The Master's Toys [CM]

Story by DerekTheDragon on SoFurry

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#8 of Short Story Commissions

When two friends, a dragon and a kobold, fall into a trap they soon find themselves before a powerful dragon who seeks to turn them into females and toys for his pleasure. Derek wants to fight, but with his own kinks driving his arousal forward he finds it hard to fight his now inevitable fate.

Eeeeee! I really loved making this story! It took a little longer than usual to make and its actually I think the longer story I have so far. I feel this story is really well written because I had more time to write it, so if ya'll like this one I might try to focus on each story a little more to make sure I'm bringing you guys well-written content, even if that means I don't release one every day.

This is a commission for Thalmorusderg! Thank you so much for the commission, means the world!~

Link to his channel:

Let me know what ya'll think and I hope you enjoy!~

Do you enjoy my stories? Consider supporting my Patreon where every $1 goes towards creating stories like this for you full-time

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All Derek had planned on doing was going hiking with his friend kobold, Tidko, for the day in a far off forest closer to mountain peaks off in the distance. He'd never been that way before and feeling adventurous he thought it'd be best to invite a friend along as well to keep him company. The two of them, Derek and Tidko, had known each other for only about half a year but they enjoyed spending time with one another whenever they weren't busy, so taking a hike together seemed like a great excuse to get together. What they hadn't planned though was for traps to be set in the far off forest, catching both of them in a tight rope net that suspended them both up in the air.

From what Derek could remember they'd tried to escape but with both of them being practically squished together as well as the rope being quite thick, perhaps expecting or hoping to catch a dragon, they had no luck, hanging there for what felt like hours until the sun began to set and another dragon walked out of the woods. He couldn't remember much about him except that he was holding some sort of glass of liquid, opening it in front of them, forcing them to breathe it in. It must have worked, for after only a few moments both of them began to fade off, closing their eyes as they collapsed lifelessly in the net, falling fast asleep.

'God... That's all I remember at least...' Derek shook his head numbly, blinking his eyes as he tried to let his eyes adjust to his dimly lit surroundings, small flickering flames lighting up the cavern they were in. He glanced over beside himself and found Tidko lying on the ground as well, reaching over a paw to place on his shoulder, giving his yellow shoulder a light shake before whispering, "Mphhh...Mphhh!!!" He then reached a paw up to his mouth, widening his eyes as his body slowly began to regain its senses, his jaw aching with a large red ball gag in his mouth. He ran his paws over his head and neck, trying to pull it off but with no avail. It was then as he ran his paws across his neck that he felt a leather collar around his neck, looking over at Tidko as his emerald green eyes adjusted and finding the same collar and gag on him as well.

Once Tidko began to stir he quickly realized he had a gag as well, reaching up to feel it as they both turned their heads towards the wooden door at the entrance to the cave, the sound of someone unlocking it from the other side. An ice-blue dragon entered the room, smiling widely as he added, looking them both over as they threw glares at him, "Well well, it seems the guests have awoken. Now I can finally give you a proper welcome." Derek instantly growled at him, lashing his tail and flaring his wings, shielding Tidko. The ice dragon only chuckled back, "Oh, do not be afraid. We do not plan on hurting you at all. In fact, we only want to bring you pleasure, but keeping up an attitude like that won't get you anywhere."

Instead, Derek took another step towards him, not letting down his posture. In response the newcomer glared back at him, hissing something in the back of his throat before stopping, growling at them, "Trust me, trying to hurt me will only get you into bigger trouble. If you really would like some restraints I could put more on you, so don't tempt me." With a low growl Derek lowered his posture, realizing that, although he wanted to get an answer out of him, it may just be best to listen to what he had to say. They both then watched as the ice dragon nodded to the door, opening it, "Come. Follow me. I need to introduce you to the master of this mountain."

Derek then turned to Tidko, watching as the nervous kobold nodded along with him, letting out a muffled moan as he stood up beside Derek. Although he didn't want to admit it, having a gag and being captured did turn him on a little, but he couldn't focus on that. This was real life and they had to get out of this. 'The smartest thing we can do right now is to follow whatever-his-name-is and scope out the area as we go. If we find an exit, then bolt.'

