A New Way To Train

Story by Apachy on SoFurry

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Toothless swooped down into the cove and spread his wings out to slow his descent. Hiccup held the dragon's reins fairly loosely as the night fury extended his legs out and landed with a resounding thud that shook his teeth.

"Could have been smoother, but better than what I was expecting with the spare fin." Hiccup quipped with a pat on Toothless's broad neck. The dragon grumbled and flicked his tail to look at the drab brown leather flap strapped to his tail. Hiccup unhooked his feet out of their straps and slid off the night fury's side. He walked up to his head and gave him a few scratches under his chin to get rid of the slightly annoyed expression on his face.

"Don't worry, Astrid'll be here with a better one. Just be glad we had a spare fin in the first place, otherwise we'd have had to get her to fly over with a new one." Hiccup glanced around just to make sure the hadn't missed her on their descent, but alas, she was probably still a ways away.

Since they had some time to kill, Hiccup pulled out his notebook along with its paired pencil and flipped to a new page near the back of the leather booklet. "Might be a while Toothless, might wanna grab a fish from the pond." He added while hobbling over to a mossy rock to sit down.

Toothless nodded, watching his rider awkwardly waltz to his usual sitting spot. His head ducked as his eyes locked on the prosthetic foot as it clanked against the pebbly ground. He wasn't used to seeing the blunt metal hook. Not when it was the price of his shortcomings that Hiccup was injured. In short, it was a source of a deep well of regret in his heart.

The night fury didn't dwell on the past however, not when he could still keep Hiccup happy and safe. A jump half a year back in time and he would never have allowed himself to be strapped with the assorted buckles and leather strips that mounted most of his broad black chest, yet a lot had changed since then.

Much of the human's mechanical wonders were a mystery to him, but with it he was able to take to the air; with the assistance of his rider of course.

The dragon padded over to the pond at the cove's center; their home away from home so to speak. Claws marks from when Toothless had first stumbled his way into it were still prominent in the craggy walls that encircled the overgrown alcove, including the anger and fear that came with them. That time now felt like an eternity away to him.

Toothless stretched his legs and peered into the depths of the water for a snack to snatch up. He waited silently, pupils widening. They drew into slits as a silvery gleam of scales caught his gaze, his head diving into the water and opened his jaws. His teeth sprang out as he closed his maw, snatching not one, but two fish in a single bite. He pulled his catch from the water with a throw of his head, sending a spray of water into the air.

He turned around to show Hiccup what he had caught, the human looking up from his notebook with a smirk. "Good job Toothless-" He began to congratulate jokingly, interrupting himself as one of the two fish the dragon had caught looked different from the norm.

Most fish in the pond were either rainbow trout or largemouth bass, each exclusively with silver or moss green colored scales respectively. Toothless had caught a fish Hiccup hadn't seen before, a fish with sleek black scales and a good couple extra inches of tail behind it. The dragon dropped both fish onto the ground to wriggle wildly. His head tilted with interest at the one that look rather similar to himself.

"And here I was hoping you wouldn't look as confused as I did!" Hiccup laughed, sliding off his rock and sliding his notebook into its pouch. Toothless batted at the dark fish skeptically, scooping up the not-so-strange trout he caught into his mouth to occupy his mouth while he played. The dragon wasn't sure about the black fish he had pulled from the water, nor did he trust something that so closely resembled those dreadful eels he avoided like the plague.

Chomping on his meal, Toothless whacked the fish a little too hard and sent the fish in Hiccup's direction, catching some air as it bounced off a rock like a ball. Hiccup brought up his arm to block the now wriggling fish hurtled towards his face. What he wasn't expecting was for the fish to latch onto his arm with its mouth and burrow whatever form of teeth it had into it like an oversized leech.

Hiccup yelled painfully and grabbed the fish, yanking it off without a moment's thought. Toothless rushed over to him as the fish was tossed to the ground, giving it an angry smack of his paw to knock it far away from his rider. Meanwhile Hiccup hissed with agony as he pulled back his sleeve to look at the wound. He hadn't thought any fish had sharp teeth to begin with, but the jagged and uneven rows of punctures seeping blood told otherwise.

The night fury beside him watched the bloody bite morosely. Somehow, he had himself to blame for yet another injury on Hiccup's body, who grunted in pain as he clutched his arm tightly.

"Man, this stings pretty bad, but I think I'll live, bud." He let go of his wounded arm and patted Toothless on the head to reassure the dragon, flashing a wavering smile to help. Toothless didn't seem too reassured however. "It's okay Toothless, not your fault."

The bite wound throbbed with pain, more so than it should have considering how shallow it looked. Nor was it getting better, quite the opposite. Instead of a stinging pain, the wound seemed to activate and turned into fire burning in the veins across his whole body after less than a minute. Was the fish venomous?

If so, Hiccup had learned another piece of the mystery that the black fish was. He staggered forward as dizziness suddenly began to take hold. Thankfully Toothless was quick to offer his head as support, eyes tainted with fear as he gave a sad questioning growl.

"I-i... don't know." Hiccup replied slowly, his vision beginning to blur. He reached for his side bag and grabbed a thin vial from within, thanking himself for keeping at least one antivenom on himself. He uncorked the bottle with a great deal of effort, pressing the open end to his lips just when a spasm rolled up his arm. Like a glassy tear the vial fell from his hand and plummeted to the ground where it shattered on the rocky ground.

"Fuck!" Hiccup spat out a rare swear, watching the pale green liquid mingle with the moss around where it had landed. His head dipped down, struggling to stay up. Pins and needles ran across his skin as his vision blurred. Hiccup reached for the other antivenom in his pouch when the world went dark, his last sight being Toothless's distressed expression as he hit the ground.


When he finally came to he felt incredibly sore, worse so than after the fight with Red Death, which was saying something. He tried and failed to lift an arm, which was completely numb. Even his eyelids, feeling heavier than iron, also had trouble moving for a couple minutes of fruitless effort. Slowly he got them to crack open, his vision swimming to the point he was starting to feel sick. He could see Toothless's snout at the bottom of his blurry field of view and tried to speak up; his jaw another part that failed to function it turned out.

A black figure entered his blurry field of view, faintly smooth with... frills on the side as far as he could tell. It was Toothless's face, but if he was not on top of him... what was? Hiccup's vision sharpened crazy fast out of nowhere, the blobs of black, blue, and green focusing into their respective shapes and figures faster than the blink of an eye. Despite his disoriented state, a small nugget of info about how the brain cut out the nose in a person's view rose to the surface, and, despite the feeling that he shouldn't, he shut one eye to see his nose.

