The Spring Equanox

Story by Heart Dragon on SoFurry

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Submission to 2019 My Little Pony FanFiction Incest Siblings Contest.

Princess Luna and Princess Celestia must go off during the festival of the spring equinox to perform a ritual that will renew the seal placed on Nightmare Moon, who had been slowly weakening the bonds upon her with each passing moon. While they have managed to keep her sealed away for three years, mostly, she has only grown stronger and the forbidden ritual that Celestia has been using to keep her contained is no longer effective the way it once was. But Celestia, thought diligent research, has found another way. But to do what is required will test the bond of two sisters in a way that they've never been tested before.

The castle was as bright and pleasant as always. The sun was barely hidden behind a few stray clouds that drifted lazily across it like a memory of the season of chill and snow that would be passing with the falling of the sun and the rising of the moon. The spring festival had everyone happy and excited for the fantastic season that they all knew must come this year as they did the last, and the one before that.

But Luna didn't feel bright and pleasant. She hid it well from the others. The guards, the ponies from Ponyville, the visiting guests, but she knew what had to happen on this night as it did on every equinox for the past, what was it, three years? She almost laughed at realizing that she'd lost track of how long it had been since she'd last become the Nightmare Moon. The very thought of that time made her shiver. She talked about it little, what it had been like to be overwritten that way, to have her very mind obliterated by another so alien and evil, yet knowing at the same time that it was always still her, just a version that she couldn't fathom when she was really herself.

She looked out the window at the slowly darkening sky and felt the same trepidation that she always felt as she watched that same horizon as evening approached. As much as she loved her moon each other night of the year, she feared it on this one.

"Sister?" Celestia's mellow, soothing voice came from just outside the door, accompanied by the knocking of a hoof to announce her presence. "It's almost time." She said, stepping into Luna's study and stopping only a bare two steps from the door, her face a mask of concern and devotion that anyone outside of these private meetings between the sister's ever got to see. "You're scared again?"

Luna turned, her dark blue mane, which glowed with a softer blue, rustled and shifted around her, floating as if on the very beam of light in the room as she closed her eyes and nodded, a small sob of distress escaping her muzzle. "What it if doesn't work this time?" She asked. It was the same question that she asked each year. But Celestia knew that there was a reason to be afraid.

The ritual had to be kept secret. The revelation of the things that had to be done to maintain the balance between the moon and sun would disgust the ponies of Ponyville. They might even be right to feel that way if they knew, but what other choices did they have? The elements of harmony had indeed transformed her beloved sister back into herself, sealing away Nightmare Moon, but what they couldn't know was just how short a time that seal would continue to hold. With each application, the seal was weaker and lasted fewer and fewer months, until a solution had finally been found, luckily, before Nightmare Moon broke free despite the binding of the magic.

But the ritual that Celestia discovered hidden within a ruin among the peaks of the crystal mountains, was a forbidden one, a rite that perhaps should have been lost to time. Yet they'd performed it, their subjects all unknowing. As the magic unraveled on Luna, the equinox came just in time, and through the forbidden rite Nightmare Moon was once again sealed safely away, her kind, caring, and wise sister again able to contain the constant strain of against her will. For a time at least.

"You know that it almost didn't work last year," Luna said, her voice quivering with her doubt and worry as her sapphire eyes came up to meet Celestia's rose-colored ones. "You know what happens if she's stronger than me this time..."

Celestia trotted over, her neck moving to rub against Luna's as she circled around her sister and brought her body as close together as she could until they could almost feel each other's heartbeats as they leaned into the other's weight. "You are stronger," Celestia said, her voice almost a whisper as her lips caressed the side of Luna's neck in a reassuring gesture. "You have to believe it. You know that." She said, her voice carrying every ounce of certainty she could muster, yet Luna heard what she had feared most. Celestia wasn't certain. Not at all certain. Not this time.

The tension remained, despite all the comfort that the sisters could offer each other, and despite their best hopes, the day faded and they were forced to put on their smiling, cheerful masks as they left Luna's room, both dressed in their court finery of jeweled crowns and breastplates, Celestia's with her glittering purple jewels and Luna's in dark onyx with the silver crescent of the moon. The Guards bowed as they watched the pair of royals fall in at the rear of the procession that would leave the castle and parade through Ponyville as the sun set and night approached. But the sister's would not be going down into Ponyville this night, just as they hadn't in the three years previous.

