Twokinds Smut: Just Close Friends

Story by Mandag_Morgen on SoFurry

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Alternate title: "Welp, Guess I'm Gay Now"

I wanted to do something with Evals and Mike.

Mike always struck me as someone who is halfway out of the closet, having had both his sexuality and libido repressed by the slave collars. Now I'm not a fan of turning characters gay or bi just so I can get them to fuck, but I took some artistic liberties here.

Hope you can forgive me.

Just Close Friends Written by _ Mandag _ _ Twokinds _, and all the characters in this story _ © Thomas Fischbach _

"So anyways..." Evals concluded, "That's how I got this scar on my inner thigh. Moral of the story: don't tease girls about their low alcohol tolerance. Especially not when they're drunk." With a chuckle he laid back onto the sand next to Mike, and let the strange beams of what appeared to be sunlight caress his fur. They had been sitting on the beach for a long while, just the two of them, exchanging stories while listening to the slow rhythm of waves crashing against the illusory shore of the Grand Templar's oasis room. A skinny dip in the authentically salt water had been great for them both, and it took a while for their fur to dry. Mike had listened eagerly to his tales from the dog-lands, and Evals felt a somewhat pleasant sting of nostalgia from reminiscing those days.

"I was still a kid back then..." he murmured, a bit more somber; any string of memories from the past would eventually lead to the part where they caught him.

"I think it was a few weeks before the snatchers got me. Gods, how many years has it been..."

He sighed when he realized that he actually didn't know. His time of servitude on the Na'Rella had seemed like a constant blur of mundane tasks, and the winters, summers and autumns had gone by unnervingly fast.

"Six." Mike mumbled beside him. "What?"

"It's been roughly six years." He clarified. "I kept track. I was hardly more than a kit, but I've got a good memory. It was early winter I think. At least I recall it being cold. You were shivering, and I almost froze to death. They placed you in the cage next to mine at the auction. Never seen anyone cry so miserably. Felt sorry for you; It was the first time I saw a kid like myself getting put in a cage without being born into it."

Evals nodded. "Mhm. I think it snowed. Or rained. Either way, it wasn't pleasant. My fur was soaked to the skin."

The memories were coming back to him, slowly. "It really was horrible. I spent most of the time on the floor of my cage. I mostly just wanted to suffer alone, I think. Or maybe just die. Pretty sure the auctioneers gave me a good beating beforehand, to make sure I wouldn't do anything to shock customers."

He shuddered. The cold and pain from the past was still in him somewhere, even with the sun burning at his fur. "Man... Those were dark days." "Mhm." Mike complied. "Quite the contrast to this, huh?" He motioned towards the seemingly endless sunny shore. "I know it's not a real beach, but it feels good enough to me."


Evals laid flat on his back and let his tail wag a crescent in the sand. This really was comfortable after spending allegedly six years as a slave on a ship, sleeping on a bed with an inch-thick mattress as his only resting spot. Recalling the days following his capture at the hands of the human slavers was painful, but it somehow felt good to talk about it. Despite spending such a long time together, they had almost never conversed about anything deeper than the weather, or the course they were sailing at. He didn't know whether it was an effect of the collars, or if they'd been too busy working, slaving and sleeping to chatter about such things.

"Hm. I remember more, though." He muttered. "I felt more alone than I ever had before. I missed my mom and dad and my brothers so much it made my chest hurt.

But then, just as I laid there on the cold steel floor of my cage, wondering how I long it would take for the humans to realize I would never be fit to work and put me out of my misery, I felt a hand stroking the end of my tail. At first I ignored it, hoping to be left alone. But the hand didn't stop, gently sifting its fingers through my wet fur. Eventually, dazed as I was, I realized that it couldn't possibly belong to a human, since they would never do anything nice to someone like me. And when I eventually turned around to see who could show such kindness to a stupid little mutt, I saw one of the other prisoners pressing the full weight of his upper body against the bars of his cage to reach into mine. He had a strained look on his face, and tears in his eyes. He was a young fox, a year younger than me. It surprised me, considering how our tribes were at war with each other." He paused, and looked over at Mike. "That fox was you. You were the first... and, now that I think about it, only person to show any sort of compassion towards me during my slavery. Don't think I ever got to thank you for that."

Mike lowered his ears and whiskers. "I..." he stammered. "I never... I just couldn't stand to watch anyone be so sad. I always cried when the humans brought in fresh captures. They always seemed to think their life were over, and... sometimes it really was! I couldn't stand the thought of seeing a kid like myself break down like that. None of the humans wanted to buy me either, they said they didn't want some little fox crying on their rugs. I never wanted to be such a wimp, but I-" he mumbled, his voice rusty. "After I got to know you, I eventually began to look up to you. Even when you were sad, you would never cry. Unlike me. I still get so riled up over nothing..." He gave a sad sigh, and Evals felt a slight lump in his throat as he saw his best friend's eyes glass over. It was true; Mike was a pretty emotional guy.

"Sheesh, Mikey. A 'No problem' or 'You're welcome, bud' would've been plenty."

Giving someone a hug wasn't an idea that had come up often in his head, not while he was on the ship. But now it looked like Mike could use one. "Oh, come here, you." He reached over and grabbed a hold of the fox, pulling him into a slightly awkward hug on the ground. He could feel his breath as it rolled onto his shoulder, snout positioned just under his floppy ear. A naked embrace like this wasn't quite as lewd for keidran as it were for humans; after all, dogs were pack animals, physically intimate by nature, and a close hug really hit the spot.

Evals felt the Mike's slim chest rise and lower itself against his own a few times. It felt good, and the warmth from the not-entirely-real sun didn't hurt either. Eventually he heard him stutter a "Y-you're welcome, bud." "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" He laughed and shut his eyes, head resting on the soft sand. He still couldn't quite believe the hard times were over, and he was actually going home.

"Man..." He mumbled. "I can't wait to get back. I'm at the age where most dogs have kids already. Never too late to find a wife." With the collar off, he was already starting to feel the more earthly needs of the average dog: companionship, love and affection. The Grand Templar's mansion was comfortable enough, but he felt the need to get back to the dog-lands. There was a restlessness stirring in his chest. It had started sometime after he got off the ship, but it hadn't become truly noticeable until they'd settled down in the Legacy Estate.

"A wife... yeah." Mike mumbled. "That would be... nice." Something in his voice sounded a little off; Evals had become rather adept at reading his emotions over the years. "What. You feel it too, right? I need to get home and find me a bitch. Sorry about the language, but it is technically correct..."

Mike chuckled. "Hah... Eheh. Well. You see, I..." He cleared his throat, and wriggled free of the hug enough that Evals could see his face.

"I don't really know how most of this stuff... works. Socializing, I mean. I was basically born with a collar around my neck, remember? I've never been out in the wild, never talked to a vixen... or a female dog either. I don't know what I'd do out there. I don't think I've even talked to a girl before, unless I was told to by my owner. Only exception was Flora... And Natani I guess, but I never really saw him as a girl, he's like a full foot taller than me and has a gravely voice, and he's also a wolf..."

He took a quick breath. "A-actually, wolves still scare the crap out of me. Not just Natani, but all of them. Why are they so big? Are they all as aggressive and brash as him? Heard Eric said they don't make for good slaves, since they usually attack their owners until they get put down, sometimes even with collars on. And they live just north of the fox-lands too! No way am I going back there anytime soon-"

"Mike." "...A-and then there's the dogs... aren't they at war with the foxes? How would I even know anymore? I've never met either of them! I probably have the strongest human accent too, and I smell of human and boat, and..."

"Mike!" "What?" "You're rambling."

"O-oh. Sorry."

Mike straightened himself a little, and only now did it come to Evals' attention exactly how close they were to each other; The fox was basically straddling him now that he was sitting up straight. He didn't mind, though; Physical contact was something he'd been deprived of for the longest time, and platonic cuddling was a common thing for dogs. Mike collected himself; "W-well. What I'm trying to say is... I don't know how to feel about this whole... freedom thing." "Yeah, me either." Evals replied.

