Arms To Hold You

Story by Nightshade on SoFurry

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inspired by Cain the fox I hissed softly as the hot water poured over me. I closed my eyes and relaxed, feeling the sweat of my last client wash off my scales. Stepping out, I scooped the water off my body. I often preferred to shower at half gee, and that meant the water tended to gather into globules onto my body. I looked myself over in the mirror and smiled toothily as a tall muscled iguana looked back at me. I dressed in my jumpsuit and headed for the front desk. "Have a good night Fatima." I told the llama receptionist and she smiled. "You too Jake." I walked down the corridor and paused by a porthole. I stood there for a moment looking out over the landscape of Phobos. Granted it didn't stretch very far, since the Martian moon isn't very large, but I was always impressed by the amazing view of Mars below. At the cafe, I took my meal and sat down. I smiled to myself at the looks on some of the other patrons faces. 'Must be tourists' I thought as they poked gingerly at the freeze dried rations. I munched happily on my ant casserole and cockroach sticks, glad that insects didn't mass too much and could be shipped reasonably fresh from Wellsburg down below. As I ate, I saw a familiar face and waved. The wolf waved back and brought over her own tray. "Hey Jake." She murred and I smiled. "Hey Mary, how are you?" I asked as looked at her face. I noticed the sadness in her eyes and nodded to myself. "Another rough night?" She looked down. "Yeah." I gently patted her paw. "I miss her too." she half-smiled as I added, "She always had the cutest purr." She looked out the nearby porthole for a long moment, then started eating. I watched her for a moment as I thought back 2 months... "Emergency alert, repeat emergency alert. Shuttle 6 has crashed. Hull breach in sector gamma, corridor 515, all personnel clear the area and prepare for lockdown." I jerked awake and clambered into my vacuum suit, heading for that section. The emergency staff were moving like well oiled machines, herding frightened people out of the area. Klaxons sounded and I heard the telltale roar of escaping air. What every spacer feared was a breach. Precious atmosphere lost forever, and lives at stake. I plunged in, dragging several people to safety. I saw Mary trying to pull a fallen stanchion off the body of a cat and rushed over to help. One look though, and my medical training made it clear it was too late. As she struggled and beat at my chest, I pulled the screaming wolf to safety. We had just made it, as the double doors hissed shut behind us. Mary pulled free and beat her fists on the door. "NO! NO!" She sank to her knees. "AANNNIE! She howled as she scrabbled and clawed at the doors. Kneeling by her, I took her into my arms and just held her as she wailed and sobbed like a lost child... With a blink I returned to the present and saw Mary had the same look. I smiled and patted her paw again. "Anytime you want to talk, you know where to find me." "You're a good man Jake." She smiled softly. I smiled and ruffled my head crest, an action that always made her laugh. "It's my job." I lay back in my bed and sighed. Turning my head a little, I looked at the holo cube by my bedside. "What would you do?" I asked the smiling couple within. I picked it up and looked at the family. An iguana that I was told I looked very much like, a slim armadillo lady and a little girl of about 5 that was the image of her mother. I ran a clawtip along the edge as they smiled from within. "I always do my best." I said to the image. "I just hope you'd be proud of me." I set it back down. "Central, lights." the computer shut off the overhead strips and I drifted off to sleep, as the softly glowing image of my great, great grandfather Long and his family smiled at me across the years. I was sitting at my desk when the bell chimed and I looked up. "Your next client is here." I stood and walked to the door. It slid open and I laughed as a sleek sexy mass slammed into me. "Jake!" I laughed and hugged the otter close. "Perky! Welcome back." She giggled and snuggled before kissing me deeply. "Mmmmm I owe that from last time." I laughed and flicked my tail. "Been saving up for a whole year huh?" she grinned and let me go. "I've got someone i'd like you to meet." I looked as a second person entered the room. A slender mouse, she was clad in a shipsuit and had a broad grin on her face. "This is Karen Anderson Harris." I shook her small paw warmly. "Perrin mentioned you to me 2 trips back." I blinked and looked to Perrin. "Harris? You mean that rascal of a cat finally got married?" I teased, mentioning the supply officer on their cargo ship 'Scurrier'. Karen showed off her wedding clasp and Perrin raised her own wrist. "Yup, to us both." I rumbled a deep laugh. "Good for you both!" We sat and talked for bit, catching up on old news. The 'Scurrier' ran a supply run from Luna station to Phobos to Ganymede, a trip that took on an average of 2 terran years round trip. Perrin touched my arm as we came to the most recent events of my life. "We were sorry to hear about the accident." "We lost 6 people, plus the shuttle crew." I said softly. The otter hugged me close. "I'm sorry we couldn't help, but we were only a month out from Luna at the time." Perrin gave a smile I knew all too well. "Anyway, now we come the other reason we came to see you." I looked at Karen, and the mouse blushed. "Andy is wonderful, as is the doc and the commander, but..." Perrin finished her sentence. "But when I mentioned you, she was eager to try new horizons." "I'm here to help." I chuckled. Karen looked a little shy as she undressed, but that shyness disappeared as Perrin helped her. The slender mouse was revealed slowly, her red hair falling free. The brown and grey patches on her white pelt were revealed in small glimpses as Perrin stroked her body and she moaned softly. I watched as I too began to undress. Let's pause here for a moment to clarify a few things. Those of you who have never encountered a counsellor may be thinking that my job is just to sleep with clients. Believe me, that is only a small part of my job. When the days of long term spaceflight first started and they built the first inner system orbital stations, they noticed one important thing. People need to play. Oh sure there is always lots to keep us busy workwise. Research, maintenance and other duties keep us properly motivated and occupied. But we also need to unwind and relax, and have someone to talk to when things get rough. 