The Neo's Alpha Project Part Two

Story by wolf421 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Neo's

The Neo's Alpha Project

Chapter Two

By: Wolf421

Edited By: Lady Shandi Dracul

How do you sit down to write a story, one that was never meant to be written; do you start at the beginning the middle or the end. Obviously the story has already happened; otherwise I wouldn't be here to write it down. Well here's that story.

"Mrs. Jackson, this package just arrived for you." Tina my assistant said startling me out of my revere bringing a box into my office.

"Thanks Tina, just set it down over there and I'll look at it later." I replied turning back to the holo screen in front of me.

"Mr. Watson has called down five times in the last hour for a status report on that story you're working on. If you ask me he's getting real antsy about it." Tina said as she placed the box on the edge of my circular desk.

"Well he can wait, it's not like my story is going to win any prizes, especially after he tanked my story on the alpha's three months ago. He'll just edit it again to where it will be more meaningless dribble to the masses." I replied somewhat bitter tone in my voice.

"If you ask me it was fleet that got your story tanked, they didn't want the real truth to get out about the neo-alpha project. Too much bad publicity for them to deal with, especially with it coming out that the original alphas were all criminals of some sort. Personally I think fleet has Mr. Watson scared to publish the truth and has him looking over your stories with a fine toothed comb." Tina said taking a seat in the chair in front of the desk.

"If what you're getting at is true, then there's a lot more going on at fleet than they want the public to know about. This would mean that my story made somebody very nervous; so nervous that they had my story butchered to discredit me." I said taking a look out the window as a shuttle went drifting by against the star filled blackness of space.

"That would explain why all the sudden you're getting sent to do stories on stuff like the water treatment plant or some kid winning some award; useless stories to keep you busy while they cover something up encase you come looking for more." Tina replied.

"Well after my run in with fleet security over the alpha project story; I'm more inclined to agree with you on that." I said before taking a sip from my cup of water.

"You never told me about that; what happened?" Tina asked looking somewhat shocked that I was still sitting there in front of her.

"Oh, nothing much; they asked a few questions about where my information came from, the usual stuff when they are concerned that someone talked when they shouldn't. Really they found it hard to believe that I was able to find out as much as I did from just the Richards interview, the one in charge kept trying to imply that I had someone feeding the information from inside fleet head quarters. Even was so bold to suggest that I was a spy for the bugs at one point; talk about paranoid." I said chuckling at the last.

"You! A spy? For the bugs! Oh that's too rich! Where do they come up with that stuff; hell I wouldn't believe it unless they showed me medical proof that you got a bug running around in your head." Tina replied trying not to laugh by failing.

"But really all bullshit aside; those security guys gave me the creeps. Hell one of them just the way he looked at me it was unnerving. Like he was looking right through me; made my skin crawl." Emily replied.

"Yeah like they want to strip you down right there and torture you for information you don't have; I've seen the way some of them security personal look at every one in a room. Like everyone is guilty of something fleet should know about." Tina said as Emily sat back down at her desk and resumed typing.

"Everything Tina had said made sense, why would he have tanked my story unless fleet had a gag order on certain topics. Before the story on the alpha project I had been on my way up as one of the newest reporters; but after that day three months ago I had been given the trash stories to report on. Never anything of note came my way since then. My latest story on some kid's winning her fifth championship spelling contest was just one of them trash stories as I called it." Emily thought to herself as she quickly added a new page to the story before hitting the submit button to send it to Mr. Watson.

Picking up her small travel bag from under the desk she quickly puts her personal belongings off her desk into it including the package. Closing the bag she heads out her office door for the last time. Tina watches stunned as Emily packs her stuff.

"Enjoy the office Tina, I'm out of here." She said walking past Tina and into the hallway without another word leaving Tina to stare in shock at her abrupt leaving.

An hour later her with all of her belongings from her small quarters packed into a transport box she sends it on its way to be delivered to her parents home on earth; with a small note for them to hang on to it until she sends for the box. Another hour passes as she makes her way to the outer ring of the dyson ring which she has lived on for the last year. Stepping past the various vendors lining the concourse she makes her way to the ticket counter for the flight back to earth. After collecting her ticket for the shuttle to earth she moves over to the waiting area and takes a seat until the boarding call goes out. Minutes pass before her shuttle is called, getting up she joins the line of people heading for the airlock to the shuttle. A hand grips her right elbow and a voice whispers in her ear.

"Mrs. Jackson, don't make a sound and follow my lead; fleet's watch dogs are hunting you, and they want you dead." The unidentified man's voice said just before pulling her out of line and down the short hallway into the rest room.

"What do you mean?" Emily asked turning to face the man and is shocked to see the hooded form of an alpha standing before her.

"Your story about us stirred up a hornet's nest to say in the least; all of us admire your courage to write what did but you put yourself in danger that you can't fathom. There are people that want to protect you also; like me. Now quickly follow me and we will get out of here alive." He replied walking over to a maintenance door and opened it quickly motioning her inside.

Emily steps into the maintenance hallway and waits a few steps in as he closes the door behind them. He quickly steps passed her and leads the way.

"We have to hurry if we are going to get you off the ring before fleet finds out that you never boarded your shuttle. Once they find out your not on the shuttle they'll lock down the shuttle bays and search the whole ring for you." He said just as quickly as he moved.

Many doors and hallways, two sets of ladders and one elevator later they enter an otherwise unmarked door except for the number painted on it. Inside the room waiting on them two more alpha's and their mates (as she had learned they called each other privately) and a third neo that greeted her mate happily.

"We were beginning to worry about you the secure channels are abuzz with her description and order for her arrest." The neo said rubbing against the one that had brought her there.

"Why do they want me arrested? I did nothing wrong, I don't understand what this is all about." Emily replied.

"It's about your story on us alphas; someone that was part of the scandal has a hard on for your head on their wall." One of the hooded alphas said.

"Here's a news flash if you haven't been keeping up with what's been going on at fleet HQ. After your story about the alphas hit the net many people started asking too many questions that more than a few didn't want to answer or answered by someone else. Anyone that knew about the alpha project has either been reassigned or had a fatal accident. The fleet higher ups like keeping things like the alpha project off of the net. Fleet likes keeping fleets secrets a secret from the populace in short." Said one of the hooded alpha's standing over by another door.

"So now they after me to discredit me even farther than they have already done. So what's next?" Emily asked looking at the trio of alphas and their mates.

"Well first you need to strip out of them clothes and get into these; and put everything you take off in this bag." The shorter of the three alphas said holding out a jumpsuit in one fur covered hand and a bag in the other.

"Oh, and add your watch, personal comm unit and anything else that might have a tracker in it. Fleet is notorious for hiding tracking devices in everything. Even the bra and panties need to go." The female neo as said she looked up from a small brightly lit screen in front of her. Emily looked at the female as if she was joking about her underwear, but removed it also and put it in the bag with the rest of her clothes, before pulling on the jump suit and buttoning it up.

"How's it coming? Flash we need those orders in the next ten minutes or we are not going to get off the ring today or any other day." The one that brought her there asked, looking nervously at his watch.

"Oh ye of little faith, have you not seen the miracles I can produce?" Flash said from where she stood closing the devices lid and putting it into a pocket.

"Alright out with it Flash, what did you do this time?" Asked the other neo yet unnamed.

"Where is the one place that fleet will not think to look for her?" Flash asked him.

"Oh that's an easy one, and no don't tell me, let's see. Right here on the ring, eh, in about three months. Naw that would be way to easy to pull off; down on earth would be my guess." He said joking.

"He's getting smarter, good guess, but no. Earth would be the next place they look. But because we haven't a lot of time before our ship leaves I'll spare you all sweat and lack of brain power and tell you. Back home on Io research station, the birth place of the alphas." Flash replied looking at them as they all chuckled except for Emily.

"I thought Io research station was decommissioned and allowed to burn up in Io's atmosphere." Emily said in disbelief.

"No it's still in orbit and in perfect operation, that's why it makes the perfect place for you. Right under fleet's furless noses to be exact, Oh by the way, I'm Ralph." Ralph said pulling out another piece of clothing for his from a duffle bag, an alpha's robe like the ones they had on.

"Let me get this straight, you're going to sneak me into one of the most secure installations in the system to keep me safe from the ones after me, when said installation is run by the same ones that want my head on a wall. Are you out of your mind?" Emily asked.

"According to my last psychological evaluation, no; Rather the opposite, my test showed me to be sane even after ten years in the field." Ralph replied picking up the bag that contained her clothes.

"Come on guys we need to get going if we're going to make it to our ship in time." Flash said moving toward the other door.

"Y'all good luck and safe trip, me and Luna here have another mission to take care of planet side." The unnamed male said heading for the door her and Ralph had come in earlier.

"Good luck, Nomad, Don't get caught with your hood down." Flash said.

"Wait a second, how are you going to get me past the security scans and the check points between us and the ship?" Emily asked a worried tone in her voice.

"Oh that's easy, most security personal us leaves alpha's alone; that's if they are smart. No station security wants to tangle with an alpha, we alpha's have a nasty reputation of not dealing with renfa's very well." Flash replied chuckling as she opened the door and glanced down the corridor in both directions before stepping out motioning the others to follow.

Quickly they moved down hallways and through various doors until they stepped into a fleet disembark area for fleet use only. The sea of personnel parted like the red sea for Moses as the group of hooded alpha's made their way over to the security post by the airlock. In the lead of the group Flash holds up a black folder used for orders and id's to the waiting security guard.

"Medical transfer to Io station, priority one; stand aside private!" Flash said.

"Sorry, I have to verify your orders before I can let you board the transport." The private said putting out an arm to bar Flash. Flashes mate growls threateningly at the private.

"Easy Rubicon, the private is on our side and is just following orders like we are. Go ahead and check the orders, but if our transferee goes psycho on you or anyone else before you finish checking them orders; it's your ass not mine." Flash said putting her hand on Rubicon's head behind his ears calming him down. The private seemed to think about it for a second as his face turned pale when Ralph growled from under his cloak and started to twitch.

"Uh, never mind go on ahead, I'm sure your papers are in order." The private said nervously waving them on past the checkpoint.

"Come on, get Ralph aboard and secured in his seat. The sooner we get him to Io station the better." Flash said, signaling them to board the transport.

Minutes pass as they take seats in the passenger compartment; most of the other passengers are hooded alpha's or used to being around the hooded alpha's they don't even notice the new arrivals. Emily's ears pop as the door is closed and the cabin's pressure equalizes to earth norm, seconds later the pilot comes on the intercom.

"For the first timers on board, we have just undocked from the ring and will dock with the troop transport Rasputin in five minutes which will carry us to Io station before continuing out of system on its mission, wait one." The pilot said before the speaker went silent.

Emily looked out from under her hood at the other people sitting in the seats, none of them seemed concerned so she relaxed a little but would feel better after the shuttle docked with the Rasputin and was safely in FTL on their way to Io station.

"Wonder what's going on?" Ralph asked looking over at Flash.

