The Unwilling Gameshow

Story by Topo on SoFurry

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#3 of Gin stories

Seems Gin has stumbled across another unfortunate time with me. Teasing him is so worthwhile believe me!

Dedicated to Ginsey, he can be found here:

The morning sun had started to peak over the horizon, painting the city with a hue of orange light. Traffic bustled in the city, pedestrians walking to their destinations on densely populated streets. A street near the outskirts of the city was a two-story house, painted green and white with a red tiled roof, across from a generic arts and crafts store.

Sitting on his couch, Gin stretched, yawning. He sat idly watching some morning cartoons put on by a local broadcaster, some silly shenanigans of a rabbit and a fox battling it out. There was a knock on the door. Letting out a small groan, the blue and green deer's ears perked up catching the slight hint of paper.

Gin opened the door, seeing a smaller bipedal blue dragon wearing a small cap holding an envelope of some sort. The dragon's eyes shined in spirit, "delivery for Mr. Ginsey. I've been directly assigned to give it to this address."

"Yes, that's me." Gin groaned from the morning, "I'll take that from you now."

He took the envelope from the small dragon, standing there with a shy smile on him. "Well, if you want to talk...?"

Gin thought about it, "Sure, you can come in if you want to. Take a seat, I'll make you some tea." The small dragon beamed, stepping into his house taking a seat on the couch. Gin entered the kitchen, switching the kettle on from the wall and started to boil the water. He set a mug down, dropping a teabag into the rim. Waiting for the kettle to boil, he grabbed the envelope from earlier and opened it.

Gin read its contents out loud, "Come down to the showgrounds at 10:00 am sharp for a special event you have been specifically selected for." He eyed it suspiciously, but shrugged, finishing up the tea and bringing it out to the dragon in the lounge.

"Hey, thanks for inviting me, it's not very often that people talk to me, they usually grab their mail and shut the door on me."

Gin smiled, "that just seems plain rude, why would I ever do that? Apparently the envelope you gave me has an invitation down to the showgrounds. Do you know where that is?" Gin asked.

The blue dragon pondered, "I thought that was just down the street from this house here. You don't know of it? You live here."

Doubtful, Gin opened the front door, peeking down the street and seeing a large building with a few acres of land a block down his street. "I could have sworn that was not there this morning. That doesn't make any sense."

The blue dragon took a sip of his tea, "I noticed it on the way here." He took a glance at his phone, checking the time. "Holy, you might want to leave now. Wish we could chat; it's not often people don't shut me out."

Gin reached into the pocket of his jeans, pulling his phone out, turning the screen on, "Yeah, it's almost ten. Though that makes no sense, I swear that wasn't there last night. If you want you can come with me, I have nothing better to do today."

The dragon beamed with excitement, "really? I'd be honoured. Also, my name's Lazule. Like the gemstone, lapis lazuli." Gin left the house, squinting at the adjustment of light. The morning breeze bit at his fur, rubbing his shoulders to compensate. Lazule exited behind him, wearing his red cap, partially covering his snout.

"How come you don't wear any clothes?" Gin asked as they wandered down the street.

"I don't find any need to. Unlike you mammals, I don't care about being that modest about my appearance. Clothes feel too restricting anyway."

The showgrounds were just a few metres away, coming up in the distance. "It still makes no sense how this is here. It was like it was just built overnight." The showground had now come upon them, the street remained quiet. There was an absence of people and cars for so early in the morning, it was usually a busier time of day.

"You know, did that invitation mention anything about what was happening here?" Lazule spoke.

Gin shook his head, "not that I'm aware of. All it said was to come here at ten. I have my doubts, especially considering the location. I'm glad you're here."

Lazule blushed, "well your friendly, so that's all I need. Let's head in, its cold out here."

Gin administered a faint chuckle over the wind, "you're the one who decided to come out here without any clothes on. I thought dragons were supposed to be resistant to cold." The building had a small staircase leading up to it, two glass doors connected to a wooden frame. Bricks lined the walls, and a porch above them that was secured by metal poles.