There was no proper response for the nose, or rather the snout, that he was looking at. Thin slitted nostrils, an angular yet rounded muzzle, all of it wrapped up in a blanket of black pebbly flesh that shined in the sparse sunlight that poked through the tree line.

It was the snout of a night fury, and Toothless wasn't the one it belonged to.

Another realization came to Hiccup as his eyes widened, his vision expanding in turn along with it. Fighting the reality of the situation in his head, Hiccup brought up his arms to inspect, both feeling lighter than a feather but still with that weight he couldn't lift up a moment ago. Despite the signs he had been given, Hiccup surprise when he saw not the hands of a human but rather the paws of a dragon was just as extreme as all his other discoveries.

He flexed his paw and marveled as his claws curled inwards and touch his inner palm, unable to believe what his eyes were telling him. His eyes dilated somewhat out of control and brought forth a wave of motion sickness as he became acutely aware that his vision was vastly different from before. He shut his eyes until the feeling went away and continued observing his transformed body. A glance downward showed just low lengthy his whole body had become; the sleekness of his belly seamlessly connecting to his tail even more awe-striking when it was his. His set of wings were unfurled and spread eagle across the grass like silky blankets of pure blackness. A single thought was all it took to bring them up, the leathery skin's movements fast yet smooth despite being controlled by a complete amateur.

He was a night fury. A genuine, bonafide night fury!

"A-are you alright?" Toothless chimed, wonder and bafflement intertwined in his question. Hiccup didn't respond, his mouth opening slightly as he marveled at what was around him.

Like a newborn baby he took in the cove around him, so full of colors he hadn't noticed as a human. Hiccup could smell the humidity in the air, the faint scent of flowers and grass, even the smell of fish was on the winds sweeping into his nostrils. Surely this all had to be a dream, a blissful, wonderful dream. Right?

No, unless his dream was willingly making it mildly painful to have whatever rock was beneath him and jabbing into his spine, it was all too real. Like a record Hiccup's mind rolled back the disk, record scratch and all, to a point he had completely glossed over: Did Toothless just talk?

He looked towards his fellow dragon in shock (an expression which hadn't changed at all so far). "Did you just talk?" He exclaimed with a not-so-surprisingly deeper and more growling voice than normal.

Toothless's ears twitched, cocking a brow. "I... just spoke like I usually do?"

Hiccup blinked several times then shook his head feverishly. He curled his left wing after a minute of trying and rolled over, taking each action as slowly as possible yet still managing to fumble about trying to stand on all fours. Toothless wasn't speaking English, that was for sure because he could hear the dragon's growling and grumbling just like usual.

Yet somehow he could understand him perfectly, his ear flaps twitching in response and giving the reason away rather quickly. Hiccup's tail whacked against the rock he had been laying on in his growing excitement, a surprised yip coming from his lips as he whipped around without tripping over himself.

Toothless ducked under his tail as it came spinning towards his face. "Again, are you alright, Hiccup?" He repeated his prior question.

"Y-yes, I think so." The transformed human looked back at his tail and Toothless, waving the former up and down and side to side experimentally with a growing smile on his face. Hiccup's experimenting inadvertently gave Toothless a face full of his exposed rear, flashing slit and anus alike as he played with his new appendage.

Toothless had been holding his breath from the beginning Hiccup had fallen over and begun to transform, only now able to let it go and let another in. Because he had been holding it in all this time, the night fury hadn't taken in a whiff of Hiccup's scent at all. And when he did, it stirred something deep within his body and mind. The scent of another night fury was an experience he never had the pleasure of experiencing, and it was quite alluring.

Hiccup gasped as his partner's head pushed under his tail, feeling the dragon's hot breath rushing against his groin until he spun around to face Toothless.

"What are you doing?" He asked loudly with a flustered tone.

"You smell nice." was Toothless's answer, his pupils wide as plates as he pressed his head against Hiccup's neck and took in another deep breath. Hiccup held still while the night fury took to sniffing him, somewhat confused until he recalled how they've yet to find another night fury in their travels together.

"O-okay, guess it's not every day we come across another night fury..." Hiccup trailed off. He barely grasped the situation as it was by a thread, but with his extremely affectionate dragon he wasn't going to get much headway, especially not whe-

Toothless gave Hiccup a soft headbutt, knocking him back just enough where his shoddy footwork got him to fall onto his back with a resounding thud. It wasn't just Hiccup's scent that made that feeling bubble up, it was something else. He ignored Hiccup's complaining for now and sniffed down his rider's body, starting at his neck and working down to his groin rather quickly.

Each breath brought a nice waft of his faint musk the lower he went, relishing in the feeling the scent gave as his excitement grew more and more. His lips parted when he reached his slit, faint and unnoticeable to anyone but a fellow night fury, his tongue escaping its confines to drag over the black vent.

Hiccup shivered from head to tail with a gasp, feeling powerless as he let the dragon continue. Although he hadn't noticed it, Hiccup's own thoughts were already clouding as the air felt more and more humid, his pupils growing as he inadvertently began to relax. His groin felt hot, burning even, every time Toothless ran his tongue over his slit.

Toothless panted as he gave Hiccup another lick, the taste mildly salty and sweet at the same time, perplexing yet making him vie for more of it. When he ran his fat tongue across his slit one more time, he paused when he felt a bump that wasn't there before and pull his head back to inspect his handiwork.

Peeking up through Hiccup's black lips was a tapered tip of pinkish red flesh, shiny with the dragon's spit. A small hole near the taller end oozed a clear white fluid, and with the inch of cock revealed the purple flesh that housed it was slightly exposed.

Toothless sniffed the tip curiously and visibly shivered across his entire body when Hiccup's virile musk greeted him back. He crooned heartily when two nubs of flesh poked from his rider's slit, splaying out like a V in either direction as they freed themselves. The night fury brought his head back down and licked the protruding dick, making its owner curl his hind toes tightly.

The transformed human was swamped in the sensations and feelings he was being granted, ever part Toothless touched feeling too sensitive to be normal. His senses alone were overloading his head with every touch of the dragon between his legs and the scent of their growing arousal. He spasmed as Toothless began coercing more of his cock out for a taste test.

