When Worlds Collide Chapter IV: Love By the Lake & Infidelity In the Past

Story by Rhazagal on SoFurry

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#4 of When Worlds Collide

[Insert the usual rant about age and this story involving gay, that is to say M/M, themes right here] Enjoy :)

A constant, quiet beeping woke Magrath up. The lion stared at the computer screen on his table and noticed the screen was flashing, signaling he had gotten a message. Yawning widely the lion tapped a button and the message opened. It was from the Fleet High Command in planet Eden, stating Magrath had finally been assigned a new ship.

"They've got to be joking..." Magrath mumbled to himself as he stared at the name of the ship; EES Damnation. Inside an attachment captain Magrath found the technical data of the ship, a perfect layout of it's structure, operating systems and weaponry "My god...This ship is like a miniature mobile fortress...A three-barreled catling MAC, ten Longbow missile pods, twenty Las-Cannon mark nines and a squadron of Angels..."

Magrath copied the data on a disk and stuffed it to his pocket. Swiftly the lion got dressed, wanting to have something to eat before starting the theory lesson of the day; the cadets had to be introduced to their new ship.

Before exiting the room, Magrath threw one last look at his bed, a small, fuzzy smile spreading on his face. Just an hour ago Charles had been there with him and the lion could still feel the touch of the cougar's silky fur against his. Still smiling to himself Magrath left and the door slid shut, covering the room in darkness.

Alan was about to enter the mess hall when he felt a hand land on his shoulder. The young cheetah turned around and saw none other than his twin-sister Katie. "What is it, Katie?"

Katie hesitated for a moment before she slowly spoke "About...last night..."

Alan tilted his head to one side and managed to smile, feebly "What about it?"

A small blush crept on Katie's face "I...just that...It felt good..."

Alan wrapped his arms around Katie and gave her sister a most brotherly hug "Yeah, it felt nice..." Alan held a pause before adding "Hey if you ever feel like doing it again...you know where my room is."

Katie's blush grew more visible and the girl giggled lightly "I think we shouldn't make a habit out of it...might raise suspicions."

Alan nodded, knowing his sister was absolutely right "Good point, but I'm hungry...Let's go or it'll be too late." With that Alan detached himself from Katie and the two entered the mess hall where Jim, Charles and Emberglaze already sat.

Alan took a seat at his usual place right next to Jim and Katie sat a bit further away, waiting for either Susan or Damien to enter. One by one the rest of Magrath's cadets came in and took their usual seats after having grabbed something to eat from the long table in the right side of the large hall.

Before anyone had chance to start a real conversation, Magrath marched to his cadets. This time it was Emberglaze who spotted their captain first and his deep voice boomed across the large hall, resulting in everyone in the noisy room to fall completely silent and many heads turned to see both who the officer and the shouter was "Officer on deck!"

For a split-second Magrath stopped, having been taken by surprise by how loud and strong EG's voice had grown over the years. Shaking his head lightly Magrath swept his cadets with his gaze "Good morning Cadets."

The response of the cadets was, as always, sharp and brisk "Good-morning-Sir!"

The lion crossed his hands behind his back and cleared his throat, thus buying enough time to gather his thoughts "We will be having a double lesson of theory today, because I have just received info, that we've finally been assigned to a new ship. In addition, we will be spending an hour in the Dome for a history lesson. I'm sure you all will be happy to see Arianna."

As Magrath concluded, he smiled playfully, knowing almost all of the cadets were bored to death during history lessons with the only exceptions being Daniel and Alan, but this time was going to be special, this time all the cadets would surely be interested.

After Magrath had vanished to eat with his fellow instructors, the cadets resumed their conversations.

"So...The tournament is coming up over tomorrow then..." Jim said, directing it to all his fellow cadets.

Damien nodded, flashing a confident grin "We are like totally going to own everyone else."

"I wouldn't be so sure...we lost quite a many skilled CF players to that backwater hellhole-of-an-academy. You DO remember Takira was one helluva melee fighter in CF?" Emberglaze said lazily, his eyes half-closed as if the black dragon was drowzy.

Zeke punched Emberglaze to shoulder in a friendly manner, though the croc forgot he had a mechanical arm and almost knocked the dragon off of his chair. The dragon growled quietly, frowning at the croc "Watch it, Zeke..."

Zeke smiled apologetically "Sorry, I forgot...But you need to lighten up, Sunshine, since we do stand a chance if we put our minds to it."

"Yeah we've got nothing to lose and everything to gain." Charles added, nodding a few times and chukling to himself.

Jim smirked at the hyena "Yeah...you already lost everything to sergeant Cokorin a while back."

Charles stood up in a flash and was just about to assault the rat and strangle him when, quite surprisingly, Alan interfered "Will you two stop that? This most certainly isn't the right place nor the right time to fight amongst eachother...besides you look quite stupid doing that."

Both Jim and Charles stared at the cheetah, as if they didn't recognize the feline, dazzled by the fact the previously timid and shy Alan was actually interfering with their argument. Usually it was Marcus that acted as the peacemaker between the two.

Charles blinked a few times, still staring at Alan "Wh-What? Has kittycat finally grown a spine or something?"

"Seems like it..." Jim replied curtly before sitting back down.

The lights of the Dome blared to life, revealing the large, almost empty room, the diameter of which was nearly seventy meters, with only a single object in the center of it. The largish ball-shaped device in the center of the room was actually a highly powerful holo-projector, which also housed the academy's AI; Arianna.

Magrath marched to the projector and placed his palm on a scanner. There was a small humming and then a mechanical yet soft, almost motherly voice spoke "Welcome, captain Magrath, how can I assist you?"

"Arianna I want you to project the holosphere of the Second Crusade, code number J-154/663." Magrath answered and with a click the device started to rotate, lights on it's surface flickering before activating. With a quiet swoosh a perfect replica of the region near the Gateway appeared and the lights in the Dome faded.

The cadets were standing amidst a holographic 3D display of one of the battles the furries had won over the humans, but with heavy price in bloodshed and destruction almost five years ago.

Amidst the cadets appeared the eerie, ghostly figure of Arianna, an elderly feline clad in toga, smiling warmly at the young cadets "The Second Crusade launched by the humans of Terra five years ago, was almost enough to bring ruination to Edenia, nearly managing to shatter the Gateway and pour into Edenia."

The image started to move, displaying several Terran ships exiting the warp and assembling into a battle-line, preparing to fire. Several Edenian ships were doing the same, preparing to take the first, lethal salvo with their MACs on the hated humans.

The MACs of the furries had longer range than the plasma cannons used by the Terrans, but then again the Terran cannons packed considerably more punch than the Edenian guns. In unison the Edenian ships fired, hurling white-hot slugs of several tons of molten metal towards the Terran battle-line. Most of the hits connected and the cadets watched in awe as the shields on the Terran fleet first flickered, then overloaded and ultimately failed, allowing the MAC bullets to bore neatly through the ships, carving a neat hole from fore to aft.

The burning wrecks of the destroyed ships steered off fo their course and drifted away to the cold void of the space.

The cadets were quite surprised at what they saw, for never before they had been given the chance to view the historical battles this accurately. The holospheres had focused more on what had happened in the region of Edenia, not on what had happened outside.