They ascended the staircase, grabbing a metal pole connected to the glass and pushing the door open. "Like I said, clothes feel restricting, and look at me! I'm tiny, shorter than you and that's saying something! You expect me to be warm, I'm not like those really strong dragons you see in the magazines."

Gin just shook his head, looking into the building's interior and spotting a receptionist standing at the front desk. A bulky Roo with a blue tuft of fur over his eyes stood smiling, a slight twitch to his right eye. He waved at them from a distance. "Hey! Over here, Ginsey right?"

Gin approached the Roo, a desk separating them. "Yes, that's me! It's Gingey though, don't know why people keep calling me that. Can I ask what is happening here? The invitation had nothing specific written on it."

"You've been selected to do a special competition; we're conducting a pilot episode for a new game show. We need at least four contestants. You were the first one to show up, only three more now."

"Who are the other contestants then?" Gin asked.

"I believe we had two from further into the city, personal invites, and one from the art and crafts shop across the street from your house." The Roo replied. "We need to get you ready for the episode, if you come around the back, we can get you set up."

"What about me?" Lazule spoke up. The Roo had to peak over the desk to see his horns poking just above it. "Oh sorry, I didn't see you there!" the Roo spoke under his breath, "he's perfect, how'd you love to join? I think I could squeeze one more spot just for you."

Lazule piped up, "I'd love too! That means we can do it together, I'm sure work won't miss me, they never acknowledge me when I'm there anyway."

The Roo waved his paw, "this way, let's get you two prepared while we wait for the others."

Gin and Lazule went around to the side of the desk, lifting a small pull-up tab. They followed the kangaroo into the backroom, the lights still off. The Roo closed the door behind them, locking it as they stood there in the dark.

He flicked the light switch on, reaching a paw to a control switch next to the door. He waved briefly, "have fun!"

Confused, the two of them looked at each other, before a hatch swallowed them floor into the black abyss. The kangaroo grunted, closing the hatch and unlocking the door. Another dragon stood at the entrance of the reception room; the roo waved a paw at him.


"Ack, my head..." A flash of memory filled Gin's head. "Lazule! Where are you?!"

A small cough came off in the distance, a grey floor under a dim light. A swatch of blue was lying in the corner, wings spread out against the floor. Gin ran up to him, feeling around for a pulse. He felt a beat. "Lazule! Can you hear me?"

"Ugh," He pushed himself from the ground, hearing some clanking around at his ankles and paws. "I should be alright; the ground is softer than it looks. Besides, my wings caught my fall a bit. Though maybe not as much as I would like, considering I blacked out."

Gin was eyeballing at the chain woven around his legs. "Uh, you may want to look at your paws. There's some sort of chain device tied around it." Alarmed, Lazule pulled at his paws, struggling to pull them away from each other. He tried standing, but the chain snagged at his scales, forcing him back down onto all fours.

The dragon's fins flattened, "can you get them off? I hate walking like this, it's so degrading. The only reason people even hired me was because of my bipedal stance, I can't walk with this thing on."

Gin inspected the metallic rings around his legs. "Maybe you can breathe some fire on it, you could melt the metal off?"

"And burn my scales off? Yeah right. Besides, I uh... never learnt how to do that..." he lowered his head, Gin just stroking his paw across the gap between his horns. He could have sworn the dragon let out a small purr. It was then that he noticed that more metal rings had been strapped around his paws, D rings connected to the steel. "Seems I got the same stuff around my paws too." It was then that he realised--he was naked!

The lights in the room flashed on, Gin noticing that they were in a room with grey walls. The walls slowly fell, the whirring of machinery and a rambunctious crowd cheering from outside the walls echoing into the room. An announcer spoke over the crowd. The voice was from the roo from before.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to our pilot episode, it seems we only have two contestants, sorry folks, but I assure you, that this will be an episode to remember! Our other contestants either politely denied or didn't show up."

