The Corrupter of Thraben #2

Story by hippo1263 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Corrupter of Thraben

I thought that last part wasn't smutty enough so there you go.

Hope you enjoy!

Commission is open as of the time of upload btw.

I experimented with my demonic body and came harder with every release. Every orgasm I had built towards something even more pleasurable. Time passed, yet I was never even close to getting enough. I fucked myself with my tentacles while using my now 6ft long tongue to completely coil my cock in a wet, hot embrace. The link I was developing with the demon was getting stronger and stronger. I moaned his name subconsciously every time I came. Eldros... I was now letting him fully control some of my limbs so he could fuck me hard. He used one of my tentacles and forced it inside my ass. Another one plunged directly in my urethra, sounding me down to my core. I roared in pleasure. The pleasure was affecting him also. Loud demonic moans resonated in my head. It wasn't long until I came once again. The tentacle was pushed out by the pressure as gallons of thick black goop shot all over my body.

Growls of lust resounded around the house. Every inch of flesh my seed came in contact with increased its sensitivity. My changed body was so willingly embracing it, I felt my pores open up and absorb it whenever it touched my skin. And so my strength and arousal skyrocketed even higher.

I took a glance outside, the sun was rising, it was almost time. I had prepared a plan with Eldros for our next steps. While I shared the demon's ambitions of gaining power and spreading our corruption, blindly absorbing people would only get us killed. There was so much more we could do. I had also studied some illusion magic during the night from books I had in my study. Learning magic used to be next to impossible for me, but my newfound connection to blue mana made me able to learn a specific spell incredibly quickly. It was a disguise spell, one that shapes a person into somebody else that they knew. In my case, I had to turn into my old self. Warren... Even my name seemed alien to me now... My hands glowed with blue magic as I focused the image of my previous form. I slowly shrunk to my old 5ft8in height. My muscles and cock turned back to normal human proportions. I still felt powerful, but I hated this appearance. This would only be for a few moments at least.

I put some clothes on and got out of the house and went toward the central district of our small settlement. It was on the outskirts of Thraben, where monsters raiding the city was a relatively common sight. This showed with the health of the people here. Commonly broken infrastructures and the lack of medicine took its toll on the villagers. As I walked, I could see how hard life was more than ever. But this was about to change...

I stepped on a small stage in the center of the city, this was used for announcements and public executions. I could see a crowd forming as the morning sermon ended. I addressed myself to them.

"Good morning everyone, I have an announcement of utmost importance to make. Some of you may know me as Warren the demonic investigator."

Heads started turning to see me, I recognized a few gossipers and beggars who had helped me in cases in the past.

"I know that with the disappearance of Avacyn, our faith weakens more and more. Being doomed to become prey to Innistrad's horrors might mean the end of humanity itself. It is hard to remain hopeful when our only option is to stay hidden in fear. What I have to announce today, is that I may have found a solution to our problems. I have stumbled upon an incredible discovery in my most recent case, something that you all should be aware of... Something that could change the course of our history itself..."

People felt the seriousness of my words, a majority of the crowd was now listening with a mixture of interest and concern.

"In all of my years, I have seen an unspeakable amount of horrors happen to our people. I'm sure you have all seen your share of monstrosities too. But I have found a way out of this horrible state of nature. A power that will finally allow us to shape our own future."

I now had everybody's attention. My illusion slowly gave away, muscles grew as I grinned in anticipation.

"With Avacyn's disappearance we are weak and cornered, hiding inside our walls waiting for something to happen. I want something different. I want humanity to elevate itself, to stop being livestock for vampires and prey for werewolves. I present a gift for those who are willing to accept it, power beyond what the angels could ever give us."

People's expression changed as I grew massive, my clothes were torn apart by my expanding frame and my skin turned darker and darker. Most people were frozen in fear. Their hope turning into horror as my blasphemous act continued. Yet, even among them, some had to see what I would bring them. Eldros could feel their hunger for power...

"I am Warren no more... My human name is now a fleeting memory, I have been reborn as... Patho."

Four dark blue tentacles emerged from behind my back, others coiled around my monstrously ripped arms and legs. My teeth elongated, turning monstrously sharp. Finally, my enormous cock revealed itself, thick black cum dripped from the tip. This was the point where most people fled in terror. I saw guards and crusaders getting ready to attack me. My eyes stuck to those that stayed, men who had enough of their humanity. They slowly inched closer to the stage, their need for power towering over their fears.

"Now, receive my gift. All you need to do is worship me."

One person climbed the stage, all eyes turned to him. He looked hungry and desperate. I beckoned him to come closer. His need was driving me mad... He drooled over my muscles and my big cock. I grabbed him by the back of his head and pulled him into a wild, passionate kiss. My saliva was imbued with demonic energy. He moaned as I pushed my long tongue in his mouth, filling him down to his throat.

I pulled back and moved him down to my cock, black pre-cum dripped down from the tip like an open faucet. He went mad with lust at the sight of it. He hugged it with both arms and sucked the powerful nectar like his life depended on it. His moans suddenly became deeper, turning monstrous. The crowd gasped as his whole frame started growing. The man who looked malnourished a second ago now had the physique of a trained, healthy warrior.

