A Chosen Path -- Chapter 2-- The Announcement

Story by Moonblood on SoFurry

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#2 of A Chosen Path

Well, I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter and I hope you enjoy the second chapter even more! Just like last time, I'm sorry if this disappoints you or anything bad and I'm sorry if there are any errors, I'm still new to this. Comments, questions, opinions, advice and everything else are always welcome and greatly appreciated, just try to keep it nice please. Now, without further delay, I give you A Chosen Path, Chapter 2!

Chapter 2. The Announcement

The week although moving slowly Jake thought, was one of the best weeks of his life. "I want this week to be over!" Karly said while slumping on the cafeteria table. "It's only a Wednesday and I already feel like I've been here more than a week." she said. "You could always skip, Karly." George said. "You skip enough as it is anyways." he said with a humorous tone. "Are you kidding me? I wouldn't miss Jake hitting it off more with Trygan!" she starred across the table at the two boys. "I bet be is huge down there and--" "Well," Trygan said, interrupting Karly. "I may be across the table but, I can still hear you just fine Karly. You might consider getting a boyfriend because..." Trygan leaned over and passionately kissed Jake on the lips. "... You could be doing this rather than watching." Jake sighed when Trygan broke the kiss. "Oh, watching is just fine with me!" she exclaimed. Everyone at the table laughed as the bell rang, sending everyone to their final class.

Everyone said their good-byes and headed to their classes. Jake and Trygan headed to their math class, one of the two classes they had together, holding paws as they entered the room. News had spread over the school that Trygan was dating Jake between Monday, Tuesday and the most of Wednesday. Jake was very self conscious about having everyone know, but Trygan made it seem like no big deal. Tuesday is when the news really spread, along with some hateful slurs by a few students towards Jake. He paid no attention to them. That day had ended with the two making out at the bus stop after they got off the bus paw in paw. Now being Wednesday, the majority of the hype about the two had died down. Everyone was cool with the two except for the occasional name-calling and other hateful slurs being told. Other than that, the day was good. The two entered the class and took their seats next to each other for the last class of the day.

"Hey." Jake felt a paw on his shoulder. "Wake up Jake, class is over." He rose to find Trygan grinning at him. "This class is so boring!" Jake groaned as he shook of the sleepiness and gathered his stuff. "Yeah, it's pretty dull, but it was really funny to see you pass out. You drooled a lot!" hearing this, Jake felt near his muzzle where the damp fur was. "Heh, this... is embarrassing." Jake said while blushing, turning his face that shade of pink Trygan though was "incredibly sexy". "Geeze Jake, if you blush anymore, you'll be the new idol for fighting breast cancer with all that pink!" Jake laughed, but Trygan knew that something was not right about it. Trygan knew something was wrong. "Come on Jake? That was comedy gold! Usually you're asking on the ground bawling from laughter by now. What's up?" Jake sighed. "It's nothing. Where did you park?" Jake said, trying to change the subject. "Jake, it's me, your oh so secret boyfriend. You can tell me what's up. I won't laugh or anything ok? I want to be there for you, help you." Trygan said, being as sympathetic as possible. "I don't want to talk about it..." The emotions from Jake seemed to materialize a rainy cloud above him as the two walked through the almost empty hallways.

Trygan stopped in his tracks and grabbed Jake turning him around. "Jake, I know you don't want to talk about it, but you need to talk about it." Trygan said, his dark brown eyes cutting through Jake's emotional defenses like a hot knife through butter. "I... I am scared ok!?" Jake's tone made Trygan flinch away. "I have been thinking about my parents, I don't know how to tell them I'm bi and I'm scared they will find out in a bad way before I get to tell them. My mom was so close to finding out at the bus stop yesterday. I haven't slept since Monday and I don't know what to do."

Jake started sniffling and tears formed and began streaming into his fur. Trygan felt like comforting Jake with his touch, but also he thought it would make Jake shy away. So he stayed his ground for the time. "Jake," Trygan said with a soft yet serious voice "I know what you are going through. I was the same way, worse actually. I had panic attacks about it and nightmares. You are handling this way better than I did and it's normal to feel like this." Trygan took a step and put a paw under Jake's chin, raising the sobbing husky's face so that it met his own in a powerful gaze. "I..." Trygan began with fiery passion in his dark brown eyes. "Will not let this hurt you anymore. I think you have suffered enough. Now." He said. "Lets get you home so you can prepare your room for a sleep over." Trygan hugged Jake. "Everything will be ok." Trygan's words made Jake almost immediately feel complete comfort. With a tug on his wrist, the two walked through the empty hallways towards the parking lot.