Despite his hopes, he couldn't find any sort of exits from the inside of the mountain. Multiple tunnels would break off at small caves in-between, torches dimly lighting each path as they ended at some unknown cave further beyond. Tidko leaned onto Derek's side, the two of them staying close, gags in their mouth as they entered a large cavern at the end of a tunnel. Along the walls of the room were torches of green flame, crackling, setting the cave in an ominous light. At the opposite end of the cavern lay a wealthy pile of treasure, gold and jewels uncountable sprawled across the floor while a large, rough, dark green dragon, twice the size of Derek, stared both of them down, his piercing red eyes following them as they entered. He wore a sly smile upon his face as he flicked his tail, scars from previous battles marking his jawline along with a deep gash on his hind leg. Derek watched as he picked up a jewel in his paw, turning it over as he admired it before tossing it back into the pile he was on like all the others.

It was then that the ice dragon suddenly slammed the door shut behind them, causing Tidko to jump a bit, getting closer to Derek as their captor stood behind them, cutting off the path behind to the door to prevent them from trying to escape. Although both of them were gagged Derek could tell Tidko was feeling scared, and while Derek did feel a bit of the same he knew he had to stay strong for both of them. If these dragons were planning on hurting them then he wouldn't go down without a fight.

The low rumbling voice thrummed in their ears as the red-eyed dragon spoke, talking very slowly in a way which made the spikes along his back tingle, "Well, look at that, you caught two of them. Very impressive, Desterious. Looks like you're not so useless after all, surprisingly." He then slowly stood up, fanning his wings out to display his size, the cavern barely wide enough for him to stretch them out fully. There were multiple tear marks along his wings, making Derek realize that he probably couldn't fly anymore with so many holes like that in them. 'Ok, calm down... I'm sure he's not planning on killing us, that would be a waste. There must be something he wants, and then maybe we can get out of here.' It was then that the green dragon's words hit him, both Tidko and Derek noticing with wide eyes as the master of the cave lifted a leg teasingly, showing off his dripping erection between his hind legs, large plates on the underside, his cock nearly half the size of Tidko in comparison. Derek bit down harder on the gag, closing his eyes in frustration as he felt his own member stir a bit in response unwillingly. He looked over to Tidko and saw the same, realizing what he wanted now. 'He called us toys... Is that what they want us for?'

Desterious glared back at the green dragon as he lowered his wings, huffing at him, "I am the one who's captured every single dragon you have now, so I would like to think I'm not as useless as you presume." Desterious then looked over the two of them, noticing with a snicker Tidko's growing erection, "I know you wanted strictly females, Breaker, but I do think that with the new spell you have should turn them into just that. They are both very lithe..." Derek and Tidko both let out muffled gasps, glancing back at him. 'Spells? Females? Oh fuck. Oh shit, we need to get out of here... Ahh... God, what do we do?' The only way to escape would be through one of the tunnels they had passed by but without any sort of map, Derek was sure they would only end up getting caught again with worst constraints. The best thing he could think of was to stay calm but hold his ground. 'I won't... I can't let them do this to us' His body seemed like it wanted to disagree, but with a firm shake of his head, he put a wing around Tidko, watching Breaker.

"I will be the judge of that." It was then that Breaker stepped forward, one paw step at a time as he slowly circled them, running the side of his bladed tail along Derek's haunches, causing him to shiver in arousal and fear before facing Tidko, putting a paw under his chin, forcing him to meet his eyes as he let out a chuckle before releasing him, smiling wickedly before stepping back to look over them, "I will say that they already look very appetizing... Once we transform them I might not be able to hold myself back. I've been dying to fuck a hot pussy recently, and I think they'll be eager to take it, won't you girls?~"

Derek so badly wanted to slash his claws at Breaker, hating the feeling of them talking about them as girls and mere toys, treating them as less than a dragon or kobold, but his arousal inside kept him at bay, moaning softly around the gag as they stood there. 'He has other 'toys' here? Ahh... Fuck, I need to fight this, so why is it so hard?' Derek then took a brave step forward towards Breaker, glaring at him as he splayed his own wings, raking his claws against the ground to prove his point.