It really was strange to be free. He guessed the shock hadn't really hit them yet. Almost everything still felt the same. They both fell silent for a while. The sun of the oasis room dipped just a little closer to the horizon, and Evals had to wonder if it would ever set. He'd seen quite a few sunsets in his time on the Na'Rella, but he'd never had time to enjoy them.

"Hey, uh. Evs?" Mike asked eventually. "Yeah?" "Do you remember..." His eyes darted around a bit, before meeting Evals', and then quickly jumping away. It surprised the dog to see him with a slight blush. "A-actually, nevermind. It's nothing." Evals snickered. "Yeah, nah, you're not getting off the hook that easily. You know I can't let a 'It's nothing' hang in the air like that, right?" He gave him a little pat on the arm and looked him in the eyes. "We've shared bunk for six years, scrubbed the deck in a hundred storms, and survived as a duo. I can't imagine anything you could possibly want to hide from me."

Mike took a deep breath, and Evals could see his scrawny chest swell and flatten with his breath. Were all foxes so slender, or was it just him? "O-okay. Do you remember what happened at the basitin isles... Right after we arrived? With, uh. With me, I mean?" "You mean when Keith cursed you with black magic or whatever?" "Y-yeah. Well, I don't know about the black magic part, but I definitely... yeah, you remember that, right?" "How could I forget?" He jeered. "You were kinda hot, too. Huge rack. Good thing Eric didn't see it, or else you'd-" "Yeah, okay, I know! No need to rub it in!" Mike's blush deepened a little, and he clasped his bushy tail in front of himself. "Alright, sorry. Must've been really awkward." "You bet! Ever tried looking down your pants, expecting to see your regular old package, but when you check down there, it's just... nothing? Just a furry bush and a wet hole? I thought it was some kinda nightmare." "I can't imagine the horror," Evals jabbed smugly. "How did you even use the bathroom?" "I... don't wanna talk about it."

A short silence passed, Mike still sitting on Evals' stomach, fidgeting nervously. "B-but anyways..." He continued. "There was this one moment... right before the tower blew up. I think we were both in our room, sleeping..." Evals tried to recall the exact point in time. "Uhhh.... Kinda drawing a blank here, Mike. Refresh my memory" "I don't know if you remember it, but I definitely do. It... it was my first kiss." And with a flash, it all returned to him; The cold bunk, the tangled sheets, sleep-laden eyes... And the fox's tongue against his lips, warm, thick and with a light taste of yesterday's beer. It had lasted for only a moment before they had both fully awoken and started screaming at each other, but he remembered it clear as day.

He felt the fur on his chest bristle awkwardly. "I-I thought you said we'd never talk about that! One-and-done, out the window." The short fluff on Mike's face seemed to lay itself flat, and so did his ears. Evals had never thought it possible for anyone to to look so bashful. "Y-yeah... Sorry I even brought that up, I-" "Oh, cut it you. I was just a little shocked to remember, is all. Not bad for a first kiss, either. I feel like you'll be good with the ladies once you get some practice." "Y-yeah. Well..." Evals could see his tail bristle too, like he had goosebumps. "What. You look like you're about to burst into a bundle of nerves. Spit it out already."

"C-canedoitain?" Mike mumbled abruptly, with a slight gasp at the end as if the words had just fallen out by accident and he was trying to reel them back in. "What?" "Can we. Do it. again?" It seemed like he forced himself to say it. "Wha- Kiss?" Evals tried to hold a neutral tone as if he was laughing it off, but he felt his heartbeat spike. He'd always thought himself to be a straight man, but something about that short, awkward smooch on the boat had felt way better than it had any right to. "I mean, sure, w-why not?" He heard himself mumble, almost surprised at the words. "We're free to do whatever we want now, after all." Mike recoiled. "Really? I kinda expected for you to shut me down on this... I've been thinking about it ever since, a-and I feel like I need to know if I really enjoyed it for what it was, or if it was just because I had the body of a wo-" "Mike." "Y-yeah?" "Make it quick, alright?" "Whah- now? Right on the mouth like last time? Tongue and all?"

Evals sighed, the nervous tremble in his voice just barely audible now. "Yes, get down here." He grasped his best friend's arm and pulled him down on the sand, so close their chest-fluff touched. Now that he got a closer look, he had to admit: Mike's gray eyes were rather pretty, much more so than the fake blue sky above them. He inhaled; "Alright, now you may -mlaghn-"

Evals never got to say what Mike may or may not do, as his mouth was suddenly full of tongue. It had come so suddenly he hardly had time to draw breath, as Mike's jaws locked themselves around his mouth. Suddenly he realized that the little mouth-peck on the boat could not be called a kiss; it had merely been a weak tap on the lips. _This_however, was a proper smooch: Mike managed to put his entire body into motion, driving him into the sand with what little weight he had, his hands grasping frantically at Evals' shoulders. Evals himself needed a couple seconds before he could even start pushing back. But when he did, he found himself panting and wagging harder then he ever had before; Mike's tongue was strong, smooth and wet, twisting around in his mouth like a lewd game of thumb wrestling. His entire body heated up, his warm blush spreading from his neck and down; Something about this felt so very wrong, yet so right at the same time, and he was too busy gasping for breath to really think about how he felt. Mike's flat, slender chest brushing heavily against his own; Their tails wagging almost in unison on the warm sand; The heavy breath streaming out of Mike's nostrils and across his cheeks; His own hands clasped across the fox's bony back... It all made his heart pound like a jackhammer. ...And at last, the almost unfamiliar sensation from downstairs; The rigid, warm and throbbing feeling of his own erection as it began poking out of the sheath, a little more slipping past his skin with every vigorous advance from Mike.

It took Evals a tremendous effort to break the kiss. Whenever he pulled back, Mike would follow hungrily, nearly biting into him. He eventually had to push rather heavily against his chest for him to get the idea. With a sopping noise their lips parted, connected by threads of stringy saliva. Mike stayed close, nearly touching snouts with Evals as they panted at each other. "O-oh, good gods, Mike... What..." He eventually huffed. His member had grown out far enough that it poked into what he assumed to be Mike's balls, just from the fuzzy texture. He looked down, and sure enough; his red canine stiffy had nestled itself comfortably under the fox's equipment, glistening with lube from the sheath. He wasn't all that surprised to see Mike in a similar state, his shaft a darker shade of vulpine red, still pushing its way out of the black-lipped pouch. It had all happened so fast. In one moment they had been chatting, teasing and taking playful platonic jabs at each other, and in the next they were tangled deeply in an intense embrace, kissing, groping and rubbing chests.

"I... I don't know. I don't know what came over me!" Mike huffed. "A-are you okay? I was afraid I might chicken out at the last moment, so I kinda lunged a little too hard. But then it felt so good, and I just kept going." Evals didn't have the mental composure nor the breath to give a response; In just a short moment everything he'd presumed to have known about his own sexuality had been thrown out the window.

All he knew for the moment was... He didn't hate it.

Not enough to shut Mike down and make him sad, anyways.

So instead he decided to just lie back and let this go wherever it would.

Mike regained himself a little.

"S-so... Is this okay? Can we do this?" 'Can we do this?'

What kind of question was that, really? They had both been bound by invisible restraints for so long that it felt strange to do something out of regular social boundaries, and it took Evals quite a while to understand that no one would come and shout at them to stop, there would be no barrier in his head forcing his thoughts back to carrying cargo and scrubbing decks. No collars, no chains, no rules. The only thing that could stop them were themselves, and Evals had spent too long under the restraint of others to let that happen.

