The Infection...

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Inspired by


Being broke sucked. Being broke and told to get out by your parents sucked even more. Being broke and told to get out by your parents and having to live on the streets for three days sucked the most. And thus began the story of a certain young grey wolf's adult life.

Maverick Carl Reeves, Maverick to his friends, was down on his luck. He was down so low he was honestly considering tricking off just to get something to eat. Having been thrown out of his house by his dad once his new little sister had been born and his bitch of a stepmother thought him to cumbersome to be around had been a real blow. However to have his dad, the person he looked up to and respected the most, forcibly tossing his first born out like yesterdays garbage with a warning to not come back less the police be waiting to drag his tail off of his property was a blow that Maverick would never fully recover from. Least to say that the old man's car hadn't been spared the youth's wrath when the young grey wolf slashed the two front tires with his claws and bust opened all the windows with several nearby bricks.

What can you expect; he was just getting over puberty.

At seventeen years old Maverick was not what you'd call the sharpest lupines on earth. He was more along the lines of eighty percent average kinda youths who managed to get by on his meager talents alone. With a 2.5 GPA the young wolf graduated high school just last week and had recently starting looking into some community colleges when the shit hit the fan. Not that the grey wolf blamed his new little sister for what had happened. God only knew the young she-wolf pup was as innocent and blameless of any ill deeds but her mother on the other hand, Maverick wished the old battle axe would get hit by a car and then rolled over two more times when said car backed up and then pulled forward. The older wolfess was a manipulative black widow who leached onto his dad for his good looks, money, and charm. The older male was completely infatuated with the woman so much that he barely even remembered the first female wolf he originally made vows to as he hurriedly got married to the bitch that intruded in his and Maverick's life. While the young wolf was sure things wouldn't end well he never imagined this would happen.

Out on the streets for three days with nothing but his tired smelling clothes over his unwashed fur, Maverick felt like life was seriously pointing him out to be royally fucked over. However he knew better than to ask how much worse it could get but he was starting to get desperate. His pride kept him from eating out of a garbage can but pride was steadily getting outweighed by hunger since the young wolf didn't really have any friends he could slum with Maverick had to make do with walking the lonely streets and sleeping in alleyways. Three days with nothing in his system other than the food his gorged down on the day of the incident, as he referred to it as. The young wolf thanked goodness for his recessive talent to store food so easily inside of his system and keep it for a couple of days, otherwise...

Maverick grunted as he sat on the park bench and looked up at the morning sky. The bright hues of the waking day made the young wolf laugh and think about how much he took for granted. Whoever thought that a new day would be his reason for being alive? Just knowing that there was a tomorrow kept the young wolf from doing something stupid to himself like...he shook his head as he didn't want to go there by even thinking it. He was stronger than that. He's show the old bitch just how far he could go and then spit in his old man's eye when he made something of himself after the old battle axe finally took everything the old man had and left him like he left Maverick, out in the cold. How he would get far enough ahead in life to do this though was a mystery to which the wolf wasn't sure he could answer right then and there. Maybe he could try and apply for scholarships and get student housing, but he'd need computer access for the next couple of days and he didn't think he could sneak into the school library now that he had graduated...

Push was turning into shove and Maverick was about ready to start trying to hustle to see how far he could get or at least how much he could get with that when he felt someone tap him on his shoulder. Instinct made the wolf jump up with his ears folded onto his scalp and his lips pulled backwards revealing his pearl white fangs. Balling his fists and putting them up Maverick was ready for a fight when he noticed who it was that was bothering him. A slender looking male skunk wearing a blue hoodie and jogging pants was panting in front of young grey wolf making him lower his guard and raise his ears up in attention.

"Can I help you?" Maverick asked cautiously. He didn't know if he was ready to start hustling right then and there if this guy was into that sort of thing.

"Are you homeless kid?" The older mephitis pulled back his hood revealing a handsome and mature face that Maverick found himself gazing up at it more than a little admiration. He was bisexual so the bodies and faces of good looking men made his heart speed up the same a sexy lady's breasts and curves would.

"Uhm, yeah kind of, I got thrown out a few days ago. Are know...into that?" Maverick asked cautiously as he pulled his ears up forward to listen to the other wondering just what the skunk's intention was exactly.

"That? Oh! NO!! No way!" The skunk raised up a black paw revealing a wedding bang made of silver on his index finger. "Happily married and with a possessive mate to add to that." The older male explained with a chuckle before wiping his face.

Maverick sighed, whether in relief or vexation was a mystery to him right then. Calming himself, the young wolf watched as the older skunk sat down onto the bench and then patted his empty left side. Maverick walked over and then slowly seated himself next to the other, ready to bolt if things turned south. He didn't sense anything dangerous from the other but he was smart enough to keep some common sense about the situation. He didn't want to end up in a worse situation than he was already in right then and since he didn't know the other man so well...

"I figured you were. Sorry to scare you but I jog this way every morning before work and I keep seeing you so I figured that today I'd come and ask." The skunk answered honestly as he looked down with his deep brown eyes at the other.

"So what's up? Just come to see a poor soul drifting along life's river?" Maverick said half-heartedly as he breathed a heavy sigh. Who said you'd never remember things from English Lit after high school?

"Not really. I just wanted to know if you wanted a job?"

"HEY, you said you weren't into that!" Maverick snarled as his ears lowered back onto his head and his fingers flexed as he raked his claws along the wood of the bench.

"Calm down, geez you get angry easily. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me and work at Tylon Research Company. Here..." the skunk pulled out his wallet and flipped it over to reveal a golden badge with an ID card next to it.

Maverick looked and then blinked up at the other male before quirking and eyebrow in confusion.

"Desmond Graft? You're a security guard? What kinda job are you offering me?"

