Sessions with Father

Story by RVasil on SoFurry

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#11 of One Shots

"Finding free time in his hands, Drum visits his father, Fang Slade Terrestrial XIV, for some much needed catching up."

This story has been formatted to be best read with the "FIXED WIDTH" function.

**The cover artwork for this story was drawn by my good friend, Narija over at FA. LINK: can view the image in full here: guys should check out Narija! He's awesome! Please make sure to check the tags of the submission to see if the kinks/fetish present in the story are to your liking.

If you guys enjoyed the story, PLEASE, take the time to write feedback. It doesn't have to be long, just your thoughts on the story as a whole. Heck, favorite it! I'll appreciate everything you'll do. Share the stories to your friends. They'll probably like it too.

I'm also doing commissions now, so if you guys are interested in getting a story written from me, drop me a note either here or on FA and we can talk. I'm not the best, but I will do what I can.

If you like this story and want to see more, drop me a watch. Stories trickle down as they come and it only gets better from here on out. If you have a story idea, why not leave it in the comments and I might just write something inspired by it. I also have a request form if you guys prefer that.

If you feel inclined to, I also accept tips. You can drop any amount you would be willing to share at this link. LINK: Follow me over at Twitter for daily updates. Link in my profile. I also have a Telegram Channel: That's all for now. Happy fapping folks =3**

Disclaimer: This story should only be viewed by people of the ages of 18 and above due to its strong and heavy scenes that are M/M in nature. If you do meet the requirements and enjoy this sort of content, then by all means please, take off your pants, relax, and fap to your heart's content.** A FutureCard Buddyfight Fanfiction: Sessions with Father by RVasil**

Fang Slade Terrestrial XIV, or as he was otherwise known as, Drum, appeared out of thin air, in a flash of white and blue. The portal closed behind him, and the dragon landed softly on the ground with a gentle thud. His armor clunked as gravity greeted him. The dragon momentarily adjusted and got his bearings. Travel between worlds was something he still needed to get used to. With a sigh, he looked around. Clear blue skies, soft ground, and healthy trees surrounded by familiar greenish vegetations were all around him. A deep breath filled his lungs with a cool breeze and a scent that was clear of anything he normally associated with Earth. Out at the distance, natural made obelisks rose from the ground and seemingly reached for the heavenly skies, the rocky structure branching off to create a unique, yet quaint looking skyline.

A smile tugged at the corner of Drum's lips. "Home."

It had been a long time since Drum last remembered visiting Dragon World. Even more so visiting his clan's land. He had been far too busy going on buddyfights with Gao, his human partner, back at Earth. They had their own fair share of adventures. They even became champions in numerous tournaments, fighting countless opponents, each victory making their goal to be the best buddyfighter around all the more a reality. Some would say that they already were, but Drum and Gao weren't one to rest on their laurels. There was always a new challenger, a new tournament to enter, and a new strategy to master.

But all work and no play can easily lead to burnout, thus the two decided to take a week or so off, and just get some much needed vacation. Gao decided to go on vacation with his family to the United States, and Drum followed the same notion. The dragon opted to visit his clan and see how they were doing. A part of him was even excited to see his father again, Fang Slade Terrestrial XIII, if only to show off how much he has grown since the last time they saw each other.

Eventually, the sight of Drum's first home began to come into view. Ancient rocky buildings, seemingly overrun with moss, came up over the horizon. Some only had one floor, while others had the fortune of being two stories, or at times, even three stories high. To a stranger, they would think they were abandoned buildings, left by a civilization from way back when. But for Drum, and the rest of his kin, these buildings were home to him and his clan.

Various dragons greeted Drum as he passed by. Old and new faces welcomed him. Some were young children, curiously eyeing the red dragon they had never seen before. Others were old and wise, beards going white, and eyes becoming blind with age. Drum was sure to respectfully treat them all well. Being the son of the leader of the clan had its expectations, and Drum made it a point for himself to surpass every single one of them. It was one of the main reasons why he wanted to get stronger.

He wanted to show his father that he was prepared to be his successor. Drum glanced downwards at his clenched fist. He was hoping that his father would at least be proud of his successes. A few moments later, Drum arrived at his home. A large imposing structure in the middle of a grassy field. Its design was far more elegant than the typical boxy buildings he passed by earlier, with elegant and ornate looking pillars situated as the marble building's support. The clan leader's home was situated aways from the main area, if only to give the clan leader some privacy. A few guards had already spotted Drum, and waved him in. Familiar faces greeted Drum, some remarking at how much he'd grown already since they last saw each other.

