Balto's Rescue!

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#1 of Balto's Challenge

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Balto whined and whimpered, struggling at the end of the metal chain that held him in place. His toned muscles strained helplessly, even though the metal pike in the ground was so small. He looked more like a wolf than a husky, though he was descended from both, his short grey fur only emphasizing his large, amber eyes. The wolfdog was indignant! Hadn't he saved the entire town from an outbreak of diphtheria? And now he found himself restrained and muzzled, tied to a metal post in the ground in the backyard of Jenna's house. He whined pitifully, looking across the backyard to where Jenna was, behind a chain-link fence. She could move freely inside the small enclosure, but to Balto it looked like a prison, with six-foot walls on every side. Even if he hadn't been tied up, he didn't know if he could have scaled the fence.

It wasn't as bad as it sounded, really. He had been taken in by Jenna's people after the famous rescue, and he loved spending so much time with Jenna and Rosy. He had a steady food supply, friends, and fun. And he had Jenna. The trouble was the reason he was tied up and muzzled. She was in heat, and it was driving Balto crazy. For some reason, her people had decided she wasn't ready to mate. She was too young, they said, though Balto knew when she was older, they would let him breed her. Their puppies would be very popular, even though he was part wolf. But it would be at least another six months, unless the two dogs could figure something out. Balto and Jenna were desperate, mournfully separated when all they wanted to do was make love.

The muzzle had been applied when Jenna's people could no longer stand Balto's plaintive barks, as he howled at Jenna in her kennel. She had been trying to dig under the fence to no avail, for it was a deeply laid fence, and Balto could neither chew through the chains that bound him, nor scrape the leather muzzle from his face. All he could do was whimper pitifully through the tight strap, watching the love of his life pace the kennel, ready and eager to mate. He made as much noise with the chain as possible, in hopes that her people would give up and let the two dogs be together. Sadly, they had already gone to bed, telling Balto that they wouldn't let him go, no matter how much noise he made. He had been rattling the chain ever since, but it seemed the humans were going to be true to their word.

His heart fluttered as he watched her, her dark red fur covering her slender body. She was small for a Siberian husky, but she was still young. As far as Balto knew, this was her first heat. Her tail was curled up, leaving nothing to his imagination as he got long eyefuls of her glistening, grey vulva, standing out in a sea of cream colored belly fur. It was enlarged with her heat, and the smell was intoxicating. It made it hard to think, and he suspected if he weren't so out-of-it he might have found a way out of his restraints by now. And though he couldn't talk to her, she could talk to him, which wasn't helping anything.

"Oh Balto," she crooned, her tone full of longing, "I can't get out of here. Oh, I need you so much, Balto..."

Balto could do nothing.

She whimpered, her ears laid back as she rubbed her rump against the fence, showing herself off to her love. "I wish you were here, Balto. I've never felt like this. I indecent!" she exclaimed as she held her tail aside for him. She was right, ever since her heat had begun, her typical subdued personality had disappeared. The confused canine could hardly believe how she was acting. She knew her lover couldn't reach her and that he was frustrated, and yet she could not resist presenting herself to him. She was truly embarrassed.

And so it was, for the next several hours. Jenna paced the kennel, unable to escape her confines, while Balto watched, mesmerized by her taunting beauty. Exhaustion was finally overcoming the wolf-hound when suddenly, everything changed. The world imploded, as the worst thing that could possibly happen, happened. Balto heard scraping at the outer fence, and Jenna had noticed it as well. Initially he chalked it up to another visiting dog, investigating the alluring scent that emanated from the kennel. Jenna called through the wooden fence, telling whoever it was, on no uncertain terms, "You might as well give up, I'm locked up, and I'm not interested!"

Usually that was enough, but there was no response, other than more scratching. Then it was replaced by a scrabbling sound, and Jenna's ears perked up, following the sound where it moved up the outside of the fence, before whatever was on the other side slid down again. It was trying to scale the fence! The wall was a good ten feet tall - it would take...a grizzly bear to get over the fence. Jenna said with contempt, her voice betraying her frustration, "Told you so."

Again, though, the scraping continued; the creature managed to hold itself on the fence for a few frightening moments, but it ended in the same way. This time it quieted. Jenna panted, relieved. Whatever it was had left.

Or so she had thought. Footsteps rapidly approached, and two large paws wrapped over the top of the fence. Jenna barked and backed away, not sure what it was, but the dark form pulled itself over the top of the fence, clearing the impressive obstacle, and landing with a thud in the very kennel in which Jenna was trapped. Was it a grizzly bear? No, it was worse. To Balto's horror, he recognized the creature almost immediately, and said under his breath, a barely restrained growl in his throat, "Steele..."