The two reached Trygan's car. Trygan started his car, and pulled out of the school parking lot, driving towards their first night together in the same house. "Wait," Jake said "sleepover... what? You said sleepover!" "Yeah, I did. We won't tell your parents today but if you want to, I want to be there. It takes those who care about you to give you that small 'push' towards telling them but, you still tell them with your own free will." Trygan placed his paw on Jake's, fingers interlacing. "Soooo we have 10 minutes before we get to your house. 7 minutes seems fair for you to make the call asking if I can spend the night." Trygan squeezed Jake's paw, never ending the encouragement. Jake sniffled one more time. "Can I ever say no to you?" Jake said with humor. "Well you could say no but..." Trygan flashed that wolfish grin. "The chances of that happening are slim to none." Trygan laughed, even that had an encouraging sense about it to Jake.

A moment later, Jake had his cell up to his ear, waiting for one of his parents to pick up. "Hello?" his mother said. "Hi mom, it's Jake." Jake responded. "Oh, hi honey. How are you doing?" her voice sounded cheerful and happy. She's in a good mood thought Jake, perfect. "I'm doing fine mom, but I was calling to see if I can have a friend spend the night?" there was a pause on the other end. "Hmm, you do realize it is a school night right?" she said. "Yes mom, I know, but I got all of my homework done at school and I don't have any tests tomorrow. Please!" Jake worked the words in ways that he knew would get this to work. "Who is it? George or James?" she asked. "It's Trygan. My friend from a few houses down?" "Oh, the brown wolf?" "Yes Ma'am." Jake said, hoping that would work. "Hmm... You're sure you have everything done?" she asked "Yes Ma'am, all done at school," Jake said. "Well I guess it would be ok. When will you two get here?" she asked with a hint of reluctance in her voice. "A few minutes." "Ok." she said, "See you two when you get here." Jake said his good-byes along with an "I love you too." and hung up, sliding the cell back into his pocket. "I hope this wasn't a mistake, Trygan." Jake said, leaning back in his seat and letting a long breath out. "Oh hell yes it was. We are going to have lots of hot, kinky sex you stud!" Trygan squeezed Jake's paw, "Ha! Just kidding!" Jake burst out laughing, a joyous and worry free laugh. "Wow, you just sounded believable!" Jake said in between giggles, "What did I tell you? Comedy gold or what?" The two laughed the remainder of the ride home.

"Hi mom! We're here!" Jake shouted as the two entered Jake's house. "Hi sweetie! I'm in the living room." Jake's mom replied. The two boys walked over to the living room and found a rather tall, slim female husky dusting numerous objects. She turned to see the two standing in the doorway and with a smile she walked over to them. Upon reaching the two, she gave Jake a hug and ruffled the top of his head fur. "Mooom!" Jake groaned from embarrassment. The female husky walked over to Trygan with her paw and arm extended. "Hello Trygan. I don't believe we have ever really met." She shook his paw. "It's nice to meet you." She said while releasing his paw. "Thank you, but the pleasure is all mine Mrs.?" "Please, call me Janice. You're a friend of Jake, so no need to call me Mrs. Just Janice will do. " She interrupted him with a chuckle. "I hope you like burgers, Trygan?" She asked with a smile. "Yes ma'am, I love 'em!" Trygan responded. "Perfect, dinner is in 20 minutes. Jake, be a good host and show our guest to your room. The inflatable mattress is in your closet." Janice said as she walked towards the kitchen.

