Swirly Solutions

Story by ElijahHusky on SoFurry

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#4 of One-Shots

A swirly birthday present

Hi again! Just dropping off another birthday present, this time for my dear friend Jay whom I hold near and dear to my heart! He's sweet as candy I could just chew him up all day! I hope you guys enjoy, and as usual I'll see you all at the bottom of the page! Happy birthday Jay! <3

"Dude this one will work I promise, everybody in the comments section says it does!" The husky rolled his eyes as the grey wolf spoke, swiping his thumb across the screen of his phone as he viewed his Twitter feed, pausing to like the occasional picture or tweet. His friend was sat at his desk staring avidly at his laptop with another video of a new supposed method of hypnosis that "WORKS EVERY TIME!" according to the title.

"Jay, don't you need to be studying for Mr. O's final? I thought you were struggling in that class." The husky commented dryly, looking up from his laying position on the bed at the laptop's screen. "Psssh, I'll be fine 'Lijah. I'll just sit next to you anyways to see what answers you put! Now get over here, you get to be my test subject! This one is going to work for sure!" The wolf exclaimed excitedly, jumping out of the chair to beckon the smaller canine over. Elijah sighed and turned his phone off, laying it on the bed before taking a seat as the wolf asked.

"What do I have to do this time?" He droned, confident this attempt would go south quickly enough. He'd been put through all sorts of tasks in the past, having to be read long passages about "your eyelids are growing heavy" and "when I snap my fingers you'll be gone", staring at swinging pendulums, and staring at spinning hypnotic circles. This one was similar to the latter method, except the video was paused with two spinning circles being the eyes of some canine-shaped silhouette.

"All you have to do is stare at the eyes, I'll start the video!" Explained the wolf who hurried to go and turn off the lights in the small room shared by the two canines. The husky sighed quietly and pressed play on the video, letting his silver gaze meet the now spinning circles of the image on the screen. The wolf watched intently as the gaze took on a gentle blue hue, illuminating the darkened room in a similar color. Meanwhile, the smaller canine in the chair stared on, growing more and more bored by the second, yet not taking his eyes away from the screen however.

"This is dumb dude, it's another bust." Elijah stated, shifting in the chair to get more comfortable. The wolf frowned and shook his head, not wanting to believe the smaller dog. "Just... keep watching! Look, the colors are starting to pulse now!" Jay exclaimed, pointing at the eyes. The husky did take notice of this fact, tilting his head a bit. He had to admit, the colors were pretty. He wanted to turn his head to see the reaction of the wolf, but found that he was reluctant to tear his gaze from the screen.

"Hey Jay, how long was this supposed to take?" The smaller dog asked curiously, still unable to look away from the screen, unaware of his posture relaxing back against the chair. "I'm not sure, it looks like there's only like 30 seconds left. Do you feel anything?" The wolf responded, watching for any reaction from his friend. "Not really. The colors are really nice though, don't you think...?" Elijah replied quietly as he trailed off towards the end. The comment elicited a shrug from Jay, still observing the husky. "I didn't think they were that special really. Do you feel relaxed, or anything to say that might indicate that it even worked?" The wolf asked, desperate for results as the video ended.


"'Lijah? Did you hear me? Did you feel anything?" Jay asked again, spinning the chair around to face him. The smaller dog simply stared ahead lifelessly, unmoving. The wolf stared incredulously before a muzzle-splitting grin crossed his face. "Holy shit, it worked! Dude it worked! What do you do now?!" He exclaimed to himself, pushing by the idle canine to scroll down to the description of the video to read the further instructions:

Once the subject has gone under, a snap of the fingers will wake them from their temporary state, and they will interpret direct commands. To reverse the effects, snap again to induce them to their sleep state again and play the video at 2x speed.

"Okay, so all I have to do is snap..." The wolf whispered, looking back at his friend. Upon snapping, the husky's ears perked slightly, and his head rose from its prone position against his chest. His eyes still stared forward blankly, but his ears remained alert for any commands. "'Lijah? Can you hear me?" The wolf asked quietly, his heart racing. The dog did not respond.

Direct commands, Jay, he told himself.

"Elijah, nod your head yes if you're listening." The husky nodded promptly. Jay's grin returned, and he jumped up and down in the small, dark room. "YES! It worked, it really worked! Uhh, okay okay... Elijah, stand up." The smaller dog stood up from the chair and stared, unmoving without any further instructions. "Jump once." A small jump in place. "Wag your tail!" The husky's curly tail wagged swiftly. The wolf could only grin incredulously as he watched the appendage move, struggling to believe what was happening.

More ideas popped into the wolf's head. "Elijah, tap my nose." The husky stopped wagging, instead turning towards the slightly taller canine to touch a finger to his nose. "Hmm... Elijah, come rub my paws!" The wolf grinned inwardly as he sat down on the bed, pushing his paws out. The husky sank to his knees and gripped one of the paws, kneading lightly against and between each paw pad, repeating the motion on the other paw as well. "Ahhh... I could get used to this! What else can I make you do while I have you like this...?" The wolf said, enjoying the paw massage he was currently getting. He wasn't sure if he would be able to get the husky to agree to doing this again, and he bit his lip as more ideas appeared in his head. He wanted to take full advantage of the situation, and see just how far he could stretch things.