The Roo was standing in a box above a large stage where the grey box had been unfolded revealing Lazule and Gin. Behind him was a black dragon struggling in the corner of the room, wearing a straitjacket and a chastity belt around his slit.

"Everyone, welcome Lazule and Gin, our contestants for tonight!" The crowd cheered like mad, Lazule sitting on the stage. He pulled at the chains, attempting to loosen them, having no luck.

"Lazule is our special guest tonight, we had not expected him to come, but we all are excited to see him tonight aren't we?" the roo enticed the crowd to cheer, "aren't we!?"

More cheering roared as Gin tried to get his bearings on the large stage. A light from above flickered on, shining them both in their own spotlights. They looked at each other, doubtful. "Tonight, the game is simple, they will be submitted to several games, and the one who comes out on top will be given their freedom. For the loser," a camera zoomed in on the bound dragon in the corner of his box, "will be kept here against their will for good! Or at least until they are given another chance to redeem themselves. This one here will be an example of that, he's here for good though!"

A muffled scream came from him as he struggled, Gin and Lazule wincing at the dragon on the large screen presented to the crowd. "Here's how it works; each contestant will be given a point based on who wins the challenge! The first one to five points goes free! First up with have the labyrinth! A deadly maze with traps scattered throughout. Make to the end first to win!"

The stage shifted, walls rising above the two contestants as the crowd disappeared over the towering structure. The maze stretched, filling up a hundred feet to the end of the stage. Gin scanned over the small room they had been left in. "Alright, this is bad Lazule, but if we finish together, then we can get through this together..."

Lazule had not been listening, rushing ahead into the maze blindly, hoarse breaths echoing past the deer. Gin saw him scramble behind a wall, whilst he cautiously took the left path, following the quadruped dragon.

The maze was confusing, paths blurring into each other. Gin ran his paw through the wall, feeling the rubbery material. It was if he could merge right through the material. He took a right, noticing some sort of tripwire, being sure to step over it. Ahead of him he noticed the body of a dragon caked in the rubbery material of the walls, like he had bolted straight through it. His movements looked sluggish.

"Uh, is that you Lazule? You don't look so good."

It dawned on Gin that the shimmering substance was latex. Lazule let out a muffled groan as he came to a stop, struggling to move as the latex melted into itself, pulling him into a ball. The only thing that hadn't been covered was his dick, being fully coaxed out of his slit. The dragon simply laid there limp, looking at him pleadingly.

"I wish I could help you, but A, you ran off, and B, if I touch you that stuff will spread. Sorry." The dragon whined loudly as Gin walked past him, seeing the exit around the corner. Being cautious, he came to an opening in the maze.

Lazule hadn't gave up, struggling to push himself across the floor, only managing a slight scuffle. He poked his head around the corner of the maze, glancing at Gin with his blue eyes as he took wary steps over some partially hidden land mines. "This maze seems very latex based. Good thing I can keep a sense of calm unlike a certain someone."

The exit of the maze was just around the corner from the clearing. Gin's eyebrows raised, quickly running out of the maze, only narrowly dodging a ball of latex that had dropped from the ceiling by a hidden plate he had pushed in his excitement.

"That was a close one, but I'm out!" Gin raised his paws into the air, cheering aloud. The walls had sunk back into the stage, leaving Lazule struggling against the ground coated in latex.

"Give it up for Ginsey!" the roo cheered. The crowd roared; Lazule letting out weak moans. Latex had covered his crotch as this point, seeming he must've passed through or triggered a trap after Gin had exited the maze.

A hose had lowered itself from the ceiling washing off the latex from Lazule's body. He stood up after the latex had disintegrated. He walked over to Gin, standing a few feet from him. "Gin, you just left me there, you just _left_me there. Why? I thought you actually cared about me."

Gin looked down at him, standing on four paws, "you were the one who had rushed ahead and ignored me. Besides, I didn't want to get latex on me as well, that stuff looked incredibly sticky." A scoreboard had lowered above the stage, with Lazule's and Gin's names being displayed. A yellow neon number one being changed under Gin's name.