The instigator of this whole thing felt and heard everything Hiccup did, from the racing of his heart to the subtle and otherwise unsubtle twitches of his muscles. Each part of his body language told Toothless just how happy he was making his rider, yet he still felt hesitant nonetheless. In that hesitation he pulled his head back.

"D-do you want me to continue?" He asked loud enough for Hiccup to hear, worried about his response.

"Y...Yes!" Hiccup didn't need to think with his reply, only plead. His heart skipped when that slimy tongue crossed over the head of his member once more and brought a loud grunt out of him. The situation was beyond any words he could form, which was very few, so fretting over it got pushed back rather easily. Instead he wanted to experiment with his new body and maybe learn more about night fury's and dragons as a whole, especially if this change was permanent!

Given his consent, Toothless wasted no time bringing the rest of Hiccup's dick out. The head's rosy pink faded to a pasty cream yellow as half of his shaft came up, somewhat akin to his skin tone not even an hour prior. Before he could ponder the slow shift back to pink near Hiccup's base, his slit stretched wide to let out a fist-sized ball of flesh that truly served as its base.

With that last addition popping out with a delicious squelch came a viscous drop of pre that pulled the night fury's attention. Considering the already wonderful aroma he could both smell and taste in the air, Toothless earnestly licked the streak of pre before it slid down Hiccup's shaft.

The taste was peculiar, similar to the rainbow trout the was used to eating with its salty fish flavor, but with a bitter undertone. It took a second before the liquid's taste changed entirely, the bitterness blossoming into a sweeter, fruity aftertaste that lit a fire in the dragon's belly. Hiccup, who had begun getting used to the dragon's slow and curious licking, yipped in surprise when he wrapped his lips around his member and sucked on him. His member also jumped in surprise as it was suddenly enveloped in the dragon's warm mouth and assaulted by a tongue twice its size. Another drip of pre was caught by Toothless's tongue and fueled the fire of stealing even more of that clear nectar into his mouth.

"S-slow down Toothless!" Hiccup stammered loudly. But his words fell on deaf ears as Toothless ruthlessly sucked on his member for more of his sweet juices. He quivered and shook while the dragon wrapped his tongue up and around his cockhead over and over. The dragon's bumpy tongue along with his oversensitive dick drove him mad beyond words!

Looking like a wriggling worm he gasped, groaned, and squealed for mercy as the pressure to hold himself together grew too strong, his over sensitive phallus giving up what the dragon didn't know he was seeking. Hiccup's endurance was admirable, fighting every instinct he now had just to hold out a few seconds, let alone a minute, longer.

But in the end he was too inexperienced in anything sex related, dragon body or otherwise, and could only buck his hips feverishly as he succumbed to his aching need to cum with a reverberating roar. Two ropes of cum fired off one after another into Toothless's eagerly awaiting maw, the pulse of that rigid tower of flesh warning him well in advance that his hard work was about to be paid off.

The handful worth of jizz awarded Toothless with more of that sweet flavory goodness tenfold, piqued by an added pinch of spiciness befitting a night fury. As if anything could stop him before, Toothless rampantly latched his tongue onto Hiccup's head and gobbled down on every drop. The taste was addicting, so devilishly alluring to the night fury; titillating something within him beyond words.

On the other end Hiccup was making all sorts of high-pitch noises of pleasure. His hind legs twitched in the air, his tongue hung out of his mouth, heart thrumming with the world-bending orgasm that soured through his being right now. It was only natural that nothing could beat what he was feeling, the tingling warmth, the soft inside of Toothless's mouth wrapped around his member and gently sucking it; all of it made Hiccup feel gooey inside and quiver with bliss.

Even as it slowly subsided he could feel its radiance in his very bones, a fire seeded into his body and mind that he would never forget. Toothless reluctantly slid off his spent member, unintentionally eliciting a fit of squirming and exasperated moans from his rider. Hiccup's joyful expression made the night fury beam with happiness and begin wondering what else he could do to make Hiccup feel good.

A rare breeze sweeping into the cove told Toothless something that he had been neglecting this whole time, a shudder travelling up his spine as the autumn air brought a chill to his erect cock. Glancing down at it, his own member was painfully erect and oozing that same hazy white cream he had been relishing so much. Before he could think to try collecting his own cum with his mouth, a new scent took Toothless's nostrils by storm.

Looking up towards Hiccup's twitching and softening cock then slightly lower, his rider's tailhole suddenly held a lot more allure that it did before. His nose dialed in on the whiff of his earthy musk like a hawk, making his dick surge beneath him for a new and exciting desire to his it wrapped in Hiccup's tight passageway.

Hiccup, perhaps noticing the lull in the action, glanced up at the lustful and almost hungry expression on Toothless's face, a gleam of sunlight sheening off the dragon's erection pulling his attention to it. He deduced what Toothless wanted pretty much immediately after. And he wasn't at all willing to stop the horny night fury from continuing, having learned very little from just a quick oral session on a night fury's mating habits.

Although now it was almost entirely an excuse to continue riding the gravy train of intense pleasure as far as it could go. Toothless waddled closer and climbed atop Hiccup, his lustful staring honed on Hiccup's eyes almost like a predator. Despite knowing his intentions, it was still a frightening sight to see a night fury full of bottled up lust climbing over top of him.

The dragon's member slid across Hiccup's tail and smeared a thin line of natural lube across his oily black skin all the way to his puckered anus. Toothless regained a little of his senses when he saw the over so slight bit of fear in Hiccup's eyes, enough to ground his advances to a halt and give an apology:

"S-sorry... a-are you okay?" He asked in a strained voice, clearly struggling just to reign in his desires purely for Hiccup's sake.

"Y-yea, you can continue if you want." Hiccup replied shakily, a warm presence prodding against the soft ring of his hole. Toothless's eyes widened when the answer to his unmentioned question came from his rider's lips so easily, thinking for sure that Hiccup would have wanted to call it quits. He wasn't ready for that answer.

His body, however, was waiting for those words, and began moving his hips of their own accord. They reeled back and pushed forward in the blink of an eye, his fat tapered head spearing into Hiccup's ass like a knife through butter, weaseling past his ring's feeble resistance and embedding itself deep within his warm embrace; all with but a single thrust.

Sinking himself all the way to his knot in Hiccup's tight asshole, the two night fury's shared a deep and guttural gasp. Moving without control, Toothless began pounding into Hiccup like a rabid dog, powered purely by the full might of his base instincts alone. Although this was certainly a wondrous feeling for the dragon giving, the one receiving wasn't enjoying it nearly as much as his partner wanted.