The Edenian ships got to shoot another volley, wrecking more havoc amidst the Terran fleet, reducing several more ships to little more than dead hulls with large holes bored through them. However, more and more Terran ships exited the warp in an almost ceasless tide and eventually they got within firing range.

Large, sickly greenish lights grew at the fronts of the Terran ships as they prepared to fire. In silence large balls of burning plasma hurtled through the space towards the Edenian fleet. At contact one of the furries ships blew up in a bright blossom of light, hurtling pieces of wreckage to every direction.

"Commander Augur and his ship White Rose was the first casualty Edenia suffered at the Second Crusade." Arianna lectured as the battle raged on all around them, MACs and plasma cannons firing now randomly as everything was turning into general mayhem, squadron after squadron of Angels pouring from the fighter bays on the furries ships, engaging the Broadswords of the Terrans.

As more and more Terran ships poured to the combat-zone, the fleets of Edenia were slowly whittled away, destroyed by the much larger crusader fleet of Terra.

"The situation was most grim. The MACs of the Gateway were already almost completely wiped out, most of the Edenian fleets devastated or scattered and there didn't seem to be no end to the reinforcements of the Terrans. However, something spectacular happened." Arianna waved a hand and the focus moved on the bridge of a Terran ship, where a red dragon was lying on the ground, badly injured and burned with several guards keeping their weapons aimed at the scaled-one.

The captain of the ship and a grand admiral of one of the fleets, a middle-aged, bald man with an eye-patch over his right eye, stood in front of the dragon "Admiral Duranga...It appears you are losing this battle."

The dragon stared at the human with sheer menace in his eyes "Why...do you have to do this? Why do you want to destroy us so badly? We haven't done anything to you..."

The human shook his head "I have nothing personal against you hairy and scaly lot...but as a soldier, I must obey the orders of my Emperor."

Duranga lifted his head up and stared directly to the eyes of the human "You don't have to do this...you don't need to fight against us. You obviously don't like what is going to happen...When the Gateway falls, for at this rate it will go down, you humans will slaughter everything and everyone you find...not sparing even the women and children."

"I do not approve of that myself, but I can't stand alone against the entire fleet." the human replied, shaking his head once again.

Duranga stood slowly up and the guards lifted their weapons, preparing to fire but the captain made a halting motion with his hand, thus sparing the dragon from death. Standing on shaking legs, Duranga took a step closer to the human captain "You wouldn't be alone...I know for a fact there are those who would join you. We've had spies following you for quite some time and we know most of your underlings would be glad to follow you even if you would defect..."

Arianna snapped her fingers and the recording went quickly forwards "Admiral Duranga and grand admiral Eagleheart talked for a while longer, during which Duranga managed to convince Eagleheart to defect, leading Eagleheart's fleet to be known as the Renegade Fleet."

The cadets shifted back to their original position amidst the empty space, watching how nearly a third of the Terran fleet opened fire on their own ships, lighting the dark void of space with bright blossoms of fire.

"The betrayal of grand admiral Eagleheart led to the Edenian's victory over the Terran's. Without the Renegade Fleet, Edenia would have fallen to the Terrans. Most unfortunately admiral Duranga passed away from the wounds he had suffered. His determination, sacrifice and diplomatic skills ensured you have a future, that you have a chance to live your lives and help build a better tomorrow." Arianna concluded as the holo-record ended and lights turned back on.

"Well, this time sure was a lot more interesting than having to watch something dull about the Council of Patriarchs or the colonization of some backwater hellhole." Charles said as they had concluded the day's activities and the familiar group of four was yet again in Charles' room.

Magrath had indeed taken it easier on his cadets, and it showed: their performance had been nothing short of splendid.

This time the four weren't playing cards, however. Marcus was lying on Charles' bed, staring at the ceiling, Alan sat on a chair next to the reindeer and red a book, though he didn't flip pages nor did his eyes move. Charles and Jim were sitting on the opposite sides of the small table with Jim leaning himself on his palm with his elbow on the table whilst Charles was rocking back and forth in his chair, the hyena's hands crossed behind his head.

"Yeah...that history lesson was interesting I give that, plus that new ship of ours, Damnation, seemed like a fine piece." Marcus said, still staring at the ceiling.

"Not to mention the fact we are having a day off tomorrow since we 'need to rest and recreate before an important event such as this tournament.' Magrath said something like that, right?" Charles asked, shifting his gaze lazily from one fur to the other whilst still rocking slowly back and forth with the chair.

"Yeah..He did indeed say it JUST like that." Jim replied whilst lazily tracing some random lines on the surface of the table with a claw, quite apparently thinking of something far more important.

The four boys fell silent yet again, everyone thinking to themselves, everyone focusing on their own worries.

All of a sudden Marcus sat up, heaved his feet to the floor and stretched long and hard, several quite nasty popping and cracking sounds coming from him "I think I'll go for a walk..." With that said the reindeer stood up and left.

As the door closed, Alan too stood up, slamming his book shut and marching to the door "Laters, Jim, Charles."

The two replied in almost perfect unison "Laters kittycat."

A few moments later, Charles took a deep breath and broke the silence that had landed in the room even heavier now that Marcus and Alan weren't there anymore "I wonder what that was all about...you know, the two of them leaving all of a sudden."

Jim snapped out of his bothersome thoughts, staring blankly at the hyena for a few moments before answering "I think it's nothing...We'd better keep our noses clear of this little 'mystery' you are making up."

Charles stopped rocking back and forth, leaning closer to Jim as if he was afraid someone might overhear them "I think there's something fishy about thi-"

"Look, there is absolutely NOTHING fishy about the two of them leaving. You are just making things up." Jim said before Charles had a chance to finish his sentence. "Now I'm going too...I'll be at the gym to vent off some steam." and then the rat too left, leaving Charles completely alone in the room.

Charles punched the lock of the door on and shuffled to his bed, drawing a small box with a padlock on it. The hyena withdrew a small key from the drawer of his nightstand and opened the lock, revealing a stack of porn magazines. It had been a difficult job to obtain the magazines, but atleast he now had something to do whilst alone.

The hyena plopped down on the bed, undoing his pants with one paw whilst holding a magazine with the other. This was his way to unwind a bit and he was going to enjoy it now that he had a chance...

Alan caught Marcus at the end of the staircase which led to their dorm-section. Slightly out of breath for having run all the way, Alan stopped beside Marcus, looking upwards at the reindeer's face.

Marcus noticed Alan arrive and the reindeer turned to face the cheetah, a small smile curling on the side of Marcus' mouth. He wanted nothing more than to just press Alan against a wall and kiss him, to feel those soft feline lips against his once more.

During the short time they had had some mutual feelings for eachother, they had spent maybe two or three nights together, never doing anything more intimate than sleeping in eachother's arms.

The reindeer resisted his urge, however, since there were others around. Most of the tolerance for gayness there had been amongst the furries in Terra had been peeled away due to the war and the general lack of population in the early days of the furrie's existence. Gay relationships were tolerated, to some extent, but as they didn't provide cubs they weren't exactly approved either.

"We got a day off tomorrow...maybe we could, you know, do something together. Just the two of us..." Alan said, keeping his voice on a hushed level.

Marcus nodded a few times, his smile broadening just a little bit before he replied "Sounds good. You know...you think we could go to lake Silvanor?"

"Why? Not that I'd object the idea, but..."