"What do you mean? I locked the door after Flora left, and it's not like Eric'll mind, he said we're free now." Free. Whatever that meant. Mike stammered and looked down again. He'd slid himself a little further down Evals' body, and their erections were now resting against each other, tips kissing. "Actually... I was thinking more about what you said earlier... you know, women, and you being a straight guy and all that." Evals took a moment to think while focusing on the warm, hard sensation of his best friend's manhood as it throbbed against him, and how good it felt. True enough, he had spent a good bit of time ogling the subjects of Eric's paintings with a half-chub in his pants, his keidran libido raging against the mental restraints of the collar. He'd never felt any attraction towards men, though he'd never really considered it either. But then again...

He gave a tiny thrust of his hips and felt Mike twitch out of reflex. He could hardly suppress a chuckle. "Yeah... well, I don't really know anymore, nor do I really care. A little late to start considering my sexuality now, isn't it? But then again, what does it matter? Who's gonna stop us, Eric? Kat? This feels nice, and I'd prefer to just see it as a good time with a good friend. Now stop worrying and give me anotehr kiss." He only had to tilt his head up a little for his lips to meet Mike's once again. This time it was sweeter, less desperate and frantic. He took time to savour it, the softness of his friend's tongue as it met him, warm and smooth. Mike's breath came in short little puffs against his lips, rapid but even. After a couple of quick smooches, Mike pulled away. "So, uh... what's up with..." He looked down again. "With... this? Are they supposed to do that?" Evals cocked an eyebrow. "What... these?" he placed his hand on Mike's shaft and gave it a gentle stroke. The fox gasped and bit onto one of his knuckles. "Y-yeah." "You... you're meaning to tell me you've never popped a boner before? Never raised full mast? Never pitched a tent?" The fluff on Mike's cheeks bristled defensively. "The collars, Evs. They suppress all kinds of urges. I've worn them for as long as I can remember, since before Eric bought me. I've gotten a bit of a tingle while lounging with Eric's other subjects, but never..." He paused.

"I-I never knew it would feel this good..." Evals had to agree: frotting with another man wasn't something he'd ever fantasized about, but now...

"Heh. It feels pretty damn good, you're right. Here..." He took a hold of Mike's cock, and pressed it against himself. The warmth from it was more than welcome, and he felt just a tiny drop of precum leak out. He then gave just the shortest thrust of his hips, grinding his manhood against Mike's. "Aaah... E-Evs..." Evals saw the fox shut his eyes and gasp, trembling. "Ooh, that's so good!" He gave a short huff in response, "Y-yeah... now you try." He let go of their members, and grabbed Mike's hand instead. Gently, he lead it down to his groin. "Just hold them together like this, and roll your hips forward a bit." Mike didn't wait a second before giving a thrust, making them both gasp; the hot, slippery feeling of the vulpine dick grinding against his own was so much better than anything Evals could have imagined, and he knew Mike felt the same way. He put his hand on the outside of Mike's and gave another thrust of his own. He was rewarded with a sigh, and another trickle of precum rolling down between their shafts. After only a few squishy thrusts like these, Mike's member was out in its full, glistening foxy glory, and Evals couldn't help but feel the _slightest_sting of envy when he saw that despite his small stature and shy demeanor, Mike was just a little bit bigger than him down there. "D...damn, Mikey. You're packing some pretty heavy equipment," He breathed. "Gotta say I'm a little jealous."

But it didn't seem like Mike had a reply; his face was contorted in what reminded Evals of someone getting a sneeze caught in their nose; eyes closed, mouth open, and brows raised in the middle.

He felt claws pricking at his side, combing through his pelt; this seemed to have an even stronger effect on Mike than it did on him... So much in fact, it almost looked like he was ready to cum after just half a minute or so. Evals let go, letting the two members slide freely against each other, coated in precum and sheath-juices. The scent was almost overwhelming, and only got stronger when Mike fired a few drops of the clear substance onto his chest.

Mike propped raised himself to an upright position, huffing as he threw his head back, breathing skywards. Gods, he was pretty. After a few seconds of errattic puffing, he looked back down at Evals and his moist chest, as well as his own leaking manhood. "W-wow..." he exclaimed, and trailed a trembling hand down to his knot and groped it. Evals chuckled as he flopped it up and down, smacking it against his lower belly. "Yeah, it'll do that sometimes... Hey, are you okay?" The fox blushed, and locked eyes with him. Actually, it seemed like the blush was almost permanent. "I... think so...? I n-never felt anything like it. I'm all warm and sweaty, but it all feels so... right." This was punctuated by another heavy throb and squirt of scented precum, which landed softly on Evals' belly. "Oops... Sorry. I can't stop it from doing that." "That's alright, Mike... Hey, we can take a break if you feel like you're about to blow; we've only been going for like half a minute."

Mike reclined, slouching over the wagging dog. "Yeah." he panted. "Though I feel like I gotta... have a closer look at... yours." He put his fingerpad against Evals' tip, and slid it slowly down his head, shaft and base, until his hand was resting on the wet sheath.

Evals exhaled sharply as the fox snuck his index inside the slit, feeling up his knot; This was quite a different sensation. A little invasive, pretty ticklish, but so very good. "H-hey, what're you doing there, bud?" Mike didn't seem to listen; his eyes were fixed on the red veiny rod. His breath came out in long, nasal exhales. "I-I just wanna feel... Why doesn't yours have a...ball on it? Is it not supposed to have that?" Evals laughed. Mike's ignorance in this field was pretty cute. "That's called a knot, Mike. And it comes out once you're horny enough. This stuff is kinda common knowledge, but I guess it makes sense that you don't... -ghnnnh-" his rant on keidran anatomy was interrupted by a heavy moan as Mike's fingers dug deeper inside his sheath, dull claws tickling at the base of the hard fleshy bulb. "Hey, I found it!" Mike exclaimed. He looked up, and raised an eyebrow. "Does it hurt when I do that? I-I'm sorry if..." Evals took a couple of breaths; "I'm fine, thanks for asking... -hah- Careful with the claws, though. I know they're not that sharp, but that's a sensitive spot."

The fox pulled back and looked at his wet fingertips, ears lowered. "Oh. Sorry, didn't think of that." "Hey, no, it's fine. Keep touching if you want, just be careful." Mike hesitated before moving backwards so his face rested on Evals' belly, and looked up at him with inquisitive gray eyes, butt raised in the air and tail swishing happily back and forth.

"Eeh, I don't know about using my hands. Don't wanna end up hurting your...stuff." He looked down, snout almost touching the red tip of Evals' cock. His nose fluttered as he sniffed it eagerly, and his whiskers were drawn back in a shy blush. "Wow... You smell really good." he said, before leaning his muzzle against the shaft. "Ooohhhh yes..."

Evals propped himself up on an elbow, while stroking Mike's ear with the other hand. This had escalated faster and further than he'd ever imagined. He'd spent a quarter of a keidran lifetime with the skittish fox, but he'd never seen him as anything more than a good friend. They'd slept in the same room, sometimes in the same bed for over half a decade, but not once had he even thought about doing anything lewd with him. He wondered if Mike had felt the same. Something in his eyes gave Evals a feeling that this was something he'd been fantasizing about for a long while.

"Can... Can I lick it?" Mike asked, eyes transfixed at his friend's dick.

Evals felt his warm breath as it puffed against his groin, slow and heavy. There was curiousity in his face, coupled with intense arousal, and Evals found it absolutely adorable.