75% of my time is sent just talking to folks, which is where my doctorate on psychology comes in. As for the other 25%... well lets continue and you'll see. I sat back on the couch and moaned as I looked at the two females. Perrin was cooing and murring softly as she licked and nibbled at my growing cock and Karen was giving out soft squeaks as she knelt beside her and ran her paws over her own sexy body. I throbbed as I saw the mouse slip 3 fingers into her cunny and moan deeply, her other paw rubbing and pinching at her nipples. Perrin moved back and grinned. "you're ready." I held Karen's hips as he lowered onto my cock slowly. "Uhyhnhnnhh." She bit her lip in a very cute way as my shaft slowly pressed up into her cunny. Her paws gripped my shoulders and she shivered, the head slowly moving into her. She sat down onto me with a hiss of breath and I hissed back, gently caressing her silky thighs. Perrin nibbled her large mouse ears as she shivered and moaned. "Ohh godsss." She sank down till my balls were to her thighs. She looked at me with a glazed look in her eyes and kissed me hard. "mmMMMM!" I kissed back and she shuddered on my lap. "mmUh mHh Mh OIHHUHH AHHHEUUUUHHHAHHH!!" She was amazing. I'd had women who have come hard, but this mouse seemed to just explode. "OHh Oh UHh FUCK ME!" she wailed and I bounced her on my lap slowly. She threw back her head and eeeked. "EEEE IAI III EI I UHHA HHH!!" She hunched over me as her cunny clenched and milked at me tightly. "AHHH AHHH AHH AHHH!" She ground her hips into me and growled. "Cum!" the expression of feral desire on her face was enough for me. "UURGHHRHHHH!" with a loud shout and hard grunts I unloaded my seed into the bucking mouse. That set her off even harder. "OHH GODDSS UHH AAHHH AHH AHH NIIIE NANNUHHHN HHUGNHHH!" She clung to me tightly and sobbed into my chest as I held her close, and stroking her soft fur. Karen flicked her thin mouse tail as I kissed her deeply, then Perrin. "Thanks Jake." the otter smiled. "Give my best to the crew, and tell Harris he better be good to you two." I winked, and waved them out of sight. I hummed to myself as I walked down the corridor, checking my watch as I reached the medical wing. I nodded to the receptionist and she nodded back with a smile. "Morning Jake, business or pleasure?" The kangaroo grinned and I chuckled. "Just meeting a friend." I said and she smiled. "Oh you mean Mary? She's almost done, go on in." I kissed her cheek and she murred. "mmmm i'll see you next week." She stroked my chest and I flicked my tail. "I look forward to it, see you then." I walked past her into the massage therapy section. She was a good roo, mated with 2 joeys. Her husband and kids were stationed on Mars at the moment and weren't due back for another year, so she came to me for company. I opened a door, thinking that I had better get the tea set out. She always enjoyed a long talk and cup of tea when she saw me. I opened the door and smiled as I saw the scene. Mary was stretched on the table naked, moaning softly. Working on her back with his long tentacles, was Dr Bubbles. "ohhhmmm." The wolfess groaned as he deftly moved his suckered tips over her back. I sat down and watched. When I had first seen the octopus therapist, he had reminded me of something out of the old book 'The war of the worlds.' His ancestors had been gene bonded in an aquarium during the Change. However, they hadn't really been altered as drastically as many animals had at the time. Lizards such as myself had become much more human-like in shape and stature, as had most of the quadrupeds. The octopi on the other claw, had tripled in size, but had kept their general shape. I was drawn back to the scene when Mary gasped deeply. He was massaging her lower back, and it must have felt very good. Off to the one side of the room was the doctor's conveyance, a chest high mobile-chair with 3 articulated legs. The first time I had seen him walking along the corridor, back on earth in medical school, he had reminded me of a Martian tripod machine. His large eyes gleamed as his 8 arms worked over Mary's furry body and his vocalizer spoke. "Very good Mary, now relax those buttocks please." She yipped softly as he massaged her rump cheeks and she lolled her head with a happy sigh. His form fitting force shield sparkled in the overhead lights as he worked, and the water within bubbled slightly with his movements. It fit him like a second skin, allowing him to operate out of a tank. I had helped him move into the station when we both graduated med school. His quarters were full of water and done up like an undersea cave. He had the gravity set at half strength and said it was almost like home. His real name was unpronounceable by anyone who hadn't spent their life underwater, being a combination of high pitched squeaks and deep gulping sounds, so he had chosen a human name. It had been his nickname at medical school, and it relaxed the tension that some of his first time patients felt when they first saw him. After all, as alien as a giant octopus may seem at first, it's hard to be frightened of anyone named Dr. Bubbles. He lifted his tentacles and looked up at me. "You can scoop her up now." he twitched his tentacles in a wink and I chuckled as I helped Mary off the table. "Mmmm, you always work wonders doc." She murred and he inflated his head-body twice, his version of a bow. "You're always welcome ms. Greyclaw. See you next time." As she dressed, I shook his offered tentacle, one professional to another. "You sure you don't want to transfer to my section, I bet you'd fulfill a few fantasies my clients have." I teased and he heaved his gills as his vocalizer translated a laugh. "Now now, you know how I feel about those land females." He gave a theatrical shiver. "Only 4 limbs, eeww." we laughed together, old friends. I often teased him and one time I had even sent him a vid-disc of old Earth Hentia tentacle porn. He told me that he found it interesting, but was disappointed at the monsters lack of technique. Mary kissed the top of his head and he burbled. "Have a great day kids." I sat back and listened to the doe. "It's just, we're such good friends, I don't want to ruin it." Arian was saying, as I nodded. She sighed and took off her glasses, shaking out her long hair from its usual bun. I smiled softly as she proceeded to undress. "You sure you don't mind this?" She asked and I chuckled. "You know I don't, the important thing is that you feel better." she blushed softly as she slipped out of her clothes fully and smiled nervously. She was lovely, tall and slender with breasts that jutted out firmly, and thighs that begged to be licked. She was an archivist at the records section and was very shy usually. She knelt and murred as she ran her hoof paws over my thighs, and cooed. "Ohhh Tom." Thomas was a fellow archivist, and she had harbored a crush on him for a year now. She unzipped my pants and reached her paws in, moaning as she slid my growing cock out into the air. "Ohmmmmm you're so big Tommy." She panted softly as she lapped at me and I moaned. She licked up and down, her usually shy demeanor dissolving as she got more and more excited. "Mmohhhh do you want me? Do you want to put this hotness deep into my cunt? Mmhmm, I bet you do." Despite the old cliche, i was still amazed how much she changed when she started to get horny. She nibbled lightly at the head and giggled at my gasp. "Ohhh i need this too, I need you to fuck me so hard and make me scream." Pre was drooling down the sides now and she groaned lustfully. "Ohhh yesss do it Tommy, fuck your deer hard." Never one to disappoint a lady, i tugged her to her feet and set her firmly onto all fours. She giggled and lifted her tail, rolling her hips. "Do it Tom, ohh fuck me hard my lion, make me yours!" I pushed in deeply and she screamed. "OoooHH FUCK YESSS!" She pushed back at me and her transformation was complete. She tossed her head and almost growled. "Fuck me UHHH mate me hard OhhHh oh yes yes!" "UUGGHHH!" I gripped her hips and rammed her deeply