Suddenly I pulled him back and turned towards the stairs leading to the elevated stage. Three guards were rushing in, swords unsheathed. I turned around and grinned at them. My tentacles lashed at their bodies with uncanny speed. One of them had enough time to react and dodged, cutting one of them right off. The others weren't so fast, a thick tentacle coiled around their chest, I tightened my grip. A sharp pain hit my missing limb, but this last guard had all my attention now. I walked towards him as all of my other tentacles launched at his chest. There was no way he could have dodged them all. One caught his leg and quickly made him fall. The impact was hard enough to make him drop his sword. I then coiled his chest and lifted him up next to his friends. He struggled against my tentacle, I tightened their grip so hard blood could barely circulate to their brains. They all quickly fell unconscious, I turned back to the crowd.

"There will be people who would oppose us, but progress can't be stopped. At least they can help us in a different way."

I grinned as the tip of my tentacles opened up like a blooming flowing. Inside was a bright blue with a bright blue light. They slowly approached their captors chest and plunged themselves to it.

"Took you long enough to let me feed..." Eldros said in my mind before he let out a maniacal laugh.

My tentacles throbbed as bulges of blood traveled along them. I felt warmth enter my body. I groaned, my severed tentacle pushed further in length until it fully grew back. Then the warmth turned into full on arousal. With every bulge of blood entering me. I felt myself expand... My 8ft tall body pushed higher and higher. I loved the feeling so much. I forced my tentacles to absorb more, the bodies of my captors turned skinny and frail.

"Gahhhhh... Grraaaahaah... Yesssss..."

I grew to 9ft tall, my muscles glowed with thick blue veins. I felt my pecs expand bigger, I couldn't stop myself from cupping them and feeling my nipples. I forced more power into my biceps and shoulders, every flex made them grow even more massive. My abs exploded in size one by one, every burst of growth jolted me with pleasure.

"Yesssss.... Mooooore..."

I reached 11ft tall when the guards were reduced to nothing but bones and dust. I threw them aside and focused on my growing follower. He was completely enthralled by his growing body, his shirt was ripped by his enlarged chest. His hand reached for the collar, he pulled and tore it apart in one motion. He screamed in lust as he pulled down his pants and went wild on his growing dick. 6 inches turned to 9 by the time I had approached him. He glanced at my cock and eagerly went back to sucking it. His arousal was having an effect on me, pre-cum flowed out of my it, turning him even bigger. I needed him to become huge, to be a testament of how powerful my corruption could be. I plunged two tentacles to his balls and thrust one directly in his urethra in one swift motion. He screamed in a mix of pain and pleasure, but soon begged for more. My tentacles throbbed as I transferred some of my demonic blood directly to him. His whole body shook uncontrollably in response. Loud screams of lust boomed across the whole settlement as his dick grew big enough to reach his mouth and his balls expanded to be as massive as my own.

"Now... Spread your gift..." I said as I released my tentacles. He roared as his load was now free to be released.


Thick cum gushed out of his cock with no end in sight, it turned darker and darker with every spurt until it became a thick black slime. He turned around and shot his load towards the crowd, a big puddle of black goop was building at the edge of the stage. The sheer musk of it drove them wild. Everyone gazed in shock and fascination as the now massive muscle god got up. His 9ft tall frame towered over all of them.

My cock needed more attention. The crowd seemed to have felt the same way as five men climbed the stage and worshiped it. Wet tongues and warm bodies pleasured me. They gave it their all. They yearned to become stronger, to leave their behind. Moans filled my ears as the man I had transformed came to me and kissed him himself. It wasn't long before even more people joined, 10 people now surrounded me for a massive orgy. I was truly worshipped like a god. I felt Eldros groan as he basked in the debauchery. I felt the pressure build in my balls as all this uncontained lust drove us to orgasm.

"Graraaahhhh... T... Take my gift!"

I directly up at the sky and unleashed my biggest load. The sheer pressure and volume of it sent massive spurts of thick black goo all over the town center, most of the streets and houses were getting covered in my demonic seed and it kept going. I roared and roared as my disciples got completely drenched with it. Jolts of pleasure shot in them with every contact the had with it. They all eagerly embraced it. I was soon surrounded by moans of lust as they all grew into powerful, muscle bound beasts. But my first disciple made their transformation look puny in comparison. He had received my most potent demonic energy, and so he absorbed my essence like no others. His skin turned jet black like mine as thick tentacles burst out of his waist. One after the other, massive tentacles grew from him until everything under his cock and balls was a mass of thick writhing tentacles. I pulled him to me and kissed him again as I cum kept bursting out of me.

It was said that my seed had covered enough of the settlement to affect most living citizens. A lot of them reached out to me once lust had affected their minds, while others were resilient enough in their faith to handle its influence. Still, within a day, I had over a hundred followers to my cause. The core city of Thraben already heard of what happened, it wouldn't be long for them to retaliate. I grinned at the thought, so many powerful men coming to try and stop me. Who knew how much powerful I would become once I absorbed them?

The Corrupter of Thraben #1

I could feel the foggy air brush on my face as I walked up large stairs. The green moss laying softly on their surface turned them slippery and wet. Tension was at an all time high while navigating these dense woods. Exploring anything beyond the...

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Synchronous Lust #1

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