the spike
The left went through the process a little faster than the right, then the spikes reached his pelvis. his dick had been bad, but bone being replaced by spikes hurt even more.
The husky knew he couldn't do much to stop the wolf, so he just followed spike up the stairs.
The turnover in his kitchen was high, and so 'silent spike' had a different name to his other helpers... one which, looking back at it now, seemed even more apt than 'silent spike'; 'seargent spike.'
Spike Returns
spike moaned on purpose as his shaft started to work into his hand. spike now grabbed more firmly and worked his growing erection. spike kept moaning, "ahhh, ahhhh, ahhh."
Spiking the Dragon
To put a stop to that, he let go of spike and wrapped both front talons around ceylon's hips, holding her in place as he flexed his loins and aimed his cock right at spike's tail hole. clearly spike wasn't ready for this.
Spike's Tale
He drew up against spike, sliding his arms around the lizardman and kissing his passionately, twining his tongue with the other reptile's as he pressed his body close to spike's.
snoopy and spike
"ohh fuck spike yeesss," he moaned as he ground his ass against spike's thrusting hips, pawing himself off in time to the thrusts. spike panted heavily and soon howled as he felt his knot suddenly swell and pop into snoopy's ass.
A Spike for an Elephant
The instant its weight hit down, a spike shot out of the hole, about as tall as ellie and eathy's legs. if that wasn't bad enough, the tip of the spike ejected something into the air like a syringe.
Spiked Drinks
It was a rainy evening, the roadways of Rouver reflecting light back from the lights that towered over the sidewalks. The moon shined down, covering the cityscape in a silky curtain of light. Walking along the right most sidewalk, Drew made his way...
Spike's labours
Nevertheless steadily spike made progress as the labour became routine. neither thunderlane nor cloud chaser met up with spike during noon or afternoon.
awake chapter1
When i looked back down i saw that fluttershy had sat down an both her and spike were gaping at me.
Rising darkness -teaser-
spike burped briefly, caught the parchment that manifested from the fire, and handed it to twilight. "it's from princess celestia! what does she wants from you so late?" i don't know.