A Lost Bet
After losing a bet with Alice, Dakota is forced to face one of her greatest fears...
Art is © FA: jailbird
Characters and story are ©
It was the worst moment of my life. Absolute dread filled every fiber of my being, my stomach churned and my knees quaked. I could scarcely stand from the anxiety that had flooded my mind. Licking my lips, I brought trembling hands back up to look at the message on my phone. The message that had inspired such horror in me that I could only pray that I had misunderstood the message and that it would not come to pass. Yet, when I opened the message and the photo popped up on my phone, I could not deny what I was seeing.
100% <3 the message said. The photo was the front page of a chemistry exam, with a big red 100 written on the top and circled, along with a smiley face next to it. Alice's name was written across the top, along with the date and course number identifying the chemistry class. There were scribbles and notes in Alice's handwriting across the whole page, the border collie obviously having put in extreme amounts of effort into acing the exam, and it really showed. No extra credit, curve or thrown answers. Every question answered correctly, even the short answers!
Super proud of you <3 I wrote back in all honesty even as I fell into the couch, bringing my knees up to my chest. My girlfriend sent back a heart emoji, and I responded in kind before pulling open a new chat. HELP, SHE DID IT!
GOTTA OWN UP TO IT! Amy responded as I pouted. You made the bet, you deal with the consequences!
But I didn't think she would actually do it!
Oh so you were sure she'd fail? So mean Daki :'(
Never thought she would fail but...didn't think she'd get a perfect score... I admitted with a sigh. It had been a bet I'd made with my lovely girlfriend a few weeks ago; we both struggled in different areas of our lives. She had never been too academically inclined (despite getting good grades through hours of study) whereas I had fallen out of my sports behaviors that I'd enjoyed as a youth (hence my bigger physique). So we'd made a mutual bet slash vow with one another; should she ace an exam in any course, I'd do whatever she wanted. If I managed to pass a physical examination goal that she had set for me (and I was SO CLOSE to running a mile under ten minutes!) she'd have to do whatever I wanted.
We'd teased each other about what we had planned, though we had obviously laid down some ground rules. We wouldn't do anything illegal (or rather, she wouldn't make me do anything illegal like have sex in public) or something that would hurt one of us. It'd been something kind of common sensical, but still something to put us both more at ease. Her idea had come to her rather quickly, and while it wasn't something I absolutely hated, it was something I'd hoped I'd never have to do.
Her goal was something she probably felt the same way. I had told her and teased her because I knew she had never done it before, but it was something I wanted to see. According to her, she had stopped wearing dresses after turning 10 and hadn't worn one despite her mother's pleas and her sisters' teasing. As she told me, she hated not only how dresses looked and felt, but what they represented. Of course, I disagreed; dresses were great, especially in the summer. So after I finish that mile run, I'll be taking her out to buy a dress and we'll be spending the day out and about, me in mine and her in hers. She might be uncomfortable, and I anticipated redirecting her away from someone who got a bit too stare-y, but I knew she'd look super cute in it (not that she doesn't always anyway).
And yet, she got to her goal first. While the bet wasn't for just the one of us (in fact, she had asked if it could be something to keep up to continuously push ourselves), I had honestly expected to get to my goal before hers. Again, she's not dumb, and I would never say that of her, out of respect, love and my firm belief that everyone has the potential for intelligence, but getting a perfect score on an exam? I mean, really! I would consider myself a true and absolute nerd, someone who abandoned social functions in the pursuit of academic excellence for most of my teen years, and I had yet to get a one hundred percent in college. On papers sure, but never on an exam to be taken in class.
I felt bad, because I felt jealous. As proud as I was (am!) of Alice, there was that part of me that felt bad that she had done something I hadn't. Already she was a better cook, a better lover, a better girlfriend and better person, and here I was, letting my anxiety tell me that I was worth less than her.
No, no she worked very hard for this, I reprimanded myself with a shake of my head. _I'm no better or worse than her because of this and she would agree. Stop being stupid, Dakota. You're not stupid, she's not, accept her achievement. _ I took a deep breath and pulled my phone open again, my heart leaping into my throat as I saw the message from Alice.
We don't have to do this, you know. I'm too happy to have gotten a 100% to care :3 she had said, and I bit my lip as my eyes stung. I was too lucky.
