Shattered Freedom, Chapter Sixteen

Story by whipblade on SoFurry

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#31 of Decision & Sacrifice

Biker Mice From Mars


Shattered Freedom

Chapter 16

By: Whipblade

Aboard the Duo Scythe, Everyone, crew and non-crew alike, sat on the edge of their seats, nerves shot as they tried hard to not think about the mouse aboard the rat pirate ship.

"Sir, we're getting a hail from Admiral Damian D. Wolfe." Jade said as she sat at her navigation station on the bridge.

"In my office." Lance replied heading off the bridge. Settling down behind his desk, Lance flicked on the small lap top view screen. "Admiral Damian D. Wolfe" Lance greeted.

"Commander Lance. Do you know how FAR you are from Ikkywara space?" The image was shrouded in darkness, a red lenses where an eye should be, glowed. "Let me tell you how far commander.... TOO DAMN FAR!"

Lance cringed. "Yes, I realize we are off course sir. But I assure you..."

"ASSURE ME!? You ill-mannered mutt! What in the combined galaxies have gotten you heading to the heart of the Delta-Ryan?" Admiral Wolfe snarled his sharp white fangs piercing the darkness of the view screen.

"Admiral Wolfe, sir, we are on the tail of the Pirate Ship controlled by the Martian rat named Mace. There's also a prison colony ahead, but we are unable to determine how many prisoners and how many are not." Lance said trying not to sound incompetent.

"Delta-Ryan is full of Pirate ships, Commander Lance." The Admiral growled. "What is so special about Mace?"

"I have a crew member aboard his ship." Lance replied, his ears back and tail between his legs. "He's going inside the penal colonies to help assess the numbers...." Lances voice trailed off.

Admiral Wolfe growled. His side of the view screen brightened showing him clearly. The Admiral on the screen wasn't a mere wolf. Deep brown fur with darker still hair, white lightning bolts streaked the mane. His left brow encased in metal that bled down to the red lens housed over the left eye socket. Cybernetics could be seen running along the ridges and joints of his visible body. The bulk of Wolfe was nothing short of pure muscle and enhanced genetics.

Lance hated talking with the Admiral. It made him feel less competent than usual.

"I'm warning you Lance. This better not be a selfish, lucrative insane mission because of your personal vendetta against Martians!" The Admiral snarled.

"No Sir!" Lance quickly countered sitting up straighter. "This is about saving Mars."

Wolfe leaned forward. "Repeat that."

"It's about saving Mars, sir." Lance repeated.

"How can you save Mars in the Delta Ryan quadrant?"

"The prison colony that we are at is holding a species of Martian life. The mice sir." Lance stated.

Wolfe rubbed his chin. "We'll be near by. I want a complete up to date report on this Lance. Your activities over the last two years have been lacking in the Ikkywara cause and conduct."

"Yes sir. I'll send the report ASAP."

"Admiral Wolfe out." The screen went blank.

"Out of all the lousy luck..." Lance grumbled pulling out the key board. He started to write up his report.


Admiral Dark Wolfe, Damian Dark Wolfe sat back in his broad chair aboard his ship the Blood Claw; a massive Starship capable of separating into two smaller ships. One designed for war: Blood, the other luxury; Claw.

The Admiral had been one of the Plutarkians science experiments. Although not preformed by Karbunkle, It was Rat-Stein who had controlled his alterations, as unfortunately impressive as they are, also completely useless. The red lenses encasing his left eye is an enhanced targeting system, with no built in weapons, its pointless to Damian.

His tail, naturally long furred and dark brown, beheld sharp short spikes along the bone.

Before the Admiral the view screen, a large theater like computer screen taking up the entire front wall. Cameras mounted around the ships outer hull, enabled the Commanding crew to see what was going on visually no matter what situation.

The depths of space with slow moving stars floated along the screen as they kept their distance just past the boarder of Delta -Ryan quadrant.