"Well I've been hearing some of the researchers talking about needing test subjects for some new material they are working on. I figured that if I introduced you to them they would take you and get you set up to help with them with their research. I think it's an on-going project so you'll have to live at the facility and since you are homeless I figured that..." Desomd trailed off.

Maverick didn't have to think twice as he hopped up with a wag of his tail. "Ok, let's go!" the young wolf cried out in excitement as he looked down at the other.

"Not gonna even attempt to go over it in your head?" the skunk asked jokingly.

"Heck no! If I can get off the streets I'll do just about anything! Man I was almost ready to start digging into the garbage can." The young wolf admitted just as his stomach started to growl for sustenance.

Desmond laughed at the sound and then easily got up from his seat and then began to jog in place while speaking, "Keep up with me until I get back home from my exercise and then I'll feed and clothe you before heading to Tylon."

Maverick nodded and then began to follow the other setting his own pace where he could jog right beside the mephitis and steal a few glances at the older male's wavering striped tail. The young wolf's own tail wagged happily behind him subtly bumping into the older male's backside getting a quirky smile out of Desmond whenever he got too close. When they got to where Desmond lived after the four and a half mile jog Maverick had to whistle in appreciation as he looked at the two story house complete with the picturesque white picketed fence and red roof. The young wolf followed his new friend up through the walkway looking on as the skunk took out a house key and opened the door only to jump out of the way when Desmond was tackled by a small furry bundle. Maverick eyes twinkled with amusement as the older skunk fell backwards onto the ground before being showered with kisses and nuzzled by a very cute little mouse. Judging by his looks Maverick almost thought that the smaller male was a cub before Desmond got up lifting the other with him to reveal that the smaller male was just short instead of young.

"Hey honey! Glad you're back. I made breakfast so come on and eat before it gets cold." The brown mouse said happily as he tugged on the skunk's paw dragging him up from the ground and then inside.

"Hold on sugar lips, let me introduce you to...uh...what's your name again?" Desmond asked as he just realized he never inquired about Maverick's name.

"The name's Maverick Carl Reeves but please call me Maverick." The young wolf introduced getting an innocent stare from the mouse before said rodent walked up to him and then sniffed him over.

"Uhm, nice to meet you. You do realize you smell like day old jockstraps, right?" The mouse informed Maverick making the youth groan and Desmond sigh.

"Honey, please go and run the shower for Maverick and I'll explain at breakfast." The skunk pleaded before getting a nod and then a tender kiss from his mate.

When the mouse was gone Desmond looked back at Maverick with a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that, he can be very blunt at times but he's a sweetheart." The skunk said while walking into his home with Maverick tailing him.

A few minutes later the same brown mouse walked downstairs and then looked at the young grey wolf before speaking,

"I've set you some of Desmond's clothes on the toilet seat as well as a towel and wash comb so feel free to use them."

"Thanks, Mr....ugh..."

"Charley. Charley Kingmon Graft. Pleasure. Now hurry along before the water gets cold." The mouse said in a friendly manner receiving a nod from the wolf and then turned towards his husband when the lupine was out of sight. Giving the skunk a look Desmond chuckled and slapped a paw behind his head in embarrassment.

"I hope your old habit isn't coming back dear." Charley warned as he stared at his mate.

"Nope, I just think that I should do some good for someone else once in a while. That's all." Desmond answered back.

"As long as that is all. Remember what happened last time you wanted to play savior for the people." The brown furred male reminded his husband before going over to the dining room table filled with food.

"I's not like that this time. This time...I'm trying to help because I can, not because I feel I need to." Desmond said in a whisper as he recalled a lot of his past mistakes.

"Then don't look so down. Come on. Let's eat while Maverick is washing up. You do have work in two hours after all." Charley reminisced as he grabbed a knife and fork while waiting for his mate.

The skunk nodded and walked over, pulling up a chair and then grabbing a fork. "Looks good as always,"

"I do my best for you, always."

Minutes later found Maverick coming down with a pair of oversized jeans slipping around his waist and a t-shirt two sizes too big covering his chest making him look like a pup again. Charley snickered behind his hand as he looked at the young wolf before coughing and then offering a tin foiled covered plate to Maverick. Taking it gratefully, Maverick pulled over the foil and sniffed the steaming breakfast platter, digging into it with his bare paw after offering an abrupt 'thank you'. Shoveling food down his throat eagerly he never noticed the rodent with the piece of silverware in his hand until after he had choked down the last morsel of sausage. Licking over the juices Maverick let out a quiet burp and blushed in embarrassment while looking at Charley, who was still holding the fork with a blank expression on his face.

"I take it you haven't eaten in a while?" The mouse said as he finally started to lower his hand holding the silverware down to his side.

"Sorry, but this was the third day since I had anything in my system. Gods, the food was delicious! You're a great cook!" Maverick complimented.

"Chef, actually and thank you. Desmond should be down soon." As soon as the words passed his lips the skunk walked downstairs in his security guard uniform looking all the part like someone who could protect something valuable with his sidearm holstered along his left hip, his eyes casting a cool glare over the front of the room and his previously unseen muscles packaged into the tight brown shirt and pants. Maverick stared in awe as he found himself getting aroused by the very sexy sight of the older skunk.

"Your muzzle's open." Charley said as he looked at the younger wolf and chuckled secretively. His hubby always had this effect on others.

"You ready Maverick?" Desmond asked with authority in his voice making the young wolf's fur stand up in attention.

"Y-yes sir!" The grey wolf said as he handed the empty plate back to the smaller mouse.

"Alright then, let's go." The skunk ordered making Maverick break for the door while trying to keep up his pants around his waist.