Jenna jumped in shock to see the immense form of her one-time admirer in the small kennel with her. She immediately backed up against the wall of the kennel, her ears laid back in disbelief. He was a massive malamute, his black and white fur contrasting vibrantly against the darkness, built entirely out of muscle. A long, evil sneer revealed rows of vicious teeth. Steele had jumped the wall, and Jenna was now trapped, in heat, with Balto's rival.

Balto wasted no time, trying desperately to bark, but the muzzle muffled his attempts, and rattling his chain had accomplished nothing for hours. He gritted his teeth, pushing his claws into the dirt beneath him, and pulled with all his strength. He had once pulled a sled up a snowy cliff by himself, surely he could overcome this small post. He strained against the metal chain, the pressure on his neck almost unbearable. He kept his eyes open, so that he could keep foremost in his mind why he needed to get free.

With a mocking grin, the evil husky said, "Fancy meeting you here, Jenna. It's been too long."

"Stay back," she barked, though she was already backed into a corner of the small kennel.

"I could have sworn," he said, sniffing the musky air, "that you wanted me here." He took another deep breath, his long tongue lolling out of his mouth, and said, "Oh yes, there it is. Your eyes say no, but your scent says yes."

Jenna began barking wildly at the house, praying that they would at least respond to her distress. Steele took a slow, methodical step forward, but said, "But don't worry, Jenna, I would never presume to intrude against your wolfdog's wishes. If he wants me to leave, then I surely will."

Jenna didn't believe a word of it, her ears laid back as she gave Steele a side-long glance. Steele turned to where Balto stood, still trying to pull the entire earth closer to the kennel where his love was trapped. He asked in feigned innocence, "What say you, Balto? If you want me to leave, just say so."

Balto tried to open his mouth, but all that came out was a whisper, "Leave..."

Steele's ears perked up and he said, "Hmm? I guess I will take your silence as permission." He turned back to Jenna, ignoring Balto's grinding growls.

Jenna was getting desperate, tucking her tail between her legs. She stopped barking futilely to plead with the large dog. "Steele, please. Leave. If my people find you here, they'll -"

Steele interrupted, now looming over the frightened husky, saying, "They won't do anything, Jenna. I'll be gone long before they wake, judging by the noise your friend over there has been making all night." He smiled down at the trembling girl.

"Please," she pleaded, "Just go, I'll - I'll do anything!"

Balto couldn't bear to watch, but he had no choice. He instead concentrated on escaping. He could still stop this - he had to! Pulling the chain hadn't work, but perhaps he could get the muzzle off. With enough barking, he might at least wake Rosy up to warn her parents. He scraped at the leather mask, desperate.

Steele said, "Anything? I'm not sure I believe you. Besides, if I stay, I'll get the only thing I want."

"I won't. You know I won't, you might as well not waste your time."

He took a step beside her, his flank pressing up against hers, her tail curled up neatly under the massive black husky's neck, saying, "I doubt you can stop me, but I doubt you'll want to." Jenna was frozen in place, trembling as Steele lowered his muzzle beneath her tail. From where she stood, she had an excellent view of Steele's growing cock, and Balto could see her eyes fixing on the red protruding from his massive sheath. Balto had a moment of exultation as the muzzle on his face slid almost an inch, but it was still too tight to remove. He was making progress. But his joy melted as he saw Steele sniffing at Jenna's moist slit, the malamute's cold nose pressing up against her most sensitive area. Worse, when he touched her, she stepped forward, holding her tail to the side for him.

Balto looked in disbelief. Jenna looked ill as she stood in front of Steele, not moving as he tasted her. She turned to look at Balto with confused eyes, and she said softly, urgently, " - I won't be able to resist him!"

The wolfdog tugged harder against the leather, his claws scraping his face. He wasn't going to remove the muzzle before Steele...he didn't want to think about it. Fear filled Balto's mind, clearing it somewhat of his heat-induced craze. He turned back to the metal stake, positioning himself behind it so he could still see the two occupying the kennel. He had loosened the muzzle enough to get his teeth around the cold metal, and though his teeth grinded painfully, he begin pulling directly on the pike. It seemed to be working - pulling upward caused the stake to wiggle in place, where pulling on the chain had been futile. He could see his warm breath in the Alaskan air as he gasped for breath, straining.

Meanwhile, Steel had placed an errant paw upon Jenna's back, causing the husky to spin and nip at the large malamute. She backed up to the chain link fence, her tail still held high, so that Balto's gaze was drawn to her slit, now dripping with Steele's saliva. And Balto could see Steele's ominous approach head-on. Jenna yelped, "Balto, help!"

Balto was pulling upward on the stake with all of his might, and it was noticeably looser in the cold ground than it had been, but it was a slow, painful process. He redoubled his efforts. Steele said, "Still think your hero will save you? Do you now see how weak he is? You're better off with me."

