Grocery Dragons

Story by Duo the Raven on SoFurry

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#6 of Vore Stuff

Kind of a reversal of my other stuff. Gryphons eating dragons instead of the other way around. Perhaps one of these days I will move on to some other species.

Sorry for the wait. I had some life changes, and it was difficult for me to get back to writing afterward. Hopefully I won't take so long for the next one.

This story contains the following things that many viewers may find disturbing: Cooking, death, fear, hard vore, digestion, stuffing, and a tad of incest.

Like always, if you don't like those sorts of things then this isn't meant for you. Go read something that is more to your taste instead.

If you do enjoy it, let me know what you liked! And what I could do better, since I am always looking for such feedback.

All depicted characters are full adults.

Luriv looks around the new space with wonder, forepaws on the edge of his glass enclosure and tail twitching behind him. The small dragon has heard stories of what it is supposed to be like once someone is chosen, but they were nothing like the truth. How could they be, when nobody ever returns to tell of the wonders?

There are much larger dragons walking around, along with so many other creatures. He recognizes some of them from his classes, but others he has no idea what they are. All of them are looking at items he has never seen before on shelves and in tubs. Some are with families, and others are alone.

He looks next to him, where his sister Raef is also staring out with the same wonder. Her scales are the same red as his own, with the same black markings. He is very happy that they were chosen together, and even given the same enclosure while they wait for someone to pick them to take home. There are other small dragons like themselves in similar open glass boxes next to them, all in a line, and all seeming to be just as fascinated at this place they find themselves in.

A huge blue dragon comes and walks along the line, looking into the enclosures. Occasionally he reaches in and feels the occupants, producing some happy giggles and squeals from the dragons as they are poked and squeezed. Luriv feels a little sad when the big male passes over him and his sister with just a glance, moving on to the green female in the spot next to them.

Eventually the blue dragon talks to the gold gryphon standing behind the line of small dragons, pointing to the green female. Luriv can't understand the words, but he has seen this happen a few times today so he isn't surprised when the female is picked up by the gryphon and placed in a smaller cardboard box, to be handed to the big dragon and carried off in a cart.

Soon a new small dragon is placed in the vacated spot, also looking fascinated by the experience. Probably newly chosen, just like Luriv and Raef were when they arrived here. One second you are doing your usual activities, the next you vanish to somewhere else. It is said to be the perfect place, where someone picks you and takes care of you forever. The great reward everyone wants for their lives, which they work for every day.

Luriv lays back and feels over himself, remembering all the special oils and lotions, all the exercises, and everything else he has done to bring himself to this point. Every day he was given a list and supplies, and he followed through to make himself ready. All the hard work, and finally it has paid off.

His posture seems to have attracted some attention, because when he looks up there is an orange-feathered gryphon looking down at him. It reaches down with a foreclaw and feels over his belly, making him giggle and squirm a bit at the sensation. The digits move down his body, rubbing between his hind legs at his sheath. It doesn't take long for his length to emerge and grow, and soon he is fully hard with his cock hanging proudly over him.

The length gets a few squeezes of its own, and then the gryphon turns its attention away from him and to his sister, who also gets her belly felt over. Luriv shivers a bit as he is left there, feeling needy, then turns to look over at Raef to distract himself. He sees a digit pressed into her slit, seeming to be testing her insides. After a moment it pulls out of her and moves lower, pressing into her anus. She has stretched herself there, so the talon slides in fairly easily, making her squirm a bit from how it feels.

The orange gryphon seems pleased with the results of its exploration, and moves to talk to the other gryphon behind the line. A few words are exchanged, and then Luriv and his sister are each picked up and placed next to each other in a box much like the other female was taken away in before. They are both grinning as the lid closes on them, shutting out the light.

The space is rather tight, and the siblings end up rather tangled with each other as the box gets picked up and moved around without any care for how the contents are oriented. It is completely dark, so they have no idea what is going on outside, but they don't care. They got picked, and are going to the new wondrous place they will live the rest of their lives!

