Mama Wolf

Story by RobertDayson on SoFurry

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Another commission for internmatt, based off a picture by Were-World. This is far and away the most popular story I've ever done on DeviantArt, yet it somehow never made the transition over to FurAffinity... strange. Anyway, it involves a regular suburban mom turning into a bloodthirsty werewolf, which I thought was a pretty interesting concept. Hopefully you enjoy it as much as the people on DA did!

Diana's eyes suddenly shot open. She sat up in bed, quickly turning her head to glance at her bedside clock. 11:30. It had been half an hour since she had turned in for the night, and yet she still couldn't get to sleep. It was really unusual, too; she had never had trouble sleeping in the past, yet all of a sudden here she was, barely able to even keep her eyes closed. She'd been feeling really itchy lately, too, and she couldn't help lifting her hand to scratch at her face for a bit. Her mind was racing, her face was itchy, her body was full of energy... why was she like this? What was happening to her?

"Still awake, huh?" Turning over next to her was her husband, John. He sat up as well, putting his arm around her. "Can't get to sleep?"

Diana nodded. "I... don't understand it," she said. "I don't even feel tired... in fact, I feel like I just drank a gallon of coffee!" She lowered her head, giving her face another scratch. "This is ridiculous... I need to sleep, so why am I suddenly wide awake? It doesn't make any sense!"

"Well... if you don't mind me saying, you have been a little restless lately," replied John, chuckling. "I mean, you're always so full of energy when you get up in the morning... how long has it been since you last had any kind of coffee, anyway?"

"Um... two weeks, I think," said Diana. "It's so weird... it's like I don't even need it anymore. I mean, it's great during the morning, but right now..." She sighed. "I hate not being able to get to sleep. It stresses me out so much!"

"Yeah... I don't think I've ever seen you like this before, either," said John. "Hell, remember that camping trip we went on about a month ago? I remember literally having to drag you out of bed every morning!"

Diana smiled. "Yeah..." she said, her hand involuntarily moving towards her right thigh. "I remember that trip well..."

"That cut still bothering you?" asked John, leaning over to look at Diana's leg. "Huh... that's really weird. You would think it would have healed after a month, and yet... there it is."

"Yeah... I don't even remember how it happened..." said Diana. "I think I left the campsite to find a bathroom, and as I was walking back... something jumped out at me and knocked me over." She shook her head. "I don't even remember what it was... I think it vanished before I got a good look at it. Whatever it was, it nicked me good in the leg." She continued rubbing the spot with her hand. "Those were some sharp claws..."

"Yeah, I remember hearing you yelling from the campfire," said John. "Jake and I were running over, you were bleeding like crazy... I had to run back to the campfire for the first aid kit!"

Diana simply chuckled. "I don't think Jake could look away!" she said, remembering how her ten-year-old son had reacted to seeing the bite. "He was terrified! I can't blame him, though. Seeing all that blood coming from his mom... I'd have been terrified too, if it had been me."

"But hey, we got you patched up, didn't we?" said John. "A few bandages and everything was okay! And I'm sure you're feeling better now, right? It's not still bothering you, is it?"

"Well... no," said Diana. "But... ever since that camping trip, I've been feeling... I don't know, really weird." She lowered her head. "It's not just the whole energy thing, either. It's like... I don't really know how to describe it, but... it's like I've been craving the outdoors."

John frowned. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well... sometimes I look out the window, into the woods behind our house, and... I just want to out there," replied Diana. "I want to be running through the woods, my only worry being what kind of animal to hunt..."

"Hunt?" said John. "Since when are you interested in hunting? You normally hate being outside! Have you even held a gun before?"

"Not with a gun!" cried Diana. "I mean... with my bare hands. Running after them, pouncing on them, killing them... that's what I want." She shook her head. "I don't know what's going on with me. I even went outside the other day, and my shoes just felt so... uncomfortable. So I took them off, and... I don't know why, but feeling the ground under my bare feet just felt so good and natural. The moment I felt it, I just wanted to run... run until I found something to chase, to kill..." She covered her face with her hands. "God, what the hell is wrong with me? I sound like some kind of crazed animal..."

"Um..." John just stared, not really sure how to react. "You... may want to start seeing someone. That's all I'm going to say." He laid down, resting his head on his pillow. "Anyway, I really need to get to sleep. We can talk more about this in the morning."

"Well, I still can't get to sleep," muttered Diana, throwing the covers off her body. "I'm going to go downstairs for a little bit, okay? I'll come back up in a little bit."

