Crasta - A True Lust Story - Chapter 1(Lion)

Story by Crasta on SoFurry

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Damn the sun was hot. I looked up covering my eyes wishing the sun

would just disappear for 10 minutes. I was dressed light. A white tank

top and some tight white athletic shorts. I thought it would be a nice

morning for a early run, guess I was wrong. Luckily I took precautions

and wasn't wearing any underwear, being sweaty was enough. The last

thing I wanted was a tight string riding up my ass crack and a sticky

bra refusing to give any support at all.

South Africa really can kick your ass if you don't know what you're

doing. Luckily I do, I'm a Cape Lion. Sure there wasn't many of us

left, but that wasn't our fault. It was the damn poachers, but that's

a different story.

I'm at a light jog at this point, on two legs. I just didn't have the

body for dashing on all fours anymore. Most animals walk on two legs

now anyway. Ever since I turned 14 I just lost the light, fit body I

had. Don't get me wrong, I'm strong, I'm just not small anymore. Anyway

I'm on a path I pretty much made myself from jogging the same path

almost every morning and although it's hot as hell it's also pretty

as hell, or I guess I should say heaven. The scorching sun is giving

the plains this golden glow and the nearby water pool is glistening.

This all distracted me so much that I tripped on a small hole in the

ground landing chest first. You haven't felt pain until you've landed

chest first when they take the whole force.

"Fuck!" I yelled as I sat up. "I knew I should of worn that fucking

bra!" my shirt had torn on the rough path I was on and spots of

red were starting to peak under my dark orange fur. "Godammit!"

I took off my torn up top as I sat in the dust cloud I made from my

fall. It started to sting. "Last time I'm going braless... Jesus that

hurts." I thought to myself as I lifted my right boob and began to

lick my wound about two inches above my pale pink nipple.

The sun felt great. It almost calmed my stinging boob. The saliva on

the wound felt cool in the intense heat. I had completely forgot I was

in public and shot my head around looking for anyone. No one. All by

myself. My legs started feeling the aftermath of running 4 miles

straight. My thighs started burning, but it was a soothing burn. I dug

my toes into the dirt and felt the coolness of it. I closed my eyes

and learned back feeling the full effect of the sun. The rug burn had

started to bleed and drip down onto my nipple. The cool blood woke me

of my day dreaming and got me right back to sucking on my boob. I

stood up, picked up my torn shirt and started walking home.

"Hey!" I slammed the door open. "Where are the damn bandaids?" almost

half expecting an answer from someone who wasn't there. I lived alone

and watched a lot of TV, Cape lions were expected to be able to handle

themselves when they turned 13. There really wasn't much to do in the

part of South Africa I lived in. I had no friends at school mainly

because I was the only of my kind. I didn't mind, I didn't care. I

picked up the bandaids and stretched one over my bright pink scar. I

flipped on the TV and fell into the chair. I looked down at myself. I

still had my running cloths on. The torn tank top, the tight shorts. I

had been sweating so much that my nipples were showing through my tank

top. I wondered of anyway saw me walk home. Oh well. I pinched a small

bit of my shorts and lifted them from my fur, it might as well of been

glued to me. I need to stop kidding myself and buy the right size

shorts. I reclined the chair and just stared down my body between my

boobs inspecting every inch of myself completely ignoring the TV. My

abs have really developed. They looked good. Sexy too. My thighs were

big, but muscular. Not too bad I thought, still have some fat to burn

though. More cushin' for the pushin' I though and giggled to myself.

My eyes locked with a dogs on the TV. She almost looked straight into

me and screamed "Fuck Yes! Stuff every inch of my fucking wet tight

pussy!" I almost jumped and scrambled for the remote and muted the TV.