Jenna was about to reply when Steele edged his way forward, steeping past her again to lower his head beneath her tail. He took a long, deliberate taste of Jenna, and this time Balto could see everything. He watched the flexible tongue engulf the pointed tip of her trembling vulva before sliding up along her folds, now well-lubricated by Steele's spit. Balto's heart sank as he heard a loud moan from Jenna, and she turned for him and held her tail aside again, allowing Steele full access. Steele said, "Good girl," before placing a heavy paw on her back, tensing his hind legs to mount.

Balto was still struggling with the stake, though his teeth ached. He wasn't going to be able to free himself in time! Steele lifted himself onto Jenna's back, but to Balto's relief, she spun away from him, barking madly. Disappointed, Steele chased her, trying to climb her again, but she began darting back and forth, barking. Hope filled Balto once more, and he pulled the stake almost an inch. It couldn't be much longer before he was free, and Jenna was buying him enough time! Jenna kept spinning in place, barking, making it impossible for Steele to get a good grip. If Balto couldn't get the stake out, at least Rosy or her parents might come investigate!

Steele growled, "Hold still, bitch!"

Jenna's chest was heaving, gasping for breath as she evaded the malamute's advances. She was quickly running out of energy, but Balto was tugging at the stake, now half-way removed from the dirt. She only needed to keep this up for another minute! But in her exhaustion, she tripped, falling to the earth in a heap. Steele wasted no time stepping over her, holding her down with his bulk. But she was lying down, and there was no way Steele could force her up. He stood over her, his dangling erection inches from her face as he scaled her body, pushing his snout up against her rump. Holding her immobile, she was helpless as he began to lap eagerly at her swollen entrance, his tongue engulfing her. Balto could watch as Steele's tongue caressed Jenna, but he knew that soon he would be free, and he could stop this horror.

Jenna was quivering and moaning, overcome by the sensations on her sensitive genitals. She could not flee with Steele's weight pressing down on her, so she had no choice but to accept his advances. Until Steele shifted his weight off of the husky, still licking her. To Balto's shock, the husky promptly stood up and took a step forward, her tail raised. She still couldn't resist her instincts! But Balto just needed a few seconds longer - he could feel the stake's loosening hold on the earth, though he could no longer feel his teeth, numb from the pain of tightly gripping metal. Was his effort going to be in vain because she was too exhausted to resist for fifteen more seconds? He could see her swollen vulva, coated in saliva where she stood at an angle away from him. He could still see her trembling opening as Steele lifted himself onto the diminutive husky, this time with no resistance from Jenna. The angle was perfect to watch as Steele repositioned himself, his throbbing erection aiming for Jenna's virginity.

Jenna moaned in frenzied anticipation, her body desperate, but her mind desperate for another reason. Balto could just hear her quiet, whimpering plea, "No, not Steele - anybody else..."

And Balto was free! The pike flew out of the loose earth, clattering behind Balto as he charged the kennel, pulling the heavy chain. Steele turned at the sound, looking at Balto in shock. He had never expected Balto to be able to escape his bonds, and not when he was so close. The malamute watched in horror as Balto leapt upon the ten foot fence, his paws wrapping around the top bar. Balto had done it! He could pull himself over and finally face his foe.

With a yelp, Balto was jerked back to the ground, on the wrong side of the fence. He lay there, dazed, until he could see what had happened. The stake had flung into the base of the chain-link fence, getting tangled in it. When Balto had tried to vault the fence, he reached the end of his leash and was pulled back. He lay in a heap, trapped next to the fence, mere feet from where Steele grasped Jenna, both of them watching. Steele's expression morphed from fear and desperation into a triumphant, smirking grin. Worse, Balto watched as the hope on Jenna's face drained away, her eyes suddenly empty. Even as Balto sprung to his feet, he knew he was too late, his eyes transfixed on the two dogs only a few feet from him.

Steele said, "Too late."

Despite the malamute's massive endowment, he held the husky firmly in place and thrust forward, watching Balto all the while. The image of Steele's mocking, triumphant face burned itself into Balto's mind, where he knew it would always remain. Steele and Jenna were at just the right angle for viewing. He couldn't tear his ears away from Steele's glistening, pointed tip as it pressed against Jenna's virgin entrance, parting her pliable folds as the malamute penetrated Jenna a few inches. He slid in with surprising ease thanks to his saliva lubricant, his cock spreading Jenna's lips two-inches apart to accommodate the massive beast. It felt like slow motion as Balto watched inch after inch of Steele slide into the shuddering husky, though it must have lasted only a second. The thrust ended with Steele's already swollen, four-inch knot pressing up against her, and Jenna was a virgin no more.