You won, fair and square, so you should get your reward! <3 Just...kinda nervous ^^; I admitted.
I'll be with you the whole time, I swear <3 Alice responded. See you in a bit?
Let's go out to eat! I texted back quickly. Celebrate!
Shopping first? Then eat? _ She asked. I bit my lip and took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. _Plenty of people do it, you're not the first and you won't be the last. Sooner you do it, the sooner you can get it over with.
Sure, shopping then eat <3 I responded.
? ? ?
"Alright, let's go," Alice said, unbuckling her seat belt after putting her Jeep into park. I released my seat belt with a sigh, letting it slap back into place. The sun was beginning to descend in the sky, and the shopping center held more people than usual as people got off work and school to come hang out at the mall. More people meant more eyes seeing my girlfriend and I doing our shopping. I had gotten over my fear of people seeing me with a girlfriend quite some time ago.
It's what we were shopping for that had me scared.
I hopped out of the car, shutting the door behind me and adjusting my purse, Alice locking the vehicle behind us as she stepped up next to me and jammed her keys into her pockets. My breath was heavy with nerves, and she took my hand in hers to calm me. It worked.
Las Luces' mall was a behemoth of a structure, standing at three stories tall with almost two hundred stores. It was a very popular hangout site what with two arcades, great restaurants and awesome stores. I knew Cody spent quite a bit of time here, but I don't think anyone else in our circle of friends did.
Oh god, if Cody sees me... I thought to myself in a horrified moment of forethought. Out of everyone he'd be the most excited to try and pick something out for me. Well, maybe perhaps Alice. Amy and Nicole would be ecstatic to try, but I do think Cody would be the most energetic of the group. Though I wouldn't put it past Jack or Lawrence to be guys about it.
Then again, their fear of Alice might keep them in check.
"Dakota," Alice said suddenly as she held the door open and allowed me into the mall. "You don't have to do this. Really. I am happy just having gotten a perfect score on that test."
"A bet's a bet," I said with a smile that felt very forced. "I mean...I'm really nervous? But I don't want to not reward you for working so hard." She followed after me, taking my hand again as we strolled through the mall. The usual sounds and smells of the mall filled my nostrils. There was a shopping cart that had the absolute best wieners (which, again, really weird thing to name? Like were they trying to make fun of the Dachshund stereotype?) I've ever had on the second floor right outside the Gametopia store, and I could smell it already. Apparently Hilda, the owner and only worker, made them from scratch. It would explain why they were so damn good.
"So did you have any preference where we get it?" Alice asked me, breaking me out of my wiener-induced daydream (but not those kind!). Momentarily, I felt at a loss; I had no experience with this kind of shopping. This was honestly my first time, and I didn't know where a 'good' place to go was. "Let's go to Silquè," she said, taking my arm around her own and leading me off.
Silquè was a high-end store. And by high-end I mean high price; way outside my pay range. I squirmed as I followed; Alice meant to buy it for me. Not quite sure whether that was better or worse for me, but at least my border collie had a better idea of what to do then I did. So I fell into step next to her, walking around the mall and eyeing the stores I'd have preferred to visit other than Silquè.
We walked through the mall, went up the escalators, and passed several really great stores before we ended up inside Silquè. The room had that smell that all clothing stores had, but the heavy scent of perfume atop that. There were a few other women in the store, mostly workers but a few who were doing their own shopping.
"Hey ladies!" a chipper young terrier said, tail wagging as she waved at us. "Can I help you with anything?"
"Not sure yet," Alice said with a smile, and I followed her to the part of the store that held my future.
"Alright...pink pink pink..." Alice muttered to herself, releasing me from her hold as she set about circling a rack of the things. "Gotta be pink...or black, yeah?" she asked, looking up at me. I nodded, adjusting my purse. "Cool, pink or black, pink or...black...aha!" the collie cheered, grabbing and hoisting a black bikini for me to see. My face went red as I saw the thing; it was little more than string with fabric to stretch over (and I do mean you'd have to stretch!) sensitive parts.
"Alice, I am not wearing that!" I squeaked indignantly. Alice let out the little laugh that told me she had just been joking as she set it back. She continued to run through them as I started to look; I might have better luck finding something I'd wear than her finding something for me. Not that she didn't know my sizes (she knew so much about me...), but rather what she wanted me to wear was definitely not something I would want to wear.