Hiccup's felt like a fireball had been lit in his bowels with each rough and uncaring thrust Toothless let loose, stretching his sensitive walls to their fullest extent in a matter of seconds. The pain was acute, but he held out in hopes that the pain would fade eventually so he could enjoy their mating, but there was no adjusting to his rampant thrusts. Finally Hiccup could take it no longer and let out a mournful whimper filled with pain involuntarily as Toothless's knot drew dangerously close to breaking past his stretched, tender ring.

This time the lustful dragon's desires came to a complete and utter halt, like icy water had been dumped on his back while he was sleeping. And in a way, it _was_a wakeup call. He looked down at Hiccup's twisted and tearful expression, one not of love or even a hint of enjoyment, but of pain and even... fear.

No instinct could keep his hips thrusting after seeing his rider in distress, his legs even beginning to shake knowing he had failed him yet again. Toothless hung his head low without a sound, only now noticing that Hiccup was quivering in he wouldn't doubt as pain. He had ruined the moment the second he lost control, making him feel even more pitiful as he pulled his hips back to pull out of Hiccup, muttering his sorrowful apology.

However, Hiccup stopped his retreating by hooking his hind legs around the base of the dragon's tail; using that leverage to pull him back in with a throat gasp that reverberated through his chest.

"It's... okay Toothless, I w-want this more than anything else in th-e world." He assured, his legs shaking in spite of his words. His slitted eyes as far as he could control them to pull off the best puppy look he could muster, lips quivering as he added a quiet comment: "Just... take it a little slower."

It wasn't enough to ease his troubled heart entirely, Toothless believe in the words his partner spoke, thanks in part to the utterly adorable expression he made that did well to melt the dragon's heart. With the utmost restraint he began with a rhythmic and slow pace of thrusting into Hiccup's ass, gentle as a kitten with every one of his moves this time.

The results were immediately a far cry from when they started as Hiccup began to purr heavily, his formerly sagging member rapidly climbing back to its full glory within seconds. Soft squelches came when the night fury pulled back, followed by its muffled twin as he slid back into that achingly wondrous warmth.

Hiccup's walls quivered around Toothless with each and every movement; a new fiery warmth burrowed in his chest blossoming into existence slowly. His thrusts, even when contained, sent a ripple along Hiccup's lower half as his hips slapped against his hind legs. The smacking of flesh against flesh akin to the steady beat of a hammer on stone as the two night fury's love making continued to pick up speed and passion.

Their lust for one another and the pleasure the felt with one another were made heard through their wild and passionate squabbles and growls, Hiccup being especially noisy with his own cock oozing out a thick stream of pre. Toothless, still new to the whole action, kept his instincts on a tight leash as he let them control his hips so he could relish his rider's tight and inviting passage. Something was building within him, slowly but steadily heating up like a flame while he pumped into Hiccup. He planted his feet on either side of his rider and rutted harder into him, squeezing his eyes shut as that flame exploded within him, releasing a guttural roar that shook the air around them and sent more than a few flocks of birds scattering from the forest above.

Now anyone who was within a kilometer radius wouldn't be able to miss the two's heated love session. With that roar came Toothless's countless years of pent of lust into the bowels of his rider, both shivering with delight as the night fury's thrusts drew short and feverishly uneven.

"S-so warm!" Hiccup exclaimed as the dragon's seed flooded in, his own cock firing off a few feeble streaks just from the fiery heat pouring into him by the bucket full. All four of his legs quivered while his tail and wings spastically twitched with the torrent of gooey goodness soaking into him so nicely.

The thrusting of the night fury's spewing dick within him tapered off finally, letting him just be awash in an entirely new feeling that tingled and soothed him to the core. Toothless lifted his head and crooned heartily, both for this wondrous feeling of release and for the fact that such a moment was one he could share with Hiccup.

His sonorous call made Hiccup's ears twitch and bubble forth an urge to join him; Hiccup's head lifting upwards to let the same tune pour from his lips. Altogether it was a sight of its own make, two of the most feared and dangerous dragons pressed to one another with heads lifted skyward to sing their hearts out like a couple of songbirds.

Unknown to either of them, one lucky person was taking in this one in a lifetime scene with her own two eyes. In her hand was a leather fin nearly identical to the one strapped to the end off Toothless's tail, currently folded up tight.

Astrid had been somewhere near the midpoint between the two's secret cove and Berk, which was to say at the heart of the densely overgrown forest, when she heard the roar of a dragon. Although she wasn't as well-versed in everything dragon related as her friend, she still recognized it as ne from a night fury: of which she knew only one in existence at all.

This got her running at near top speed, knowing that Toothless seldom roared so loudly that she could hear it from so far away. And even then it was very faint, which didn't help her anxiousness as she rushed towards the hidden cove. If Hiccup and Toothless were in trouble with the shoddy fin strapped on, there was no doubt that they needed her help, and soon.

This also meant she couldn't just drop the one she had and run at her full speed with it jostling in her hands each step of the way, not if they needed it. None, none of what she had been worried about could hold a candle to the real scenario in the cove.

Firstly, Hiccup was nowhere to be seen. The only trace of him at all being his discarded notebook close to cove's rocky wall. However, Toothless was here, and he wasn't alone; which brought up the second point.

Toothless was with another night fury!

Her shock and elation that Toothless had possibly found a new friend was quickly shoved onto the backburner when she noticed that the term friend didn't quite fit the bill. Which was the third and final point: the two dragons were undoubtedly mating, which was the greatest influence for her frozen stance.

Not knowing they had an audience, Hiccup quivered and moaned a bit as Toothless shifted, his massive member and stirred his full insides. He felt incredibly full and just as groggy in nearly every one of his senses, being already leaps and bounds above what he had as a human, having been cranked to the maximum by Toothless's advances.

Not that he could, nor would, deny the dragon's love knowing the absolutely legendary experience he had gained from it. Their mating calls trickled off as Toothless's cock finished dispensing his pent-up load into Hiccup's overflowing tailhole. With that his head flopped to the ground with a heavy thud, Toothless coming down overtop him soon after. They both just focused on catching their breath and relishing in their conjoined delight.

Hiccup tried to express his gratitude to Toothless, but only a slurry mix of words made it passed his tired lips. Toothless replied by burying his head in the crook of Hiccup's neck and purring loudly. In return he got a nice, snug hug from his rider.