Jenna lifted her head, her muzzle forming a desperate moan as Steele began violating her. Balto returned to his senses, and he sprang to his feet, moving to the stake in an effort to free it from the fence. He could still save her from the worst of it, he was sure. He was a hero! He had to at least try. He tried to ignore Jenna's moans, whether they were from pleasure or pain - he wasn't sure which would be worse. He tried to focus entirely on the pike, which had worked its way into the fence, twisting the chain-links into a haphazard shape. It would take effort to remove, but Balto had plenty of motivation. He grabbed it and pulled, wishing he could close his eyes. But he needed to see to work on the puzzle before him, and he couldn't shut his ears either, as much as he wanted to.

Steele gasped, "You're so tight..." gritting his teeth as he pulled halfway out of her.

Jenna opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted as the malamute shoved himself back into her, causing her to yip loudly. After that, though, she was able to look over her shoulder at Balto, her eyes glistening with the beginnings of tears, to plead, "Balto, you have to stop him!"

Steele barked, "Silence, bitch! It's too late for that; you're mine now!" With that, he began humping the petite red husky without mercy, holding her firmly in his powerful forelegs, while her legs buckled from his weight. Jenna whined under this new onslaught, her ears laid back. Her eyes were closed, but Balto could see the tracks of her tears. He looked away, making progress on the metal post that had caused him so much trouble, but from this new angle, all he could see was Steele's glistening erection as it spread Jenna apart. It slammed into her with each thrust, stopping when the prematurely swollen knot met her tight vulva. Even so, the white orbs than dangled beneath his legs swung far enough forward to slap against her hind legs, the sound of impact punctuating each thrust. Balto wished he could unhear it, but he had other things to worry about.

While Steele violated Jenna, Balto worked at the spike, but things were going badly. It was stuck, and Balto still had a muzzle restricting most of his mouth movement. Though he kept working, his teeth still sore, he began to think of other ways to free himself, but nothing was coming to mind. The chain was far too sturdy to break. He knew from Jenna's attempts earlier that digging under the fence would take far too long. He was beginning to lose hope, tugging pitifully against the fence.

Steele's frantic thrusts were speeding up, and Jenna was getting looser. His four-inch knot reflected the moonlight, drawing Balto's attention, though the wolfdog tried his best to ignore it. Tears dribbled down the sides of Jenna's face, but she had begun pushing back against the rapist overpowering her. She was thrusting her own hips in time to his. Her moans had changed. They were deeper and longer, using her full throat. Though she still yipped with each thrust, she no longer sounded like she was in pain. Whenever possible, she panted heavily, her breath visible in the cold Alaskan air. If not for her tears, Balto wouldn't have been able to tell if she was enjoying it!

"" she pleaded, whether to Balto or to her owners or to God, it didn't matter. It seemed as if none of them could do anything to stop this. She turned again to Balto, fresh tears falling from her large, mournful eyes, desperation coating her voice, which was raw from moaning. "Balto, when he...if he... This is bad enough, but I couldn't bear to have his puppies!" she finished in a rush, her entire body trembling with fear. Steele's only response was to growl and thrust faster.

Steele ground his hips against the small husky, each thrust pushing his knot further into her before becoming blocked. If Balto didn't do something, he feared Steele would somehow manage to plunge himself fully into Jenna. Locked together, it would be that much more difficult to stop Steele before he could fill her with his seed. Balto knew that she was right. If no one stopped Steele, then Jenna, deep in estrus, was almost sure to have his puppies. But Balto wouldn't let that happen! Surely he could remove the stake. Or maybe...but wait!

Motion caught his eye, from the household! Balto turned away from the copulating canines to glimpse little Rosy, still in her pajamas, looking out through the frost-stained windows. She must have heard Jenna's barks and whines and come to investigate! Balto saw the little girl's eyes widen at seeing Steele in the kennel, holding down and raping the smaller husky. She hurried away from the window. She must be getting her parents. He tried to keep one eye on the house and the other on Jenna. Balto prayed that it wasn't too late.

Balto waited impatiently, knowing that his only hope lay with the little girl. All he could do was watch and listen to the two, Steele's groans and moans erupting from his open mouth. His head rested against Jenna's back, his tongue lolling out of his self-satisfied grin as he violated her. Jenna seemed to be pushing herself back against Steele with all her might, as if she wanted to tie with him. Her eyes were closed, and she seemed to be in a daze, arching her back and moaning. He could see the amazing speed with which Steele's red rod rammed into her, watching as Steele pulled it back. As it slid partially out of her, her vaginal lips would tighten around its tip, only to suck the massive member back in with a wet sound, spreading her apart two inches once more. His wet knot would then smash into her tender vulva, which strained to part the extra two inches required to accommodate the knot. Jenna whined, pushing with all four feet backwards onto Steele's cock.