When the wolf was outside of the house Charley stepped forward and then leaned up to kiss his husband on the side of the cheek. "Don't get hurt," were the brown mouse's only words as he turned and walked away from his mate with the plate in between his clutched paws.

The skunk nodded and then followed Maverick's trail outside. Closing the front door and getting to his truck Desmond unlocked the driver's side door, stepped in and then opened the passenger's side for the young wolf. After Maverick hoped in and bother were buckled up the older skunk started up the engine then pulled out of his driveway on down the road. Neither said anything as Desmond drove out of the city to the more rural side of town where Tylon labs were located. Maverick gaped at the sight of the immaculate building coming up in the distance and then to the long outstretched fields that surrounded the building. The land was so vast that beyond the line of green pastures long rows of trees could be seen standing tall and proud beyond the research laboratory seeming to secretly watch out over the road and the fields.

"Maverick when we get in here just let me do the talking. I'll smooth things over and get you set up but make sure to do exactly what you are told by the scientists here. There are things that go on that could get you hurt if you are not careful." Desmond said almost in a whisper as his paws clenched down onto the steering wheel in a death grip.

"O-ok. Is something bad going to happen in here?" the young wolf asked getting the silent treatment from the older skunk for a while before he spoke up,

"I don't think what'll happen here will be bad...just...not normal." Desmond kept his words vague as not to scare the youth. His eyes had seen too much in his time working at Tylon but he wouldn't let anything happen to the young wolf, if he could help it.

"Alright, I trust you. After all you've done, I think you're the only person who actually gives a damn about me." Maverick admitted before quieting down as they got to the front gate.

The skunk rolled his window down and flashed his badge at the camera before an electronic beeping opened the metal gate in front of the truck. Maverick looked around and found himself amazed by all of the surveillance and security as his mind slowly began to wonder about what went on here. Keeping with his word though, the young wolf kept his muzzle shut as Desmond drove up into the park area finding his parking spot with his name printed over a small sign. Killing the engine the skunk opened his door and got out followed by the grey wolf and then walked over to a nondescript elevator some thirty paces away from his vehicle. Reaching into his pocket Desmond pulled out his ID and then swiped the card into a keypad before waiting for the double doors to open. When a metallic hiss sounded signaling entry into the elevators Desmond slipped inside with Maverick right on his tail. As the doors closed and the metal box rose up into the building the young wolf looked above to see another camera pointed at him making him feel very subconscious in his oversized attire.

A strong paw gripped his shoulder turning Maverick's gaze up to see Desmond smiling down at him right before the elevator opened revealing several security guards and two scientists standing in wait for them. Desmond's paw dropped from around the young wolf's shoulder as he walked in front of Maverick and then stared at the others.

"Mr. Graft, what is the meaning of this breech in policy?" A young Dalmatian wearing a thick pair of glasses asked while covering his arms over his chest.

"I'd like to talk to you about that Director, in your office." The skunk said easily keeping himself between everyone and the curious wolf.

Seeing the seriousness in his chief security officer's eyes the Dal waved everyone off and then turned around to walk back to his office. Maverick didn't know what was going on but a firm nod towards where the spotted canine was going got him moving in a hurry. The three males made their way down the silent corridor before getting to a nondescript door to which the Director pressed his palm into a then unseen paw print register. An electronic humming sounded and then a sharp beep echoed throughout making Maverick jump before the Dalmatian opened his office door and walked inside. Steadying the other, Desmond lead Maverick into the room with a firm paw on his shoulder again. When the three were behind the closed door Desmond counted down the seconds before it started,

"Are you out of your monochrome mind?!" The previously quiet Dalmatian shouted scaring the Maverick's tail between his legs.

"Ten seconds, you're getting better." The skunk chided bemusedly, his previous stern mannerism gone in place of mask of camaraderie.

"Not the time Des. You've just breeched several official rules and regulations, three codes of conduct and almost a dozen federal laws. Is there a reason I'm not having you escorted off of the premises and this young man put jail?" The puffing Direction asked as he breathed heavily from his rant.

"One; because you know I know too much, two; because you don't have the authority to outright fire me, three; I've brought you a new candidate for your research projects down in 6-A." The skunk filed off his speech from memory.

The three simple declarations got the Dalmatian to simmer down in a hurry as he looked to the security head and then to the wolf who wasn't sure what was happening in front of him. Staring at the young wolf the Director turned his gaze slowly towards the skunk and then asked one question,

"Do you know what you are saying?"

"Yes, I do."

The two stared at each other in silence for long minutes making Maverick's tail curl further in between his legs as he looked between the two. Finally,

"...alright. We'll work on that basis then." The Dal replied as he moved to stand in front of the young lupine offering a bright and charming smile beguiling the former angry persona the other had just put on.

"What's your name son?" The Director asked honestly intrigued by the young wolf now.

"My names Maverick Carl Reeves, but please call me Maverick and don't call me son. I have one asshole father already." The grey wolf admitted bitterly to which he received a nod from the spotted canine in understanding.

"That's fine. I don't think that Desmond here told you anything about the research we do in Tylon, has he?"

"Not really, I just get the feeling I may not be leaving here for a long time is all he really alluded too." Maverick answered honestly while looking at the now silent skunk.

"You won't. If you become a subject for out testing here you won't be able to leave the facility for maybe the rest of your life. Much of what we do here isn't something we can let the general public know about and some of it is very dangerous. So I want to ask you straight out man to man, do you want to be a part of what we do here?" The Dalmatian inquired as he looked straight at the wolf without a hint of mirth in his voice or his eyes.