as she shouted and cussed, shoving her hips back at me hungrily. "OHHH FUCK ME UHH nn hH OOIIhH h YESSS OHH spank me NUH YES SPANK ME, I'M YOUR DIRTY SLUT!!!" I gave her rump a few firm smacks and she threw back her head and wailed. "OHH YYEES UHH UH OHH I'M GONNA CUM! UH UGh CUMMING UHHHGGGGG CUMMMIIINNGGGGGUUUAHHHHHH!!" she exploded hot femcum over our thighs, and her hoof paws grabbed at the sheets as she came hard. I grunted and pushed in deeper and she lifted her head to look back at me. "Ohh you're gonna cum, UHHH oh yess do it NUGGHHH cum in me HHH uHH MMMM fill me with GGRHHH your cum Tommy! OHHHH hh yess mmmmMMMMM give me your ARRHHHH kittens!" I smiled to myself. So this attraction was more than just a crush, she harbored a desire to be his mate and bear his children. "NNRGHHHHH!" I shoved in hard and roared as I came with hard jerks. She grit her teeth and shuddered harder this time. "UHH UH UH UH GGGERRAHHHHH!" she milked at my exploding cock with her cunt and I held her tightly as she dissolved into shuddering gasps. I lay with her, nuzzling her cheek softly as she cried into the pillow. "Oh Tommy, ohh ohh ohhhh." As she got dressed, looking at me shyly, I smiled reassuringly. As she left, I made a note to talk to tom the next chance I had... Sheila the roo smiled as she sipped her tea. "So anything new on the romance front?" She teased lightly and I chuckled. "Oh c'mon Sheila, you know me better than that." She giggled. "Riiight. So it was just as a friend that you came to meet Mary that day. And I'm sure it was purely platonic that you got to see her naked at the end of her session." I looked down, grateful that reptiles couldn't blush. she reached across and patted my claw. "You can't fool me Jacob, you're in love with her." I jerked my head up. "Huh?" "it's obvious. You, Jake Greenfrill, are in love with Mary Greywhiskers." She smiled. I set my tea down slowly and thought. Could it be true? It was a mistake to get involved with a client, and yet she had never come to me for that. She had been engaged to Annie, and after her death Mary had come to me for support and compassion, but never for sex. I thought of her face, her gentle manner, her good heart. I smiled at Sheila. "You're right, I love her." "Then do something about it." She smiled and lifted the small plate. "More biscuits?" I pressed the buzzer beside Mary's door and waited. "Enter!" her voice called out and the door slid open. I walked in and she smiled to me as she looked over her shoulder. "Hi, you're right on time." I smiled as I saw her slip on her jumpsuit, her back to me. I admired the sooth lines of her thighs and her sexy fuzzy tail. She zipped up and turned to face me. "Ready to go?" I nodded and smiled as we walked to the airlock. We checked each others settings as we put on our pressure suits. With a soft hiss the air was pumped out, and when the light came on we stepped out onto the surface of Phobos. We walked to a rise and looked down at Mars. Mary sighed out softly as we stood side by side, watching the great red globe rose beneath us. I looked up at the stars and chuckled. She looked at me. "Hmm, what is it?" I looked at her. "Oh just thinking. A mere hundred or so years ago, our ancestors were only inclined to think about food, not to admire the beauty of the heavens." She smiled softly and tentatively, nervously, she slipped her gloved paw into mine. "You're amazing Jake." I flicked my tail in the suit." "I am?" I asked in surprise and she murred and nodded. "Very." She moved her tail and murred. "Jake, I have something to tell you." She looked out over the vista of rock for a moment then spoke again. "When I lost Annie, I was shattered. For a little time, I even blamed you for it." I held her paw tighter and she squeezed back gently. "I'm sorry for that." "You had every reason to be angry." I said softly. She looked up at me and I saw tears in her ears through her helmet's faceplate. "I, Jake, I..." She started to say as I reached out and put my free paw gently to the side of her helmet. "I know Mary." "You, you know that I love you?" She asked with trembling lips. "I know, because I feel the same way." "You love you too?" I blinked, then laughed. She laughed as well and I held her in my arms. She wagged her tail in its special sheath and looked up at me. Our eyes met, and I lowered my head. Closer, closer. then with a soft.... 'clunk', our helmets met. Mary made a face. "So much for a romantic first kiss." "Time enough for that," I chuckled. "Right now, I want only to hold my love in my arms and look at her beauty beneath the stars." She cooed and snuggled into my arms. "Oh Jake." "Ohmmm oh Tom nuhh!" Arian groaned and rubbed at her breasts as I lapped at her cunny. She tasted very sweet and I loved how her thighs trembled when I slithered my long tongue into her opening. As delightful as her moans were though, I was listening for a different sound. I licked at her clit and she almost screamed. "Ohhhh fuck!" I held her thighs down as she grabbed at my head and groaned. "Ooohhhh make me cum Tommy, ohhh I'm so close!" I twitched my tail as I heard the sound I wanted, the soft hissing of the door. I suckled on her clit and she came hard, wailing as her cum soaked my face. EEIIAEEEAII!" She thrashed her body and it was hard to hold her down. As she settled down, a soft purring voice was heard. "Oh Arian, you're amazing." the deer gasped and tried to sit up. I held her tightly to keep her in place and she whimpered. "Tom, what are you, oh god I'm so embarrassed!" She tried to cover up, but I lapped at her clit and she trembled and fell back on the bed. "Uhhghh!" I lifted my head enough to see and smiled as I saw Thomas Blackmane walk over to her. He was a handsome lion, undressing as he moved closer. Arian panted and moaned as I kept lapping at her gently. He reached and stroked her cheek. "Why didn't you tell me?" she nuzzled his paw and sighed. "I was afraid, I didn't know if you felt that way about me." She sighed. The lion purred, his sheath stirring. "Ah my love of course I do, i've wanted you for ages." They kissed softly at first, then it deepened. I slipped back and sat by the bed, watching as Tom moved over her, his paws caressing her body. "Ohh Thomas." She moaned and he chuckled. "Call me Tommy." He purred as he moved his paws over her breasts, caressing tenderly. I smiled as she moved her own paws, stroking his growing shaft. With a soft moan from them both, he slid into her and her legs lifted over his hips. "Ohhh Tommy ohhuh hhh!" She gasped out and shivered as he lapped at her neck with his rough cat tongue. I started to stand, then stopped as Arian grabbed at my claw. "Ohhhh stay Jake." she half closed her eyes and groaned. "Ohhhh thank you." She panted as Tommy started to fuck her slowly. It was different than the way she had me do her. He thrust deeply and firmly, but tenderly and with love. Soon the bed was creaking and her moans were growing in volume. "Oh ihh uhhh oh Tommy hh yess!" She shuddered and grabbed his shoulders. "Ouhhhh i'm cumming, ohh oHHHHAHHHHOHH!!" She bucked her hips into him and he snarled as his buttocks clenched. "NUGHH me too!" I watched him tremble, his hot seed gushing into her body. Her paw gripped at my claw tightly as they both came. "Oh Tommy uhh yess so much cum, give me your kittens!" He