SYBT: Politicos and Equines

Story by thatpersonyouknow101 on SoFurry

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#13 of So You've Been Transmogrified

Hanna Montgomery the current speaker of house is talking with her campaign manger about dropping out of her running, the only issue is:

A.) the person set to take her seat in the house is massive dick bag

B.) she is also secretly a sexy horse woman and taking it whenever she can from Taylor Hamswain of the gentlemen from Vermont, also secretly a sexy horse person

C.) An ambiguous entity from another dimension has decided that screwing with her and those around her will be a good way to kill some time

I'm sure that nothing strange or out of the norm will transpire from this confluence of events, right?

So You've Been Transmogrified: Politicos and Equines

Hanna looked back nervously at Carter, the man was twenty years her senior and was the one responsible for running her campaign, the only issue was that she didn't want to win the campaign.

He sighed before speaking, "Hanna, I just wish you would have told me all this sooner." The man crossed his arms and looked back at her. Carter had a long history with the politics of Maryland and surrounding states. He had run more than a few successful bids for office for many people and Hanna up until now was just another success story.

"I know, I know, I wasn't even gonna put my hat in at all, then I saw who was up for my spot if I didn't run again." Hanna said looking over to the T.V. in the room turned to one of the stations covering this debate. Carter nodded, the man was named Bishop Florence a blond haired blue eyed bible thumping jackass who was working his way up the political ladder with every trick and manipulative promise he could muster. He was a microcosm of everything wrong with the political system. The worst part was that the masses bought it, hook line and sinker. Hanna hated him, he had tried every trick in the book to get her out of the house the last time she had run. Carter knew that retire though she might want to, as long as that man was up for her seat she couldn't, it was the principle of the thing and she didn't want her district, which contained her hometown to be presided over by this shit head.

"Ok yeah he is a massive a-hole, but then what if you just give your seat up mid term, then what, he'll just get it in a special election or something." Carter said trying to get her to think it all through, which she normally did herself but this guy had a way of making her see red.

"I know, but I just can't let that rat bastard run unopposed, I won't let him win." Hanna said with a fiery passion.

"But you also don't what to run." Carter said deflating her sense of pride.

"Well yeah, I need to find somebody who can take over for me, at least by the next term, somebody that has a chance to beat that fucker." She glared at the T.V. as she said so.

"Hanna, how long have I known you" Carter asked.

Hanna looked back over at him. "Since Carter, Carter." she said smiling at the bad joke.

"Yeah since you were shit on the boot of a man who never even made it past the primaries" Carter passed before going on. "You need to let this all go, you've done your time. Did good, mostly good, that's all that can be asked of us."

"Yeah but..." Carter held a hand up and she stopped, he then pointed a finger at her.

"But nothing, you've poured heart and sole into your job, your not the power hungry type, your the exception. Somebody that got here cause they played the game for the country not themselves. Retire, go live your life, get a cushy job as a lobbyist or talking head or something. The walking bible belt out there might win once but once people see what he really is they'll oust his ass." Carter finished putting his hands back to his lap.

"Thanks, your right, i'm done with this place, for better or worse. Guess that slimy fuck is gonna win after all." she said looking back over at the T.V.

"Yeah, well we can tell everyone once it's your turn to speak. Lotta people are gonna be disappointed but like I said, fuckem" Carter said again pointing at her. There was a knock at the door. Yossarian opened it and poked his head inside

"visitor Ma'am, his credentials check out, says he knows you." Hanna nodded at the man.

"Sure let him in." she said thankful for the distraction. She was pleasantly surprised to see the only reporter in all of Washington she trusted. She got up and walked over the man wearing press credentials and hugged him.

"Hector, your finally back stateside?" she asked the man.

"Yup, covering the D.C. office now, political stuff mostly." he said. Hanna and Hector went back to college, the two were thick as thieves back then, parties, studying, and just watching out for the other. The two had split once Hanna had went full into Political science and he into journalism. The two had retained a strong correspondence over the years though and in reality were still close friends. He had until recently been overseas and the two had been able to see each other in person since he had left. Hanna looked him up and down, and decided something then and there

"hey I got something big I need to announce at the debate, I'll give you the full thing in a bit, on the record and all that. Come back in uh... Just come back about five minutes before show time. I need somebody I can trust leading the charge on this one. We can talk more about it then." she said.

"Sure thing Hanna. I'll let you get back to it" he said hopeful about whatever it was she was going to tell him, Hanna was never one to leak things unnecessarily.

