Fucking Rats

Story by VulpineCorvid on SoFurry

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There is nothing more than Charlotte the cheetah hates than rats. Especially him. That fucking disgusting rat. She takes pity on him though, and they both have a "rough" time.

Oh no. Possibly the one person, no, one thing to ruin her night appeared. A gorgeous sunset orange Cheetah scowled as she sat in the bar. She clenched her drink tightly, her thick paws strangling it. A low growl came from her maw. All she wanted to do was drink in peace after a long, exhausting day, and not worry about anything else for the night. Anything to get away from others. She had frequently drank there due to her difficult lifestyle, and that evening was almost no different. Almost.

Except for him.

There he stood, a poorly self-cared grey rat, fur messily sticking to him. His ears were partially ripped, and they twitched annoyingly at the slightest provocation. The rat's face looked nervous, as if he was always in trouble for something. His tail was long and naked, possibly the most disturbing thing to the cheetah. The rat looked around anxiously, before his eyes locked onto hers. Oh fuck no she thought.

"Hey... Charlotte..." the rat squeaked, directed towards her. "I haven't seen you in a while..."

Thank fuck for that, Charlotte the cheetah thought, nearly blurting it out in her hatred. She couldn't stand the rat, John. She couldn't stand any rats, but especially not him. He had something she didn't like. She all too frequently came across him.

"Listen, I'm not interested. Leave me the hell alone before you really piss me off," Charlotte growled, making John look even more nervous. She made it well known she hadn't liked him before, but here he was again, somehow not getting her message. Gross thing.

"...S-sorry, I just wanted to say hi, I haven't seen you f-for a few weeks... and..." the rat's eyes looked down, clearly overtaken by the intimidating force of Charlotte.

"Well you've said hi. Now. Leave me alone."

John stood still for a moment, before nervously slinking off to a seat a distance from her, his tail snaking along the ground as it dragged. Charlotte stared in disgust for a moment, before ignoring him. Just let him stay away from me she thought, downing her drink quickly. It was getting late, and she needed to leave soon. She didn't move though, and looked around the bar, surveying the area.

Maybe one day I can find someone worthy of me.

Charlotte was lonely. Lonely for a mate. Despite her breathtaking looks and constantly being ogled at, she never got into a relationship. She liked to think to herself that she was above everyone and that she was waiting for the right one, but the truth was, she was shy. Ever since she was young she wanted a mate, but they were scared off by her intimidating look. She didn't have it in her to ask herself, secretly worried they'd turn her down. Still, it didn't stop her from trying to convince herself, and maintaining her looks. Her soft brushed fur shined with the dim lighting, and her eyes were sharp and beautiful. She admitted her ass was also amazing, and was one of her prouder assets, making up for her lack of tits. She made sure to wiggle it off, trying to catch the attention of other guys. She sighed.

Unbeknownst to her, John was occasionally glancing at her, taking in her beauty. He secretly had a huge crush on her, and wanted more than anything to be with her, but he knew well she was out of his league, and that she didn't like him. He didn't look the best, but he tried to be as kind as he could, hoping maybe she would take pity on him.

A slight bulge formed in his pants, as he took in her amazing form. She was perfect to him, and he wanted nothing more than to fuck her and caress her magnificent booty. He assumed that she had had experience before though, and someone like him wasn't anything she'd like. Even so, the pressure in his loins started to take over his mind, making him more desperate.

John slowly started moving a few seats over, getting concerned looks from the others in the bar. Charlotte was just sitting there, eyes closed. This is stupid, she'll never like me, John thought, but it was too late, he was already sitting right next to her, and he was shaking in anticipation, letting out a nervous squeak.

Charlotte herself was daydreaming, of her and her potential mate. They loved, they fucked, they cared for each other in her imagination, playing out her fantasy relationship. It wasn't until she heard a squeak that she snapped out of it. John's pointy face was right in front of hers, and she was too shocked to say anything for a few seconds.

"Oh no, I fucked up," thought John.