Marcus looked around and then pulled Alan with him to an empty corridor "Well I thought it would be a nice place to go out on a..." He leaned closer, scanning the corridor once more before whispering "...date."

Alan felt his face start to heat up as blood rushed to his cheeks, causing the young cheetah to blush, the slight tinge of red barely visible through his fur "Well...ummm...ok."

"Ok...good...yeah! I'll umm...just go and pick up a few things and change into something more casual. You should do the same, Alan."

Several minutes later Marcus was finished gathering all he thought they needed, having packed everything inside a small backpack. Marcus checked himself over from a mirror once more, trying to find something wrong with his outfit of black pants, similar to those of captain Magrath, a tank top and a simple black jacket with a red stripe on each sleeve. To top it all off, the reindeer attached a small silver chain with a silvery pendant shaped like a crescent moon around his neck.

Marcus stopped at the doorway, turning around and returning to his nightstand to grab a couple of condoms with him, thinking it would better to be safe and sure. "But no...Sex is not going to be the whole point of this trip...If it happens, good. If it doesn't, I'm ok with that too." He thought to himself as he pulled the zipper of his jacket up and walked to the corridor.

Alan was waiting for the reindeer just outside the academy's doors, sitting on the marble stairs and watching the six large statues all of which displayed one of the so called Edenian Heroes. Alan was able to recognize the first hero of the furries, Katsuoki Shido, in the far left and Admiral Duranga was the third from right.

"Hey, kittycat! Ready to go?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." Alan said and waved to Marcus, his tail swishing lazily behind him as he stood up from the sun-warmed marble stair he was sitting on. Alan's clothing was quite different to that of Marcus, consisting simply of a surprisingly tight pair of olive-green pants and a matching T-shirt.

The season was quite close to summer, making the air comfortably warm. The sounds of exotic birds singing amidst the palm-like trees filled the air as did the various scents of the surroundings.

Alan and Marcus walked through the well-kept yard, the fine gravel of the path, which criss-crossed around the perimeter of the academy, crunching quietly under their feet as they went on.

Upon reaching the concrete wall which surrounded the academy, the two simply walked through the gate, the MP, a bored looking gnu known as Old Hassan, opened the gate without much of a hassle, only asking them for a rough estimation on when they'd be back.

Marcus looked at Alan from the corner of his eye, smiling to himself as he saw the cheetah being clearly on cheery mood. The gate of the academy was rapidly shrinking as the boys walked further and further away. After several minutes they turned on a less used yet still quite broad forest road, moving to walk underneath the cool, comfortable shade of the forest canopy.

Whilst walking Alan and Marcus talked, idle chit chat about their theoretical studies in the academy, their new ship EES Damnation, the upcoming tournament and even the weather. They weren't in a hurry, instead they took their time to walk down the winding road as the planet's sun was slowly decending beyond the horizon, painting everything in marvelous shades of orange and red.

Taking one last turn around a bend Alan and Marcus arrived at lake Silvanor. The slight breeze caused very little disturbance in the serene surface of the large lake. Several civilian families and couples were there, taking sun, swimming and generally njoying themselves, as if the war raging several lightyears away was nothing more than a slight nuisance.

"A bit crowded..." Alan said quietly, scanning the beach with his eyes, feeling how the gentle breeze ruffled the fur on his head and face ever so lightly like the touch of a lover.

Marcus poked Alan in the back, indicating they were going to be moving on "I know of a place where we can be all alone. It's on the other side of the lake at the northeastern edge, right beyond those cliffs over there and then past a small patch of woods." The reindeer then pointed at a formation of rock which proturded into the water.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's get going. Last one there is a bad egg!" Alan shouted merrily and then darted off.

"Hey!" Marcus stood for a moment before sprinting after Alan "Damn you, kittycat!" he shouted with a tone which told quite obviously he was just fooling around, secretly enjoying the sight of Alan running ahead of him in those tight pants of his.

From the treeline, well out of sight, a lone figure watched the reindeer and the cheetah running. The figure stepped into the fading light of the day, revealing a dark-gray rat clad in completely black denim outfit (those were still made because of the durability of the fabric) and black military boots.

Jim had been following his two friends all the way from the academy, remaining hidden and quiet though there was little need for it since Marcus and Alan had been focusing on everything else except their surroundings.

The rat watched as the folks in the beach were slowly gathering their stuffs and preparing to go home for the night, only to return either tomorrow or some other day. He followed the footsteps of his friends, a knot slowly tightening inside his stomach as his fears about what the two were going to do swelled up.

Marcus and Alan arrived at a quite secluded cove by the large lake. The place was covered from almost everywhere by steep hills where some small yet bushy trees grew, providing a form of shelter from the looks of those who could possibly be on top of the cliffs.

"Well? What do you think?" asked Marcus, waving a hand around like he was swiping something away.

Alan knelt down and grabbed a fistfull of the clean, smooth white sand in his paw, kneading at it for a moment before letting it flutter away, scattered by the wind "It's...a really nice place"

"Glad you like it." Marcus replied as he tossed his bag pack under a tree and started to unpack it, pulling out some sandwiches he had nicked from the messhall, a large, green blanket, two bottles of water and a pair of towels.

Alan padded over to his reindeer friend, watching Marcus as he pulled the stuff out of the pack. The cheetah then sat down on the blanket which Marcus had laid out, watching at the rapidly darkening sky.

Marcus sat down too, right next to Alan, and placed an arm around his shoulders "I'm...glad I saw you in the showers back then..If I hadn't woken up so early and arrived at the place, the two of us would most likely never have found eachother."

Alan was feeling a bit nervous, yet the arm of Marcus around him felt so comforting and he could feel the warmth of the reindeer even through the clothing. Slowly he began to relax, laying his head on Marcus' shoulder "Yeah. If you hadn't been there, back in the gym, I would've most likely been forced to quit the academy and go home."

Leaning his cheek against Alan's head, Marcus pulled Alan completely against himself "I just hope I can be there for you always..."

"A-Are you asking me to..to be...?" Alan stammered, fumbling with his words.

"Yeh...I want to be your boyfriend, I really do."

Alan fell silent, staring into the almost completely dark lake. Marcus started to feel he had made a mistake "I'm...I'm sorry Alan..."



Alan detached himself from Marcus and turned his upper body so he could face the reindeer "Yes...Yes I want that too." He then smiled, quite nervously, reaching a paw out to cup it on Marcus' cheek and then gently caressing the soft, silky fur there.

Marcus placed his own, a bit larger, hand on Alan's, planting a kiss on the cheetah's knuckles before pulling the small feline into a tight hug.

Alan draped his arms around Marcus' back, patting the reindeer's jacket, a low, rumbling purr emiting from deep within his throat.

"You know, I had been watching you already for a while even before I found out about your orientation." said Marcus, pulling a bit away from Alan to look at the admittedly cute cheetah. Even for a geek, Alan had a good build, the academy and Magrath had taken care of that. He wasn't very muscular, but he was slim, cute and had that sort of boyish charm which Marcus found extremely attractive. Simply put, Alan was a little hottie in the reindeer's mind.

"Why ummm...thanks." Alan managed to reply. He was having a hard time believing someone actually found him attractive, even if it was another guy. He took a grip of the zipper on Marc's jacket, pulling it down one nub at a time.