"Okay," said John as Diana stood up. "Just don't make too much noise, okay? I don't want Jake to wake up."

"Okay, fine," said Diana as she exited the room. She slowly made her way down the stairs, being careful not to make too much noise. As she made it to the bottom and turned on the light, her eyes fell upon the picture hanging in the back of the family room. There they were, the three of them: Diana, John, and their son Jake, out on their camping trip, happily standing together. Just seeing it made Diana think of that night all over again... how she'd been knocked over, how she'd felt the claws dig into her leg, how she still had no idea what that creature even was.

As those thoughts ran through her head, she found herself looking up at the window next to the picture. The forest seemed brighter than usual tonight, illuminated by the full moon in the sky... the same one that had been there the night she was attacked. As she looked out into the night, she began feeling those strange urges again... the same ones that she'd been feeling since getting home from the camping trip. Urges to leave the house, to run through the woods outside... to hunt for food, to kill and eat... that was what she wanted. She could almost feel her stomach growl in anticipation...

She quickly shook her head, breaking out of her trance. What the hell was wrong with her? Was she seriously just thinking about killing and eating an animal? "Maybe I do need to start seeing someone..." she muttered to herself. "This is getting super weird..." She quickly turned away from the window, noticing the TV in the front of the room. Maybe that was what she needed to take her mind off of everything.

She sat down on the couch, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on. As the set flickered to life, she sighed, absentmindedly scratching another itch on her leg. Hold on... had her leg always had this much hair on it? "I must have forgotten to shave..." she muttered. "Maybe I really am starting to lose it, if I'm forgetting simple stuff like that..." She looked down at her feet as well, noticing that her toenails looked slightly off as well. They looked a bit darker and sharper than normal, almost like... claws. She rubbed her feet together, noticing that the bottoms felt rougher as well... almost like something was growing on them. "That's... a little weird," she said. "Ugh... this must really be getting to my head if I'm imagining stuff like that..."

She went back to staring at her TV, noticing that the picture quality seemed much better than it had before.... yet the colors seemed to be diming, becoming less and less vibrant. "Huh..." She blinked a few times, wondering what had led to the sudden change in clarity. It was starting to sound better, too, every word becoming more and more clear. The sound of a twig snapping from outside startled her into looking towards the window again... and that's when she noticed that it wasn't just the TV. EVERYTHING was looking sharper, more detailed, less colorful, and... wait, how had she even heard that twig snap? The window was closed! As her senses continued getting sharper, she suddenly felt something growing within her... something primal, an urge that she had to release! She quickly lifted her head to the sky, letting out a short howl... only to immediately slap her hand over her mouth. What the hell was going on! Why had she done that?

"I... I must be losing my mind..." said Diana. She noticed that the itchiness she had felt earlier was starting to return, this time spreading to her ears, chest, face, and arms. "Ugh..." she muttered, reaching over to scratch her arm. "I really need to- OW! What the hell..." She looked over at her arm, noticing that it too was becoming hairier... almost as hairy as her legs. But that wasn't what really caught her attention. What caught her attention was her fingernails: the long, black, sharp things at the ends of her fingers. They looked just like claws... and given the pain she had felt trying to scratch herself, she knew they were real. "W-what the..." She looked back down at her feet, noticing that they looked much longer than they had been before. Her toenails were much larger as well, not to mention darker and sharper! "Oh God!"

She looked back over at her arms, watching in horror as the dark fur began spreading across them. Her hands began pulsing and throbbing as it enveloped them, growing and swelling until they were almost twice their regular size! It wasn't just her hands, though; every single part of her body seemed to be getting bigger! She stood up and looked down at her growing body, her nightshirt looking like it was about to be torn apart. "Help me! Someone, help m-"

She suddenly stopped screaming. Something around her felt... different. She frowned, sniffing the air for a bit. What was that smell? She looked around, sniffing some more until... there! The window! She quickly walked over to it, hooking her claws underneath the ledge and opening it up with almost no effort. Immediately, it hit her: the strong scent of something nearby, some kind of large animal! It smelled like... a deer? Immediately, the primal urges she had been feeling overtook her again... the urges to run, to hunt, to kill. This time, they were too strong to resist.

