To Catch a Pokemon (Part 2)

Story by Shilvascat on SoFurry

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Now that Owen finally has a Pokemon, Erin feels like she can breathe a sigh of relief. No longer did she have to worry about him being accepted into society fully, and she could just focus on their relationship instead. Surely, nothing could go wrong...


10k commission for an AnonArtist, part two of potentially four! It was wonderful working with him, and I can't wait to deliver part 3. 


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Erin breathed a sigh of content as she made her way up the street, feeling safe despite the dark night. Coming home usually made her feel this way -- she lived in a safe, beautiful, quiet area -- but today she had even more reason to be happy with life. Today was the day she saw for herself that Owen had finally joined the rest of the world in having Pokemon.

It wasn't that she, personally, thought him strange for not having one. Honestly she didn't care either way. It was just that in not having a Pokemon, Owen stuck out like a sore thumb in a world where the possession of one was expected by age twelve. It made family gatherings awkward and she knew it made it nearly impossible for him to have friends, and while she loved him anyways... she wasn't certain that she could have married him.

They'd talked about marriage before, and every time Erin said that she would say yes, but deep down, she knew she wouldn't. Whenever they had the conversation, though she smiled and nodded the whole way through, all she could think of were the questions she had to face.

'Where's his Pokemon?'

'Why doesn't he have one?'

'Who's going to take care of you two when you're both sick?'

'Doesn't he want companionship?'

Owen had to have known her doubts. If he hadn't, then she was certain he would have asked by this point. God only knows he loved her enough; he was practically a puppy around her.

Whatever those past feelings were, however, they no longer mattered. Erin felt a smile creep up on her face as she walked up her gravel driveway and approached her door. Her past doubts were irrelevant because Owen finally had a pokemon!

Well, two Pokemon to be exact. Zoroark twins, and fine examples of their breed! Strong, long arms and legs, obvious signs of good breeding, the two were certainly going to boost Owen's standing in the world.

The only issue, Erin figured, lay in their genitalia. The male Zoroark - Asheton, Erin remembered - had a massive package swinging between his legs. It looked more like it belonged on a Zebstrika than a Zoroark. And the female Zoroark, Ashelyn, had a pair of massive tits that jiggled every time she moved. They looked positively fake, like a Pokephile had them surgically implanted just so he could get off on them. Only the fact that they jiggled so much led her to believe they were natural.

Being animals, no Pokemon could hide their genitals (except snake-like pokemon, Erin supposed), but usually they were rather hidden away, hard to see unless you were looking or caught them mating. Their prominence on the Zoroark twins made Erin uncomfortable... but still, they were pokemon nonetheless, and if they were well trained, any sexual habits they had could be hidden from sight.

Erin shrugged mentally and opened the door, and was immediately hit by a solid wall of squalid stink, sour and dank as it assaulted her nose. She struggled not to heave as she staggered inside, Arctic rushing in behind her. "Jeez, did I leave some food out or-- Arctic!"

Her muttered musings were quickly interrupted as Arctic rushed on by before she even had a chance to turn on a light. Erin's brows knitted and she shook her head. What had gotten into her Lopunny?

Well, perhaps she just really had to go. Erin craned her neck to see Arctic rushing into the hallway bathroom, confirming her suspicions.

"I suppose it was a long day..." Erin muttered to herself, closing the door behind her. The smell was becoming more bearable as she grew used to it. By no means was it good, but it sort of faded into the background enough that she decided she could manage past it, at least for the night. Tomorrow, the first thing she would do would be to try and find the source of the stench. But for now... bedtime.

Yawning, she shrugged off her jacket and walked to her bedroom, passing the hallway bathroom as she did so. She saw that the light was on and smiled. "Good girl, Arctic! Don't forget to flush!" Erin had trained her Pokemon to use the bathroom on her own. God knows they're mostly all smart enough for it, so why take her for walks when her Lopunny was able to do it all by herself?

The hallway bathroom was mostly for Arctic, and guests would use it on the rare occasion that she would have anyone over. Owen stopped by often enough, but as they were a couple, Erin didn't consider it intruding for him to use her master bathroom. He was going to be sleeping in the bedroom anyways, why not use the bathroom attached to it?

As she walked into her room, however, another wave of drowsiness washed over her, and she wavered on her feet as she yawned. Sitting on the bed, she decided then and there that she would simply go to bed without even brushing her teeth. It was late, she was tired, and if waking up with morning breath was to be the only consequence for her not getting ready for bed, then so be it.

Erin crawled into bed fully clothed. She was asleep before her head even hit the pillow.

A short time later, Erin's eyes cracked open. It was still dark. She felt warm and safe in her bed, and the only sounds were the quiet settling of the house around her. Yet something felt very, very off.

She looked to her left. Somewhere in the corner, her alarm clock blinked 1:25. Had there been a power outage? That might explain why things felt off... and then the smell hit her.

It was a struggle not to heave. Whatever had made the smell she'd noticed coming in had worsened to the point that it was permeating her room. That must be it! Erin rolled her eyes. If she'd had just taken care of it instead of going straight to sleep, she wouldn't be waking up now.

Well, better now than later. Erin went to sit up, only to feel a dense, oppressive weight shift onto her belly. Her blood ran cold as she looked down, eyes straining to see what was on her. She could see a smile, lips smeared in dark brown chunks, and...


As soon as her mouth opened, Arctic shoved a rancid gag in her mouth to prevent her screams from being heard. Erin thrashed in her bed, struggling to dislodge Arctic from her belly, but for some reason her Lopunny seemed denser than usual, else Erin was weaker than usual. Regardless, she couldn't heave her Pokemon away, and so she was stuck beneath her, struggling to figure out what was going on while the taste of her gag numbed her mind.