licked over her face, purring and panting. "Ohhh my darling Arian." They lay together for a moment, then she gasped as he started to move again... When they left, I smiled softly. They were almost hanging off each other, kissing and nuzzling. Their paws kept stroking and caressing each other, even as they dressed and walked out. I was putting the finishing touches on the table as the door chimed. I walked over and opened the door, smiling as I saw Mary there. "Hi, you look wonderful." I said and she blushed softly. "Thanks." She was dressed in a light summer dress, her lovely body outlined in its simple folds. She walked into my quarters and wagged her tail slowly. "Ohh you really went all out." She murred and I chuckled. I had done extra work to make a romantic setting. Soft music was playing over the comm and the lights were turned down just enough to set a soothing mood. "They didn't just teach me sexual techniques at school." I chuckled and she laughed softly. She looked to me and my heart melted at her sweet and gentle eyes. We moved a little closer together, and our lips met. My heart beat faster as our arms moved round each other, and the kiss went on and on. Not a kiss of passion, but a kiss of love, our hearts beating almost as one. After an eternity the kiss ended, and we nuzzled each others cheeks softly. "Wow..." I breathed softly and she blushed. "Mmhmm." After a long moment she looked down and murred. "Umm dinner?" I chuckled and led her into the dining area. She laid down her napkin and sighed. "Ohh that was wonderful, thank you Jake." I hissed happily as I put my fork down beside my plate. "I've never seen anyone enjoy their food so much." I said and she giggled. "Did you like your beetle stew?" I nodded and flicked her tail. "I'm glad I did a good job on your steak." She murred and blushed a moment. "What?" I asked, and she went redder. "Nothing, I was just..." "You can tell me." I said, and she looked back up at me and giggled. "I was just wondering, what appetites our kids would have." We laughed together. "Certainly would make for interesting lunchbags." I gathered up the dinner things and gently refused her offer to help. I poured us coffee and we sat in the living area. "So how is maintenance going lately?" She sipped her coffee. "Pretty well, we've almost finished in section Gamma, sorting out the wiring." We talked for a while, friends having a nice time. Eventually the clock chimed and she set her cup down. "I'd better go." she stood and I joined her. "Yes, we both have busy days tomorrow..." We held paws for a moment and then kissed. It was even deeper this time and we held each other like we never wanted to let go. She gently stepped back and murred. "See you tomorrow Jake." I nodded and held her paws in my claws. "Yes." We looked into each other eyes. "I love you Jake." She murred and I hissed back. "I love you Mary." We let each other go, and I watched her as she walked down the corridor and out of sight. I hummed happily to myself as I checked in. "My, my, someone had a good night." Fatima teased as I walked past her. I flicked my tail at her and she laughed. "Give Mary my best." she smiled and I smiled back. "I will. Who's my first client?" she checked her files. "Ling Wu." I smiled and thanked her as I went inside. I got myself ready and sat on the couch. The door slid open and a lady panda walked in. "Hi Jake." she said and I stood to greet her with a hug. "Hey Ling." she rumbled happily as we sat on the couch. I had known her for ages, even before we had been posted to Phobos, and I was always glad to see her. "So what brings you here today?" I asked, and she fiddled with her paws. I was a little surprised to see the usually forthright panda nervous, and put my claw on her paws. "Is everything okay?" she looked up at me. "I'm being reposted to Earth." she said and her ears lowered. "Oh, for how long?" I asked and she sighed. "2 years." I held her close in my arms. "And you're nervous about going?" She nodded and I stroked her headfur. She moved back and smiled. "I hear you're good at relieving nervous tension." She chuckled as she slowly unzipped her jumpsuit. "I always do my best for my friends." I hissed softly as I undressed as well. "UHH Uh uH NH MMM HH NM MUHh MMmMmmmmmm..." Ling panted as she lay under me, moaning. I licked her ears and she snuggled back into me. "Mmm feeling better?" I asked as I caressed her breasts. She rumbled a laugh and nodded. "Mmmmhmmm." We snuggled and she smiled softly. "Mary is very lucky." My shaft throbbed inside her and she giggled. "Ouhhmmm, and she is in for a great time too." She teased and I chuckled. "Thanks Ling." After a while we disentangled, and she got dressed. We kissed deeply, and she picked up a sonic hypo from the box by the door, injecting her arm painlessly. I waved her goodbye after she handed me the empty hypo. "Give Mary my love." she rumbled as she left. I held the hypo in my claws a moment and smiled. Medical science had come a long way. Mo more messy condoms or birth control pills. A simple injection, and no worries about unwanted children. I tossed it into the medtrash receptacle and got ready for my next client. Mary and I hugged Ling as she picked up her travel bag. "Call us as soon as you get there okay?? I asked and the panda nodded. "Just don't wait by the phone for 3 months." she teased and Mary laughed. "touche'." we watched her as she stepped into the shuttle. A little later it undocked, and went on it's way to Earth. I held Mary in my arms as we looked at the stars for a bit. "Such beauty." she cooed and i smiled. "The stars are lovely too." she looked up at me a little and smacked my chest lightly. "Silly lizard." I walked along the corridor, sidestepping the occasional box of parts. I smiled as I saw a sexy wolf rump and tail poking out of a conduit. I walked over silently and stroked a claw gently over the curves. There was a 'eep!' and Mary backed out. "Hey!" I chuckled as she gave me a dirty look, literally. I helped her to her feet and she brushed some hair out of her face. "No fair." she pouted and I brushed a little dust off her cheek. "You're lucky its me, I bet lots of males would love to take advantage of a view like that." I grinned and she laughed. "You have an interesting way to get my attention." We kissed deeply and I held her close in my arms. "Mmmmm, didn't want you to be late." she looked at her watch and gasped. "Ohmigod! We've got to hurry!" She grabbed my claw and we hurried to her quarters to change. Mary held my claw as we sat in the chapel and watched Tom and Arian face each other. Tom was dressed in a fine suit and Arian gazed deeply into his eyes. Her deer body was covered by a lovely white dress, and I smiled as I saw the slight bulge of her stomach outlined beneath. "I now pronounce you lifemates." the chaplain finished the ceremony and the newlyweds kissed deeply. I looked to Mary, and she smiled back. "Mary, i..." I stammered slightly and she tilted her head. "Hmm?" I gripped her paws in mine. "Would you be my lifemate?" She gasped and lifted a trebling paw to her lips. "Oh Jake, y, yess!" We kissed deeply and she giggled as I lifted her to her feet. "Excuse me, chaplain. Do you have a moment...?" Arian stood by Mary and Tom stood in as best man as I mated my lovely wolf. We kissed and I held her