"Yeah. I don't have anywhere to go or anyone who'll miss me. So it won't be like you're kidnapping me." Maverick said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Even if you want to still back out now I'd like to ask you once more, are you sure about this? Even if you agree not to help you might have a much more fulfilling life outside of these walls in federal prison than here. I can assure you that much of your time will be spent being poked, prodded, examined, tested, physically exhausted, mentally worn down, and even...violated in ways you can't imagine right now. Are you absolutely certain? If you try and run away later on once you have agreed you'll be shot and killed for a first offense. What we do here is not a game. Many dollars have gone into what we research and often morals are put to the test in this place. You may be down on your luck now but this is a one way ticket that you won't be able to punch out of Maverick. So I need a second, honest acceptance from you before we begin." The Director said almost gravely as he made known of the young grey wolf's situation.

"I'm ready and I accept." Maverick answered after looking up at Desmond and not getting any kind of hint of support. This would be one of the hardest decisions he made as young adult but it had to be his own choice.

The Dalmatian breathed a sigh and then walked behind his desk and pressed a button on satellite phone before picking up the receiver and making a call.

"Ace, Derrick, and Daniel we've got a subject for testing. Come to my office after you get the fitness room ready and call Sandra. I want her on standby for the aptitude test and then have her ready for some therapy sessions for the new subject. His name is Maverick." The Dal said as he spoke into the end of the phone and then hung up without another word.

"Desmond you and I will be having a talk later so please be ready to spend the evening with me tonight. I do thoroughly intend to go over policy with you." The skunk nodded and then patted Maverick on the shoulder before leaving the room.

When it was just the two canids in the quiet office Desmond looked around and found himself very nervous of his situation. The Director, seeing the wolf's insecurities reached under his desk to pull out a bottle of liquid courage. Twisting the cap the spotted canine handed the bottle to the wolf with a small smile,

"Things are going to be harder from now on but I think you'll do well here. There's a lot you can learn and even more you can do to help us out here. I'll make sure to set up a living area for you to get situated in and then afterwards...well we'll let that take care of itself. Is that ok Maverick?" The Director asked honestly.

Taking the whiskey and chugging a swallow down the grey wolf coughed as some of the burning liquid came back up his throat making his watery eyes before handing the bottle back to the Director. Getting his motor functions back online, Maverick grunted and then nodded to the spotted canine.

"Good." After putting the top back onto the bottle the Dalmatian stuffed his secret stash back under his desk just in time for three of his colleagues to walk in and asserted their gazes over the new research subject.

All three looked at the Dalmatian and then getting a nod helped the young wolf out of the office and down the hall so that they could begin their work on Maverick. The Director sat back into his seat and put a paw to his aching head before offering up a prayer,

"Lord, please forgive thy sinful children of this world."

For the next couple of weeks Maverick was put on a strict activity schedule, diet, and physical regiment. He wolf was given physical exams ever couple of days, shots and then made to see the head psychiatrist Sandra McClain twice a week for therapy sessions. He was diagnosed with a small case of depression but given his circumstances Maverick was handling it better than the average person. As long as he was given some direction on how to vent his frustration the young wolf was able to control himself and perform amicably when given an assignment or during his weight training breaks. Maverick had seen little of Desmond during the next two months he lived inside of Tylon's research labs but the older skunk did manage to sneak by whenever he could afford the time. After his chewing out by the Dalmatian Director the skunk had to accept a reduction in pay and put on probation for his breach of contract. Not that it phased Desmond any as he retained his normal unflappable nature whenever he was around Maverick.

All in all the young wolf couldn't believe how fortunate he was as he was able to eat, sleep, exercise and study under some of the scientists tutelage as if he were in a private collage. The last eight weeks were almost like a dream as he breezed through the courses he had been ordered to go through and everyone got along with him well enough to make Maverick comfortable with his new lot in life. However, three days into the second week of his second month at Tylon things seemed to change. Not for the worse but the air seemed to be heavy around the scientists as they came in and went about their daily routine with him. Specifically with Ash, another grey wolf who had become Maverick's closes confident,

"Is everything alright Ash? You've been acting weird all this week." Maverick offered as he ran on the treadmill at an even thirty miles per hour. The wolf having increased his stamina to run close to fifty miles per hour if he really pushed him but today was a slow day after all, so no need to bother with the exertion he figured.

"Everything is as it should be." The thirty-nine year old wolf said as he checked off something on his writing pad while trying not to look at the younger lupine.

"You know you can't lie your way out of a paper bag, as Sandra would say. So come on, tell me the truth." Maverick stopped the treadmill and then panted quickly while his lungs rapidly filled with air and his heart hammered into the front of his chest.

The older wolf hesitated as he pulled his face up from his pad and looked at the younger male with trepidation. Now that actually worried Maverick as the normally cool and composed Ash stared at him with something shadowy running behind his eyes before he spoke up,

"You know the forest out behind the facility, right?" Ash asked carefully.

"Yeah, what about it?" Maverick answered while getting down off of the running machine.

"Haven't you ever wondered about it, at least once?"

"Well yeah, but I figured you guys just needed all of the space for privacy is all."

"Most do, but inside of the forest there's something running around that Tylon's got to keep really hush-hush about."

"What is it?"

" won't believe me but...a demon." Ash said with as much honesty and fear as he could.

Maverick just looked at his closest friend and then studied him with disbelief, concern and finally confusion in his eyes. Ash didn't lie. He couldn't to save a life. So if the older wolf said something it normally was true to his best understanding.

"A demon? Like from the Bible?" Maverick's family not being very religious had the younger wolf's knowledge down to a minimum about legends and lore of Christianity.

"Worse. What's in that book is a bunch of fairytales with some accuracy to them. What's outside in the forest surrounding the back of the compound is something very real, very dangerous and very much virile. Hadn't it ever occur to you to ask what kind of research we do here Mav?"

"Not...really. I just figured it was some kind of government project or something." the younger wolf answered being completely honest in his naivety.

