Tickling duel for the tresure map

Story by gatto on SoFurry

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This story is a RP/collaboration between me (Gatto) and Fezzyclaw.

Peterton Poe is a pirate, and he has a treasure map. His enemy, Nealie "Fishlips" Keats wants the map, and she finds a fun method to obtain it. I hope you like it!

Warning: the story contains nudity, sexual arguments, and a lot of tickling!

Letter between brackets: (G) means the paragraph has been written by Gatto; (F) means the paragraph has been written by Fezzyclaw.

(G) Peterton Poe was a strong muscled pirate. He liked showing his muscles, in fact he wore only a cap on his head and a pair of tiny blue briefs, that they couldn't hide a hot bulge in them.

He had found a treasure map and he was ready to sail to search the treasure.

(F) Nealie 'Fishlips' Keats was a mischievous tomboy pirate lass. Her sand-blonde hair was shaven on one side of her head with pixie bangs on the opposite side. She got her ears pierced. She sought out the treasure map for many months and finally learned of Peterton Poe's possession of it. Now she was going to execute her plan to steal it.

When she arrived, she wore wool breeches with a velvet waistcoat. She also wore a white blouse and decorated her fingers with various rings she salvaged from shipwrecks. Today the only thing she'd salvage was Peterton Poe's treasure map from his vulnerable hands. After some time searching aimlessly, she spotted him. Nealie tried to stay hidden, just eyeing up his beautiful body in the minimum clothes he wore. Each of his muscles was especially accented and the sweat beading down his gorgeous skin caught her attention, too.

"I have to get the map somehow," she thought to herself, looking around. It didn't seem like she'd be able to get it sneakily, though. Perhaps she'd have to take it from him by force.

(G) Peterton Poe was looking the map, studying the route. The treasure was hidden in the Feather Island, and Peterton Poe was ready to sail. But he was feeling a strange sensation: like somebody was looking him. He put the map inside his tiny briefs, he grabbed his sword and, looking around, he yelled: "I know you are here. Come out if you dare!"

(F) Nealie remained hidden a little longer. Then she decided to spring up and with a rapier of her own drawn. She wasn't an intimidating woman: slender and at an average height. Her form was clearly feminine, though, as her bust filled her blouse quite nicely. The devilish pirate glanced at her swashbuckling adversary with a sneer, seeing the map tightly stuffed inside his briefs alongside his massive, albeit flaccid, cock. The sight of it alone was enough to make her bite her lip.

"You have the Treasure Map, Peterton Poe! I'm here to steal it from your hands!"

With that, Nealie made a bold thrust forward with her sword, attempting to strike him. It was more likely she'd lose her grip from his maneuvering, and drop it when he swung his back in protective instinct.

(G) Peterton Poe stepped back to avoid the attack. Then he tried to hit her with his sword. "Do you want my map? You have to defeat me! But, unfortunately for you, I am an opponent too strong for you!".

(F) Nealie managed to dodge the sword itself, but lost her own in the process. Her face burned with seething rage and she clenched her teeth together.

"Peterton Poe you scallywag!" she exclaimed in frustration, reaching over to him to grapple for his sword. Her fingernail accidentally grazed up his fleshy side, where some of his muscle softened almost perfectly for delicate, ticklish touches. This happened a few more times, each time as mindless accidents. In the meanwhile she kept her hand on the handle of his sword with the other trying to keep the blade away.

(G) Peterton Poe smiled when he saw Nealie lost her sword. The strong pirate thought he had easily won that fight, but he had to admit that the girl had a strong resistance, to hold his sword.

While he was trying to hit her with the sword, he felt her fingernail strokes a bit his muscles. Peterton Poe bit his lip: unfortunately, the terror of the seven seas had a great weakness, but he didn't want someone discover it, or his reputation would be ruined.

He decided to end that duel so, with his great strength, he started to lower the sword, over Nealie's head. His sword, his muscled right arm, and his perfectly shaved armpit, were over her head, ready to defeat the pirate girl.

(F) Her eyes zeroed in on his fleshy armpit and its supple pink skin. She herself bit her lip again. Nealie had a mischievous idea and reached her long, sharp nails up into his pit using just the tips of them to graze and tickle that poor vulnerable skin.

She waited for his reaction with a devious grin. Her hope was that this would disarm him.

(G) Peterton Poe was taken by surprise: he didn't expect that "attack". He tried to resist, but his armpits were too sensitive.

"AHAHAHAHAH NOHOHOHOHOH" Peterton Poe bursted out laughing for tickling on his naked armpit.

(F) Nealie's eyes widened with evil was she heard the tough, chiseled pirate lad bubble out in boyish laughter just from a few claw-like tickles on his soft, warm, sweaty armpit. She giggled, "Is it possible? Is the mighty Peterton Poe so ticklish?"