"Probably some tech forgot to close a hatch or a red light on some system; that we could do without." Flash replied as the sound of the docking clamps reverberated through the shuttles hull.

"Sounds like we just docked with the Rasputin, we'll be heading home in a few minutes." Rubicon said looking up from his seat on the floor next to Flashes seat as the overhead speaker came to life.

"Attention passengers, we have not docked with the Rasputin as planed the Rasputin been sent on an emergency run instead we have docked with a high speed courier ship which is bound for Io station also, FTL in three, two, one!" The pilot said as the safety restraints pulled tight against Emily's chest as the ship accelerated to FTL.

Everyone had held their breath as the ship jumped to FTL, ships had in the past unexpectedly blown up when accelerating to FTL; but thankfully theirs made it to FTL without mishap. Minutes after they were safely at cruising speed the other passengers started talking again. Emily listened to some of the talk going on around her from the other passengers, really she felt rude for doing so; but it gave her an insight into Io station and the people there. Most of the talk was so technical that she felt almost uneducated and was just starting school all over again; while others talked about more normal things, family, friends and their sex life or the lack there of. In less than an hour they dropped from FTL and began the breaking maneuvers to slow the ship down for docking at Io station. As they approached Io station the shuttle disengaged from the courier ship and headed for the small docking bay as the courier locked onto one of the docking tubs jutting out from the much older docking ring closer to the command center.

After the docking bay doors had closed, it was a few minutes as the bay was pressurized before the passenger doors would open. The passengers retrieved their personal bags and other things before the doors opened up for them to disembark some three minutes later.

For Emily those three minutes felt like three hours as they waited. All sorts of thoughts ran rampant through her head as they waited. Flash and the others seemed unconcerned from what she could tell, but with the hooded cloaks all she had to go on was their posture, which seemed relaxed. She stayed next to Flash and Rubicon as the doors opened and let them leave the shuttle. Once they were off the shuttle their group reformed and Flash led them out of the docking bay and over to a waiting rail transport that was filling up with other passengers. They climbed into the car with the others and less than a minute later they were whisked away from the docking area and hurtling down one of the many such tubes a station as big as Io station would have. Emily almost gasped as their car left the cold confines of the alloy walls and entered a clear open air area high above what appeared to be a forest below them.

"Wow, the forest looks even better than the last time we were all here. I can't believe how much they have regrown in a year." Flash said.

"Yeah, the forestry personnel had to be pulling some long shifts to get all that was lost replanted or transplanted after the fire." Ralph replied looking down over the side of the car.

Emily glanced over the side of their car for a better look at the forest, far below a neo and it's bonded ran across an open field side by side on a path. Thirty feet or so behind them another pair followed the first pair and then another pair behind them followed by more. Emily realizes that it's a training group doing a run through the forest. Off in the distance a walled off section of the forest draws her attention as their car nears it. It's then that she realizes that the car they are in has slowly been getting closer to the tree tops and ground, and as they get over the walled area Emily glances down and is shocked to see a neo and its human partner mating. Even as far above the mating pair as they are Emily's eyes can still see the obvious look of pleasure on the human females face, nor can she deny the thrusts of the neo's hips against the naked flesh of the woman's butt. Then the sight is gone as the transport enters another alloy tub and the car begins to slow down.

"Reminds me of the first time me and Rubicon were in the mating room, not so long ago." Flash said as the car slowed even more.

"I remember ours. What a time we had, heck the trainers had one hell of a time finding us. But then again, we also slipped out of the room through an air vent that a worker left open. Three days later they found us when we came up for food." Ralph said chuckling as the car pulled to a stop at a platform and a few of the passengers got off. A minute later the car starting moving down the tube again and Flash turned to Emily.

"Next stop is ours just follow me like you've been doing." Flash said as the car started slowing down.

"Get ready to hope off." Ralph said as the car started pulling into the even smaller station. Even before the car had stopped some of the passengers were hoping off. A bonded pair jumped off first and raced away from the platform almost running over a couple of techs in their coveralls, others jumped back out of the way as a few of the neo's chuckled as the pair disappeared through a doorway.

"Hope they take care of that "problem" of hers quickly." A male neo said from the front of the transport.

"Yeah, if they don't I think my mate and I wouldn't be opposed to helping in that regard." A woman's voice replied as the car stopped and they were off quickly.

The platform was uniform gray like any other fleet run station and devoid of anything non fleet, the only thing on the walls was the usual warning signs and information signs telling how to get to wherever this part of the station. Flash led them out a different door from the platform than the bonded pair had gone. Within minutes Emily was lost after all the turns and different hallways they had gone through but very shortly they arrived at an elevator and got on it.

"Once we got off this elevator it's a short walk to our safe zone here on the station, and you'll be safe from the fleet assholes that want you dead." Ralph said as the elevator started going down.

"Shit! We're blown the elevator is going the wrong way!" Flash said in a worried voice.

"Crap that courier ship must have had a message from fleet on it!" Rubicon said as he started to get ready to fight.

"Enough! Emily get in that corner and stay there no matter what happens when those doors open. And for what it's worth, we tried." Flash said letting her cloak drop to the floor as Ralphs fell also.

"I'm not going down without a fight and taking a few of them with me!" Ralph said as his deeply corded muscles flexed under his short fur.

The elevator dropped down a few levels and then the doors opened only a few inches; bright light filled the elevator as the sound of a loud pop then something hitting the floor. Some type of gas filled the elevator and in seconds all of them were coughing. Emily tried to stay in the corner but her lungs were screaming for air as her legs collapsed under her up she fell to her knees and then onto her side as the gas did its work, as she looked up a hooded figure filled her vision, there was a sharp pain in the back of her head and the world went black.

Hours later the dull throbbing pain in the back of her head and the cold surface she was laying on brought her awake, slowly she opened her eyes to look around. The room was small in size, but not so small to be cramped like a cell and fleet gray. Actually the room is cold also, not just where she is lying. Sitting up she rubs her eyes with one hand before moving to rub the sore spot on the back of her head. Looking around the room, she spots the familiar dome of a security camera on the ceiling, its round lens aimed down at her; its then that she realizes that she is naked and her arms cover her breasts while her legs close tightly covering her sex. In a room next door two watch as the woman attempts to cover herself in modesty. One of them picks up the phone from the desk and keys in a number. Seconds later he speaks into the microphone.

"Containment four is awake, the admiral wanted to be informed the minute she woke up." He said not waiting for a reply he hangs the phone up to sit back and watch the woman on the screen.

"Crap I'm really in for it this time, hell only prisoners get this type of treatment. Not even a blanket to cover myself, shit! Here they come!" Emily thought to herself as the door opened to admit two security guards followed by another man in a fleet gray uniform without any marks of rank.

"Miss Emily Jackson, I've been wondering how long it would take for you to get to curious for your own good. Really, you don't know how surprised I was to see you take the bait like you did. (He pauses speaking for a second to gage her reaction) We did everything to dissuade you from asking more questions, yet still you come here poking your nose into things the public doesn't and shouldn't ever find out about!" He said in almost an angry tone.

"Flash and Ralph where working for you to led me here, one big trap from the start. I should have known fleet wouldn't take their bad press and leave it be. But I'm rather surprised that fleet didn't just have me killed while I slept or some other explainable way. So if we are going to play twenty questions, lets play. Why go through all the trouble to get me here when its obvious that fleet wants me dead or discredited to such a degree that I can't work." Emily replied watching his reactions, she didn't get to be a being a reporter by her looks alone.

"Oh, make no mistake about it; there are those that wanted you dead. But cooler heads prevailed and thus that's the only reason you're still breathing. If it had gone the other way you would be in front of a firing squad right now, or going out an airlock. That's what fleet does to normal people that cause problems. But in your case the higher ups decided to let you live for now, which I disagree with, but orders are orders and I have to follow them regardless of how I feel about it." He said leaning back against the wall between the two guards watching her.

"So I guess it's off to a maximum security prison somewhere out of the way for the rest of my life. So fleet can keep an eye on me and make sure I never do another report on the alpha project." Emily replied crossing her legs even though the cold metal bench was getting very cold under her butt.

"Prison, prison is for wimps and the ones that we have to keep alive and allow contact with the public. No you're not that lucky, we're going to keep you here on Io station. A breeder for the neo's I think they said, but no matter where they put you, you'll never be free again to cause problems. Enjoy your stay with us Miss Jackson, Guards come along." He said walking over to the door which opened as he approached it followed by the guards, Emily watched them leave.

"Well at least they're letting me live. I should have known that Flash and Ralph were working with fleet to get me here. That wasn't much of an interrogation, but I don't think he was here to do that, more like to inform me that fleet had decided what to do with me. But there is no use in me crying to myself about what ifs now. Just got to sit back and wait for whatever comes next. Who am I fooling, sure as hell isn't myself. I'm scared to death of whom or what comes through that door next." Emily thought to herself as she pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

In the security room next door the two security men watched as their only detainees shoulders fell into an acceptance posture of what was happening to her. They marked it down on a chart keeping track of everything she did as the camera and microphones recorded everything else.

"What do you think? Personally I'm laying odds on her getting dumped in the breeding pens or made into an alpha." One said to the other.

"The pens would be a waste for her to go to, with that body of hers. Them well toned muscles and looks she has already I bet she'd make a real good looking alpha, so good looking I might even apply." Mike replied.

"Mike I don't know about you sometimes, it's like you want to be a neo lover or something. Personally if it's got fur and a tail I leave it alone. The only reason I'm still posted here is once you're here you stay here." Jake replied.

"What's wrong with having sex with a neo? Sex is sex and pussy is pussy; at least that's the way I see it. Human, alpha or a neo its still sex and I'm willing if they are. Jake your problem is that you just don't know how to have fun and expand on your sex life, or at least expand on your sex partners." Mike said smirking at the face Jake made.

"That's my problem with the way you and so many others look at it, sex is just as sex and is never meant to be anything more. For me sex is more than just getting pleasure for that night or day, but for you it is then you move on to your next great conquest." Jake replied while making a note on the log.

"Oh, that's rich. (Mike chuckles) Besides if you haven't figured it out about why you're stationed here by now you need to get with the program, here's the clue. Fleet doesn't "just" post anyone to Io station. The only ones that get posted here are alike in two ways; they all like dogs and don't have a problem with the alphas. So don't try to feed me that line of garbage again." Mike said pointing at Jake with his finger. Jake seemed to get lost in thought as Mike looked back at the monitor for a second before looking Jakes way again.

"So that's why fleet sent me here all because I like dogs and the testers thought I wouldn't be opposed to having a relationship with a neo. (Jake laughs lightly for a second before continuing) And that's why I can't get off the station. Thanks for setting me straight on that, Mike. Now that I know what the higher ups expect of me then I won't be the odd ball when I'm out at the club." Jake replied chuckling again.

"Sure thing anytime you need to ask a question about something you don't know about here on the station just ask." Mike replied making a note on the pad in front of him.

"They'll make her an alpha, I'm sure of it; and I'll bet on it. Drinks at the Washout (The Washout is a club in the off duty recreations center) this Friday night on me if they don't." Jake said holding out his hand to Mike.