"This one?" Alice offered, holding up another bikini. This one was much more modest than the last one, and I bit my lip as I tried to picture myself out in public wearing it. "Or that one," she said, tipping her muzzle at my hand. I looked at the one I had been touching; it was pink, modest and rather cute. I grabbed it and picked it up, taking a moment to look it over.
"I'll try it," I told her, tucking it and hers under my arm. "You wait outside."
"What? How'm I supposed to tell you it looks good if I'm not in there?" Alice replied with her usual grin. I stuck my tongue out at her.
"By not focusing on what I look like without it on," I said in a low voice as I walked past. The girl at the dressing rooms gave me a card to hang on the door, and I saw Alice sitting outside, playing on her phone before I closed the door to the changing room.
I hung up the bikinis before I stripped myself down to my underwear, setting my clothes off to the side before picking out the pink one I had 'found'. The bottoms fit nicely around my hips without digging into them like most cute things I had tried on in my life. Slipping into the top posed a bit more of a challenge. Having developed an aversion to things resting tightly around my neck, it was uncomfortable squeezing into it and making letting it squeeze ever so slightly to keep itself up. The key hole that exposed the upper part of my chest didn't help matters, but at the same time, when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I was forced to admit that it wasn't that bad. OK, the bikini was really cute, and I felt rather cute wearing it. But being so exposed...it felt so odd. Even in this closed off changing room, having my stomach just out in the open? And my thighs?
how's it look :9 Alice texted, and I looked at the mirror again.
*Lemme see! *
Alright, come on I responded, putting my phone down. I let out a nervous breath as I patted my sides, and there was a knock at the door to my changing room. "Alice?" I asked.
"This is Mr. Renard, I own this place. I'm gonna need you to open up so I can check out that sweet ass," Alice said in her deepest voice, and I shook my head as I opened up, side-stepping to stay behind the door as she slipped in the tiny crevice I had allowed for her. "Woah! Damn," the collie said, grinning as I shut the door. "That looks great on you."
"Th-thanks," I stuttered, feeling my cheeks redden. "Not sure about the neck thing but...it's cute?"
"No, you're cute and make it look good," Alice corrected me. "Question is; are you going to wear it."
"Of course."
"No, I mean," she said, taking a seat. "Are you going to wear it and not freak out?" I stared at her for a moment before looking at my feet. "Dakota, I really like that on you, you really make it work. And I will always be there to support you in wearing what you want, when you want until it becomes illegal. And I know we made this bet to push ourselves to do better and be better in hopes of getting something out of the other person. But when I say I don't want you to do this because you feel forced to, I want you to know I sincerely mean that. The bet was fun, the teasing was amazing and we've both done so well in the goals we set for ourselves...slash each other," she said with a chuckle and a smile that sent shivers up my spine. "I'm content with that, I really and truly am. If you want to buy this and wear it, I will be with you. Please don't buy it just for my sake."
"I'm paying? Oh heck no," I said, and Alice groaned and slapped her forehead as I giggled.
"Dakota, please."
"Alice," I said, smiling and walking over to take her hands in mine. "I love you, and I am so proud that you aced that test. And I get that you don't want me to do this just for you, but maybe I need to set another goal for myself. Be...more like you? You know...confident. Less insecure. So...yeah. I want to get this and I want to wear it...so long as you're with me."
"Always," she responded, smiling up at me.
"And I need to thank you for that," I told her, my face reddening even further. "When we get home."
"Oh? Why wait," Alice said, grinning as she stood up.
"Alright, time for you to go," I said suddenly, taking her arm and pulling her towards the door.
"Wait no lemme help!"
"Bye Alice!" I squeaked, pushing out my girlfriend and closing the door behind her.
Crisis averted.
? ? ?
This was it. The day of reckoning. The day that I would go to a public beach with my girlfriend in public and publicly wear a bikini for the whole public to see.
In public.
"Dakota?" Alice said again, and I squeaked and jumped, the border collie staring at me. "You OK?"
"Yeah just...whew, it's warm out," I laughed, looking outside Alice's Jeep. Plenty of people walked along the sidewalk towards the beach, towels, umbrellas and other beach-y items in their arms. "Really sunny today!"