"Is father around?" Drum asked, looking at the dragon who ushered him in.

"Yes, the Clan Leader is at his room. I believe he is taking a moment's respite. I'm sure he will be glad to see you."

Drum made his way around the house, running his hand across the marble walls. At the distance, he could hear the sound of weapons clashing, grown men wrestling against one another as a form of training. Everyone was always aiming to be at the best of their abilities. There was never a dull moment for the Bunker Dragons. It was in their nature to train, to be strong. For what? For anything and everything. It was an inherent pride of their clan, and dragons in general, to always strive for greatness. Drum took a deep breath as he stood in front of the door. With one quick nod to himself, he stepped in.


His voice echoed across the spacious hall. There, at the center, by himself, was none other than the Bunker Dragon's clan leader, Fang Slade Terrestrial XIII. The red color of his scales were dulled with age, but nonetheless showed signs of the striking color underneath. He sat proud and tall, resting quietly at the pile of pillows in the middle of the room. His ear flicked in attention upon hearing the younger dragon's voice.

"I see you have returned," he turned around, facing the dragon that was approaching him. "My son." His father's usual stoic face was replaced with that of contained joy. A smile was tugging at the corner of his lips. "You should have told me you were coming home! I would have had the servants get you something."

"It's fine, father. It was a spur of the moment thing anyways," Drum answered, returning the smile back. "You're not taking care of kids today?" he teased.

Fang Slade chuckled. "No, I'm not babysitting today. I wanted to have some peace and quiet for once. Those younglings can be a nuisance after a while." He then stood up, easily showing that he was a far larger dragon that he was. It was something that Drum always admired. Even though his father showed age, he was still just as imposing as if he was still in his prime. His large figure could still easily intimidate anyone if he needed to. But time still did a number on Fang Slade. He had a bit of a gut, and a bit of fat clung to his arms, but other then that, his muscular frame still showed. "But enough about me," he began, "why don't you give your father a hug, son?"

Drum smiled, and accepted the offer. The father and son hugged it out, the familial bond between them still strong as ever even though they hadn't seen each other in quite a while. "You've grown," Fang Slade eventually remarked upon letting go of his son. He then looked around. "Where is your Buddy?"

"Gao?" Drum's eyebrow rose. "Oh, he's not here with me. He's actually on vacation with his family."

"Vacation? Taking a break then?"

Drum nodded. "We decided to take a breather after all the things we've been through. We didn't want to burn ourselves out."

"Ah, that is good." Fang Slade smiled. "A tired warrior is just as incapable as an injured one. We all need our rest," he remarked. "But that said, why don't you tell your father about the things you've accomplished?"

The younger dragon smiled. "It would be my pleasure."

It was an hour or so later that Drum found himself sitting next to his father, enjoying a nice soak in the hot spring. Mist permeated the air, giving the area a cool, and relaxing vibe. A large tree gave them a nice shade. The sound of water running through the nearby bamboo tubes could be heard. Drum closed his eyes and felt the water literally wash away the aches that he never knew he had in his body. Next to him however, was Fang Slade, taking a sip from a small sake cup. His cheeks were flushed from intoxication.

"So you even trained at Hero World?"

Drum opened his eyes and nodded. He stretched and leaned back on the smooth rock behind him. "I did. I wanted to get stronger, and I figured it would be a terrible idea if I couldn't adapt to my opponent's tactics."

The younger dragon then continued on, lamenting to his father the woes he had in feeling weak, and in eventually finding the strength once more to protect the people he cared about. It was an endearing notion, as Drum recounted the trials and tribulations he had with Gao. Fang Slade on the other hand was one half listening, one half staring. He was proud to see how much his son had grown--showing signs that he would be capable of being able to lead the clan one day. His eyes however took in the sight of his son's young form, noting that his body had truly matured. Drum was a hard worker, and it showed. His muscular form was more pronounced, his muscles seemingly bulging even though he was fully relaxed. The soft edges the boy once had had now become harder, showing that he was now well on his way to becoming a man. Fang Slade took another sip of his sake, feeling the liquid tingle the back of his throat. As Drum continued to drabble on, Fang Slade's eyes trailed downwards. The hot spring was pure and clean, allowing the older dragon to see his son in his full glory.

A proud smile tugged at the corner of his lips. It brought back a fond memory in the older dragon's mind that stirred his loins.

"...and that's why, one day, I'll be proud to lead this clan, father!" Drum proclaimed. His chest swelling with pride, happy to be able to have this talk with his father.

