Pine Grove 3: Strange Changes

Story by midnightkiss on SoFurry

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#3 of Pine grove

Pine Grove Chapter 3: Strange Changes

the thi...

Pine Grove Chapter 3: Strange Changes

the third chapter in the pine grove series

Ok first, Don't steal my work and try to pawn it off as your own, it's not that good anyway so why go through all the trouble?? Please be kind about grammatical errors if you find them let me know and I will try to fix them, and if this story is something you like please rate and post a comment, comments let me know if I should continue or not.

A quick author's note ' means that the furs are speaking where as " mean that English is being used.

It was still too quite in the cabin, except when the machine entered in that unusually bright light, I thought the operator of that thing used to work for a video game company, But it had been awhile since the last visit, I was no longer strapped to the bed, and while that was a blessing unto itself, because I could move around the cabin and finally scratch my nose, the collar that I was made to wear was a little too heavy for my liking but beggars can't be choosers.

Not much had changed around the cabin, except that now it had what one could call a latrine in the sense that there was a toilet and a wash basin. I had been locked up in the cabin for so long that I had lost track of the time and what day it was, I just hoped that Chuck and Sarah weren't too worried when I turned up missing, although looking back now Chuck probably didn't give two shits and was probably glad to have me gone. After that little trip down memory lane I decided that I should try drawing again although it got a little annoying when as soon as I finished a picture they would do something to the collar that would make me pass out, And upon waking my picture would be gone.

I opened my drawing pad, found myself a sharp pencil and began to doodle little things across the page, mostly just random parts of images, a leg here an arm there, part of a tree, little swirls, just burning time till something exciting happened. While I was drawing the same thing happened every time, the lights would brighten and the page would seem to swell till it filled my entire field of vision it was almost like the pencil was eager to release its secrets onto the page.

I flipped the page in my pad, after filling the previous one with too many doodles to really warrant anything else. Upon placing the pencil to pad, an Idea came to mind, I started to draw the two females again, this time though I took some artist's rights and placed them in a shady forest. I placed them in a sitting position with faces half turned toward him, careful to capture what I felt was what they would look like in this setting.

I could see it so clearly in my mind's eye that I could almost smell the light hint of crushed lichen under them, the smell of softly warmed earth, evenly warmed leaves in the afternoon sun. I leaned back in my light chair and looked at what I had drawn so far, It was a lot more detailed than most of my work, The two females looked as if they were about to start conversing with me.

Shane smiled lightly and leaned back over his pad, reaching for his inks, and started to bring the image to life with color, the subtle greens and browns blended well with the soft yellows and blues of the background. As Shane was about to finish with the tail coloring of the female wolf, a sudden noise distracted him from his inking.

I twisted quickly away from my desk towards the slight sound in the cabin, but the collar reacted and sent a sudden shock that hit me from my forehead down to the tips of my toes, I was out with just the flash of an image floating in my subconscious mind; the soft smiles of an all too familiar vixen.

'....sure that it is working?'

'has to be...way he turned almost like one of...'

'how can we... this one?'

'you know how... I'm'

'....waking up'

If I could wish for just a small thing it would be for them to stop zapping me with the collar, it wasn't the suddenness of it, that was a sort of thrill, what drove me nuts was the throbbing pain that coursed behind my eyes afterwards. With a groan I rubbed my still closed eyes wishing the pain would stop.

"my kingdom for an aspirin." I said with a slight moan fully expecting no answer, I was surprised when the sound of giggling reached my ears. I quickly opened my eyes and just as quickly closed them again, it was that thrice damned light again.

"Please turn down the lights, I'd love a tan but not at the cost of my eyesight." the light seemed to dim before his eyelids, afterword Shane attempted to open his eyes again this time being met with a much softer glow, Now that was a blessing. Shane's eyes roved around the room checking to find the source of the phantom giggling, noting nothing out of the usual I picked myself off the floor where I fell after the collar attacked me again. I went over to my desk to finish with my drawing, I sat down in my chair and brought myself closer to the desk and relaxed myself into my favorite drawing position.

As I was signing the bottom of my newly created work of art the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, I inhaled for the beginning of a long sigh, figuring it was just another camera moving over me again, when suddenly the smell that was trapped in my mind's eye reached my nostrils again. I turned around in my chair careful not to move to fast so that the collar didn't bite me again. And there standing in the doorway was the moon colored vixen that I had just finished drawing.

"So good of you to drop in, If I had known you were coming I would of cleaned up a bit." looking back I was a little harsh but I had lost count of the days since I had seen either of the two females.

"Sorry for the long wait in-between us, but we had to make sure that you would not go crazy from confinement or movement from your home."

"It would of been nice to have someone to talk to besides the evil skunk with the brighter then need be lights."

"we did try but this is the first time that one of us was allowed into see you,"

"Thanks for trying to see me then. I'm glad to know that I wasn't forgotten in here."

"How could we forget you??"