Luna's horn glittered for a moment as she cast a spell and both of their breastplates and crowns seemed to slip from them, moving forward now worn by magical doubles of the royal sisters. The royal family all sensed the magic and the switch, but they gave no sign of it, all of them aware of the real reason, and need, for it. Their bodies faded out and became a washed out ghostly image; as if made of moonlight, as more solid images continued on in their place.

"Fly with me?" Celestia asked, her wings stretching out to catch the very last fading light of the sun as it cast a halo of pink and yellow light across the fading colors of the sky.

"I will always fly with you sister," Luna said, spreading her own wings and caressing her sister's wings with her own as she crossed their horns and pressed her nose against Celestia's. "But we must hurry. There is little time left."

They each took a step back, bent their knees, and lept into the air, their wings stroking downward in powerful beats against the air that sent gusts from both girls twisting and curling around and between each, raising a dozen tiny twisters in the dust around them as they tucked their hooves up close to their bellies and darted upward into the sky.

Celestia moved ahead quickly, her longer body and slightly larger wings giving her a bit more speed in a gaining altitude straight out, but Luna was close on her heels, almost close enough to grab at the waving tip of her rainbow-colored tail as it swayed back and forth ahead of her. Celestia swerved to the right, along the rise of the mountains behind the castle, folding her wings in close as she twisted around in a swooping turn between the falling water and the stone face of the cliff side before emerging on the other side and snapping her wings open again and catching the updraft from the rising mist at the base of the falls.

Luna matched her sister wing-beat for wing-beat, marveling and reveling in the delight of flight and of the chase. Her heart pounded, her eyes focused, and her lips were curled back in a smile of something approaching joy as she caught the same updraft and rocketed up faster than Celestia could manage, her lighter weight proving its value as she broke through the spray at the top of the falls and twirled into the air with her wings, mane, and tail, swirling around her as she spun into the air like a top.

"Luna!" Celestia called, her voice cracking with worry.

Luna pulled up, her wings dragging her to a stop with a few awkward beats backward against the air, but she didn't have to look far to see what it was that Celestia was warning her about. They'd misjudged the sun, it seemed. They had only seconds now before the light faded away all across the line of the horizon and night fell on Equestria.

Luna beat her wings hard, darting along the top of the cliff to where a second waterfall emerged from the rocks, its source a hidden spring with the mountain itself. Also hidden here by the water was the entrance to a cave long forgotten by the other ponies. It was here that the sister's landed, their hooves clattering off the stone as they shook the water from their feathers and hair without any real conscious consideration.

"Hurry," Celestia said, moving into the cave and setting candles alight with her magic, pointing her horn and sending a spark at each to create the flame. Warm golden light swept out to fill the cave and Luna almost galloped into the ring, actually an engraved and stylized image of the full moon, and breathed half a sigh of relief just before the sun finally vanished entirely from the world outside.

"Ahhhh!!!" Luna said, tossing her head and falling to her knees as the carved circle of the moon burst into light. Luna's power to call the moon into the sky was now being co-opted by the ritual circle. All the power of the moon used to contain the Nightmare Moon, just as it had been of old as she'd been imprisoned in the silvery orb. Now again she was imprisoned in its likeness, locked inside the body of Luna as she struggled against herself and writhed in the silver glow. "Oh Celestia, help me!" She cried out, her horn digging into the ground and sending sparks of orange off the stone as her unicorn magic battled against the inscriptions.

"I am Luna. I promise." Celestia said, calling to the sun, calling it to rise. This was against all nature. A perversion of their magical gifts, the calling of both sun and moon together in such a way that they were set upon one another as if in battle. Liquid golden light spilled from Celestia's hooves into the ring that encircled the ritual pattern, filling it rapidly with pulsing warm light.

Where silver moonlight and golden sunlight met, there rose sparks and mist in wisps of white that rose seemingly from the air alone. At first, it seemed that these two forces were evenly matched, but while Celestia was focused and concentrating to channel the sun into her circle, Luna was distracted and warning with herself, unable to focus on the fight at hand.