"Thanks mom." Jake said as he turned to take Trygan to his room. The two playfully raced up the stairs towards Jake's room. Trygan slipped between Jake and the wall and made a half-sprinted leap landing several feet in front of Jake, touching the door first and opening it. "I call cheating on that!" Jake half yelled, half laughed as he bowled into Trygan standing in the open doorway. The two landed on the bed, Jake on top of Trygan. Jake's tail was wagging as the two laughed. Trygan placed his paws on the sides of Jake's face. "You are too cute!" Trygan exclaimed with a giggle, drawing Jake in for a kiss. Their lips met, passion flowing into both of them. Jake's husky meat started growing in size increasingly fast as the kiss drew on. Jake, having trouble controlling himself, started moving his hips in a humping manner. Trygan showed that wolfish grin, sliding his paws down the length of Jake's back, reaching his firm ass. He grabbed both cheeks and pressed Jake closer. Trygan's own meat was growing and the two erections, although separated by clothing, felt each other, both throbbing against each other in a greeting. Jake's humping increased, as did the emotional kiss. The two were moments away from ripping clothes off as a sound came from the hallway.

Both of their ears perked up, their eyes widened and both their hearts seemed to stop beating. Trygan scrambled to get out from under Jake and fell off the bed. He landed on his ass as he fell off of the bed scrambling to get to the closet. Jake grabbed his backpack and placed it between his legs as his mother came into view on the other side of the doorway. "Hey boys." She said. "Just checking in on you. Did you find the mattress?" As she finished asking, Trygan emerged from the closet, holding a box that read "inflatable mattress", in front of his throbbing erection. "Geeze." Trygan said jokingly. "You need to get your eyes checked, Jake. The mattress must have been right in front of you." "Yeah," Jake stuttered. "I think we're good, mom." She looked at him with a quizzical expression due to his stuttering. "Ok...? Is there anything you two need help with?" She said. "We're good mom. Thanks for asking." "Alright boys, tell me if you need anything, I'll be in the kitchen." Janice said while turning to leave. "About 14 to 13 minutes till dinner."

Jake waited till he heard her go down the stairs before he let out a long breath. "Oh... My God... That was close!" Jake whispered to Trygan. "Yeah..." Trygan paused, a smile creeping along his muzzle. "But it was so hot! I haven't been humped by a guy before." Trygan said, lowering the mattress to the floor to let his meat stand out in his pants. Jake eyed the bulge, licking his lips thinking of being mounted by Trygan. "Heh... I guess it was kinda pretty hot." Jake said, moving his backpack, letting his own member stand tall against his pants. "You know what's kind of weird though... I kinda um... Wanted mom to know about us. You know? So we didn't really need to rapidly get away from one another." "That's cool!" Trygan exclaimed. "Tell me right now, do you want to tell her we are together and you are bi tonight?" Trygan asked, climbing onto the bed and sitting next to Jake. "I... Um...." He thought about it for a few moments and let out a long sigh, rubbing at the back of his head. He grabbed Trygan's paw and squeezed hard, Trygan returned the gesture. "I want to tell her." With the sound of that, Trygan leaned in and kissed Jake on the lips.

The two set the mattress up and managed to get he room into an acceptable sleepover condition, finishing as Jake's mother hollered up that dinner was ready. They walked paw in paw to the kitchen, separating as they came near the kitchen. They entered and took their seats next to each other as Janice placed two plates in front of them. Hamburgers, everything on them with a side of French fries, ketchup and chips. Jake practically had a waterfall pouring out of his muzzle. "These look delicious!" Trygan exclaimed with hunger touching his voice. "Well dig in boys, these burgers won't eat themselves." Janice said with merry humor in her voice.

Before eating, Jake looked around the table and realized his dad wasn't there. "Hey mom, where's dad at?" Jake asked, picking up and taking a bite of his burger. "Oh, you didn't get his message? He got called on a business trip. He won't be back till next weekend." Jake let out a silent sigh. He only had to tell one parent, awesome. Hearing his dad won't be back for awhile made Jake feel a little better about all of this. The boys inhaled their food before Janice was halfway through her salad. "You boys might want to consider chewing your food!" She laughed a heavenly laugh at the boys' ravenous hunger. "Is dessert in the plan for tonight?"

Jake leaned back in his chair, rubbing his full belly as he swallowed his last French fry. Trygan placed his paw on Jake's leg. Jake turned to look at him and quickly looked away seeing a small, swift nod by Trygan. "Oh, there is no way I could eat another bite." Jake groaned. Trygan squeezed Jake's leg in an encouraging gesture. "There is something I need to tell you though mom, something important."