"You're so soft and warm, Toothless." Hiccup whispered, shutting his eyes and just listening to his sonorous purring. The tranquility of the cove felt wonderfully perfect: the rushing of water from the waterfall and the gentle rustling of the trees above. And most of all was the warmth of Toothless resting on his chest, the dragon's breathing alone radiating his power and strength with each soft rumble of his chest against him.

It was enough to bring a tear of joy to his eye, if the smile across his snout wasn't enough to express how he felt. Sadly he would have to remake the moment later if he wanted to bask in it again because he heard something grinding against the cove's mossy cliff, his eyes shooting open and whipping towards where the noise came from. A split second went by where he was afraid someone or something dangerous was prowling towards them, which would also mean he had to learn one of two things: fight or flight.

Thankfully a glimpse of blond hair fluttering behind a rather thick protruding tree root brought Hiccup's guard down and breathe a sigh of relief. It was only Astrid...

He snapped out of his relaxed state and struggled beneath Toothless, the other dragon confused as to why his partner was acting so wildly all of the sudden. He complied by climbing off the frantic night fury, his semi-erect cock free to fully shrink back into his slit while he moved his sluggish legs.

Hiccup felt equally slow and lethargic, despite his lack of familiarity to his new form, as he rolled onto his stomach and staggered to his feet. A feeling that he thought came close to a waterskin brimming with water as a definite weight shifted enough to sway him a step. His cheeks burned with the knowledge of what stirred inside him, and then even more when he thought about what Astrid might have seen!

The human in question, rightfully knowing almost nothing about the situation inside the cove, hid behind the massive tree root she was climbing down with her axe jammed into the strong wood. The night fury that had been so blissful looking was now on full alert and fixating its thin-slitted eyes directly at her hiding place. She was more than a little afraid that it could be hostile to humans, smiling faintly at how that should have been common sense to any viking a couple months ago.

She silently cursed Hiccup for not being with her, the dragon tamer aficionado surely having some plan or knowledge he could use to diffuse the mess she had jumped into carelessly. Ironically, Hiccup didn't have a clue on what to do about their situation in the least. The cum leaking dragon tried and failed to think of how he could possibly begin explaining this whole thing to Astrid. No, he was in a full-blown panic about it instead.

Again his mind asked the question about what and how much she had seen before climbing down. He realized she was hiding from him when she peeked out from behind her hiding spot then back when their eyes met. Feeling like an idiot, he realized she obviously didn't know who he was and almost slapped himself on the snout for not realizing it sooner

He suddenly felt like an idiot when he realized she didn't know who he was and almost slapped himself in the face for not realizing it sooner. Perhaps he could just pretend to be Toothless's mate, not that it was entirely wrong now, and then... No, that wouldn't work. The 'Hiccup' she knew was essentially missing, which would only throw the entire village into a frenzy, especially his father. His train wreck of thoughts got put aside when Toothless nuzzled him to get his attention.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, voice so sweet and loving yet just as filled with concern.

"Astrid's behind that root." He whispered and pointed to her hiding spot. "And I have no idea how to explain this to her." Hiccup was suddenly hopeful, thinking maybe he could come up with a plan for a change. Toothless looked over to the root in question then nodded slightly.

"Could we just tell her the truth?" the dragon furrowed his brow and turned back to Hiccup, the look in his eyes clearly showing that he was, in fact, not joking at all with that reply.

Hiccup mortified look lasted a good few seconds before he sighed in defeat. "It's not every day that you get bitten by a fish and turn into a dragon. Besides, there's no way in hell she'd believe that."

Astrid noticed the two dragons had turned to another and were conversing, choosing this moment to slid down the rest of the tree root and drop down behind a mossy boulder. Despite how well she executed the move, the mechanical fin she was still holding onto fell from her grasp and crashed against the ground loudly. The clang of metal hitting against the rock whipped the two's eyes to her new hiding spot, Toothless far less anxious than Hiccup as he gave the other night fury a look.

"Maybe I could at least get her to trust you a bit more?"

"What? Why doesn't she... trust..." Hiccup was rather offended with Toothless's point until he took a sec to understand his point. "I-I'll go wash up then, since cum dripping from my ass doesn't exactly help a conversation."

With that the two dragons broke away from one another, Toothless sauntering forward towards Astrid while Hiccup awkwardly waddled into the lake to try and regain some of his modesty. The water felt warm as he waded in, not nearly as warm as Toothless or the 'present' he left in his rear, but warm nonetheless.

Fish scattered away as he sank further and further into the water like a shadow, a shadow that was slowly being silhouetted in a vague white hue. Hiccup began scratching at his belly to scrape some of the cum that didn't immediately float off his craggy skin, taking a moment to squeeze it so he could expel a small amount as well.

While Hiccup was lamenting the overwhelmingly embarrassing act of cleaning himself out, Toothless stood on the other side of Astrid's hiding spot and listened to her erratic breathing. A small grunt made her go silent, a small chuckle escaping the dragon. He recalled just how fearless and even bold during their "eventful" first encounter so long ago, so the fact that she was wavering now of all times did bring his playfulness down somewhat. Much to his dismay.

Seeing he shouldn't beat around the bush much, Toothless turned and slid his tail around the side of the rock and gave the tip a light shake, the spare fin's hinges squeaking noisily. Astrid, tensed and ready for the fight of her life, actually let out an uncharacteristic squeak of her own when she heard the noise to her right.

Her trained hand began to swing her axe over her head before she even noticed what made the noise. A flash of black and brown slowed her enough to notice it was Toothless who made it clear that it was him, the metal jingle registering shortly after. The sigh of relief that came from her was heavy as she eased her grip on her axe, standing up from her crouched position and walking out to look at the dragon on the other side. His other partner was up to its nose in the lake behind him, emerald eyes fixated on her like two lasers. The way it blended in with the water was frightening, akin to an alligator with the way it just barely poked its head out to watch her.

She took a breath to force her heart to calm, not letting it out of her sights as she slightly turned over to Toothless. "Where's Hiccup?" Was the first question she needed answered. Toothless glanced over at Hiccup and pointed a claw at him with a mix between a soft grumble and a growl as an added bonus. That seemed to be the incorrect answer somehow as her hand squeezed the axe handle tighter with gritted teeth.