oh so close, my heart full of joy. Tom and Arian stepped aside and Tom gently stroked his new wife's belly as I held my radiant bride in my arms, smiling at the applause of the assembled guests. "So how long till you look like this?" Arian teased Mary lightly and my wolfess blushed deeply. "We'll see." I carried Mary over the threshold to my quarters and she laughed. "A stickler for tradition hmm?" She teased and I laughed, setting her down. "Hey there mrs. Greenfrill." I smiled and she caressed my cheek. "Hey there mr. Greywhiskers." I held her tightly in my arms. "I love you, my darling Mary." She stepped back a little and blushed. "Um, can I ask a favor love?" I nodded and smiled. "Of course my dear." She looked at me from under her eyelashes. "When we have a daughter, can we name her Annie?" I took her back into my arms and nodded. "Oh yes my darling, yes." She blushed as he slowly slipped out of her jumpsuit. "Disappointed I didn't have a wedding dress?" she teased nervously and I chuckled. "Not if you didn't mind I wasn't wearing a suit." I answered as I undressed as well. At last her lovely body was revealed to me and it took my breath away. Her breasts were firm and shapely, and her thighs were gently curved and lovely. "You are so beautiful." I hissed softly and she murred. "And you are so very handsome." She stepped close and we kissed deeply. She moaned as I ran a gentle claw over her breasts and tenderly cupped the mound of lovely flesh. "Ohhhh Jake." She breathed and I hissed softly. "My lifemate, my love." She moaned and gently ran her paw over my sheathslit, coaxing my member as it emerged and stiffened into her grasp. I scooped her up into my arms and she moaned. "Oh yes my love." I laid her gently on the bed and smiled down at her. She smiled up at me and I leant down to kiss her softly. "I love you, always." We kissed and she gasped softly as I pressed my cock into her slowly. "Ouhh!" I nuzzled and hissed soothingly as I filled her cunny. "Ooh Mary." I moaned and she grasped my shoulder and panted. "Love uhh you mm Jake." She whimpered and we lay still as I let her adjust. "Ohh nn so big." She whined as I licked her fuzzy cheek. After a little bit she settled down, and I began to thrust into her tenderly and slowly. She groaned and lifted her legs up around my waist, trembling. With a huff, I sat back on my haunches, lifting her into my lap. "Ohh nnnn mnnn!" she yipped and I held her close and grunted. "Now you can nn go at your mn own pace." I panted and she nodded as she ran her paws over my shoulders. We kissed and cooed as she slowly started to ride me. "Oh Jake uh oh nn mmmm oh yesss." She rose and fell on my shaft and her nipples brushed against my scaly chest. "Jake i uhh nnn oh Jake!" My new bride moaned and yipped as I lapped at her neck. "yes yes y, ungghhh!" she shuddered and came. I looked deep into her eyes as she shivered, she was so beautiful. Her eyes were bright and shining and she was gasping softly through her open lips. Her legs trembled and her arms gripped my shoulder as she milked at my cock in her depths. "I love you Mary." I groaned. She was trying to speak, but all that came out was a deep low moan. "Mmmnnnughhh!" She groaned. "UGGRHHSSS!" with a deep hiss, I came. My cock bucked and hot semen rushed into her body. Her eyes opened wide and she lifted her head in a loving howl, as she came all the harder. We kissed hotly as we trembled and came as one. I sat up and blinked blearily as the alarm chimed. "Mmm morning love." Mary smiled as she sat up too and put her arms around me, stroking my scaly chest. I nuzzled her and she thumped her tail against the bed. "Dream well?" I asked and she nodded and licked my neck. "Mmhmm such wonderful dreams of us." She snuggled her breasts onto my back and murred. "Central, stop alarm and dim lights." She ordered. The computer responded, and I protested a little as she tugged me back into the sheets. "But, but i have to get to work." Mary's eyes shone with love as she held me close. "Mmmm, i'd say you're going be late...." Mary held my paw as we watched the comm panel light up. Ling's image filled the holoscreen and I smiled. "Hi guys, you asked me to call, so here I am." the image smiled. "It was a good trip, if a little boring. "'m stationed at comm central in New Edmonton, so i'll be busy relaying comm traffic for most of my stay. I got your wedding announcement as soon as we came out of gravspace. Congratulations to you both, and I wish you the very best. That's all i have time for just now, see you next time. Love to you and Mary." The image blinked out and I held Mary close in my arms. "She seems happy enough." I said, and she nodded. "Yeah." she said thoughtfully and looked at me "Did you notice how nervous she seemed?" I nodded and smiled. "Must be grav lag, I know it always shakes me a little when a ship i'm on comes out of gravity drive." I said as I nuzzled her. "yeah, that must be it." She answered softly Mary murred as she idly ran fingertip over my chest. I stroked her soft ears and she smiled. "Feels good." "I wouldn't know." I chuckled. She looked at me, then blushed. "Oh right, sorry." I grinned. "No worries." She kissed over my scaly chest. "Lover, can I ask you a question?" she asked and I nodded. "Always my love." She rubbed her paws along my belly scales. "You're reptile, so how come you don't go into torpor when it's cold? Most of this station must seem freezing to you." I caressed her tail as I thought, and she wagged it slowly. "We used to, back in the early 21st. Then genetics caught up to the Change." I flicked my tail as I told her how the groundbreaking work of dr James Wallace had resulted in the insertion of special warmblooded genes into reptile furres. "Ever since then, we have been enable to regulate our body temperature internally, like yuu mammals." "Ohhh." Mary said. "I thought it was the body heat off your clients." She grinned impishly, then squealed as I tickled her. Tom looked up nervously as the nurse walked into the infirmary waiting area. "Mr Blackmane, you may see your wife now." He was on his feet in a moment and I smiled to Mary as we went with him. We were led to a recovery room and there on the bed lay Arian. She looked exhausted, but there was a radiant look on her face. In two bassinets by her bed lay two gorgeous newborns. Tom hurried to her side and they kissed tenderly. As the lovers nuzzled and cooed, Mary and I went over to look at the new arrivals. A handsome young buck wriggled and gooed, while his sister tigress mewled and waggled her limbs. Tom puffed up his chest with pride and Arian murred happily. "Jake, Mary. We'd like you to meet Angela Lynn Blackmane and Thomas Jacob Blackmane." "Jacob?" I blinked, and Arian nodded. "Tommy and I agreed to name one after you. After all..." Tom squeezed her paw firmly and I smiled. "Thank you both so much." I lay on the bed as Mary undressed. "Tom and Arian's new babies are so adorable." She said as I watched her slide her clothing off her supple body, a view I never tired of. "Yes, they will be perfect parents." Mary walked over to our bed, swinging her hips a little, swishing her tail. "Would I be a good mother?" I smiled broadly. "Oh my wolfess, you will be a wonderful mother. Your kind heart and loving soul would make any child the luckiest ever." She