"Dakota, we don't..."
"We're already here," I muttered, shaking my head and unbuckling myself. "Might as well, right?" She smiled at me and got out of her Jeep, and I stepped out alongside her. It was a warm day out; even seconds removed from the inner coolness of her vehicle I could feel the heat of the sun causing me to warm up, and I had to shield my eyes from its rays. Alice appeared next to me, an arm wrapping around my shoulder as I automatically rested a head on hers. "I'm nervous..." I admitted. "But I want to do this," I added quickly, before she could offer me an out yet again.
"Proud of you," she said, giving me a soft peck on the cheek before holding up her Bag of Stuff. If you've ever watched Dr. Who, you would understand when I say her bag is somehow a Tardis. She packs way too much in there for it to all fit, yet it all does. It would be way cooler if it wasn't terrifyingly curious.
Alice and I walked down to the beach front, hand in hand. I'm not normally one to go to the beach; sand is just so course and rough and irritating. Yet here I was, walking down towards the sandy shores of the beach, a bikini under my shorts and t-shirt, with my girlfriend strolling next to me. A far cry from the girl who'd come from Greene Trees who was deeply in the closet and always covered her shoulders, stomach and thighs with clothing. The thought of my metamorphasis made me giggle; though from nerves or pride I didn't know.
"What's so funny?" Alice asked, and I explained to her my recollection of my change. "Ahh..." she said, and she laughed with me. "You are different than when I first met you, for sure. Remember our first kiss?"
"What about it?" I asked, tilting my head. Had I done something wrong?
"You were shaking like a leaf in a hurricane!" Alice told me with a grin. "You kept saying you weren't nervous but every bit of you was, like...vibrating. I felt really bad. Like...god fucking awful levels of bad."
"Oh...yeah I remember that now," I admitted with a slight laugh. "That was terrifying. But I'm glad I did it," I bumped her with my hips. "Maybe I'll be glad I did this."
"No, no way," I said with a shake of my head. "This is going to embarrass me to no end."
"You never know," she said in a very sing-songy voice as she stopped at the middle of the beach. We stood far enough from the water that it wouldn't splash over our stuff, and Alice reached into her bag, pulling out a large towel and quickly unfurling it to set it down on the ground before handing me one that I similarly laid out. She dropped her bag and kicked off her shoes, shucking off all her clothes in a hurry and dropping them atop her bag. The border collie wore a very small light blue bikini that left little to the imagination. A true testament to her unshakeable self-confidence; even clad in next to nothing, she held herself high and proud.
Though knowing Alice as I did, she might have felt even more confident if she was entirely naked.
I kicked off my sandals and set them on opposite corners of my towel to serve as anchors. Alice smiled at me gently, hands on her hips as I nodded and took a deep breath. Unbuttoning my jeans, I unzipped them and pushed them down, kicking them off and onto our pile of clothes on the bag, leaving me in my pink bikini bottoms. My breath hitched as I fingered the hem of my tee-shirt; the moment had arrived.
A second later, my shirt flittered atop the pile, and there I stood. On a public beach in nothing but my pink bikini.
"You look great," Alice told me, offering me a hug that I instantly took. "How do you feel?"
"Like meat on display," I mumbled, face burning as I looked at the ground. It felt as if all eyes on the beach had turned from what they'd been looking at to stare at me in my outfit. Not the reality of things, I knew, but that feeling persisted. I held onto Alice's arm nervously; I felt so exposed. What difference was there between being in public in underwear and being in public in a bikini?
"C'mon, let's go for a swim," Alice told me, tugging my arm gently and leading me away from our things. She served as my support as I walked with her, trying to vanish into her as we moved. Why did it feel like every part of my body jiggled as we walked? I squirmed until I felt warm lips on my cheek. "You're brave as hell."
"Why? What for?" I asked, my anxiety spiking. Was I spilling over? Did I look horrendously stupid shoved into such a tight outfit?
"You were so scared to do this and here you are," Alice told me. She squeezed me. "I know you think I'm brave for wearing something like this, but...I think you're brave for doing something you're scared of. And I love you for it," she reassured me.
"Alice..." I blushed, ducking my head.
And suddenly cold water doused my hair as I squealed.