Immediately, Diana began crawling through the window, carefully maneuvering her still-growing body through the opening. The moment she was through, her nightshirt finally gave way, tearing apart as her large, fur-covered body was exposed to the moonlight. It felt so good, not having to be constricted by that piece of cloth anymore! She lifted her head, the scent of the large animal still flooding her larger, darker nose. Her large, pointy ears began twitching, picking up the sounds of movement in the woods. There! She could hear it... something large, moving through the woods. That was her target. She took off running, moving quickly towards it.

She entered the woods, the ground below feeling rather uncomfortable underneath her bare feet. But that was about to change, as her feet were already starting to grow even larger to match the rest of her body. As the fur spread across them, her toes began merging and thickening, growing larger along with her feet. Pads were also starting to form on the bottoms, protecting her feet and making walking far more comfortable. As her feet grew larger and larger, she suddenly noticed her heels lifting up, her stance shifting to the balls of her feet. But she didn't mind... in fact, she welcomed the change. Not only was it more comfortable, it felt far more... natural. It made her feel more at home in the woods, and she could only grin as she continued to run on her new paws.

There! She saw it! Right over there, just past a couple of trees, was the deer that she'd been hunting. Just a few more steps and she would finally catch it! But before she could get close, the deer suddenly lifted its head, looked at her... and started running away. "Dammit!" yelled Diana, growling. "Get back here!" She immediately took off, running after the deer with all of her strength. She would never have been able to keep up had she still been fully human, but the continuing changes ensure that that wouldn't be a problem. As the black fur fully spread across her legs, she felt herself getting faster and faster, the muscles in her legs growing and swelling to help her in her task. Larger and larger her legs grew, as if they had noticed the how large the rest of her body was and decided that they needed to catch up. As if that wasn't enough, her spine was slowly beginning to extend, causing a small tail to start forming at her backside. But like the rest of her body, her tail just kept growing larger and larger... until it finally broke right through the back of her shorts. As it did, her enlarging legs finally tore through what was left of them, leaving her completely naked... and completely free.

Faster and faster she ran, the new strength flowing through her legs allowing her to easily keep up with the deer. With a single bound, she finally managed to leap right onto it. Panicked, the deer tried to shake her off, but her new wolfish strength ensured that her grip on it remained strong. All she needed was a way to kill it quickly... and that was when the final changes began. Her fur-covered face began to push out, growing larger and longer with every second. The inside of her mouth was also changing, rows of deadly, razor-sharp fangs replacing her useless human teeth. Her hair began falling out, as more fur grew in to replace it. With a triumphant roar, she bared her new fangs... and immediately sank them into the deer's neck. Weakly, the deer cried out before falling to the ground, dead.

The deed done, Diana quickly leapt to the ground, landing easily on her paws, raised her head to the air... and let out a long, loud howl. The sound echoed through the forest, signaling to all its inhabitants who its new queen was. It was Diana... once a normal middle-aged mom, now a massive, 8-foot tall werewolf! As soon as her howl was finished, she bent down and sank her teeth into the deer, hastily devouring it. Blood spattered onto her black fur, but she didn't care. She was hungry, and that deer smelled and tasted better than any food she had ever eaten in her life! She didn't care that she wasn't even human anymore. She didn't care that she had a family back home, or that she was staying out all night, away from them. This was who she was now. And she loved it.

Suddenly, she raised her head again. She sniffed the air a few more times, her ears twitching to pick up the sounds of... there! There was another one... another deer, just beyond those trees! The thought of chasing after another deer, experiencing the thrill of attacking and killing it, having another meal... it excited Diana like nothing else ever had. She immediately started running after it, in pursuit of her prey once again.

Diana's eyes suddenly shot open. She quickly sat up once again, noticing that she was in... the woods? How did she get here? She looked around, her eyes falling onto the deer carcass next to her. Wait, WHAT? Terrified, she quickly jumped up, only to look down at her own body as she did; her completely naked body, covered in dirt and BLOOD! She opened her mouth to scream, but before she could make a sound, a memory suddenly came back to her... a memory of chasing that very deer down, in a body that wasn't her own. Instantly, memories of the previous night flooded her head... memories of herself changing, going out into the woods, chasing, killing, eating... she remembered it all. Even worse, she remembered how she felt as she was doing those things: alive, powerful, free. The thought of running through the woods as some kind of horrible wolf-monster terrified her now... but even more terrifying to her was how much she had enjoyed it. The mere thought that she could feel so good doing such awful things... it absolutely sickened her.

