Inspired by : & by Kuma on FA
Now he honestly should have known that something like this might have happened when Alexander Peacecraft offered him a drink at a local gay bar, the Lion's Den. The guy didn't even speak to him at work and they were two cubicles down from each other or even during the lunch hour when they were two feet from one another! What in the name of all that was holy made him take up the invitation for that drink he didn't know but as Tyler sat on the cool floor of what could only be a dungeon with his bearded palm in one of his palms and his other hand drumming his fingers on the stone he had to think over if he should seek therapy if he made it out of this. There had to be something wrong with him if he was this naively trusting, seriously.
On the floor the thirty-three year old insurance salesman was naked and shackled to the floor by what looked and felt like iron chains with strong metal cuffs wrapped around his wrist. The said shackles gave him just enough room to get up and stretch his numbing legs but nothing more than that. He had fought for a good hour to try and wiggle his wrists free from the metal only to end up chaffing his wrists raw. When that didn't work Tyler looked for some kind of lock he could try and pick with a rock or something on the floor but found a perfectly made circle of metal for his troubles. Not bothering to call out for help Tyler was pretty sure that Alexander or whoever had placed him in here after he had passed out from that spiked apple martini would come in to see about him sooner or later. His rumbling stomach disagreed but what could he do?
As a fan of crime dramas, Tyler was sure that his captor wouldn't let him be without answers forever. Bad guys always acted the same even in real life. Though as to why he was a target made the thirty-three year old's head spin. He was a simple guy; five foot ten inches tall, a good solid two hundred and fifty pounds of muscles, auburn haired all American. He worked for Dexter's and Dexter's Insurance Agency, was a single bachelor who drove a 2004 four door sedan, currently paying off a single story suburban home and was generally one of the nicest guys you could meet. Tyler had often been called a pushover as he was such a giving soul, he couldn't stand not to offer a helping hand to anyone in need or trust the people around him without a second thought and that was what brought him into his current situation. It had probably had been building up to this since he moved out here to Nevada from Mississippi. The people out here were pretty friendly but he got the oddest feeling like he was the only one who didn't get the humongous joke that was going on around since he had moved into the bustling town. It was like everyone knew something he didn't but Tyler had brushed it off thinking it was the country blues. He was a farmer boy after all and moving to a big city had made him nervous.
Now he wished he had listened to his instincts.
A door opened and Tyler was washed in warm yellow light as he found his eyes adjusting to the dim light he was in coming from the dim bulbs around him to see Alexander swaggering in with the biggest grin on his face. The twenty-eight year old was as naked as a jay bird as he sauntered up and then sat himself down in front of Tyler on the cold stone floor. For a minute the two just sat there looking at one another with Tyler being slightly fearful as Alex just kept smiling at him like a lunatic. Finally it got to be too much,
"What the hell are you smiling at!?" Tyler shouted bringing his wrists together in front of his naked crotch on instinct.
"You, I really just can't believe you haven't figured it out all this time. You've been here for what, six months and still you haven't figured it out. I'm just thoroughly amazed!" The younger man with the bushy goatee said with a cheerful tone.
"What don't I get? That you have some strange hobbies? That you kidnapped me for something I'm sure I won't like? Or that you need professional help?" Tyler ticked off on three fingers of his right hand.
"That you aren't even the slightest bit aware of where you are or whose presence you are in. It's really funny when you think about it." Alexander began to chuckle and let out a booming laugh deep than Tyler would have expected given the other man's usual voice tone.
"Oh please tell me this is not some kinda cult. I don't want my brother to have been right about city folks." Tyler tsked as he thought about Jeffery, his forty year old brother warning about: them strange city folk. Tyler was sure if he survived he would never hear the end of it from his older country brother.
"Well yeah I'm afraid you are. We are a cult, per say." Alex said as he rose himself up to his six feet in height and popped his back for effect.
"Oh god. Just kill me quickly, please. I'm not a fan of torture." Tyler said deadpanned as he breathed out a heavy sigh. This sucked.
"Hahaha, you're funny. We're not one of those kinds of cults...more like...a big brother fraternity that's really exclusive." Alex said as he knelt down in front of Tyler on all fours and crawled up to the older man until they were face to face.
Tyler noticed something about Alex as he looked at the other and realized that there was something odd about the younger man's eyes.