He looked back over at Yossarian as he left and then turned to walk down the hall. Yossarian scanned back and forth again. He liked this gig, the speaker was easy to work with and was not one the forget debts owed, once she officially retired and no longer need Yossarian to provide discrishional protect he would expect a transfer to someplace warm, and with a bit more authority.

Plus it didn't hurt the he knew her dirty little secret, not that he would tell a sole such a thing. Yossarian valued privacy and respected that of others as much as his given profession would allow. He felt a chill run up his spine and darted his eyes back and forth rapidly looking for a threat, he found nothing. The feeling was strange, he seldom got jumpy and of all place this was about the least like for such a thing to happen. Nevertheless, something felt off, he was just unsure what exactly it was.

The Spirit looked back at Yossarian intrigued that the man had detected his presence. He could not see him, only those he wanted to see him could, but he was still in a sense their, the fact that this one could detect that was mildly interesting to the Spirit. Mortals were so very interesting, if only as play things for his kind. Molly's little bovine plan needed more time to playout and for the time being he was learning about this world, he new the basics, the language, the customs, all the boring stuff. He wanted a feel for the people on the street. He walked up to him, all business, looking into his mind he saw the man had his own lustful thoughts down under the professionalism and training, interesting but nothing that this spirit wanted to bring out right now. He thought that this one would be more fun as a bystander than a participant anyway. The guards always were.

Now onto his real goal, the mare. She was not the work of one of his kinda, she was purely a mortal creation. Intesting, they could do that with the use of magic now, this times technology was getting more and more interesting to him. He poked his head through the door, corporeal boundary served only as a thin veil to the Spirit, he simply walk through ignoring the conversation taking place and looking over the mare. She wore her skin, not her fur probably trying to keep up appearances, how human. To him humanity were animals acting civilized, just waiting for an excuse to indulge their baser wants and needs. Not that he was much better, he appreciated the hypocrisy but chose to ignore it, such things were for philosophers to debate, not a being of action like himself.

What's going on in your head mare he thought to himself. He poked his head inside and saw. Doubt, fear, uncertainty, boring. Lust, for her stud, the horse she called Taylor, she wanted him. Even her and now under all this circumstance and political bullshit she wanted to be ridden like the broodmare wished she could be. Oh, broodmare, now there's a nice little buzzword he hadn't played with in a while, and it was all in her head not even that far down. He smiled digging through the woman's thoughts, looking for triggers, and other similar things to get his little party started. These little machines the mortals used to given into there baser wants made things so much easier. Before you had to take things slow, build somebody up, or tear them down as he was so often found of doing over days or weeks. Now just pull a few strings, make few emotions more powerful, all thanks to these little things.

Goodbye distress and pantsuits, hello needy mare. That would take some time to work its way through her system, a few minutes probably. Now for this one, the old man. What do you want. He looked through it, he was almost impressed, virtues old fart he is. no lust for this one over here, even after all those years, a few dirty thoughts, here and there but nothing above the subconscious. Nothing particularly kinky drifting around down there either. That was disappointing, you can't make somebody do something they don't what to, he couldn't just make him want to fuck this woman's brains out, he couldn't even really plant the idea. Well he could but that took a lot of his energy, and he had used most of it teaching Molly some of the finer points, and it would take while for him to regenerate it. Also where was the fun in just forcing an idea in somebody, he liked making people realized they had these thoughts themselves, it kinda defeated the point if he was just creating them. Well nothing worth doing was ever easy.

He went back over to the mare, more hormones, more pheromones too assault this guys senses. Make anyone unlucky enough, or lucky enough depending on how one viewed it, to walk into this room a part of this little fuck party he was about to start. Well he couldn't really set the scene much more than that. Now to let it simmer and watch it unfold. It had been so long since had been able to meddle in human affairs, to make the mortals act more like the animals they were deep down. He spied something else and smirked evilly. A camera, a video camera. He could still see into this world even while imprisoned, he knew of it, of its developments. This machine would prove useful. He turned it to face the center of the room, and pressed record.

This modern world was full of convenes to those who wished to influence shame on others, and he was the kind of such actives. Even once his influence had left the bodies of those he had affected, the images would remain, and if he was lucky maybe get into the wider world. HE found a comfortable spot to sit and just watched waiting for the effects to start.

"Hey are you getting hot?" Hanna asked Carter as she loosened her collar.