Janice wiped her maw and sat back in her chair, Light Ocean blue eyes calculating her son before her. "What is it, Jake?" She asked, patiently waiting to hear his announcement. Jake stood up and cleared his throat. "I'm still very much your son, but I'm not a kid anymore." Jake began squeezing Trygan's paw for courage and support. "I'm old enough to make decisions on my own and I've made an important one recently." Jake looked at Trygan with a loving smile. "I..." he took in a long breath and exhaled slowly."I'm bi mom and me and Trygan are boyfriends. Trygan didn't do a thing to force me into this or anything bad like that. This is my choice, my decision. I hope you will respect my choice and I am sorry if this makes you hate me or something bad, but this is something I will stand by."

Jake's heart was beating faster than he thought was possible as he waited to hear from the patiently waiting female. Her blue eyes watching every movement her son made. She cleared her throat, pushed away from the table stood up and started walking around the table towards Jake.

His heart sped up more as he closed his eyes and held his breath, just waiting to feel a paw slap him or to be yelled at. Just as the possibilities increased in his mind, he felt arms wrap around him and his mother's head rest on his shoulders against his head. He felt tears fall from his mothers eyes. He joined her as tears welled in his eyes. He didn't even realize his arms were around his mother till he opened his eyes. Janice pulled back, her paws on her son's arms. "I will never hate you... Only love you more and more." she hugged him again even tighter. "This must have been really hard for you..." She said as Jake silently cried as he was accepted by his mother.

Trygan watched as the two stayed together for numerous moments before Janice backed away. "I'm very proud of you Jake, I don't care if you're bi, straight, or gay. You are my son and I will love you no matter what!" Jake hugged her fiercely again, repeating "I love you mom" in between sobs. With her free paw, Janice grabbed a clean napkin off the table and started wiping Jake's tears away. She had a smile on her face and was proud to wear it.

After cleaning Jake up, a little laugh escaped her throat. "Jake, I'm glad you told me," another giggle escaped. "But I knew you were bi since Tuesday afternoon." Jake looked at her from a tilted, confused expressional face. "I saw you and Trygan holding paws while you got off the bus and the whole make out scene. I was waiting to see if you would tell me and now you have. That took a lot of courage to do and I am very proud of you, I accept your decision, Jake."

Jake couldn't hold back the joyous tears of his mothers as he embraced her again. "I love you mom, thank you for everything." Jake stammered through his crying. "Thank you for accepting my decision...Thank you!" He repeated the words "thank you" numerous times before he calmed down. He sat back down next to Trygan and took hold of his paw, smiling all the way. "Well boys." Janice said with tears threatening to escape her eyes again. "This was quite the dinner wouldn't you say?" she wiped her eyes with a chuckle. The boys laughed soon joined by Janice. She looked at her watch, 8:47 pm it read. "Well, I'm pretty tired boys. I think I'll be going to bed soon; I had a busy day at the office. Plus this very courageous statement Jake made left me drained emotionally." She started picking up the dishes.

After picking up the dishes, cleaning them and putting them away, Janice walked over to the boys. "OK, I'm going to bed. Trygan, I'm sorry you had to see this. Please, make yourself at home." She walked up to him and gave him a powerful hug. "Thank you for being so nice to my son, Take care of him, Trygan." She whispered into his ear. She hugged them both once more, said her goodbyes and vanished into the hallway. "I... Did it... I really did it!" Jake breathed as he and Trygan started heading to his room. "All on your own too. I just held your paw for a second." Trygan said. The two held paws as they entered Jake's room.

Trygan started stripping. "OH, do you mind if I sleep in my boxers? If not it's cool." Trygan asked. "Yeah, it's cool." Jake responded. After hearing it's ok, Trygan stripped down to his boxers and sat on the edge of the blowup mattress.

Jake had never seen a male with just boxers on, other than himself and the guys at PE, but this was in his own house and Trygan was his boyfriend. Jake had never seen Trygan with his shirt off, much less seeing him in boxers and he loved the sight of it. Trygan was a medium dark brown furred wolf, 6ft tall, had dark brown eyes that could cut through your defenses like they weren't there and to top it off; he had a six pack and a cute ass. His tail was a medium size and was wagging slightly as he looked at Jake. He was cute as hell Jake thought to himself as Trygan looked at him with that wolfish grin. Jake got hard rather fast as he starred at Trygan and did his best to cover as he too stripped down to his boxers.