Fang Slade clapped him on the back, the dragon moving slightly unprepared for the sudden action. "I know you will," Fang Slade replied.

"Y-you do?" Drum asked, surprised at the sudden compliment he was receiving from his father. "What makes you sound so sure?"

Fang Slade smirked in response. "Because you're my son." Even though he didn't hear most, if not, all his son was saying, he still understood where it was all coming from, and he was quick to quell his son's insecurities.

The younger dragon looked like he was about to cry. But he quickly regained composure and took a deep breath. "Thank you, father."

Fang Slade smiled back. But his smile then turned serious as he address his one and only child. "You're welcome, but don't rest on your laurels," he preached. "Training never ends, my son. You of all people should know that."

Drum nodded, sinking back into his seat. "I understand, father. I promise I won't let you down."

"That's my boy," Fang Slade said, reaching over to put his arm over the shoulder of his son and pulled him close. The physical contact only served to stir Fang Slade's inner desires further. "You know, this reminds me of the time when you and Alliot had this rivalry with one another. Do you still remember that?"

The younger dragon snorted. "It was childish." Drum rested his head lightly on his father's arm. "But yes, I do."

"You two were quite rash, reckless, and hasty, but your priorities were at least on the right track." Fang Slade smiled fondly at the memory. Drum on the other hand was noticeably embarrassed. He wasn't exactly proud of how immature he was back then. His father then pulled him close, squeezing his arm gently. "Do you still remember when you two fought over the Drill Ram Bunker?" he asked.

The Drill Ram Bunker? That was the signature weapon of the clan. A large metal drill that was known to take down any foe it fought against. It was actually Drum's personal weapon, a feat he was able to achieve after countless hours of endless training, and numerous days of being under his father's tutelage. "Of course," he answered. "Making it my own wasn't exactly an easy experience."

The older dragon smiled, he himself reminiscing. "Do you still remember the training sessions we had with one another?"

That was when the it all came flooding back to Drum. The dragon finding himself blushing at the memories that he thought he had already forgotten. How could he? Those memories were very private moments he and his father shared with one another. He felt his father's presence. The sheer closeness of it was sparking a fire inside of him. "I...I do." Drum looked down at the water, unable to meet his father's gaze. "How could I forget?"

Fang Slade on the other hand went so far as to rest his head on his son's neck, nuzzling his son's cheek. "Tell me, have you been keeping up with your...special training?"

Drum gulped, feeling his heart beat in his chest. It was like his own body was acting at its own accord. His own cock underneath the water was beginning to swell in response to his father's advances. "N-no," Drum truthfully answered. "I haven't been able to do...that particular training."

"Oh?" Fang Slade asked, looking at him curiously. "That is by far the most important training of all, my son."

" sorry, father, it's mainly because I--"

But whatever Drum was going to say was drowned out as he let out a sharp intake of breath. A hand had sneakily made it over to his side and grabbed his now hardening cock underwater.

"Your body is already aching for it."

His father's hand had a gentle, but firm grip on him. Drum was going to protest, trying to form words, but it was like his father had full control of him. He knew what to do, and what made his son receptive. A simple tug, and a tight squeeze left Drum feeling numb and weak. "See...this is why you need to train more in this..." His father cooed, stroking Drum's cock underwater. The two stayed there for a cool minute. Fang Slade smiling to himself as he watched the array of expressions being portrayed by Drum. Even as old as he was now, Drum was still the son Fang Slade knew him to be. "Come on, let's get to it," the older dragon said.

Wordlessly, Drum followed, standing up from the hot springs. Fang Slade followed after him, and Drum felt his heart skip a beat upon seeing his father's own erect cock. It was just as big, if not even bigger than he remembered it to be. "You'll get to feel it later," Fang Slade casually, as he led Drum forward. The two naked dragons headed over to the nearby resting area. A small makeshift bed of pillows and cushions awaited them. Fang Slade threw Drum a towel and the two quickly dried themselves off. Afterwards, Fang Slade ordered his son to lie on his back on the bed of cushions.

"F-father, what are you...?"

"This is part of the training son."

Fang Slade got on his knees. Drum's cock stood on attention, throbbing in time with the beat of Drum's heart. It was pointed straight up, and was leaking pre copiously at the side. It was made clear to him that Drum wasn't taking care of himself well throughout his time on Earth. "Just a few strokes and you're leaking like a faucet." He tutted at his son before inching forward to take a tentative lick at the engorged member. "You need to learn to control yourself more."