"No, are you?" he asked looking his friend over.

"Kinda, something just came over me all of a sudden." she spoke slowly and with an almost dazed tone.

"Hey Hannah are you feeling ok, you don't sound to good" Carter leaned over to be closer to his friend. He saw she was clearly sweating, her face was turning red. He was confused for a few seconds. Before a wash of scent smacked him over the head. He leaned back taking in the fragrant scent. He gripped his chair with both his hands taking deep breaths through his nose trying to get as much of it into himself as possible. Hannah felt the feelings, remembering that night, and few other since. She was losing her shit and turning into her alter ego, here and now. More importantly she knew she was filling the room with her scent and she had gotten a lecture and a half about that. She was confused as to why it was all happening. She was careful, didn't let her mind wander to far. More pressingly though she wondered why she didn't care.

It felt good, to be a horse after all, it had become a reason for her to give it all up, the job, the stress, the responsibility. She just wanted to be Taylor's mare, wanted him to be by her. But he wasn't here now was he, he was back in Vermont finishing up his term, she couldn't be with him her and now. But she needed a stud, any stud, any stud she thought. She was Taylor's, but he wasn't here, what kind of stallion wasn't by his mare all the time,to protect her, to love her, to breed her. She shook her head back and forth, need to get a grip, need to focus on un-sexy things, need to focus on being human.

She tried to put all the thoughts leaking into her mind aside, she was not a mare, she was a woman, not an object to coveted, not something that deserved to be ridden hard by her studs until she was full of there warm, seed.

"No, no, no, no, no," she screamed standing up and banging on her head trying to keep it together. The idea however was attractive to some part of her mind that was gaining traction. Her harem of studs, all bound to her, wanting to deliver their seed into their broodmare, living to...

"AH, focus" she spoke to herself loudly as she paced the room back and forth. Stupid google, she thought, she had gotten curious about horses and other things, and then the word broodmare had opened up a whole new rabbit hole for her to fantasize about. All those studs, all those cocks, all for her, all to breed her good.

"No, nope, not here, not now." she said walking up to a wall. It had a mirror on it and she looked into it. Her heart sank seeing the already equine face staring back. She touched a finger to the tip just to make sure. The lady Vixal had said the more she changed on her own the easier it would be until it was like flexing a muscle, something that could be done in ones sleep, or involuntary if proper control of oneself wasn't kept. Her main was growing down her neck, as the brown fur spread. She felt her body bulking up. She had to go get Yossarian, get him to get her out of here before anyone important, or anyone at all saw her like this.

Each step turned her a bit more, her feet turned to hooves and ripped out of her shoes, her pantsuit disintegrated as her muscled body erupted from its confines. It was ten steps to the door, and in six she was fully horse. She stopped and looked over herself, and whimpered, this place was full of cameras, people looking for drama and dirt and here she was a naked horse woman. She held her hand to her mouth and then lowered it again, breathing deeply. In and out, in and out. She tried to regain control of herself but the voice in her head screaming find as many cocks as you can and suck em all was getting loader.

The Spirit watched delighted that everything was going to plan so far. The best part was the camera by the door was getting it all. The drama, the horse pussy, the intrigue the, oh the next best thing to horse pussy he thought, a big old horse dick.

Hanna felt something finally give, a little bit of her was winning over the voices telling her that she wanted this, need this. No she was in control her rational mind was more powerful that all this lust full wanting of dicks, and dicks, and dicks. It was all she could think about now for some reason, dicks, big, small, thick, thin, she wanted one, needed one right now, the first of many. In all the thoughts running through her head she caught a smell.

Her mind came to a screeching halt at the earthy scent, the musky aroma was slight but there, present in only the smallest amount, but enough for this mare in heat to detect among her own vapors. She felt her head move of its own volition her equine needs overpowering her logical mind. Carter, the old man looked younger now, younger than when Hanna had first met him. He looked, verial, the correlation of that word with her own image of Carter was almost enough to shock her back to reality. However the building lustful haze was to strong.

Carter was in the throws of a change, it was building up from within him. He couldn't help but try and fail to resist, he was only a man facing the will of something far more powerful than he. He watched as his friend, the woman he saw grow from nothing change in front of him in more ways than one. The sudden and swift loss of her humanity was accompanied by the desire to use that body, to take it and make it his own. A thought that he had never had about her until now. He felt a power welling inside him. He wanted to take her, there was something in the air screaming at him that this mare was his to take, that she wanted him to take her. To use her strong and well defined body to his own advantage. He had never felt such strong feelings for a woman before, not his girlfriends in high school, his flings in college, not even his wife. No, this mare was his to claim, and that made him a stud.