murred and climbed in with me, snuggling up close. "Mmm, and your strength and gentleness would make our children equally lucky." I softly stroked her hair. "Are you saying you want to start a family now?" I asked and she blushed softly. "Well it has been two years, I think we're over the rough spots." I chuckled and kissed her lovingly. "When is your next heat my darling?" she snuggled closer, her body so warm and fuzzy. "Mmmm in 2 months." I stroked along her back and she stretched and murred. "Then we can start trying a month after Ling gets back" She ran her paw over my scaly chest. "There is no reason we can't get into practice for now, is there?" she looked up at me with an impish twinkle in her eyes and I laughed and kissed her passionately. "They do say, practice makes perfect." Mary held my paw as the shuttle docked. "It will be good to see Ling again, her last message before entering grav space seemed a little odd." I said and she squeezed my paw. "Is she going to steal you away from me?" She teased and I laughed. "She is a dear friend, but you are my soulmate." We kissed just as the entry port opened and the passengers began to disembark. "Jake!" A voice called out and we grinned and held out our arms as Ling ran up to us and hugged us tight. "Oh I missed you both so much!" We stroked her hair and she rumbled happily. "So how was your time on earth?" Mary asked and the panda looked down. "Um, it was interesting." A porter walked towards us, holding a year old panda by the paw. Lings face lit up and she scooped the young boy up in her arms. "There's my brave little man!" I looked to Mary and I exchanged glances. "You have a son now?" I asked in surprise as Ling looked at us and blushed. "This is Huang Wu, he was born on earth." The little panda looked at us and smiled a sweet smile. "And who is his father?" I asked. Ling smiled and looked at me. "You're his father Jake." I felt the room spin for a moment and Mary grab at my arm. "Jake!?" then everything went all grey... "So you see," Ling was saying as I lay in the infirmary bed after my faint. "The anti-pregnancy dose in the hypo was faulty." Mary had Huang in her lap and the two were happily playing pattycake. "So that's why your message at Earth arrival was so odd." I said and Ling nodded. "I learned I was pregnant a month after I left. I was going to tell you, but the first message I got after we left gravspace was the announcement of your marriage." Mary and I exchanged looks. "Oh." I said. "So I decided not to tell you two just yet." she smiled proudly at the little panda hugging Mary close. "He is such a delight." Mary murred, and Ling nodded and beamed. "He is indeed, never any trouble." I reached out and took Ling by the paw. "So what are you plans now?" I asked, and she lowered her ears. "I have no intention of making you do anything you don't want." Mary looked at me as she stroked Huang's hair. "Do you want to raise him alone?" My wolf asked and Ling looked at her. "I don't know. a boy needs a father, but I don't want to take Jake away from you. Little Huang looked at me and wriggled in Mary's lap. Mary took him over to me and sat him in my lap. "My son." I said softly as I studied his face. I smiled as I looked at his brilliantly green reptile eyes, his soft fur and tender smile. I looked up at Mary and Ling. "I have a son." Huang hugged me tight and I felt a great burst of love in my heart as he cooed. "Daddy." I sighed as I looked out the porthole onto the outside surface, Mary walked up and took my claw in her paw. "Hey handsome, credit for your thoughts?" I smiled as I looked to her. "Like you need to ask?" she nodded and nuzzled my cheek. "yes, I know." we both stood silent for a long moment, then I sighed deeply. "What do you think Mary?" she wagged her tail slowly. "He is a wonderful little boy, and I know you'll be a great father." She murred softly as I kissed her cheek. "Thank you darling, I love you so much." She squeezed my paw. "I love you too, my scaly mate." I chuckled and held her close in my arms "Let's do it, let's bring them into the fold." Mary smiled into my eyes. "Mmhmm that's a wonderful idea Jake." Ling looked at me as I knelt, the ring in my claw. "Will you marry us Ling?" Mary asked. The panda looked at me, then the ring, then at Mary. Finally, her gaze rested on our son, happily sitting on the floor playing with his toys. "Oh Jake, Mary, I..." she lowered her head. "No." Mary gasped and I blinked. "Umm, no?" Ling reached out and tenderly stroked my cheek. "I love you Jake, but as a dear friend." She kissed my snout softly. "I have no intention of keeping Huang out of your life, but I can't be your mate." Mary held her close and she murred. "But I hope you wont mind if Huang calls you momma too, would you Mary?" Ling asked with a grin and Mary laughed sweetly. "Of course not!" we all hugged tight and little Huang walked over and tugged at my pant leg. "Daddy, can I hug too?" I scooped him up with my claws, and in a moment he was snuggled happily in our combined arms. Mary hugged ling tight as I looked down at Huang, The little panda was hugging my legs tight as he looked up at me. "Love you daddy." He cooed and I softly stroked his hair. "Daddy loves you too son, you be good for your mummy okay?" He nodded and let him go. "If you need anything at all, just ask, okay?" Mary was saying to Ling as I took my mates paw. "I promise." the panda smiled as we both kissed her. "Bye daddy." Huang waved to us, and I waved back as they left. I sat down on the bed with a thump. "Well, that was unexpected." Mary said as she sat next to me and held my claw. "Yeah." I sighed as I looked at the ring. She took it gently out of my paw and set it aside. "Look at me hun." I looked to her and she looked deep into my eyes. "Like all adults, she makes her own decisions." she nuzzled me. "And does it really make any difference to huang? He still has a daddy that loves him very much." I smiled. "You're in the wrong job love, you'd make a great counselor." We kissed softly and I chuckled as she lay us back on the bed and started to lower her chest zipper. "Is that all i'm great at?" she asked with a grin, then moaned as I lay a claw on her breasts. "Oh my love, you have many, many talents." We kissed deeply, then there was no more need for words. "Unca Jake, auntie Mary!" the children squealed happily and ran up to meet us. "Ohh hello, my you're growing up so fast." My wife cooed to Thomas junior, and I chuckled as Arian hugged me. "You two seem to be doing great." I smiled as Angela purred and nuzzled Mary's paw, twitching her tigress tail. "Oh yes," Arian smiled. "Thomas is a wonderful father." We sat down at the main table. Thomas held his buck son in his lap and Mary smiled as Angela snuggled up in hers. "I hear you've had some interesting adventures along the family line yourself." Thomas said as he brushed his fingers through his son's unruly hair. I blushed as Mary giggled. "Oh yes, little Huang is just like his father, always getting into mischief." My wife grinned and I shot her an indignant look. "He's just adventurous!" "So when are you two going to start a family yourselves?" Arian smiled and sipped her coffee as Mary blushed. I sat on our bed naked and Mary kissed me. "Mmmm, you stay right there handsome." She walked into the other room and soft