"When did you get contacts?" Tyler asked completely off subject. He was a stickler for details at odd times and the normal blue hues that Alex had were gone in replace of a dull yellow color looking almost brown piquing Tyler's interests intently.
"I didn't. This is how my eyes always look. I just have to make them blue as not to make humans, like you, suspicious." The way he said humans made Tyler somewhat intrigued sparking the older man's next question.
"Yep, human. Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not human. Well not completely if you think about it but never mind I'll just confuse you so here: watch and learn something." Alex said before he grunted and turned his head side to side like he was having a headache and then snapped his head up to look Tyler in the face with drool running down his mouth...his misshapen mouth.
Tyler watched in awe and trepidation as Alex's almost cute face that had twisted and turned into something...else. At first he thought it was his imagination but then the younger man's nose turned a light pinkish color and then his entire face gradually began to push outwards and widen as if someone was stretching it. The sounds of bones popping made Tyler's stomach roll as he looked at the sight of Alex's ears beginning to round and enlarge and finally grow to twice their original sizes. The bushy goatee the younger man had began to lengthen and grow outwards while thicker strands of facial hair sprouted around his face or muzzle as it was becoming. As Tyler looked up he noticed that the soft brown mop that Alex always sported was growing wilder and blossoming out and around his scalp almost like...a mane.
Backing his face from in front of the younger man's Tyler watched and noted the other changes to Alexander spreading throughout his frame. His normally smooth backside and front were growing hair or more like fur from every pour of his body. Thick and luxurious yellow strands wove themselves outwardly until the younger man's entire frame was covered from face to toe in fur. When the fur was finished extending outwards Alex's body began to spasm as his muscles bulged and expanded while the same bone popping sound resonated in the underground room. Alex was normal a lanky one hundred and sixty pound man but soon he was growing up to two three hundred pounds of pure feline muscle! Tyler noted the ropey tail extending front out of the lion-man's spine with the pinkish flesh darkening to yellow as tiny hairs pushed out until it came to rest some three feet behind the other with the very end puffing up with a dark chocolate tuff of fur. Turning to look down at Alexander's hands found Tyler staring at grotesquely big paws with sharpened claws on the tips were the fingernails should have been given the normally innocent hand a much more savage look.
A dull growl forced Tyler look up to see the leonine face of his former coworker staring back at with his pearl white pointed fangs in front of his face. Thick drool ran down the sides of the other's muzzle and dripped down onto the floor between Tyler's open and uncovered legs making the younger man cross himself to keep his naked groin from seeing such majestic terror. When the bone popping sounds had ceased Tyler found himself in front a werelion complete with the thick brown mane around his head going down to his chest at a point with a shock of bright gold resting up at the top. Alex stood up to his new height of seven plus feet and three hundred and forty pounds of feline splendor. Crossing his arms over his chest and puffing up proudly to show off his broad chest Tyler found himself eye level with the king of the jungle's superior crotch. Just like a normal lion Alexander had a bulky sheath encasing his ample penis while two testicles dangled in a dark honey colored furred sac hanging low in between his open legs. The lion-man's entire package had grown to almost triple it's normal size and Tyler found himself idly wondering just how big the other would get before he realized his predicament.
Still chained down on the floor and as naked as the day he had been born Tyler was praying that he was not going to be a first course meal for the big animal.
"So what do you think, much better than me explaining it, right?" Alexander's voice had gone to an octave so low that Tyler's head was ringing from the sound of it alone.
"" It might have seemed a silly question but the mind is sometimes very defensive against what it will not usually accept as feasible.
"It's complicated but in the short of it I'm a lion that got genetically enhanced into being what I am now. To save trouble, just call me a werelion. I could go over the whole past situation with the doctors, hospitals, zoos and such but I'm not gonna bother. It's really trivial and moot considering that in about ten minutes you're going to be like me anyway." Alex said as he turned away from Tyler to hide some of the phantoms he kept locked up in his head. No need to go back to the past, he would say.
"WHAT!! I don't want to be like you! I'm a happy, normal red blooded human American!" Tyler shouted.
"There's no such thing as a happy American. Anyway, why wouldn't you want all of this?" Alex said as he began to flex and turn himself around to let Tyler see all that he was.
