Crasta - A True Lust Story - Chapter 1(Lion)

Damn the sun was hot. I looked up covering my eyes wishing the sun would just disappear for 10 minutes. I was dressed light. A white tank top and some tight white athletic shorts. I thought it would be a nice morning for a...

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A Tale of Two Tails

A Story Requested by Mystery-Guy Scene 1 A warm day was usually welcomed in the forests but lately the village hadn't seen enough rain. Pocahontas was...

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A Large Coffee With Two Sugars and Lots of Cream

The following was a story about Crema, an Abyssinian cat but unlike her brighter, orange/red counter parts her count is dull and dark. I wrote this in a diary format and actually wrote the story after drawing a picture, a link to the picture will be...

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Drennak - Part 1 (M/M/F, Non-con)

Her eyes slowly blinked open. They felt heavy and tired. Her piercing green eyes lazily looked around the dark unfamiliar room. The dragoness sat up from the bed, pushing aside the sheets. She laid back down on her side, unwilling to get out of bed...

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