Hanna was glued to the sight, it made her hornier than she already was to watch the man she had known for so long succumbed to the forces compelling both of them to want the other. She reached a hand down to her clit, stroking it pleasuring herself in anticipation of the cock she knew she would receive from this growing stud. She held another hand to her face, admiring the rippling muscles, the fur, the loss of humanity and the bequeathment of the equine on to the man. Dark grey fur spread out, black fur grew around his ankles as his feet shifted and changed. She saw him struggle, she wished to help him adjust, she stop touching herself and kneeled before him. No words, just actions, she ripped the clothing from his body, horses had no need for such modesty. She saw it there bulging under his paints, growing and throbbing. She tore away the paints, the undergarments and was left with taters of fabrics, and the cock she craved. It was magnificent, the cock to rival any stud, save that of her Taylor's, this would suffice for now, till Taylor could come and claim his mare once more. This unfinished stud would become her second, she could afford to love more than Taylor he would be special, the one for whom she would leave any other wanting. But for now this stud was needy as was she.

She rubbed it against her face feeling its flesh rub on her fur, she felt it tremble and ooze a bit of pre. She smelt it, the musk of a stallion soon to be hers. She looked up at the changing man, the grey fur shrugging over him like a wave swelling up his humanity and replacing it with the stud she needed. He was horse from the neck down, mostly his hands had yet to fully shift and the fur seemed to pause for a moment before Hannah began to tease the cock once more. She directed her gaze toward the 18 inches of black flesh. She cupped the mighty balls of the stud with one hands fingers. The other griped the base of the shaft firmly. She ran her tongue along it all the way to this tip. Tasting the musk and masculine energy that she would soon command to please her. First however he needed to be broken in.

She opened her mouth, taking in the cock, fondling the balls, feeling the trembling of it inside her. She deep throated, taking the full foot and change all the way down to the base. She repeated it, over and over, fondling deep throating feeling the power of her stud grow as she milked him for all he was worth.

The Spirit watched gleefully at the display of beastal forplay. He saw the man now was fully engulfed, soon to be a handsome grey stallion suited for fucking the mare currently giving her all into the blow job. He liked to watch the face go, it was always his favorite bit to watch melt away. He had heard somewhere the eyes were the window into the sole, he didn't disagree with that. However that made the face, like the home of a person, it gave a vague expectation of what to expect of a person. Now the first thing anyone would see would be a horse. It warmed his heart to know that people would see him as a little less than human, more animal than man. He chuckled to himself at that. Mortals thought to highly of themselves, of their achievements, he liked to bring them back down to the dirt were animals belonged.

He heard the door click open. He saw the head of the man from before, Yossarian, he grinned now the real fun would begin. However it was short lived. He slammed the door shut again. That was strange, the room was filled with enough musk and pheromones to turn even the strongest of wills to mush. This required investigation. He got up to go. He paused as he passed the two horses. He watch the face of the man extend into the muzzle, the ears shift, the main grow out, the fur overtake the skin. The horse-mans head was fully formed, a white diamond pattern formed out of the fur in the top of his snout. The spirit smirked at his work before walking through the wall to pursue his question, he would leave these beasts to there fucking for now.

Fully formed now there was nothing to prevent the horse from cumming and cum he did. As Hanna deepthroated him taking him down to the base he released it all into her. Hannah did her best to take it, swallowing load after load of the warm seed. After a few seconds the flow abated. She removed herself from his dick. Slowly, teasing just a bit more of the warm white fluid from him. He was breathing hard, taking long deep breaths. Hannah fully removed her mouth from him, kissing the tip as she did so blessing the organ for being so large, she would make good use of it in just a few more seconds. She turned, to present herself to the stud. Her own pussy was feeling the neglect of the situation and craved stimulation, craved the stallion, craved his big and meaty rode.

The stallion formally Carter felt his new body, some distant part of his mind remained and tried to rationalize it, this was a dream, this wasn't real. But it all felt so real, so good. To just give in, feel the animal well up and take control no thinking, just doing. He basked in the glow of his orgasm, the mare he wanted had given him that, he wanted to thank her in the best way a stallion could. He looked down ward, an inviting equine pussy awaited him, she looked back over her shoulder, inviting him with her eyes. She was on all fours, he came off the chair and dropped to his knees. He placed one hand on her rear, feeling it. He took another and guided his length into her waiting sex. He felt her tremble her head crane forward. And she slid down resting her chest on the ground.