"What a day huh?" Trygan asked with a yawn. "Yeah, but it was a cool day. At least I only had to tell one of my parents." Jake responded, crawling into his bed and covering up. "It was a good day by my books." Jake stated while setting his alarm. He felt his bed covers being lifted and a warm furry body press up against him. "Ah, much better. Is it cool if I share this bed with you?" Trygan asked, nuzzling Jake's head. "I was about to ask you if you wanted to join me." Jake said as he turned around to face Trygan. The two giggled and their lips met in a passionate kiss that lasted more than a minute. Their tongues reunited once more as their feelings for each other increased even more.

Breaking the kiss, Trygan had a smile stretched across his muzzle and rolled on top of Jake, leaning his head against the husky's chest. He giggled as Jake kissed the top of his head and he slid under the covers. "This is for being so cute and brave tonight." Trygan said, taking hold of Jake's boxers and sliding them down Jake's legs and off past his foot paws. "Trygan, you don't need to do this?" Jake tried to say but was cut off as he felt Trygan licking his half erect meat. Jake had never felt anything so good down there before. The pleasure flooded over him. He became fully erect momentarily and grabbed the sides of the bed. "Trygan... I... am a virgin!" he exclaimed. "I have never had someone suck me off! You don't need to do this Trygan, really!" Jake said through clenched teeth. "I know I don't have to do this, but I want to and from the sounds you're making, you want it too. Don't worry, I'll be gentle." Trygan said through a muffled voice. He went and started sliding the sensitive flesh into his maw; slowly he engulfed what he could and started moving his head in the appropriate bobbing manner. Jake was happy to hear this wasn't something that was forced, but rather wanted and he leaned his head back taking in the pleasure, hoping Trygan was feeling the same way. The shape under the covers was moving in a steady up and down motion and the pleasure increased for Jake as it went on. Trygan increased his speed, carefully avoiding hitting his boyfriends meat with his teeth. Jake started panting slightly as the event went on.

After blowing Jake for a minute, Trygan stopped and started playing with his boyfriend's furry balls. The noises Jake was making told Trygan he was doing a good job for his first muzzlejob. Trygan looked at the throbbing husky dick before him and he was turned on even more. He started licking the length from the end of Jake's husky balls, to the tip of his member. After numerous licks, a blob of pre escaped and Trygan took the chance to taste the white seed. He licked and found it tasted between sweet and salty and he loved it. He took the erection in his muzzle and started bobbing again hopping to receive more cum.

Jake was in pure ecstasy and loving every moment of it. "Trygan, can I move the sheets? I don't like having you in the dark." Jake asked through his steady panting. "Ok baby" Trygan giggled. "Do whatever you want to." At the sound of that, Jake quickly threw the sheets off the bed. Trygan started playing with himself as he engulfed the throbbing sensitive flesh, moving increasingly faster. Jake laughed as he saw Trygan. "Wow! I had a thought you would look like this when?" A spike of pleasure made him stop as he thrusted uncontrollably into Trygan's muzzle. Trygan smiled and went faster. Jake put his paws on the back of Trygan's head, pushing Trygan down more so he could get more of Jake's dick. He managed to control himself enough to not make Trygan gag on his meat but the pleasure was overwhelming.

After a few minutes of Trygan playing with his boyfriend, he could feel the husky getting closer to his climax. Jake started panting rapidly. "Trygan, I... Am... About to cum!" Jake managed to say through his panting. Trygan grabbed Jake's ass with both paws and played with Jake's tailhole with one finger, doing his best to give pleasure to his husky and to get in a good position to taste Jake's husky seed.

After playing with Jake's tailhole for a bit, he felt Jake's muscles tighten. "Oh... Try-- Trygan! "Jake managed to say as his muscles tensed even more as his orgasm climaxed. Jake thrusted one more time into his wolf and his warm seed shot out in huge spurts into Trygan's muzzle. Trygan felt the warm cum bombard his tongue and throat. He tried to swallow all of it but there was too and his muzzle overflowed. Trygan had to let some fall down the side of his jaw onto Jake's stomach. "Aaghh... Uuhhhhg...." Jake panted and giggled. "Mmmmmmm... Trygan... that was... incredible!" He looked as Trygan who was at work on Jake's stomach, licking up all the cum.