"You're on! Now that's more like it." Mike said shaking Jakes hand on the bet.

They both go back to watching Emily in the room next door on the monitors.

"Well I can't just sit here and rot, might as well do so exercises to pass the time." Emily thought to herself as she unfolded her arms and legs, slowly working out the stiffness that had started to cause her muscles to cramp. Satisfied that her arms and legs wouldn't cramp when she got up, she stands and stretches raising her arms high above her head and rising on her tip toes. Then she moves into doing a few deep squats and then bending over at the waist before doing fifty jumping jacks. Next she takes a small breather for two minutes before doing fifty pushups, then fifty sit ups before stopping; and looking up at the camera above her.

"Hey security! Can I get some food and water in here? I have had anything since I left earth orbit, whenever that was. And maybe a jumpsuit or something else to wear, it's cold in here." Emily said before she started jogging in place.

"Ah man, just when I was getting use to seeing her like that. Guess we can wait another minute or two before taking her something to wear. Then call for her to be moved on over to her new place." Mike said noting down the time she asked for food, water and something to wear.

"You know as well as I do if we hold off to long on getting that stuff in there who ever is watching over her will have us both before the mast. Sorry I've seen what happens to someone the gets the lash for disobeying orders, thanks but no thanks." Jake said as he got up from his chair and walked over to a tray on the back table waiting for her to ask for it. Picking the tray up he walks out the door heading to the room next door and waits for Mike to open the door. Mike waits for Jake to step up to the door before opening it, and watches as Jake places the tray on the floor inside the door to Emily's room, quickly closing the door when Jake is clear.

Mike watches as Emily stops jogging in place and walks over to the tray of food. First she takes a sip of the water and then sets the cup down. Next she unfolds the jumpsuit and pulls it on before sitting down and taking the cover off of the plate of food. Revealing a steak somewhat on the rare side, a baked potato with some butter, and a small salad; picking up the light alloy spork (a cross between a spoon and a fork) She tastes the salad first.

"Well they could have ignored my request for food and clothing, that's a good sign. At least it's not the leftovers from last night's dinner on the plate, but then again it could be poisoned. Na, fleet wouldn't waste the credits on poison when a rope or bullet works just as well." Emily thought to herself while eating. As she is stabs a piece of the pre cut steak the plate shifts on the tray and she notices a slip of paper peeking out from under the plate, ignoring it she continues eating until she is full. Getting up she picks up the tray and places it back by the door. With her body between the camera and the tray she slides the plate off of the paper.

The note:

"I got you into the neo program, its that or they will kill you. This is something I don't want to happen; take the offer when made to you. Join the neo program. Signed a friend"

Emily slides the plate back over the note and sets the tray down next to the door on one side of it. Picking up the cup of water she drinks the last of it before returning it to the tray. Emily then turns and walks to the center of the room and looks up at the camera.

"Tell whoever is in charge of this operation that I want to talk to them at their earliest convince." Emily said before going over to the wall and sitting down to wait.

An hour later the door open and the two guards enter followed by mister unnamed from the earlier talk.

"You wanted to talk to me. Forgive me for being curious, but it's not often I have people wanting to talk to me again after the first time." He said taking up a position near the door.

"Well I was thinking that being Fleet is letting me live, that they must have some plans for me other than wasting space in a cell all day. So what is fleet going to do with me?" Emily asked.

"True fleet is letting you live and as it stands I just received word of where you're going. Shortly you will be escorted to the new arrivals unit; there you will be tested and placed into the appropriate training group. Which means you could be stationed here for a very long time to come. Now if you'll excuse me I have other matters to attend to." He replied abruptly and left the room followed by the guards. But the door didn't close after them, two alphas walked into the room one holding up a pair of handcuffs between his or her fur covered hands.

"Miss Jackson, we are here to take you to the testing center. You can come quietly or we will restrain you, which will it be?" The one holding the handcuffs asked.

"The handcuffs are not needed; I'll go quietly and cause no trouble." Emily replied her head held high but otherwise relaxed as she stepped toward the door. The two alphas followed her out into the hall where she stopped to wait for their directions.

"Follow me." One of the alphas said walking past her. Emily fell into step behind him and the other one followed her.

One transport car an elevator and a lot of walking later they arrived at the intake center.

"We were told to make sure Miss Jackson arrived for her intake interview, she's now your problem." The alpha said pushing her toward the desk. Emily's anger flares as she turns around to face the alpha that pushed her.

"That was uncalled for, what's your name alpha?" Emily asked her anger at his treatment of her coloring her voice, her hands clenching. The alpha gives a hearty laugh before nodding.

"Keep your fighting spirit and you'll be an alpha, call me Seth; look me up after you finish training." He replied before nodding his head toward the other alpha before stepping back before turning and walking away with the other alpha following him. Emily's anger fades as she realizes that she just got tested by the alpha, chuckling she turns to face the person behind the desk.

"Miss Jackson, I have received your official education and work history which was forwarded to me already, so you'll not have to fill out any of the forms. Oh, and don't mind Seth he does that to every prospective candidate for the alpha program, at least the ones he brings here. Please place your hand on the scanner for identity verification and then proceed to intake room three for the psychological evaluation." The trooper said from behind the desk. From a speaker next to the scanner plate a cold voice spoke, identity confirmed proceed. Emily pulled her hand from the plate and looked around for room three; spotting it to her left she walks around the desk and to the door of room three. The door opens automatically as she nears it and she steps through into the small room beyond. The room is small, with just enough room for a desk with a chair on each side, one for her and another for the interviewer who was already waiting on her. Taking a seat Emily waits on the interviewer to begin.

"Well, Miss Jackson this interview is to see where fleet will place you within the alpha program. Not everyone that applies for the program becomes an alpha, some end up in support while others end up just working here on the station. Whatever brought you here, either the need to be a citizen or a higher calling as some have expressed, put all of those thoughts out of you mind. In the coming months you will find that many of them things no longer matter to you, you will be tested beyond what you thought was possible and push yourself farther than you even considered. Now that being said, your evaluation will begin, unless you have any questions." The older woman said from the other side of the desk.

"So things have changed since the beginning of the program, I was wondering why I wasn't taken to some lab somewhere and just injected with whatever makes one an alpha? Emily asked maintaining eye contact.

"We realized that some years ago after generation two that we needed to start psychological testing of all applicants due to the inherent "self" image each person has of themselves. Some excelled as alphas while others would self destruct in a matter of months after the treatment, so now everyone is evaluated before the offer of the treatment is made. Now if there isn't anything else, we shall get started." She replied.

"No more questions, for now." Emily replied.

"Good, now for the first question. Are you sexually active, or had sex in the past six months more than once?" She asked.

"No, never been active, I'm still a virgin." Emily replied blushing.

"Growing up did you have any pets? A dog, a cat or even a bird?" She asked noting down the first answer.

"I grew up on a farm in Ohio; we had all types of animals there. So pets would be an understatement." Emily said.

"Being you answered question one in the negative, you can decline to answer this question. Do you get aroused when around animals mating or watching a video of two people having sex?" She asked somewhat hesitantly as Emily shifted uncomfortably in her chair.

"I used to get aroused whenever out in the barn taking care of my families horses, especially around the males, then also whenever our two dogs got around me. I always thought it was kind of weird for that to happen. Some movies with sex are nice but I don't go out of my way to watch one." Emily answered.

"You would be surprised to find out that an estimated eighty percent of humans have some form of attraction to animals, most notably dogs, horses and cats. And less than thirty percent of them actually have some form of sexual contact with them. Sometimes they go on for years hiding their secret from friends and family and they never speak of it to others. The alpha project looks for these type of people, the reasons are obvious." The interviewer replied.

"Then my feelings years ago and even lately being near the alphas are normal?" Emily asked.

"Completely normal considering where you are; now how will you deal with not being able to have normal children after the treatment? And that's if you make it into the actual alpha program." She asked watching Emily's reactions carefully.

"I've never considered even becoming a citizen, let alone being a mother and having a child someday. So there is some side effects from the treatment that fleet has kept quiet about, I can understand why." Emily replied.

"There is always some side effects, children happen to be one of them. You don't lose the ability to have children, if that's what you're thinking. Actually the treatment changes the individual's genetic code including sperm and ova; thus an alpha can breed with a neo and have children. And if the alpha is lucky can still breed with a normal human and have children, but this is frowned upon by most alphas and neo's. Next question; how would you feel about having fur?" She asked. Emily seemed to think about it for a second before answering.

"Well the fur is part of being an alpha, so I would have to brush even more after becoming an alpha; that's if I pass these tests." Emily replied smiling.

"Is something funny that I should know about? The outcome of this interview depends on where I place you and joking around about the question is not needed. Now for the last question, and I want a very detailed answer this time. Last question, a neo knocks you down and tries to mate with you, what would your response be?" She asks watching Emily very carefully. Emily thinks over the question almost two minutes before responding.

"First I would protect my neck from him getting a submission hold on me; I would do so by ducking my chin to my chest and pulling up my shoulders. At the same time I would pull my tail tight against my privates to protect my virginity that's if I have a tail. Next I would roll onto my side, one to dislodge him from my back and take him off of his feet. Once down I would twist my body around and get on top and go for a submission hold on him. Then if I fail to get a submission hold on him I would fight to make him prove to me that he is worthy of me. None is going to take me as a breeder if I don't allow them, especially if I don't approve of them." Emily said her anger coming out in her voice at the mere thought of someone taking her like that. Her face changes to shock as the thought of what she just said dawns on her. The interviewer makes her notes before standing and leaves through the other door. Emily looks around for a second before the second door opens again.

"Miss Jackson please follow the blue line on the floor it will lead you to your next test." A voice said from the overhead speaker. Getting up from her chair she looks down and sure enough there is a blue line on the floor leading around the desk and out the second door. Emily steps around the door and follows the blue line through the door into the hallway beyond.

The blue line leads her past many doors down the long curving hallway. Each step taking her from the life she once had and into a new one that's just beginning. She looks back on the life she once had, from living on a farm in the middle of nowhere watching the horses and cows breed then all through school and the assorted problems there to finally working for the federation news on the lunar ring after leaving school. Through all of them years when her few friends were out having sex with whomever she had forgone the nasty ties of being sexually active and put her head into becoming a reporter. Now no longer a reporter she was fixing to take the next step, join the service and become a citizen, but it had a price; she had to give up her freedom and a part of her humanity. Emily comes out of her day dream just mere feet from the door the blue line has lead her to, for a second she looks down the hallway and then steps up to the door which opens automatically in front of her and she enters the room beyond. The room is not much unlike the interview room, just slightly bigger in depth than wide. On the wall to her right is an exam table with a fully body size scanner screen mounted on the wall above the table. On the far wall is a small push table with a few instruments on it, a few she recognizes from seeing her doctor over the years, while others she doesn't have a clue about what they are for. Moving away from the door she walks over to the exam table and hops up onto it and sits waiting for the doctor or whoever shows up. On the wall facing her there are wall posters showing of all things the sexual organs of alpha and neo alike male and female, each one describes in full detail what part is what and its obvious function.