When the zipper was finally open, Marcus dropped the jacket with one, fluid rotating motion of his shoulders. The air hitting him felt pleasantly cool after the jacket, making Marcus' skin go to goosebumps. For a while he just looked at Alan, feeling like he was drowning into those deep eyes of the feline. He leaned forward, slowly, his eyes falling gradually shut, closing completely only when his lips made contact with those of Alan.

Alan tilted his head to the side, thus pressing further into the passionate kiss. He was getting more and more relaxed by the second, curiosity and deep affection for the reindeer driving him further and further. He felt something stirring in his lower region; his sheath growing harder just from the kiss.

Marcus noticed Alan was getting excited "A good sign." he thought to himself, letting his hands slide under the hem of kittycat's shirt and pull it off of Alan. His own tanktop followed soon suit, leaving both of them naked from waist up.

Alan's purring grew louder as he leaned against Marcus, feeling how the reindeer's strong heart beat so close to his own, making him shiver lightly.

"Alan? I just wanted to know...how far are you ready to go?" Marcus asked all of a sudden.

Staring down for a moment, Alan saw the bulges on both his and his new boyfriend's pants. He looked up, smiling broadly "With you..." his paw traced over Marc's firm sixpack, moving lower and lower untill he slipped it inside Marcus' pants, rubbing at the reindeer's growing erection through his underwear "...all the way." He concluded, giggling as Marcus responded to his stimulation by letting out a small groan.

The paw stroking at his cock made Marcus just get harder and he felt he couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to be intimately with Alan so bad, to give his virginity to the cheetah. Firmly he pushed Alan on his back, lying down on the feline himself and kissing Alan passionately once again.

Alan, his paw still inside Marcus' pants, purred to the kiss, his free paw wrapping around the reindeer's back though it didn't stay there for long, since Marcus sat up, straddling Alan's hips and moving on to undo his pants.

The feline did the same, lifting his hips a bit to pull the pants down to his knees. He felt oddly confident, all the nervousness and doubt having vanished in thin air, since, for some reason, this felt right, like it was meant to be this way.

Marcus shifted away from Alan to yank the feline's pants away, soon followed by the cheetah's underwear. With obvious lust in is eyes, Marcus stared at Alan's rigid member. He hadn't been pawing off since the first time he slept with Alan, having saved himself for this occasion "Just as I remembered." he said, reaching forward to run his hand lightly over the shaft of Alan's member.

In response, Alan gasped. The sensation was familiar yet oddly strange, feeling much better when Marcus was the one doing it rather than his own paw. He felt how Marcus wrapped his hand around the lenght of his member, slowly starting to stroke at the slick shaft "Ohhh...Marcus th-that feels good..."

Standing hidden behind a tree, Jim watched how MArcus and Alan talked, how they moved on to kissing and beyond. The rat actually let out a small squeak as he saw kittycat's paw slip inside Marcus' pants.

He felt disgusted. He had, in a way, expected this, but seeing it still hurt. The feeling of revolt caused by the two having a go at eachother was almost instantly replaced by something far worse; jealousy.

Jim was shocked to notice he was jealous of Marcus because the reindeer got to be with Alan 'like that'. He felt a large lump starting to swell in his throat, constricating him, making breathing hard. "That could be me there with Alan...If only I hadn't hesitated back then..." Jim thought to himself, feeling how his eyes started to burn as tears were welling up there.

His own stupidity angered him, for seeing Alan there, soon having sex with Marcus, made him understand what he could've gotten...and what he had lost -possibly forever. His sorrow was soon replaced with anger as the green-eyed beast of jealousy lifted it's head inside him.

He pulled out a small recorder from his pocket and activated it, recording how Marcus leaned over Alan's cock, slowly lapping at the head and down the shaft before returning back to the tip, how the reindeer parted his lips and took Alan's member slowly into his muzzle.

For a few more moments Jim let the recorder roll before shutting it down and pocketing it again. He couldn't bear to stay and watch how either of them would, eventually, fuck the other into the ass. Jim sneaked away quietly. He had gotten what he wanted, and soon he'd be getting Alan too...

The taste of Alan's member was a brand new experience to Marcus. He resumed bobbing his head slowly up and down, tracing his tongue over the underside of it, making mental notes on the spots at which Alan gasped the most. The taste of precum hit his mouth all of a sudden, but he liked it, knowing he was doing something right.

Alan couldn't help but squirm on the blanket, the warm muzzle of Marcus over his member feeling nothing short of blissful. He moaned out loud yet again, the contented sound mixing with his constant purring as more and more precum leaked into the reindeer's mouth. He knew he couldn't take it much longer, already feeling how his balls were preparing to unload their contents into Marcus' expecting mouth "O-Oh...I..I'm close..."

Hearing Alan's statement Marcus smiled, taking as much as he could of the feline's member into his muzzle in one last fell swoop. This last bit of stimulation was too much for Alan to bear, his cock starting to spasm, unloading a healthy dose of warm, sticky semen into Marcus' maw.

The reindeer gulped valiantly but he failed to get it all, some of the sticky fluid dripping on to Alan's scrotum. As Alan's orgasm died down, Marcus shifted to lick away the drops he had missed, chukling at the purring coming from Alan.

"I can't believe how GOOD that felt.." Alan said and sat up "Now ummm...I guess it's your turn."

"Only if you want to, though...I won't be doing anything you don't want me to." Marcus said, planting a kiss on Alan's lips, giving the feline a slight taste of his own semen.

Alan purred even louder, his face split into a wide, warm smile "Yes I want it. I want to feel you...inside me."

Alan turned around, propping himself on all fours, his tail lifting in the air, exposing himself to Marcus completely.

Smiling lopsidedly Marcus set himself behind Alan, the condoms he had taken with him having been wiped away from his mind. Marcus stroked at his maleness lightly, making sure he was hard enough to mount Alan.

Still keeping a hold of the shaft of his member, Marcus rubbed his tip against Alan's pucker, smearing the tight ring of pink flesh with precum to slick things up, his other hand resting on Alan's hip. The reindeer gave Alan's hip a reassuring squeeze before pushing against the feline's pucker, going harder and harder untill his tip penetrated Alan's virginial tailhole.

Alan gasped, not so much out of pain, even if the stretching of his tailhole DID hurt a bit, as out of how good it was feeling Marcus slowly fill him up with his cock. It brought forth a whole new array of sensations in Alan, his purring growing ever so slightly more audible as he felt the reindeer's hips press against his; the reindeer havig hilted himself inside Alan.

Marcus couldn't help but let out a small grunt as he pulled himself slowly out of Alan, leaving only his tip and a tiny bit of his shaft inside the feline, the tight pucker of Alan hitting several sensitive spots along his member as he moved. Equally slowly he pushed back in, feeling the warmth of Alan surround his maleness yet again and this only intensified the moment, making Marcus let out a moan.

"Take me, Marcus...I want you, I NEED you." Alan whispered quietly, feeling how Marcus started to buck with his hips, sliding his member inside Alan's anal cavity, hitting his prostate with almost every thrust, sending small jolts up and down the feline's spine.

Under the dim light of the planet's twin moons, Alan and Marcus worked to strenghten their bond, the reindeer pistoning to Alan's tailhole with increasing pace, his breathing growing heavier and heavier as he felt his climax drawing closer.

Alan lowered his face on the blanket, thus lifting his hips a bit further into the air to allow Marcus to better thrust inside him. Every time the reindeer pulled away, Alan was left feeling a bit empty, though this feeling was always quickly swiped away as Marcus bucked back in.