"Oh yes you fucking did!" Charlotte snarled, ready to tear his head off. John then realized in terror he spoke aloud instead of thinking, and stuttered.

"I- uh... I-I-I- uh... Charlotte, I- AGH!" Charlotte's powerful right paw grabbed John's neck, strangling him.

"What. Did. I. Fucking. Say." Charlotte said, gathering the attention of everyone in the bar. John didn't say anything, he as blushing hard, to which Charlotte noticed. "Why are you-"

"Get out! Both of you! I've had enough of your shit Charlotte. Don't come back." yelled the bartender, silencing the room. The massive wolf pointed to the exit.

"Hey, I was just-"


"Fuck you," Charlotte said, storming out with John following her. She was beyond furious, and she couldn't control her anger well, a common problem she had. The incident was really just the last straw in a series of anger outbursts, and she was lucky to have not been kicked out before.

The air was chilly, sending a shiver down both of the animals as they left. Charlotte stopped after a few minutes, looking back to see she was still being followed. "Get away from me you fucker. I'll fuck you up for this!" John stood, staring at her, unable to say anything for a few tense moments.

She despised rats more than anything. She had plenty of bad experiences from them. It all started when she was younger. She was picked on and bullied by a group of rats. They called her "dangerous" and "scary." Over time she began to embrace the titles. She became resentful and cold. She distanced herself from others, not just rats. She fucking hated them, and could never forgive them for the pain they caused her.

"Please, I'm sorry, I just-"

"I've always hated you, and your disgusting kind! Fucking rats, filthy creatures that are always up to no good. You, fuck you. I never want to see you again." Charlotte stomped off, and this was John's last moment to get his feelings out.

"But I like you! I think you're pretty..." John blurted out, loud enough to be heard by Charlotte. He knew it probably wouldn't work, but she stopped, facing away from him still.

"What," Charlotte said, in shock to what John had just said. She certainly didn't expect that. Does this fucking rat really, like me?

John himself was blushing, looking down, worried of Charlotte's reaction. He had never been in a relationship with anyone before, and he was a virgin. Maybe if he wasn't a filthy rat, he could have had more of a chance. Maybe if he was more attractive.

"You do...?" the Cheetah questioned, still in shock. "Of all people... fucking you?"

"I'm sorry... I-I've never been with anyone before, and I really think y-you're cute..."


It was one word that sent a warm tingle up her, a strange, but comforting feeling. Charlotte was never called cute. Hot, intimidating, and even fierce, but never cute. The cold air was overtaken by the heat caused by her blushing, luckily not visible to John.

"W...why?" Charlotte asked.

"Well, I just think you're adorable. The way your nose twitched when you're pissed, the cute tail wiggle you do..."

Charlotte couldn't handle it. She hadn't had someone genuinely appreciate her like that, or at least have the balls to admit it. She took pity on the poor rat. Poor thing is miserable. Even I have to admit it. Charlotte couldn't help it. She had to do something.

"Stop it. That's enough. Come with me."


"Come. With. Me." Charlotte was blushing extremely hard, and she was ashamed to admit it, but maybe the rat had something... useful. It didn't stop her from thinking he was gross though, but it was a start.

The two walked through the midnight, Charlotte twitching her tail unconsciously with nervousness, with John's own dragging behind him. He didn't know what was in store for him, but he certainly wasn't going to turn down the opportunity to go with her. He had his doubts still, but perhaps she did want something from him. John weakly smiled, and scratched as his itchy fur, realizing this was the perfect opportunity to get a good look at Charlotte's ass.

She wasn't looking, so John took in a good view of her butt, bouncing along as she walked. Her tail adorably swished behind. It pressed tightly against her shorts, and his hard-on was coming out. Her butt really was as nice as he'd heard, and he wondered how many lucky guys got ahold of it. To smooch and feel it, to fuck it hard. If only he knew she was also a virgin.