"Gotcha!" the border collie laughed, breaking away from me and rushing into the water as I spluttered and brushed hair out of my face.
"Oh you monster!" I cried, rushing after her as best I could, water splashing all around me as she giggled and dove under the water. "I'll get you!"
"Do it then!"
"I will!"
I didn't know it at the time, but in those moments I forgot my worries. I didn't think about the people around us staring at me in my bikini. I didn't think about how I felt with my mid-section freely exposed for the world. I wasn't worried about anything but chasing down my girlfriend and making her pay for the coldness she splashed on me. My mind left the worries of stares and giggles; I forgot my fears of judgement.
All I wanted was my girlfriend and the world around us, and as we fell into the water, giggling before holding our breath, I had it all.
? ? ?
"I feel so crusty," Alice mumbled as we stepped into our apartment. "Sand just gets EVERYWHERE."
"It does," I grumbled, picking at my shorts.
"I'mma shower and get this outta my fur," she told me, dropping her stuff on the ground. "Feel free to join," she said with a smile and a wink before vanishing into the bathroom. I flushed under my fur, tail wagging as I kicked off my shoes. The beach trip had emboldened me; I felt braver. My clothes all hit the floor next to her bag, leaving me bare naked in the hallway of our apartment. I stepped into the bathroom.
"Oh well hello," Alice purred, smiling as I shut the door behind me. This was far from the first time we had showered together, but this time felt different.
"C'mon, you're taking too long," I whispered, walking over to tug at her shirt and lift it up and over her head. We dropped it to the floor, and I leaned in to meet her lips for a kiss. My hands came to rest on her hips as she wrapped her arms around me, my lips parting to accept her tongue as I whimpered. I unbuttoned her shorts and pushed them down, the collie kicking them off and leaving her as naked as I was, standing in our bathroom and kissing one another.
I broke the kiss with a gasp, blushing and panting as I looked up at her. "Shower," I told her, taking her hand and leading her into the stall. She stepped in behind me, shutting the glass door as I turned on the water.
"Dakota," she muttered, wrapping arms around my torso from behind and kissing my neck as water hissed from the nozzle and splashed over us. I moaned at the kiss, my knees buckling as the collie nuzzled me. "I told you I'm proud of you, right?"
"Uh huh..." I whimpered breathlessly. She cupped my chest and squeezed, my breath hitching in my chest. "Th-thank you for being there for me," I whispered, biting my lip as she pulled me tighter to her.
"I'll always be there for you," she softly said in my ear, her breath washing over my fur. I let out a small cry and my chest tightened. I wiggled back against her; even with nothing there to stimulate, she had told me she liked it. Her teeth brushed my neck, and then suddenly she was off me. "Lemme wash you," Alice told me, her breath husky and low as I turned around.
"O-ok..." I nodded. She stepped around me and grabbed the shampoo. A generous amount in her hand, she rubbed them together to suds up before stepping between me and the shower faucet, staring me in the eyes as her hands went to work washing me down. Her touch was light yet deliberate, she didn't linger any longer than she had to, moving over my body with practiced ease. Shivers ran down my spine as she massaged my arms and legs, her fingers scratching down my back and working to get sand out of every crevice. A small kiss interrupted my daze, but her hands kept working, squeezing down my tail to get all the sand and dirt out that had clumped in.
"Let's hose you down," she said. I couldn't help but giggle.
"That's just so...unsexy," I told her, shaking my head as she rolled her eyes.
"You need to stand where I stand then," she said, grabbing the head off the wall and spraying me down as I squeaked. "You'd disagree."
I spluttered to clear water and soap out of my face, smiling up at her from behind my wet hair. "I don't know...I think I have the better view," I told her, brushing hair out of my face as she set the faucet back. I wanted her to blush; I wanted to redden her face as she did mine all the time. To make her feel even a bit as special as she made me.
She smiled at me, and I saw it. A light tint of red underneath her black and white fur. I beamed. "You are..." she started and shook her head.
"Best thing that's ever happened to me," Alice said, nosing me. "My turn?"
"Your turn," I gushed, giggling happily as I grabbed the shampoo. Whimsy struck me, and I spanked her as I stepped by.
"You do it to me!" I retorted, Alice letting out a raucous laugh.