In the back of the older man's mind he did find himself getting excited by the sight of such beauty. He was a cat person after all with the two tabbies he had been keeping as a present from his mother. Tyler found his eyes unable to look away from the swaying tail of the lion-man in front of him as it casually ran over his face making him raise his chin when the furry appendage dipped below his neck tickling his lightly furred chest. Getting tantalizing close to his crotch Tyler found his legs spreading carefully and then whimpering when the tail was pulled away by its owner.
"You were saying?" Alex asked with a smug pride in his copper brown eyes while looking down at the human.
"Ass." Tyler muttered at the cheap trick but getting a surprise for his comment when Alex turned back around and stepped backwards pulling himself down to lift his buttocks up and push the golden furred rump into Tyler's face. Tyler tried to look away but curiosity got the best of him and soon he was sniffing at the mounds of flesh and fur in front of him as the same ropey tail came down behind his head and tugged it closer towards the treasure in front of him.
Just as he was close enough to touch his lips against the feline's crevice Alex pulled away with his tail thumping on Tyler's head.
"You play dirty." Tyler said as he shook his head to brush away the musky feline scent that had been clawing at the insides of his nose making him dizzy.
"I'm a cat." Alex said as he turned back to look down at the other. His face keeping the cheeky grin he had since the entire thing started.
Tyler sat on the cold floor looking at the large predator before him going over in his head about the whys, why not's, and what would come later. All the boring details his human mind supplied complete with mental imagery that only caused Alex to get impatient and Tyler to get more confused. Of course being a feline meant that Alexander wasn't above using dirty tactics to get something he wanted,
"You know that cute guy down in front that you stare at all the time at lunch?" Alex said smugly making Tyler grunt and growl.
"I don't stare!" The human said vehemently.
"Yes, you do. If you looked at him any harder I'd swear you could almost tattoo you name into his body with your heated looks."
Tyler grunted and turned his head as he blushed at the memory. He had been looking but he didn't think anyone took notice. He knew better than to make certain attractions known, being a country boy meant he learned very early that rejection could make you an outcast in a big hurry.
"Well I have a surprise for you. Mike, get down here!" The werelion shouted.
In a few minutes heavy footsteps thumped down the stairs before a large body jumped and landed on silent paws next to Alex. Tyler gasped as he found and equally big lion-man raising up onto his feet to stand next to Alex. The two could have been identical twins save for some variations to the body structure with the new werelion's face being just a might bit shorter but his feet and hands-paws being bigger and his tail a half a dozen inches longer. Looking down below Tyler was able to see that the other lion-man also had a crotch identical to the other male save that the other feline's balls were dangling just a inch or so lower.
Brownish-gold eyes blinked down at Tyler before the new feline stared back agape and then growled and hissed at the one who had called him.
"Are you crazy?! You know that we can't show ourselves to others unless they get changed by the initiator! Are you trying to get me in trouble!" The voice was lower and the words were hot but Tyler was sure that this was the same Michael Perry that he had a crush on! The human blinked and gasped before blushing hard and trying to avoid eye contact.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know the rules, little cub. I wrote most of them. Now I'm making an exception because of the situation. You should have been the one to do this anyway but you got weak kneed." Alex teased while watching the other werelion puff up like a kitten.
"I did not! I just wanted to make sure I didn't end up scaring him too badly!" Mike protested.
"Yeah, sure. What you mean to say is that you didn't want to take his ass the second you transformed on the floor right here, right?"
"Ugh, you're an ass." Mike said as he grunted and put a paw onto his face before shaking his head.
"I keep being told that." Alex replied as he looked down at the red faced human below.
"Uhm..." Tyler wasn't sure what to say now.
"Oh sorry. Look the reason I called for you is because I've decided to let you initiate him." Alex announced with some finality in his voice.
"Has he agreed?" Michael asked somewhat anxiously.
"He was about to, but he got the jitters. I think you doing him will make this easier." Alex scratched behind his head as he thought about it.
Mike kneeled down onto the ground and then padded up to his crush to look the other in the eye. Two sets of orbs gazed at each other with heat sizzling between them as Mike spoke to Tyler for the first time,
"Do you want to be like this Tyler?" The lion-man asked honestly.
"...I don't know. What does it feel like?" The human asked honestly.
"Well it's not all roses with being able to smell everything around you and hear people talking across the room but it can be really great when you get a chance to get out and run around and stalk for food during the night. You can see, hear, smell and taste things almost ten times better when you're in this form than when you're human and you also get some really high stamina to do...other things too. It's got its good and not so good point that's why we let other's choose what they want before giving it to them or not." Michael reassured.