It is impossible for them to tell how long it takes, but eventually the motions stop and don't start again. Luriv and Raef slowly get disentangled from each other, sitting side by side and waiting eagerly.

Suddenly the lid opens and a foreclaw reaches in and grabs Raef. The box shuts again quickly, and Luriv hears his sister give an indignant squeak as something happens to her. He can't tell what is happening, but clearly she isn't enjoying it at all. He tries to scratch and bite his way out to help her, but his blunt claws and teeth don't do anything to the substance of the box.

Then the foreclaw reaches in for him as well. The sudden light hurts his eyes, but he quickly sees Raef on a ceramic surface, tied up so she can't move. He finds himself flipped around, and a cord is wrapped around his hind paws with practiced speed, tying them together. He looks to see the gryphon that picked them, seeming to be intent on its work as it binds him up too.

Soon he is also unable to move, with even his tail and head bound to his paws, and his wings bound to his sides. He is dumped unceremoniously next to his sister, and left to squirm futilely as the gryphon goes on to something else. He can see the rest of the space from his position. It is large, with several surfaces just like the one he is on, and many devices he can't tell the purpose of.

This clearly isn't anything like what is supposed to happen. And yet the gryphon seems unconcerned by this, as though everything is just normal for it. Some part of Luriv keeps hoping that this is just a dream, or a mistake, or something. Anything to deny the growing conclusion that he has been lied to his whole life.

He doesn't wake up though, and soon the gryphon returns. It picks up Raef, carrying her over to a flat metal pan. The bird's body obscures what it is doing, but from the sound Luriv can tell that his sister is struggling for all she is worth against it. That doesn't seem to be of any use though, as she is so much smaller and weaker.

The gryphon finishes, and turns around to grab the little male as well. As he is carried over he can see that Raef is tied down to the metal, laying on her back with her underside all exposed. He can see her slit and anus clearly, and she looks to be furious at the treatment.

The gryphon doesn't redo the little male's bindings like that though. Instead it reaches with a foreclaw for his sheath, rubbing him there quite deliberately. Despite the situation his body is quick to respond, his tip emerging in seconds and his length following shortly after.

Luriv is held in the air over his sister as the gryphon begins to stroke his cock, going quickly. It is like the bird knows just what it is doing, and he quickly feels his pleasure rising with the attention. He only lasts a few minutes before he shivers with his climax, the gryphon directing his seed to spurt down across his sibling's belly.

Before he can recover the dragon is dropped over next to the pan, squeaking with the pain. As he tries to catch his breath he can see the gryphon rubbing his cum into Raef's scales, coating her belly in the thick fluid.

Once the gryphon is satisfied with its work, it turns its attention back to Luriv. He finds himself picked up once again, and carried over to the other end of the surface from Raef. There is a tank of clear liquid there, just big enough for him. The bindings holding his head in place are cut free, but before he can do more than just wiggle a bit his neck is grabbed and shoved into a padded collar above one end of the tank, while his body is dunked into the liquid.

Almost immediately his scales start to itch all over, and he squirms as he tries to escape the sensation. But with his limbs still bound, and his head held in place just above the cold fluid, there isn't anything he can do.

As the itching continues to increase he can see the gryphon moving back over to his sister. Through chance, or perhaps intentional sadism, his head is held in a position that gives him an excellent view of the rest of the room. So he can't help but watch as the orange bird grabs a bowl, and starts shoving the contents of it into the female dragon's pussy.

Raef squirms as much as her bindings allow, a scream audible from her despite her bound shut mouth. The gryphon's foreclaw shoves deep within her, obviously stretching her far beyond what her body is comfortable with. It doesn't take many handfuls of the dry stuffing to fill her, but even that leaves her with a visible bulge. A purple fruit of some kind is shoved in last, sealing it all inside. Her visible netherlips are red and inflamed from the treatment, and tears run down her face as the little dragoness cries.