This was good. As long as Luna could keep up the struggle for a few more minutes. She needed only for the sunlight to burn away the moonlight and enter Luna, forcing Nightmare Moon to submit to the power of Celestia's daylight or be burned away forever. If only Nightmare would resist just one moment too long rather than giving in and hiding behind Luna's flesh. But Celestia knew that Nightmare would never choose to risk her final destruction. She would always bide her time, knowing that one day Luna would grow too weary of the constant battle inside herself. But that was why this time would be different. Celestia had spent years fearing Nightmare, ensnared by the need to study her, and had learned more about Nightmare Moon than she'd ever wanted too. She'd found a way, and there was only one sure one, to rid her sister of the shade long enough to force it, rather than Luna, to face the burning light of Sun or Moon.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!" Luna laughed, her voice echoing and filled with a darkness that had never belonged to her real sister. "This foul ritual? Again? Oh dear sister. How you must hate me to soil and taint the power you've been gifted with just on account of little old me?" Nightmare Moon said, her eyes beginning to glow blue as her lips wrinkled back in a rictus of amusement.

Celestia ignored the biting comment, ignored the changes that were overcoming her sister inch by inch, and continued to concentrate sunlight, sunlight, sunlight, forcing ever more golden light into the ring until it spilled over and began to fill the space between the ring of the sun and the circle of the moon where Luna knelt, trapped.

Nightmare Moon narrowed her eyes as she saw the spilling over of the glittering liquid light as it pushed back against the moons silver glow. But she'd learned so much in the last contest between her and her poor dear sister Celestia. "You've made a very foolish mistake to attempt the same ritual three times in a row." She said, making a tsking noise that sounded far more amused and pleased than disappointed. "Let me show you why." She said, her voice lowering to a hiss as she began to press back with moonlight until the sunlight and moonlight had once again reached a balance with the moonlight able to gain no ground into the golden glow and the sunlight gaining none into the silver. A stalemate.

Nightmare Moon chuckled. "I know. I know. A pity that I cannot push your sunlight out, yet no more can you challenge the moonlight." She bared her teeth. "But I don't need to win this contest. Not do I Celestia? I win just by keeping the balance."

"You'll never win." Celestia growled. "Luna and I will beat you, just like we always have before and always will!"

Nightmare Moon let out a long peeling laugh and adjusted her legs under her into a slightly more comfortable position, a more dignified position for a, soon to be, ruler of all Equestria. "Luna is far too weak now. I've been working to break down her will for months. Each time I subjugate her consciousness to mine I chip away at her ability to resist the next time." She explained. Her tone was now almost bored. "She doesn't have the strength to fight this time. She can't keep me from opposing you on equal footing. That's why it has to be this night. The night when sun and moon are on exactly equal footing for a brief moment in time when both can be called up at the same moment, locking the world in that instant until the battle completes."

Celestia nodded, unable to meet Nightmare Moon's glowing blue eyes. It was true. If this balanced fight were maintained, then the world outside the cave would remain frozen in the moment of time when both the sun and moon could exist in perfect balance. Yet the only way to end the stalemate was for one side to subjugate the other.

"Now you'll have to make a choice dearest sister." Nightmare Moon laughed. "Will you leave your kingdom frozen in time, or will you sacrifice yourself to the moonlight and give over the rule of Equestria to me?"

"That is enough," Celestia said, shaking her head as a soft golden glow of light rose from the base of her horn and swept slowly up towards the tip, spiraling around it like a ribbon of gold being twined around a maypole. When it reached the tip six balls of light, bright yellow flashes, raced out in six directions and dispelled the enchantment of invisibility that Celestia had placed upon the six gemstones of harmony. "I may not be able to use the elements to renew your bonds myself, but I don't need to," Celestia said, her voice hard as granite as she watched Nightmare Moon's eyes first widen in surprise and anger and then fade back into the eyes of Luna.

"She is still fighting. She's so strong Cel." Luna said, her eyes beginning to leak with tears of frustration and despair. "Hurry or you will miss the chance." She urged.

Celestia shook her head, swallowing hard as she took a step out of the circle of sunlight and into the inner circle that was dominated by the silver of moonlight.

"No!" Luna said, her voice terrified. "What are you doing Cel? If she regains control while you're in the moonlight, she'll destroy you. You must go back." Luna said, struggling to rise to her feet and opening her wings as if trying to sweep her sister clear of the danger.

"I can't," Celestia said, shaking her head. "I must do this quickly. The elements of harmony will hold her for an hour, perhaps two. Enough to defeat her this year yes, but what happens on the next?"