"You're right and that's why we have to keep it under lock and key. You see, here at Tylon we do a lot of genetic research. Some of our experiments require us to collect sample from that creature running loose out in the trees back there so Tylon hired people like Desmond to go out and do what we scientists can't. Did you know that, that skunk friend of yours is an ex marine?"

"No way! Des never said anything like that!" Maverick said in surprise. He knew the older skunk could be tough but the marines were some of the best of the best when it came to military stuff, or so he had heard from a classmate in high school whose uncle was an ex-marine.

"Yes way. Seriously, Desmond is the one who leads some of the guards here out into the field to collect materials and even to capture that thing. Almost all of the guards here have military backgrounds so they all work well together but even still sometimes they get hurt. We had one guy laid up for a month from being attacked. He had to have almost sixty stitches in his chest just to keep from bleeding out all over the place after one of their expeditions went to hell." The older wolf made a line over his chest where he himself had to sew the stitches to keep the fox alive.

"Holy shit! What's that got to do with me though?"



"You know the old saying be careful what you wish for?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"One of the projects we are working on is how to make a carbon copy of that demon for military usage. We get lots of funding and time to go over data collected and tested but currently the people who fund the operations want some big results in a hurry. I don't know what for exactly, but I have a guess that war is gonna break out soon somewhere. A new weapon is just what the people in office upstate need to look good when things start to get irrepressible."

"Ok, but what does that have to do with me? You still haven't answered my question."

"...over the last few months we found that the demon is able to infect living organisms and mutate them into creatures reminiscent of itself."

Maverick didn't quite get the subtext but after looking into Ash's half shut and pained eyes the young wolf eyes popped open and his muzzle opened in a horrified expression,

"You can't mean?"

"I'm so sorry."

"But, but what'll happen to me?" the young wolf asked as he slumped down onto the ground with his eyes misting over.

"I...don't think it will be so bad...from what we can tell a week after initial exposure subjects regain much of their mental abilities from their previous selves." Ash tried to reassure as he slumped next to the younger grey wolf who had fallen onto his tail in disbelief. Putting and arm around Mav's shoulder and drawing him closer the older scientist nuzzled the youth's head trying to comfort him when he began to shudder.

"I'm not sure what to think say. I'm...gonna be a...!! What am I supposed to do? Will I even be myself afterwards?? ...will I...??" A hundred questions ran through the young wolf's mind out of his muzzle but recieved no answer in return from Ash.

The two just sat there on the floor with the older wolf rocking Mav. Meanwhile, the Director watched everything on the screen through one of the hidden camera feeds in his office after slamming a paw down with his glass of half finished whiskey,

"Damn me to hell." The Dal said in regret before pulling his drink back towards his lips and downing the fiery liquid in one gulp.

That night when Maverick had been escorted back to his room found the young wolf unable to sleep. His mind too busy with the endless possibilities of things to come to even remotely allow him rest as he tried to picture just what he would be after the procedure in a couple of days. Ash had admitted that he had volunteered to tell him instead of forcing the burden on Desmond. The two wolves being closer than any of the others made it seem like a logical decision to the Director, even when both the Dalmatian and the older grey wolf's stomachs turned at the idea of telling the young lupine the truth. Now as he sat there on his little cot Maverick looked over himself and wondered just what would become of him. His grey fur and one hundred-ninety pounds of muscle soon felt alien to the young lupine as he looked down to his body and realized that all of it may be gone by the end of the week.

Curling himself up as tightly as he could with his tail between his legs, Maverick began to shiver and shake as he had on the day he had been thrown out of his home all those weeks ago.

The day of the operation came much too soon for everyone as Maverick was lead out of his room down to one of the laboratories by Ash and Desmond, both older men keeping stiff upper lips when they walked on either side of their young charge. Getting to the procedure room, Maverick found that this part of the facility looked more like an interrogation room that one would find in a police station. Save for the strange bolted glass cylinder and the drain on the floor the room was empty. Thirty feet of empty space loomed in front of Maverick as he was lead in and then slowly had his clothing removed by the older skunk and wolf.

Naked as the day he was born Mav covered himself much to the amusement of the two other males before he was moved over to where glass cylinder was situated and then pushed down gently onto his knees to face the bare wall in front of him. Not understanding the young wolf found his answer when a panel in the wall opened up to reveal a pair of steel laced handcuffs attached to metal cables. Wide eyed Maverick found a thick collar wrapped around his neck as his wrists became shackled to the wall while at the same time his legs were spread open by a long spreader bar with the same steel cuffs manacled around his ankles making Maverick slightly aroused and uncomfortable at the same time.

"You don't have to stay here for this you know." Ash said to Desmond as he reached into the bag he had been carrying to get out his instruments. The skunk snorted at him before answering,

"I have a husband." Desmond said in his same authoritative tone making the older grey wolf nod as he slipped on his latex gloves and then popped open a cap of lubrication. The skunk reached out and spread Maverick's bottom open after lifting the young wolf's tail up over Mav's back and then watched as the Ash stuck one, two and then three fingers up into the young lupine's puckered tailhole.

Maverick shuddered and moaned as he faced the wall in front of him while panting and wiggling his hips. He hadn't had any action since he came to Tylon and the feelings of those dexterous fingers in his butt made the young wolf whine in pleasure. Ash was a pro as he twisted his digits around stroking over Mav's sweet spot getting the other wolf's hips to jump up and dance for him. If it weren't for the depth of seriousness in the oncoming experiments Ash could have spent a about ten playful minutes opening the younger lupine up in order to fist him properly but time was against them all and soon as he could feel the inner tissue of Mav's asshole loosen up the older wolf eased his last two fingers up inside of the young lupine getting his entire gloved paw into the other's rectum. Maverick yowled as he felt spread open so far that he could feel ever touch of Ash's fingers inside of himself. It felt good but off for some reason. Turning his head he saw the older grey wolf trying to concentrate on his work instead of enjoying what he was doing to him. Leaning as far as he could Maverick nuzzled against Ash's nose getting the other to calm himself before groaning as he was gently but firmly fisted by the older wolf.