I had forgot to turn off the DVD player and left my porn on. I started

laughing at myself for being so stupid. I was so tired from the

running. I shut off the DVD player, ejected my special movie and

tucked it away under the cushin in my recliner. I stood up and smiled

at my silliness for hiding porn in a house I lived in by myself. The

fatigue hit me real hard and I just wanted to lay down. I grab the

bottom of my tank top with both hands and slowly lifted it off taking

care not to touch my bandaid. I threw it onto the floor thinking to

myself I'll get it later. I stuck my thumbs into the sides of my

shorts and slowly but surely, with quite a bit of effort, lowered my

shorts to my knees and let them drop the rest of the way to the floor.

I stepped out of them and stretched out wide and yawned. The

breeze from the fan had cooled my thighs. I layed down on my left side

and gently found a nice position on my fully reclined arm chair

without hurting my now pulsing wound. The coach pillow will have to do

for now.

A cool spot had struck me right in my lower spine and my groggy eyes

peeked open and saw it was already dark out. Had I really slept all

afternoon? I thought. "God, what a waste of a day." I mumbled to

myself. The cool spot started it's way up my spine and was now right

below my shoulder blades. I also noticed I was sleeping on my chest.

Strange, I don't usually sleep like this I thought. The spot hadn't

really bothered me but it had started getting warm, and I felt like

rolling over, but I felt heavy and unable to turn. I took a deep

breath and fully opened my eyes and looked into the mirror in front of

me. The spot was a dark hand. The dark hand belonged to a Wolf. "What

the fuck!" I tried sitting up but he was stronger than I thought. It

was dark and I couldn't see him clearly. I saw a grin show up on his

face and his bright silver teeth reflected off the street light from

outside. "who the fuck is this? I don't know any wolves." I pondered.

I got a good grip of the arms on my chair and lifted with all my force. No dice.

Just of one his hand was enough. I was a 185 pound, 6' 1'', 17 year

old lion and I couldn't lift myself. "What the fuck do you want you

dick!" I screamed at him. Nothing, he didn't answer. The look he had.

"Don't you fucking dare! I swear to god!" I started to franticly try to

lift up. He held me down with his whole arm leaning onto my back and he

reached lower out of my view in the mirror. "You fucker! I'll kill

you!" I wasn't in the best position to give threats but I wasn't about

to beg to this perverted scumbag. His finger was surprising small. I

felt him slowly and gently rub his finger along the lips of my pussy.

"god dammit you fucking pervert!" I had no power, I could do nothing

but watch my own patheticness in the mirror and see his expressions of

joy hidden in darkness. First, one slipped in. He twisted it slowly,

pulled it out and licked it. "Don't..." His finger slowly went back

in. His second finger joined a few seconds later. He started pumping

them slowly and pressed with all his weight onto my back. "Fuck! Stop!

You're crushing my back!" he pressed harder. He pulled his fingers out

and grabbed my hair and pulled back. He leaned his head in and licked my neck

slowly leaving a wet spot in my fur. He let go and my head flung

forward. I was crying now. "Please, don't do this to me. What have I

done?". As if to taste me he licked from the back of my neck down to

my tail. "Please... You were watching me run, weren't you?" I saw him

stare me in the eyes in the mirror and with one last grin it started.

Without warning he jammed all four of his fingers so far up my tight

and now wet pussy I could help but scream. It was so painful. He

violently jabbed in and out as fast as he could. He turned his hand

sideways and pushed with his full fist but couldn't get past his

knuckles. "Oh fuck! Please! Fuck! It hurts so fucking bad! I'm going

to tear open! Please!". I Started balling. It was so much intense

pain and he pushed with all the might that could hold me down now into

my stretched pussy. His fist was completely in. He lifted himself off

my back now knowing he had control of me. I couldn't move. I didn't

have the strength. He had, in 3 minutes, completely burned me out.

Pulling hard and fast he pull his hand out. His held up his hand and

spread his fingers. My juices strung together between his fingers and

his hand was completely drenched. His grabbed my lower tail with his hand and

I felt my own vaginal juices drip down my tail and down over my

asshole. He lifted up and thrusted. It was huge. Bigger than his fist.