"I like this new you!"
"I don't think there is a new me," I replied honestly, soaping up my hands. "I just think you bring out...the part of me that's not afraid."
"I don't think I've felt safer," I told her as I grabbed her shoulders and began to rub, "then being by you."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah," I muttered, running my hands down her back. "Like...I can be myself. I don't have to be scared or self-conscious. I can just...relax."
"I'm glad," the border collie said, looking over her shoulder as I got sand out of her fluffy tail. "Don't be afraid to tell me things or be yourself. As long as you don't want to murder anybody."
"I mean...Lawrence pushes it sometimes," I said, and Alice laughed again. I bit my lip as I came to her chest, letting my fingers slowly rub over her soft skin. She quieted down too, head lulling just a bit. "But other than that..."
"Yeah..." she breathed as I finished rubbing soap all over her. "OK, let's hose you down."
"That's so unsexy," she joked as I grabbed the faucet.
"Quiet you," I said, sticking my tongue out as I washed her down, using my hand to double clear areas where sand might have gotten clumped.
"Put the drain in?" she asked, and I complied, using my foot to kick the plug into the drain after washing down all the sand out and away. The water began to accumulate around the ground as I put the faucet back up. "Sit with me," Alice said, lowering herself down onto the ground. I sat in front of her, cuddling back as she spread her legs to give me space, my head resting underneath her muzzle.
"Hey, Alice?" I said, taking her hand into mine even as the water slowly began to rise on us. "Without being my girlfriend...did I look...OK in the swimsuit?"
"Dakota," she tilted my head back so I was looking into her eyes. "Even if I wasn't your girlfriend, even if I wasn't bisexual, I would concede you looked good in that bikini. You aren't fat or ugly. You have a developed physique; broad hips. Evolutionarily speaking, you hit the proverbial jackpot," she told me with a laugh, nosing me again. "And I totally get wishing something about yourself was different. From eleven until about seventeen, I wished that I was bustier. Like," she gestured at herself, "if I had had ANYTHING here, I told myself I'd be happy. And you know my parents; I could have gotten a boob job. I didn't. I decided I should be happy with who I am and not let others dictate how I should feel about myself. Are there days when I wish I could? Yes, especially since I've started dating you and hanging with Amy. But you know what? You make me feel good about myself, and I feel good about myself, so I'm content this way."
"Yeah but my butt is just too big," I joked, and she laughed, throwing her head back and shaking it as I smiled. Boy, this was a very drug-like feeling, being brave and bold. Addictive, almost.
"Dakota, you are amazing just the way you are," she told me, leaning in and giving me a kiss. "If you want to change I'll support you. If not? I'm glad you're who you are."
I kicked the water off, turning about to kiss Alice more fully. I whimpered into the kiss; this feeling wasn't new. But it was strong.
"Dry off," I told her, using my foot to open up the drain.
"I need you," I whispered.
We were out of the shower and drying rather quickly, jumping into the air dryer to get the dampness from our fur as we stole hungry looks at one another. Our hair remained damp, but I dragged Alice from the bathroom when she went to dry it.
I didn't want to wait. I couldn't.
The border collie was beneath me on the bed. I had straddled her waist and fell forward so we were face to face, our muzzles pressed together in a ferocious kiss. Warmth blossomed from my core to my stomach and chest, and I squeezed her shoulders while I kissed and gyrated atop of her, her arms wrapped around my waist to pull me close. Flicking hair out of my face, I kissed her again, my tongue pressing into her mouth and fingers digging into her fur.
She rolled me off of her, pinning me to the bed and kissing me fiercely. Legs wrapped around her waist, I arched up against her. God I felt so needy, but I couldn't help it. I needed her right now; I needed her pressed against me and inside me. I wanted to taste her. I wanted everything she had to offer.
Her finger teased me, rubbing along my length. She would teasingly come close to rubbing my clit and then slide away. Each huff of breath I let out widened her smile as she looked down on me. A gasp escaped my lips when she finally rubbed it, sending a shock up my spine. I arched my back, silently begging for a kiss that she granted, her lips mashing against mine. Pleasure rocked my body when she slipped inside me, her thumb keeping the pressure on my clit that had me squirming underneath her.
"I love you," she whispered in my ear.