Ash sniffed at the younger male's nose as he opened him up as much as he could without hurting Mav. His paw flexed and then curled into a fist molding the inner workings of the younger lupine while systematically driving his wrist deeper into the other. Grunting and thrusting his hips in time with the pounding in his backside Maverick looked down to see his rising erection pressing out against the cold wall making his heated tip pulse and squirt out a drop of pre for his trouble. The hammering at his tailhole grew stronger forcing Maverick to grunt and growl as he wildly flagged his tail against Desmond's face before whimpering out loud when the fist inside of him began to pull out making wet sucking sounds for everyone present to hear. When a loud pop sound bounced against the three male's ears everyone chuckled with Maverick completely embarrassed with himself while his hard cock and filling knot rose further up out of his sheath kissing the wall in front of him. The young grey wolf grunted as he shifted and wiggled his hips to get more sensation to his straining maleness as he felt the cool air of the room rush over his opened back passage making him quiver.

A pair of warm arms held him down as Maverick began to soar off into his own world of only to be dragged back down to reality as he found his cloudy vision being obscured by a strong male skunk smiling bemusedly at him. When his hips finally stopped roaring forward Mav found himself being filled once again but not by a fist this time around. A large blue looking dildo thing had been situated on the floor between the young wolf's spread legs and with Desmond's aid Maverick was helped downwards onto the toy forcing his already open anus to widen even further as the first couple of inches of the thing delved into his backside. The head of the toy was wide enough to slip snuggly into Mav on up into his tailhole where it caught onto the inner groves of the wolf and held in place not allowing his pulsing insides to force it back out when six thick inches finally got up inside of the lupine.

Maverick moaned as he felt the coolness of the dildo inside of his warm body but wasn't sure as to why it was up there. Turning his head to look at Ash the younger wolf got his answers when the formerly empty glass cylinder on his right side began to fill with a purple gel like fluid. The older wolf attached two tubes to the bottom of the cylinder and then ran two long but thin pieces of clear tubing down over one of Mav's spread legs and the second under his lower foot above the spreader bar before connecting them to dual openings on both sides the blue dildo. Tightening the clamps to keep everything in place Ash nodded to Desmond making the skunk let go of Mav's butt cheeks as they both listened to the younger wolf's throaty hiss of pleasure when his anal muscles collapsed around the blue toy holding it steady.

Knowing better than to be around for when things really started to get under way both males patted Maverick on the head and scruff and then exited the room. Leaving the wolf alone Maverick wondered about how much longer would things be so calm for as his ears perked up to listen to the void of noise his little enclosure. The panting of his own breaths were the only sounds he could hear as he squirmed his butt further down onto the dildo sitting idly inside of him when a whirling noise, like a generator starting up, made Mav look at the glass container on his right. Bubbles of air began to float up through the glass and soon a black plunger began to force a trail of purple down the two tubes until it got into the dildo heating up the previously cool toy. Maverick grunted and thrust himself up as the warming gel made the blue toy vibrate inside of him stimulating his nerves causing the wolf to pant and bounce himself against the wall as he was swamped with pleasure like never before.

When the first gush of liquid entered his butt Maverick felt like he was getting an enema and a big one at that. His stomach felt full and began to cramp up as the fluids found no place to go except deeper up his guts spreading furthering on into his rectum, intestines, and finally though his stomach bloating his belly a couple of inches in front of him. When the grey wolf began to whine and struggle on the toy while tugging his bound wrists the whirling noise stopped along with the full feeling and now painful bloating feeling. Grunting and trying force the liquid out of him Maverick closed his gold eyes and concentrated while pulling himself up as far as the steel coils locked into the wall would allow, which wasn't much given their resilience. Huffing in annoyance the young wolf was unaware of the men and women in the room behind him watching him through hidden cameras in the wall.

"How long do you think it will be?" Ash asked the Director who was trying to appear calm through his nervousness.

"Soon, from what we know about the first few previous subjects; the infection begins in about ten minutes. Given the age of our current focus I think things should be rolling along sooner though." the Dalmatian stated while on the edge of his seat.

Down in the other room Maverick began to shiver as he felt his body suddenly start to chill making his fur stand up on ends and puff up to keep warmth into his body. Not being able to find good purchase on his knees with the spreader bar keeping him in such an odd position the grey wolf just made himself as comfortable as possible on his knees unknowingly allowing his anus to relax and sink further onto the dildo getting another three inches into himself. When five minutes of nipping cold came to an end Maverick found himself sighing in relief but soon writhed and howled loudly on the floor against the bindings holding him down. Fire, pure unadulterated fire ripped through his body like a scorching lance. Mav couldn't describe the pain he was feeling any better than that as he began to cry and squirm around on the floor unknowingly pushing himself up and down on the blue toy lodged into his rectum actually stimulating the purple gel already in his rear further causing the infectious goo to do its job of transforming him even faster. Closing his eyes and breathing out in hard gasps Maverick began to shudder fully all over before rolling his head over the front wall. His erection had long since deflated back into his furry pouch as the wolf felt conflicting sensations rolling over into his mind but soon the heat that had been welling inside of his back entrance coiled around to his groin making the young wolf's cock rise up again in anticipation. Soon though everything stopped and crystal clarity found its way into the youth's head...

...he needed more.

More of the feelings he had just been receiving.