Her tail flicked back and forth, he took his hand off the base of his shaft and flick it forward out of the way. He then rested his hand on her other firm and supple ass cheek. He felt her energy radiate off her like the sun off a piece of metal. He thrusted, once and then another. Back and forth into the quivering mare. Hanna felt him inside her, ramming himself deep into her pussy. It was what she had been craving the feeling of the stallions meat inside her. He gripped her ass firmly using it to pull himself in and out of her faster and faster taking no time. This mare was in need, and his seed was all that she craved.

He came, it washed over both of them. One last thrust deep into her before release. The feeling of orgasm came to them at the same time bilaterally causing both there bodies to tense and then relax at the rush of bliss. Twin whinnys erupted from the room as a vast amount of cum was dumped into Hanna, she felt the warm liquid well up inside her and then once it filled her push its way back out. Once the whinny passed all she could do was let out a long sigh of relief at finally being satisfied. the Stallion pulled himself out of her with a wet plop. He stood gazing at his work his mare dripping with his seed. He smiled in self satisfaction at his job well done. His mare stird to get up, she wanted more maybe? He helped her up, gently. She braced herself against him, he saw approval in her eyes. The door behind them opened.

Away from the room the spirit looked for Yossarian, the man had given him the slip. It would have frustrated him, but the twin whinnys from down the hall had given him all the satisfaction he needed. They had lasted longer than he expected, that was to be commended. He pressed on looking for the man who had resisted the embrace of the vapors, wondering if such a strong will did exist.

Hector was overcome by the scent, the musk mixing with the pheromones, the female and male. It overcame him. He walked into the room up to the two horses who looked at one another and then back to him. They separated Hanna walked up to him kissing him on his lips. She knew this male, loved him, he would make a fine stallion as had the other. Better yet Hanna knew a little thing about Hector that would make his change all the better for the both of them, he swung both ways. More than once she had caught him with a women, or a man sometimes both. THis would be a very pleasant experience for the man soon to be stud. She ripped the clothing from him. Top to bottom leaving him naked. Her other stallion was confused, Hanna knew Carter was not one to like men, but for her he would do anything, she was his as he was hers. No words, only actions. Carter lined up himself pressing his member against the mans ass. Hanna guided his lacking cock to her waiting lips still dripping with Carters seed.

The feeling of being sandwiched between the two horses was fascinating to the man whose mind was still spinning. He felt the one behind him ready to assault his rear, the one in front of him ready to receive him. He felt the hand of the stallion behind him grip his rear and pull him down onto his cock. The shock of taking something so large almost made him cry out however his mouth was covered and met by Hanna who kissed him as he felt himself get rocked by the larger stud behind him. She felt the skin on him already changing fur sprouting. The over stimulation affected the pace of the transformation rapidly morphing the man into a horse, skin turned to light brown fur, muscle grew but not as much as they had with Carter. He was no work horse like Hanna or Carter, he was a runner, sleek and fast. His body lengthened as his humanity waned with each thrust into his rear.

In seconds, he was full equine head and all, the change came on so rapidly Hector had no to time really register that they had happened. His new body better received the package being rammed down his rear now. It touched his prostate stimulating the organ compelling his own dick to swell. Hanna noticed and lowered herself onto it. Hector couldn't help but thrust into her as well. The trio achieved a synchronization within seconds. Reverberating back and forth along one another. The trio of horses lost themselves in the motions of their bodies feeling the orgasmic bliss role over themselves after minutes of mindless fucking. Carter drove hard into Hector's ass causing him to cum and dump another load into Hanna. All three turned skyward and let lose three whinnys. They felt the energy of the other, they wanted to spread. Hanna needed more studs, a proper broodmare couldn't only have just three she needed more. The other studs needed more mares to claim and in the case of Hector the need to be claimed by more studs.

Yossarian kicked the door down a tranquilizer gun in hand, he took three shots one at each, the darts flew across the room. Each dropped almost instantly, he looked down at the gun and thought out loud.