Breaker paused and glanced at him, grinning widely as he approached Derek, tilting his head slightly as he brought it only inches away from his, "Hmm, what's this? A dragon trying to protect his friend, as if he can somehow prevent his inevitable fate? Oh, so heroic! Very brave of you, young dragon, but I must say... I don't take orders from anyone else, so you better learn your place as a sex toy for me, or else I'll force you if I have to." Even though his arousal seemed to build the fear in the back of his head kept him going, causing him to growl louder, lashing his tail as he held his ground. Breaker then tilted his head, his smile disappearing as he then growled at him, baring his teeth in only mere annoyance, "Well, if you prefer the hard way, then I'll be happy to help."

Before Derek could realize what

was happening, Breaker threw himself at him, causing Derek to yelp as he pushed him onto the ground, gripping his neck with his tail as he forced Derek to look up and meet his eyes, burning with green flame as he snarled back at him, "I will tell you this once, and only once, you pathetic whelpling! Don't you dare threaten your master! I can tie you down, use a bar to spread your legs, force you into a breeding position forever, muzzling you and putting cute little mittens over your paws, maybe even a chastity belt to see how frustrated and horny you can get. But assuming you'd rather not be tied down for the rest of your life as a toy, you better do as I say, following each and every word, or I think you may find your place as my toy a little less pleasant." He then gave once last firm grip as he finished, "Afterall, broken toys can always be discarded, so do not tempt me, or you will be the one to watch your friend die at my claws. Do you understand me now?"

Hearing all these things caused him to let out a muffled moan from the ball gag, letting out a sigh of relief as Breaker released his grip on him, catching his breath as Tidko came up and glared at Breaker as well before looking to Derek questioningly as to what they should do. He looked over at his friend, knowing that Tidko had to understand that there was nothing they could do. Not at least right now. He gave him a knowing glance and with a sad muffled sigh from Tidko, they both nodded, Derek lowering his head in humiliation and defeat as he knew there was nothing he could do. 'I can't believe it... There's nothing we can do to stop them from doing this to us... We can only hope if we obey that somehow we can think of a way out...'

It was then that the green dragon let out a chuckle, glancing between both their hind legs as he walked around them again, both of them blushing in humiliation as they willingly allowed Breaker to raise their tails and look at their growing rods. Derek kept his head lowered, not into a breeding position but only because of his guilt that he couldn't protect his friend. Breaker then spoke up, giving a rub on Derek's rump, "And look, you're both enjoying this too! Do you both have a kink for this? Being bound and turned into females?" He paused, listening as they both softly moaned, not softly enough though for Breaker to not notice. "That's what I thought. Perfect, that means you're both natural toys, already horny and submissive despite trying to act tough. You'll be broken in soon, don't you worry." He then turned to Desterious, giving a nod to the door the came through as he settled down onto his pile of treasure once more, picking up an emerald in his claws, "Take them to the gallery with the others. Put the kobold on a table on his back and make sure to strap him down. I'd love to see his face as I rut him. And for the dragon..." He looked over at Derek, assessing him. "I would have said earlier to use all the bondage we could on him, but looking as he's already becoming so submissive and obedient, I think just putting him into a breeding position should do."

Desterious nodded to him, moving to open the door before Breaker suddenly broke in, putting the emerald in the air with a snicker, "Oh! I almost forgot, how silly of me." Derek and Tidko both turned their gazes back to him as they watched him put down the emerald, sifting through the treasure in his hoard until he pulled out a small cloth bag, tied at the top with a small strand of rope. Using his tail to hold the bag, he stood up and brought it over to them, reaching down a hand to Tidko's neck, listening as he let out a moan as Breaker held the metal collar around his neck, almost forgetting about it for a moment. They then watched as he used a paw and his tail to undo the small knot keeping the bag sealed, spilling two small sapphire stones into his paw, each about the size of a small mouse.