"Did it eat him?" She retorted. Toothless gave a panicked growl and chook both his head and forepaws before she (probably) went over and cut Hiccup into pieces. She sighed yet again and loosened her grip. "Elaborate... somehow."

Toothless opens and closes his mouth several times like a suffocating fish trying to figure out what to say, his paws hovering in the air as he turned to Hiccup and pleaded for help with his eyes alone. Hiccup, still up to his jaw in the murky water trying his hardest to not be noticeable, worriedly waded out of the water with his own eyes begging someone other than him to resolve his problem.

At the very least he felt most of Toothless's "leftovers" were out of his system, so at least he had that as a very minor plus. He shook himself dry once he was out. He visibly saw Astrid tense up as he hesitantly approached, her eyes bolting to Toothless with concern. He sighed then sat on his haunches, waving at her awkwardly and gave a meek greeting: "H-hi Astrid."

Hiccup turned to Toothless with a questioning stare, a stare that clearly asked "How did you expect this to work?". He glanced back to Astrid to see her in utter shock, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"You can talk?" She finally shouted out after a solid minute of silence. Never in a million years did she think a dragon could ever get a single word of English (or any other language for that matter) out so clearly, let alone greet her by name!

"Wha-, you can understand me?" Hiccup felt more confused than her, somehow.

"Y-yes." She replied after several breaths in a noticeably calmer voice, which was still sprinkled with unease. Hiccup, still not believing her, turned to Toothless with a judgmental look.

"Am I speaking English or not?" The night fury shrugged and nodded his head as if it wasn't such a big deal.

"You were just speaking human like usual, I thought you noticed." Was his excuse.

"E-Excuse me, but do you know where Hiccup is?" Astrid interrupted. The wildest answer possible lingered in the back of her mind despite the pieces slowly coming together. "I'm sure he'd love to meet another night fury, especially one that can talk!"

Hiccup sighed and pointed a claw to himself. "I am Hiccup."

Astrid fell silent again. Her brow stitched tighter and tighter as the seconds sluggishly passed, both dragon's in front of her beginning to sweat bullets. Finally she smiled, even laughed in an almost hysterical way like she had gone completely crazy. This made the two sweat even harder, sharing a fearful look to one another until she finally explained herself:

"I'm dreaming, hahaha!" She stated as all the tension in her body came undone instantly. Toothless and Hiccup fearful gaze flipped to one of hope as they realized they might have found an out to this dead=end conversation.

"So, how did you turn into a dragon Hiccup?" Astrid continued, rubbing her temple with relief. Hiccup retold how Toothless had found a black fish that ended up biting and changing him to his current state. He coincidentally left out the mating session and finally finished his tale, still visibly afraid of how she would respond to all of this.

Astrid just nodded with her arms folded over her chest, fully willing to accept her "dream's" facts as just that. But she didn't give him any time to relax and fired off another question: "So what exactly were you two up to a minute ago?"

It was the question Hiccup never wanted to hear her ask, yet all his hopeful wishing went up in smoke at that very moment. He went still as a statue when those words left her mouth, left unable to give any kind of reply. More time went by until Toothless noticed his rider's inability to talk and lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

"Are you alright? Surely telling her about us mating is that bad, right?" He asked with a well-hidden smirk. This managed to get Hiccup out of his stone-like state to turn towards him with a look of disbelief.

"Having sex with a dragon is beyond strange Toothless, and probably taboo! So how could I explain that to her?"

"Like that." Toothless nodded with a smile. Had Hiccup still been a human his skin would have turned paler than a ghost, his expression just as haunting as he realized Toothless had tricked him. Astrid stifled one of her rare giggles with a hand.

"Hah! I always thought he would be a bottom!" She chimed with a unhindered laugh. Toothless also chuckled in agreement with her, the two sharing a knowing gaze to one another.

"Stop it!" Hiccup squealed with embarrassment, covering his head with his paws. He curled into a ball while the two pummeled a few more comments into him until he instead covered his ears with his hands and wrapped his wings around himself. Astrid was really enjoying how authentic her "dream" version of Hiccup was acting and leaned in towards the crack in his wings to shoot a question to Toothless.

"So how was he Toothless?" She gave a toothy smile to the dragon, which only widened more when he churred and heartily nodded his head. This had its intended effect as Hiccup squeezed further into a ball of pure humiliation. His reaction made the viking laugh a little more before letting her mind wander into the field of extreme.

"What does a night fury's dick look like, Hiccup?" She thought aloud shamelessly. He had been expecting the question to come eventually, but it still caught him off guard. Hiccup glanced out of his wing fort expecting it to be another jest at him. But seeing her woefully honest face brought several emotions fluttering in his heart all at once. Surely she knew what she was implying with the question!

Hiccup still held his crush from way back deep within his heart, but she had only just begun warming up to him after he had met Toothless. And with just a few words it had been dug up. His stomach was brimming with butterflies at the thoughts that began swirling in his head, the tip of his tail beating against the ground in the loosest equivalent of a dragon blushing.

His slit began to part when the thought of having her as a mate surfaced, shaking his head when the word lover somehow got swapped out. Even his newly formed dragon instincts "thought" of her as a strong and, this thought brought a bad taste to his mouth, ripe for mating. Hiccup smacked himself on the skull to remove those thoughts with brute force alone.

The two on the outside of his wing tent heard the faint thumps as he battled his own thoughts. Toothless knew his rider well, especially when he was lamenting over something for too long, and decided to give him a little helpful nudge. While the self-conscious dragon was lost in his self-beating, Toothless placed a paw on one of his sides and gave a much harder push than last time. The result was the same as Hiccup was turned belly up with ease and gave his pinkish-purple pillar some much needed air.

Astrid took the night fury's aid as an answer to her question and drifted her eyes to her target. Sure, she hadn't been expecting anything in particular, but it was still a shock to her for both its color, shape, and most of all the length that could put any human to shame. Hiccup attempted to right himself when Toothless placed a firm paw onto his belly to keep him put. The small amount of force that would normally only stop a newborn dragon was enough for Hiccup; a smug look crossing Toothless's face.

Astrid approached the upturned dragon, crouching down at his head giving his snout a firm kiss. "You can relax." She whispered softly. The dragon was awestruck that his lifelong crush had actually given him a kiss despite what he was right now, his cheeks burning hotter and his resistance draining entirely. He didn't stop her as she climbed over his head and crawled along his belly to his fully erect cock.