"I love you," I responded, keeping my legs spread for her. She added another finger inside me, gently pumping to keep the pleasure rising. My face burned, and I let out another gasp; Alice's teeth had found my chest, gifting me a little love bite. Whimpers spilled past my lips; she knew how to get me to vocalize my pleasure. The sheets crumpled underneath my fingers and I let out a low whine; she released my chest and dragged her tongue over it. Kisses rained down my front, and Alice slid down to lay between my legs, removing her fingers from within me. Her tongue felt like an electric prod that jolted my whole body; I stiffed and let out a cry while she explored me with her tongue.
Alice's tongue focused around my clit, her hands coming up to grope at my greatest weakness; my thighs. I shuddered and gasped under her hold, but each time I cried out, she pushed harder. Her tongue rubbed a bit firmer, her fingers squeezed tighter. My breathing came in harsher gasps as she pushed me to my edge.
Then it stopped.
Snapping my eyes open, I looked down to see her smiling at me, fingers rubbing around my core lazily, her eyes devilishly glinting at me. I whimpered, and she slid a finger inside me. "Please..." I begged, mouth hanging open.
"Alright," Alice obliged, adding a second finger inside me and taking her tongue back to my clit. My head rolled back as I howled; her fingers rubbed and pressed at all the right areas inside me that I couldn't stop myself from spasming and shuddering.
My world went white as my first orgasm washed over me. Every nerve was aflame with pleasure and I squealed, squeezing Alice's head between my thighs as I rode out the euphoria. The world came slowly crawling back, and I gasped for breath before Alice's kiss pecked my lips.
"My turn," I told her, pushing myself up and letting her fall to her back with a grin. The world spun and I stopped to fall onto my heels, huffing.
"Problem?" Alice asked, grinning broadly, her legs spread.
"N-no," I blushed with a laugh, sliding between her legs and flicking hair out of my face. Alice delighted in drawing out her partner's pleasure as long as she could; making them squirm and whimper under her until they begged for release. I'd tried to replicate her style before, but it didn't work. I was simpler and more straightforward; I just wanted her to feel good.
I kissed the top of her slit, patting her thighs lovingly as my tongue flicked out and caught her hood. The border collie's hand found its way to my head, digging into and grabbing a fistful of my hair to pull me closer to her. I couldn't help but wag at that, and I pressed myself against her a bit harder, digging my tongue into her folds. She shuddered underneath me, pressing herself closer to my mouth. I pressed my tongue against her firmly, her taste exploding on my tongue. Fingers gripped my hair tighter, pulling me to egg me on, and I accepted her silent command, finding her clit and gently swirling it. Alice huffed softly, thrusting her hips up to meet me.
"Fuck yeah," Alice groaned, grabbing one of my ears and pulling. I let out a loud whimper, clenching my thighs together; she was rough in ways that I loved. "Lay down up here," she said suddenly, and I opened my eyes to look at her and her mischievous grin. I knew what she wanted.
"O-OK," I stammered, licking my lips as we decoupled. She moved aside and let me lay on my back, head underneath the pillow. Swinging a thin leg around, she straddled my head, using her fingers to spread her lips before lowering herself onto my face.
"Fuuuuuuuck," she groaned, my tongue lashing at her slit. My hands reached up to grab at her hips, and I couldn't stop myself from whimpering. Even through half-lidded eyes, I could make out her supple form; the way she writhed and gyrated atop me. She bent over, taking my hair into her hands and bucking against my tongue as I lapped her slit. I found her clit and wrapped my lips around it, suckling it to push the collie to her edge. I squeezed my thighs together; this drove me wild.
"Fuck!" Alice snarled, her face scrunching up into that familiar face as she shuddered and shook above me, clenching my hair harder and squeezing my head with her thighs. My hands dug into her sides as I flicked and circled her clit, pushing her past her orgasm as she yowled through her orgasm.
The border collie fell backwards after she came down from her high, breathing and panting to catch her breath. I smiled from underneath her, gently rubbing her thighs until she rolled off and fell onto her side next to me.
"You're getting really good at that..." Alice said with a sly grin, kissing me cheek as I snuggled up to her.
"Love you," I whispered, kissing her neck.
"Love you too," she said back, rubbing my back before I pushed her onto her back and climbed on top. "Again?"