"You'll find a way again," Luna said, her eyes glistening as she met her sister's, her gaze begging for her to save herself, to simply destroy her and the danger together with her even if she could not utter the words aloud. "I know you will make the right choice." She whispered, her head falling until her horn touched the silver light of the floor with a soft musical chime.

"I know I did," Celestia said, her muzzle rubbing affectionately against Luna's muzzle, her warm breath tickling her throat as her sister moved in close and shared a moment of mutual comfort together. "There is a way, but its... unusual." Celestia said, her voice hesitant, almost shy in a way that Luna had never heard before in her life.

"You found some magic?" Luna asked, her eyes darting up hopefully.

Celestia nodded. "A sort of life magic." She said, her eyes moving away and refusing to meet her sister's gaze.

"What is it Cel? Please tell me? What do I have to do?" Luna begged, tears beginning to come again as she worried at how terrible it must be for Celestia to balk this way.

"We..." Celestia began, then paused, swallowing and blushing, her nose turning slightly pink in embarrassment. "We have to get you... sort of... pregnant." She finished, her voice barely breaking a whisper.

"Uh," Luna said, blinking. "Oh. I'm not sure-" she began, but Celestia touched her hoof with her own, drawing her attention.

"It's the only way." She said; her nose turning almost the color of a fresh ripe apple now. "She's made sure that you couldn't, you know," Celestia said, powering through her embarrassment with her sheer determination to save Luna. "Even if you've been experimenting with your guards, you know. You wouldn't have gotten pregnant. You just never go into season as other ponies do. I noticed it last year and at first, I just couldn't figure out why." Celestia explained, her excitement beginning to push back her hesitation. "But I found a spell that will fix it."

Luna gasped. "I... never even considered." She said, her own nose and ears starting to burn as she thought about the occasional trysts she'd had with Ponies from other villages. She had never taken precautions. She'd never needed to. Celestia was right, though why had she never realized it before?

"It was part of the way she's always been manipulating you," Celestia said, her tone angry now at the injustice she'd watched her sister suffer through for years now. "Twisting your thoughts, your body, even your future." She shook her head and whinnied in outrage, her eyes hot coals meant to burn Nightmare Moon with her contempt and disgust.

"But how can we... uh." Luna blushed again, and as Celestia realized what Luna was asking, she blushed again as well.

Celestia sat back on her haunches and raised one hoof, using it to flip her hair back and over to the opposite side of her neck, revealing a small concealed pouch which had been tied into her mane with a thin silk ribbon. She untied the ribbon and let the pouch fall into her hoof, catching it lightly with the magical grip that all ponies possessed, giving them a bit more manual dexterity than hooves would normally have. She opened the pouch and let two glass vials, each of them glistening slightly with frost lining their exteriors, slide halfway out, revealing the thick, slightly cloudy fluid that filled each to well over three-quarters of their six-inch length.

"That's not," Luna said, her ears felt as if they'd soon burst into flames.

Celestia cleared her throat and gave a small nod. "It is. Cadance and I convinced Shining to donate these for the good of the family." She said. "They've been preserved with an ice spell and should work... once..." She swallowed audibly as she tried to figure out how to say just what it was that she would have to do."

"Is it going to hurt?" Luna asked, her voice quavering a bit. "I can... I can get through it. I know I can." She said stoically.

"No," Celestia said again. "It's going to feel, well, probably really good, if you can get past the one little thing." She said, clearing her throat. "I will have to bring you to... um... climax..." She said, unable to meet Luna's eyes now as her ears flicked.

"But you're... my sister." Luna said, her tone confused. As if she just wasn't quite putting the pieces of this puzzle together yet. "And a girl." She added. "And so am I."

Her eyes suddenly widened. "Oh." She said, meeting Celestia's gaze with her own as the full meaning of this really sank in. "You mean. With your-"

"Yes. I mean with my mouth. And my horn." She said, trying to force herself past this stupid embarrassment with bluntness.

"Oh. Okay." Luna said, her nose lowering slightly, shyly. "I suppose if it has to happen... then I'm glad that it's you." She said, lifting her eyes just enough to meet her sister's gaze. "Is it okay for me to feel that way?" She asked, her voice soft and pleading for Celestia's approval.