Breaker then sat down, holding one of the sapphires in his paw, showing it off as he spoke, "I have here two sapphire crystals, both a little small for my liking, but that doesn't make them any less powerful." Tidko tilted his head at that, causing Breaker to snicker in response, "Hehe, yes, there is something different about these stones. Something a magician from lands away had cursed upon both of these. Desterious had captured a human a few weeks back and he had these with him, but when he returned and gave them to me he wasn't the same. In fact, he was a she." Breaker rumbled deeply in amusement at Desterious's glare at him, obviously not very fond of sharing that embarrassing information. "It seems these sapphires have the power to turn anyone who comes in contact with them into a female. Now isn't that something?" It was then Breaker took notice of Tidko's confused expression, looking over him curiously, "Ah, you must be wondering why it doesn't work on me then, is that it?" The kobold nodded back, looking over to Derek with a sigh of regret as it seemed his friend wouldn't meet his eye contact, still ashamed of being unable to fight this.

"Well," Breaker continued, "as you may or may not know, there are many magicians around these parts and it seems that capturing dragons comes with more uses than one. Just like these two little jewels here, I captured a dragon who most surprisingly was given an enchanted emerald by his fellow human companion, enchanted with the ability to block ward off many curses as to protect him from anyone who wished to harm him. Of course, the dragon who possessed the jewel had it embedded into his scales on his shoulder to keep it with him always since the magic from these sort of things only works when in close contact with them, but I found a way to... persuade him to give me it, and now... Here it is."

It was then that he turned around, causing Tidko to gasp as he noticed the mentioned emerald formed into his back between his shoulders, Derek glancing up as well, trying to focus on what Breaker was saying in case he could use it against him later. What surprised them most was that around the jewel in the center were three more jewels around it, the colors of blue, red, and violet. Derek could only guess what they were for, but because he had them embedded in his scales he presumed they must be of some sort of importance. They also noticed that the scales around the jewels were scraped and torn, the parts where his scales met the crystals looking damaged and pried as if someone had to tried to rip the crystals out of him.

They only could look for a moment longer before Breaker turned back around, adding, "And so, this jewel protects me from plenty of curses, such as being turned into a female, which is one of the reasons I've thrived for so long. Many have tried to defeat me, but with the powers, I've gathered and harnessed within the crystals, dragons and humans alike find it very challenging to stop me." He then moved closer to them again, holding out a sapphire to each of them before placing one in a small slot in the front of each of their collars, locking it in place as he finished, backing up to watch them with a deep rumble, "I hope this motivates you to submit fully to me. Hehe... I am the master here. You should feel honored that a dragon of my power would even consider fucking the likes of whelplings like you.~"

Just as Derek began to feel some tingling in the back of his legs, Breaker spoke up, growling warningly, "Turn around and present your rears to me, raising your tails high! I want to see those little cocks of yours shrink into dripping cunts for me to breed." Derek bit hard on the gag, both from anger and arousal, knowing there was nothing he could do to stop himself from becoming a female now. 'This is actually happening... Ahh... Shit...' Knowing they'd be punished if they didn't, Derek and Tidko obeyed, turning around with deep blushes as they slowly raised their tails to Breaker, letting him get a full view of their exposed asses and leaking shafts. The two of them let out muffled moans as they looked between their hind legs, watching their precious male bits slowly grow smaller and smaller, their bodies becoming more curvaceous, their muscles they had smoothed out into a more feminine form. Even the tone of their voices suddenly changed as well, making them moan loudly in arousal as they heard a female voice moan back at them in response.