The gryphon doesn't give her any chance to recover though, as it quickly moves to grab a bag with a nozzle attached to it. The metal end is pressed into Raef's tailhole, and the bag is squeezed. The female squirms more as the contents flow into her, seeming to once again be far too much for her to handle. It doesn't stop until the bag is empty though, and a smaller fruit is again used to seal the stuffing inside.

By this point the itching of Luriv's scales is beginning to fade, and he has more attention to spare to be concerned about what is happening to his sister. He trembles and growls with anger through his tied shut mouth at what is happening, but can't do anything to free himself as the gryphon takes a brush and starts coating Raef in a sticky sweet smelling liquid.

The gryphon continues to work for a few minutes, adding some extra ingredients, then it turns around and opens up what looks to Luriv to be a cabinet. When he feels the heat that comes from it though, he can tell it is no ordinary cabinet like he is used to. He struggles more as the gryphon picks up the pan with his sister on it, and slides it into the hot space. Then the bird shuts the door, and walks off somewhere else in the house without a glance back.

Luriv can hear the muffled sounds of his sister's struggles for a while, and then they slowly fall silent. He growls and tries to get free at first, but then just starts crying. It is a long time before the gryphon returns, and by that point the small dragon is just hanging limp in his tank, not having the will to do anything anymore.

It pokes him when it sees him there motionless, and gives a satisfied nod when he twitches in response. It retrieves a plate and what looks like a bowl, then pulls Luriv's neck out of the collar keeping his head above the tank. It carries him over to the sink, and quickly runs some warm water over him, rinsing off the remains of the liquid he was soaking in.

He is still rather unmoving during the whole thing, and doesn't even attempt to get away when the string holding his limbs in place is cut and he is unbound. He is placed on the plate, then the gryphon covers him with the bowl quickly, as though he might suddenly decide to try to escape. He is left in darkness as the cover surrounds him, just laying there.

The wait is long enough that he actually starts to recover some, and makes an attempt to move the cover. It is heavy though, or possibly locked in place, and he can't make it budge. It is much like being in the box before, only without Raef there with him, and with a much colder ceramic surface rather than the cardboard.

Then he falls over as the plate moves beneath him. He is being carried, and he is pretty sure he won't like what is waiting for him afterward. Is this what his parents went through? What his other siblings and all his friends have in their future?

He is set down, and he can hear voices from outside of the enclosure. It sounds like the gryphon and someone else he hasn't heard before. He hears the cover shifting, and then suddenly he is blinded by the returned light as the lid is removed from around him.

Before he can even think about trying to run he is grabbed by a gryphon's foreclaw. As squints up he can see an entirely different gryphon from before is holding him, since it has grey feathers. It lifts him up, and he squeals as he sees its beak opening beneath him, before he is lowered down inside tail first.

Luriv squeaks and struggles as the grey gryphon's tongue works all over him, tasting his body as its beak holds him in place. His head and forelegs are still free, but he is unable to overpower the grip on him. However he can see the orange gryphon sitting across a table from where he is, with something in front of it.

The small dragon gives a more shocked squeak as he realizes that Raef is there in front of the orange gryphon, or at least her body is. She has changed color, and is quite clearly dead. As he watches the gryphon brings its beak down to his sister's belly, ripping into her and tearing off some flesh.

He doesn't have any time to see any more though, as the grey gryphon decides now is a good time to tilt its head back. He feels himself start to slide backward, and squeals as he can't do anything to prevent it. Soon the beak closes over him, cutting out his view of the light for the last time.

He doesn't have far to go before he is deposited in a small chamber, barely big enough for him. He can barely breathe, but as he starts to feel a burning sensation along his scales he still finds the energy to struggle and squirm, trying instinctually to do anything to escape. He fails though, and only manages to spread the burning further along his body.

He doesn't last long, as the low oxygen levels combined with the blood loss as his skin starts dissolving off take their toll. His last desperate squirms come when it gets in his eyes, bringing a little bit of life back to him for a few seconds.

Eventually though he falls still for the last time, slowly being reduced to nothing more than food for the gryphon.