Why was Arctic pinning her down, and what was smothered on her lips? Was... was she the source of the smell? Why was her belly bulging out, and why did the gag taste so disgustingly vile? Erin had soon ran out of time to question things. She felt two warm, furred paws grab softly yet firmly at her ankles, spreading them apart. At the same time, Lopunny leaned over to pin her arms down against the headboard. Her eyes flew wide; there was someone else in the house! She tried again to scream, stretching to the side to try and identify her assailant.

It was Asheton, the male Zoroark that Owen had caught the day before! Was Owen here too, then? Was this his idea of a sick game, a prank?

She quickly realized it couldn't be. Owen had a sense of humor, but nothing so vile and sexual as this... and even if he had, he wouldn't let it get so out of hand. Asheton's horsecock was at full mast, almost as thick as her leg and about as long as it, too. Smegma, drool, and some unidentified brown goop coated Asheton's cock and balls, and he lined up his cock with where Erin's cunt would approximately be under all her clothes.

Erin began to shake her head, denying what was happening. This had to be a joke, a game, anything. Surely no Pokemon would come and rape a human of his own volition? They weren't like that! And besides, there was no possible way that Asheton could be serious about fucking her, because she was still clothed. She began to relax a little. It had to just be the Pokemon's sick idea of a prank. He would stop, she would chastise him, and he would learn. She'd have to have a good talking to with Owen, but--

As if he knew what she was thinking, Asheton began to press his flared horsecock against Erin's groin. She gasped, feeling a sharp pressure followed by an even sharper pain as the Zoroark found the exact indent of her cunt with uncanny precision.

The Zoroark gripped her legs harder for leverage and continued to push, ignoring, or perhaps enjoying, Erin's muffled, frenzied protests. It hurt him at first to press his sensitive cock head against the rough denim and metal zippers of Erin's shorts, but with a tearing sound they began to give, and in moments he was pushing into Erin's pussy proper. She let out a shrill scream, but he simply groaned in pleasure, relishing the feeling of her tight, virgin flesh wrapping around his cock.

The pain gave Erin a surge of panicked strength, and before Asheton's cock had made it more than a half inch into her cunt she managed to throw the Lopunny off of her. She yanked her legs from Asheton's grip with a similar ease, and before either of them could react she dashed out of the room into the hall. She wasn't more than two steps out before she felt a fatal doubt; had she seen Asheton smiling at her as she left? Did he... mean to let her go?

By the time she brushed the thought from her mind, she could hear their steps following her. There wasn't time to dash to the door. Though she wasn't certain of the Zoroark's stats, she knew her Lopunny could rush her down before she could even make it into the living room. And then where would she be? Erin made a split second decision and ducked into the nearest door she could find, which happened to be her gaming room. She crawled into the closet, nestled among old computer parts and metal scrap, and waited.

Though it was dark, Erin knew the moment her Lopunny, her Arctic, came into the room. The inky blackness betrayed no hint of her form in the room, nor did the floorboards creak under her weight, but that stench that filled the house intensified, and she knew without a doubt it was Arctic. It couldn't be Asheton, because if it was the smell would have been much stronger, and besides, Zoroarks are dark-type pokemon; the fact that there was no light wouldn't be a hindrance in the slightest to him. Erin's heart chilled as she realized the dark was no longer her friend.

"...Lo?" The quiet, sweet voice of Arctic would once have melted Erin's heart, but now the very same saccharine intonations were nails on a chalkboard to her.


Erin closed her eyes. The quiet footfalls of her Pokemon grew closer and closer, stopping in front of the closet door. Arctic had to be hearing her heart beating wildly inside of her chest, or the pumping of her blood, or hell, maybe even seeing her in the dim light, but she wouldn't risk even opening her eyes. If there was even the slightest reflection of light in her eyes, all hope that the Lopunny would pass her by would vanish. And Erin like her chances against her former pet.

Seconds felt like minutes as she waited there, but eventually Arctic's quiet, questioning noises faded along with her footsteps, circling around the room before leaving into the hallway. Erin felt her lungs burning and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She struggled to keep herself from gasping for air, but she knew if she were too loud, it would be all over.

Eventually she calmed her racing thoughts and began to think logically. What was her situation and what could she do about it?

First of all, she was stuck in the closet of her computer room, nestled among spare parts and old motherboards. It was uncomfortable, but she could stay for the time being, or at least until she had to move.

But could she stay? After a bit of thought, she decided she shouldn't. There was only so much apartment for the two Pokemon to search before they came back into the computer room, and if Arctic didn't think to check the closet, Asheton would. Staying indefinitely would be certain... death? Rape? Erin wasn't sure, but she sure as hell wasn't going to find out.

Could she call for help? Once the idea came her eyes lit up, but a frantic search of her pocket turned up nothing. She must have left it on her nightstand, or it might have fallen out on her bed. There was no hope of calling the police, or perhaps the Pokemon Center. If she knew where it was for certain she might have entertained the thought of sneaking to it, but it could be in any of half a dozen places. With the Zoroark and Lopunny crawling around, she couldn't risk it.

That left escape.

Her first thought was to crawl out the window in the computer room, but she quickly moved past the idea. While appealing, the window was constantly stuck, and she couldn't risk making too much noise and alerting her two predators before she could rush out. Besides, it was a two story drop onto concrete, and there was no way something wouldn't snap upon landing.

The same issue presented itself with every window she thought of. Master bedroom? Too far down. Master bath? Too small. Kitchen? Noisy. Pantry? Jammed. The front two living room windows were perfect for the idea, but she'd have to unlock them first, which required finding the key, and besides, at that point she may as well use the front door.

Which left, well... the front door.

Erin bit her lip. She didn't like the idea at all, but then again, she didn't like any other option available to her either. Going through the front door would involve heading straight down the chokepoint that was the hallway and into the open floor plan, which left her very little room to hide. It could be suicide... but any other option was worse.