Gin felt himself getting rather aroused by ogling at Lazule's mighty erection. Lazule had eyes of lust, reaching down to himself to paw at his tool, but a claw reached from below the stage, holding him up by his waist off the ground. He wiggled limply in the air as a smaller claw fastened a metal device around his slit preventing him from pawing off. The claw set him back down, Lazule frantically pawing at the metal trying to free himself, but it had been fastened around the back of his tail, keeping him innocent.

Gin, not wanting a similar fate, ignored his own erection. The Roo from earlier shouted into the speaker. "Gin has won the challenge of the labyrinth, being the first one to win a point! Next up, we have a new sort of challenge, one of wits and surprises! We have based this challenge around the prisoner's dilemma. Gin and Lazule will be put in separate rooms. Here is how it works. They will be given the option to either punish the other with a vibrator they must wear for the next round and gain a point, or they can choose not to punish the other and gain a point. The catch is however, if they both decide to punish each other, they must both wear vibrators and none will receive any points! The answer might seem obvious, just not punishing the other, but the vibrator will be a serious advantage for the other and will prevent the contestant on gaining any points!"

Walls rose around the two, leaving Gin stranded in a room with a dim light and a desk with two red buttons on it reading, Punish and Don't punish. Gin was sceptical about what Lazule would press, but he had a pretty good idea that he would punish him based on the idea that he had left him there and won the point. Reaching down, he pushed down on the punish button.

"The results are in! It seems they have both decided to punish each other!" A metal claw had risen from the floor in Gin's room. In a panic, he hurried into the corner and shielded his crotch from the claw, but the metal band around his wrists forced his paws behind his back, magnetic pulses pushing them together. The metal forced a belt around his waist, forcing his shaft into an erect stance. A soft buzzing started to emanate from the metal covering his dick, feelings of pleasure pulsating over his body. The walls to the room then lowered.

In the distance, he saw Lazule rubbing his crotch against the stage, trying to pleasure himself through the chastity. "Now, we have an interesting scenario of our own. It seems that both of our contestants are thoroughly being pleasured by their new vibrators. The metal has been enchanted by a friend of mine, so they won't be climaxing any time soon.

Two walls rose behind them, clipping a collar on them both before they could react. Attached to the collar was a long bungee cord. Two buttons rose in front of them both. "Here is the challenge. That button will award the contestant with another point. However, their vibrators will increase in intensity as they get closer to it. The cord will be an extra challenge, as they will need to pull their own weight, otherwise risking being set back to the start. Go!"

Immediately, Lazule had started pulling against bungee cord, feeling his vibrator increase. Empowered by motivation for the point, he pushed forward, Gin having a harder time to the dragon as he couldn't muster the strength to pull against the bungee. The fact that he was on all fours may have been what did it.

Gin gulped; he knew that if he didn't do something he would lose fast. He lowered himself on to all fours, and started pulling, the feeling of the vibrator distracting some of his thoughts. Lazule had started to slow down, grinding in the air forgetting about his goal. He cried. "Make it stop! It hurts!" his grinding had intensified as he forced himself to take more steps. Step... step... Gin had caught up to the dragon, pushing harder despite the vibrator making him wince. He felt his strength sap because of the vibrator putting strain on his cock.

The cord had started to strain as the deer pushed himself in front of the grinding dragon. Lazule noticed his progression, struggling to push forward in front him. A tear formed around Gin's eye as the rope had started pulling his head back harshly. He tripped, the collar tossing him back to the start, hitting the wall with a thud. Lazule, smiling, pushed even harder at the new encouragement, only just tipping the button with his claw.

The cord unhooked itself from the wall for them both, leaving them both breathing heavily from the overexertion. "We have a victor, Lazule everyone!" the roo cheered, leading the crowd into a wild raucous.

Gin slumped there, "do the vibrators come off now, I can still feel it..."

The roo chuckled over the loudspeaker, "I never said I'd remove the vibrators. Ahaha!"