Celestia met those deep blue eyes, the eyes of her loved and beloved younger sister, and she sighed with pleasure and acceptance as she realized that it was going to be okay. They had enough love between them to carry them through this together after all. And with that realization, she was able to release her fears, her worries, her embarrassment. She leaned forward and pressed her mouth to Luna's, their lips meeting as she stepped closer and twined her hooves in with her sister's, pressing their bodies a little closer together.

Luna's eyes went wide for just a moment in surprise, her mouth stiffening under Celestia's lips, and then they softened and her body relaxed. Her eyes fluttered almost completely closed as both of their lips parted slightly and their tongues touched tentatively, each of them seeking to explore the other.

Celestia tasted like honeysuckle and sweet hay. Her lips were warm and soft, the moisture from her lips and tongue was like cream, spreading over her own lips and spilling into Luna's mouth along with every swipe of their tongues together until their lips closed for a moment and each was inside the other's body, their long strong muscular tongues caressing the insides of each other's mouth's and throats.

Luna tasted like jasmine, rose, and moon lily. Her mouth gave and accepted, her tongue exploring and giving way to her big sister's but still flicking and teasing as they breathed the same breath, shared air between their lungs, and finally broke apart, each of them gasping slightly and panting with the desires that were rising in them.

"The magic is starting to work." Celestia panted, her muzzle moving to caress Luna's shoulder as she moved slowly down along the length of her body, pressing her warm heaving side up against her sister's and enjoying the way their silky hair rubbed together causing tingles of pleasure to move up her side and settle in along her spine as a warm soft pulsing pleasure. "But I think I may have... made a... mistake." Celestia panted, her breathing increasing as she caught the scent beginning to rise from beneath Luna's tail, which she had raised up and to the side, away from her increasingly sensitive sex.

Celestia could understand. Better than she'd expected to since her own tail rubbing her backside was causing little shivers of anticipation to move up from the base of her tail and along her back. She felt her own tail rising, almost involuntarily. "The magic is in me as well." She warned Luna even as she reached her flanks and twisted her neck around to put her muzzle firmly up beneath her sister's lifted tail. "We'll have to... take care... of... each... other." Celestia said, keeping her desire in check just long enough to gasp out these words before her mind fogged over with desire and she lowered her head, the side of her muzzle brushing Luna's now trembling hindquarters as she nibbled lightly, encouraging and teasing until she was rewarded.

Luna's body was on fire. A heat she'd never before experienced was flowing out from her belly like a tide that lapped a little further with each successive rush, leaving behind a tingle, an itch everywhere. Everywhere except for her secret flesh. That part of her seemed to take in and absorb the heat like a sponge. The sensation grew with each pulse inside and with each beating of her heart. She could feel her body swelling, more so that part of her beneath the sweep of her tail, as her sister began to nibble seductively at her croup and thigh.

Luna's labia fluttered and winked as a moan of release washed through her while her body let flow a stream of hot urine. She stepped side to side, her legs moving apart slightly to better accommodate the swelling sensitive flesh between her legs. "I'm sorry..." she sniffled, so ashamed that she'd done such a thing. She'd never just lost control and urinated like that before.

"It's alright love," Celestia said, twisting her neck and running the bottom of her muzzle across Luna's dock and up her back as she spoke. "You're in season. This is how you let you your mate know that the ground is fertile." She explained.

"Will you... put it inside me now?" Luna asked, her voice both hesitant and eager at the same time.

"Not yet love," Celestia said. "The spell needs more to make you ready. The ground is fertile but your body needs to give half of the seed yet. For that..." She said, but rather than explaining further, her silken nose slid deep beneath Luna's tail and pressed firmly down upon the swollen glistening lips of her dark black vulva.

The clutch of Luna's flesh against her muzzle was exciting in ways Celestia had never thought about before. This hot sweet flesh, so forbidden, so ripe. She could feel the winking of her sister's sex against her lips as she delicately and carefully began to run her hot, swollen pink tongue up the puffy lips of Luna's vulva splitting her open only very slightly.

Celestia's withers shuddered and her breath came in small bursts as she tasted first her sister's urine, but then the hot sweet flavor of her spill, the slightly slimy liquid being pushed out by the clenching of her pink fleshy cavern. How was such a small thing so enticing? She wondered as she watched and enjoyed the way Luna's black labia opened like a shy flower to reveal the pretty pink inside her. Those glimpses made her shiver with delight and anticipation.