Finally, she sighed. There's no reason to dawdle anymore; every second she spent in the closet was another second closer to being discovered. Though every instinct in her very being told her not to, she quietly untangled herself from the old computer equipment and crawled to the hallway on all fours, cautiously peeking out around the doorframe.

As luck would have it, Arctic had left the light on in the guest bathroom, providing just enough illumination to get a clear look at the hallway and just a little bit into the main rooms. The coast looked clear, but Erin noticed small little prints leading to and from the bathroom, snaking into every room in the hall. Most of it was concentrated around the entry to her bedroom, piling up into almost a little mound, and it was then when she realized what the prints were of; shit and piss. She struggled to quiet a gag as the realization dawned.

Her attention snapped back to her current situation as she heard a creak coming from her bedroom. Judging by the sharpness of it, it was someone heavy. It was Asheton. The squeaky floorboard was on Owen's side of the bed, so she had about five seconds to act before the Zoroark would emerge out into the hallway.

She nearly froze. Should she retreat back into the computer room, and risk being caught? Should she dash into the spare bedroom across the hall, though she had no idea where Arctic could be? The decision was made for her as someone across the alley flicked on a light, flooding the room with brightness and exposing her completely. There would be no hope of hiding in the closet as long as that light was on, so she dashed across the hall, making it into the bedroom just as she heard the Zoroark's feet click into the hallway.

Once she was in she looked around frantically. In the closet? There was nothing to hide under. Behind the dresser? The desk? Asheton's footsteps clicked closer and closer as she thought, and just before they reached her doorway her eyes settled on the answer; under the guest bed.

She quickly fell to all fours and slid beneath the queen-sized bedframe. This was where she'd decided to keep the extra quilts and pillows. Though her first instinct was to curse her decision because the blankets slowed her progress considerably, but on reflection, she realized she was better off for it. All she had to do once she was under was rearrange the blankets and pillows around her, and she would be safe from anyone peeking under the bed.

Against her better judgement, Erin left a space in the blanket barrier enough for her to see the doorway, but in moments she was otherwise safe.

Just as she finished, Asheton reached the threshold of the room. He paused a moment, and Erin imagined he was looking around. What was going through his mind as he searched for her? Was this a game to him? Could he comprehend what terror he was bringing down on her? Though she wanted to believe this was all just a misunderstanding, the state of her Lopunny and the slow, methodical way he was searching for her made her think that there was something more to all of this.

Erin watched as the Zoroark's feet clicked closer and closer. It stopped just inches away from her, and the smell that roiled off him made her want to gag. It was even worse up close, and she couldn't imagine how she managed to ignore it just hours earlier. Was she really that tired? It was like shit, piss, and vomit were buried in a vat of smeg to rot, then heated up in a microwave with fish just to make it even more pungent. She could even see flecks of... something, foot fungus most likely, smeared into his foot fur, lending it a greasy, shiny appearance.

He stood there a while until Erin was certain he'd found her and was just toying with her, but finally he began to move, pacing the perimeter of the room. He moved the dresser, the desk, and as he opened the closet she thanked her lucky stars she didn't decide to hide there. He wandered back to the bedside after a spell and stood exactly where he had before. The Zoroark let out a muffled grunt of frustration and sat on the bed.

To her horror, the immense weight of the Pokemon caused the mattress and box spring to sag, pressing against her face. Though he couldn't have possibly known it was supposed to sink down further, all Erin could think was that he would know, and he'd find her down there and do... whatever to her.

Luckily she only had to live with that fear for a moment. Asheton sighed and stood up, striding out of the room with purpose and taking a right, back towards her bedroom. She stayed a moment until she thought it was safe, but just before she began to move, Arctic skittered across the hallway, zooming from the living room into her bedroom as well. The door shut with a thud.

Erin had no idea why the Pokemon would shut themselves in her room when they knew she wasn't there, but she wasn't about to question her luck. Without any hesitation she slid out from under the bed, not bothering to put the blankets back before quietly, carefully sneaking to the doorway. A quick glance both ways down the hall confirmed her suspicions; the living room was empty, and her bedroom door was closed.

She breathed a sigh of relief and slowly made her way down the hall into the living room. It was a short journey but it was one that felt like it took ages, due in part because she had to hop around the floor, making certain to avoid any of the floorboards that would squeak. Though she was certain she could dash out the door the second she gave herself away, she didn't want to risk it.

Finally, Erin reached the door. She slowly reached forward, wrapped her hand around the cold metal knob, and...

It was locked.

A cold sweat ran down her back. There was no way to lock it without making tons of noise, which meant they'd done that while she slept. Which meant they anticipated she'd choose the front door to escape. Which meant....

The smooth, svelte voice came from just behind her. "Of course it's locked, Erin, did you think I'd let you escape?"

Erin spun to find Asheton standing behind her, wearing a malicious grin and nursing his drooling cock. Dozens of questions whirled in her mind. Pokemon can't talk, why was he talking? What was he doing to her, and why? What had happened to Arctic? But only one tumbled from her lips.

"H-How did you open the bedroom door without me hearing?" But as she said the words, she looked down the hallway. The bedroom door wasn't closed. It was in the same exact position she'd left it in. It hadn't closed at all.

Asheton's grin only grew wider. "Dumb human. Don't you know Zoroarks can make perfect illusions?"

Erin only had time to shake her head before her Lopunny used Pound on her head from behind. Her vision burst into stars and she fell to all fours, stunned.

The zoroark quickly joined in, though he didn't use any fancy learned Pokemon moves. Actic kept up her assault on Erin's body, while Asheton simply snapped a leg off of a nearby table and used it to beat Erin senseless. Blow after blow landed on her body, her head, her back and her legs, disorienting and stunning her further each time. Every time the table leg went back up for another blow, Asheton reached down and tore off an article of clothing. It wasn't long before Erin was entirely naked, curled up in the fetal position as she struggled to weather the brutal beating she was receiving.