Wincing, Gin pawed at the device around his shaft, feeling the light vibrating teasing at his tip. "we have currently got a tie, so we are moving on to the next challenge!"

Gin protested, "no! I did not agree to this torture! This, this humiliation! You can't do this, it's a violation to animal rights!"

A claw rose from the stage, producing a leather muzzle with a small gap for his nose and nothing else. The magnetic metal rings around his wrists came together, the muzzle being forced onto his snout. Leather was buckled around the base of his skull, behind his ears and antlers, and two smaller straps on the base of the cone of leather, adding an extra layer of security to the muzzle. The muzzle looked like a leather shell around his head. The metallic rings released themselves.

"Mmmfgh?" he grunted. The roo chuckled from above him.

"Doesn't he look absolutely adorable!? Don't worry folks, that is a permanent accessory, I will only remove it if he wins!"

He attempted to pull it off, but more claws came up from the floor, encasing his hands in fingerless bondage mitts. "ah ah, I don't think so Mr. Deer. Be a good boy and stuff like this can be avoided!"

His eyes widened, his cock throbbing from the vibrator, paws locked in mitts and snout locked snugly. Lazule couldn't help but stare, blushing through his scales. "Alright, moving on, for our next challenge, we have the Ladder of Doom! Our contestants will be crossing a ladder over a pit of snakes!"

Gin panicked, attempting to run towards a flight of stairs. Claws raised from the stage, pinning him. "I am joking! Instead of snakes, it's just padding. Fall in though, and I crank the vibrator on max, and pin you there till the round is over. Ahaha!"

A pit formed between the dragon and deer; the ladder pinned by two anchors to either side of the pit. "Rules are simple, cross and score a point! And don't fall in of course! That's all, go!"

Lazule had crouched and pounced at the first rung, the ladder wobbling to the side as he stood on it. "I-I can't do this! My posture, I'm not used to it!"

Gin stood idly by, watching Lazule attempt to push his claws over the second rung in an attempt on pushing himself forward. The spotlight focused over him as he tried to cross, but the ladder swung to the side by ninety degrees. "ack!" he screamed, clinging on the second rung with his tail.

Seeing an opportunity, Gin had seen something online about this sort of thing, crouching down and spreading himself over the ladder. His area of balance had greatly increased, hooking his mitts around the rungs and slowly pushing himself forward.

Panicking, Lazule deliberately swung his tail wobbling the ladder. Gin clutched on to the sides of the ladder, clinging on for deer life. "Grrrmph!" he mumbled, sliding himself further. He was near the end of the ladder, approaching the dragon's tail. Lazule glared into his eyes feeling his blood run cold. Gin gripped the ladder as well as he could with one bound paw, slamming down on his tail.

"Please! At least leave me be, you don't have to do this!"

Gin's brow furrowed, forcing his paw down as hard as he could. Lazule retaliated from the pain, falling on to the padded flooring. Gin pushed himself across the final rung, claiming the point as metal rings came out from the padding, securing his limbs and neck.

"Ack, no!" the dragon begged. The vibrator cranked up to max strength. He howled through the show stage at the overstimulation. "Make it stop! Pleas--Mrrph!" A muzzle rose from a claw and was threaded in a similar fashion as Gin's muzzle, encasing everything accept his nose and buckled around and over his head. He started thrusting at the air, feeling intense pleasure, and yet no orgasm!

Gin took a sigh of relief. A point had been added to his name. The pit had raised, releasing the dragon as he gasped for air at the intense pleasure muffling curses into empty air. "This makes the scores two to one folks! I believe now it is time for a bonus round! Also, the muzzle stays on you too Lazule, hope you like it!"

Lazule pawed at it, the chains too short to reach around the base of his snout. He started crying. "For our bonus round, we will have the contestant choose one punishment for the other from a holographic board. If they can survive the punishment without submitting, they will be rewarded not one, but _two_points! Now what is submitting you ask? It will be rather obvious, humping, moaning or enjoying any of the stimulation. Just to make this fair, I will switch off the vibrators for this round."