As Alan lied further down, Marcus took the hint and lowered himself further on Alan's back, the angle of his thrusting improving and making the whole thing that much more enjoyable for them both, adding another level of pleasure into the sex.

The pent-up sexual energy of Marcus didn't allow the reindeer to go much further, though, before he felt his balls pulling a bit closer to his body, indicating he was about to cum.

"O-Oh gods..I-I'm..I'm gonna...G-Gaaa!" Marcus managed to say before he hit his peak, semen rushing through his shaft despite his valiant efforts to keep it inside, to keep on going as long as possible. Even as his cock churned wave after wave of hot semen into Alan's tailhole, the reindeer kept on thrusting, only stopping when his limp member slipped out of Alan.

Alan mrowled loudly as he felt Marcus spill his admittedly largish load inside him, the sensation the semen brought forth as it washed over his prostate making the feline actually mew with delight, that and the tickly feeling brought by Marcus' cum dripping from his tailhole and over his fuzzy sac.

Alan's knees felt suddenly wobbly and weak, and if it hadn't been for those strong arms of Marcus holding him, he would've collapsed to the ground, spent, exhausted.

Marcus lied down on the blanket, taking Alan with him, laying the warm, soft and tired body of the cheetah next to him before pulling the other half of the blanket over them. Marcus put an arm around Alan, planting a kiss on the cheetah's neck "I love you, Alan."

Alan smiled and stretched a bit, unintentionally and quite accidentally grinding his rear againts Marcus, causing the reindeer to smile "I love you too, Marcus..."

Jim marched through the gates of the Academy, fuming with anger and blinking away the tears which he had failed to hold back. A voice spoke behind him, a voice which was relaxed and casual yet quite authorative "Hang on a second, cadet. Do you think this is some kind of hotel where you can walk in and out as you please?"

Jim stopped and turned around to face the speaker who was none other than Old Hassan "I'm sorry, sir, but I'm not quite in the mood for, with all due respect, crap like that." Jim said, turning his gaze away from the elderly gnu.

Surprisingly the gnu seemed to ignore the fact Jim had pretty much told him to get lost. Instead his voice turned a bit softer, more understanding "Ah...Cadet seems to have a troubled heart. Come to the watch house with Old Hassan." Despite the soft tone, it wasn't a suggestion.

Sighing deep Jim followed Hassan to the small shack, which acted as the guard house, and sat down on a chair, the old gnu sitting on the other.

"It is not often Old Hassan gets to have visitors." the gnu said with a small grin "You seem to be troubled...has this got anything to do with those two cadets that left a bit before you?"

Jim was a bit irritated by the way how Old Hassan referred to himself in third person, but at the same time he was slightly surprised of the fact the gnu had gotten it right on the first guess "H-How did you know?"

Hassan tapped his snout a few times with his index and fore fingers, his grin widening a bit "Old Hassan keeps his eyes and ears open all the time. Hassan may be old, but he ain't stupid." With a surprisingly swift motion Hassan leaned closer to Jim and swiped away the moisture from the corner of Jim's left eye with a thumb. Hassan then rubbed the thumb against his fore finger, keeping his eyes fixed on his paw "Old Hassan has been young once, too. Old Hassan knows what a heart-ache is like..."

Jim remained quiet. He felt his face burning with embarrasement because the gnu had, once again, guessed right. Jim's silence made Hassan smile a lopsided smile "Old Hassan was correct once again, hmm?" Jim didn't bother to answer.

Hassan leaned back in his chair, crossed his arms over his chest and lifted his feet on the table "Young cadet...You DO know this is a bad time to be suffering from any kind of distraction? Old Hassan means, that the tournament is coming up and you have to stay sha--"

Jim interrupted Hassan mid-sentence "I know that all too well...Sir." He added the honorific to the end with a slight delay.

An awkward silence fell to the small shack. A silence during which Jim kept staring at the surface of the table and Hassan gingerly cleaned the undersides of his nails with a knife. Suddenly the gnu hurled the knife towards Jim, the blade swishing so close to the rat's head he almost felt the metal brush against his cheek. Jim squeaked and almost fell down from the chair, the knife embedding firmly to the wooden wall behind Jim's back.

"You probably wonder why Old Hassan did that, hmm? Old Hassan did that because you needed some shock-treatment to snap you out of your dark thoughts." said Hassan, followed by a serie of nods. Jim was just about ready to lunge over the table and strangle that old fart, but he held his temper as Hassan continued "Think what would've happened if you had been in the tournament a moment ago. You'd be dead and out of the game because you didn't concentrate...You won't do no good to your teammates if you are dead."

Jim knew the gnu was right. What had he been thinking, letting himself be so distracted when the tournament was so close? Sighing deep the rat shook his head "You are right, sir...I need to pull my act together."

Hassan reached out to pat Jim briskly on the shoulder several times "'Atta boy! Now run along it's late and you need as much sleep as you can get even if the tournament is overtomorrow."

Jim stood up, snapped a rigid attention and saluted "Yes sir!" Hassan returned the salute and Jim left.

Doctor B walked down an empty corridor, his padded footpaws making no sound against the floor. He was heading, as usual, to his beloved lion's room. A clicking noise made him halt and an angry voice spoke from amidst the shadows somewhere to his left "The hell are YOU doing here at this time of the night...?"

Doctor B felt a chill run down his spine. The cougar knew who it was even before he turned his head to stare at the velociraptor "I'm just walking around with no real direction... Since I'm not a cadet I am, as far as I know, allowed to do that even at this time of the evening."

Captain Steele marched to the cougar, his lips curling up to reveal long rows of small yet lethally sharp fangs which were more than capapble of ripping Browning's throat open should the raptor feel the urge to do so. Steele snarled quietly "I don't understand why general Lee allowed you to come here...especially after what you did to Charlot and Lizzie."

Unwillingly Browning took half a step backwards "I'm sorry about what happened to your daughter...and your wife afterwards."

"The hell you are! You were fucking drunk AT WORK!" Steele shouted.

"It was supposed to be my day off...I had no idea I'd be needed so I went and had a few drinks...Haven't been drinking ever since."

Steele grabbed the front of Browning's white labcoat and slammed the cougar against a wall, hissing with anger "You still were drunk...and that resulted in Charlot dying on the operation table and then Lizzie passed away of sorrow...YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER AND WIFE!" Steele's voice echoed along the corridor yet no one was there to hear it.

Browning struggled against the vice-like grip of Steele. Several years ago he had indeed been working when drunk. A day off, or so he had thought, but he had still been called to work. He hadn't been drunk enough to look like he was drunk, so he had been allowed to perform an emergency operation on a young raptoress who was one of the eight critical patients of the wreck of a bullet-train somewhere downtown.

The alcohol had, however, affected his motoric skills and his thinking enough to cause him order an overdose of morfine and slice open an artery at the raptoress' pelvis. Only merit to Browning was the fact the raptoress had died quickly. After that event he had been fired and not a single hospital would hire him. Later on he had heard the raptoress' mother had died of an illness caused by the sorrow she felt for the loss of her only child.

Browning had thought his life was as good as over untill one fatefull night an old friend of his , general Lee, had arrived to his appartment. Ever since then Browning had been working at the Pegasi Falls Fleet Academy.