"Wow and I thought sexual education at school was in-depth. Wait a second, that can't be right. A humanoid alpha male penis may measure from eight to twelve inches long and be over two and a half inches in diameter when erect without the knot. (She looks over at the corresponding number on the chart for a description of the knot.) The knot; a gland that locks the male inside of the female during mating, see figure #13. (Emily looks over at the picture of the knot and shudders from the sight) They can't be serious, something that big would rip a woman's vagina and if not kill her she sure as hell would be having sex anytime soon." Emily said out loud as the door opened and a middle aged woman walked into the room.

"Please get off the table and strip, the scanner has problems with the buttons on them jump suits. I'm Doctor Franklin, and I'll be performing your medical exam to see if you are physically fit for the program." Doctor Franklin said as she walked over to the small table. Emily nodded and quickly hopped off the table and took off her jump suit and hung it on the hook on the wall next to the bed before standing and waiting for the doctors next instructions. Doctor Franklin pulled on some exam gloves before turning around to face Emily.

"Good, unlike so many others you didn't get back on the table. I take it that you have had an exam like this before. Now please do what I say and no questions, is that understood?" Doctor Franklin asked.

"Crystal clear." Emily replied standing still.

"Good, begin recording. This is Doctor Franklin doing a psychical evaluation on Emily Jackson for the alpha project. Subject is five foot seven inches tall, approximately one hundred and sixty pounds. Has good muscle tone and little body fat; no apparent scars or deformities visible. Pelvis seems small for a woman of her stature, will confirm this once I have her on the table. Please turn around and face the door. Birth mark on left lower buttocks shaped like an arrowhead. Spine is straight and the shoulder blades are in normal position from the spine. No piercings of any kind have been found, skin is free of defect other than birth mark noted earlier. Please get on the table now and lay as still as possible for the scanner." Doctor Franklin said. Emily climbs back on the table as told before the doctor continues.

"Begin scan and attach results to subjects file. (Doctor Franklin picks up a device from the table while the scanner does its job.) Please spread your legs so I can examine your genitals." Doctor Franklin asks bringing an instrument into view, Emily gets worried.

"I hope you're not going to insert that into me, I'm still a virgin." Emily said in a worried tone with a look of fear on her face. Doctor Franklin looks at Emily with a confused look.

"You're a virgin still, I'm surprised by that. Most women your age have had sex at some point in their life or had their hymen removed by a doctor. But because I have to follow procedure I do have to verify that you are intact, so please spread your legs." Doctor Franklin said as Emily's look of embarrassment caused her to blush lightly as she spread her legs.

"Subjects genitals are fully developed and normal in appearance, hymen is fully intact as subject has stated. No evidence of any sexual activity what so ever. You can close your legs now. According to the medical scanner all organs are healthily and in proper position, no broken bones and in excellent shape. Do you work out regularly?" Doctor Franklin asked.

"Yes, everyday for one to two hours at the gym." Emily replied looking up at the image of her body's internal workings on the scanner. She sees a small line on her each side of her pelvis that she's pretty sure shouldn't be there.

"As visual exam suspected, subject's pelvis is small for her age almost too small. I do not recommend the subject for a breeder at this time. You may get up and get dressed we are done here. End recording." Doctor Franklin said stepping away from the table to allow Emily to get up.

"Congratulations you are approved for the program. Follow the yellow line on the floor to the lab and they will handle the next step. By the way I have a personal question for you, completely off the record; how is it you have stayed a virgin for so long?" Doctor Franklin asked as she took off the exam gloves.

"I grew up on a farm in Ohio, the farm boys around there never interested me, as I was too wrapped up in my books studying when not doing farm work. And then there was the fact I was never attractive to the boys back then so it wasn't a problem." Emily replied as Doctor Franklin walked toward the door.

"Well I guess that would do it; the lab is waiting on you, just follow the line." Doctor Franklin said as she opened the door and left the room. Emily follows the doctor into the hall and then starts following the yellow line this time. The line doesn't travel far only a few doors down the hall from the last room. Upon entering the room she is greeted by two people wearing the obvious white lab smocks. The room is somewhat crowded with the majority of the space taken up by medical equipment surrounding a single exam table.

"Miss Jackson, please strip and get on the table." The man on her left said not looking up from monitor he was intently looking at. Emily slips out of the jump suit and climbs onto the table, her skin turning red as she blushes being nude in front of two men. Quickly the other tech steps up to the table and spreads a sheet over her nether region before turning to pick up something from the small table nearby.

"This next step is quite painful, so we'll be giving you a sedative to knock you out; that is unless you want to endure the pain from bone marrow samples being taken from your tights and other areas." The tech said holding the needle up for her to view. Emily winced at the thought of needles being shoved into her bones for a second before answering.

"I'll take the shot, it is better that way." Emily said looking up at the tech.

"A slight sting and it's done. In the next minute or so you will start feeling the sedative taking effect. Once you're fully out we will start taking samples." The tech said his voice sounding far away as the medicine started working; black rings surrounded her vision and slowly closed in until she faded into unconsciousness.

"She's under, let's get to work. Get the restraints ready while I get the catheters in, then- " She barely heard as she drifted away.

As if a dream she floated in the tank, warm fluid flowed over her naked body, vague white shapes moved around her franticly. Turning her head slightly to the right a bright red glow fills her vision as the fire sweeps into the room outside of the tank. Suddenly everything in the room is being sucked toward the fire; anything not tied down is flying through the air even the red glow of the fire recedes away as the cause becomes known. At the other end of the room a gaping hole replaces the wall and the moon Io is visible through it. She watches as the white shapes stop moving as they die in the cold of space; ice begins to form on the outside of the tube and the fluid's warmth bleeds way. A vibration runs through her tube as the containment doors close sealing the breach in the stations wall. Minutes pass as the air is replaced in the room and shortly repair crews appear outside of her tube in the room beyond, her eyes close as she drifts back into the medically induced sleep.

Emily opens her eyes slowly as she wakes up. The bed feels so nice under her and the covers feel like the finest silk over her. The room is dimly lit, the lights set to night cycle. Slowly she sits up in bed allowing the cover to fall from her shoulders, looking at the room she is in. The room is much larger than a normal room given to recruits, as she notices the short hall way with the open door of a bathroom which beacons to her bladder. The bedroom is painted a soft pastel blue instead of the normal fleet gray but otherwise bare. Her hands reach up to feel her face as she notices her extended nose for the first time, then the sight of her fur covered hands. She holds her arms out in front of her and examines them, the fur covering them is bangle striped from dark brown to black. She runs her right hand down her left forearm; the fur is soft to the touch of her fingertips. Its then she sees her fingernails have thickened and become more claw like and ebon black in color. She flips the covers off of her legs before twisting around putting her feet on the floor. Looking down at her fur covered body she notes the differences from what she was to what she has become. Her legs seem longer in some way she couldn't place and her feet have changed slightly also. Her fur though short is thick across her breasts and down her belly. Just below her waist the fur grows longer down across her pelvic bone covering her nether region. Carefully she begins stretching and flexing the muscles of her arms and legs and body before carefully standing up.

"Shit, my balance is crap right now." Emily said out loud putting her hand down on the bed to steady her.

"What the heck did they do that screwed my balance like this?" Emily asked to the empty room as she slowly and unsteadily stood up again fighting to stay standing up straight. She swayed for a moment before finding her center, looking down at her feet she realizes that standing on her full foot felt wrong now. Shaking her head she pushes herself up on the balls of her feet, it feels right more natural and her balance seems to come back to her. Taking a step and then another she moves slowly to the bathroom. As she walks her confidence builds and her steps become surer, entering the bathroom the lights come on and adjust to the night cycle also. Glancing around the bathroom for a second she walks over to the toilet and sits down, and just as quickly gets back up.

"What the hell!" Emily shouts standing up quickly her hands reaching back to her butt.

"Oh no! Alphas don't have tails, what did they do to me?" Emily asked out loud almost a shout as she felt a tail extending from the top of her butt crack. Pulling her tail around she holds it up out of the way and takes a seat again and relieves her bladder. As the sound of the bedroom door opening and closing comes to her ears.

"Recruit Jackson, as soon as you are done in there I need to talk with you. I'm Doctor Jones and came by to check on you." Doctor Jones said from the bedroom. Emily quickly wipes and then looks around for something to cover herself with, finding nothing than a small towel for drying hands she leaves it hanging on its rack and walks out into the bedroom. A cloak wearing alpha is setting in the only chair waiting on her. Emily's skin grows hot under her fur as she walks over to the bed and sits down carefully avoiding sitting on her tail, and places her hands in her lap covering her privates.

"I see you have already learned to walk with your new legs and use your tail to balance yourself appropriately with the change to your center of gravity. Honestly I and the other doctors wondered if you would be able to adapt to it. No one has had the type of change you had from human to alpha, and we are wondering about it. Any pain, headaches or other unexplained problems yet?" Doctor Jones asked watching her.

"No pain except sitting on the tail I didn't have before. So I'm the only one that has had this type of change. What went wrong with the program? Will I be able to do my duties when assigned? Emily asked rapid fire but stopped when Doctor Jones held up his hand to get a word in.

"There was an accident that caused us to have to accelerate your change process with a growth hormone. Normally we wouldn't have done that; instead we would have ended your life. But someone over ruled that option; and ordered all of the intensive care tubes along with yours recovered first; whoever they are you have powerful friends looking out for you." Doctor Jones said looking down at the floor avoiding her eyes.

"I remember that accident, I thought it was only a dream. I watched as all the people in there fought the fire until the wall gave away and they died when the room depressurized. I watched as some of them got sucked through the hole into space, they still tried to breathe even as the cold of space killed them. What a horrible way to die, much worse than going to sleep and not waking up." Emily replies shuddering remembering the event.

"You were awake during the accident? Did you see what caused the fire? There are so many questions still being asked even today three weeks later that you may have the answer to." Doctor Jones asked her looking hopeful. Emily nods realizing that some questions may get answered if she speaks.

"I was awake, but my vision was really bad in that fluid I was in. The fire was already going when I woke up, some people where going toward the fire and fighting it while others was running away from it. That's when the wall blew and started depressurizing the room; the emergency doors took a long time to close. But it was too late even for some people that held on to equipment; the room had lost too much air for them to live. I watched as those people died waiting on the air to be replaced. If you ask me the three causes of all those people dying in there is this, the emergency doors took almost a minute to close, the air supply wasn't restored quickly enough and lastly the people in that room had inadequate training to handle that fire." Emily replied shuddering as tears flowed from her eyes with the memory.

"You didn't have to speak of it now, but thank you, I'll pass it onto the people that are asking the questions; no doubt they will want to speak to you. But first let's get you a cloak and then some food into you; no doubt you're hungry after spending almost two months in the tube." Doctor Jones said as he got up and walked over to a panel on the wall and pushed it. A door in the wall opens and reveals a closet with a couple of cloaks on hangers. He pulls out one of the cloaks and closes the door, turning around he holds out the cloak for her to take. Emily wipes her eyes before standing and taking the offered cloak. After she gets it on she looks at Doctor Jones for a second before speaking.