The two contestants felt a sigh of relief as the slow buzzing came to a halt. "Now choose your punishment!" Two boards rose from the stage, presenting little pictures. He spotted one that had a picture of a dragon sucking his own cock, bound. He couldn't resist that, surely! Gin thought.

He pushed on the icon, the holographic screen lowering back into the stage. Gin had no idea as to what Lazule chose, but he feared for the worst, what if he chose the exact same thing for him? No, not possible, right?

"It seems we have some interesting choices right here. All I can say is good luck to Lazule because he is in for it now, Gin definitely made a good choice!"

A look of concern melted over Lazule's face as three big muscular kangaroos came hopping over to him on stage, two of them grabbing his hindlegs and forelegs, and the third holding black mittens made of a mixture of latex and Kevlar He pushed his hind paws into the mittens, struggling against the kangaroo's grip. The third Roo fastened two more mittens to his forepaws, then producing a spreader bar and securing it to his hind-legs. The second Roo set his legs down on the ground, grabbing two leather straps and attaching them two the D-ring attached to his collar and twisting loops around the pole, pulling his snout down towards his cock.

He shook his head furiously, the small blue dragon clearly not liking where this was going. The kept pulling his snout further down, one of the Roo's grasping his chastity belt and unbuckling it, presenting his fully erect cock. They attached a cock ring with some glowing runes to the base of his shaft.

They pulled the rest of his snout, removing his muzzle and pulling his jaws over his shaft. He could taste the slick tip, feeling the slick pre on his own dick. The kangaroo's pulled another loop over the first one, locking it into a clove hitch around the bar. He struggled, attempting to pull his snout away from his cock, tasting the pre leaking from the tip. One of the Roo's beside him grumbled.

"we're not done just yet."

The dragon looked straight up into the Roo's eyes, eyeing him warily. They grabbed his forelegs, tying a rope around his upper and lower leg, frog-tying them both. Now he was a dragon sucking his own cock, begging like the pet he was.

"Fght Yghmf!" He growled, trying not to run his tongue over the shaft inside his mouth. He felt so degraded; they couldn't do this to a dragon! Even him! He tried pulling at the rope again, straining the spreader bar across his legs.

The same Roo from before spoke up, "fitting. For such a slut like you, your friend chose well. That ring around your dick will keep you from climaxing. You'd be no fun if you had your way. we'll have tons of fun with you." The other roos gave him a suspicious look, "of course with Topo's permission, obviously."

The roo's left Lazule, hopping over to Gin who watched them, taking a step back. Another roo from back-stage grabbed Gin from behind, lifting off the stage. Whimpering, he tried squeezing out his tight grip as the other Roo's from earlier hopped over to him holding non-adhesive black tape.

One of the roo's from in front grabbed his wrists, pushing them into his shoulders and tying them together, like Lazule. He could only look up from his restraints, eyeballing at what was about to happen to him. They wrapped the tape around his forepaws, twisting the tape down to his torso and pulling tight. Another secured Gin's legs together, forcing his legs together. Gin tried forcing them away, but he was overpowered by only just one of them.

Whimpering at the extra attention, his cock twitched from under the bindings as they forced the cage under the wraps. The roo's finished with the tape, leaving Gin's head and the bottom half of his paws free. He tried wriggling away, shifting himself slightly on his new stance, but a roo from earlier sat on his back. "I am going to enjoy this, and the dragon gets to watch."

The roo started to tickle the little area of his uncovered paws. He groaned into the gag, the sensation of the tickling over his paws growing. Another roo pinched at his cock under the wraps. Gin had to resist the urge to squirm at the attention.

Lazule on the other hand, had accidentally licked his tip while watching Gin's bondage. He groaned, setting off a chain of events of pleasuring himself with his tongue. "It seems somebodies enjoying Gin's predicament a bit too much! Ahaha!"