Luna let out a loud low squeal of pleasure as Celestia's mouth moved over her, her hot breath enough to set her nethers smoldering, and then there came her thick warm tongue moving in long strong strokes from the rounded back of her vulva all the way up to her anus, which was almost as sensitive right now as her pussy. The word was so dirty that just the thought made her shiver with excitement. But she couldn't stand it. Her mind was being overwhelmed with sensation, desire, and she needed a distraction, something to keep her from screaming and writhing in pleasure, so she turned to examine Celestia's bottom just as she was doing for Luna's.

Her tail was raised, and Luna could smell something coming up from down around Celestia's belly. Her legs were slightly spread and as Luna stroked her muzzle up against her sister's thigh, she could feel her body respond with a shiver of delight. There was no doubting it. Celestia was feeling the same demanding desire she was. She did just as her sister had for her, nipping lightly along the front and side of her leg and thigh, teasing her body, asking it for a sign that she was ready.

Celestia's tongue faltered as she felt Luna's lips nibbling across her thigh and her teeth biting every so lightly at the soft bit of skin where her leg met her belly. Her body tightened in response, its natural response; and a stream of thick urine sprayed out in a long stream that splashed upon the stone and released a smell of powerful heat and desire that invaded every sense of the two ponies.

"Come here," Luna said, moving a few steps away to get clear of the puddles, though being careful to stay within the circle of moonlight.

Celestia groaned lightly in disappointment as the hot flesh beneath her tongue moved away and out of her easy reach. But Luna, it turned out, wasn't hindering but trying to help. They couldn't reach each other properly as they'd been standing. So she lowered herself down to the ground and rolled over onto her back, her legs folded down close to her body. "Get on top of me and lay down belly to belly," Luna said, licking her lips in anticipation. "And take one vial for yourself; but hand the other to me."

"Will you really do that for me?" Celestia asked, her eyes welling slightly at this show of utter acceptance from her little sister.

"I love you Cel." Luna said, her eyes glistening with barely contained emotion.

Celestia's tears fell down her cheeks, but her lips were curved into a loving smile. "Yes, my love." She said and slipped one of the containers from the pouch. It turned out that these were not vials as Luna had thought after all but syringes, though with a smooth nozzle on one end rather than a needle. A plunger extended from the other end, though not long, more like a button than anything. "When I reach climax, you'll need to put the tube inside as far as your mouth can go without losing your hold on it. Once its fully inside me just push the plunger with your tongue and a little gust of air will empty all of the... contents to right where we'll like them best." Celestia explained as she passed Luna one vial while she got the other ready to use on her little sister.

Luna simply nodded, took the vial, and wiggled her rear slightly in anticipation, giving a little moan of need. "Please, hurry," she almost begged.

Celestia carefully positioned herself. Since she was slightly bigger, she wanted to make sure that Luna didn't have to struggle to reach her, so she lined up her tail first, then lowered herself down until she was laying on top of Luna, belly to belly with her legs wrapping around her rump behind and her forelocks in front as she propped herself up on her front knees and lowered her muzzle down towards Luna's winking, needful, and dripping pussy.

Luna moved one hoof to hold Celestia's tail off to one side while her other hoof gripped her older sister's curved supple white buttock and pulled Cel down against her muzzle with a buzzing purr of delight. The smell of her sex was intoxicating and spicy. The lips of her vulva were black, which Luna found so sexy. Her sister, all white everywhere else save her cutie mark, yet here in her secret flesh, she was no different from her sister. Here they shared their darkness it seemed, and Luna couldn't help but love Celestia just a little more for sharing this with her so willingly. She had said how much she loved Cel once already, but now, now she'd show her that love, for the first time.

Celestia's breath came harder and faster as her sister's mouth played over her secret flesh in delicate caressing kisses. She let herself revel in the feeling as spikes of pleasure skewered up from the base of her tail, along her spine, and then out into the rest of her, settling into a pleasant thrumming of tension. But she couldn't be so thoughtless, could she? She thought, smiling coyly just for herself as she lowered her mouth back to the now much easier to reach opening between Luna's back legs. She was also, she noticed, in close proximity to the pair of very stiff and erect pink nipples which nestled just forward of where her legs met.

Her tongue poked out from between her lips as she lowered her head and sucked the rightmost nipple between her upper lip and her tongue. She flexed her talented oral muscle and stroked its soft surface against the hard erection of Luna's nipple and was rewarded with a cry of pleasure that sent a hot breath bursting out and across her own sex in a tingling rush. She smiled and moved quickly to the other nipple.