There was still no one at the back door, but he knew how hard it must be to wake Jenna's people. He returned to watching the two. Steele growled, "You like that, do you?" mocking her, "Well get ready, slut, I'm going all the way in!" He pulled hard on Jenna's waist with his powerful fore legs, and she cooperated, pushing back in time. Balto saw Steele pull out of her until just his tip rested gently in her y-shaped folds before pounding her again, the entire length of his throbbing cock burying into the trembling husky's small passageway. Steele's knot spread her apart two-and-a-half inches, and then almost three inches. On the next thrust, her lips were spread even more than three inches. Jenna howled, a long, hungry howl.

As much as she seemed to want it, tears had matted the fur on her face, and she whimpered pitifully to Balto, "I can't...I can't stop him..."

Balto's heart ached. Why was this happening? Where was Rosy? Steele howled triumphantly, ever closer to locking himself in her. He taunted her, "Can't, or won't? You want me in you, and once there I'm going to spray you completely full. Show him that you want my puppies: push back as hard as you can!" As much as Steele's taunts grated at Balto's mind, it was nothing compared to the sinking feeling that filled his heart when Steele thrust again, and Jenna did just that, whimpering as she thrust herself wildly back against the malamute.

"Good girl," Steele praised. There wasn't much time, at this rate. The black canine's knot had almost spread her apart four inches, the half-way point beyond which the entire thing would slide easily into her, trapped. Even if Jenna's owners came, there would be little they could do to separate the two dogs, and Jenna was obediently following Steele's directions, as if she was as eager as him for it to happen. Balto grimaced as he noticed the first signs of Steele's early contributions leaking out of Jenna's spread and straining slit. It might already be too late!

It would be only seconds before Steele hilted himself in Jenna, but to Balto's immense relief, Rosy had returned! Her parents would rush outside, grab Balto's cold water dish, and freeze the arrogant malamute. If they hurried Jenna would be saved! Balto grinned - until something seemed wrong. No people were rushing into the cold Alaskan night. In fact, he didn't see Rosy's parents with her. It was just the little girl! Squinting, Balto could see that she had run to get a glass of water, and was now watching from the window. Didn't she understand what was happening? Balto knew that her parents had explained everything when she asked them why Jenna had to be in the kennel. Rosy knew that Jenna wasn't supposed to be near any male dogs, and it was obvious that Steele and Jenna were almost as near together as they could possibly be, yet she just watched as the large dog violated Jenna!

Betrayed, his mind racing, Balto turned back to the ongoing copulation, trying to figure out what, if anything he could do. He was still trapped, muzzled, and no one else was going to help, not even Jenna! His gaze fell upon Steele and his heart plummeted. He had turned just in time to watch as Steele plunged himself one final time against the sore husky, who pushed back obediently with all the force she could muster, her hind legs splayed apart to more easily accommodate him. Steele's knot burst through her vulva, and Balto could see the very instant that her grey mound was spread the full four inches apart, and hear Jenna's throaty yelp. She was stretched impossibly for what seemed an eternity, but in an instant, her vulva eagerly pulled the knot the rest of the way inside with an ominous splurch. Steele pulled himself forward, now hilted inside of the small husky, his belly pressed firmly against her back. His wicked grin was only inches from Jenna's flattened ears, and his desperate pants caused her ears to twitch.

He was too late. Steele began thrusting his hips as best he could, resulting in only the barest amount of movement. Judging by this, Balto knew that Steele's humongous erection must be completely filling the small husky's insides, his tapered tip pressing firmly against Jenna's cervix. Jenna lifted her head, crying and whimpering at the bevy of emotions coursing through her body. She clenched her vagina, milking the malamute even as she gasped, her voice ragged, "No, not like this..."

Steele must still be sending small bursts of his seed into her, but now with his knot in place, none was leaking out. But the black dog still hadn't climaxed within her. That gave Balto the barest amount of time, and desperation drove his actions. That's it! He hadn't tried removing his leather collar. Maybe he could still free himself, and vault the fence. He couldn't reach the collar with his mouth, but he could try to pull back from the chain. He was sure the collar would slide off. And if he could remove the muzzle the rest of the way... With quick thinking, he moved the strap of the muzzle around the pike where it was still trapped in the fence.

Steel was moaning and quivering, clearly nearing his peak, and Jenna was faring no better. Her virgin hole was spread wide by the large black malamute's massive red cock, and she seemed completely overwhelmed by the sensations, her body shivering as she began howling unceasingly. She clenched around his erection, pushing back even though he was already as deep within her as he could be. Her tail was wagging in time with Steele's, as she greedily sucked up everything he was currently offering her.