"So why am I chained down on the floor. I didn't ask to be here." Tyler said as he looked up at Alex who was coughing in embarrassment and turning away slowly while his tail curled around his left thigh.
"Well this is how we initiate prospective males into being like us. Only males can become werelions and only by having anal sex with someone who already is one. Usually we do this to keep a new transformee from getting out of hand. Man when I got this I went wild and had to be held down to keep from...uh...molesting a few of the others." Mike said abashedly.
"Meaning he was really close to making sure one of the guys wasn't gonna sit properly for two keep straight!" Alex butted in while laughing at the thought and making both Tyler and Mike look up at him with deadpanned faces. "What?! It's true!" The lion-man stated before turning with a humph!
"Is he always like this? He's usually stuck up at work." Tyler asked.
"Yep, always. Being in this form makes your more dominant personality come out and Alexander is very playful, kinda like a kitten on catnip." Michael admitted much to the other werelion's embarrassment.
"Shut it, kitten! So are you gonna do him or not?" Alex said while tapping his foot again.
"If I do...will you be my boyfriend?" The human asked with as much sincerity as he could muster given his naked state.
"Yes! Yes I will!" Mike accepted happily.
"Then do me."
In an instant the human's lips were taken up in a very bizarre kiss with a creature whose mouth didn't fit quite right. Not that either minded honestly. Tyler had for a long time been infatuated with the young Michael Perry ever since he had seen the younger man bent over the water cooler trying to fix it during his first week at the insurance company. The human had looked past the kind, bumbling cuteness that Mike had to see an honest person who he could find himself falling asleep to every night. Now it seemed that his dreams would be coming true, just not how he expected. But life was capricious like that, so Tyler accepted it and the tongue that was diving past his lips onto his tonsils.
When the two males pulled back Tyler was breathless but smiling happily at his friend getting a wide and pointed smile in return. Leaning forward and licking at the sharp fangs in Mike's maw Tyler felt no fear or apprehension as he looked into the teeth that could bite his throat out if their owner so chose. Instead the sharp fangs opened to reveal a cavernous maw right for the human's plundering. The young leonine's tail waved around behind him unknowingly smacking the ankle of the other werelion in the room.
When Tyler and Michael broke apart again the lion-man pulled himself down to sniff over the human's body digging his nose into the firm, muscular chest to let his senses be teased by the warm scent of the one he would initiate into the pride. His rounded ears listening to the beating heart, Mike leaned his massive head down to lay his ear full against the sacred area to let his mind imprint that wonderful sound onto his thoughts. Steady, strong, and bursting with life. Just the way it was supposed to be. Tyler reached a shackled hand over and rubbed the silky fur of the werelion before stroking down and over the fluffy ears he found to be so cute. Just like Tyler's cats, Michael let out a gentle purr of satisfaction.
This went on for minutes without end before Mike felt something padding into his naked behind making him hiss and rise up to turn his head and look at the annoyance. What he found was Alex's footpaw prodding him making him look up into the eyes of his elder before Alex pulled his arm up and tapped his wrist indicating that their time was pressing. Remembering that the long night was coming to an end Mike nodded and turned to look back at Tyler and make his way down the human's body. The leonine face dipped between slightly parted thighs pushing them open with his warm nose to reveal the tall length of maleness jutting up for his approval. Mike nodded and looked up at Tyler before winking and then lowering his head to take all of the human cock into his muzzle along with the small palm size balls in one gulp. Rolling them all around inside of his wet and hot cave of flesh caused Tyler to cry out in euphoria. Never had he had a blowjob like the one he was getting now. Every nerve was encased in a wet and spongy grotto of feline warmth slowly being played with and loved like nothing else he could describe. From his leaking head down to his stretchy sac Mike played with him at his leisure causing the human to pump his hips upwards in a frenzy that seemed to go on forever.
Mike listened to the sounds his human was making and then sucked on the other as hard as he could. The howl that broke out of Tyler's mouth made Michael puff up with pride as he knew that he was the one who made that sound echo from those succulent human lips. There was little chance he was gonna share his soon to be boyfriend with the pride after the initiation was over with. He was too possessive to let such a wonderful male go into another's embrace so soon. Maybe much later once he had his own fill of the other they would both play with the pride but that was going to be in the very distant future. Right now he was going to claim the other as his own lioness.
