felt a slight gag, and let out a few coughs.


Quinn could feel it in his mouth, he could taste a flavor that he was rather familiar with. He knew what it was, but at the same time, his mind wasn't clicking that it could possibly be what he knew it was. The 17-year-old fox was filling him so full that cum was actually escaping through his mouth.


After each cough, his maw seemed to fill ever-so-slightly, until it began to escape from the corners of his mouth. Quinn's eyes went wider than they had ever been. His jaw would have dropped, had he not been trying to contain the mouthful of semen that he had presented with. The tiger had been confident that he had enough sexual experience to not be surprised by anything thrown his way, but this was, without-a-doubt, something that the feline could never have imagined.

Julian couldn't see the look on Quinn's face, but seeing the drops of white dripping down the feline's chin was all the confirmation that the fox needed. With a satisfied huff, he relaxed his grip a bit, and pulled back, and unsheathed his weapon from the tiger's behind. Then in a quick motion, before the tiger was able to collapse, the fox gripped his side, and flipped him, so that he was lying flat on his back, with Julian over his body.

"Ohh... fffff--uuuuuuck yeah..." Black-furred fingertips clenched the bed tightly, as Julian was still in the throes of orgasm. He had foregone even gripping his shaft for any sort of aim, opting to let the bountiful ropes of fox cum that he was producing simply lance through the air, landing wherever they may, and unsurprisingly leaving much of Quinn's room, including the tiger himself, a mess of oozing white streaks before the long-lasting climax subsided.

"I'm kinda -huff- surprised that you held it in your mouth -huff- as well as you did... -huff- Last time I did that, it was like the guy was -huff- doing a spit-take."

Julian grinned as he caught his breath, looking over Quinn's state of disarray. Even without the fox actively trying to target the older boy, a fertile glaze still covered most of the tiger's front as he laid exhausted on the bed. Cum poured out from his distended hole, his belly had been swollen to the size of an over-filled beach ball, even the bed that he currently laid in had been reduced to little more than a puddle of the younger boy's discharge.

After a quick stretch, Julian trotted over to where he had placed his clothes, and retrieved his phone, "Hope you don't mind if I take a video for my collection."

Weakly, Quinn turned his head towards the fox, the expression of satisfaction oddly still present on the feline's face.

"Say 'hi' to Miles, baby stripes."

Quinn did his best to tilt his head up, "GL--GLLLRK! -COUGH COUGH HACK-" Another splash of cum splattered out from Quinn's mouth, and dribbled down his chin before he simply dropped his head back down onto the bed.

Julian chuckled inwardly, "Close enough."


10 minutes later

"I see you finished your shower already..." Julian stepped into his dorm room, spotting Miles lying on his bed clad in nothing but a pair of black boxer-briefs, "I half-expected that you'd stay out of the dorm for a while."

Miles smiled at the other fox, "Hah... Knowing you, you'd use your family's unlimited money and resources to track me down, then fuck my throat as soon as you found me. At least this way, I'm in a comfortable place for it."

Rolling his eyes and ignoring the rich kid comment, Julian made sure he closed the door behind him, then began casually undressing, "Heh, well... I'm thinking I'm gonna hold off on your throat stretching appointment."

Miles shot his friend a suspicious look, "What's the deal...? I remember all that shit you told me about you and your friend from when you were 14... There's no way you'd let me out of our agreement that easily."

"Not letting you out of it, just... holding off for a little. Like you said, classes don't start until next week, right?"

Miles' expression of skepticism didn't fade, "Not buyin' it..."

Smirking, Julian pulled his phone out of his pocket, right as he was stepping out of them, and tossed the device to Miles, "Check the new video. Had to use up the load meant for you on your little chew toy... long story..."

Miles watched the short video intently, the tent in his underwear noticeably perking up as he did. He angled his eyes back up towards the other fox, "Quinn got to you...? Is he still in one piece?"

"He's fine... He might be coughing up jizz for a while though." The red fox answered with a bit of a prideful inflection.

Miles turned his gaze up towards the other fox, who was now wearing nothing more than his own boxers, "You were planning to make me swallow that load, weren't you?"

Flashing a pearly grin, he climbed onto the bed, crawling over the white fur until his face was directly above Miles', "So what if I was...?"

Miles matched the red fox's face, with a devious smirk of his own, and stared into the emerald pupils as he responded, "Just keep in mind that I might have to repay that favor."

"Tch... you think I can't handle you, snowboy...?" Julian leaned forward, and met his lips with those of the slightly taller boy below him.

With both boys lost in the kiss for a moment, the russet-fur's paw, snaked past the waistband of Miles' boxer-briefs, and ran deftly over the surface of the flesh contained within.

The kiss broke for just a moment, and each of the boys gaze met the other's eyes once again before Miles responded, "I'd be interested in finding out."

Julian leaned in, and met his lips to Miles' once again, seemingly just as eager to find out as the other boy.



"Oh yeah, before I forget... you do plan to try out for the swim team, right...?"