Jake petted Trygan's head as he licked up the warm substance and Jake's panting finally became manageable too. "I hope to repay you for this, Trygan." Jake said as he looked at Trygan's meat and licked his lips." It's ok Jake, you don't need to pay me back, this was my first muzzlejob and it was pleasurable to me as it was to you." Trygan said as he started panting while he pawed off. "Um... Uhhh." He increased his speed and murred a little to himself.

Trygan tilted his head back as the pleasure increased. "Um... bathroom? Or do you have a trashcan. If you do, can I see it ... please?" Trygan asked while panting, looking around the room. "Trygan." Jake said while spinning to put head near Trygan's meats, taking in the musky scent. He took in a big scent and loved every second of it. "I want to taste your dick Trygan, and your cum." Jake licked the tip of Trygan's meat, tasting the pre that had accumulated. Trygan murred as Jake slowly took his dick into his maw. Jake's head began to bob as he sucked passionately; clearly enjoying the taste of Trygan's cum.

Placing his paws on Jake's head, Trygan slowly thrusted into Jake's muzzle, feeling his climax from pawing off about to explode. Jake sucked even harder and received a little more pre before Trygan pulled out of his mouth. "Open your mouth." Trygan said while panting. Jake starred at him in lust and in a slightly confused expression. "What are you doing?" Jake asked, enjoying the taste in his mouth. "I want to shoot my cum into your mouth, is that ok?" Trygan asked while slowly pawing off. Jake giggled at the thought of it. "Don't miss Trygan. I want to swallow as much as I can!" Jake said with a giggle. Jake opened his muzzle and gave Trygan one last lick before getting into position to receive Trygan's hot load. Trygan swiftly pawed off and his panting increased. He looked at Jake, aiming for his target while a grin crept along his face.... He gave his meat one more hard tug. "Oh man... Jake, here it comes!" Trygan moaned, tilting his head back as his wolf seed shot out in thick spurts, hitting their mark and filling Jake's muzzle to an overflowing amount. Jake giggled before he gagged as he tried to swallow it all. Blobs of white escaped his maw and clung to his lips as he managed to get the rest of the sweet warm substance swallowed. "Mmmm, you taste better than I thought sperm would taste!" Jake said, licking the side of his lips. "Well, you did really good down there too." Trygan said with a smile on his face as his last spurt was ravenously swallowed. Jake licked the remaining cum off of Trygan's slowly retreating member and took one last long sniff of their fun.

"Today turned out to be better I would have ever expected." Jake said feeling sleep take hold of him as the afterglow of their fun faded slowly. The two met in another kiss, sharing the taste of each others juices while playing with each others tongues. "I can't wait for our date Trygan, it's going to be incredible." Jake said as he broke the kiss and took hold of Trygan's Paw and led him to the other side of the bed.

With Trygan lying down on a pillow, Jake retrieved the bed sheets and the two bundled up together. "Thank you for everything Trygan, you have given me more than I could ever have asked for." Jake said, yawning and forcing himself to stay awake. "You have given me more than I have ever wanted too, Jake." Trygan responded without opening his eyes due to them weighing a ton. With darkness closing in and the two being emotionally and more physically drained than they thought, they hastily drifted into a deep sleep. The last sight Jake saw was Trygan's lips mouthing the words "I love you." "Huh." Jake thought to himself. "Did... he just... say..." Jake was asleep before he finished his thought. As the night rolled in like a wave upon them and the moon took its place in the sky, the two dreamed on, paw in paw as a secret couple no more.

I have no idea when the third chapter will be done, I'm still trying to choose between writing differently or keep it like this. If any of you readers could give me some input about that, that would be incredibly appreciated and everything. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!

A Chosen Path --Chapter 3-- A Bump On The Path

Ok, I hope you all enjoyed the last chapter and I hope you enjoy this one even more! Sorry if it seemed like a long time for this to be done, but I had lots of stuff going on. As usual all comments, opinions, constructive criticism and advice are...

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A Chosen Path -- Chapter 1 -- Discovery

To anyone reading this, this is my first story to write on here and is the first chapter of a series I will hopefully be continuing, so comments, advice and opinions are greatly appreciated! Also, sorry if this looks weird when reading or if...

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