Steele's grip, however, hadn't loosened one bit "In my opinion you should've been locked up in a cage to rot and the key thrown away...But nooo, you get to work here where I have to entrust the lives of my cadets to your incompetent paws, and the only reason you got here was because you sucked Lee's dick." Steele pulled Browning a bit back and then slammed him again against the wall with sufficient force to knock the wind out of the cougar's lungs.

Browning coughed a few times, his back hurt quite badly from the hits "Th...That never happened...I never did that with general Lee..."

"That's what you say...fag!" For the third time Steele rammed Browning's back against the wall and the cougar went limp. Letting out a loathing snort the raptor tossed Browning to the floor with a Judo-throw. The hard landing on the floor knocked once more the wind out of Browning's lungs, causing him to cough even more.

"Take my advice...leave when you still can..." Steele said as he watched the cougar cradle his aching sides. Turning on his heels the raptor marched away, leaving Browning where he was, knowing the cougar wouldn't be telling a soul what had happened.

The soundproof door to the shooting-gallery slid open with a hiss and the quiet sound of two pistols, both of which used the same magnetic accelrator technique as the rifles most of Mobile Infantry used, filled Magrath's ears. Taking a turn to the left the lion spotted a familiar hyena, Charles, practising with two pistols. The young hyena seemed to hit well with his right hand but his aiming with the left wasn't nearly as good.

"Training to be ambidextrous with the pistols, Charles?" Magrath asked after tapping the hyena on the shoulder.

Charles stopped and placed the pistols on the table, snapping a salute which Magrath returned "Yes sir. I thought it might be a good thing to be able to use a pair of pistols in the upcoming tournament." After a small pause he added with a sly grin "Plus it looks really cool."

Magrath grinned, too, and crossed his arms over his chest "Indeed that it does...but you really think it's a smart idea to be using live ammunition at this time of the night? You DO know there has to be an instructor around always when live ammunition is used?"

"And there is one right here, Magrath." A voice replied. Magrath looked to his right and noticed he was staring directly to the eyes of captain Lahti, a captain from the Kalevalla star-system. Flashing a grin the lynx took a step away from the wall he had been leaning against "I spotted this spotted fella trying to get in here for some late night shootout...needless to say, he wasn't getting in, abut since I had nothing better to do I thought I could come and supervise his practise."

Magrath placed his hands on his hips and grinned at the lynx "Yeah...I'm quite sure you took the opportunity to spy on one of my cadets to gain an advantage in the tournament."

Lahti raised his paws in the air, trying to look most innocent and surprised "Who? Me? Nooo...I wouldn't even dream of doing something like that." The two adults then burst into laughter and Charles just watched, rubbing the back of his head and his mane.

Between laughters Lahti managed to say "Ok...Ok you got me...of course I was spying on this fella, and I must say he has gotten me slightly worried."

Still grinning Magrath shook his head "Well now that I'm here, Lahti, you can get going."

"Awww...Do I have to? I wanna spy on him some more!" Lahti replied with an obviously playful tone. Nevertheless he turned around and left, waving to Magrath and Charles without looking back.

After the door to the shooting gallery had slid firmly shut Charles turned his full attention to his captain "You wanted something, sir?" He asked, trying to keep both his expression and tone of voice level despite the rush of adrenaline that occurred to him every time he used live rounds in handguns.

"Yes I do want something from you, Charles. Have you seen Jim? This matter deals with the two of you or your constant quarreling to be precise." Magrath said, crossing his paws behind his back as he spoke.

Charles shook his head slowly "I'm sorry, sir, but I haven't seen Jim since he left my room quite a while ago. He seemed to be in quite a hurry."

"I see...Any idea on where he might have gone?"

"Negative, sir."

"I see..." Magrath frowned. Where on earth had Jim gone? "Well I think you've had enough fun with live ammunition, Charles. Check in the weapons and get to your room." Magrath held a small pause and then added, seeing a hint of rebelliousness in the hyena's face "And that was NOT a suggestion, cadet."

Charles sighed and then nodded "Yes sir." Looking clearly disappointed the hyena slouched over to the desk and put both pistols and all the ammo he had into a slot. A lid closed. Then there was a humm followed by a serie of clicks and the weapons were gone. Somehow Charles felt so...naked without the comforting weight of the sidearms in his paws. Shaking his head a few times he discarded the bizarre feeling and padded away from the shooting gallery, not stopping untill he was back in his room.

Browning had managed to gather himself enough to limp to his office where he injected a largish dose of instantly affecting liquid painkiller to his system. He sighed, deep. Now that the physical pain was gone, the emotional one left by Steele's words remained.

He felt crushed, for he knew he was quilty for the deaths of the two raptoresses. "If only I hadn't taken those drinks...If only I hadn't been so drunk...If only..." he thought to himself, the ifs and what-ifs running through his head as he took his shirt and labcoat away to examine the extensiveness of the damage Steele had caused to him.

It wasn't the first time Steele roughed him up. Browning remembered atleast a dozen similar occasions, though this had been the most violent so far. He ran a paw over his sides, checking for broken ribs and was relieved to note none had broken.

His fur covered small bumps and bruises, but Michael would surely notice a broken rib and get curious as for how he had obtained it.

Not only that, the raptor had gotten quite close to the truth with his remark about Browning having sucked off general Lee...

Browning had been sitting in his appartment most of the following day after he had been fired. Sure he had been lucky he hadn't been sued, but still he had lost his job, his reputation, everything.

The doorbell rang and Browning went to open the door. Standing in the heavy downpour was the soaked figure of an old friend of his. The jackal had clearly been walking for quite some time, his red uniform dripping with water, forming a small pool to Browning's porch.

"James? What are YOU doing here? Come on in, you're soaking wet!" Browning said, stepping aside to allow the jackal to enter.

"Charles I came because I heard of your...accident." Lee replied, taking off his coat and handing it to the cougar, who then tossed the jacket to a corner. Lee raised a brow at this and Browning simply shrugged, saying "I'm going to lose this house anyways, so a little bit of water in a corner is nothing."

The two walked to the living room of the spacious appartment and sat down on the sofa. For almost a minute neither of them said anything before Lee broke the silence "As you know, I'm acting as the commanding officer at the Pegasi Falls Fleet Academy and..." Lee held a small pause, hesitating a while "I might have a job for you." he concluded.

"What do you mean?" Browning asked, sounding indifferent.

"Our medical officer, doctor Nicholas Helsing, is retiring and I have none to fill his post. I NEED someone able in that post and you, Charles, you are the one I'd like to have as the doctor of the academy." Lee blurted out, speaking quickly to get this matter over with as soon as possible.

Browning was silent for a very long time before he finally said "I don't think I could be trusted with the task..."

Lee made a cutting motion with his paw "Nonsense! You are one of the best doctors I know, and don't you dare to go and say you aren't because that, my friend, would be a lie."

Browning simply shook his head and buried his head into his paws. He didn't FEEL like a good doctor right now, not after what had happened to that young raptoress. He heard a quiet brushing sound as Lee moved right next to him, the jackal's wet yet somewhat warm arms wrapping around his shoulders, the surprisingly light weight of Lee's head landing on his shoulder. Browning was shocked, moreso because the jackal had a wedding ring in his finger and a female jackal by the name of Mia held the other ring.