Something deep inside her held onto hope, and it finally had enough. Using the last energy she possessed, Erin struggled to her knees and let out a ferocious roar that surprised even Asheton. The pause wasn't long -- three seconds maybe -- but it was just long enough for Erin to start crawling away, back down the haul.

Her stunned and confused mind chose the guest bathroom to crawl into, perhaps randomly, perhaps because of the window inside and the solid door it would between her and the Zoroark. What she found, though, put any plans she might have had to ruin.

The place was destroyed. Shit coated the walls in thick globs, logs were slathered on the floor, making it too slippery to stand on, and worst of all, everything was filled with bubbling shit. The toilet, the sink, and even the bathtub were all filled with shit the consistency of chilly, and the warmth to match.

Even the sight would be enough to make her woozy, but the smell hit her like a ton of bricks, bringing her back down to all fours as she struggled past it. Before the fog in her head could clear, Asheton came up behind her with a smirk. He reached down and grabbed her by the hair, and before she could let out a shriek, he dragged her to the tub and plunged her head in.

Erin's eyes opened wide, and she immediately regretted it as the vile shit soaked into every orifice she had, burning as it did so. She screamed and the shit quickly rose up to fill the void, pushing into her mouth, up her nose, and in her ears. The acid stench burned into her brain, quickly short circuiting it and oozing into the folds.

The fight drained from her body, and Erin soon sagged on the ledge of the tub, only held up by Asheton's hand plunging her head into the soupy shit. She was still conscious, that much was obvious; her legs twitched occasionally, and bubbles came up to the surface as she began to moan down there.

The Zoroark watched with rapt attention; this was his favorite part. After becoming nearly comatose for a moment due to the corrosive effects of his concentrated shit, Erin's body began to move on purpose again. First it was her nipples, hardening and quickly leaking. Then, her hand, sliding down to her snatch and fingering it. Finally, her arms and legs supported her weight again, but she didn't struggle to take her head out from the filth.

And now, the final piece.

Asheton knelt down, letting go of Erin's head and noting that she stayed exactly as he wanted. He lined up his massive horse cock with her pussy and pushed in.

Erin didn't make a noise, but judging by the bulge travelling up her body as Asheton sank into her, she should have been screaming. The Zoroark groaned as he sank his cock fully into his new toy, and he took one last look down at her body. So shapely... so clean... so perfect.

A nasty grin split his face as he began to saw into her, one that grew wider as he heard the first snaps from her reconfiguring body breaking itself on his cock. In a matter of minutes, her body would be destroyed beyond repair, useless as anything but a cock sleeve for him.

And that's exactly how he'd planned it.


That same night, Owen slept soundly in his bed, completely unaware of what was happening just a few blocks away to the love of his life. As far as he knew, both Ashelyn and Asheton were sleeping in the spare bedroom, curled up around each other in a disturbingly sexual fashion. He'd been trying to break them of their incesteous relationship, but had no luck up to that point. Otherwise, everything was right in the world.

The thing that woke him up wasn't the shifting weight on his bed, nor the sound of snickering, but a gentle, wet kiss on his cheek. Owen gasped as he sat up, adrenaline rushing through his body, but the fight left him as soon as he saw who it was; Erin was sliding onto his bed, a wide grin on her face.

"O-Oh, uh, honey, what's... what's going on?"

"Oh, I just... missed you, is all," Erin replied.

As his eyes adjusted to the dark, Owen became equal parts confused and aroused. He'd expected that Erin had stopped by on her way back home to say goodnight, or maybe spend the night, but that was the extent of it. He'd been working at her for years to put out, but she'd consistently turned him down to the point that he didn't even try anymore. Something about 'purity' and 'saving it for marriage'. He didn't understand or like it, but he respected her enough not to push it any further than that.

The Erin he saw here was different. She had the same face and all, but from the waist down, Owen might not have known it was her. Even swimming she made certain to cover up, as not to 'tempt him', in her words, but now she was nearly naked. He found it difficult to even look below her neck, but eventually his arousal won out over his respect, and his eyes trailed down her body.

She was plumper than he imagined. The clothes she wore gave the impression that she was lithe, even skinny, but without clothes, Erin looked like she could be a plus sized model -- not fat, but very, very pleasantly plump in all the right places. Her arms were round yet tapered tantalizingly off, leading the eyes to her breasts, which were at least two cup sizes larger than they looked through her shirt. The only thing she wore on her upper body was a paper-thin bra, tiny white triangles held fast to her body by thin strings. Her nipples were shamelessly erect underneath, and far larger than he'd ever imagined they could be.

Her hips were wide as well, shapely and well padded, leading straight down to her thick, pillowy thighs. They were large enough to rub against each other even when she'd spread her legs a decent width, and yet they still left the tiniest thigh gap where they met her groin. That only served to show off the equally thin thong she was wearing, the white fabric so stretched that her pussy lips pushed out around it. Her ass were shelves that jiggled with every movement she made, yet splayed out just far enough that he could see her asshole if he just looked.

Most people would realize that this couldn't possibly be the same person as his girlfriend, unless it were possible to gain eighty pounds overnight, and in impossible areas as well. Failing that, most people would have realized there was no chance that Erin would go from chaste virgin to thick slut without any warning. Even failing that, one might have realized that his Zoroarks were masters of illusion, and make the connection from there.

Unfortunately for Owen, not only had he spent days cooped up in the same house as the Zoroark twins, exposing him to their debilitating musk, he also had the misfortune of being male. As such, he thought more with the head between his legs than the one on top of his body, and so when he found his voice, all he could say was, "Holy... holy shit. You look hot."

A weak way to respond in any situation, but Erin merely grinned, tilting her head so that her hair brushed over Owen's chest. She didn't say a word, only leaning down and placing another gentle, wet kiss on Owen's lips.