Her fingers kept teasing at his exposed armpit while the other climbed up to his smooth abs and tickled along them. She leaned and let her hot breath roll against his face while she whispered to him teasingly, "I'm gonna exploit every ticklish inch of your delicate body until you give me the map that I want," she said with a sultry tone, pursing her lips as once again she giggled.

Peterton could feel his body starting to burn up and his eyes welling with tears of ticklish desperation, and all the while Nealie felt herself becoming slightly aroused. Something about exploiting such an innocent vulnerability in her gorgeous foe gave her an unfamiliar excitement - and she had the perfect nails for this gig, too.

(G) Peterton Poe continued laughing as he felt Nealie was tickling his armpit and his abs. Tickling was his weakness: not only he was very ticklish all over his muscled sexy body, but, when someone tickled him, he struggled to stop the tickler. And her whispers were only making the tickling more powerful: he was in disadvantage now.

He had to stop the pirate girl and turn the tables, but tickling made him very weak. As is that wasn't enough, he felt his briefs were becoming tightier. No! He was getting excited, and his briefs couldn't hide the beginning of a bulge.

(F) But she didn't want to stop. Peterton had a curse: every woman he encountered seem to discover his ticklish weakness and then exploit it to his ticklish dismay but also to their euphoric arousal. Nealie was buttering her lips up more at the sight of his desperation, especially as she caught wind of his tights straining to contain his bulge. Her eyebrow raised.

"Well, well, well," she said with a smug tone. "Looks like Peterton Poe's not alone on this ship - he as a crew after all!" She continued tickling at both of his hot, delicate armpits while she watched his pulsing cock twitch in his briefs, getting harder and harder with each passing second as her sharp, tickly nails danced on his sensitive flesh.

(G) Peterton had lost his sword, and now he was defenceless against tickle assault. He started walking backwards, trying to avoid the tickling, without success.

He felt his bulge was growing again. He had to stop it! Not only he was ashamed when a girl discovered his ticklish weakness, but, in that situation, if his excitement had ripped off his tiny briefs, he would lose the treasure map.

(F) Nealie didn't let up: she continued walking towards him while her fingers relentlessly pinched and tickle from his armpits down to his hips and back up again repeatedly. She caught a glimpse from over Poe's shoulder of the plank, and snickered. It became obvious to her that if she kept this up and he might fall and land in an even worse predicament for himself.

The sight of his cock throbbing cock enticed her, too, and she knew by now she wanted to see it. Nealie was gonna do anything she could to get his cock to burst through his tight briefs.

(G) Poe continued laughing and continued walking backwards. He was trying so desperately to avoid the tickling torture, that he didn't see where he was going. He started walking on the wooden board, followed by the pitiless tickler. A few more steps, and the great pirate would have fallen into the sea.

Nealie was a great tickler. Even if he didn't want to admit, Peterton Poe loves tickling: tickling was a turn-on for him. The proof was clearly visible in his skimpy briefs.

(F) Nealie just keeps following him, scribbling her sharp claws along his vulnerable, sensitive flesh. Her chest heaves with excitement as she walks him towards the plank. He can feel the wood bending under his feet as suddenly it springs him up and throws him off balance.

His thieving rival manages to catch him with some rope, tying him by the ankles upside down as he hangs suspended over the glassy ocean. She snickers to herself devilishly, staring at his beefy, wide, pinkish soles. "My, my, Peterton Poe! Your soles are so big and ticklish looking!" Again she puts on a sultry tone, licking her lips at the sight of the delicate feet.

She sits herself down, not even holding his ankles. Now she just begins to slooowly drag a single, sharp fingernail from his heel up to just below his plush toes. She does this several, slow, agonizing times while she slowly feels herself getting hornier at the sight of his vulnerability and his boyish squeals.

(G) Suddenly, everything changed for Peterton Poe. He didn't know what had happened, but he felt he lost his balance, and now he was upside down, and his ankles were tied to the plank.

When he felt Nealie started dragging a single fingernail on his sole, he didn't even try to hold the laughter: all that tickling had made it become more sensitive.


Poe felt his cock was growing again in his pants, and he was feared his erection could make burst his tiny briefs.

(F) She suddenly used all ten of her dangerously sharp nails to tickle up and down his fleshy, pink, beefy soles. "Wow, Pirate Poe is so helplessly ticklish. Kitchy-kitchy-koo! I bet your tender hunk tootsies get tickled by every girl you encounter; ally and enemy alike!"

Her eyes looked down at his briefs which seemed to swell tighter and tighter each passing moment. She knew that he wouldn't be able to contain himself any longer. "I think those briefs are about ready to go..~" she says with a seductive, evil grin. "Does Pirate Poe like being tickled? Does it turn him on to feel my sharp nails scratching all over these meaty, sexy soles? Or what about your heel, or your arches, or maybe those big toes of yours? Huh? Do you like it, Poe? Does my tickling turn you on?"

(G) Feeling ten sharp nails on his naked soles put Peterton Poe in a ticklish hell. Even if he was too busy laughing and he didn't want to admit, his erection left no doubt: Poe loves tickling; it was a very turn-on for him.