Lee must've read Browning's thoughts because he whispered quietly to the cougar's ear, his paw coming to rest on Browning's inner-thigh "Mia doesn't know I'm actually bisexual... and she suffers from 'headaches' a bit too often for my liking of late..."

"A-Are..Are you suggesting I should help you cheat on her because you can give me a place to work at?" Browning asked, feeling how mild anger towards Lee started to boil inside himself, and he then added "James I'm shocked! I never thought you would be one to cheat on your wife."

Sighing deep Lee pulled away from Browning "I'm sorry...Mia has just been spending quite a few girls' night out with her friends, and with me being quite busy with work, I've been terribly lonely as of late. Even if we wouldn't do anything, I'd still give you the job because I KNOW you are more than capable of doing it if you just stop drinking."

Browning fell sieltn for a moment, staring at his feet. He then noticed the carpet under Lee's feet was getting wetter and wetter all the time. He snapped his head up and gasped "Lee! I'm so sorry, I forgot you are still soaking wet."

Making quite a fuss about it, Beowning helped Lee get off his wet clothes, leaving the jackal in only a pair of white boxers which, due to the water, gave Browning quite a clear view at Lee's private areas and, as the jackal turned around, at his nice, round yet firm butt.

The sight of the almost nude jackal made Browning feel slightly uncomfortable. Sure, had Lee been free, Browning would've gladly accepted Lee's offer to spend the night with him. At that time Browning was alone, his previous mate having left him nearly six months ago because Browning had been so busy with work.

Snapping out of his thoughts Browning brought Lee a towel and the jackal dried himself, mumbling several thanks to Browning.

An awkward silence fell as the two sat back on the couch. Browning kept his eyes averted from the nearly naked Lee and Lee kept on drying his fur, smoothing it down so it wasn't all poofy.

"Want something to drink?" Browning finally asked and stood up, intending to head for the kitchen.

"Just water." Came Lee's reply and Browning walked to the kitchen, taking out two glasses and filling them with water.

A pair of muscled arms wrapping gently around his body forced Browning to put the glasses back on the table, an involuntary gasp escaping his muzzle as he felt the cold, wet nose of Lee press into his neck, slowly nuzzling him.

"Please, Charles, just this once I want to be with you...Just once, that's all I ask."

Browning chewed on his lower lip lightly. He had known Lee for quite some time and had even had a crush, which he had hidden, for the jackal and now the canine was there, almost begging the cougar to be intimately with him. The fact Browning's previous boyfriend, an arctic wolf, had left him almost six months ago wasn't helping one bit. Work had kept Browning really busy and in the end his boyfriend had grown tired of it and left.


Browning remained silent, trying to think all the pros and cons of saying yes to Lee. Several long seconds ticked by, Lee's arms still tightly wrapped around Browning's body.

Browning made up his mind, showing it by grasping one of Lee's paws in his own and slowly guiding it under the belt-line of his pants and underwear.

Lee marfed in surprise, his ears perking up as Browning took hold of his paw and started to guide it lower and lower over the cougar's body untill he felt the warmth of Browning's crotch on his paw. Delivering a small affectionate nip on Browning's neck Lee started to slowly massage at the cougar's sheath and fuzzy sac, smiling warmly as he heard Browning let out a slightly quivering gasp and feeling how Browning's sheath grew harder.

Browning turned around in a flash, his arms wrapping around Lee's neck as he pulled the canine into a deep passionate kiss, his tongue slipping into Lee's willing muzzle to explore it's warm confines, the bodies of the two males firmly pressed together.

Lee moaned into the kiss, his paws slipping under the hem of Browning's shirt, grabbing a hold of the fabric and pulling the piece of clothing over the cougar's head and throwing it then away.

The cougar detached his arms from Lee, moving swiftly to open up his belt and then unbutton and unzip his pants, letting them fall into a heap around his ankles, his underwear following suit soon after. Stepping out of the pants and underwear now pooled around his ankles Browning once more flung his arms around the Jackal's lower back, kissing him again and giving Lee's butt a quite shameless grope in the process of it as he guided Lee back to the living room.

Lee simply followed suit, his eyes held closed and his paws stroking allover Browning's body. He felt his feet bump against the edge of the sofa and he lost his balance, falling back-first onto the sofa and dragging Browning with him, both of them ignoring the fact their landing hadn't been the most smoothest of them all; they were too focused on eachother to notice anything else.

Lee broke the kiss and grinned at Browning, feeling how the cougar's black maleness pressed against his own rapidly hardening member "Seems like you've been quite lonely as of late...and in need of some action."

Browning purred softly, grinding their groins together "Ever since the last guy I was involved with left me six months ago I haven't been with anyone."

The jackal kissed Browning again "I'm here now, even if it is for just this one single time."

"I'm glad you are...and I'm also glad you...still trust me." Browning replied between kisses along the neck and shoulder of Lee.

Lee simply murred in response, enjoying the touch of the other male. It had been AGES since he had been with another guy and he had almost forgotten how good it felt. Browning let his paws glide along the sides of the jackal's sides, leaving a trail of kisses and nuzzles as he slid lower and lower over Lee's muscled body. Eventually Browning slipped away from the couch and onto his knees on the floor, parting Lee's legs to get a good look at the privates of his friend.

For nearly a minute Browning simply stared at Lee, at the canine's firm legs, his throbbing maleness, his silky smooth sacs. Browning reached forward, caressing Lee's, who had gotten to a sitting position and was now looking down at the cougar with a small smile, inner thighs and moving from there to stroke at his testicles, kneading and weighing the furry orbs in his paw whilst the other slid like a feather up and down his shaft.

Lee moaned at the tender touch of Browning, the weeks and weeks of living in denial manifesting in the form of a drop of precum appearing on the tip of his jackalhood. Giving out a loud purr at the sight Browning leaned closer, rubbing his nose along the underside of Lee's cock, his tongue slipping forth to gently lick along and around it as his paws continued their slow work.

"Oh! By the Council...that feels good, Charles..." Lee moaned out, his cock stiffening even more and giving a small jerk. Browning smiled to himself and opened his muzzle just enough to slip Lee's tip in, suckling at it lightly and making the jackal moan even louder. The cougar lowered his head further down, taking more and more of Lee into his muzzle, bobing his head in slowl rhythm while his tongue swirled along and around the maleness in his muzzle, drinking down all the precum Lee produced.

Suddenly Browning stopped and let Lee's dick slip out of his muzzle, his paws coming to a halt too.

Lee opened his eyes, panting slightly, and asked "Something wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

Slowly Browning shook his head and turned around, giving Lee a smile as he did so, bending over and getting on all fours for the jackal, even lifting his tail and exposing his tailhole which, due to lack of sexual usage, had gotten quite tight. Browning's expression had turned serious as he looked at Lee "I want to feel you inside me, James...Since this is going to happen just this one time, I want you to have me...ALL of me."

Lee's jaw dropped slightly as he stared at the pert rear of Browning's, at the buttocks covered by the silky fur and the pink tailhole which was almost begging him to come and fill it. "A-Are you absolutely sure yo-"

"Yes." Browning interrupted Lee's sentence, lowering his upper body to the floor so that he was exposing himself as fully as possible, wanting to once more have the feeling of being filled by a canine, to be tied, to have a knot buried deep into his rear. So far all those Browning had been involved with, all six of them, had been canines.