"I'm really surprised that you're an alpha and a doctor, so which came first the doctor or alpha?" Emily asked as they stepped into the hallway.

"Actually I was an alpha first; second generation bred. My mother was one of the first alphas after the Richards experiment was a success. So I'm not much older than you are right now. This way, the mess is open twenty four seven being we have so many people on four rotating shifts. I became a doctor because I had the scores in school and, well alphas tend to listen to one of their own over a human. Humans not used to alphas tend to have problems treating us; very few though understand that an alpha is still human just with some slight body changes." Doctor Jones said as they walked down the hallway. A mix of humans and alphas and neo's walked in both directions past them, heading to wherever their duties were taking them. Emily's nose registered the smell of food as they neared the mess hall, her stomach growled in protest of being empty for so long.

"So we alphas can have children, I was under the impression that we couldn't have any after the process was complete." Emily said as they entered the mess hall and walked over to the end of the line.

"Oh yes we can have children; my mate has had three litters in the last three years. And someday soon I will expect to hear that I'm going to be grandfather." Doctor Jones replied handing her a food tray.

"I never thought the alphas as normal people that had lives and a family when I wrote that article from my interview with Mr. Richards after the war was over almost a year ago. Now I understand why fleet was all over it, it caused problems for them and the program." Emily said following the line.

"Oh yeah we're about as normal as you can get. But do you know the real difference between an alpha and a regular human?" Doctor Jones asked as he placed his tray under the dispensing spout for the oatmeal.

"I would say the genetic changes, but I know that would be wrong. As would be desire to be a citizen or front line fighter; it would be something simpler than that. I give up, you've got me. What's the answer?" Emily finally asked as she stuck her tray under the auto-serve system and something akin to spaghetti landed on her tray.

"Oh, yeah it's really simple. If you think about it too hard the answer will escape you, but if you look around this station the answer is right in front of you all day and every day." Doctor Jones answered her with a riddle.

Emily remained quite as they collected something to drink and found a table before speaking again.

"I'm still troubled about something I've noticed over the past hour or less and maybe you can answer my question. Why is a doctor taking such an interest in me; a ex reporter that stepped on to many of fleets toes and got told in so many words to join up or suffer something worse than being here?" Emily asked as she looked over the tray of something that vaguely resembled food in front of her. Doctor Jones paused a second from stirring sugar into his oatmeal and looked at her before responding.

"I'm a doctor alright, not just a medical one; my specialty is psychology. Let me explain a few things before you jump to conclusions. I've read your article, and not the censored one released to the masses, but the original one you wrote. Every change is different for each human that chose to become an alpha, some take to it right off the bat, while others have trouble dealing with it. My job is to see where your head is at after the change and make the appropriate recommendations based on my observations of each new alpha. So far you haven't flown off the handle or cried at the supposed loss of your humanity, which is a good thing. Just because we are alphas doesn't mean we are any less human than some of us were before the procedure." Doctor Jones replied before taking a sip of the orange juice.

"So if I pass your battery of checks what's the next step? Where will I be assigned to work or train after you are through checking my mental state?" Emily asked.

"Well as an alpha you will get the mandatory military training as a soldier then from there you will be given choices to go into different fields. But those fields could be anything from pushing a broom to an officer in the fleet, and that all depends on how you do in basic training and how high you score on various tests." Doctor Jones replied as Emily took a bite of the spaghetti looking food.

"The one thing you didn't tell me was when I would be allowed to bond with a neo?" Emily asked after washing down the bite of food with some water.

"Usually that will happen in about two weeks from today, after you have gone through the training courses that are required of course." Doctor Jones replied.

"Earlier you said something about my type of change has never been seen before, what was that about?" Emily asked before taking another bite of food.

"Well your psychical appearance is different from most alphas; if you look around most alphas have only one color of fur, yours ranges from brown to black. Next is your feet, they are longer than a normal alphas, hence the reason you walk on the balls of your feet. Third would be your tail, a normal alphas tail is never longer than seven inches; whereas yours is almost two feet in length and somewhat bushy. I dare say that the genetics doctors are having a field day looking over your genetics to see what went wrong with the retro virus in regards to your change." Doctor Jones replied just before an announcement started over the many speakers on the walls chimed a alert sound that had everyone listening in seconds.

"Doctor Jones please report to deck 15 section 5 room 3130." The announcement repeated twice more as people went back to eating and talking.

"Well I see that it's going to be a busy day, come on Emily and I'll escort you back to your room. (Emily gives a look of "do I have to") In an hour you'll be picked up by another of the staff for your first exam after the change. Unfortunately I can't leave you here, otherwise I would." Doctor Jones said beckoning her to follow him as he picked up his tray and headed back the way they had came. Emily follows and is soon back in her room alone. On the small table in the living room a package awaits her with a note attached.

To Emily Jackson

Deck 15 section 5 room 3120

Emily looks at the package for a second before recognizing it as the one that was delivered to her before she left her job at Federal News over two months ago. Picking it up, she looks it over before opening it. Being it had sat in the mail room for over two months or where ever it had some slight damage here and there to account for its travels, but was otherwise intact. After the box was open for her to look inside there is another box carefully packed inside of it surrounded by foam packaging. Pulling the smaller box out of the packaging she notices that it's made from actual wood and not the artificial colored plastics they use now. Into the lid is etched a scene of man and a dog standing together on a small hillside overlooking a valley. As she turns the box in her hands she feels the etching on the sides, tilting the box slightly to see the sides. Emily gasps at the detail of the pictures worked into the wood. The sides show dogs or wolves hunting amazingly its one scene worked into all four sides of the box. Setting the box down on the table she ponders for a moment before reaching out to open the latch. The latch is old but opens at her touch; carefully she lifts the lid revealing what the box has in it. At first it looks like just a stack of papers but on top of the stack is a nice colorful envelope with her name written on it.

Picking up the envelope she is amazed at the weight of it. The paper the envelope is made out of is thick and has a texture to its surface almost like wood grain. Emily turns the envelope over in her hand and finds that it has been sealed with a spot of wax the size of an old world coin. Breaking the seal she pulls out the paper inside and unfolds it. The letter is made of the same type of paper the envelope is made from.

Dear Emily,

"Some months ago you interviewed me and my mate on a cruiser traveling back to earth after the end of the war. Since that time, we, my mate and I have had many discussions about you. My mate and I have talked it over and we felt it was time you found out the truth about a few things. For many years we have harbored a secret, that secret is you. (Emily has to reread the last sentence twice before going on.)

Years ago when the alpha project was still that, a project; many of the doctors on the project bet their reputation on it that a male alpha and a female neo couldn't have a human child. Well they were wrong on that bet, I dare say. At the time though, fleet still wanted to keep the alpha project a closely guarded secret from the public and considering that most of the original alphas where M.I. washouts or criminals I can understand why. But that secret also included that we could have children, both human and neo form. They never considered it possible that a neo could give birth to a human child; well it happened two and a half years later on some planet I can't even remember the name of. My mate and I got stuck on that awful planet for over a year on a scouting mission to check out a colony that was there. Well when we got dropped there it was only to be for a week at the most, well who knew that the bugs where going to stage a new offensive two days later and effectively put me and my mate behind enemy lines. The colony there had been long dead, killed by the bugs at least a year before we got there. We salvaged what supplies we could and then headed out as far away as my mobile suit would go from the colony just to be safe. Well the long story short is that something on that planet we ate to survive kept my mate from aborting you while she was pregnant. When the battle lines changed over a year later, we got lucky to get picked up otherwise we would probably still be living there.

Well we lied to fleet when we got rescued from that planet; we told them that you were the only survivor from the colony that was wiped out just days before we got there. And really, what was that snot nosed shuttle pilot going to say? It was her word over two combat proven decorated veterans against hers. I was able to pull some strings and get you placed with people that I knew would raise you the right way. The ones you call mother and father are actually some distant relatives of mine on my father's side of the family. In all honesty, we didn't want you to grow up on Io station, which at that time all alphas or neo's children where raised on by fleets orders. We wanted a better life for you than the one we had, we didn't want our baby many years later to be climbing into a mobile suit at the age of sixteen with a neo to go fight on some planet without a name only a number on some fleet space chart. We kept in contact with your foster parents over the years and received letters and pictures of you, they spoke of your grades and what all you planed to do once you left school. We watched you grow up through those letters they sent us. We gave up on raising you for our duty and honor to the federation, and now we regret doing so. But maybe it was better this way, you have turned out to be a very beautiful woman and successful for your age.

I've had to stop writing this for a few days; my hand doesn't exactly like to hold a pen any more so I have to take breaks sometimes for days. Daughter your story about the alpha project has stirred up a hornet's nest at fleet HQ. There are ones that want your neck in a noose for treason. Whatever you do watch your back, I have spoken with some of my friends in HQ and got them to keep that from happening for now; don't go poking around fleet business anytime in the near future. Fleet security came by the house the other day and questioned us for hours on end before they left. The word has it that a many heads at HQ are rolling right now, you won't hear about it on the news, fleet will do it very quietly behind closed doors. Now for a warning, stay in the public eye, those in fleet that want you to stay quiet won't move against you unless you give them a reason. Don't talk to alphas they might be working for fleet security, and most defiantly do not go anywhere near Io station. That would just provoke them to move against you.

I've done all I can to protect you from those at fleet HQ.

The other stuff in the box is things we thought you might want to have that we received from your foster parents over the years. By the time you get this box we will be going back home to Io station, the gravity here on earth is causing problems for both of us. Your: father Daniel Richards."

Emily stared in shock at the letter for a minute or longer after reading it before going back to page one to read it again. Afterwards she slowly pulled each piece of paper and pictures from the box to look at each one. Tears filled her eyes as she looked over the papers and pictures, each bringing back a memory of her life growing up. Looking up at the clock on the wall she realizes that she has less than five minutes before her escort is going to arrive to take her for the exam. Carefully she puts everything back into the box and then takes the box to her bedroom and places it on a shelf in there just as the door chime goes off in the other room.

Two weeks later.

Emily sits at her desk in the class room, around her ten other recent inductees into the alpha program; each one with their eyes on the monitors in front of them. Each of them worked to answer the questions they were being asked, the questions covered almost everything they had been taught since they came out of the tubes as everyone called them. Emily was bored though; each question that was asked was so simple that she was answering them almost as quickly as she read them. Being an ex-reporter did have certain advantages, like remembering facts sometimes days or weeks later. Such as she was doing now, the questions where mixed from the last two weeks of classes. All of them simple to answer if you remembered the facts and the things the instructor stressed as important to remember. The monitor in front of her flashed for a brief second as she finished the test, and message appeared on the screen.

Report to deck 12 section 3b room 8531 at 1400 hours; you are dismissed until then.