It took about 15 minutes to get to their destination, to which John was confused. Perhaps she was going to ditch him, or perhaps she was going to kill him, but either way, he wanted to follow. They stood in front of an apartment, and John started to realize what was going on.

"Not a fucking word on this. Ever." Charlotte snarled, to which John nervously nodded. Hastily Charlotte ran through, looking over her shoulder to make sure no one was looking. I fucking swear if word gets out... Why am I doing this? She shamefully walked with John upstairs multiple floors, hoping no one was up at that hour.

"Are we going to..."

"Shut up!" Charlotte whispered, still giving off an authoritative tone. She scanned the hallways for her door, and shoved her key in, pushing John quickly inside as she opened it. She almost slammed it, but was able to catch the door. Unfortunately for her, she slammed it on her paw.

"Shit!" She yelled, her paw throbbing with pain.

"You okay?" John asked, not receiving a reply. Charlotte just stood there, cursing for a good 30 seconds before calming down, at least as much as she could. She looked down at John, who was about half her height.

"Now," Charlotte started, pausing for emphasis, "you're fucking mine now. I don't want a word from you about this, or I'll really kill you."

"H-huh?" John asked, trying to act stupid. He knew something was up though, and he couldn't believe he was in the room with-

Suddenly John was being choked again, this time with both paws, bulging in anger. "I told you I didn't want to see you again you disgusting fuck. I'll show you a lesson."

John was unable to make any sound other than gasping, as his neck was being crushed. Charlotte held him above the ground, grinning, before walking to her bed. With all her strength, Charlotte forced John into the bed, still in a choke hold. He was bright red, and Charlotte realized why he was then. "You like being choked, don't ya! Don't ya you rat!"

John, embarrassed, nodded, before feeling the sharp claws suddenly poke into his neck sides. His body was being pushed into the bed hard, and John was nearly about to pass out, before he was let go. John was gasping, scared and thrilled at the same time.

"You're my prey now."

Charlotte put her face down close to John's, both a bright red. She opened her maw to reveal a saliva filled cavern filled with deadly teeth, getting dangerously close to John's face. Some saliva tricked down onto his face, but John just froze there.

Here I am. Face to face with this fucker. I can bite his face off. I can rip his throat out. I can do anything. He's powerless and he knows it. How terrified he must be, to be in the presence of a mighty feline. Still, I shouldn't rush it. I should play with him first.

"Why don't I give you a taste test first?" Charlotte said, maw still wide open. She was right in his face now, and stuck her tongue out, brushing against the sweaty, mangy fur of the rat. John squealed. Charlotte didn't stop though. She gave a slow, deliberate lick on his face, taking his taste in, before working down. She stuck a claw out, and trailed it down as she began licking lower on the rat, catching on his shirt.

Slowly lapping, eyes staring into his, her claw swiped down, ripping John's shirt open, slowly exposing the fluff of his belly. Charlotte continued, further, and further down, licking his belly, pressing her predator lips down on it, suckling. Oh my god he tastes so fucking good, how can a rat be this delicious?

John loved the feeling of a massive predator gently licking his belly, ticking it. His raging boner was poking into her neck then, and Charlotte noticed soon that he was happy. Too happy. She couldn't stand his dumb face smiling with content. How could he be enjoying this? Time to change things.

"Agh!" Yelled John, as Charlotte sank her teeth into the bulging belly of John. It fucking hurt, but John someone enjoyed being at the mercy of her, and let her continue. Charlotte smirked, she had him.

"That hurt!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Charlotte yelled, slapping John hard in the face, leaving a good bruise on him. "You want more of that?"

"Y...Yes... ple-" Charlotte was already busy attacking his face with her powerful paws, leaving red marks of intense pain on him. Paw after paw assaulted him, and he couldn't do anything to stop her.

"I. fucking. HATE YOU!" Charlotte boomed, biting the nose of John. Her clamped maw only turned him on more. She let her anger out on the poor rat, slapping the fuck out of him. She didn't expect him to take it like he did, but it only made her want to hit him more.