"It just seemed that way, I mean the only interaction I have had is with that skunk, and with whoever keeps stealing my pictures."

The vixen looked down at her feet at that moment, before she said. "The one who kept steeling your images was us, we studied them to see why you drew them. Sorry for the problems that we all caused you."

"Well if you would have asked I would have given them to you, you didn't have to shock the shit out of me each time."

"We had to make sure that you didn't attack us when we entered in here."

I smiled as she said that remembering our first meeting, "If I remember right it was you and your friend that attacked me. Although I wouldn't mind being attacked again." I said with an obvious wink.

The Vixen smiled and I thought I saw a slight blush, but it could of been the lighting, I was quickly realizing that if I played my cards right I might be able to finally get out of my "cell" so I put on my best Smile and began to try to woo the vixen first I tried to move closer to her but she kept moving away slowly, it was as if she could read what I wanted to do.

No matter how I moves it was as if she could tell where I was going to move to, after a few minutes of strategic movements I finally walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it. "So, how long will I have to stay in here?" I asked hoping that if I was blunt enough with my questions, that she would tell me. "we are sorry to keep you in here for so long, but after a few more test, we think you will be able to move about more freely."

Needless to say this caught me off guard although I was expecting a different answer this one brought a smile to my lips. "So you are saying that if I am a good little boy I'll get to use a real shower??" for her credit the vixen actually smiled then she said "I'm sure something can be arranged for that." I couldn't help but laugh at that.

I guess laughing was a universal language because the vixen started to giggle (at least as far as I could tell at the time she was giggling) she looked at me and her giggles stopped as suddenly as they started, she cocked her head a little as if hearing something I could not then she turned again to me and with a solemn voice she said " I'm sorry." and as the sound of her voice had a moment to register in my mind that blasted collar sprang to life again. the last thing I remember before sweet darkness engulfed me was wondering what I would look like if I was a fox.

'...are you sure...'

'has to... make sure'

'you heard his thought...'

'but what if ...'

'lets try...'

'may he understand ...'

Something was different, you know how when you wake up and your bed feels as if you rolled around all night?? Well this felt as if I tapped dance all night in it. I rolled over to get to the edge of the bed when it hit me, the collar was gone, know I don't mean just lost I mean Gone. I checked my neck with my hands just checking to see if I had gone crazy when nothing hit my hands but hair I had another shock, Hair?? I jumped out of bed thinking how long had I been asleep if I have hair this long??

"you know as much as I hit this floor you would think I liked the feel of it, or a drunk." I only said that because I had hit the floor almost faster than I had tried to stand up. I tried to push myself off of the floor but as my hand pushed against the floor I looked at them and was meet with a shock, my hands were not hands, they were paws, fur covered paws, but not just a regular fur but the darkest silver I had ever seen almost like looking at a nickel under a lunar eclipse.

Needless to say I screamed for about a minute straight, maybe more I kind of lost it. After the shock wore off and much twisting of my new paws I started to come to terms with it and decided that I should probable find a way to see if it was just my paws that had changed or my whole body. I pushed myself into a crazy kneeling, sitting position as I looked around for a mirror or reflective surface.

But I hadn't even passed over the drawing desk before I felt paws lifting me up to my feet, Ooo the sweet smells that hit my nose was so sharp that It rocked me a little, I was pulled onto the bed then I saw the vixen again,, but I said something that I still remember, "you smell of the hour before sunrise, the first raindrop in the pines, the last lightning strike, the moment before waking and the hour after sleep." ever have one of those times where your mouth runs and you try to stop it, it keeps going? yeah that just happened to me. But for her credit she just stood there listening till I trailed off. Then she said "Well thank you for that but on another note, how are you feeling??"

"I really can't complain, no pain, but I wish I could see what you did to me." That my friends was the wrong thing to say because she made a noise and hit me with her paw before she exclaimed "I did to you?? you asked to be able to move, you asked for more freedom, you even wondered how you would look as a fox so we made it happen, the least you could do is be grateful, do you know what we had to do to make this happen??"

Well that caught me by surprise I looked at her with a look full of hurt "I'm sorry but no I do not what you had to do and thank you for what you have done just... forgive me for that It's just so sudden. and I..." that's where the words failed me I couldn't go on anymore. I just sat there looking at her. She sighed and shook herself a little before saying "It's ok I can understand that it's all a bit much for you just bare with use for a little longer and the transformation will be complete and you will be able to leave this cabin and get yourself a shower."

I smiled as I looked at her and a though came to me and before I could get a grasp of it, it stumbled out "I guess with me like this next time you will not need to tie me up to have fun." she smiled and I think she blushed before she said something and pushed on my chest a little, pushing me back on to the bed and I felt a slight sting and then darkness.

after the first few weeks of Shane's magic disappearance, Charles tried to explain it to the cops, friends, and neighbors, and after each telling the story kept sounding more and more unbelievable, till finally he stopped telling it but he would never stopped checking that unexplainable bald spot in the Pine Grove, waiting for the day that the cabin would return.