"Pretty creative for a dream, was expecting something more human." She commented to herself and gave the shiny member a light stroke, making it throb in response. Toothless lifted his paw off of Hiccup and moved beside Astrid, that itching hunger for more of his rider's essence rising within him. While he was interested in doing what he did before, it didn't seem fair to hog Hiccup all to himself with Astrid around.

So instead he took a more passive approach and took the other side of Hiccup's cock to lick. Astrid smirked and wrapped both her hands on Hiccup's pole, feeling the warmth it radiated as she began stroking up and down at a slow pace. Between Astrid's more nimble fingers and Toothless's broad and slimy tongue, Hiccup had nothing to complain or argue about. Instead he brought a heaty moan to life every time Astrid's hands rubbed the two frills protruding from his tip.

Aided by both Hiccup's pre and Toothless's spit, Astrid began pumping the dragon's length faster. Her nostrils burned with the earthy aroma of a night fury, the air feeling stuffy and hot as Astrid found herself heating up, especially in her lower half. A quiver from Hiccup fed that feeling as more of his hot sap rolled down onto her hand, which she brought to her mouth to give a long and slow lick.

The same taste that had captured Toothless found itself on her taste buds and stoked the flame within her. Hiccup was getting close to his limit sooner than anticipated, voicing this fact in a high-pitched, quivering voice. The two servicing him met eye-to-eye at some point - a spark of knowledge or something of the sort connecting the two. The wondrous warmth of Toothless's tongue and the dexterous touch of Astrid's hands left Hiccup's penis in a second, leaving it twitching and sputtering for release that wouldn't come.

Hiccup didn't even respond to the pause for a good few seconds; thinking it was only a short breather before his splendid finish. But after those few seconds passed he groggily lifted his head and saw the two staring back at him - smiling.

"Why did you stop?" his voice eked out with want. Her reply came as her hands slid behind her back and unbuttoned something, and subsequently her spiked leather skirt flopped down onto his groin. Astrid rolled it up and tossed it aside before removing her heavy shoulder pads and did the same to them. She slid off Hiccup's side and, still giving the upturned dragon a sly smirk, stripped off her fur boots and gloves.

With just those few articles of clothing removed Hiccup had seen more of her body than ever before, not for a lack of trying though. And she was still going! Her blue tunic came off afterwards to reveal more of her womanly flesh to her horny onlookers, even making a show of it by taking it slow over her petite breasts. Although the two were more than a little disappointed that her shirt hid a tight fitted leather bra that held back her breasts from jiggling free, their spirits were lifted as her thumbs hooked inside her cloth pants and slowly pulled them down.

Toothless and Hiccup wide-eyed expressions only grew as they took in Astrid's surprisingly womanish body, the latter's still-twitching member making an embarrassing show of throbbing at the sight of her. Astrid's curves, while hardened by years of viking training and manual labor, still maintained the beauty of a woman in full bloom with her radiant skin and smooth shape. Before either night fury knew it, Astrid's bra came flying towards one of them, the stunned and upturned Hiccup not even moving as the leather attire perfectly covered his eyes.

His neck scrunched up in an incredibly delayed reaction; giving a surprised cry that his view of the show had been s rudely taken away. He heard a croon from Toothless as he grabbed a piece of the bra and plucked it from his face, ready to complain to Astrid about her action. Naturally he never got to voice his complaint, not when Astrid had already taken of the last of her attire and was sauntering away from him; making sure both he and Toothless got as many glimpses of her feminine sex as humanly possible with every step.

With enough distance between her and them, Astrid partially turned around and lifted a hand towards them to beckon with a finger, slowly and sensually with a powerful gaze that could pierce any man's heart, even a dragon's in this case.

"I'm not sure when I'll be waking up, but I hope it's long enough to enjoy this." She whispered to herself, lowering herself to the ground until she was on all fours. The pose was incredibly revealing (not that anyone was surprised by this fact) and brought a crimson blush to her face just thinking about it. All of it she had never done before, and the fact that this was all inside her head had kept her calm and confident.

Pulling her thoughts together, Astrid gave another glance at the dumbfounded expression on Hiccup's face and, with all the confidence she had, beckoned to him with a lustrous and soft tone: "Hiccup, you wouldn't mind sticking that dick of yours somewhere cozier, would you?"

The question made both her and Hiccup's cheeks burn like stars; the former still incredibly embarrassed by the words that had left her mouth while the latter was awestruck by them instead. For Hiccup this was his dream come true! Albeit a bit twisted given his drastic difference in every category. While his mind was frazzled, it still got the gears turning to accept her request - body twisting to give his legs purchase and waddle towards her; sticky member waving side to side between his hind thighs. His form overshadowed Astrid's as he drew close, his mouth hanging ever so slightly open as his gaze glossed over her.

Toothless watched him waddle overtop Astrid in much the same way he had done to Hiccup prior - his own member given the breath of life from the scene before him. With Hiccup overtop her, Astrid looked behind her and reached for the dragon dong brushing against her buttcheeks; a deep rumbling growl emanating from Hiccup's chest with her gentle yet firm touch.

After a bit of manhandling the overexcited dragon's member into position Astrid arched her back to rub his tip against her pussy. Hiccup's chest shook with his constant growls, at the end of his rope just wrangling in his wind thoughts together, much less control himself when his crush was pressing his manhood against her nethers!

His hips thrusted instinctively before either were ready for it, Hiccup's member spearheading its way into Astrid's virgin hole a good three inches right away; her unprepared walls flexing painfully wide to make way for the pink cockhead. Astrid let out a pained gasp as acute pain struck her like a- actually it didn't feel bad at all, kind of the opposite in fact, but neither Toothless nor Hiccup knew this.

Both dragons took a sharp breath and held it, Hiccup not daring to move a muscle no matter how much his body urged him to. Nothing could shake his fear of Astrid, dragon body or not. The air seemed to come to a standstill as Hiccup very slowly and carefully lowered his head to see what Astrid's reaction was - a plan to try and fly away before she could get ahold of anything sensitive hatching in his mind. His heart almost shattered under his fear as her face slowly came into view, her annoyed expression making him tense with pain like his heart had been squeezed.

"What are you waiting for?" Hiccup flinched as soon as those words left Astrid's lips, too afraid to actually listen to what she said while he spat out apologies like a machine gun.