Her slapping turned into scratching. Her shining claws protruded out, and scratched deeper and deeper into the rat. It drew blood, but it didn't stop as Charlotte furiously scratched up the rat, imagining herself mauling the prey. She loved it, finally being able to cause pain onto her most hated animal, making them "suffer." In reality though John was in pain, but was majorly turned on by it. He felt vulnerable, and he wanted to be taken over, punished, and attacked.

Without warning, Charlotte tore his pants off violently, exposing his throbbing red member. She licked her lips, excited for the fun to really kick off. She could hurt him so good then, with him being exposed. Her lips lowered to his shaft, lightly parting her lips, as she went down. John moaned as the wet warmness of her maw gave him a break from the pain he was enduring, with his face still throbbing. His dick twitched inside her maw, being delicately ticked by its sides. Maybe things weren't too bad after all-

Charlotte grabbed his tail, and yanked as hard as she could, wanting to induce more pain to John. Her mouth was still full of his dick, and she started to bob her head up and down, pulling repeatedly at John's tail, causing him to shriek in pain. She wasn't done yet, and placed her paws under the dangling balls of the rat.

"Oh god please don't..." pleaded John. Charlotte loved his begging. She carefully put more and more pressure on his dangling balls, causing him to cringe.

"More... more please!" John moaned as he was enveloped in pain and pleasure, something he discovered he was fond of. Charlotte continued to suck him off, pulling painfully on him and crushing his balls. John was nearing is breaking point, and his cock was about to surge with cum before Charlotte took it out of her mouth and aimed it at him. With a pull of his tail, he moaned and cried out as his own cum spurted all over him, sticking his fur together. He felt disgusting.

"You filthy rat, covered in your own gross cum." Charlotte hesitantly began spreading the cum around his body, rubbing it deep into his fur dirtying him. It stuck to her paws and she winced at the sticky, smelly substance, but she was greatly turned on.

When she was done, she shoved her cum covered paw into John's face, rubbing it off on it. "Lick it up you slut!" She commanded, and John followed through, lapping away his own semen off the soft paws. He suckled each of her claws, to which Charlotte allowed. She never liked to have her claws touched by anyone, yet somehow she was fine with John doing it. Her face returned to a scowl.

"We're not done yet. How about a reward, for being punished?" Charlotte said, standing up. Ugh, I can't believe my first fuck is going to be this gross rat. Where are my standards? She thought, as she ripped off her shirt. Her tits were small, but they certainly were sensitive, as the breeze inside ticked them. Next, she tore her pants off, revealing her rather impressive booty, being hugged tightly by her panties. It was enough to cause John's erection to come back.

Turning around, Charlotte ordered, "Hurt me. Make me feel pain. Make me fucking hate you!" Taking John aback, but soon he started to reach his hand out to her breast, before having it slapped away. "No you dumbass, HURT ME!" she cried, eyes full of rage.

John wasn't one to hurt, but he knew she secretly loved it, and didn't hold back. He slapped with all his might against the sensitive nipples of Charlotte, causing her to scream. John's own hand stung as he continued, leaving red marks all over Charlotte's chest, slapping each tit one after another. Occasionally he twisted one of her nipples, agony blinding Charlotte.

"Fuck yes! HURT ME!"

John gave it his all, pounding his hands against her titties, jiggling each one. He could only imagine how Charlotte felt. He had an idea, but it was risky. John ceased his slapping.

"Hey I didn't tell you to stop!"

John was already clamped against her nipple though, suckling it. He was in a position of power. All he had to do was bite down.

"Oh god no, please, don't!" Too late. His teeth sunk, gently enough not to do permanent damage, but painful enough to be fun. As he bit he sucked her nipple, squishing it in his mouth. He chewed, each time receiving a yelp from his girl. After he was done with the first one, he moved over to the second tit, and did it again.

"Oh you dick! Don't stop!" Charlotte was conflicted. She hated him, but turned on by him. In major pain, but in major pleasure. It was the most confusing feelings she felt, but she wanted more.