While the muscled pirate continued laughing, the erection in his briefs continued growing, until happened what she was waiting anxiously for: his thin briefs were too small for his big cock, and they couldn't hold it anymore.

With a loud "riiiiip" the cock bursted out, ripping the briefs, that fell into the water. But not only his briefs fell: the treasure map, that was into Poe's briefs, fell down, and Poe was laughing so hard that he couldn't catch it. The treasure map was lost forever!

But, for Peterton Poe, the tickle torture wasn't over yet!

(F) Nealie was shocked for a moment as his cock finally flung out of his briefs in all its gorgeous, naked length. It was as pink and fleshy as the rest of his body and his balls were the heaviest, fullest cum-sacks she'd ever seen. She licked her lips and took to teasing him again, "Pirate Poe! I never realized how much of a man you really were. It seems this cock is as tender as the rest of your body, no? I wonder..~"

With that, her fingers began to scratch up along his tip and the pink, warm underside of the head where the frenulum was - a sensitive and soft layer of rolled skin. She used her sharp nails to ticklishly torment his vulnerable. Once he began to laugh, stiffen, and moan, she licked her lips again. "Ohhh my, tickle-tickle, Poe! Coochie-coo? Is someone a little ticklish on their big sword? Or is this the cannon your foes have fallen to?"

She got a devious idea. Now that the map had fallen out and been submerged in the water, she needed to punish Poe for his clumsiness. She plucked four feathers. Nealie passed two of them over his beefy soles and then placed the other two between the red-painted toes of her soft, white feet. She used them to tickle his cock and his balls. "How about a nice ticklish footjob for losing that map, huh, stud? Ohhh, Poe, I love how ticklish this hunky body is. You can't even fight my tickling, either, it turns you on. I'll just keep feathering your creamy soles, tickling these tender toes with feathery touches, and working your big full balls and stiff cock with these equally stiff ostrich feathers~" she said with a grin, biting her lip at the sight of his ultimate defeat.

(G) Peterton Poe had never felt him so helpless, sensitive, yet so excited. His cock was rock hard, and it was ready to shoot all the white cum hold in his huge balls. Those four feathers, dancing on his big soles, cock and balls, were giving him the best tickle torture he had ever suffered. He felt his cock could not hold back his cum anymore. So he told to Nealie the location of the treasure. "AHAHAHAHAHAH OK AHAHAHAHAHAH I TELL YOU AHAHAHAHAHAHAH THE TREASURE IS ON FEATHER ISLAND AHAHAHAHAHAH PLEASE STOP TICKLE ME AHAHAHAHAHAH I'M SO TICKLISH AHAHAHAHAHAH MY COCK IS SO HARD AHAHAHAHAHAHAH I CAN'T HOLD IT ANYMORE AHAHAHAHAHAHAH"

Unfortunately for him, Nealie didn't want to stop the torture and, finally, she managed to make Poe's big pink cannon fire all the cum hold in his two huge cannonballs. Poe's cock shot a lot of white cum in the air, giving to Poe the most wonderful orgasm he had ever had, and to Nealie the best show she had ever seen. His cock continued cumming for several minutes, while Poe couldn't stop laughing. When his cock finished cumming, and his balls were finally empty, Poe was exhausted, and he begged Nealie to stop the torture.

(F) Nealie loved the sight of his big, heavy, pink balls being drained as hard as they'd ever been - and all at the hands of her tickling. She licked her lips while seeing his cum spurt into the air for several moments, in the meanwhile her feathers kept dusting over his meaty manly feet and his perfectly-sized cock. Once he was done shooting his load, she sat criss-crossed with his ankles trapped between her legs, still keeping him tied to the plank.

"Well then, Pirate Poe? I'm waiting," she said, grinning down at him with the most evil look. To keep him inclined to answer, she slooowly circled one sharp fingernail over his pink, sweaty sole. It wasn't a strong enough tickle to make him hysterical, though he was post-orgasm sensitive now. She just wanted to give him a little stimulation.

(G) Peterton Poe was panting heavily: Nealie had defeated him, and now she was tickling his soles again.

"I have told you *pant* *pant* The treasure is on *pant* *pant* Feather Island *pant* *pant* Please stop tickling me *pant* *pant*"

His hot body was more sensitive for the post-orgasm, and he hoped she didn't want to tickle him more.

(F) Nealie giggled and untethered him, letting him KAPLUNK into the ocean where the many ocean creatures where. Word had it mermaids lived in there who loved to capture vulnerable male pirates. Poe was likely to have that done and be tickled to orgasm over and over again. Nealie on the other hand make a prompt escape, now on her way to Feather Island.


Peterton Poe fanfiction: Knight Poe (part 3)

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Peterton Poe fanfiction: Knight Poe (part 2)

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Peterton Poe fanfiction: Knight Poe (part 1)

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