Balto pulled back, in one swift move removing both the muzzle, and when he reached the end of the line, his collar, which scraped painfully across his face. He was free, and fifteen feet from the kennel, the perfect distance for a running jump. When he reached Steele, he would set upon him like he had never allowed himself to do so before, calling on his wolf instincts. He would tear the trapped malamute to pieces, and he would be able to do nothing, trapped as he was inside of Jenna. He charged the fence!

Just as he was about to jump, it happened. His eyes widened and he forgot to jump, sliding helplessly into the chain-link fence. His face was pressed up against the fence, just two feet from where he helplessly watched the two dogs. Steele had howled loudly, thrusting forward one last time before his massive balls began to pulse, visibly, spewing wave after wave of dogseed into Jenna. Balto knew Steele's tip was pressed up against her cervix, each ejaculation splashing violently against the entrance to her womb. Finally Balto was free, and could speak, but he found himself frozen in place and speechless, his jaw dropped as he watched the disaster before him, joined by the curious Rosy at the window.

They shuddered violently together, moaning as orgasm tore at their minds. Jenna took his seed, trembling, and said, "Oh, Steeeele...!"

Steele, as though he felt obligated to reply, managed to gasp, "Take it, bitch!"

Balto stood, pressed up against the fence, his ears laid back and his tail between his legs. He had failed. He was two feet from where he watched Steele's excess fluids begin to trickle out of Jenna. Balto suspected that Steele's knot would have been more likely to block his seed than Jenna's heat-excited cervix. There was no doubt in Balto's mind that Steele had first filled the small husky's womb before the pressure grew enough to force his seed around his knot. Balto was in a daze, unbelieving as he watched fluid dripping out of Jenna's vulva onto the ground. He was so out of it that the view aroused him, his own penis peeking red out of his sheath.

It was over a minute before Steele's quivering thrusts slowed to a halt, and Jenna's howls of ecstasy were replaced by gasping for breath. She finally came to her senses, and tears again spilled from her eyes, wetting the ground a few feet from the puddle beneath her legs.

Steele whispered in Jenna's ears, one more time, "Good girl," before leisurely turning around, standing rump to rump with Jenna in the canine fashion. Now the massive malamute was facing Balto, only the chain-link fence standing in the way, while Jenna collapsed, weeping, her hindquarters still high in the air thanks to Steele's knot. Balto growled.

Steele told the wolfdog, "This is what you get for opposing me, mutt."

Balto barked at him, "I'm going to tear you to pieces, Steele!" Anger overwhelmed him, so powerful that he didn't think to jump the fence and make good on his promise. Not that he was sure he could even scale the ten-foot fence.

Steele licked his lips, still enjoying Jenna's tight passageway tugging on his cock. "That would change nothing, Balto," the contempt in his voice dripping as he emphasized Balto's name. "This little slut is mine. Look at the proud new mother!"

Balto looked at Jenna, who was shuddering, looking ill. She wept, Steele's words obviously getting to her.

Steele continued, "Face it, Balto, you saw how much she wanted me. She raised her tail for me, pushed back against me, and you heard her moans as I finally serviced her. Me, and not you!"

Jenna's fur bristled, and she cried out, "No, it's not true, Balto! I hated it - I just...couldn't help myself!"

Balto continued to bark, enraged, but Steele taunted again, "You hear that? She couldn't help herself. I was too much for her small mind to handle, that's the only reason she took my cock so willingly, moaning as I coated her womb. I can't wait to see the puppies."

Balto growled again, "I won't rest until you're dead, Steele. This...this is unforgivable!"

"I don't need your forgiveness, Balto, but she does. You saw everything. She lay still while I licked her, and when I let her up, she didn't run. She lifted her tail and stayed put while I mounted. She put on quite a show of distress, but you and I both know she wanted it. She called my name."

Jenna whimpered, embarrassed but unable to deny some of Steele's accusations. Balto's fur bristled, but there was little he could say to refute it either. For the first time in his life, Balto was completely helpless. He had failed to save Jenna, and now he couldn't even stand up for her. He was speechless.

Steele's swollen knot had finally shrunk, and with an undignified splurch, he pulled himself out of Jenna, causing more of his seed to spill out onto the ground. Jenna stayed there, quivering, too overwhelmed to move or speak. Steele grinned at the impotently barking wolfdog, and said, to Jenna, "Thanks for a good fuck, bitch. Enjoy the puppies; I'll be back for your next heat." With that, the big black malamute jumped up the wooden fence, easily clearing the top and disappearing into the night, laughing.