"I'm sorryI'm sorryI'm sorryI'm sorryI'm so-aaaAAAHHhaaa!" Astrid sighed as she was reminded just how awkward the dragon on top of her actually was and cut him off by pushing her rear against his still-rigid member to shut him up. She already had plenty of time to adjust to his size despite it being her first time, dream or not, and let out a throaty sigh of relief when it spread her tight passage just a little more. Another push accompanied by the dragon's quivering voice got his hips working again, albeit at a slug's pace.

His member lurched with vigor within its confines, hot walls converging around it and bringing lancing sparks of pure pleasure rocketing up Hiccup's spine. The feeling was _overwhelming_as he pulled back for another thrust with a wet slurp. A rough rhythm hammered itself out slowly and gaining speed with each blissful second. And for the first time in her life, Astrid relaxed and let out a moan of pleasure, biting her lower lip as Hiccup rocked her in place.

Toothless meanwhile stayed off to the side and enjoyed the show, pawing at his own member with mild success, grunting in both frustration and pleasure loud enough for Astrid to take notice. "Hey Toothless, want some help with that?" She said loudly over Hiccup's rough breathing and grunting. The dragon's head perked up, surprised she of the two possible candidates would be the one to give. As he happily waltzed over to take her up on that offer, Hiccup's overbearing frame that eclipsed the smaller human was the first hurdle to overcome. The solution came to be as Toothless slid under Hiccup and slopped onto his side right in front of Astrid, scooching his rear closer so his member was well within reach.

And after a few powerful thrusts from Hiccup that had her rocking against the ground, Astrid leaned over and took the tip of Toothless's dripping member into her mouth. While not as warm or spacious as Hiccup's backside, Toothless churred delightfully when her soft tongue started working over his tip with deliberate slowness; The spit roasted human moaning with each heavy thrust from the night fury over her.

And with all members, in both sense of the means, participating, the trio found a steady back-and-forth rhythm with Hiccup's rough thrusts pressing Astrid further onto Toothless's rod. Feeling stuffed brought new feelings of elation to the young girl, ones she never thought possible until now! She sucked against the dragon meat in her mouth as much as she could, the twitching cock radiating a powerful musk; each lungful of his powerful scent making her head feel lighter and even more lustful.

Every thrust brought a wave of succulent pleasure flashing across her skin, every lick of the dragon shaft in her mouth a taste of the powerful and addictive taste she just couldn't get enough of, and each new inch on either side brought out just how much she could handle, which was getting close to their knotted bases.

Midway through Astrid give a loud muffled moan as her first orgasm came, splattering Hiccup's already soaked member in a bit more of her slick juices. Her walls squeezed tighter around his member, his almost fiery breath getting heavier with each thrust as he neared his own end. A feral desire to knot her kept him from finishing just yet however, his core quivering with the desire to sheath himself within his mate, to make her his.

Toothless was also reaching his peak, enjoying the softness of Astrid's throat and the way she played with his two wide yet sensitive frills at his head with her tongue. The hard slaps of Hiccup's hips beating against the human's petite rear along with his primal grunts helped set the scene for the senior night fury as well, to say nothing of the wonderful scent of sex in the air.

Hiccup gave up any pretense of holding back finally, the dam inside his head bursting open to drench his head in his lusting needs and hammered away at the entrance blocking his knots unyielding girth. Astrid's moans reached a pitch as a second climax struck her seemingly out of nowhere, her arms at their limit keeping her upright with the pounding she was subject to. Her pussy widened as far as it could to take in the dragon's inflated knot during his frantic humping.

Toothless moaned with pleasure thanks to Astrid's noises, sliding his length as far as he could down her throat before unleashing the last of his cum down it with a shiver. His knot was woefully left out of the party, but he hardly cared as long as he could bask in the wondrous passage Astrid had loosened up with her latest orgasm. Like a string of firecrackers the three came one after another, with Hiccup taking up the rear.

A bestial roar bellowed from his agape toothy maw as he finally came, the world shaking around him as he fired his hot load deep within Astrid's snatch. Each string brought blazing ecstasy coursing the two's veins, bodies closer than ever before. Toothless was the first to pull out, letting Astrid take a much-needed breather as she coughed to clear her now sore throat. The strength in her limbs left her to slump against the ground tired. Her butt remained lifted high as the knot anchoring her to Hiccup made it clear they were going to be together a while longer.

The human's eyes drifted close, drifting off to sleep soundly despite her awkward position. The colossal thump of Hiccup flopping beside her went unheard to the already dreaming Astrid, although a moan did stir from her lips when his throbbing member shifted inside her. Hiccup didn't bother trying to keep her awake, he needed all the time he could get to think up an excuse to what he had just done. But he just felt so sluggish.

"It feels... like I just... ran two marathons..." Hiccup huffed, feeling completely out of breath after coming back to his senses. Hell, seeing Astrid dozing so peacefully brought to light his own sleepiness. His eyelids began to drift close when Toothless poked him in the side with a claw.

"I feel the same... although I have no clue what a marathon is. But sleeping probably wouldn't be a good idea, since she'll probably wake up before you." Hiccup groaned when he realized Toothless had a point, lamenting his decisions almost immediately.

"Oh gods, I shouldn't have followed her silly dream idea in the first place!" he muttered with a low groan. Why did he follow that idea when all it did was push the problem further down the road!?

"Haha, you seemed to be enjoying it earlier!" Toothless added in a semi-mocking tone. Although even he was a bit fearful for when Astrid actually woke up, especially since he was Hiccup's accomplice!

In hushed tones they beat around any and every idea they could come up with before Astrid woke up. For once the usual plan maker kept coming up empty-headed as he instead overthought what wrath would be unleashed upon him after their all-too-brief rest came to a close...

The End...

A Tale of Grass & Fire Chapter 8: Trepidation

This story is implemented with a skip feature. Use CTRL + F and search for %%%% to immediately skip to the beginning of any sexual content within the story. * * * Quilava cracked open her eyes slowly, being greeted by a blinding whitish yellow glare...

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Life in a Nuclear Apocalypse (3/4)

This story is implemented with a skip feature. Use ctrl + f and search for %%%% to immediately skip to the beginning of any sexual content within the story. * * * "Your joking, right? Like, you're actually fucking with me." Rose asked, both...

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Confidence Boost

* * * This story is implemented with a Skip feature. Use CTRL + f and search for %%%% to immediately skip to the beginning of any sexual content within the story. * * * "Welcome home, Arthur!" Lucario stated happily to the grey-furred wolf as he...

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