"Sure. I've shared bunk with you for years, might as well share some of myself. Just be careful with the tee_nnhhh~_" Evals never finished the sentence as Mike put his snout down to the base of his shaft and gave a deep, heavy lick into the sheath. He knew Mike had a long tongue, that much had become apparent with their first kiss. But he'd never expected for it to reach so deep into the tight pouch; The warm, firm and slippery feeling of his best friend's licks against his still-concealed hardness sparked an intense tingle deep inside him, and he couldn't stop his hand from grabbing Mike's hair, nor the stifled moan from escaping his throat. As if egged on by the response, Mike pressed his snout hard into the well-lubed slit, and began lapping at the sheath like a dog licking a bone, his firm yet flexible tongue sliding in along Evals' veiny shaft until it hit the bulging knot that still lay buried in there. Every lick was accompanied by a subtle 'schlp' when his warm tongue hit the edge of the sheath, a low gulp from his throat as he swallowed. It didn't take long before the rest began to rise out, teased forth by the slender foxy tongue. His grip on Mike's hair tightened as his knot poked out, glistening with canine juices and vulpine spit.

Soon the entire pale pink bulb was resting proudly on his balls, having squeezed itself out of the tight sheath, constantly pushed forward by Mike's teasing licks. Mike himself gave it a few slurps, before dragging his tongue all the way up from the knot, up the shaft and head until it touched the wet tip. He gave it a few good laps before nuzzling it with his cheek, to then resting his head on Evals' tummy, eyes staring up at him with intense longing. "Oooh, Mike..." was all Evals managed to huff, caressing the fox's cheek. He could vaguely feel his own tail wagging recklessly beneath him, sweeping up swaths of sand beside them. They locked gazes, and Evals felt a throbbing warmth spread in his chest; those eyes were mesmerizing. He saw a similar reaction in Mike's face; His expression softening from a skittish blush to a warm smile, nostrils flaring and eyes halfway closed.

He'd never felt like this before.

And he relized then that he hadn't quite felt _any_deeper emotions for the good part of six years; The collars had, without him truly noticing, locked away everything but the most basic instincts required to perform his duties. Feelings like love, longing, lust and need for physical intimacy with another keidran had been silently screaming for freedom under the arcane locks while his body was slaving away. And now, as Mike's breath warmed his chest, Evals felt the emotions starting to well out; six years of unfelt sexual desires bloomed in his groin, and the bulging red head gave a few sporadic pulses against Mike's nose, precum trickling out in virile streams. Mike seemed to take note of this, and laid a few licks against the shaft to clean it up, before pressing his lips against the tip in a foxy kiss, keeping eye contact the entire time.

Then, eyes still staring tenderly into Evals', he lowered his muzzle just a little bit and took half the head into his mouth, tongue working steadily, forming itself around its underside. Without quite thinking, Evals traced his hand up from Mike's chin and into his salty and still-moist hair, trying to keep a steady breath. The burning hot passion in his chest rose in tandem with the pulse in his groin, and he felt a few more spurts of precum shoot into Mike's mouth, only to be licked up by his swift tongue. He couldn't stop himself from grasping the fox's hair, letting out a soft whine as Mike went even further down, sucking gently; the primal instincts were hammering away at his mind now, and he had to actively restrain himself from forcefully thrusting himself deep into his friend's throat. Instead he took to slowly rolling his hips, sliding his member just a little further in past his lips, before gently pulling back out, then slowly pushing it in again. Though Mike's mouth was full of cock, Evals could somehow _see_his wide smile through his eyes, accompanied by passionate muffled moans.

Mike raised his butt in the air, laid his arms onto Evals' belly, and slowly lowered his head even further, filling both the front and back of his mouth with the dog's girth. This time the moan seemed to pull itself out of Evals' chest, almost reluctantly. As Mike's tight mouth engulfed his canine rod, he couldn't help but fasten his grip and push, threading the fox's head further down.

Mike looked up at him with tears forming in the corner of his eyes, but still smiling with his entire face.

"Y-you okay down there? A little more?" he managed to ask, hands trembling in Mike's hair. A wet _'ghlnk'_and a subtle nod was all he got as a response before Mike doubled his efforts, squeezing himself down almost all the way to the part where the shaft of his cock hardened and widened into a knot.

But this was where he began to struggle; the tip hit a bend in the back of his thoat, and he seemed to strain himself to get past it. "Need some help?"

Another nod, this time with a deeper blush.

That was all Evals needed.

Grunting through his teeth, he arced his back and thrust upwards into Mike's strained gullet, shoving his face down onto his knot with a low splat.

Mike's eyes shot open as the entire length of Evals' thick shaft crammed itself into his throat. He gave a soft gag, followed by another light moan, this time barely audible through the meat in his mouth. He looked down the length of his snout, which was now bumping into knot, before gazing back up to lock eyes once again. It took a few moments of nostril-flaring panting for Evals to realize what a hard grip he had on his head; He was practically mushing his face down into his groin, while still pushing up with his hips. He loosened his grip, getting ready to apologize. "Too much? Sorry if I pushed a little hard, I- nh-" His apology was interrupted by another gasp; the fox didn't pull back to draw breath as he'd expected, but stayed down at the knot for a good while, licking the pale veiny ball. After a few more laps he raised himself back up, letting his mouth slide tenderly along the slick meat, lips closed around the thick middle section, sucking intently. He did all this without breaking eye contact, and Evals let himself get lost in his stare. He pulled up all the way until his lips were sealed around the top of the head, eyes halfway closed and orange cheeks turned red.

He gave another low moan before taking to gently bobbing his head up and down, mouth full of meat and fulfilled fantasies.

Evals laid back and bit his lower lip, breathing through his nose. Mike seemed to enjoy this almost as much as he did; The feeling of his warm lips threading themselves a little further down his shaft with every duck of his head was accompanied by a passionate noise and a soft gulp.

He let his fingers sift through his hair; Why hadn't they done this before? Why had it taken them multiple weeks of freedom from the collars to realize how much joy they could find in each other's company? Was it the warmth from the beach, the softness of the sand? Was it the feeling of safety that was offered by the human's estate? Or was it the sudden kiss, the extra sweet point of close intimacy that had sparked these feelings? He decided not to worry about it, and focused instead on his fingers as they fondled Mike's rigid ears; They'd been standing up straight for a while now, and twitched under his touch. Eventually they softened as the fox lowered his face all the way to the base of Evals' cock again with a muffled gag, this time without help. He pulled back up, only to go down once again. Evals let his hips roll gently with Mike's movements; his mouth and throat felt so damn good, and he couldn't help but thrust into it, and hear the soft _'ghk'_that came as his knot bumped into his nose. He propped himself up on an elbow to lock gazes with him, a little worried that this might be too much for his poor bunkmate. The gray stare that met him was filled with a primal hunger, eyes focused and cheeks flush. The fox had placed his hands on Evals' belly, and grasped fervently at his fluff as he upped his pace, head bobbing up and down, moved in a circular motion by his neck, his throat swelling to max capacity every time he went all the way down. The low wet slaps became more audible as well, as Evals continued thrusting upwards, stronger and faster.

'whap' 'whap' whap' 'whap' 'ghk' 'ghk' 'ghnk' 'ghlk' Soon Evals shut his eyes in pleasure. Every breath was laden with a shallow moan, every thrust of his hips rewarded with another soft bob from Mike's snout as it slid all the way down. His grip on the vulpine's head grew tighter again, guiding his face, forcefully threading his lips around his cock. One hand was joined by a second, and a few moments later Evals found himself tenderly humping his best friend's mouth, fingers locked in his orange hair.

He spread his legs further to gain more traction, his hips working like a piston to force him in and out of Mike's mouth.

'ghlk' 'ghlkh' 'ghlak' 'ghllnnnhhg' Evals was so lost in his indulgent throes that he hardly noticed when Mike gave a long, deep gag and dug his claws into the fur on his belly. He kept his hands locked behind the his head, feeling his knot pulsate happily against Mike's wet snout. It wasn't until he noticed a desperate tapping on his thigh that he looked down and gasped; Mike's face was covered in spit, sweat and messy hair. His eyes had welled up with tears, one of them slowly running down his cheek. His ponytail must've become undone at some point, and the black-tipped locks of hair flowed freely down his shoulders.