He found himself unhappy with the sudden numbness that came with being without the fire burning in his guts and the flames raging inside of his mind spurred him on to find a way to stroke the embers dancing inside of his flattened belly. His thought all concentrated on how to get more and as his brain began to fire synapses the young wolf opened his eyes when he realized that the key to his pleasure was right there under his tail. Growling and snarling a wicked smile Maverick looked up at the steel wrapped around his arms and tested them with firm tugs before pulling himself up with new strength and then dive bombing his ass down fully onto the blue dildo. His tail whipped over the soles of his feet as the wolf found his butt settled gently onto the ground making the very last inch of the toy on the floor stuff itself into his tailhole. Like a spark from a match the fire returned in a blaze of glory throughout his system causing Mav croon and groan before he pulled himself back up from off of the toy, inch by sensual inch before setting himself down again. His puckered opening was spread farther than Ash's fist had allowed as the five and a half inch wide base of the dildo spilled up into his anus breaking through a barrier that no one had ever touched before.

The purple goo bubbling inside of his belly began to get to work quickly as Maverick accepted the pleasurable torment that came from being simmered by living warmth. Inside of his stomach the infectious fluid rolled around seeking entrance into the young wolf's bloodstream, finding its way the liquid through the crimson river of life the goo caught a ride on Maverick's red blood vessels infecting his beating heart turning the pulsing organ a dark purple color. The pounding in his chest grew irregular as the organ began to beat wildly and then settle to a hard rhythm as it began to off shoot newly tainted blood vessels through every corner of his body from down into his arteries all the way to the scent glands at the bottom of his feet. Nothing was spared as the purple goo took control of the wolf's every nerve changing and altering the functions of his body, ceasing some and adding new ones where the living goo found it necessary for replication. Getting up into his brain though his veins Mavericks' already bizarre thoughts began to shape and twist into commands made by the purple fluid taking him over. Unknown to the wolf the substance was actually internal secretions that had been harvested from the demon lurking in the forest over a period of two months. Refined and sterilized to be contained for long periods of time Maverick was getting the same aftereffects that would come from being infected by the source of the fluids.

However, Maverick knew nothing of this, all he did know was that he wanted a lot more than what he was getting right them and there and as he began to lose himself of his inhibitions as he fucked himself up and down over the blue toy while churning the heated fluids inside of his body until it began to churn and spill down and out from his opened tailhole. The purple demon secretion flooded down over Maverick's thighs as he bounced up and down desperately before washing over the dildo and then pooled onto the floor where it rolled down into an open drain. Below the drain was a water treatment machine that sterilized the tainted mixture before draining it down out of the facility and into a nearby stream. The same stream a certain winged hellion was currently drinking from...

Upstairs in his office the Director made a call and then the whirling noise from before came back to life making the black plunger drain force more of the purple goo into the tubes, through the dildo and into Maverick's body.

Rolling his head as if drunk on the finest French wine the young wolf snapped open his eyes revealing a red tint showering over his normal golden pupils while his irises began to fade to black. Maverick was unconcerned and unaware as he struggled to fuck himself harder onto the dildo growling and cursing the steel holding him down like a captive. Tugging on his binding Maverick flagged his tail, kicked up his feet, snarled and finally howled as he wanted to be free to take as much pleasure as he could from the dildo inside of him. Up and down the sloppy wet sounds of his anus opening and spreading around the large blue toy bounced off the walls filling Maverick's enlarging ears with the echoes of his own depravity. The normally pointed appendages pushed up onto the wolf's head gaining mass as they rounded slightly at the tips becoming almost cone shaped as Mav's hearing increased in depth to where the lupine could hear the throbbing of his own heart inside of his chest gaining a new beat as it was fully transformed. His mind ran images of him with other males in fully detail leaving no detail untold as the wolf saw himself with both Ash and Desmond, playing with the two older males while having them caress and lick his toes, on up to his chest legs and finally getting to his groin. In his mind's eye his two friends eagerly licked over his long wolf meat kissing each other with Maverick's cock between their lips while he looked down at them in dominance.

Back outside of his little fantasy the young wolf didn't notice that his fur was growing thicker and darker as the light grey fur morphed into a darker grey undertone looking almost inky black while the white of his eyes shifted into an eerie ebony color draining all light from the once shining orbs as two red orbs shimmered from within the darkness. Dark strands spread down the young wolf's head becoming long forgotten hair dancing down between his shoulder blades over his back and then curling at the base while a mane of the same hair fell over Maverick's face given him a sexy, predatory look.

Flailing his tail over his back Maverick grunted and tugged on his wrists as he pounded his hips up and down over the dildo while at the same time thumping his full sheath and cock against the front wall giving himself dual pleasure as he drove his changing body further on with his deprivation. The purple goop spilling from between his cheeks made the toy even slicker making wet squishy sounds bounce off the walls arousing the demonic seedling as he let himself free of the burdens of self-restraint. The only thing holding him back from fully pleasuring himself were the thrice bedamned cuffs and steel cords. Pulling at the with all of his strength Maverick grinned as he heard the steel begin to give and the wires unravel themselves as his twisting wrists fought to be free. The wall where the bindings had come from even began to chip and splinter as new muscles and tendons bulged and thickened as Maverick's body expanded to new proportions from to the chemical properties of the demon secretions still inside of him. Soon the wolf had bulked up by and extra fifty pounds of raw strength as he pulled and his wrist able to snap his elongated fangs at one of the steel wires when his patience exhausted itself. Licking over his lips and then spitting out the chewy metal cord free Maverick raised up his left arm testing the power of his new appendage as he looked at the wickedly sharp claws that were growing from his once almost dull fingernails noticing that his new claws were curling into menacing talons which he would need later on. For now though, Maverick reached behind him as best he could with his right arm still bound up above and grabbed the blue dildo pulling himself back up as far as he could to grab the base of the pleasurable little toy.