It didn't fit all the way in at first. I had already lost of voice

screaming in pain. The second push forced it so far into me I felt

my stomach turn. He moved it around inside me almost as if taunting

me of what was to come. Like a Jack hammer giving short, slowly,

powerful thrusts he pounded my pussy so hard my thighs had started to

go numb. He sped up quickly, an hour in he even started to look visibly

tired because he was going so fast. I looked into the mirror and saw a

sweat drenched, half alive, version of myself I have never seen before. His pulled my tail back toward his dick and pounded harder. My ass was now burning bright red. My pussy drenched in pussy juice. My

hands tearing away at my arm chair. My boobs pressed hard rubbing

violently against the chair. My hair a complete mess. My fur all

frizzled and drenched in sweat. I heard a noise. A light, almost high

picture moan come from the wolf. He sped up faster than ever before. He

stuffed a thumb in my ass hole and clinched. He pressed my head hard

into the pillow. I forced my eyes closed and clinched my teeth. The

pain was back and even the numbness wasn't hiding the intense force he

was putting out. He started moaning. Quietly at first, but later

loudly and very gently. It didn't fit him at all, it sounded light and

full of true pleasure. Not violent or low pitched. No cursing. Just

this gentle but firm and loud moaning. With one last forceful stab he

pushed every inch of his dick and knot so far up I thought I was going

to puke. It fired without warning. It shot deep and pierced me in

every inch of space I had. It instantly felt hot, steaming, and powerful. I

felt it reach the very inners of me, It then became too much. And

starting forcing itself back. There wasn't enough of me for all of

it. Almost fighting for me it pushed him out of me so fast that I felt

it shoot out of me and then stream out. The warmth soothed all my

pain. I felt so full, too full. He backed up into the dark panting

loudly and leaned back on the wall admiring his master piece. For the

first time I was able to turn and lock eyes with my "enemy". There was

now enough light coming in through the window to clearly see. It had

taken a fully 7 hours of nonstop pounding, pulling, jabbing, stabbing,

slapping, clawing, squeezing, and spanking to get him off. He locked eyes with

me. Only he, was a She. She had a fully figured body with perfect

breasts. Curves you only see on fake bodies. And ass like heaven

itself. Eyes that pierced like a knife, bright ice blue. Dark black

fur smooth and now shinning from all the sweat of the past hours. Her

tongue hug low out of her mouth as he panted heavily. She broke and

smile and winked. I was speechless. I could hardly lift myself with

my arm. I looked down and I saw a limp, pulsing dick like none other.

Still veins pressed out and knot fully revealed. A thick line of still

warm sticky cum still stretched a few inches between the tip of his

dick and my warn out pussy. I looked down at myself. My bandaid was

gone. So was my cut. I looked back up at her. It's her. She was the one who looked me

in the eyes and said to me "Stuff every inch of my fucking wet pussy." How in the world did she get here?

Staring her in the eyes for so long kept me from noticing that her

dick and become fully erect again and he had stopped panting. She Grabbed

my tail, lifted high, threw my head down again, widened my pussy with

one hand, and threw herself at me once again.

I jumped up, fell to the floor. Grabbed my right boob in pain just to

cause it too sting more. I stumbled to my feet and backed into

the mirror breathing heavily and sweating. It was still morning. I

felt just slightly tired. I grabbed my crouch. It felt fine, still

clean and well kept like I always keep it. It was all a nightmare?

Everything. The image of myself in the mirror was burned into my mind,

I couldn't stop thinking about that look. That will NEVER happen to me I thought to myself, but the more I thought about it, the more it seemed like a dream.

A Large Coffee With Two Sugars and Lots of Cream

The following was a story about Crema, an Abyssinian cat but unlike her brighter, orange/red counter parts her count is dull and dark. I wrote this in a diary format and actually wrote the story after drawing a picture, a link to the picture will be...

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