music came over the comm. After a moment she walked back into the doorway, smiling seductively. "Hey handsome, show a girl a good time?" I grinned. "Yes ma'am." She murred as she slowly undressed, revealing her soft furry body in tantalizing glimpses. When she was done she moved towards me. She looked amazing. Her hips were swaying and her tail was moving slowly as she ran a paw over her breasts, and another over her belly, then down to her sex. "Ohmmmm." she mewled and tweaked her nipples softly. "Oh I need my man, mmmnnn I need him deep inside me, filling me so full of his hotness." My cock was getting very hard at those words and when she reached the bed, she leant down and blew softly over the crown. "Ohhnnn." I gasped and she smiled seductively. "Mmmm, you liked that hmm?" I nodded as she ran a fingertip over my cock ad my shaft throbbed. "Jake," She cooed softly. "Tonight I need you deep, and hard, and wild." I moaned as she licked the crown. "Ohhhh oh I need this cock in my cunt, fucking me, making me scream for more." She pushed me back onto the bed and I lay back willingly. She straddled me and whined softly as her cunny dripped juices onto my scales. "Ohmm you want that. You want to fuck your wolfbitch, mmm to fill her so full of your hot creamy cum." This was a side of Mary I rarely saw, but I was more than willing to satisfy her needs. "Ohh yess I want to drive my hard cock into my bitch, mmuhmm to fuck her like the slut she is." Her eyes twinkled and she straddled my face, her cunny drooling. "MMnnn then lick me hard!" "OoHm uH Uh gRHHH Uh yes yes YES!" Mary howled as I lapped into her depths with my long tongue. "OhhughH oh your bitch is cumming so hard, nnuHHRGGGHHAA!!" She wailed as her juices soaked my face. She had come several times already and she was trembling all over. With a hiss, I pushed her off me and she gasped, landing with her legs splayed open. "Okay my bitch; are you ready for your lizard's cock now!?" I snarled as I tugged her round into doggy position and moved over her. "Uhh yes uh nn mmm oh yes my lizard, fuck your horny bitch!" She mewled and begged as I pressed my cock into her cunt slowly. "Ohhh oh so hard, always so big nhmm." she gasped as I leant over her, my cock sliding into her deeply. "Mnnuhh I love you Mary." I whispered in her ear and she giggled softly as she clenched on me. "And I love you Jake." she pushed back at me and raised her voice. "Now FUCK ME!" "MNUHH UH uH GG NN RNNNNrrrrr...!" I gasped and moaned as I emptied my balls into Mary. She panted and shivered under me as she milked at my shaft with her poussy. "Ohhh my lizard cums so much!" I held Mary close, hissing softly as I stroked her breasts. "Love you Mary." I hissed and she moaned softly and snuggled back into me. "As i love you Jake." I stood and opened my arms wide as I saw Perrin and Karen come into the room "Welcome back!" I laughed as I held them close, then blinked. "Well now, you have been busy." I teased lightly as I looked down at them. The otter grinned as she ran her paw over her bulging belly, and the mouse blushed as she softly stroked her own growing pregnancy. I kissed them both and helped them sit. "I hear you've been busy yourself." Perrin teased lightly as she leant back on the couch. I chuckled and nodded as I recounted my recent adventures. "Do you plan to raise him to be a counselor too?" Karen asked as we all sipped tea. "I'm not sure. Huang seems to have an affinity for electronics just now." I smiled proudly as I thought of my 4 year old son, and how he had so much fun taking apart an old comm unit Mary had gotten him. "And how is Mary doing?" Perrin asked and stroked my thigh with her paw. I grinned. "She adores Huang. He's such a spoiled little guy, with 2 mummies and a daddy." The otter giggled. "Not quite what I meant." I looked at her and brushed back my headfrill in embarrassment. "well we have been trying for our own cubs, no luck yet though." Karen smiled and kissed my cheek. "Time will tell." I entered my quarters ands sat on the couch with an oof. "Central, lights." I said, but the lighting remained dim. I blinked and looked around. "Mary? Are you home?" Soft music began to play and I chuckled. She came into the room dressed in a lovely gown, two glasses in her paws. "Welcome home my love, how was work?" I took my glass and sipped. "Champagne, what's the occasion?" I noticed the glass in her paw had a different color liquid. "and why aren't you having any?" she smiled and sat by me. "Two questions, one answer." she murred and kissed me softly. I stared at her then a light bulb flashed into my head. "you mean?" I softly put a trembling paw on her belly and she nodded, her eyes bright. "Uh huh." The door hissed open and Mary turned to look at me as I entered the observation dome. "Hey hun. "I hissed softly as I took her in my arms from behind. My claws gently held her, one gently stroking the slight bulge of her stomach. "Mmm Hey scales." She murred. We held each other as we looked up at the stars. I nuzzled her ear and she wagged her tail slowly. "Credit for your thoughts?" I asked softly and she sighed. "Just thinking about things." She lay her head on my shoulder and I held her closer. "Any things in particular?" I asked as she snuggled closer. "Mostly about Annie." She replied and I held her a little tighter. "Worried that she might not have approved of me?" I asked and she lifted her head slightly to look at me. "Don't be silly. We were all great friends!" she smiled softly as I kissed her. "No, I was just thinking, al of this," She patted her tummy. "You do know we had planned to have kids?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah, she was looking forward to being the mommy." I replied as I held my mate close. It was common for same sex couples to have children these days, with a clone being carried to term by one of them. A male couple I know of had borne twins, with each fetus being carried in special temporary wombs in both males. I licked Mary's ear and she giggled. "I know one thing hun." I hissed tenderly to her. "You would have been a terrific parent with her, and you will be a terrific parent with me." She snuggled happily. "Has Huang been pestering you too?" she asked and I chuckled and nodded. "He is so sure he is going to have a baby sister." I grinned and she nodded. "He is such a little sweetheart, just like his daddy." She moved her head for a kiss, and we held each other close, the stars shining overhead. "Daddy!" Huang shouted happily as he ran into the room. I scooped the growing panda up into my arms as Ling smiled from the doorway and entered after him. "Love you daddy!" My son hugged me so tight as I hissed and rumbled as I held him. "Oooff youre growing so big!" the 4 year old grinned and giggled as i ruffled the fur on his head. "Uh huh, almost as big as you daddy." I chuckled as I sat down with him in my lap. "Yup, almost as big as me." Mary smiled as she waddled into the room and Huang hopped off my lap and ran over to her. "Momma Mary!" she smiled as he hugged her round the waist, his ear to her tummy. She looked magnificent these days. Her belly was hugely rounded and her breasts were still firm but largely swollen with milk. "Hello Huang." she murred as she stroked his ears and he cooed as he looked up at her. "I can hear my little sister." Huang