Not waiting around she picked up her pda and headed for the mess hall. Over the last couple of weeks she had become accustomed to life on Io station, or at least the small section of it in which she was housed and being trained. The mess hall was as busy as usual, a good two hundred individuals if not more sat in small groups or alone at the tables; the lines were at the moment were short but that could change in a minute around here. Grabbing a tray and stepping into line she listens to the myriad conversations going on around her. Most of them are over the individual's current assignment or even personal concerns, most of them she filters out as babble and moves on to the next one. On occasion she hears a nice little tidbit of information that she files back for possible later use. But sadly today doesn't seem to be one of those days. The auto server doled out the usual portion of food into her tray as she advanced through the serving line, reaching the end she picks up a glass and holds it under the spout of the beverage dispenser. After her glass is full she walks away and finds a table to sit down at and eat her lunch. The food lacks the personal touch and is almost so bland that everyone always adds something to the food to spice it up for their individual tastes; Emily is no exception to this as she salts and pepper to the food just so it has some flavor. She lowers the hood from her head and looks around for a second before she begins to eat. Another trainee that was coming to sit at one of the empty seats at the table stops abruptly and heads for a different table seeing who she is. Emily chuckles as he heads away; though in her own way she is also saddened by it. Being an alpha is lonely enough as it is, especially before bonding, but with the news getting out about who she used to be; well that made making new friends hard, extremely hard. Someone had thought it was funny to let it slip about her being the reporter that wrote the famous or as Fleet put it infamous "Richard's interview". Thus none of the other trainees wanted to sit with her or even be near her in classes. Personally she thought the information about her was leaked from one of the people that wanted her dead instead of in the program she almost destroyed. The conversations going on around her go quiet as people start noticing who she is, she might as well have left her hood up a lot of good it would have done though. Even when she tried to speak with her hood up and her face hidden people instantly knew somehow who she was. Her hands clenched into fists as her anger with the situation before she moved

"Enough of this shit!" Emily shouted as she stood up knocking everything off of her table before climbing up onto it. Everyone in the mess hall stopped talking and looked her way in stunned silence at her outburst.

"What do you want from me? An apology, for me to get down on my knees and beg for forgiveness; or for my blood spilled on the floor from my throat being slit? To say I'm sorry for fucking up your prefect little world; well it's not going to happen, not now, not ever! (Emily lets her cloak drop to the floor revealing her nude but fur covered body.) I'm an alpha now so deal with it! So if any of you want a part of me come on and get some!" Emily said her voice gruff and feral sounding.

Around her the humans moved away as she bared her claws and waited for the first taker of her challenge, none of the alphas moved from their spots as she turned slowly on the table looking for any of them to move. Her fur shined in the lights of the mess hall and her figure caught the eye of more than just the neo's or alphas present. There was no mistaking that she was a female alpha and then some.

"What no one here has the balls to accept a challenge, I, an untrained alpha. Surely there is someone that wishes to have a piece of me." Emily said trying to goad just one of them into talking to, or fighting her.

Around her the alphas moved back as security rushed into the mess hall and proceeded to encircle her table. Emily watched as security slowly moved toward her, each of them keeping their side arms holstered but had their hands on them ready just encase.

"Calm down and get off the table before we have to use force; I know the change can be hard on alphas but there is no use in using violence to solve your problems." One of the guards said in a smooth voice as he looked up at her. Emily gauged the situation quickly, twenty of them and one of her, not good odds at all. Nodding she looks at him a second before responding.

"Wow, who would ever thought that a security guard has more balls then the rest of this mangy lot of fur balls." Emily said relaxing her stance and softly dropping to the floor from the table. She calmly picked up her cloak tossing it over one arm and looked at the security guard.

"What's your name recruit?" the one in charge asked pulling out his pda.

"Jackson, Emily, Sir!" Emily responded quickly. Her file came up on the screen of his pda and he nodded to himself for a second.

"I see you just came out of the tube two weeks ago, that explains why you're in your current state of mind. If you'll come with me I'll escort you to your appointment on deck 12 and they can help you. This way please." He said politely gesturing with his hand toward the door. Emily watched him for a second before moving in the direction he pointed.

"Security squad stand down, everything is ok. Recruit Jackson is on day 14 so stand aside." He said walking a step behind her to one side, while two other guards took the lead.

"So I take it that my going off is normal for some of us alphas?" Emily asked looking back over her shoulder.

"No, some of the alphas are worse at the 14 day mark than you; we had to stun the last one that went off. That was a mess with that one, lost two men before the stun guns worked on him finally." He said wincing at the memory.

"So what is this 14 day mark you were talking about?" Emily asked as an unfamiliar smell reached her nose.

"14 day mark is where any new alphas hormones start to go wild and cause them to lash out in various ways, the least of them being the way you did in the mess hall; the worse is they start fighting anyone that gets in their sights." He replied as they entered the elevator and pressed the touch screen for deck 12.

"So that could explain why all the sudden I'm smelling a strange odor in here." Emily said looking at him as her skin grew hot when her eyes dipped below his waist and noticed the bulge in his paints. Thankfully the elevator door opened and they stepped out onto the 12 floor.

"Yeah that could explain it, this way and we need to hurry and get you there." He replied a worried tone in his voice as they walked quickly down the wide corridor.

"What's the rush my appointment time isn't till 1400 hours?" Emily asked as she easily kept pace with them.

"You're starting to go into your season, that's what the rush is for. If we don't get you there quickly you might try to bond with any male in the corridor. And having to explain to my boss what happened and why would be the end of my career if you know what I mean." He said moving faster down the hallway.

"Shit that would be bad for both of us." Emily said as she moved quickly around them and started running.

Quickly she out distanced them as her enhanced leg muscles did what they had been meant for, to run. She flew pass unsuspecting people walking, dodged around groups as her enhanced reflexes allowed her to change direction with subtle shifts with her tail. She glanced at the numbers on the doors as she passed them and started to slow down as they grew closer to the one she was looking for. She hit the breaks and slid to a stop almost directly in front of the door. Many people were startled by her sudden stop among them, and looked at her strangely as she approached the door. The door opened as she stepped up to it like most doors on the station would unless they required a security pass. Entering the room she notices that somewhere she had dropped her cloak during her run her, a smile and a giggle comes from her as she realizes why the people in the hallway where looking at her funny.

"Well I hope they liked what they seen of me." Emily said out loud looking around this room she was in. The room is empty except for a box on one wall and another door opposite the one she came in. The over head speaker comes on and a recorded message begins to play.

The recording:

All recruits place any clothes, pda's watches and personal jewelry into the box and it will be sent to your room while you are in the forest.

As this is your 14th day after being released from the tube you are wondering what is going on with your bodies by now. Regardless of your sex undoubtedly you have noticed severe mood swings and even periods of uncontrolled aggression to anyone around you, or you may have had erections lasting for up to an hour before they go away naturally, this is normal as your body is enforcing the need for a mate. Females may notice unusual hot flashes and an unusual smell around you; this is your body producing pheromones signaling your readiness to mate. Now you may be asking yourself about a mate, as per program guidelines all alphas are required to have a mate before training. This is because you and your mate will be working, living and doing everything together unless it's medically necessary otherwise for the rest of your lives. You're asking yourself right about now about where this mate will come from; based on your psychical and psychological profile mates have been chosen for you. Ones that will meet or even exceed your personal idea of a mate as gleaned from your tests and previous known relationships.

Normal mating cycles last anywhere from four days to as much as two weeks for neo's and for alphas up to a week and a half has been known to happen. Lastly all female recruits have been injected with a contraceptive to insure there are no pregnancy's until long after basic training is complete. So there is no chance for you to conceive until after four months. When you are ready you may enter into the forest area and seek out your mate.

Notice failure to mate will be signing your own death warrant, as the longer an alpha waits to mate the more mentally unbalanced you will become until your intelligence fades away and only the animal remains. A tragic loss and a slow form of suicide, most are put down that fall to this level. So I and the federation urge you to mate when you find each other in the forest. Remember your sacrifice guarantees citizenship.

Emily waited for the recording to continue for almost a minute as she went over everything that was said. None of it was covered in any of the classes she had taken over the last two weeks, which didn't surprise her to say in the least. Fleet was real good at keeping things from people that didn't need to know, especially when they were in the service like she was now. Emily gave herself the once over and pulled off the fleet issue necklace with her dog tags of all things and placed them into the box. (She scoffed and smiled at the thought as she closed the lid of the box.)

"That's almost too funny, dog tags. And to think I'm really a dog now, wow if old Timmy Farmer could have known all those years ago back home that I would be a dog later in life he would shit himself. Especially after all the times he teased me during school calling me a dog, I would wipe that ignorant smile off of his face if he was here right now. Well might as well get this show started before they start wondering if I'm going to suicide." Emily said out loud as she pressed the button to open the door for her and allowing her to enter the forest.

As she entered the forest habitat the scents of pine trees mixed with wild flowers tickled her nose. Mixed in with the other scents was the stale musky odor of another alpha, perhaps the one that came in her before her sometime in the last week. The scent was defiantly male, but there was something about the scent that excited her, her nipples hardened and she felt herself grow wet between her legs. Shuddering slightly she shakes it off and watches the tree line for a second before moving quickly and quietly into the shadow under one of the pine trees.

Somewhere in this vast man made forest a neo hunted, he hunted her just as she was hunting him. Fleet had gone to great lengths to make the forest as earth like as possible, right down to including insects and birds.

"Fleet went all out on this environment; I guess it was to put us more at ease during our first mating. Well it certainly does have that effect to some degree, but not so much that I forget my reason for being here." Emily thought to herself as she moved from the tree she was under to the next one.

Faintly the sound of a woodpecker in the distance pecking at a tree came to her ears; she unconsciously tilts her head to get a better idea of how far away the bird is. A light breeze blew across her body bringing a new scent to her nose, the scent of a neo. Though in the protective embrace of the shadow Emily felt like she was out in the open and totally exposed in a spotlight. Moving silently on her feet she moves quickly from shadow to shadow carefully watching for any sign of the neo, glancing up quickly she looks for a low branch that might provide away up off the forest floor. Apparently some of the alphas had used that trick before because the lowest branches anywhere near her had to be at least over twenty feet above her head.

"Well by the looks of it someone had used the branches to escape and evade a neo before, well there goes plan a now for plan b." Emily thought to herself.

Her path as best as she can make it is angled to one side of the winds direction, this way she stays in a position to keep the neo's scent and not give hers away to him. Each time she slipped from one shadow to another she kept watch for the neo, her eyes always moving back and forth. The wind changed slightly as she slipped behind a tree trunk, the neo's scent was getting stronger now, and his scent thrilled her and scared her at the same time. She felt her body respond to his scent; her own scent flooded her nostrils as her juices started flowing from her fur covered sex coating the inside of her legs and soaking the fur there. She shudders as her pheromone laced juices arouse her even more, her clit throbs almost painfully as in the distance the neo comes into view for the briefest second between two trees.