"Elijah... take your shirt off." The command came out more as a nervous question, however nonetheless the husky stood up and peeled his shirt off, dropping it at his side. Jay observed his friend and nodded to himself. "Okay... now take off your shorts." Elijah followed the orders, working his khaki shorts down to his ankles, stepping out of them. This left him only in a pair of bright pink briefs, eliciting a chuckle from Jay. "You gay dog..." He commented quietly, taking note of the bulge in front causing him to blush slightly. The blush only worsened with his next command. "Lose the underwear." They quickly met the same fate as his other articles of clothing on the ground, leaving the smaller dog stark naked in the middle of the room.

His blue and white fur was unkempt from having been constricting in his clothes. It wasn't the first time Jay had seen his friend naked as they had been sharing an apartment throughout college, nudity wasn't exactly an issue. It did nothing to help the dryness that overtook the wolf's muzzle however as he blushed slightly, standing up to take in the dog's body from more angles without worry of being caught staring. Both canines were openly gay, but they hadn't moved past anything more than a few drunk kisses one night at a party, even while having to share a room.

Jay peeled his own shirt off, exposing the lighter gray fur of his belly, gulping quietly. "Elijah, take my shorts off." The command elicited a pulse in the wolf's sheath, watching as the dog returned to the spot on his knees in front of him, swiftly tugging down his navy-blue gym shorts leaving him in the purple jockstrap he'd worn that day. The proximity of the husky to his groin caused gentle puffs of air to hit the pouch where the wolf's covered sheath lay, causing him to squirm a bit as he sat down on the bed instead, spreading his legs.

"Elijah, come lick here." The wolf commanded, gaining a bit more confidence as he realized the husky couldn't say no to him. He tugged down the front of his jock letting his thick sheath and balls flop out into the open air. There was no hesitation by the husky who quickly set to work mouthing and licking at Jay's package, forcing a moan from the larger canine in response at the pleasurable throb that coursed through him. He let his paw find its way to the back of Elijah's head, rocking his hips up to rub the thick sheath against his muzzle. "Keep licking, and roll my balls with one of your paws..." Jay trailed off with a shudder at the dirty command, but Elijah obeyed nonetheless, taking the wolf's orbs into his paw.

The sack just barely fit in the dog's small paw, and Jay growled in delight as they were stimulated. His pink tip had already began poking free from the thick tube, and pre began to trickle out against the side of the husky's muzzle. "Elijah... grrrf... suck." Jay commanded again, angling his growing dick towards the husky's muzzle who obediently took the flesh into his muzzle. Both of his paws found their way to the back of Elijah's head, pulling him forward as he hilted the dog's muzzle. His length continued to grow against the warm wetness of the dog's tongue, reaching full mast just over 7 inches, just enough to prod the back of the husky's throat on each pull. "Mrrrf... such a good dog... keep that up and you're gonna get a muzzle-full." Jay growled quietly.

As Jay shifted slightly to reposition himself, he felt a light jab against his leg. Angling his head down, he was shocked to find Elijah's full length bobbing freely as well, drooling slightly against the wood floor. This caused him to gasp as another heavy shot of pre fired onto his friends' tongue. "Elijah, stop sucking and stand up." Jay told the husky, who naturally did what he was told.

He found himself face to face with his friend's blue length, a strand of pre drooling from the tip. He reached out with his tongue to lick the pre away before engulfing the length of the husky in his muzzle while he reached down to nurse his own length, working himself closer to the edge. He could feel the husky pulse and throb in his muzzle as if he were still aware, however the dog still stared blankly ahead at the wall as his dick was worked on.

Having coated the entire length in slick saliva, Jay stood up and pressed the two lengths together with both paws, before leaning down to bite the smaller dog's ear with a whisper. "Hump, puppy." He commanded, moaning quietly as Elijah's hips worked up to a steady pace thrusting against his slick length. Jay joined him in this motion, generating a high amount of friction between the two cocks that drove him quickly towards orgasm with the previous muzzle work.

The husky was now breathing heavily, panting out of his muzzle now as his hips continued to work against those of the wolf. He figured the smaller dog must be close, taking note of the dog's swollen knot that was pulsing with each thrust. Wrapping a fist around that knot, he continued working his hips as he whispered in his friend's ear again. "Breed, puppy. Now." Immediately he watched as the husky locked up, feeling the knot swell bigger in his paw as he stimulated the tie every canine yearned for. The husky grunted quietly, knees buckling a bit before hot white seed began bursting out into Jay's paw. The volume was impressive as it coated his paw and midsection, and the heightened sensitivity of the slick cock sliding against his caused Jay to grunt as his own knot began to swell.

"On your knees, now. It's your turn." The husky fell to his knees in front of the wolf who furiously pumped his cock and squeezed his knot in front of him. Jay growled heavily as his orgasm swiftly overtook him, painting the dog's face with his seed. Cum ran down the sides of Elijah's muzzle and dripped into his lap where his own throbbing cock still stood proudly. Once the rush released Jay, he opened his eyes again to stare down at the husky, observing the mess they'd made. The floor was covered in seed, not to mention the husky who's fur on the front of his body was thoroughly soaked. Jay bit his lip and looked back towards the screen at the hypnotic gaze that had seemingly witnessed the entire event, and with a grin he stroked the headfur of the smaller dog below him.

He had many more plans for him before he was willing to release his friend from his trance, but for now: "Elijah, lick and clean."

*That's all! A little different from what I usually like, but I highly enjoyed the end result nonetheless, as I hope you all did as well! Thanks for reading as always, feel free to fav or comment if you enjoyed or leave any constructive criticism! *

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