Drum's gripped the cushion instinctively, doing his best to relax and remain still whilst his father began to expertly work on his cock. The feeling was unreal, sending jolts of pleasure through his spine. Fang Slade used his free hand to grope Drum's plump sack. They were the size of golf balls, swollen and full of dragon seed. It made him proud that his son took after him. Even more so when he got a taste of his son's pre. It was sweet, tangy, and a little bitter.

The older dragon continued his ministrations. He swirled his tongue around the bulbous tip, earning him a gasp from the younger dragon who was subjected to a world of pleasure. In one quick action, he opened his maw and took in Drum's erect cock straight down his throat. It spread Fang Slade's cheeks wide open, and for a brief moment, he felt his gag reflex. But he relaxed and took a moment to collect himself, looking at Drum who was staring back at him, wide eyed and face flushed from all the excitement.

Fang Slade lowered his maw and took in more of Drum's cock. Before long, he managed to get a decent rhythm going. Up and down, his son's shaft glistened with Fang Slade's spit and Drum's own pre.

"Oh God, father..." Drum cried out, his chest rising and falling in an increased rate. "It feels so good...!"

Fang Slade smiled in anticipation. Tasting his son again was something he missed doing, and he wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste. The dragon worked tirelessly, sucking on his son's young cock. Due to inexperience, and lack of self control, it didn't take long for Drum to reach his peak. He was unable to even voice it out, crying out loudly. His body jerked and convulsed. HIs cock went rigid, and Fang Slade was rewarded for his efforts. Spurt after spurt of white hot cum escaped the dragon's tip. Fang Slade hungrily gulped it down, wanting to not waste the sweet release. The sheer volume of it caught him off guard, and some leaked to the sides of his mouth, staining the soft cushions below.

It eventually stopped and Drum was left spent, tired, and out of breath. His mind was swimming. He had not felt such pleasure in a long time. But it seems his training session with his father was only just getting started. Fang Slade licked his lips, savoring the hot white milk his son just gave him. Oh how he missed this taste.

"You cum a lot, son," his father remarked. He then knelt down and licked the remnants of cum that was still leaking from his son's tip. "Just like your father."

Drum blushed. "T-thank you, father."

His father smirked. "You can thank me by returning the favor."

The younger dragon sat up, and was greeted with a face full of cock. His father stood in front of him, Fang Slade's crotch perfectly aligned with Drum's face. The older dragon's cock seemed even bigger up close. It was a dark red, veiny, and as fat as a fist - thicker than any other Drum had ever seen before. Its tip leaked pre copiously, dollops dripping onto Drum's chest. It was fully erect, and sagged slightly downwards out of sheer weight.

"Go on, do what I taught you to do."

Drum followed obediently, not wanting to disappoint his father. Unlike Fang Slade however, Drum wasn't as experienced in sucking cock, and it showed. The younger dragon found the erect member spreading his cheeks open, and his gag reflex responding quickly. But he did his best to continue doing so, a fact that his father didn't miss.

"Pathetic," Fang Slade commented. "Your technique needs work."

The younger dragon tried to apologize but found his mouth to be too full of cock to sound it off. "We'll work on it," Fang Slade continued, placing a guiding hand on his son's head. "But for now, you just need to get me wet and ready. The fun part comes after this."

Drum gulped, feeling the bitter aftertaste in his throat. It was an acquired taste and he was thankful that his tolerance for it had grown over the years he spent sucking his father's cock before. Eventually, Fang Slade patted his head, motioning for him to move off.

"Alright, enough of this," he remarked. "I want you to turn around."

The younger dragon did so, feeling his heart flutter excitedly in his chest. "A-are you sure about this father?" Drum asked, laying on his back and doing his best to relax. He spread his legs wise, giving his father an obstructed view of his tender hole. "It's been so long since we last did this."

"That just means we've been slacking in our training sessions then, haven't we?" Fang Slade positioned himself behind his son, lining up his lathered cock with the taut bud. "Deep breaths now..." he cooed, lowering himself atop Drum's slightly shaking form. "It's just like old times..."

To Drum it felt like someone was shoving an unnaturally thick rod up his ass. The dragon grunted, his ass seemingly retaliating at the foreign object invading his personal space. Above him, Fang Slade took sharp breaths with each inch of movement. "You've been slacking in your training son..." Drum closed his eyes, feeling pain radiate from his backside. His grip on the cushions tightening, Fang Slade's cock finally popped its bulbous head inside his son's rear. "You haven't felt this tight in years!" Fang Slade remarked into Drum's ears.