She looked up at the sky, noticing the sunrise in the distance. "Must be early morning... OH CRAP!" she cried. John and Jake! They had probably woken up by now, and they had no clue where she was! Who knew what they would do when they found out she wasn't in the house? She had to get back there, fast! Only... she was still naked, not to mention still covered in dirt and blood! She looked down at herself for a moment, before quickly running in the direction of her house. It didn't matter how she looked... all that mattered was that she got back home as soon as possible, so that her family knew that she was okay. Maybe if she was lucky, she could sneak into the shower without them noticing.

She kept on running, the rocks below feeling sharp and uncomfortable on her feet. It was too bad she hadn't kept her paws... no! She couldn't think like that! She didn't want to think about becoming that... that monster! She just wanted to get home! She ran and ran, until she reached the edge of the woods... right where her house was. But just as she was about to step into her yard, she suddenly heard voices... ones belonging to John and Jake! Immediately, she ducked back into the woods, trying to hide herself from them.

"Alright, Jake," said John, walking him out into the road. "You need to get to school now, okay? Don't worry about your mother... I'll find out what happened to her, okay?"

"O-okay..." said Jake, fear evident in his voice. Even from her hiding spot, Diana could tell that Jake was worried sick about her, but she didn't dare show herself to him. After all, if he saw her like this... she could only imagine how scarring it would be for him.

"Have fun!" yelled John as Jake walked up the road, heading for the bus stop. Was this her chance? In trying to decide what to do, Diana took a step... and accidentally stepped on a twig.

"Huh?" Immediately, John spun around. "Who's there?" Diana quickly tried to hide herself, but it was too late; he immediately recognized her face poking out from the trees. "D...Diana?" he said, walking over towards her. "What are you doing in the- OH GOD!"

Realizing that there was no point in hiding, Diana fully revealed herself to John... blood-covered body and all. "H-hey..." she said nervously. "S-sorry for running away like that..."

"Are... are you okay?" asked John, completely in shock. "Where are your clothes? Why are you covered in blood?"

"Well... it's a bit of a... long story..." said Diana, stammering a bit. "I... I think I might be a werewolf."

John blinked. "A... what?" he said.

Diana shook her head. "I was watching TV downstairs, and I just started changing all of a sudden... I was growing fur, claws, my senses were sharpening... and the next thing I knew, I was outside, chasing deer... killing and eating them..." She lowered her head, tears rolling down her face. "I'm scared, John... I'm so scared of myself..."

"You... became a werewolf." For a moment, John just stared at her. Then he looked down, frowning suddenly. "...Is that why your feet look like that?"

"My... what?" Diana looked down, before immediately gasping in shock. Her feet, while mostly human-like, were still much larger than normal, and the black fur still covered them almost entirely. Her toenails were also still long and sharp, like the claws she had possessed in her werewolf form. But as the two of them watched, her feet began to slowly return to normal; the black fur receded, the claws shrank into normal toenails, and her feet shortened to their normal length. Before long, they had completely returned to normal.

"Wow..." John simply looked shocked. "That's... not normal."

"You believe me, right?" asked Diana frantically. "I mean... you saw that, right? That's proof enough for you... right?"

John slowly nodded. "...Yeah. It is." He looked up at her face, noticing her panicked expression. "Are... are you okay? I mean... how are you feeling right now?"

"I don't know!" Tears were starting to run down down Diana's face again. "I don't know how to deal with this... I'm so scared..."

"Okay, okay. It's fine. You'll be fine," said John, walking up to Diana and putting his arm around her. "Come on, let's get back inside. We can figure out what to do from there."

"Okay..." said Diana quietly, as she started to walk back to the house with John. But as they were about to go inside, she suddenly noticed something beneath the window... the same one she had climbed out of as she was transforming. "Hold on..." she said, leaving John's side and running over to it. "I think... I think that's the shirt I was wearing!"

"Really?" John quickly ran over to the window, bending down next to his wife. "Huh... I didn't even notice that earlier. Although... it doesn't really look like a shirt anymore, does it?"

"Well... not really, no." Having been torn apart by Diana's transforming body, the scraps of cloth only vaguely resembled something a person would wear. "I guess I'm never putting this on again..." muttered Diana, trying to hold it up to her body to see if it would somehow still fit her. "Dammit... I really liked that shirt!"

"Well, we can always buy you a new one," said John, taking Diana's hand. "Now, we really should get inside. We don't want the neighbors staring at us."

Diana sighed. "Okay..." she said, letting John lead her into the house. "I really hope we can figure out what to do about this..."

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