Charlotte grabbed John's maw and forced it down hard, Charlotte cringing in pain. John tasted blood, and knew it must have hurt good. It was by her own choice, so he didn't feel bad. After sucking a bit more, John removed himself from her breast, and waited for the next action.

Charlotte spun around, her plump ass in his face, smacking John in the face. Her ass certainly had mass, and could easily smother. After recovering from the booty attack, John took haste into sliding her panties off, which was a challenge as it caught on the massiveness. Soon, her sweaty fur cheeks presented themselves to him, and John greedily took in a handful of her booty, pulling on her hair. Charlotte shrieked louder.

John continued to rip the delicate fur off her ass. He tore and tore, much to Charlotte's pleasure, or pain. He tore so hard bare spots began to form, revealing her warm, pink skin. Charlotte felt naked and humiliated. She decided it was time for a change in plans.

"Spank me, hard, as hard as you can. If you do well enough, I'll let you... breed with me." Charlotte regretted saying it, but she was taken over by horniness, and her cheeks were soon being spanked red by the rat's cold hands. Her anger turned into lust, and she rubbed hard on her pussy, flowing with arousal. The smell of sex filled the room, along with the sound of the largest cheetah buttcheeks to ever be spanked raw.

John was losing himself in horniness, and bit hard on Charlotte's ass, munching away on the plump treat, working his way deeper. The smell was intense, but he continued, before his nose touching something soft.

"Eek! That's my asshole you fuck!" John didn't stop, and bit her puffy ring hard.

"Eeeeeeeeek!" The sounds of pain turned him on more than anything else, and John couldn't take it anymore. Her own asshole bled slightly, satisfying John.

"That's it, just fuck me! Breed me! I'm your fucking slut you disgusting thing!" Shouted Charlotte, Her cheeks clenching in pain.

"Alright then... my cute slut," John unexpectedly said out of character even for him. Charlotte blushed hard again, and she begged him to fuck her hard.

John took his time, teasing her, as he rested his cock on her soft, pulsing pussy, begging to be fed. He wasn't going to go easy, especially not in this moment, and grabbed her tail, yanking it as he plunged into her depths.

"How do you like it now you spotted slut?" John snickered, his dick covered in the sticky pussy juice, pumping along. He yanked the long but fluffy tail, and sank his teeth into it, causing the whole apartment to hear Charlotte's screams. He felt so good, his dick full of power, and inside the hottest girl he knew. He was in heaven.

It still wasn't enough though. With all the pleasure and good feelings his dick had, one thing was more important.

"Say it, say you hate me!" John himself commanded.

"Who the fuck said you're giving orders?!" Charlotte retorted as her pussy was being pounded. "Fuck it. I hate you. I hate rats. I hate the disgusting, gross tails. I hate the grimy fur, and most of all..." John was nearing orgasm, along with Charlotte, and he desperately wanted to claim her with his seed.


The apartment shook as she screamed, both taken by their intense orgasms. Charlotte felt waves of hate, (or was it lust?), take over her shaking body. Her pussy was virgin no more, filled with the disgusting rat seed, deep into her crevice. John moaned deeply as he came, proud of his accomplishment, and blacked out in bliss.

John awoke confused and disoriented. He was in a pitch black room with no memories of what had happened. Where was he? Was he kidnapped? All he could feel was fur smothering his mangy body, and something warm blowing against his neck. He looked back, and saw the most gorgeous cheetah sound asleep, hugging him tightly. Her warm breath tickled his sweaty fur as they cuddled.

It was early morning, and John looked around the room to remember it was Charlotte's, the girl cheetah he crushed on so long. As the light filled the room, he was hit with the wave of events that had happened, remembering the deep fuck he gave her, making her his. He was with her now, snuggling away. Gently, his hand snuck around to her still bare booty, playing with it softly.

"Heh. I hate you too Charlotte," John mumbled as he drifted back off to sleep.

Azure Booty

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