Pulling the human's stalk from his lips the lion-man licked his raspy tongue over Tyler's cock getting a shiver and yelp before he chuckled and ducked his head downwards. Using his muscular feline arms Mike grabbed and pulled up Tyler's legs exposing the pink bud of sweaty flesh taking in the aroma of his human before dipping his tongue down to lick over the hole.
A grunt behind him forced Mike remember the rules and he chuffed in displeasure but pulled back after a few licks.
Damn rules.
Grunting and tipping his head forward Mike nodded for Alex to come and help him. The older leonine walked on the balls of his feet over to the two coupling males and then reached around to pick Tyler up enough for Michael to crawl underneath the human. Tyler found himself in a dazed awe as he found the strength of the other to be very impressive to his hazy mind before he was lowered down onto a thick carpet of warm fur. Given his previous state on the cold stone the human was much more appreciative and he made his gratitude known as he wiggled on the bigger lion-man to find his purchase on top of the other's chest. Mike purred in pleasure as he felt the weight of the human on his torso before he rose up where he was able to sit on his butt with his tail around his left side out of the way before he pulled Tyler up to sit on his lap. The much bigger werelion dwarfing the smaller human's form as Mike leaned forward and licked at Tyler's ears nipping one gently and then grinding his buttocks into the human's behind.
The softness of flesh aroused the lion-man like nothing else as he let his sensitive fur caress the delicate skin. The tantalizing scent that was coming from Tyler's body made Mike growl happily as he began to hump his hips sending blood down into his waking erection forcing it to grow from his sheath to its full hardness of eleven steely inches. The long rod of feline meat was sandwiched tightly between lion and human a Mike leaned back and squirmed enough so that the mushroomed head of feline cock wetted the human's back on down the base of his spine until finding the cleft of Tyler's rear. Humping his hips as hard as he could Mike was able to run his shaft up and down the human's rump catching just the tip of the puckered hole and then delved his hips forward into it.
Tyler gasped as he was breached by the almost dry penis and then yelped when he was fully speared onto the eleven inch cat cock. The three inch width of the driving length made him close his eyes in pain before grunting and accepting the oncoming feelings as the natural result of two males copulating. It burned hotter than the best whiskey but the sweetness that soon followed was blissful enough to take the discomfiting heat away to be replaced by a warm flame of passion. Behind him Mike panted into Tyler's ear as he found himself shivering from such pleasure. He had always imagined that it would be good but this was too much! The tightness wrapping around his leoninehood was exquisite while the clenching inner tissue massaged him better than any hand or paw. The heavy gasps trailing from between his future boyfriend's lips made a hunger rumble up through his chest and soon Mike was thrusting his hips into the humans with abandon. Not waiting too long for Tyler to adjust Michael's instincts took over his rational thinking replacing it with wondrous adrenaline laced testosterone.
Alex watched the other of his pride do his mating dance for Tyler within the human's body but kept a weathered eye on the two incase things got...too heated. Didn't want the younger werelion to accidently hurt or kill the human. After Tyler was like them then the two could go as hard as they wanted within each other's body but not just yet. Soon though, as Alex watched some of the changes overtake the human turning him into one of their kind. It always started upwards and then worked downwards with the ears getting more rounded and enlarging while the brown hair on the human's head began to lighten and turn a light golden color. With his eyes closed Alex couldn't see but he knew that Tyler's green orbs were turning to a darker yellowish color. Almost as if his body was trying to change its spectrum first before its inner organs, Alex watched on while trying to ignore his needy cock slipping deliciously from his sheath.
Tyler felt himself jump every time Mike delved into his ass with his battering ram of a cock. Hitting his prostate and then going a little ways further up into his guts Tyler yelped and groaned as he felt his insides were being mashed like potatoes however, he didn't feel pain like he thought he would have from the relentless pounding. The lion-man behind him was doing his best to drive him over the edge but every second was filled with ecstasy making Tyler roll his head back onto Michael's snout. The werelion growled and licked over his prey's vulnerable throat with his raspy tongue making shivers go through the human's system. The leonine getting more excited as he felt his large sac bump into the human's meager one's while his nose took in the altering smell of human musk and lion musk intermingling. His mind registering that it was his actions that were causing the necessary change to his little human making Mike thrust harder while reaching around and gripping the muscular waist of the other and hug him as closely to his furred chest as was possible. A yellow paw lifted up Tyler's right leg giving Mike enough leverage to sink himself deeper into the turning human and caused him to purr in thanks.