Drum could only whimper; it was like his body was about to be torn in half. But he persevered. What at first felt like sheer mind numbing pain, was slowly becoming an overwhelming sense of pleasure. Fang Slade's fat cock was rubbing against a particularly sensitive spot. "F-father...ahh!" he managed to sputter out. Slowly more and more of the dick that made him inched its way up Drum's backside; his father's girth working muscles long since taut.

Fang Slade grinned, the look of wanton pleasure in Drum's eyes practically laid bare. "You really are still daddy's boy, huh?" The old dragon felt immensely proud of his achievement. Oh, how much he missed fucking his son! The memories of their lewd adventures together were quickly coming back at him, and it only spurned him to want to relive those over... and over. "...and here I thought Alliot had a tight ass..." he remarked, sweat beginning to bead his forehead. Fang Slade shifted into a better position, laying his upper body on Drum's back and planting his hands on the ground for support. His son's backside was now angled perfectly to be penetrated, and the dragon began his mighty thrusts.

"Haven't had an ass this tight since my last mate...!"

Drum's entire frame shook with each thrust of the larger male. The sound of skin slapping against skin, coupled with the squelching of wet cock entering a tight hole filled the room. The two dragons went at it like rabid animals; Drum crying out like a female in heat being rutted by a dominant male. The sheer world of pleasure he was in was almost too much to bear.

The guards outside were privy to the sounds of lovemaking coming from the private room, but gave the clan leader and his son their privacy. They knew full well not to interrupt the clan leader when he was attending to... family matters.

"You may not remember this training anymore...but your body sure does!" Fang Slade grunted, lovingly biting down on Drum's neck to assert more of his dominance. "You really missed daddy's big dick; you got used to it already." True enough, Drum's once tight hole was becoming looser with each thrust. No longer did Fang Slade have to earn each precious inch of tight flesh; not his son's ass had yielded to his advanced. Fang Slade's heavy nuts gurgled ominously; his swinging package battering Drum's cheeks with every piston.

"F-father...please...don't stop...!" Drum cried out. His arms gripped the bed cushions like his life depended on it, the white of his knuckles clearly visible against his crimson fists. Drum had been spent earlier but by now, the repeated battering of his ass had his cock swelling to rigidiness once more. Wanting to get more leverage, Fang Slade laid down beside him, hiking up his son's legs and attacking form there. Drum's cock leaked pre like an open faucet.

"Perhaps you'd like that, son? Letting your father head the clan while you just stay his little breeder forever, huh? Or maybe you'd like to join daddy's wives instead." Another powerful thrust left Drum speechless. His father knew just what to do and say to make him weak. Drum lost it at that moment, spilling his white hot cum onto his chest, with some splatter even reaching Fang Slade's cheek. "Can't hold it in anymore?" he asked, not missing a beat with his fucking. "We'll have to work on your endurance!"

Even with Drum's backside clamping down on him for all it was worth, it just couldn't keep up with Fang Slade's cock. Eventually however, even the elder dragon was at his limit. "H-here it comes, son!" The dragon gripped his son tightly before burying his shaft as deep as it could go. Drum's vision went red for a brief moment, mind awash with a mix of pain, pleasure, and everything else in between. The dizzying sensation of hot cream filled his backside as his father unloaded squirt after squirt of ropes of cum into him. The younger dragon's stomach bulged at the sheer load it struggled to contain; defined muscles hidden beneath a venir of pudge.

Fang Slade's thrusts stopped and for a brief moment, the two laid next to each other; content. After a moment, Fang Slade pulled his son closer. "You'll be staying here with me for the duration of your vacation. You need a lot more training."

Drum laughed, his taut inner muscles still clamped over his father's engorged cock deep inside him."Don't worry; I understand, father."

Fang Slade smiled and licked his son's cheek, before smacking his ass. "Good. Because heir or not, you'll always be daddy's favorite little slut~"

**Author's Notes: Ever since watching Buddyfight back when it first premiered, I always told myself that I'd write stuff about it. Now, here I am, writing porn about it. If you put your mind into it, you'll be able to achieve it folks. Haha

This fun story romp was suggested to me by a good friend of mine, Narija. He's an artist at FurAffinity. You guys should check him out when you have the chance. In fact, he's the one who drew the artwork that inspired me to write this short smut story.**

But yeah, I'm open to doing Rule34 stuff. In fact, I'd LOVE to write Rule34 stuff. The only problem is that I always have trouble "justifying" the porn--or otherwise, coming up with a decent plot to string the story along. Because as we all know, porn is great. But porn with a story? That's when you know you got something going on. So if you guys have any suggestions for future content, hit me up. :D I'm always open to do whatever.

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