Evals loosened his grip, hands shaking as the fox gave another gag and a sore muffled cough; he hadn't meant to force his head down like that. His hips felt like they had a life of their own now that they were free of the collar, and he'd almost lost control of them for a minute. With a long slurping noise, Mike drew his head back, and Evals had to actively hold himself back from pushing back into his gullet; His girth had expanded so it filledthe fox's throat completely, the shaft straining against the walls of his mouth as it finally slipped out, coated in slobber. Evals took a few moments to catch his breath as Mike wiped a tear off his cheek.

"Hah... S-sorry about... nnh-" Mike huffed and coughed, not quite ready to speak. Looking down, Evals saw his long, thick member pulsate sporadically on its own, veins bulging out of the side.

He was getting closer, the orgasm lurking somewhere under his balls, throbbing steadily along his underside, making it hard to breathe normally. This feeling was reinforced by a few spurts of clear, oily liquid shooting onto Mike's face. Mike himself sputtered and drew a few ragged breaths, eyes transfixed at the dog's dick.

"God... damn, Mike. When did you get so... good at this?" Evals gasped. It hadn't struck him until now that Mike had somehow managed to shove at least seven inches of meat down his throat for minutes on end without getting nauseated or needing to come up for breath. He was a natural. "I have- -rkh-!" Mike began, but broke into a sore-throated cough. He fell forward, and ended up planting his face into Evals' groin once again, sniffing at the now matted fluff. Evals took to gently stroking the back of his head as he struggled to regain his breath; He felt a little sorry for being so rough with the fox, but on the other hand it didn't seem to bother him that much.

After a while he could hear Mike chuckle down there. "What's so funny?" he asked, despite feeling a giggle in the back of his own voice; Mike's high-pitched foxy laughter was contagious. "Oh, it's just..." Mike replied, slowly and with a course voice. "You said you... wanted a wife... or at least a woman... right?"

Evals nodded, laughed, and gave his messy hair a ruffle; "I guess I did, yeah. But I gotta say, you're doing a damn fine job at this, and I'm starting to wonder if maybe I should just stick to you instead."

Mike replied with another chuckle, before burying his face in the dog's fur once again. He took a deep whiff, and let it come out in a slow moan that almost sounded like a sigh. He looked up at Evals with his deep gray eyes, and the dog almost went a little dizzy at the amount of passion in them. "Yeah... maybe you should." Mike muttered thoughtfully. "Hey, I gotta ask: did you ever have dreams or fantasies about this kinda stuff? I-I mean... sex? I know our collars were designed to prevent that, but... No magic is foolproof, right?" Evals took a moment to think.

It was true that he'd felt almost no need for sexual intimacy in his time of slavery; The arcane restraints had shackled and sealed away the part of him that desired the warmth from another body, a pair of hips to grind against and warm lips to match his own. But on some nights, whenever the ship laid quiet and there were no trivial tasks left to perform, he'd felt it; A presence beside him in his cold bunk, a loving breath against his cheek. An illusion, a faint fantasy of arms wrapped around his chest to keep him warm. In a state somewhere between sleep and lucidity, he'd returned the sensual hug and pressed his groin against the warm figure, feeling himself rise and the front of his pants tent outwards. His face had been buried in soft breasts, neck cradled by a gentle, loving touch.

Then he'd wake up, and the room would be cold and empty. His mind would quickly revert itself to a dormant state, the front of his boxers go soft and limp, the dream forgotten.

Evals sighed. Gods, how he hated those collars. He hadn't even realized it until they had come off. "Sometimes I did, yeah." He answered thoughtfully. "I think it was usually a girl, though... Not sure. Sometimes I'd try to kiss her, sometimes I tried... _more._But I always woke up before things 'got out of hand.'"

Mike nodded and pressed his cheek against the canine peen, nuzzling it. "Hmmyeah. Me too. But... With me it wasn't always girls. A couple times, sure... A vixen, Think it was one of Eric's art projects. Though usually..." He paused awkwardly, wet snout tracing along Evals' groin. "Usually I dreamed of something harder. It was, uh... this." He angled his tongue along the shaft and gave it a heavy lick from the thick pink bulb and all the way to the head.

Evals couldn't stop the low moan from leaking out past his teeth. "H-hard flat chests, musky scents and unsheathed dicks. Sometimes I'd wake up feeling like I had one resting on my chin. Sometimes... between my cheeks, down below. The vision was always hazy, but I remember trying to suck at it once or twice. It just felt... _Natural._Like an instinct. But like you, I'd always wake up. Then I'd forget. I... I never..." He gave a moan that sounded almost like a whimper, and Evals knew the feeling; being so horny it almost _hurt._His member gave another healthy throb as if to confirm it, brushing against Mike's whiskers. Mike sighed and gave the wet shaft a stroke. "To think we spent so many years on that boat fantasizing about this, yet we never gave each other as much as a lewd look..." Mike mumbled.

"Yeah, well.. You could've asked." Evals replied. "Besides, I didn't know you were into guys. Actually, I don't even quite know about myself. Don't think I ever gave a sideways look at any of the dog-boys back before I was captured." He looked down at Mike's flushed, panting face as it leaned against his shaft.

He gave him a scritch behind the ear. "...That being said, I... don't mind this at all. This feels like a whole other level of perverted to me, and something about that just... hff" He paused. The fire in his loins were stoked by Mike's needful eyes, and he couldn't stop himself from giving just the slightest thrust against his cheek, smearing a wet stain onto it.

" You wanna have another go?" He asked. "You've managed to get me all worked up already with your licking and... sucking. Can't leave me hanging, right?" Mike's breath was warm against him as he tilted his head, pondering. He put a fingerpad to his neck, massaging it.

"I'd love to, but... My throat's pretty sore. Got a little too excited... As did you. Goodness." He gave a low cough, voice coarse, and Evals felt just the slightest sting of guilt. "Yeah, sorry about that. Didn't mean to shove your head all the way down."

Mike shrugged shyly, "Eh, don't sweat it. My throat's more durable than it looks. And I kinda went all the way down by myself, you just pushed a little." There was what sounded a bit like accomplishment in his voice. Good gods he was cute.

"Well... Even if your mouth is a bit too sore for my dog-bone, it should be good for another kiss or two, right?" Mike chuckled. "Seriously, Evs? Dog-bone?" "Hey, I'm not good at thinking up one-liners when I'm horny. It's a feeling I haven't fully explored until today, thanks to those goddamn_nnhhh-_" Evals clenched his teeth and moaned as Mike raised his head up from between his legs and crawled forward. His orange fur brushed against Evals', and his impressively large vulpine pride dragged its way past his groin until it rested on his lower belly, a small squirt of precum trickling onto his belly.

"Yeah, a kiss sounds nice..." Mike purred, and dove in once again with his tail swishing through the air over his raised butt. This time he was more gentle, and the kiss felt less like an assault, and more like a friendly wrestle; turning his head to the side for their long muzzles to interlock, Mike let Evals give the first lick, before gently applying his soft tongue in a loving wet embrace.

This was a lot better. Evals let himself lay back and simply enjoy his best friend's presence in a way he'd never done before. The slippery sensation of Mike's foxhood as it squished against his belly was unfamiliar, but almost impossibly arousing. Vacantly he let his arms wrap around the Mike's back again, pulling him even closer so his cock rubbed tightly against his pelvis, which was already slick with juices from his sheath.