The mere flash of him was enough to make her stand still in awe for a second before she began moving toward him. She starts jogging and then speeds up to a lopping run, the wind in her face his scent strong in her nostrils. She jumps a bush in the way and as she passes over the bush she gets a shock as the ground dips down pass the bush, she falls almost ten feet lower than the bush. She stumbles as she hits the ground and falls forward, quickly she catches herself with her hands and there is a audible pop from her hips as muscles she hasn't used before pull and change the angle of her pelvis; she begins running on feet and hands as if nature had intended it that way.

"Wholly shit! I'm running on all fours! Can't worry about the hows or whys right now, I have a mate to catch." Emily thinks in disbelief as she pushes herself faster, looking for any sign of the neo.

A minute later she jumps over another bush and there the neo is standing just forty feet in front of her. He is standing with his side to her as she quickly closes the distance between them. Emily jumps at the last second over him, just high enough to clear his back; after landing on the other side she slows down to a stop and stands up and her hips make another audible pop as her hips shift to a bipedal conformation. Emily stands there for a moment looking at her hips with confusion but decides to worry about that little quirk of her physiology later. She turns around to face him as he walks over. His facial expression is almost comical as he comes to a stop before her.

"You run like a neo but before me stands an alpha, how is this possible?" He asks as Emily looks him over from where she is standing almost panting.

He has to be the biggest neo she has ever laid eyes on since she came out of the tube. His coat is almost jet black except for some lighter stripes down his sides. She watched as his muscles flexed almost like water as he shifted his stance, with each move it was fluid and graceful like a dancer. His head came up to just below her chest if she judged right; his head was a sleek and long. The thing that surprised her most about him was his long legs, which gave him his height; his body over all reminded her of a gray hound meant for speed not fighting.

"I don't know, really that was the first time I've ever ran that way. So I'm Emily and you are?" Emily asked as she slowly walked around him, her tail waving slowly behind her. As she walked she looked him over better, her eyes traveled backward along his body and his fur covered sheath came into view, his sheath is as long and maybe even wider than most men she had seen in the unisex shower; she could just make out his sack that held his orbs carrying his seed. A shudder passes through her as she realizes that sometime in the next few minutes that he may well be taking her virginity with that tool of his. Her pulse rate quickens as she realizes that she wants him.

"I'm called Hermes after the messenger of the gods." Hermes said slowly turning to watch her. As she walked around him he watched as she shuddered if cold, but as she moved upwind of him her scent flowed into his nose. His body responded instantly to her season, his cock grew hard in his sheath and dropped down farther below his belly with the added weight his pink tip poking out from his sheath.

"I see you've caught my scent, now before we succumb to our baser natures; now prove you're worthy of me." Emily said turning quickly and dashing off into the trees. Hermes wastes no time giving chase and bounds after her.

He wastes no time and pushes his legs to his top speed, jumping over a bush with no problem he spots her just a few yards ahead as she jumps between two more bushes trying to lose him. Just a glimpse of her throwing herself to the right is all he needs to know which way she is going, bounding over the right hand bush he comes down scant inches from the tip of her tail. He lunges at the tail in an effort to catch her and end the chase quickly, she yelps in surprise as the sound of his teeth snapping inches from her tail sends her diving over another bush. Emily tucks and rolls as she lands and quickly begins running this time on four instead of two trying to put some distance between the two of them. Behind her Hermes growls in frustration at missing her and jumps over the bush to chase her down again. Emily jinks left and right around and between trees trying to make it harder on him to catch her. Hermes is not deterred as he gives chase waiting for an opening to finish this; his need rises as her scent fills his sinuses and spurs him on with the promise of what is to come if he can defeat her in this game of hers. He watches her furry tail and rear shift just slightly before she changes direction, the view of her soaked fur covered sex between her legs causes his penis to throb almost painfully in his sheath as he follows. The distance between them is getting steadily closer as his long legs and many days of running with his littler mates has made his muscles strong and his endurance almost limitless.

As he watches her begin to shift her rear left or right and each time she does this he starts turning before she does and slowly closes in on her. Minutes pass as Emily runs in front of him, her muscles are screaming for rest as much as her lungs are screaming for air. She glances back and sees that he has closed the distance considerably from what it once was. In a last ditch effort she jumps over a log and comes down wrong as her arms can't take the strain anymore. Emily cries out in alarm as she rolls onto her side and slides across the pine needles and grass coming to a stop some feet away. Her sides heave as her lungs try to get as much air into them as possible. She lays there dazed from the fall as Hermes comes over to her his own sides heaving also. He lays down facing her though her scent is driving him wild with desire for her.

Emily watches as Hermes lays in front of her his tongue hanging out one side of his mouth as he pants trying to catch his breath also. Minutes pass as they recover from the run, more Emily than Hermes as she is not that used to running like she was. Hermes rolls onto his side letting the cool grass help cool his body down, likewise Emily is just laying there trying to rest. They both watch the other, neither speaking; but keenly aware of what each of them are doing.

Emily lifts her head slightly and pulls an arm under to use as a pillow; this also allows her to look at Hermes better. Her eyes travel down his body slowly taking in everything she can about him, how his fur lays along his body to if there is a certain pattern to it; to how big his paws are to the size of his maleness hanging in its sheath. The wind changes as she takes in his natural beauty and blows his scent to her, her breath catches in her throat for a second as a shudder runs through her, her nipples harden once more and poke from her chest fur the cool wind teasing them to harden even more as a fresh flood of her juices flows from her furred sex. His scent is musky and thrilling to her, her skin flushes and grows hot as she pulls herself up slowly to hands and knees. Her tail waves behind her in a seductive sensual way as she moves closer to him. Inwardly Emily is fighting a battle even as she moves toward him.

"I know what must happen here, but I'm afraid of it and excited at the same time. Why am I doing this? This is wrong and I should be with a man not a neo, but every fiber of my being wants to feel him ramming that cock of his into my cunt and ripping away my virginity. His scent is so compelling and intoxicating that I can't ignore it. But what does it matter no man ever showed the slightest interest in me when I was just another woman. And now here's one that will only look to me as his mate, not just his wife. What does it matter that he's a neo and I'm an alpha now, we both were engineered to be with the other. It's not like any man would want to be with an alpha anyways, who am I kidding, I want him and he wants me." Emily thought to herself as she moved toward Hermes.

Slowly Emily drops her head down to his upturned muzzle; she gives him a soft slow lick on his lips before pulling back to sit on her heels, her palms on the top of her thighs. Her head hangs down against her chest as she begins to speak; she shudders again as she feels her juices flow out of her.

"Hermes, you have beaten me and have proven you worthy to be my mate. But before you claim your prize, I ask you this one thing; be gentle as you are my first male to be with sexually. Now come claim me as your bitch, I'm yours." Emily said as she moved forward and placed her hands on the ground in an all fours stance and moved her tail to one side for his unrestricted access to her sex.

Hermes stood up and moved closer to her, the smell of her fear and arousal mixed came to him. His tongue flicked out and returned her earlier kiss before moving up her head to her ear, his voice almost a whisper in her ear.

"I'll do as you ask, mate." He said slowly rubbing himself down her side as he moved to her exposed rear. She shuddered against him as his scent flooded her sinuses, it was almost over powering as she shuddered in excitement of what was about to happen. As he passed her she couldn't help it and reached up to rub her hand thru his chest fur and down his belly taking his sheath into her hand lightly before moving back to cup his sack for a second before removing her hand.

"You are well endowed, may your seed give us many children in the years to come." Emily said as she felt his breath on her rear she shuddered almost uncontrollably.

She almost cried out as his tongue parted her nether lips and delved into her slit, his tongue withdrew for a second before once again entering her wet sex. This time she gasped and shuddered as his tongue found her clit and traveled upward to her entrance. As before his tongue withdrew and seconds later returned to take another long lick of her sex, she shuddered and cried in ecstasy as her juices flowed from her sex in a torrent onto his waiting tongue. His tongue did a series of rapid licks to keep up with the flood; Emily cried out again under the assault of his tongue on her clit and nether lips.

"Mate don't torture me like this, I need you now, I want you and I'm wet and ready for you. Take me! Make me only yours!" Emily exclaimed shuddering as another torrent of her pussy juices flowed out of her dripping to the ground.

Hermes shuddered in his own way; her scent was driving him wild with need to mate her. His cock had already swollen and the tip of his shaft was outside of his sheath; the cool air felt good on his shaft, but not as good as it would feel once inside her. Stepping away Hermes positioned himself to mount her. She looked back at him just as he rose up on his hind legs as lunged forward his forelegs and chest landing on her back. Emily shuddered as his forelegs wrapped around her waist and the tip of his cock slid down her spread nether lips. His breath, hot and moist blew across the back of her neck and shoulders as his hips pushed forward. The hot tip of his cock slid gently between her lips on the first trust. Emily sucked in a lung full of air as she felt his tip press inward, her body shuddered and her back arched forcing more of him into her. Hermes shuddered and fought the urge to ram his shaft deep into her even as she pressed back against him. Emily below him cried out in pleasure as his cock stretched her pussy and filled her more and more until it pressed against her hymen.

"Do it! Shove that monster cock into me and make me yours fully!" Emily shouted trying to force herself backwards to impale herself on his cock even though it hurt pressed against her hymen.

Looking down at her Hermes felt her cunt squeeze on his cock and could hear the desperation in her voice as she pressed herself back trying to force him into her. His own desire to drive his cock deep into her overrode her simple request before they had started. His instincts took over; His hips jerked back and then forward shoving his shaft through her hymen and into the depths of her sex. Below him Emily's head tilted back as she howled like a neo sometimes did, her body shook as a monster orgasm flowed through her, her cunt clamped down on his cock and almost massaged him. Her juices forced its way around his cock and dripped to the ground. Hermes pulled back and thrust into her as deep as he could, his knot sprang free of his sheath then and almost entered her then and there and would have if he hadn't pulled back again for another thrust inside her.

"Oh gods you're big! I didn't think you would be that big inside me!" Emily cried out as the tip of his shaft pressed almost painfully against her cervix.

Hermes nipped at her neck and ear as his hips began long stroking his cock into her and back out, each thrust pressed his tip against her cervix almost what could only be described as massaging pressure. Emily shuddered as his cock rubbed her g spot silly and which with each thrust was slowly forcing her cervix to open. Emily started rocking again back against him trying to get more of his cock into her, with each thrust more of her juices flowed down her tunnel lubricating it for his cock. Emily started gasping below him with each thrust as his forming knot pressed against her lips and was slowly forcing them to spread wider. Hermes could hold back anymore as his release neared, his forelegs gripped her waist tighter and his hips started slapping against her fur covered hips faster. His shaft slammed into her with such speed she began to moan loudly as her own release neared. Her pussy juices drooled out messily as fast as Hermes cock was jack hammering her pussy, his sack had long ago been coated along with the inside of his legs. Hermes yanked her back as hard as he could while throwing his hips forward ramming his knot into her abused pussy. Emily screamed as his knot entered her cunt and the tip of his cock forced its way past her cervix, his cock swelled inside of her as his nuts gave up their cargo and filled her womb with his seed. Hermes howled above her as his orgasm hit and in seconds Emily's own howl joined his as her third orgasm flowed through her. Seconds seemed like minutes as they shuddered and twitched as their orgasms had peaked and where slowly fading. Emily's arms started to give away and she lowered her head onto her crossed arms, her breathing was fast and her eyes glazed over as Hermes laid on her back his cock still forcing his seed into her womb. His tongue hanged from one side of his mouth as he panted above her. Neither of them spoke as they recovered over the next few minutes. Hermes slowly worked his way off of her back and turned away from her, his knot swollen inside of her kept them tied. His tail flagged as his nuts still forced more of his seed into her.