Lee gulped and then nodded, slipping dwn from the couch and behind Browning, his glistening member giving a throb, as if beckoning Lee to stop wasting any time and bury himself into the cougar. He gripped Browning by the hips, guiding his member with his other paw to the entrance of Browning's lovehole, slowly pushing his slick maleness into the cougar's rear and letting out an audible moan as his tip slipped in, his knot still concealed by his sheath.

Involuntarily Browning clenched himself around the jackal's cock-head and was rewarded by a squirt of precum shooting into his hot, tight insides. "Ohhh...Lee..." Browning moaned, pushing himself against the canine, causing more and more of Lee's shaft to slide into him, leading him to feel that wonderful sensation of fullness and warmth slowly spreading inside him, his own, throbbing black maleness dripping a drop of precm on the carpet.

With a contented sigh Lee stopped pushing in, having gone almost halfway in. He looked at Browning who nodded, signaling it was okay for the jackal to go ahead and then pulled back, slowly pushing back in and then pulling back out, picking up a slow rhythm at his thrusts, going a bit deeper each time as he felt Browning's tailhole relax and accept him in.

Purring loudly, the purring mixing in with the moans of both him and Lee, Browning enjoyed the blissful sensation of being mounted, feeling somehow empty and hollow every time Lee pulled back, but the exhilarating sensation of fullness and warmth returning soon after as Lee thrust back in, the precum leaking from the jackla lubing him up nicely, allowing Lee to pick up his pace.

In and out, in and out, faster and faster Lee went, feeling his knot starting to form as pure, heavenly bliss coursed through his entire body. He was about to ask Browning if he wanted to be tied, but the cougar beat him to it, moaning out in his extacy "Tie me, James!" and with joy the jackal did so, pushing his knot hard against the cougar's pucker, making the feline gasp every single time his knot slammed against the cougar's pucker.

With one hard, deep thrust Lee's knot popped into Browning, the feline's eyes going wide at the pinch he felt at the stretching his tailhole went through, but the pinch was overwhelmed by pleasure hundredfolds stronger than the tiny bit of pain, making him cry his joy out loud, moaning Lee's name.

Lee was moaning too, gingerly humping Browning, intending to keep his knot inside the feline, not wanting to hurt his friend and lover by ripping his knot out if him. The tingling at the base of his cock alerted Lee to his approaching climax and he slowed down, trying to prolong the session as much as possible though Browning was making it quite hard, clenching tightly around the base of Lee's knot and whispering the jackal to fill him, to cum into him.

That was all it took and Lee felt his climax hit him, the tingling sensation spreading through his entire maleness as semen rushed through it, shooting his hot, white, sticky semen in several waves into Browning's bowels. Lee thought his head was about to explode as he came, the pent-up sexual energy making his orgasm go on and on, some of his cum pushing past his knot and drippling down along Browning's thighs and balls.

Both of them fell down on the carpet, panting hard, Lee still firmly tied with Browning.

Browning wrapped his paw around his own cock, pumping furiously up and down along it's lenght and the sensation was enhanced even more as he felt Lee wrap a paw over his, aiding Browning to paw off. It didn't take long for Browning to finish up, his load spilling allover his and Lee's paw, his chest and stomach and the carpet.

Lee pulled the feline firmly against himself, kissing the cougar's neck gently "Hot and intense...Think you could start at the academy next Monday?"

Browning purred softly in response, loving the feeling of being tied with Lee like that, feeling like he was truly one with his lover "Yes...Yes I can do that." He replied.


It didn't take long for the two to fall asleep

Browning snapped away from his thoughts, having zoned out pretty badly, lost in the pleasant memory of the one single time he had made love with general Lee. Looking down he blushed; the memory had caused him to get quite hard.

"No...I mustn't even think such things! I'm with Michael now and I really love him..." He thought to himself, banishing the imaginary pictures of Lee taking him in the bed, on a table, in a swimming pool, in Browning's office...

A knock on the door brought Browning back to reality once more, and with brisk steps, pulling on his labcoat as he went, he walked to the door, opening it and seeing one of Steele's boys, the black gorilla Alexander, standing there. "What can I help you with?" He asked.

The gorilla grinned quite shamelessly "I need some condoms. Large and medium ones."

Jim still felt quite bad, even if the talk with Old Hassan had helped a little. Slowly he slouched up the front stairs of the academy and went through the doors into the large hall beyond.

He knew it was late, way too late, and that'd he'd be in trouble should someone catch him wandering the corridors. So he ran, as fast as he could, up a flight of stairs, around a corner, around another corner, enjoying straining his body like that. He took one last turn to left and ran up the stairs leading to his group's dorm-area. At the end of the stairs he ran right into a wall of sculpted muscle and well-kept fur, falling backwards and landing on his butt.

Jim's head was spinning from the force of the abrupt halt, and only when he heard the familiar voice of Magrath he knew to whom he had ran into. "Cadet Graven errr....Jim? Why are you running around like a maniac in civilian gear at this time of the night?"

Jim shook his head and stood up "Sorry, Sir. I was just...outside the academy's perimeter on a walk and then had a chat with Old Hassan."

Magrath put a paw on Jim's shoulder and smiled "You still look troubled, Jim. Is something wrong?"

"I'm just...a little confused right now." Jim said, shrugging a little

Magrath sighed, patting Jim on the shoulder. The lion had been the closest thing to a father to the rat ever since Jim's second year in the academy when he had heard his parents had been found dead in their summer cottage, apparently killed by some junkies looking for a way to earn some cash.

"Think you want to talk about whatever it is?" The lion asked.

Jim simply shook his head "No, Sir..." He hesitated for a moment before asking the one question rolling around in his head "Sir? Is it...Is it wrong for a male to like another male?"

Magrath raised a brow at Jim's question "Why would you want to know that? Is it because...there's a boy in this academy whom you like?"

"I'm...not quite sure, Sir..." Jim replied.

Once more Magrath patted Jim on the shoulder "There is nothing wrong in being gay, despite what some might say or think."

Jim didn't say aything, simply staring into the floor so Magrath added "It's late, Jim...You should go to bed."

"Y-Yes, Sir." Said Jim and walked over to the door of his room, opening it and slipping inside, locking it firmly behind himself. He peeled away his clothing -all of them- and fell face-first into the bed. It took him nearly an hour to finally find the comfort provided by sleep.

The following day wasn't exactly uneventfull. Alan and Marcus returned to the academy around noon, the tension between cadets of different groups was growing to a boiling point, resulting in one or two small fist-fights in the corridors and several instructors yelling at their cadets for behaving like idiots.

The thing which caused most uproar, however, was the fact all of the academy's simulators, even the ones used for recreational purposes, had been closed due to maintenance.

General Lee was standing in front of the window in his office, all of the instructors sitting or standing in there. The jackal turned around to face his underlings, flashing them a rare smile "I've got some news for you, captains. High Patriarch Randall himself is arriving early tomorrow to watch this tournament. I want every single one of you and your cadets to wear your best and stand in attention at EXACTLY 10:15am tomorrow at the landing-pad behind the academy to welcome His Excellency. Questions, anyone?"

Nobody said anything and the jackal waved his paw, turning around once more to look through the window at the forest canopy that spred beyond the walls of the academy "Dismissed."

The tournament(and it's aftermath) Will be coming up next in chapter V

All comments are still most welcome!