An electric shock trickled through Owen's body like a waterfall, short circuiting his logic, his higher brain function, everything but his sexual appetite, which only grew in response to the wet sensation of Erin's lips against his. This was it! The forbidden fruit, the prize he'd chased for all these years, and it was a simple kiss. He wouldn't question it, not the least because he knew what was coming next.

Erin shifted on top of him, straddling his body with her thick thighs, and began to grind her pussy against his crotch as they made out. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder, lost in the sensation. His cock swelled to life, making a tent in his boxers. If he'd been paying attention, he might have noticed his cock was several inches smaller than it had been just a few days ago, but he wasn't. The fact that he was even getting to use it at all made him oblivious to the fact that his sizable package had become, bluntly, pathetic.

After what seemed like an eternity, Erin pulled away. Owen gasped for breath, barely realizing he hadn't been breathing at all through the whole experience, but before he could recover Erin was pulling down his boxers and pulling up his shirt, and he threw himself whole-heartedly into the experience.

What followed could hardly be described the sweet, sensual awkwardness of two virgins losing themselves to each other. Owen was awkward, to be sure -- he'd missed Erin's hole on more than one occasion, though when he accidentally slipped in her ass, she didn't seem to even notice the difference -- but Erin fucked like someone with experience, like she'd been fucking men for years or worse, like a gutter whore, paid to do whatever freaky thing came across her client's mind.

Owen had expected some sloppy kissing, maybe a few nibbles across her body and his, and then a few brief minutes of vaginal penetration before he came and they'd break apart, sweaty but entirely ecstatic in the new experience. Instead his girlfriend took the lead. She pushed a finger up his ass and massaged his prostate, sending stars through his mind in the process, she deepthroated his cock without hesitation, she ate out his ass and made him eat out her pussy. There was a sort of dominatrix vibe to her, and Owen was more than happy to fall in line.

At one point she'd been deepthroating his cock, but just before he climaxed she pulled back, flashing him a nasty grin.

"Piss," she ordered.

Owen's eyes flew wide, the edge fading from his pleasure as he processed what she'd asked. "I, uh... do you mean in--"

Her eyes narrowed. "Piss!" she ordered again, just before pushing his cock back in her mouth.

He shrugged and shook his head, closing his eyes and relaxing as a stream of warm, bitter piss flowed into her mouth. She let it build there, making her cheeks bloat out, and once it seemed impossible for her to hold any more, she took an audible gulp, groaning in pleasure afterwards.

Owen stared at her in semi-shock, though after the things she'd done to him that night, he wasn't entirely surprised. "Damn... I didn't know you were this kinky," he said.

The grin on her face grew, though it unsettled him somewhat. "Wanna try something else?" she asked.

He raised his eyebrows. "More?"

"Just lay back," she replied.

Owen shrugged and laid back, happy to let her take the lead. Erin got on all fours, turning around so that her pussy was hovering over his face. He'd figured they were about to 69 when she began to sit back, lowering her massive, jiggling ass over his face.

"Ready?" she asked.

Owen saw the surface of her skin sort of... ripple. Not jiggle, but ripple in and out of existence. A dull feeling of alarm grew in his chest, but before he could respond the illusion faded out, exposing Ashelyn's nasty, gaping asshole and her oversized ass. His eyes flew wide, and the last thing he saw other than her drooling anus was her face, looking back and grinning down at him.

"Eat up."


The sun shone through Erin's front windows as it rose, casting a golden glow in her living room. Normally at this time she'd just be getting up, shuffling out of her bedroom and clutching a fresh cup of tea to her chest, smiling as she met the day. She'd sit down on her couch, pat her lap, and her Lopunny would hop onto her, sleepily curling up into a little bunny ball.

Not this morning.

This morning, Asheton sat in her place, completely nude in covered in shit, piss, and cum. Erin was impaled on his cock, and though she faced the window, her eyes were empty and rolled back in her head. She gurgled and twitched some, and her belly, once flat, was swollen with gallons of shit and piss Asheton had forced her to swallow. Her Lopunny, Arctic, was curled up on the ground, idly munching on Asheton's thick, greasy log of shit.

Asheton smiled, watching the sun rise. Erin gurgled a little louder than usual and he reached to his side, grabbing a log of shit from the pile that he'd made and shoving it down her throat. She quieted some as she choked it down, and he sighed.

"I gotta say, I didn't expect everything to proceed this quickly," he mused to himself. "Erin's a braindead shit whore, and if my sister is anywhere as good as me, Owen is already corrupted into a dumb bimbo, just like he deserves. Everything's going exactly to plan."

The Zoroark yawned and rubbed his eyes. It had been a long night. There was time for rest. Everything could continue tonight.


Owen awoke with a throbbing pain in the back of his head that only increased every time he tried to sit up. His bed was so warm and comfortable, and it called for him to go back to sleep. He was tempted, so tempted, but he had work today, he knew, and judging by the dim light of the sun rising through his blinds, he couldn't afford to go back to sleep.

It took some effort but he sat up, holding his head. It was like someone had taken a sledgehammer to it, or like he was battling a hangover, but he hadn't drank in weeks, so it couldn't be that. Owen searched his memories for anything that could have caused it, when suddenly memories of Ashelyn in bed with him flashed through his mind.

Ah. That had to be it; her nasty ass had essentially gassed him, making him pass out right then and there. He would have to talk to her about sexual behavior with humans and how wrong it is, and then get on her about washing. There had been several attempts to approve their hygiene before, but none had stuck. Perhaps this one would.

As he stood up out of bed a wave of sharp pain overtook him, and he had to fall back onto his plush mattress before he passed out. He steadied himself and this time got up more carefully, shuffling around the room as he got ready for work.

When he flicked the lights, nothing turned on; it must have been a power outage. That would explain why his alarm didn't go off.