Balto tried to console Jenna, but the atmosphere was incredibly awkward. She crawled over to the fence, wishing that she could bury herself in Balto's warm, reassuring fur, but the cold chain-link fence kept them apart. He didn't know what to say, and so he said nothing. Jenna wept softly to herself, and curled up to lick herself clean. Her tongue caressed every crevasse, lapping up any of Steele's seed that she could. As his semen slid down her throat, she almost choked, but pressed on, willing to suffer for the chance, however small, that she would reduce her chance of bearing the evil dog's puppies.

She tried to thrust her tongue as deeply as possible inside of her, but the angle was difficult, and Balto sighed, saying, "Maybe I can help."

Jenna looked up, surprised to hear Balto speak, and she gave him a weak smile. "How?"

"I think I can get deeper, if you'll back up to the fence."

Jenna understood, and seemed grateful and surprised at Balto's willingness. She stood and backed up to the fence, holding her tail aside until her rump was pressed up firmly against the cold metal. She adjusted her position until her vulva was right in the middle of one of the links, and Balto set to work. He pressed his muzzle up to the fence, thrusting his tongue through the hole in the fence, and into Jenna. She gasped, her genitals still sensitive from her powerful orgasm. Inside, she was absolutely covered in Steele's semen. Grimacing, Balto didn't hesitate, sucking it up. The acrid taste was unpleasant on his tongue, all the worse knowing from where it had come. Jenna, meanwhile, had begun to moan again. She was still in heat, and this sort of attention was exactly what her body wanted.

He couldn't even reach her cervix, much less somehow clean her womb, and with every powerful thrust of his tongue he claimed a little more of Steele's cum. But the volume seemed infinite, and Jenna was beginning to thrust her hips, making it difficult to reach further into her. Balto didn't mind, wanting to please Jenna, even if it was small consolation for his inability to prevent Steele from abusing her small, virgin hole. She was moaning, and Balto was becoming aroused, frustrated that the fence was surely too small to allow his cock to pass through. He could attempt to clear the fence, but he was not confident. Steele was much bigger than he was, and the wooden side of the kennel was easier to climb.

She clenched around his tongue, her passage wet and warm, but still tainted with the taste of Steele's sperm. Balto was ashamed to be drinking his rival's fluids, and was more ashamed to be drinking them from inside Jenna, but there was nothing he could do now. She moaned and gasped, panting heavily, until finally she came, shuddering and releasing her own fluids onto Balto's eager tongue. This time she screamed, "Baltoooo!"

Rosy seemed to have gone back to bed once the show was over, so her parents found the two dogs in the morning, curled up next to each other, the fence the only thing separating them. Seeing that Balto had removed his muzzle, collar, and the pike from the ground, they realized just the extent to which Balto wanted Jenna, and decided to have mercy on the poor pup. Setting up lawn chairs to watch, they opened the kennel, waking Balto with the screech of metal on metal. He looked at them curiously, finally realizing that they were going to let him mate Jenna. He sighed, knowing it was probably too late for him to breed her - that honor had been claimed by another. Still, she was tantalizingly in heat, and there was always a chance that Balto's seed might overtake Steele's. He had to try.

Entering the kennel, he woke the exhausted husky with gentle licks on the forehead, not caring that the people were watching. Jenna looked up at him, and he said with a melancholy smile, "I may be late, but I'm here now."

"Oh, Balto - I'm so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?"

"There's nothing for you to forgive, Jenna. It was all Steele. I know you didn't want it, not really. Can you forgive me?"

Jenna licked his face, saying, "I know you tried your hardest, Balto."

There was nothing more to say between them, so Jenna turned away, lifting her tail for the dog she loved. Balto could see that in her sleep, more of Steele's seed had seeped out of her depths, trickling out of her winking vulva. Rosy's parents were too stupid to notice. He sniffed her, wishing he could ignore the tainted musk of Steele that covered her entire body, and even her insides. Laying her ears back, Jenna moaned, "Take me now, Balto, I've been ready for you since the day I saw you..."

He didn't need to be asked twice, mounting the red-furred husky, half his cock already emerged from his sheath. His tail wagged in time with hers as he pulled himself forward until he covered the smaller canine. Jenna trembled underneath a dog for the second time in her life, but this time it was anticipation and not fear. He pulled her back until his tip was just grazing her sensitive labia, and she cried, "Oh, Balto!"

He sunk himself into her, his one-and-a-half inch cock sliding smoothly between her stretched vaginal lips. He couldn't help but dwell on the fact that it had been Steele who had paved the way, spreading Jenna four inches apart with his knot and lubricating her liberally with semen. Balto's cock slid into her greased passageway with a resounding slurp, as the malamute's fluids coated Balto's cock. Every moist thrust sent the black dog's seed splashing out of Jenna onto the ground and against Balto's furry hind legs. He was astonished how much of Steele's vigorous contributions were still inside of her vagina, considering how much was now splattered on the ground, and how much lay in both Balto and Jenna's stomachs. It was more clear than ever that Steele had wholly filled Jenna's womb.