"Potent stuff." he looked back down the hall and then up it, nobody looking for them yet. He waved up the two other men he had gotten. Both had gas masks on and he directed them to the three horses, he thought it was only two and the addition of the third only complicated matters. The spirit finally found him and upon looking deeper was impressed by the mans forethought. In protecting a person that can turn herself and others into horses willing or by accident or in this case by the will of a mischievous being from another realm, it was probably a good idea to protect yourself from them. He had gotten a vaccine of sorts from the place that made these little machines, he was unaffected by the hormones, and there transformative powers, and his mind was unphased by the aerosol sex floating about that was what made most people give in to there baser instincts and transform. Well that was that, fun over.

"Hey what's all this going on over here." a voice shouted from down the hall. Yossarian recognized it as Bishop Florence. He walked aggressively down the hall towards him and looked into the room. Fun maybe not over the Spirit thought observing the situation.

"What the fuck, where is the speaker, we are due to go live any minute." he said looking back at Yossarian "and what's this mess, this, disgusting mess." he looked at the horses in disgust, "Your the speakers guard, answer me what the hell is all this." he yelled at the Yossarian.

Yossarian was at a loss for words, nothing he said would do anyone any favors. "The speaker is indisposed, I'm afraid she won't be able to finish the debate with yo..." he was cut off by Bishop.

"That's unacceptable, what the fuck could be so important that she just up, and..." he looked over at the pile of horses and then back to Yossarian. "This is her room." he finished.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Yossarian said forcefully.

"The hell I am, is that Hanna Montgomery under those two, things, she's one of those weirdos." he said pointed at her as he got in Yossarian's face.

"Sir I'm going to ask you one more time, leave." Yossarian's face was impassive as he spoke.

"No." Bishop said jabbing a finger into the chest of Yossarian. Bishop regretted that. Yossarian took the tranquilizer gun in his one hand and pointed it at Bishop. One shot to the chest. Bishop dropped like a rock and hit the floor hard. He yelled something at the other men in the room before grabbing Hanna out from the pile and dragging her out of the building, the other two in tow.

A few minutes later Bishop woke up groggy and disoriented. A crowd of people was around him and he walked into the room in front of him. There was a fluid on the floor and torn bits of clothing. The horses were gone. The Spirit however eyed the man and whispered to him to look over to his side. He did and looking off to the side and saw a camera still recording. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A few hours later at Hanna's home Taylor comforted Hanna who was whimpering on his shoulder. He had gotten on a plane and came down to Maryland moments after Yossarian had called him. She was still in horse form, and he had changed as well to better handle her size. She was in a pair of sweatpants and baggy hoodie still unable to change back given her fragile emotional state. He rubbed the back of her head gently as he watch the T.V. and contemplated murder. Bishop Florence was on ever single news show talking about how Hanna was sexual degenerate, and deserved to be impeached, for her uncivilized actions.

The rest of those in the room. Yossarian, the also unchanged Hector and Carter who were on opposite sides of the room, and avoiding eye contact. Taylor didn't get why. He was glad he had kept some clouths here for the two new horses otherwise it would have probably been even more awkward. Hanna looked up at Taylor her eye glistened a bit in the light. She smiled for at seeing Taylor's warm face looking back at her. She leaned into his chest and cried softly a bit more. He tried asking her what had happened but she was a bit to fragil, plus Vix had warned the two that something like hits might happen if they got a bit to over stressed. Taylor assumed that the stress of Bishop taking her seat and her bowing out probably caused something. Not that it mattered to him.

Yossarian looked at the two and was glad she had a shoulder to cry on, he also regretted not plugging the bastard with something more than a dart. He had dumped a tape on the unsuspecting world of Hanna changing into a horse and then doing some very explicit things. The censored version was being played almost hourly. The uncensored version was already all over the internet. A phone rang, Carter went to go get it seeming thankful for the distraction.

"So uh... how do we get back to normal?" Hector asked.

Taylor looked over at him and was about to speak, when all the heads turned at a loud question form the kitchen.

"WHAT? Your sure about that, the latest one, you sure?" Carter asked somebody on the phone walking back into the room. "Um, look I give you the details later, but uh yeah that was, er, is me on the tape, yeah goodbye." he said clicking the phone off.

"What's up" Yossarian asked wondering what could have possibly gone wrong now.

"Um, well, ok. uh Hanna your up about 14 points as of the last poll, which was conducted about after the tape got out and went viral." he said blankly.

Hanna picked her head up off Taylors chest and then looked over at Carter tears still in her eyes now being replaced with confusion. She looked back up at Taylor then back over at Carter and simply said, "What?".