"Mike" he tried to mumble, but it turned into a "mngh", hardly distinguishable from his earlier moans. So instead of speaking, he took to gently running his hands down the fox's back, sifting past his slender side and haunches, until his fingers rested on his soft, heart-patterned butt. Evals had never really taken notice of it, but Mike truly had a _nice_ass, even without the strange transformation magic. He discovered that just now, as he took to massaging it and weighing it in his hands. It gave way for his fingers when he squeezed it, but was still firm enough to bounce a little when he spread the cheeks and let them fall together with a subdued slap. He kept at it, poking and grabbing, his fingers slowly working themselves into Mike's crack. He didn't even take note of how far in he'd gone until his fingerpad lay against a ring of hard,exposed flesh nestled in the fluff; He'd been so busy with kissing and fondling Mike that his hands had wandered on their own, all the way until they rested against the fox's puckered ring. The surface was surprisingly hard against his fingerpads after fumbling through soft fur for so long. He started prodding it gently, moving his middle finger in a circular pattern along the rim. He could feel Mike tremble a little in his arms, sending exhasperated breaths down his throat.

Then he pushed inwards, slowly increasing the pressure on Mike's bum. The resistance was hard at first, and he felt him clench his cheeks a little, the soft butt hardening with muscle in his palm. He gave a few prods against the star, every one a little harder than the last. Then he lunged his face upwards into an aggressive yet toothless bite, pushing Mike's tongue all the way into the back of his mouth, and was rewarded with a hot moan. It was as if his friend's entire body softened a little, and he flexed his hand, plunging his finger inside. This time it worked. Mike's butt opened up just a little, letting his digit dig itself all the way in to the second joint before clenching shut around it, almost trapping it. His cheeks hardened again, and Evals could perfectly envision the heart-shaped white fur pattern bristle. With a panting huff, Mike broke the kiss, heaving for breath as strings of mixed saliva dripped from his jaws and onto the dog's face. "E-Evsss-" he whimpered, and pushed his ass further onto his finger, hips trembling now. "What? Want me to stop?" "Anhhn-no! Hah!" he panted. Evals pushed again. Mike's butt was more relaxed now, but still tight, and he enjoyed the moderate resistance it provided as he dug his way in to the third joint, knuckles pushing against the scraggly fur. Mike squealed.

"Is it really that good?" he asked as he stroked the base of his tail with his left hand. He'd never imagined putting something up his behind to be pleasant at all. Mike replied by bouncing his rump slightly, riding his hand like a toy. His weight shifted up and down, and Evals followed suit by pumping his finger in and out, following his rhythm. Every bounce was followed by a gentle push and a low, foxy sound from Mike's chest. Evals couldn't help but thrust his hips a little as well, as an instinctual response to the warmth in his finger.

It was on a particularly low bounce that it happened. Mike rolled his hips down far enough for his balls to plant themselves rigth on top of Evals' cock, before sliding further down along the shaft until his taint rode atop the slick tapered tip. He gave a surprised "yip!" followed by a needy moan. Evals could see his tail raise itself before falling to the side. He pulled his finger out freely without much trouble; Mike's ass was much softer and malleable now. Mike didn't wait a single second before sitting down on his bunkmate's groin, grinding his thick manhood like a hotdog in a bun.

Evals cocked an eyebrow. "You sure you're ready for that? You're pretty tight back there. Hardly fit my finger in th-" "Y-yes!" Mike whined. "Just your finger felt so damn good! I want... I need_more of you. I need something deeper!" Mike had started shaking, and it looked like he could topple over any second. Evals could feel him throb against his lower belly, head shaft and knot bulging with anticipation. He took a moment to consider. "Oh, I'll put it in." he replied, trying his best not to pant. "But on one condition." "What is i- _ghk!"_Mike asked, but was cut off by Evals as he pulled him into a spine-creaking hug and threw them both into a tumble, rolling down to the water, throwing small wafts of scorching sand into the air. They stopped at the water's edge where the gentle waves had washed the sand into a hard surface, positions reversed with Evals on top, and Mike on his back with his legs spread and black-tipped tail smacking against the ground. "This." Evals replied, huffing openly now. "Hard to have sex when you don't have any traction." It sounded like Mike tried to reply, but all that came out was a passionate moan, with another meaty throb. The squirt of precum shot all the way to his face and landed on his jaw, but he didn't seem to even notice; His eyes were locked with Evals', sparkling with need. "Alright. Try to _-hff-_relax." Evals mumbled as he angled himself down below Mike's balls until his tip rested against his star. "R... relax?!" Mike huffed, and it felt like his butt gave Evals a kiss on the tip. "A-alright, I'll do my best... Just be gentle, okay? Though I've fantasized about this a few times, I've never... you know..." He shuddered lightly. Evals nodded. "Tell me to stop if it hurts. Wouldn't wanna injure my best bud." And with that, he widened his stance for better balance, and began applying pressure. It was less of a push, and more of a slow shift in weight, planting one hand on Mike's sleek and moist tummy while leaning forward to let gravity lead him in. He put two fingers on his tip to guide it as it slowly poked further and further into Mike's tight butt, turning his pucker inwards as he clenched. Evals could hear him groan under his breath. "You gotta _relax, Mikey!" "I-I can't!" he whimpered. "I-It feels really good, but also really weird! Can't you just push harder?" Evals grumbled, and thrust lightly with his hips. All he got was the feeling of stabbing against a rigid wall, as well as a cringe and a whine from Mike. "Ow! Okay that_hurts! -_nhhgh!" He stopped, but kept himself pressed against Mike; He'd never want to accidentally hurt his best friend like this, but at the same time...

Evals leaned forward again, making sure not to put any more pressure down between Mike's legs as he lowered himself so their snouts touched. He placed his left hand on the fox's damp chest, while slowly trailing his right up his groin, gently fondling Mike's balls. They locked eyes for a moment, and enjoyed each other's warm breath. Evals distantly felt himself shoot a happy rivulet of precum into Mike's butt, but he hardly registered this, as he was too busy losing himself in his half-closed gray eyes. "You're... really cute, you know." He breathed. Gods, how had he not seen exactly how pretty he was, in the entire goddamn six years they'd spent together? Mike blushed, and Evals could feel him softening up a little. "I... I am?" The slight quiver in his voice, not quite enough to mask the hunger beneath, was almost enough to drive Evals over the edge. He took a deep breath like a pearl diver about to duck under the surface, and plunged down into another reckless kiss, almost like a bite. Mike's muzzle opened to greet him, as did his rear; His legs lowered to the ground, and the hard, rigid ring of muscle loosened to let the dog's head poke straight in. Once again Evals heightened the pressure in a slow thrust, squeezing past Mike's trembling entrance. Almost casually he moved his right hand up to get a grip on the fox's member, locking his fingers around the stem behind the throbbing knot. Mike moaned into his mouth, and he could feel him opening up even more, muscles completely stunned, and he gave another push. This time his thrust was a little harder than he planned, and before he knew it the fox's ass swallowed half his length, letting him squeeze in until his knot was almost touching his bunkmate's pucker.

That's when Mike broke the kiss and threw his head back in a loud, whining moan, fingers digging into the dog's back as his butt tightened, clenching around him. "Aaa_aah!_Oh Evs, I- Fhhh-!"

He grit his teeth as his ass clamped itself tight around the dog's cock, his legs rising to shut themselves around his thighs, locking them together in a tight hug. Evals let himself fall forward until his full weight rested upon Mike, squishing the fox's long member between their bellies. He gave him a passionate lick on the neck, cleaning the salt out with his tongue. "How's it feel?" He halfway asked, halfway moaned into his ear. The urge to fasten his grip and recklessly hump him until his knot was buried and he was balls deep almost overwhelmed him, but he put Mike's wellbeing over his own desires. It was the least he could do.

It took a while for him to respond; his uneven breath in Evals' ear, accompanied by a sporadic tightening and relaxation in his behind was all the dog could feel for a good few seconds. A fresh wave of magical seawater lapped at their tailtips. Eventually he replied; "It... It hurts a little bit. B-but it's also soooo -hnff." The huff at the end was higher in pitch than anything else Evals had heard from his mouth. "I-I... You're so much warmer_than I thought. I never knew I needed this, but..." Mike put a finger on his lower belly, smushed between Evals and his own foxhood. There was a firm bulge there, where the dog's hard member lay nestled inside him. "...But now I know I want more! I feel so _full! C-can you go a little deeper?"