But why was his whole body sore? He couldn't understand it. Was Ashelyn's ass that disgusting? It would explain the headache and the fact that he'd passed out, but could it explain these new aches? Not likely; all that said, he had to get ready for work.

As he rummaged around in his drawers, he too was preoccupied with the night with Ashelyn to notice some interesting developments aside from the pains his body was going through.

To begin, his cock and balls were positively pathetic. While he had been only slightly above average in the cock department before, his balls were his pride and joy, nearly the size of large eggs. They were a constant presence in his life, swinging between his legs and tapping his thighs when he was naked, nestled up against his groin when he was clothed. Now his balls were barely there, and they certainly didn't swing. Far from their former glory, they were so tiny that were they to dangle as far down as they possibly could, they still wouldn't hit his thighs.

His cock had undergone a similar shrinking process. Owen was a shower, not a grower, and he was used to the dense feeling of his shaft sagging there as he got ready for work. Today, however, it was barely an inch soft, and might be three inches hard at most. It wasn't even possible for him to play the girth game, because rock hard it was barely thicker than a finger. In fact, being shorter than one, his cock was literally less useful than a middle finger!

Those were only the beginning of the changes he'd undergone, however. While Owen weighed about the same, most of that weight had shifted from his upper body to his lower. Wide flared hips wriggled as he got himself ready, accented by a thick, round ass, and his thighs were equally round, brushing each other with every step he took. What should have been a foreign sensation felt familiar to him, and so he took no notice as his thighs rubbed together.

In short, Owen had transformed into a prime example of a femboi; useless cock hanging between his legs and his body's energies all directed towards growing him a larger, more fuckable ass.

Having selected his clothes for the day, Owen set them in a pile on his bed and made his way to the shower. He knew it was bad for his skin, but as he turned the knob and the familiar waft of hot, humid air clouded over him, he smiled and stepped in. It might make his skin drier to take daily showers, but it was a wonderful, comforting ritual that he just wasn't really willing to give up.

Owen closed his eyes and got to it, grabbing the shampoo and lathering it in his hair. It took quite a bit more shampoo than usual to lather everything up, but he dismissed it. Perhaps there was something wrong with the water softener? It couldn't possibly be that his hair was thicker and longer than his usual two inch crop, there's no way it could have grown that much overnight.

The topic was quickly forgotten and he sank back into his routine, enjoying the feeling of hot water thrumming against his back and ass. He was so used to the daily ritual that he didn't even open his eyes through the whole shower. Which meant he couldn't see that the 'water' he was showering in had a suspicious yellow tint.

Instead he occupied his mind with thoughts of Erin. Owen knew now that what had happened the night before wasn't really Erin but Ashelyn, and yet the memories lingered as if it really were her. He bit his lip and his free hand wandered down to his cock, gripping the full thing in the palm of his hand. Again he didn't notice his diminished size, because he was too wrapped up in reliving the last night.

What would happen if Erin were really that kinky? Drinking piss, fingering his ass-- god that one sounded good right now-- and whatever other nasty things she could come up with? What if she really were that dominant in bed? The thought sent shivers down his spine and made his hole twitch. It was Ashelyn who was that kinky, but perhaps Erin could learn it, once she got past her chastity thing and just put it out like every other girl.

He frowned. It wasn't fair to Erin for him to think like that, and he had to respect her choices in that regard. Sex would have to wait until marriage, which thankfully was now in the cards given he'd caught his own Pokemon, but was still an unfathomable ways away.

Well, in the meantime, he did have Ashelyn to fuck, and... well, it was wrong, but if she was taking a human form, it was okay, right? After all she had some semblance of intelligence, an almost frightening intellect for a Pokemon actually, so it wouldn't count as bestiality, would it? Besides, some people already fucked their Pokemon and nothing bad happened to them. So it was okay, right?

Owen's thoughts were sharply interrupted after he rinsed off his hair and opened his mouth to gargle some water. A pungent, acidic taste immediately attacked his taste buds and he doubled over, spitting out the water and retching to rid himself of the noxious taste.

"F-Fuck!" he groaned to himself, falling to his knees as he tried to scrape away the taste from his tongue. "Is there something wrong with the septic tank?"

That had to be it! That would explain why his shampoo didn't lather like it usually did, there was some issue in the septic tank. Owen grimaced as he realized that he must have essentially been showering in sewage.

Well, nothing he could do about it now, if he didn't head out soon he'd be late. Owen shut the shower off and hopped out, towelling off thoroughly. He thought about brushing his teeth, but realized the water would be just as nasty from the sink as it would be from the shower, so he settled with a little baking soda and a washcloth. He found his deodorant and put it on without much thought. If he'd had looked, he would have noticed that it wasn't his usual bar stuff, but rather, Asheton's concentrated musk, solidified.

Unfortunately, his mind was elsewhere that morning, and after he applied it, he went to his room, got dressed, and headed out to begin his day.

He didn't notice the calendar next to the door. When he'd last looked at it, it was the beginning of May. Now, the calendar read June, and it was nearly July, too. Owen had a gap in his memory of about two months, and he had not the slightest clue.

The first thing Owen should have noticed were his clothes. Excuses could be made about not noticing earlier due to being tired or due to the light, but now that he was awake in broad daylight, there was no excuse not to see the changes in his wardrobe.

Usually, his wardrobe could be described as nondescript at best. His daily wear were blue or light blue jeans paired with plain colored tees, all neutral in color, possibly with a plaid patterned button-up on the colder days. None of the cuts were particularly extreme, neither complimenting nor hiding his body. He was aware his tastes were simple and he enjoyed that; less time spent on clothes meant more time doing important things, like hiking, or spending time with his friends and girl.