Breaker just lay back on his pile of treasure, watching them both with a sly smile as Tidko's member became the first to shrink and disappear completely, leaving him huffing as he put himself into a breeding position in arousal, feeling his wet nether drip between his legs, his once male self replaced with a fitting female form. Breaker commented, watching him, "Now that's a good kobold. You're meant to serve dragons anyway, so I'm sure you'll be able to take my cock easily.~" The groan of pleasure was enough of an answer, Tidko reaching a paw between her legs to rub at her newly formed slit, pressing a talon in to play with herself. Breaker then spoke up, noticing the green heart on Tidko's right butt cheek, "Aww, and look at that. A little heart on your rear, kobold? Such a pretty girl.~"

Derek was soon to follow, tensing his muscles in humiliation and bliss, loving the thought of being completely helpless as he took a last look at his malehood vanishing into his- no, her now female nether regions, putting her head against the ground in a breeding position as well, finding it very kinky to have her friend seeing her like this as well. She couldn't help but press the end of her purple frilled tail against her cunt, using the frills to rub against it and tease herself, feeling a new pleasurable sensation she'd always dreamt of, realizing that if what Breaker said was true, she'd be used as a toy to take cocks for the rest of her life. 'Ahhh...

This is so wrong... But God I love it.' Breaker growled in delight, standing up and moving towards them as added, "Gooooood girls.~ Look at you both! Those sapphires work fast alright, you both look like you've always been a female. No one would be able to tell the difference, and that's all you are to me now. Cunts for me to dump my cum into, and you're both going to beg for it. I guarantee it.~" He then motioned back to Desterious, taking a claw and rubbing it between each of their pussy lips to get a taste, causing them to shiver in arousal as a surge of pleasure washed over them, listening as their new master spoke, "Take them now to my toy room. Do as I said and bind them up. I'll be with them soon."

Desterious nodded back to him, smiling as his own cock was in full view between his legs, obviously enjoying watching the two dragons be turned into females. It was odd for Derek to look at a cock now and realize she didn't have one anymore. As long as she had this collar on, she never would have one again and neither would Tidko. 'We'll find a way out of this eventually. For now, let's just relax and follow him...' Of course, Tidko couldn't hear what he was thinking, but he knew that if he wanted to think straight, to push his arousal to the side to try and think of an escape plan then he would need to have his worries and fears on the forefront of his mind. Otherwise, his lust might overwhelm any sense of wanting to leave.

When Desterious brought over two long chains and connected them to their collars Derek gave a low growl, a dark rumble sounding from Breaker behind them now, "Don't try and fight him or you will regret it, dragon. I've warned you." With a moan from Tidko and a sigh of defeat from Derek, still trying to keep her composure together despite the collar around her neck, they followed the ice dragon back into the tunnels, the door to where Breaker was slamming shut behind them.


It was only a few minutes before Desterious reached a thick cell door at the end of a maze of winding tunnels, Derek cursing to herself as she still realized she had no better idea how to escape. Tidko seemed to be giving in to her own natural desires already, moaning softly as she felt the collar around her neck, using her tail to rub lightly against her nethers as they paused at the door for a moment. Derek also looked between her legs, raising one, wondering if maybe Tidko was right. Should she embrace it, becoming a female and a toy? She couldn't deny how horny and submissive it made her want to act, but for Tidko's sake, she knew she had to try and resist the waves of heat and pleasure that coursed through her nether regions.

Once Desterious opened the door for them with a key around his wrist he locked it close from the inside, pulling on their leashes as he brought them both around a corner. It was then that both the girls gasped, blushing heavily as they saw what was before them.

It seemed there were 7 dragons in total, mostly male from the look of it, all tied down in various manners with different amounts of bondage. One was pinned against the wall with chains, another wrapped in latex with his ass exposed to the world, and another dragon looking almost like a pony, little mitts around his paws to act like hooves, a leash connecting him to a post. Desterious spoke up as they examined the other toys, "This will be your new home, bitches. Just like them, you'll be tied down and fucked whenever the master pleases. Of course, we'll feed you and such, we wouldn't want you to die. Besides, if any of the dragons here weren't muzzled or gagged like you I'm sure they'd tell you how amazing it felt, completely helpless. The master loves to break in the males, which is why we have so many, but with you two I'm sure he'll be using you both a lot. He's had a thing for pussies recently so I'm sure you'll be getting a lot of attention."