Evals smiled and nibbled at his scruffy neck. Under the saltwater there was a subtle taste he didn't quite know where to place. He realized it was the taste of fox, and it made his muzzle flare and his manhood throb passionately. "Thought you'd never ask, pal. I'll be gentle."

"Gentle" was a loose term.

He shifted his hips and pushed so hard his member flew in through Mike's tightened butt, pre-coated walls slipping by until he connected with a meaty 'slap', flesh smacking against wet fur.

Mike gave another one of his high-pitched wheezing huffs, locking legs with Evals once more, hands pulling him down with his fingers splayed and claws pricking into his back. "Aaah, _yes!_A-again! Harder!" He cried.

Evals replied by pulling out, which was an easy task; The fox's muscles had seized up so thoroughly it was almost like he was being forced out. Then he thrust again, forcing his way through the clenched ring with a girthy stab, pushing until the 'smack'_resounded across the beach, louder and wetter than last time; The fox's rear was already slippery with his juices, and each thrust came a little smoother than the last. "Ha- harder! _Aah!" He widened his stance and thrust again, sinking himself in from the tip of his head until the heavy knot smacked into his bunkmate's underside. The impact sent a shudder through them both, and a squirt of clear, hot juice up between their chests from Mike's dick. "Ha- Har-Haah!" After four or five thrusts like these, Mike's voice dissolved into wordless noises of joy; Every moment of impact sent another shudder through his body, and another high moan from his throat. Soon their chests were sticking together, fur glistening with sweat and the liquids of lovemaking. Mike's hips eventually joined the dance as well, rolling back and forth to match his friend's motions, rising to each thrust, softening the impact and drawing it out to last longer.

Evals himself was in a state of confused bliss.

He'd had dreams like this before, though never this intense. And it had always been with a woman; Soft breasts, bountiful hips and deliciously floppy ears had filled his head on the loneliest nights, like a pillow for his shackled mind. Something about Mike's hard bony chest, scrawny frame and large, rigid member felt off to him, but in a deliciously perverted way, like it was just the right amount of wrong to be right. Though it had been an eternity since he'd spent time with his kin, he faintly remembered there being some stigma against sleeping with other men.

He gave something between a chuckle and a moan.

Like anyone can stop us.

With renewed vigour he lifted the fox's butt off the ground as another wave of seawater licked their tails. He strengthened his grip around his hips and buried himself to the knot with a wet 'schlp'. Mike shuddered and grasped at him, arms wrapped around his back in a tight hug, so hard it made his spine creak. "Ghn- Damn... You're stronger -hah- than you look!" Evals croaked. Mike's only response was another breathless gasp, along with a push upwards, threading himself halfway onto his knot before letting it slip back out with a groan, clenching and loosening himself around the bottom of the shaft. "Nh- I-I'm so close, Evs!" He stammered. "Now d-don't stop. Go harder! A-all the way in this time!" He fastened his claws around the dog's back once more and bit down at the scruff of his neck, ready to erupt as Evals gave another slow, yet forceful push against the sweet-point inside him. The slow thrust was followed by a fast one, and then another; Evals let his instincts take the reigns for the final lap, the orgasm creeping up from somewhere deep in his groin, spreading through his entire body until every nerve tingled with red-hot energy.

And with something between a bark and a howl, Evals' knot swelled against the outside of Mike's butt as he finally came. The first rope of hot cum surged from somewhere deep in his crotch and up through his cock, before shooting deep into his previously platonic best friend. Almost mechanically he gave a final thrust, Mike's grasp on him tightening as he stretched him wide, his ass spreading almost reluctantly around the rigid bulb.

Then came a few seconds of painful squeezing, Evals' thighs trembling from the effort, Mike's teeth latched into his neck as he gave a strained moan, sweet agony mixed into the pleasure.

Evals throbbed vigorously, a fresh load of warm love spurting out with every new pulse of his knot, until he felt Mike's walls tightening around him, sending a small rivulet back out with a low 'splt'.

The clench was followed by a moment of looseness, Mike's muscles going soft as he released his bite on the dog's neck to give a long, high-pitched moan.

...A moan that turned into a stifled scream halfway through, when Evals seized the opportunity to ram forward hard, his knot swallowed whole with a long, sticky 'schplap' until his hilt slapped into the center of Mike's white-furred, heart-patterned butt.

The noise Mike made was quite unlike anything Evals had heard from his mouth... Or from anyone else's really; It started out as a long, quivering moan, but turned into a screeching, rusty howl Evals he angled himself upwards, sending a heavy shot of seed into the depths of his ass.

Evals felt the fox convulse beneath him and give a short thrust of his own, followed by a new warmth spreading across his belly as Mike began unloading eleven years of repressed sexual needs in sticky white bursts, some of them reaching as far as hos own face.

Another rusty fox-scream assaulted Evals' right ear, this time halfway articulated into a sloppy "Eeevaalss!~"

The orgasm hit him with another wave of energy, and he returned Mike's cry with a howl and a barrage of deep thrusts, tugging and pushing faster and harder than before, despite the added resistance that came with Mike clamping his muscles down behind his knot.

Evals lost track of time. The concept of seconds and minutes became foreign to him, and all that existed were thrusts, throbs and moans, all blending together in a hot mixture of pure bliss as he fucked his not-so-platonic friend into the ground with a strength he didn't know he had. His balls smacked against the sticky fur, sending little shocks of dull pain and pleasure with every thrust as he emptied them into Mike, until the fox's butt was brimming warmly, and his lower belly grew a slight bulge from the bulk of cum alone. Mike's vixen-like cries seemed to force themselves out through his heaving chest until his voice was gone, and he lapsed into a strange mewling. His grasp on Evals loosened just enough to no longer be painful, claws no longer digging into his back and his teeth no longer in his neck. The only part of his orgasm that persisted was the constant tremble in his groin as he continued to sputter out globs of semi-translucent white liquid, scraping at the bottom of his reserves.

As one final gesture, Evals raised his head and bound them together with an exhausted kiss. It was hardly more than a connection with their mouths, Mike's row of dull vulpine teeth scraping lazily against his own slightly sharper canines.

Even with how far they'd gone, there was still something delightfully dirty about Mike's breath in his own mouth. The sensation of his slender chest rising and sinking under him, a little slower with every breath wasn't bad either.

And for the first time in as long as he could remember, Evals took time time to simply be happy. To bask in the unbridled joy of sex, the warmth from a mate's embrace. T

he sun scorched his brown fur, and his tail sent little drops of seawater flying through the air as it wagged happily. This was what it was all about. This was what he'd dreamed of all along. This was what it was like to be free.

Eventually their breaths slowed to a normal rate.

Mike's hands eventually moved up from his back to gently caress his head, fingers trawling through hardened hair just like they had with his tail all those years ago, when they first met.

The affectionate gesture warmed his chest, and he returned it with a gentle stroke behind the fox's ear.

They stayed like this for so long, Evals almost felt like he could fall asleep. His balls were sore and empty, member starting to ache a little from keeping his knot inflated for so long. But he didn't really want to break the lazy kiss. This was a good moment, and he wanted it to last for as long as possible.

Mike seemed to be of a different opinion. "Evhlgs" he mumbled.

Reluctantly, Evals let him go, keeping them connected only by a string of saliva.

When he looked into his grayish eyes this time, something was different. There was a certain depth to them that hadn't been there before, a new level of emotional value.

Or maybe it was he who had changed. Maybe the beauty had always been there, he'd just never seen it.

All he knew was that his breath seemed to grow a little stunted, and his cheeks a little warmer when he stared into those eyes now. "Evals, that... it kinda hurts." He yanked himself back to reality.

"Whuh- what hurts?" he asked stupidly. "My uh... My butt. It was_really_ good at the start, but It's so... full. Kinda straining my muscles..."