Now, however, 'nondescript' was the last word to describe what he wore. In place of a grey tee, Owen wore a hot pink crop top that barely covered his nipples and showed off his newly slimmed down, hairless belly. An equally pink pair of booty shorts rode low on his groin, hugging his enormous cheeks halfway up and exposing his panties. These were neon green rather than pink, and though most of it was still hidden, it was obvious that they left very little to the imagination. Had this been a few months ago, an outfit like this would be considered slutty even in the nastiest of gay clubs.

If he didn't notice his clothes, Owen surely should have noticed the people surrounding him. Usually he was very conscientious about greeting everyone who he knew -- when he was already looked down upon for not having a Pokemon, he had to make an extra effort not to be labeled antisocial -- but today he strode past his neighbor's house without even looking up.

His neighbor, a young father, noticed Owen's silence, but he wasn't exactly in a place where he could point it out. Where usually he'd be doing the garden that edged the house at that point in the morning, clothed in his work pants and a wifebeater, he was instead buck-naked and on all fours right in the middle of the yard.

His body was changed just like Owen's, and he was tethered to a stake in the middle of the yard. Sweat rolled down his body from the warm morning, but he didn't complain. His eyes were empty, and his tongue lolled from his mouth, coating his chin in drool. Cum drooled out of his gaping asshole, and his cock was caged and leaking.

Once this might have been considered a travesty, a perverted aberration that called for his neighbor's arrest and incarceration. Now, however, this was the norm.

Owen continued on the way to work, passing by more and more of his neighbors. Some of them were clothed, and some weren't. Some were chained up, and some crawled free around what was once their yard. Invariably, however, their eyes were empty and their tongues were lolling out, and more often than not their holes were just as wrecked, if not more wrecked, than his immediate neighbor.

Given the remoteness of his neighborhood compared to the rest of the city, and the early hour which he chose to begin walking each morning, the streets were usually rather empty when Owen walked to work. When he did run into someone, however, it was an early riser walking their Pokemon, being 'good' trainers. Today, however, the streets were packed, and while everyone out was a human-pokemon pairing, the context was incredibly different.

Now, the ones being walked were the humans, and the Pokemon were the ones doing the walking. While this would have been mindblowing in and of itself, the most important change were in the Pokemon themselves; they were almost entirely anthro.

Where once their statues were small and they crawled around on all fours, now every single Pokemon seemed to have gained human-like bodies, but they retained their more bestial markings. If they had fur, they kept their fur. If they had snouts, they kept their snouts. However, they were undeniably human, walking on two legs, holding collars, and sporting five-fingered hands, just like the humans did.

Their bodies were prime examples of perfection, as well. While the humans used to come in a variety of shapes and sizes, fat and thin, tall and short, the Pokemon who had become anthros were invariably healthy, trim, tall and muscular. Their genitals, when exposed, were absolutely massive, and it wasn't uncommon to see a female Arcanine walking around casually with tits that wouldn't even fit in a bra if she tried, and a male walking next to her with balls so large that there was no hope of fitting it into any pair of pants.

Perhaps because of this, very rarely were they clothed. Some wore ties, and a few wore shirts, but by and by, they were as naked as they were before.

There were a few notable exceptions to the general anthro trend. Some Pokemon retained their feral or near-feral bodies, but the intelligence in their eyes and their dominance over their new human pets were obvious. Their genitals were oversized as well, and in many cases their assholes were massive, swollen and puffy. There seemed to be no pattern over which Pokemon were anthro versus feral, and there was no hint of bias among them based upon their status.

Failing to notice all of this, Owen finally made it to the woods. As he walked through, he passed more and more Pokemon-human pairs, and about halfway through the park, he came across something nasty.

There was a small circle of Pokemon, most of them male, right in the path. When they noticed Owen they parted for him, exposing what they had surrounded.

Two human males were on all fours, gasping for breath. Though they were in obvious discomfort, the empty blankness in their eyes remained, and they made no move to run away. It was obvious what was happening; both of their mouths were gaping far further than they ever should have naturally, and their faces were covered in cum and sloppy throat gunk. Their asses were equally gaped, drooling cum.

Once the Pokemon surrounding the two poor fuckdolls realized Owen was too lost in his own thoughts to do anything about them, they grinned among themselves, and two Houndooms strode back from the crowd. They were twins, both prime examples of masculinity. Their muscles were defined enough to cut metal, and their cocks swung hard between their legs, more than a foot long and covered in throat slime.

They each took one of the humans, slipping their cocks down the human males' throats without any warning. Though their throats expanded around the cock without issues, the men still heaved and gurgled, retching instinctively to try and rid their bodies of the massive invaders.

Owen didn't notice any of it, simply walking around them and continuing towards his work on autopilot.

Finally he reached the street his work was on. If he were paying any attention, rather than drooling over the memories of what to him was last night, he would have thought that this street was almost normal. The Pokemon that walked down the sidewalk were mostly ferals still, and fully clothed humans walked next to them. The empty, glazed look in their eyes were still there, but other than that, the scene could almost pass for normal.

Except for the crowd of Pokemon, anthro and feral alike, gathered at the end of the sidewalk, right next to the entry into the architecture's main office.

This time, it wasn't a gang bang.

The crowd cleared as Owen walked up, just like the last time, and just like the last time they stared as if they knew something he didn't. Owen didn't notice at all, still wrapped up in his own world, but instead of the clean pass he made last time, this time Owen scuffed his foot against the man in the middle. He paused to mutter an apology under his breath, looking down as he did so, and he blinked.

The man kneeling on the ground was Will, one of his coworkers from the office. He was dressed as he usually was-- black dress slacks, white button-up and black tie-- but that was the only thing that was normal with him. He was splayed out like he was drunk, and he was looking straight up, mouth gaping open and filled to the brim with shit and piss. A little bit trickled down the sides of his cheeks onto his pants, but he didn't react. He didn't care. There wasn't enough of him to care. His belly, normally flat and slim, was swollen like he was pregnant, pushing out from under his shirt and straining the buttons. Apparently, they'd been using him as a toilet for quite some time.