Emily slowly came back to the world, her whole body was so tired she wanted to go to sleep as soon as possible. But being they were still tied the chances of sleeping would be some time away. She moans softly as his cock throbs inside of her, filling her with his seed.

"Wow, and the recording said it might take me another week of this. I'm not going to complain about it." Emily thought as she felt him throb inside her again; her pussy clenching tighter in response.

"I can't believe an alpha took all of me. She so tight it's almost painful. I wonder how she can run like she does; no alpha I've ever met could run like a neo." Hermes thought as more of his seed entered her.

High above them in an observation room a lone alpha watched the enhanced video feed of the new mates far below. A furred hand wrote notes on a pda screen quickly. Seconds later the message was just one of thousands traveling through the stations network to its destination.

Mikhail Richards turned away from the monitor as Misty walked into the room on her artificial legs.

"Any word on Emily's mating yet?" Misty asked looking up at her mate for over forty years.

"I just got the recording of it from our friends downstairs in the observation room. She had to go in over two hours earlier than planed, her season came upon her very quickly." Mikhail said as his hand caressed her cheek.

"Well then I want to watch it, because you already have." Misty replied giving the tent in his paints a playful shove.

"I need to tell you something's about Emily before you watch it." Mikhail said standing in her way.

"Nothing bad I hope; but out with it mate." Misty said lowering her rear end to the floor.

"Emily is a type two generation two hybrid like her younger brother Lucas was. She has the tail and the modified hips like he did and according to her psych profile she'll suicide like Lucas did if she losses her mate. But that's not the worst of it; fleet has ordered all the alphas and neo's like her back to Io station. They don't think I know of fleets plans for them yet, but I do." Mikhail said looking at her.

"What is fleet planning to do? Is there anything that can be done to save her? We've lost too many of our children to the war and now this." Misty asked her voice laced with grief.

"Fleet is planning to kill all of us now that we are no longer useful to them. But don't worry I've already sent word to our friends that we go in two weeks. It's now or never for us alphas and neo's." Mikhail replied turning his chair to look out the observation window of their quarters.

The memories from ten years ago come back unbidden, the war with the bug is still going on.

Fleet Admiral Mikhail Richards listens in on the comm traffic from the command bunker as orders were dispatched to various troopers for the next move in fleets plan to rid this planet of the bugs. Planet 542-b in the system of NGC-3735 was one of the few that humans could live on without too much trouble from the environment. The local fauna and flora wasn't the problem on Planet 542-b. it was the weather plain and simple. One day it would clear skies and eighty degrees out, the next day it would be overcast and massive storms that would knock equipment off line in a heartbeat. So it proved to be a challenge to live here for everyone even the bugs. Even now after thirty plus years of war the bugs were still mankind's sworn enemy. Thus fleet had ordered Admiral Richards and his battle group here to eradicate the bugs from this planet before they got too entrenched. Mikhail's ears pick up a familiar voice on the speaker and he sits up straighter in his chair.

"Alpha 34 to base, request emergency med evac! Location sector 12 slash grid 15. Alpha 35 has had a reactor breech in her suit; she's out of her suit but not doing well. Temperature is dropping rapidly here she's not going to last long in this cold" Alpha 34 said over the comm link.

"Rodger, Alpha 34 medical evac is on its way to you now, eta ten minutes!" One of the staff members said into a microphone, as Mikhail got up from his chair.

"Get a tech team sent out to recover alpha 35's suit, I want to know what happened to it to cause a reactor breach." Mikhail said to one of the comms officers as he walked out of the command bunker and head down the hall to the infirmary to wait on Alpha 34 to arrive with Alpha 35.

"What happened to Gypsy's suit to cause a reactor breach? Lucas is very good at doing the maintenance to their mobile suits, hell he's earned a tech 5 rating for his work on the suits but could he have missed something? I'll have the maintenance logs pulled for their unit and have them gone over carefully." Mikhail thought to himself as he walked down the hallway typing the orders to have the maintenance logs pulled into his pda and sending it to someone he could trust to do the job right.

Meanwhile twenty some odd miles away from base:

The evac shuttle's engines roared as the pilot brought the shuttle in low and fast to the LZ. For Alpha 34 aka Lucas Richards it could have been a lot sooner, but the current blizzard was making it hell for the cap troopers on the ground; it must be ten times worse on pilots. Even before the shuttles gear touched the snow covered ground his suit was moving into position to enter the shuttles massive bay door which was already lowering into position. From his three meter perch in the cockpit of his suit Lucas could already see the med techs in cold weather gear waiting just like he was for the ramp to lower. Seconds later he sent his suit forward onto the loading ramp and into the bay as the med techs rushed forward with a gurney to put Gypsy on.

"They're up the ramp! Doors closing! Pilot lift off and get us back to base asap!" The hanger bay tech hollered into his microphone over the din of the wind and engines idling. The shuttle lifted off even as Lucas was parking his suit in a transport cradle. As the med techs picked up Gypsy's radiation burned body from the suits huge metal hands and laid her on the gurney, Lucas was popping the hatch open in the back of his suit to get out.

Lucas dropped the last meter to the deck and quickly ran toward the small medical bay setup in the hanger for emergencies like this. As Lucas ran over he could see the med techs working on Gypsy, he slowed to a stop just outside of the room to stay out of the way.

"Come on let's get her stabilized! What's her heart rate and blood pressure?" One of the med techs asked the other one across the gurney

"Low and falling, giving her 10cc's of adrenalin." The med tech said as she inserted the needle into one of the two iv ports on Gypsy's neck.

"Start working on them burns, and get them iv's going!" The one med tech in charge said.

For Lucas it was like the worse nightmare he could imagine, his mate for three years laid there unmoving as the techs worked on her. The radiation burns covered the lower half of her body, her once beautiful fur was gone and so was the skin underneath. In some places her muscles showed where the radiation had cooked away her flesh. The techs buzzed around her still form working franticly to keep her alive until they could get her to the bases better equipped infirmary.

"Private Richards, this message just came for you over the secure channel." The copilot said handing him a folded piece of paper.

Unfolding it Lucas reads the message quickly.

"Lucas, I'm ordering a full investigation and have a salvage team en route to pick up Gypsy's suit. Is there anything I need to know about?" From dad. Lucas folded the paper up and shoved it into a pocket his attention back on his mate.

Three days later in a small conference room.

"This investigation into the cause of Alpha 35's reactor breech three days ago has begun. Private Richards please explain what you and Alpha 35 where doing before the reactor breech happened." Platoon captain Ross asked from his chair behind the desk.

"Alpha 35 was having freeze up problems with her suits hydraulics and asked me what she should do. Following sop I linked up with her suits onboard computer controls and ran a level one diagnostic on the systems." Lucas said.

"And what did the diagnostic report tell you?" Ross asked.

"That the heating systems that was installed before our arrival here were not getting enough power to operate properly under current weather conditions. I adjusted the power output to those systems which fixed the problem." Lucas replied.

The phone on the desk chimes and Captain Ross answers it.

"This better be an emergency I'm in the middle of an inquiry right now." Captain Ross said into the phone. Seconds pass as he listens to the person on the phone before hanging it up.

"This inquiry is on hold, Richards get to the ICU your neo is having problems, Dismissed." Captain Ross said.

Lucas saluted the captain and quickly turned and left the room. Even before the door to the conference room had closed behind him Lucas was running for the infirmary at his top speed, his alpha robes bellowing behind him. Two minutes later he almost crashed through the door into the ICU wing of the infirmary in his haste to get to his neo's regeneration chamber. As he stepped up to the heavy plexi glass tub in which Gypsy floated one of the doctors stepped over to him.

"Private Richards, I need to speak with you for a minute in my office." The doctor said pointing toward one of the open doors on one wall of the room.

"Yeah sure, how's Gypsy doing?" Lucas asked as he gazed into the tub at her.

"That's what I want to speak with you about, this way please." The doctor said walking away.

"You hang in there mate, they'll fix you up in no time." Lucas said before following the doctor to the room. The doctor closed the door after Lucas entered. The doctor took a seat behind the desk and motioned for Lucas to have a seat.

"I'll stand if that's alright with you." Lucas replied looking at the doctor.

"Private Richards there's no easy way to tell you this. Your mate isn't going to make it, the damage done by the radiation along with the burns to her body are just too much even for the tanks to repair." The doctor said as Lucas glanced back over his shoulder looking through the window in the door at Gypsy.

"Surely there is something that can be done for her? Something you haven't tried yet?" Lucas asked with fear in his voice.

"No there isn't, I'm sorry but we've done all we can for her. All we can do now is ease her passing by not letting her wake up and keeping the pain killers going. I'm sorry we couldn't do more." The doctor said sadden that they had failed to save her. Lucas paid the doctor no mind as he walked out of the office door and went to where Gypsy floated. He put his hand up against the plexi glass tub holding it there.

"I always told you that I would never mate again if it wasn't with you Gypsy, I can't go on without you." Lucas whispered as tears ran down his face as he reached over to the control panel and pressed the button shutting off the power to the machines keeping her alive. He watched as her body struggled weakly in the tub as the heart monitor went into one long tone. Tears blurred his vision but not his feeling as his hand pulled his knife from its sheath on his belt.

"I'm coming love." Lucas said before thrusting his knife into his own chest. The pain is short and brief as his blade passes through his heart. As he slumps against the plexi glass tub he weakly pulls the knife from his chest and holds it up toward the doctors and nurses rushing over to try and save him.

"In life and death we were bonded. My mate is dead, I now join her." Lucas said as his vision went black as his body relaxed for the final time.

"We can still save him! Get the cart!" One of the nurses shouted.

"No! Leave him be! They were both dead the day of the accident and just didn't know it." The head doctor said.

"This is for you Lucas for showing me the way." Mikhail said holding a drink high in a toast before downing the drink and gazed out over the forest below for a moment before picking up his pen and started writing.

To Sky Admiral Ronson:

From Mikhail Richards Admiral (ret)

This is to inform you that on this day that we the alpha's and neo's are leaving federation space for a world of our own. No longer can we fight your wars nor be treated as second class citizens of the federation. Service brings citizenship for humans only our voices are not heard when there is a vote. Nor are we allowed to live outside of the service, fleet has seen to that on earth or any other human populated world. We're too dangerous as fleet's propaganda has said for years to be allowed to live planet side. Well no more! We the alphas and neo's in life and death we were bonded and our course is set. Do not try to stop us.

Mikhail signed it and placed a timer on it for it to be sent after they had left.

Here ends The Neo's alpha project chapter Two

To be finished in chapter three the last of this trilogy