The blue dragon tried his best to form a frown, pulling at the rope. "Two more points for Gin! Well done!" A pit formed over Lazule's stomach, there was only one point before Gin had won, then what?

Instead of untying Gin, they left him bound in the tape, hopping over to the dragon. They removed the rope, spreader bar and cock ring; reinstalling the plate over his slit. They left the mitts on his paws, pushing him back to the ground. He pawed at the plate. "For our final point, we have a race through a mud pit, first one to the end wins! Only they are bound on all fours for this one!"

Small walls rose from the stage, a ramp at both ends of the mud pit. "First to cross wins!" The roo cried, Gin struggling to walk with his limbs wrapped. He made his way up the ramp, seeing mud stretching across the entirety of the pit. The dragon on the other side jumped in, mitts getting covered in mud. Gin lowered himself into the pit, several layers of mud caking into the gaps of the tape.

Lazule was making good progress, approaching the middle of the pit, when something snagged at his paws. He started to sink. "Mmmf!"

Gin took wary steps, his knees and elbows sinking slightly into the mud, as if it was getting deeper. "In the pit people, is a large drop off point! It seems that Lazule has discovered this for himself! Ahaha!"

He pulled at his paws, sinking even more into the pit, sinking up to his upper legs. A few metres separating Gin and Lazule, frozen as he saw Lazule sinking deeper into the mud. The Roo called out from above them.

"It seems that Lazule's petite size is no match for the mud pit, does this mean this secures Gin the victory? Or will Lazule make a comeback?"

Sensing the opportunity, Gin shuffled through the mud, pushing himself against the wall, sliding across the ground cautiously. Lazule had stopped sinking, his head the only thing poking out of the mud at that point. Gin made rapid progress, passing Lazule and pulling himself on to the opposite ledge, spreading himself out on the ground. His limbs had started to cramp at the restriction of blood flow, sharp stabbing pains if he twisted them the wrong way.

"We have a winner! Gin, by five points, wins the competition!"

A brick dropped in Lazule's stomach at hearing those words, struggling inside the mud feeling the pressure weighing him down. A claw lowered itself from the ceiling, grabbing his torso through the mud and pulling him out. The pit lowered, the claw setting him down back on to the stage.

"Thank you all for watching. Hopefully we can have some more contestants for our next episode! See you next time!" Grey walls then rose around the stage, encasing them both in the darkness as the rambunctious crowd died down, the roos voice muting to a hoarse whisper. Lazule and Gin were on all four's bound and caked in mud.

Lazule crept forward towards Gin. He stopped before him, nuzzling down at his head as he faced up, bound limps spread out. A quick flash of light lit up the grey room, multiple roos hopping inside, including the one with blue fur. "It seems we have had quite a performance for tonight, I must be honest, I never thought that you Gin would win so fast, but alas, this show is bound to be full of surprises."

He leant down over Lazule, holding up his muzzle. "Since you lost, you will be our permanent guest here, we will have lots of fun with you." He released his grip on Lazule, "I must admit, you two enjoyed yourselves quite a lot out there. Kinky bunch, both of you."

One of the other muscular kangaroos used a pair of scissors and cut the tape wrappings around Gin's body, watching them drop to the ground. "Stand, now bitch!"

He whined, standing back in his bipedal position, stretching out. Topo spoke, "now, since you won, we will untie you from your gear, and you will be given the biggest orgasm of your life. We won't be setting you free though."

A roo unclipped his muzzle, "but you said you would set the winner free? You can't do that!"

Topo chuckled, "I lied of course! Why would I set you free, we don't need the authorities knowing about our little fun here tonight do we? Take him into the back room, and for this one," he glared into Lazule's eyes, "put him with the other dragon. I want him as pent up as possible for tomorrow."

Two roos grabbed him at the shoulders and pushed him past the doorway, leading Gin down a lengthy hallway. The paint on the walls were as red as blood. They took a right down the end of the hall, entering a door with a brown border around it.

Inside was a line of cages running down to the end of the room. One of the roos opened a cage on the right, pushing him inside. They locked the cage behind them. Gin peered through the bars, seeing the roos exit the room, leaving him to ponder by himself.