Owen's eyes met Will's, flickering a bit as the slightest bit of comprehension began to dawn. Then, as quickly as it came, it left, and Owen shook his head before quickly walking away. He didn't want to be late for work, after all. No time to talk to Will.

Inside, things were just as fucked up as they were outside. There was the normal line for clocking in, but to Owen's surprise, they were all open. He happily clocked in with no hassle at all and made his way out the door across the work yard, completely oblivious to the fact that everyone punching in were nearly-naked Pokemon.

In the yard, things were even worse. Gone were the swarms of Pokemon doing back-breaking manual labor at the behest of one or two overseers. Instead, humans did everything, from carrying rocks and bricks from place to place, to the welding of metal rods to the foundation of the building. There were several humans whose only purpose seemed to be for Pokemon to fuck, and they were doing so shamelessly, right out in the open yard. In a row near the side of the yard, six men were tied up and in the same position as Will, mouth open and head pointed straight up. Their bellies were even larger than his; perhaps Will was being trained for his new position.

Owen noticed none of this, heading straight towards his building and immediately into his office. He sat down at his desk, taking a moment to relish in the beautiful simplicity of it all. Tranquil, calming, and focusing.

He let out a deep breath, ready for the day. He powered on his computer and watched his screen flicker to life.

As he got to working proper, he was surprised to find that not everything was as he left it. His desktop and files were untouched, and he couldn't find any evidence that someone had been rooting around his work station, but for some reason, the remote site that he was working on had magically been fixed.

Owen was stumped. How could it have been fixed overnight? When he'd left it the day before, it needed at least a week's worth of work before it would even come online. Nothing was set up on the client's side properly, it would crash every ten minutes like clockwork, and when it did work, it was painfully, painfully slow.

What he found now was working so differently that, if he hadn't confirmed it for himself in the system files, Owen might have thought he'd logged into the wrong remote site entirely. The thing was blazing fast, there wasn't any crashes whatsoever, and every single thing he thought he'd have to spend hours arguing with the client about to edit was done exactly the way he would have wanted it, or sometimes even better.

The question of how this happened overnight bugged him, but he decided to brush it aside. After all, one doesn't look a gift horse in the mouth, and if someone had pulled a late night to get it all fixed, Owen wasn't going to say no. Maybe it was Will, feeling bad for how Helinski had piled onto him the day before. He'd seen him just minutes earlier but hadn't even said hello. Perhaps he'd fix that on lunch.

Just at the clock was showing 11am, Owen saw an email pop up in his inbox. He clicked it and immediately regretted it, seeing the sender: Helinski. The subject was blank, but the message was short and sweet. 'Come to my office right now.'

Owen sighed. Why couldn't she just come down to his office for once, or at least call? Whatever... orders are orders, and she was his boss. He locked his computer and stood up, walking down the hall and popping into her office.

"You wanted me?" he asked, closing the door behind himself.

Instead of seeing Helinski seated at her desk, wearing that infuriating smirk as she readied herself to ream him out, he saw an anthro Arcanine, nearly naked except for a tie. His body was perfectly toned, with rippling abs on his belly and massive pecs on his chest. The only resemblance the Pokemon bore to his boss was that cocky smirk plastered on his lips. Or was that jowels?

Helinski was there, too. She was sprawled out on her desk, nearly recognizable. Her body, once middle-aged and past its prime, was now the perfect bimbo's build. Massive, plastic breasts pressed perkily against the desk, and her perfect bubble butt jiggled as the arcanine sawed into her. The only part of her that was the same was her head and face, which bore obvious signs of untreated blunt trauma. Apparently, the arcanine treated her the way she treated him.

The fog in Owen's mind finally cleared, and the full impact of everything he'd seen and ignored that day hit him like a truck.

"N-No... no, I... what in..."

The arcanine chuckled, shaking his head. "Finally coming around, eh Owen? Surprised they took so long to let you out."

Owen stared wide-eyed at his former boss, unable to tear his gaze away from the way her pussy stretched to accommodate the Arcanine's massive shaft. "I... what... what happened?"

The Pokemon's smirk grew into a grin. "When you took in those two Zoroarks, why didn't you question the fact that you couldn't remember how you got home? Why did you willingly fuck them when all they did was take the shape of your girlfriend? Shouldn't you have seen the red flags when every single day, you couldn't remember anything from the second you stepped into your apartment until the moment you stepped out again?"

Owen had no answer. "You really should have known something was up, but the way that I see it? Your negligence is our prosperity. Thanks to you..." the Arcanine paused, an arm reaching out, gripping Helinski's hair tight and slamming it down against the desk as he leaned in, holding her mangled, yet surprisingly blissfully happy face beside his own. "...Thanks to you, we're free."

"I... " Owen was at a loss for words, and a pit began to form in his belly. He really should have paid attention. All the signs were there.

"Thanks to you, we're free to take what's ours. Put ourselves back where we truly belong, and..."

He paused once more, Helinski's face being slammed back down to the table with each subsequent word uttered from the Canine's mouth. "Put. You. Back. Where. You..." he pulled her mangled head up one final time, her smile holding firm despite the fact that her body was clearly struggling to function by this point, before being shot back down to the desk one last time. "Belong." he said with a smile, Helinski's body slowly becoming limp. "Oh, and don't worry about her. she gets this every day. The Bitch loves this shit!"

Owen's eyes widened, and he began to back away. "No, I... there's got... I have..."

The Pokemon shook his head. "Oh no, Owen, I can't let you leave." As if waiting for the word, two Machokes strode into the office, each of them taking one of Owen's arms. He tried to struggle, but the effort was in vain. "After all, we have to thank you for all you've done, or rather the lack thereof!"

The Arcanine's grin turned even more grim and sinister as he savoured his next words, and Owen's heart truly sank.

"Oh, Owen. We have a special day in store for you."