"Cinder, how many ships are in our vicinity?" Damian Dark Wolfe's deep and throaty voice rumbled.

"Just two. The Pirate ship and Duo Scythe....hold the phone!" Cinder gasped. "Sir, there's a small moon and two space stations. Both ships are heading towards." The four-armed she-wolf gasped. "Sir, the moon alone is holding three thousand personal."


"Double check your scanners, Cinder, that's no moon." A vixen, Fayth gasped from Cinder's left.

"On screen" Admiral Dark Wolfe ordered standing in the center of the two-tiered bridge.

The view screen displayed three large space stations. The middle one looking like an over sized double-layered Spin Top, the other two looked more like upside down pyramids. For space stations, the central one was to say the least HUGE!

"Mother of all good puppies...." Cinder gasped.

"Great fires...." Razor Kon growled in his native Drakkonian tongue.

"Hell hath no fury..." Dark Wolfe growled his sharp claws digging divots into the steel backing of the pilots' chair. "Cinder; check our cloaks. Razor Kon; bring the weapons on line. Elevate our status to Red!" he ordered his crew.

"Cloaks in place sir. We're undetected." Cinder snapped out.

The lights dimmed slightly, red lights blinked dimly around the bridges doors. "Weapons on line sir!" Razor Kon stated; his hulking dragon-like figure stood at his station near the back of the bridge. His wings fluttered, scaled tail swished from side to side.

"Stay alert until we know what we are dealing with!" Dark Wolfe ordered his cybernetic and normal eye scanning over the vast size of the three stations.

"I thought the Ikkywara had power," whistled Domino, a lioness, stationed along with Razor Kon in the center of the bridge. The security and weapon consoles built into a solid half wall separating the two bridge levels with enough of a clearance on either side to allow for quicker access to the lift and Admirals personal office.

"Scanners are picking up a massive amount of fire-power, ships, personal... almost.... its like... their preparing for an invasion." she muttered.

"Fayth, contact the Duo Scythe and demand any and all information they have from their insider aboard the pirate ship," The Admiral snapped.

The young vixen nodded eagerly as she quickly sent the message. What information the Duo Scythe had, was sent over hard copy. The print outs fluttered to the floor from her station at the rear of the bridge.

Admiral Dark Wolfe bent down to pick one up. He looked it over, turned it upside down, checked the back and sighed. "Tell them to send it in a language we can understand." He shook his head, white and black hair shining under the LCD lights.

"Sir? You know almost all 'wara languages." Fayth looked up.

"Some how they found one I don't." He admiral grumbled reloading the fax.

The information again leaked out in legible 'wara language.

"Martian Mouse?" the Admiral muttered reading the apology. "The agent they have aboard the pirate ship is a mouse!?" He growled looking out the view screen and the stars. "Lance, what the hell are you doing?"

Fayth and Cinder exchanged confused glances.

"Stay undetected; we'll move closer, under five speed," Dark Wolfe stated slowly sitting back in his chair. "We may be needed."

"Yes sir." Fayth stated as she worked the navigation along with Cinder.


To Be continued....

[[email protected]](%5C)


Shattered Freedom, Chapter Seventeen

**_Biker Mice From Mars_** **_In_** **Shattered Freedom** **Chapter 17** **_By: Whipblade_** Gazing down between the metal wires of the vent, Throttle spotted the bed he knew far too well. Below, sprawled Mace, naked and healthy....

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Shattered Freedom, Chapter Fifteen

**Biker Mice From Mars** **In** **Shattered Freedom** **Chapter 15** Treachery & Hell _By: Whipblade_ "Jade, what is our current status?" Lance asked looking at the view screen and the Pirate Ship a head of...

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Shattered Freedom, Chapter Fourteen

**Biker Mice From Mars** **In** **Shattered Freedom** **Chapter 14** **_By Whipblade_** Throttle watched his son stare wide eyed at the small pink little creature being held in Modo's massive hands. The small infant appeared so...

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