Desterious then took off Tidko's leash and motioned for her to get on the table, straps connected to the side of the table with little loops for her hands and feet. After she got on top and settled on her back, the ice dragon cuffed her with the leather straps, tightening them so she couldn't escape, pulling her tail down into a separate hole at the bottom of the table, presenting her dripping cunny to Derek and to whoever may enter. Then Desterious gave a tug on Derek's collar as she was brought over to a set of rings in the ground, four rings, one for each limb, using long strands of black chains to lock her in place. Desterious hesitated at first, wondering if the once bold drake would try and resist, but it seemed she learned her place, leaning down into a breeding position with a moan, watching as she was chained to the bolts in the floor, her tail raised and put into a loop that connected to her collar. It was then as Desterious stepped back that he chuckled, admiring his work with a rub of his hands. "That's a good fuck toy. Both of you. Look at yourselves. You were once free only a day ago, and now both of you willingly let me tie you down, forcing you into a position to be used as a toy and nothing more. I've captured both of you, your nether regions completely on display for the master to use. So pathetic and humiliating. You should be glad you aren't a real kobold or dragon anymore, that would be a disgrace. The role of a sex toy seems more fitting for both of you since you were so willing to step into the bonds anyway."

Derek couldn't help but huff back in arousal at his words, watching as Desterious walked over to a few other dragons to see how they were doing. Most of the dragons greeted him with whimpers, lifting their tails, making both Tidko and Derek watch as cum dripped out of one male's ass, his belly distended with cum. His cock was dripping much like the other males, all of the dragons needy for pleasure they would never receive. It seemed there were no other kobolds here, and with only one blue scaled female dragon other than them here it was likely Breaker would be using them a lot.

Through all her thought Derek hadn't noticed Breaker walking in through the door with his own key around a paw, eyeing the two of them with a lick of his chops. Desterious gave a nod to him, motioning to both the girls, "I've got them both tied down tightly. Completely submissive and under your control, as you wanted."

"Good." He rumbled, locking his eyes specifically onto Tidko's cunt, smiling, "I think I'm gonna give that kobold a ride. I haven't ever fucked one before, and know how they love to serve dragons, I'm sure he'll enjoy it.~" Derek watched as the big green drake approached her friend, putting his paws onto her hind legs as he then leaned down and gave her nethers a long lick, causing Tidko to shudder and groan in bliss. After tasting her for a few moments he then began to quickly climb over Tidko, leaning down to whisper naughty words into her ears, lashing his tail as he stood above her on the table, nearly three times Tidko's size.

It was then that Derek gasped around the ball gag, looking over her shoulder at Desterious as he placed his hand on her rear, playing with it before leaning down to kiss her ass, causing Derek to blush and moan softly as Desterious spoke, "Well, while Breaker is having fun with your little friend, why don't I give that needy pussy of yours a good fucking as well?" Lucky for Derek, Desterious was about the same size as her, but that didn't stop her from huffing out hotly as Desterious pressed his tongue into Derek's ass, giving it a good rimming before slowly moving down to her cunt. He lapped at her nethers for a few seconds, taking a whiff of her strong feminine scent before slowly climbing over Derek as well, resting his back leg on Derek's hindleg for support and a good angle at her lips. It was then that Breaker's growl distracted her for the moment, causing her to watch as Breaker bit into Tidko's neck, thrusting his barbed cock straight into her small cunny, stopping at the knot, for now, watching Tidko's tongue hang out in pleasure as she adjusted to the size of him.