"Oh, Dearest!" Luna cried in desperation, her hooves tightening around Celestia's rear as her body shivered. "You're driving me crazy... like I've never... please Celestia. I need you. I smolder." Luna said, her words tumbling out as her eyes closed and she could do little more than press the side of her muzzle into Celestia's rear as she lost herself in the need that was flooding up her body like an ocean overwhelming her.

Celestia couldn't ignore pleas so filled with need. She moved forward and with only a short pause to position herself just so, her muzzle pressed down on the swollen fleshy round base of Luna's slit, splitting it open like over-ripe fruit. She was so aroused now that the flesh inside was more red than pink, and fluid spilled out to coat the dark lips in a glaze of thick sweet moisture.

The long, hot, flexible length of her tongue. As one of the largest ponies in Equestria, Celestia had, and Luna was blessed with, one of the longest tongues. A full nine inches of hot flexible muscle sank fully into Luna's hotpot. While this wasn't anywhere near the size of a males equipment, the flexibility and attention of what was pressing against were more than made up for the lack of sheer size. This was no eager thrusting cock but a well guided act of love and her tongue slid over and flicked across every small part of her insides as it explored her depths for several minutes, the muscles flexing in and out of Celestia's mouth and Luna's pussy as her sister lapped up the near torrent of delicious slimy fluid that was pouring from her sister's eager slit.

Luna, barely able to think as the hot flesh of her sister's tongue sought out her most delicate inner being and set it alight with pleasure, did her best to return the favor, pressing her muzzle tight up against Celestia's wet throbbing hole and lapping her tongue from one end up to the other and pushing it inside the tight opening of Celestia's clenching body, but even that stopped again after a few more minutes of ministration and her just ruggedly thrust her muzzle in between the lips of Celestia's pussy as she cried out again and again in ecstasy.

The cause of this reaction was Celestia's most recent explorations. She'd experimented with herself, magically of course, from time to time, especially when she was eager to relieve the stress of an especially difficult estrus, but now Luna was getting to enjoy the benefits of her big sisters self-experience with the anatomy of pony pussy. As she thrust and retracted her long tongue, swallowing the sticky, sweet, thick juice that spilled across it, she flicked her lower lip over the winking nubbin of hot, firm, flesh that was Luna's clitoris. Her sister's arousal now was so intense that she no longer needed to wink as this sensitive bit was continually exposed by her trembling muscles.

"Put it inside me!" Luna begged, her voice muffled by her muzzle being half buried in her sister's dripping snatch. "I'm going to... ahhhh."

Celestia snatched up the injector with her mouth, taking the plunger end between her lips and quickly turned her head back to where her sister's rump was now eagerly humping upward, trying unconsciously to find the suddenly removed heat and warmth that had been filling her. She gaped and clenched with the rushing of her orgasm, her tail flagging against the stone on which she lay while Celestia sank the six inch long instrument inside and used all that excess slimy slick hot spill to ease the passage as she shoved her muzzle inside as well, sinking her nose and lips inside of Luna's body two inches, then three, four, before her muzzle became too wide to fit further.

Luna screamed in pleasure, unable to hold herself back as first something cold touched her hot hot flesh, then was suddenly followed by the stretching pressure of her sister's entire muzzle sinking inside her like the largest cock she could imagine. Perhaps not in length, but certainly in girth. She barely even noticed the tiny popping sensation a few inches inside her streaming sex as Celestia pressed on the little plunger and a long viscous stream of fertile cum was ejected into her tunnel, but she felt the results of the release even more intensely than had been the pleasure of her sister's muzzling her pussy.

The seed inside her was eagerly snatched up by her sister's powerful life magic, which sucked the liquid of new life through her cervix and into her womb to bathe the three eggs that her sister's thorough attention had stimulated her body to release. A new pleasure pulsed through Luna's belly, a whole different sort of release flowing through her and inundating her mind and body with wave after wave of blistering, throbbing, torturous pleasure.

"No! No.... Nooooo! What have you..." The sound of Nightmare Moon's voice was pitifully small as the hot pleasure radiating outward from Luna's newly foal filled belly seemed to force her out and away from Luna's body. Though she had never even realized it before, as she'd been constantly under the shades influence, she now understood that Nightmare's shade could not share the physical vessel of a pony whose body was filled with the magic of creation that brought new life from seed and womb.