Balto noticed that Rosy had joined her parents in watching the copulation. They were surprised to see her, but didn't force her to leave. Rosy asked an innocent question, "Are they making puppies?"

"Yes, sweety," her father said encouragingly, "Soon she'll become pregnant, and in a few months she'll have several little puppies for you to play with."

He was surprised by her next question. "What if another dog had come," she started, before reconsidering, "I mean, another dog did that to her tomorrow? Would she have his puppies too?"

After his initial surprise he chuckled, "Well, I don't think Balto'd like that very much. But no, once she's pregnant, it's very unlikely that she'd still be able to bear more puppies."

Rosy nodded, turning her eyes to Balto and Jenna, keeping quiet about what she had seen, and allowed, the night before.

Together, the two lovers humped frantically, Balto's three-inch knot pounding against her tender vulva. He would need to get that inside of her if he were to have any chance of impregnating her, but he was certain it would be no trouble. Steele has loosened her dramatically and wet her well, making Balto's eager thrusts swift and smooth. She clenched his cock firmly between her legs, grinding her hips against it and pushing back, moaning and whimpering. She gasped and yelled, "Faster! I want to feel your balls!"

Balto increased his pace until his scrotum swung back and forth, smacking between her legs with a satisfying sound every thrust. He couldn't drive the image of Steele out of his mind, though, doing exactly this. Balto unwittingly mimicked Steele's motions, picturing the big black dog atop Jenna, raping her. He saw the malamute's self-satisfied grin as each thrust pushed his massive knot further into the obedient red husky, even as Balto himself pushed his knot against Jenna's eager thrusts. Instead of interfering, these images aroused the wolfdog, even as he was shamed to picture it. Jenna began shuddering around him, just like the Jenna he pictured convulsing as Steele's cock pounded into her.

The horror Balto had felt when he watched Steele force his knot into the helpless husky faded into arousal as Balto finally spread Jenna apart, his swollen knot becoming trapped within her. Rosy's mother had put her hand over her mouth in surprise, watching that, while the father's eyes had widened. Rosy watched quietly. Balto almost filled his lover, his tip not quite reaching her cervical walls, but Jenna was moaning ecstatically now, her whole body thrusting against him. Balto's knot was sealing in his seed and Steele's now, as the two fluids began to mix within her. All Balto could think about was Steele, fully penetrating Jenna's virgin hole, pinning the lecherous husky in place as he bred her viciously. Underneath the black malamute, Jenna was thrusting back, milking Steele's red cock for all it was worth.

It was too much for Balto, and with a howl, he spilled within her, spraying her insides with his seed. He pictured Steele's balls pulsing with each spurt, where his fluid had sped through his cock straight into Jenna's waiting womb. The Jenna in his mind and the one between his paws began trembling violently, her own climax taking her as she eagerly took everything Balto had to offer, though both canines knew that his seed was joining Steele's, and the malamute had several hours head start. She howled in response, while Balto sheepishly imagined her underneath Steele, calling his name desperately. How he could be aroused at such thoughts, he would never know, but neither would Jenna.

Jenna suddenly dropped her jaw, screaming in ecstasy, saying, "Oh, Steeeele...!"

Balto didn't know if he had misheard. Was that his imagination? Had she really said it? She had!

Even as her true love filled her for the first time, the young husky was calling Steele's name. He could hardly believe it. His ears and tail drooped, and his heart sank even further. And even as she moaned for the massive, black malamute, Balto was picturing him fucking her. Steele had truly won.


The weeks passed, and Jenna's belly grew full. They never talked about what had happened. It was just too painful to think about, and there were so many other things to do. They played with Rosy, though Balto had grown a bit apart from the little girl since that night, and they had to prepare for the coming litter of puppies! Balto had once snuck up on Jenna when she was alone, and had seen her lying down, looking at her swollen belly and weeping, but she put on a brave face, and as the time grew near, she seemed genuinely excited.

Finally the day arrived, and Rosy's parents helped Jenna deliver six little puppies, five males and one female. To Balto and Jenna's amazement, the female was the spitting image of Balto, a grey-furred wolfdog. He had done it! And perhaps the other five were his as well! They all took after Jenna, large little pups with red fur, there was no reason to believe they were Steele's and not his. Balto lay next to Jenna as she began nursing their new puppies, licking her face happily as they panted together in joy. Steele's plan had failed, and if Balto ever saw his face again, he would tear him apart.

But whenever he truly looked at the five little males and compared them to Jenna, he wondered. They all had darker red fur, and instead of creamy belly fur, they were pure white. But that was normal, puppies always looked a little different than their parents. Right?