grinned and Ling chuckled as she sat by me. "Now son, you know it might be a little brother instead." He shook his head. "Nuh uh. A little sister, I can tell." We all sat down together, as I helped Mary to settle down onto the couch. We kissed softly, then all settled down to catch up on events... "That's great news, congratulations to you both!" I grinned and turned off the comm screen in the bedroom. "Whats great news?" Mary as she entered the room. "I just got received a message from the 'scurrier." I said and gently stroked Mary's tummy as she stood by me. "Ohh?" she asked and I nodded. "Perrin has delivered a baby girl otter, and Karen gave birth to a handsome boy mouse with a cat tail." She murred happily. "Oh that is wonderful news! Any names chosen yet?" She asked as I kissed her belly and she giggled. "mmhmm, the boy is Chad Allen and the girl is Candine Alice." I replied as I licked at my loves tummy softly. I smiled as I watched Mary undress. Her maternity outfit fell away, revealing her wonderfully pregnant body. "You're gorgeous." I smiled and she blushed. "How can you say that? I'm huge." I held her close and we kissed softly. "Huge with new life." She murred into the kiss. "mmmmm oh Jake." She sighed then gasped as I ran a claw over her breasts. She trembled as the nipples puckered and milk dribbled down the mounds. "Uuhhgghh." I led her to the bed, and she lay down with a soft oof. "I love you Mary." I hissed as I unzipped my suit. "Oh, Jake my darling." Mary murred as she reached out to caress my growing shaft. She licked her lips and grinned. "Mm is that all for me?" I nodded and shivered as she ran a finger over the pre drooling slit. "Ohhh lucky me." She moaned happily as she lapped at my shaft. "Ohhmmm." I gasped and stroked her breast as she began to suck me. "Ohh Mary uhhhh." I gasped as she suckled me and bobbed her head. "Ohhh suck my cock like the baby will nurse your nipples." She groaned around my cock and sucked hard. "Mmuhhmmm." I gasped. She suckled and licked me for a while as I hissed and panted softly. She was so good, I felt my cock throbbing as I got close to explosion. I panted as she ran a paw over my balls, squeezing gently. "Mary, I uhhh oh god." she let me out with a slurp and grinned her eyes twinkling. "Mmmm is daddy going to cum for mommy?" I nodded and she licked at the head. "Mmmm then do it for me daddy, ohmmm cover mommy with cream." She hefted her breasts around my shaft and grinned. "Let mommy help you cum." I thrust my cock into the cavern and groaned at the feel of the soft fur brushing my throbbing cock. "Oh uh hh hh nn mmm hhrughhhh!" I roared as my cock erupted. She yipped happily and opened her mouth as I fired my hot load. Streams spattered her face ad several gushes spurted into her mouth. I shuddered and grunted until I was done. I panted deeply and looked down at her. Her face was streaked with cum and she was happily swallowing the cum that had landed in her mouth. "Mmm daddy is always so tasty. "I laughed and kissed her deeply. "My wolf, you are amazing. She murred as she fondled my balls. "Mmm you still have more for mommy?" I nodded and she smiled lovingly. "Mommy wants it up the ass." I helped her roll onto her side, softly stroking her belly. I looked down at her and felt my heart swell with love. "Oh Mary." I hissed tenderly as I ran my claw over her tummy and stroked her thigh. "Our child will be so lucky, to have you as her mother." She giggled softly. "So you think it's a girl too?" I grinned as I moved my cum dripping cock along her tailhole. She gasped and lifted her tail high as i spread lube over the puckered opening. "Mmhmm, we'd know for sure if you had let them tell us after your latest ultrasound." She giggled and shook her head, then moaned as I pushed into her tailhole slowly. "Ohhm no I want to be, uhhhhh god, surprised." I stroked her thigh slowly as I pushed my cock tenderly in and out of her ass. "Oh Jake nuh huuh uhh mohnnn." She moaned and rubbed at her nipples as we made tender anal love. The bed rocked gently as we panted and pushed, and I grunted as I felt myself rising to another orgasm. "One thing ohhgggnn is uhh for ghhh certain." I panted. "What uhh is, ohhhh gggghhh that?" She whimpered. Her eyes were half closed, and she was yipping softly as she carressed her drooling nipples, her body trembling. "She, will, be, loved. UuRGHHHRRSSSS!" I gasped and came. I hissed and panted as I fired hot streams of cum into her tailhole. Mary howled softly as she clawed at the bed with one paw, the other massaging her breasts. "Uhh yes yes yesss!" Ling sat beside Huang, smiling as I paced. "She'll be fine Jake, trust me." she murred and I stopped and looked at her. "Yeah I guess you're right." I sat down for a little, watching the digital clock. The tension was too great, and in moments I was on my feet pacing again. I stopped mid stride when the attendant walked in. "mr Greenfrill, you may see your wife now." I was out of the room in moments, making a bee-line for Mary's room. I threw the door open wide and was at her side in a flash. "Hi." she smiled up at me. Her fur was a mess of sweat, but her face was alight with joy. "Hi." I said lovingly as I saw the bundle of fuzz nursing at her breast. She saw the question in my eyes and nodded. "You win." with gentle paws, she moved the cub from her breast and I reached out with my claws. With infinite tenderness I cradled the tiny wolf in my arms. "She looks just like you." I said and felt my heart pulse as the tiny bundle wriggled and mewled. I stood there and looked at Mary. "I love you." she said simply and I nodded, cradling our brand new daughter. "Oh Mary, I, she, ohh our lovely little girl." I stammered and Mary smiled. I got control of myself and gently handed her back to her mother. "Mommy has you." she cooed as she placed her back at her nipple. "Welcome to our family, Annie Maryann Greenfrill." I said softly. Ling and Huang entered the room and my son beamed as he looked at his little sister. "She's so little." He said, and Ling smiled as she stroked his ears. "So were you son." Mary murred softly to Huang. "You were right kiddo, a little sister." I grinned as I hefted him up into my arms so he could see better. "I'm gonna be a great big brother." Huang said proudly, and giggled as I hugged him extra tight. "I know you will son." The airlock hissed open and we all stepped out on the surface. Ling had Huang firmly by the paw as the little guy looked around eagerly. I helped Mary with the pressurized baby basket and smiled at little Annie snuggled sound asleep in her blankets. We moved a little ways out onto the rocky terrain and looked down at Mars. We all stood in awe and wonder, the red planet filling half the sky, the pinpoint stars far above. I took Mary's gloved paw in mine and we smiled. I looked at Ling and Huang, then at Annie. My gaze returned to my wife and my heart swelled. My thoughts returned to the holocube of my great grandparents by my bedside, and I smiled to myself. Now, more than ever, I knew they were proud of me. The end * * *

authors note=this story was based on a rp with Cain the Fox. Having already introduced Jake in 'the new recruit' I figured it would be fun to explore him further. This story also allowed me to introduce an octofurre, not an easy creature to design.