She left Luna like a black mist rising from her body, a weak thing whose power had come only from the vessel that she'd been able to steal. Deprive of that vessel, it was powerless before the cleansing power of the moon.

Nightmare Moon, the dark shade of evil that had inhabited Luna for so long, burned away with a final weak and useless whimper.

"Celestia!" Luna cried, her hooves clutching at her sister as if she could hug her tight enough to make them one being so she could feel every ounce of love that she had for her protective, wise, loving big sister. "She's gone." She gasped, her body shivering with so much relief and pleasure that she barely knew where one feeling began and the other ended anymore. "I can fell the new life inside me. Our babies." She said, her voice breaking into sobs of happiness as her emotions welled up and broke over her. Tears of joy spilled from her eyes as Celestia rose and turned before laying herself down beside her little sister, her eyes glittering with her own tears of happiness as she pressed their bodies together.

"I know Luna," Celestia said. "Its all over." She sighed and put her head down on her crossed legs, looking sideways into Luna's eyes, which met hers without even a single hint of any regret in them. "And now that the magic is fading you don't have to help me anymore. I can relieve the rest of this myself." She said, her eyes sorrowful. "I'm sorry that you had to do that."

Luna blinked several times and then shook her head. "No Cel." She said, her voice stronger now, more confident and sure. "I love you, big sister. I want to show you." She told Celestia, her tone filled with so much emotion that Celestia simply couldn't ignore it. "Or will you send me from your bed from now on? Will I have to step down and leave on my own? To raise these babes? Or will you be with me, in every way forever?"

It was Celestia's turn to blink in surprise. "I..." she began, then looked concerned, thinking about what Luna had just said. It didn't take much consideration to realize that she was absolutely right. How would they explain Luna's pregnancy in a few months when she began to waddle with a belly full of foals. Questions would be asked, and even if they lied at first, how would they explain when the foals that were born bore a rather striking resemblance to Shining Armor, their other sister's husband.

She thought about what it would be like, to have her sister gone somewhere and not even able to reveal where she had gone or why. But, to her even greater surprise, she found herself thinking not about missing Luna but of being there with her. A farm, or a ranch. A place filled with the sound of mooing cows and chickens. The smell of cakes baking in the kitchen wafting out into the dooryard where she and Luna waddled, side by side, casting feed across the ground and giggling as they watched each other's pregnant bellies wobble beneath them with every step.

"Then we'll step down," Celestia said, meeting Luna's eyes. "Twilight Sparkle will be ready soon; if she's not already." She added. "The kingdom doesn't need us... but I... I do." She said, her lips curving into a smile. "I need us. I need you." She told Luna, pressing her mouth against her sister's again, kissing her passionately.

Luna's lips tasted the sweetness of her own sex on Celestia's lips and tongue and felt arousal stirring again inside her. "Then turn over." She whispered, pulling her mouth away from Cel's for a moment before sinking back into the kiss for several more long seconds.

Celestia rolled over onto her back, her eyes looking up needfully at Luna who moved to straddle her just as she'd done earlier. Luna was still so wet from her release that thick viscous fluid continued to drip down from her sex and moisten Celestia's lips with sweet dew which she licked up eagerly as Luna's slightly shorter, but even more delicate and flexible, seven inch tongue began to slid once again down her sister's hot slit, splitting her open as her body tensed and released with each long stroke of that pink, wet muscle.

"I want a ranch Luna," Celestia said, her eyes closing and her words coming unbidden like moans of pleasure. Her long hidden dreams of a life without the need to rule over all these ponies of Equestria. "You can finally have it... what Nightmare Moon always really wanted and she could never get." She said, smiling and shivering as she admitted her darkest secret to her baby sister in a breathless voice filled with the pleasure of her sibling's tongue penetrating her body, sinking inside of her, bringing her closer and closer to the edge with every hard thrust and every gentle exploration. "Rule me Luna..." She whispered moaned, her hips humping upward against her sister's lips. "Claim me... fill me... be my queen, my goddess!" She cried as her wishes all were being fulfilled and her pleasure swelled and peaked, rushing over some invisible point of full to overflowing.

A few moments later, she understood what it was to feel the magic of life blossoming inside her body as well and she cried out, her joy and hope for a future that would be filled with something even more precious and wonderful than friendship... family.