Alex was growling up a storm as he knelt down beside the two males and helped them achieve maximum leverage for their mating while reaching down to paw at his own hard thirteen inches of feline meat. Looking on he noticed the human's spine pushing outwards from where he knelt on one knee and seeing the pink appendage growing and stretching out while darkening to a bright yellow color and then turning dark brown when finally stopping. A tuff of reddish orange fur sprouted out of the tip giving Tyler and impressive lion's tail to which Alex felt proud of. He had a feeling that the human would be a bit different but this was surpassing his expectations greatly. When the hair around the human's head began to grow puffier and bushier Alex leaned forward and licked over the growing mane upwards toward the twitching ears before his tongue found Michael's face and licked over it. His pride brother looked at him with fiery eyes and licked him in return before grunting and jamming himself balls deep into the human. Looking down at one of Tyler's hands Alex found the misshapen hand twisting into a dark orange paw complete with ivory claws. Taking one and sniffing it the werelion found the palm thickening and hardening into a pad reminiscent of his own paws while the sharp odor of feline musk wafted out from the growing scent glands. Nodding, Alex grunted in Mike's ear telling him without words to hurry up as he noticed the door up above opening and forms coming down the stairwell.
The younger lion grunted and then roared as he pushed himself forward into the changing human three more times and then came with hot blast of feline cum right into Tyler's shifting ass. A flood of leonine seed spilled out onto his lap just as three other werelions came down to see what was taking so long. All of them got a surprise when they saw the human cry out with his eyes closed as he came onto his face. A white torrent splashed up from his lengthening and widening erection to spread over his face like a mask before the human came down from his high and panted out loud, drool dripping down his chin along with his seed. The others growled in approval while noticing one of the pride leaders waving them over to help out. More than eager to do as asked the three naked lion-men walked over on padded feet and then helped Mike out from under the transforming human, much to his displeasure. His groin was covered in white as he was pulled away into the arms of another of the pride before one of the brother's leaned down and licked him clean. Mike purred as he felt the rough tongue on his still hard erection and reached down to rub the other's ears in thankfulness.
Tyler wasn't sure what was going on but as he opened his eyes a leonine face smiled down at him before lifting up his legs and then aiming a ten inch lion cock at his back passageway. Coated in seminal fluids the barely human Tyler was able to take the big meat without pause before he found himself surrounded by three other faces. One of the werelion's having a silver earring in his left ear while smiling at the bound initiate licked him over the nose as he grabbed his left leg and held it up. Before he could get a better look at what was going on Tyler had thrown his head back as he was once again taken up the ass by the king of beasts. His body accepting the fluids coming from Mike and the new lion making him grow faster into his own mane and lionhood as his bones began to pop and twist while he drifted in a sea of fulfillment. Tyler never noticed the warm paws pushing down on his shoulders to get his tailhole further on the piercing meat in his anus as his mind was filtering new thoughts into his brain; many of his long night fantasies shifted from muscular, sweaty men in the gym locker rooms into four legged lions that stalked the quiet savannahs before running down fleeing male gazelle and then tackling them and mounting them long and hard. In his mind's eyes Tyler saw himself running on all fours as five other males of his pride raced behind and beside him into open golden fields underneath an endless blue sky.
As he once again found another orgasm from the thrusts of the thick lion cock buried deep inside of his new tailhole Tyler opened his eyes and then growled in approval as he backed his hips as far as they would go to get more pleasure. The others who were touching him on either his arms or holding up his legs roared into the dawn as they welcomed a new addition to their pride.
When everyone stepped out from the basement a new werelion was holding onto Michael's arms with his leonine face nuzzled down into Mike's shoulder blade as his deeply orangish-red furred body was covered in a mix of lion cum and a limp followed his every step. Purring in glee the new lion-man looked up at his boyfriend and wrapped his tail around the other before being helped down the hallway into a vacant room. His hard leonine cock full and ready, Tyler was planning to do a lot of mating today to break in his new form and by the looks on Mike's face the other didn't seem to be unappreciative of his attention in the least. Getting into the room and closing the door the rest of the pride was happy they got far enough away when the roars and growls of passion started up again for sixth time in twenty-four hours.