A few minutes went by; he could have sworn that he heard a whine passing by the room. Soon after the room went silent. Gin sat back on the bed, shaky from the "game show," he just performed in. He felt bad for Lazule, the poor dragon at the whim of Topo and his roo helpers.

Gin sat there, tapping the metal around his shaft. "Wish I could get this thing off, its annoying." He heard voices outside the door, muttering something about milking. Topo came into the room, not wearing any clothes. His shaft peaking from his sheath.

"Hey Ginsey, since you won; we will have so much fun together! I wanted to try something, to urge you if you will."

Doubtful, the roo unlocked the cell Gin was in, entering the cell with him. "We ready for this amazing orgasm? Lay down on the bed and stay still. If your good, I'll remove the metal around your waist." Gin noticed he had some rope in his paws.

Compliant, he laid back, tucking his paws above his head. "Can't have your paws interfering, now can we?" He used the rope, tying his wrists to the headboard. Gin gave them an experimental tug, testing its girth. "Good boy, now its time to enjoy yourself."

The roo rested his torso over him, stroking his own shaft as he looked into Gin's eyes, the submissive intent written all over his body. "Aren't you just _adorable?_I could just eat you up! Not literally though I'm not into that."

The roo sat on his legs, spread out across the bed. He produced a key and pushed it into the lock on Gin's chastity, his erect penis bobbing in the air. Gin fashioned a blush as Topo squeezed it. "Ooh you like that don't you? Let me give you the best blowjob you'll ever experience."

He lowered his snout onto the tip, giving it a slight lick. Gin moaned deeply, "jesus that felt amazing," Topo lowered his head further pushing his cock into his maw, licking and bobbing his head up and down at a slow pace. Gin leaned his head back, squeezing his paws open and closed from the stimulation.

"That feels amazing..."

Topo increased the pace of his bobbing, causing Gin to produce a loud gasp. The salty taste of cum ran down Topo's tongue as hints of pre leaked from the tip, an orgasm quick on the horizon. Topo relaxed his jaw, pulling away. Gin whined, "why did you stop," he pulled at the rope, "please... it felt so good..."

Topo smiled, "I promised you the best orgasm you have ever had, a little teasing will only make it even stronger," Gin whined again.

"You've already teased me enough, please!"

Gin pulled at his restraints as Topo lowered his jaw on to his shaft again, swirling around the base. Gin closed his eyes, straining on the verge. Topo stopped again, seeing the cock bob needily. "Not just yet, one more tease and then you can. I am in control here, not you."

Gin winced again, Topo pumping the tool slightly with a paw. "That feels so good, how..."

"Plenty of practise with myself, don't worry. Having someone to play is so fun." He pinched the head, massaging his balls. "I want you to relax your dick as much as you can, it heightens the feeling of an orgasm twice as much."

Gin followed his instructions, leaning his head on the bed as Topo started bobbing his head in fast strokes along the neck. The stimulation came in twice as strong, not being able to contain such a powerful load. Topo sensed it, drawing his head back.

Gin wriggled, groaning loudly as Topo started pumping his cock fast. Relaxing his muscles, a steady stream of ejaculation spilt down around his crotch, staining his fur. The musk of the orgasm hitting the air. Topo reached under the bed, grabbing another rope and securing Gin's feet-paws to the edge of the bed whilst he was distracted from the bliss.

He rests there gasping for air, heart fluttering from the amazing sensation. "Hope you had fun, get some rest, we can have some more fun together tomorrow." Topo left the cage, locking it behind and exiting the room, his cock still bouncing for attention. Gin recovered from the climax, seeing the blue streak of the roos tail leave the room swaying left and right.

Gin tried to stand, but realised that the roo hadn't untied his wrists, and he felt extra rope around his ankles. Frantically he tried pulling at his restraints, budging them only an inch from the bed. "Topo!" he called, sensing the call fell upon deaf ears.