Mike looked down at his chest, and took a whiff at the sticky mess. "O-oh." he mumbled, and ran his hand down through the cum-soaked fur. "Did all this really come out of me? There's so much! It's all over you as well!" "Well yeah... You've been saving it up for years, you know. I think you've got quite a bit inside you too." Evals gave him a little pat on the tummy, and felt it squelch down under his finger. "...Yeah. It's all warm and squishy. Starting to hurt now though. Think you can...?"

"Oh. Right. Try to relax again."

Evals tugged gently at his knot, trying to pull it out while not putting too much force on Mike's sore walls. This time the ring loosened more easily, and soon he slipped out with a sopping wet noise.

Mike shut his eyes and bit his lips for a moment, before loosening up to let the cum gush out on the ground in a slow stream.

"Nhhhaahh... That's better..." he sighed.

"Mhm" Evals agreed, and rested his head Mike's his shoulder once more. His manhood had already started retreating into its sheath, and he was feeling drowsy. Gods, it was good. "That kiss on the boat..." He heard Mike say, "I... I think I liked it for what it was. In fact, I don't even think that was a proper transformation spell. I didn't feel all that different. Turns out I just wanted to kiss you... Not because I was a woman or anything." Evals nodded.

"Mike... Do you still want to split up? Stick with the others while I travel to the dog-lands alone?"

The thought of saying goodbye to his best and only friend had seemed painful just half an hour ago, but now that they were both basking in the afterglow of the loudest sex ever heard this side of the Riftwall, it seemed downright absurd and heartwrenching to him. There was a lump lurking somewhere in his throat, but it didn't hurt quite yet. "Oh, Evals..." Mike sighed. "I... I just don't know. I still don't know if I'll ever want to... Ever dare enter a Keidran society. It all just seems so chaotic to me. Back on the ship everything was simple... Not that I liked being a slave, but at least I always knew what to do and where to go."

"Yeah, but you're not... We can still..." Evals trailed off. He'd been about to assure him that he knew his way around the keidran lifestyle, that as long as Mike stuck with him they'd both be okay. But he'd suddenly become painfully aware of how long it had been; he hadn't walked in the long grass or slept outside since he was a child, and the concept of returning to the wild life as a free man seemed daunting. Flora's words echoed: "I was just alone. It didn't turn out like I hoped it would"

Alone. Now that he thought about it, Evals had never been alone in his entire life. Before the capture he'd had siblings, family and friends. And after he'd only had Mike.

The lump in his throat made it a little hard to talk.

"...We can stay together for a while, right? I know you wanna go to Lyn'Knoll with the others, and I wanna go... home. But does that mean we have to split up right away? I still have no idea how to feel about being free, and this... this..." He ran his hand down Mike's chest, through the sticky aftermath of their lovemaking. "This_thing_, with you and me. I don't even know if I'm into guys or not, but I know I like you as more than just a bunkmate. I-I can't say goodbye to you before I find out what I think. All I know for now is, it feels good to have you this close, and I can't bear the thought of losing that only just after I discover it." Mike's hand kept stroking his hair before moving down to his neck, giving him a gentle scratch. The lump in his throat grew, and he felt his eyes sting a little. The warmt from the sun on his back and the heat from Mike under his chest made for the perfect feeling of tranquility and happiness, and he didn't quite know if he would be ready to let it go.

Eventually Mike replied; "I... I just don't know. Ever since Eric set us free I've been... so confused. There are all these feelings that I've never felt and don't know what to do with. Not even sure if I'll follow the others to Lyn'Knoll or whatever... I just don't really know where to go. Not to the dog-lands, fur sure, but..."

He trailed off, before smiling; "But I feel like we'll have some time to think. Heard Natani's brother is badly hurt, and they're not leaving until he's better. As for your part, the dock's gonna take a while to fix, and the weather's getting worse. Plenty of time to reflect before we..." He stopped. "Evals... Are you moping? Evals sniffled defensively. " I'm not that kinda guy. Just got a mild cold is all." The silence from Mike, combined with the gentle strokes down his back said more than a thousand words. "Okay fine, maybe I get a little sappy at times, too."

A long silence followed. Without the sound of their voices, the oasis room was oddly quiet; something about the acoustic reminding Evals that none of it was actually real, that the shore only stretched as far as the invisible walls, a good fifteen yards to each side. He slid himself down to rest his head on Mike's wet chest. He knew he wanted to walk along a real beach someday, one that stretched for miles and miles, without stopping for anything along the way. He'd dreamed of it his entire life, to wander as far as his paws would take him, then lie down and sleep under an open sky. But as Mike's heartbeat mixed with the sound of gentle waves, the dream felt a little hollow; what was the point of walking along an endless beach if he had to do it alone? Sleeping beneath the stars would be cold if he didn't have a warm body to snuggle against. As they laid there, the sun finally reached the horizon, painting the sky red; He'd been right, the oasis room really did have a sunset, and it was beautiful.

A few wispy clouds floated in front of the great red orb to simulate a cascade of godrays, streaming out and gently shifting as it sank into the ocean.

"Wooow..." he heard Mike hum. "I've seen the sun go down thousands of times before, but I don't think I've ever noticed how nice it looks." Evals nodded drowsily, before halfway stifling a yawn. "...Yeah. It also helps that we get to see it together, without any shackles or mind-control collars forcing us away. Damn bastard slavers." "Mhm." He took a moment to feel Mike's warmth against his chest, like a hard and bony pillow, as well as the warmth fading from his back now that the sun was gone; The night in the oasis room was tropical, but still marcantly colder than the sun-scorched daytime, and it didn't quite help that his entire body was wet with sweat, cum and various other secretions.

"...It's nice and all, yeah. But getting a bit chilly. Wanna go relax somewhere else, like maybe our room? That bed has covers as thick as my paw, and a mattress fit for a king." Then he added in a lower voice, "Also it's wide enough to easily make space for a fox." He could've sworn Mike's breath got a little heated as it blew through his hair. "Oh I'm in for that, all the way. I still don't know what to make of our... really close friendship, but maybe another round would give me a nudge in the right direction..." Mike wedged his hand in between their bellies, and come out completely soaked and glistening. "...Although... I don't think a short evening swim would hurt; This smell is really intense, and as much as I enjoy it, I don't want it to soak into my fur." For some reason this conversation sparked an unbridled sense of joy in Evals. For the first time as long he could remember, he was having a discussion simply about what he wanted to do.

Though it was as minor as a question of 'where should we have lunch?', it made his tail bristle and wag.

Because it had come from a friend, and it was earnest. "Sure, a swim sounds good" he replied, before lazily rolling off Mike and into the shallow, lukewarm water.

And as the last rays of the fake sun finally disappeared under the horizon and Mike followed his steps with a humble smirk on his face, Evals knew things would be alright.

At least for the time being.

Twokinds Smut: Thicker Than Water

_Thicker Than Water Written by Mandag Twokinds, as well as all characters_ _ **©** __Thomas Fischbach_ Zen tried to focus on the symbols in front of him. He had been stuck on the same page for a good fifteen minutes now, trying to decipher the...

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Twokinds Smut: Clovis' Inferno, Chapter 3. Cold

_Clovis' Inferno Written by_ _ **Mandag** _ _ **Twokinds** __, and all the characters from it are_ _ **© Thomas Fischbach** _ _Part 3: Cold_ The guild master stumbled out into the night, and was greeted by the cold scents of rain, mud and...

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Twokinds Smut: Clovis' Inferno, Chapter 2. Descent

_Clovis' Inferno Written by_ _ **Mandag** _ _ **Twokinds** __, and all the characters from it are_ _ **© Thomas Fischbach** _ _Part 2: Descent_ The door opened, and the snow-wolf stepped in timidly. When Clovis had bought her, she had based...

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