Desterious then leaned down and growled into Derek's ear, his cold breath sending shivers through her body, pressing his chest against her back as he lay completely on top of her, ready to fuck her whenever he chose, "I bet you're gonna moan like a bitch, rutting you in front of your friend. Once such a strong dragon, now a female, chained and willing to be fucked by a stranger. Such a whore." It was then that Derek gasped as she felt his smooth cock press into her vent, immediately clenching down on it with a moan around her ball gag, earning praise from Desterious as she easily took his whole member inside her, "Good girl. You took that so easily. You're just a natural slut, aren't you?~"

With a growl of approval from Breaker, they both started fucking the two of them, their hot cunts eagerly sucking and milking their rods like natural females. They didn't bother starting slow either, they started at a moderate pace, slapping their hips together as they bit into their female's neck, marking them, spilling their pre into their already slick entrances. Despite Derek trying to hold back the thought that she was enjoying this, it seemed she could hold back her enjoyment no longer, the foreign pleasure and lust she already felt driving her over her barrier. With a muffled purr, she finally let herself go, collapsing beneath him as she moaned loudly around the ball gag with each thrust into her pussy, spikes of pleasure coursing through her loins, causing her legs to shake under the drakes weight. She splayed her wings at her side in submission, humping back as much as she could at his length, wanting to feel it spurt his cream into her and

impregnate her. 'Like the good girl I am... Such a horny slut, eager to please her masters... Such a good sex toy.~'

Breaker continued pounding away at Tidko, already rutting her like a slut at full speed, his balls churning with cum after waiting for a few days so that he could enjoy rutting the new females more the first time. He slapped his tail on Tidko's ass, licking her neck as their hips slapped loudly, lewd squelching coming from their nether regions as Breaker pulled out to the tip and then rammed back into the knot. Tidko moaned loudly, watching the dragon above her while also looking between them to watch Breaker break her in as she lay on her back. Derek then turned her focus back onto the ice dragon fucking her as he increased his pace to full volume, grunting with each thrust as he bit down into Derek's neck, blood pooling around his teeth a bit from the puncture. With a muffled moan from Derek, she closed her eyes, feeling a blossoming orgasm rising, filling her body with feral heat as she slammed her crotch back into his rod, thrusting a few more times before Desterious wrapped his wings around her body with a roar, slamming his knot inside her causing her to yell in pain for a moment, locking them together as the ice dragons fertile seed spurted wave after wave into her vagina, pressing past her cervix.

Not able to hold back anymore, Derek whimpered and moaned loudly around the gag, pulling against her restraints as she clenched around his rod and came all over it, her fluids dripping down her legs along with any of his that dripped out, trailing down her thigh to make a small puddle beneath her groin. Desterious continued biting her through all this, gripping her tightly to claim her as his, for the time being, his cock throbbing as each pulse spilled more and more dragon seed into her womb, impregnating her.

It was only after Derek began to calm down a bit that she noticed Tidko was orgasming as well, Breaker digging his claws into Tidko's rump to mark it, whispering into her ear as he spilled his load inside as well, any extra cum dripping down Tidko's tail and onto the floor beside the table. Derek also moaned as she noticed a huge bulge in the kobold's lower section, the bulge of Breaker's cock easy to make out as his cock was easily about half the size of Tidko. It seemed Derek's friend was alright though, so she laid her head to the side and for the moment just enjoyed the bliss she felt, trying not to think of anything else.

This lasted for a few more moments before both Breaker and Desterious pulled back out, not caring if it hurt to forcefully remove their knots from them. With a thankful sigh Desterious's knot came out easy, but Tidko yelled out as a loud squelch and pop followed, his knot sliding out until he climbed off the table and looked over both of them, Desterious walking to his side. Breaker then spoke, looking at the two females, both lost in their afterglows, "I knew you'd both enjoy it, don't deny it. Your friend loved being rutted too, just as all kobolds do. Such needy sluts. Now you're both going to have eggs, and with some of the magic I have, I could probably make you lay them in only a few days. Wouldn't you both love that?~"

Then with that, both of them chuckling, they exited the room and locked the door, leaving them in their bonds with the other toys as well. Derek glanced over for a moment at Tidko, huffing in exhaustion as she felt the irresistible urge to sleep wash over her, noticing that the kobold was falling asleep as well. With her vision fading and her legs weak, she collapsed onto the floor to sleep, the chains luckily letting her lie down, even if it was a bit uncomfortable. Then, both of them tied and bound, filled with fertile dragon sperm, they fell asleep, the cold stone of the cavern being the only comfort for the future ahead of them.