Taking hold of the blue dildo the young demon raised himself up as far as he could and then jammed the entire thing up into his tailhole in one hard thrust as far as it could go letting out a wail as he felt his head began to pound in pain while his skull readjusted itself forming two black nubs just an inch inside of his newly formed ears with several inches separating the growing and hallowed bones. Bouncing himself up and down while his clawed paw jack hammered the wonderfully messy blue dildo up into himself in counter rhythm Maverick grunted and clenched his sharpening teeth together as his horns grew harder and longer through his black locks of hair. Licking over his lips the young wolf demon found his tongue growing longer and slimmer almost like a serpent's. Opening his muzzle and licking at the wall Mav could taste his own musk and pheromones spilling out into the air making him dizzy with the need to breed. Thoughts of Ash and Desmond grew more focused but no longer as gently passionate as they were before, now Mav could seem himself dominating the others, biting into their flesh, spearing them onto his hard cock and then infecting them with his own tainted cum while his thick sacs grew heavier from the rough breeding he would have with the two males. Only males could suffice the hunger pulsing between his legs; the sharp, musky, strong males who he would take over and over and over again until they were the same as himself, a demon out of their wildest nightmares and most sinful of dreams.

As he found his arm growing tired from the strain of holding the dildo inside of himself Maverick set the toy back under him on the sticky purple floor and then rested his shoulder before backing up and sitting down onto the toy again as gazing down with his ruby eyes at his harden pulsating erection. The thick eight inches had gained and extra few of inches making Maverick chuckle and rub himself against the wall in front him. His own pre had become thicker and darker making the young wolf wonder just what color would his seed become even if he already had a guess. The fat bulb at the base of his eleven inch cock had grown to almost the size of a balled fist as dark purple veins covered the hard sphere of flesh forcing out the once normal wolf pre and modifying it into the demon taint needed to increase the numbers of Maverick's kind through long and hard bouts of anal supremacy. Maverick's mind was going a mile a minute as the changes in thought patterns began to cement forcing the wolf demon to breathe harshly through his open muzzle as he drove himself to orgasm. Hips becoming a blur of movement as the bound demon ground, danced, thrusts, and all out pounded his tailhole into the blue dildo still gushing out with purple demon secretions from the near empty cylinder on the wall. Maverick's lower back down to his ass and in between his thighs were covered by the purple goo as the fluids drained into the drain between his spread legs now no longer needed as it finished changing the wolf into a creature out of perdition.

His clawed feet scraped furrows into the hard floor as Maverick lifted his head and howled out for the world to hear of the birth of a new demon being conceived. In front of him the new demon's cock rocketed forward a large stream of whitish-purple cum up onto the wall right in front of Maverick's muzzle. With the amount of time that it had inside of the wolf the purple fluid had been successively been taking over Maverick's seed but now that the demon wolf had climaxed forcing out the combined fusion of seed the demon secretions were able to fully change Maverick's testicles and sac into proud carriers of tainted cum. Growing in size the twin orbs became a literal pawful as they inflated with new life inside of them until the next shot from out of Mav's cock was a dark purple reminiscent of what had been inside of his tailhole not too long ago. The invigorating musky scent coated over the wolf's new sensitive tongue making the slithering organ lave out over the mess he had made taking in a taste of his own spilled seed, drinking down the elixir that would inseminate many males in the days to come. His orgasm lasted for a full two minutes while his tailhole clamped down over the dildo nearly crushing the toy between the new muscular asshole as the last of the purple goop splashed out between his cheeks and onto the floor flowing like a river into the swirling drain.

When at last there was nothing left within the wolf demon Maverick grunted slit his ruby eyes to half mast as his ears turned to hear the door to the room opening and two forms stepping in. His dark gaze found his two closets companions watching him with the perfume of fear covering their bodies but also the undercurrent of lustful curiosity mixed into the jumble of emotions the two furs were having. His darkly taloned left paw pulled upwards and then crooked forward making the two older males jump and then shudder when a deep, masculine voice not belonging to a boy Mavericks age spoke up,

"Come on guys. The party's already started. Let me show you how much fun I can be now that I've been liberated from the boring drag of being a mundane little wolf boy." Maverick chuckled cruelly making his new voice echo off the walls of the room like a curse as Ash and Desmond looked to each other and then to the young wolf who they were unsure they could trust anymore.

Up above the facility a winged wolf demon was perched over the body of a fallen guard straining its ears out to hear the sounds of one of its own somewhere below inside of the building. The demon chuckled as it thought of how much fun it would be to see another of its kind with so many ripe pears of innocence around for the picking. Taking the fallen security guards ID card the winged wolf walked over towards the locked door lead to the stairs and then slid the ID through the control panel.

When the door hissed open the wolf hissed as well as he thought about how much fun he was going to have before he reached out and opened the door. Slipping inside without a sound just as the door closed shut behind him with an air of finality no one could imagine what would happen when the two accursed lupines met one another in the deserted area of belonging to the Tylon Research Company...but days after no calls could get in touch with anyone from the Research labs but when a certain brown mouse drove up to the facility five days later a pair of cool red eyes were watching him from one of the dark windows of the building...


Inspired by : []( & []( by Kuma on FA Now he honestly should have known that...

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All's fair in competitive gaming...

[]( = inspired by Opening the door for his roommate DJ watched the tired soft orange colored fox trudge into the apartment with his body sagging like an old...

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Guard Dog...

[]( = Inspired by Inside of a large room with red carpeted flooring stood a large athletic looking lion and a slightly smaller bookish looking tiger...

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