Story by BlackFireCat on SoFurry

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If there was a strong enough word for what Mr Ackerman was feeling as the 48 year old frog drove to where the Whitmoore's lived, it would be intense anger, as this was the eighth time that his son Jake had bullied by Mr Whitmoore's son Lance.

Upon reaching the large yet normal looking house, Mr Ackerman pulled up to the curb and parked his car, and took some deep breaths to calm himself down before talking to the arrogant shark.

Getting out of the car, the frog walked up to the door and knocked on it loudly. And sure enough, the door opened and the large form of Mr Whitmoore greeted him, "what do you want frog" said the much younger shark rudely.

And just like that the frog barged his way in, the shark closing the door, and watched as Mr Ackerman took a seat on the couch and flinched when the frog sent him a stern glare that made him just a little nervous.

"Do you know why I'm here?" asked Mr Ackerman angrily.

"I'm here because your brat son keeps bullying Jake and I've had it!" yelled the frog as he quickly stood up, moving in close to the now scared shark, and he could almost feel the fear that was radiating off Mr Whitmoore.

"If I behaved half as bad your son does, my old man would have taken his belt to my backside. And while your brat kid could use a spanking, I think that you could use one even more Mr Whitmoore" stated the angry and slightly aroused frog.

"I'd like to see you try" scoffed the shark with a smirk.

White hot fire burned inside of the frog as the shark challenged him.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm bigger than you, laughed the shark as poked the frog's slightly chubby belly and then patted his head like a child, which made the amphibian even angrier than he already was.

That was it, Mr Ackerman was going to knock the bratty arrogant shark down a peg and have fun doing it, one way or another the shark was going to lern a lesson about why you never ever piss off a frog.

However, like the shark said before, he was bigger than other male and was at least 6,2 and 260 Lbs of pure muscle, while Mr Ackerman was only 5,8 and 186 Lbs and while not overweight the frog did have a slight gut.

And before the knew it, Mr Ackerman had grabbed him a pulled him over to the couch and shoved the surprised shark down on it, as he went over and brought over a stool from the corner and set it down before taking a seat on it.

"All right Mr Whitmoore, pull your pants down and bend over my knees," said the frog casually and bit back a laugh as the shark shot him a nasty glare, that caused the frog's cock to strain against his trousers.

"Y-you can't do this" shouted the shark, who stomped his foot like a petulant toddler, much to the amusement of Mr Ackerman who's cock strained even more as he prepared to spank this fearsome yet adorably cute daddy shark.

And with a groan of defeat, the shark stood up and a stomped over to the smirking frog, and folded his arms like a child and quickly had them at his sides as Mr Ackerman unbuckled his belt and angrily yanked the shark's pants down before lovingly pulling him over his broad lap.

"P-please don't do this" begged the shark sadly.

"You've had this coming for a long time" replied the frog grimly.

Mr Whitmoore worked as a supervisor for a construction company, and Mr Ackerman was professor at at Westmoore collage, and was dressed in a Gray suit and the shark had a nice view of the frog's plump buttocks and let out a low growl of arousal.

As Mr Ackerman brought his hand up, he gave the shark a light smack on his muscular yet meaty bottom, earning a yelp from the shark and patted him lovingly before he brought up his hand once more and brought it down on he other dad's ass with a loud smack.

The first smack took Mr Whitmoore off guard and he yelped, another three smacks landed soon after, followed by another and before long the frog began to spank the shark a little harder and as he spanked. Mr Ackerman spanked hard, and and the shark's eyes were getting wet and the punishment had only begun, and the frog gave a series of hard rapid spanks that had the shark crying like a baby.

Soon after, the spanking seemed to be over and the shark let out a sigh of relief, but just as he tried to stand, he felt a arm holding him down firmly and looked over his shoulder and saw the sad look on the frog's face.

"I'm truly sorry about this Mr Whitmoore" stated the frog, who rubbed the shar's dark pink ass lovingly as he moved the other male a little further over his knees, so that his bottom was more in the center of the frog's lap.

"Now then Mr Whitmoore, I'm going to give you a tongue lashing and it will hurt" informed the frog sadly.

"Oh no, what ever will I do, I better prepare to be yelled at by a little old frog" laughed the shark.

"Alright you brat, I was going to go easy on you, but now you have earned my wrath" growled the frog with a touch of humor in his voice.

And Mr Ackerman lashed out his long thick tongue like a whip, snapping across the shark's ass with a loud resounding thwap and and shriek of pain from his victim, 'owwwww god damn" bellowed the shark.

"Ahhh owwww s-sir please" screamed Mr Whitmoore, as the angry amphibian father walloped the shark's bottom with rapid snaps of his long slimy tongue, many others had felt the stinging lash of a frog tongue across their bare bottoms and not just Mr Ackerman's tongue either.

The poor shark was screaming so loud that it sounded like it was coming from a haunted house. Tears flew from Great White as he began humping the frog's lap, " sir please, n-no more" screamed the frantic shark.

But Mr Ackerman was relentless, over and over he lashed that wicked tongue over the shark's now dark red ass. Drawing out screams from the shark, sensing that Mr Whitmoore had finally been broken, the frog withdrew his tongue and let the shark sob over his lap.

Over the next five minutes, Mr Ackerman rubbed the shark's back lovingly. "Let it all out" he said to Great White as he helped him to his feet, and when he saw the shark's thick dripping cock the frog gave a grin and engulfed the entire shaft.

Mr Whitmoore moaned as the amphibian bobbed his head up and down, "Unnhh g-god" he gasped, as the frog's tongue swiped up and down the Great White's throbbing cock all the way to his bloated balls then lapped back up the now wet shaft.

"Ahhhh F-fuck, suck that shark cock, make me explode" moaned the shark.

And with a couple of swipes of the frog's skilled tongue across the shark's scrotum and bloated balls, the other male climaxed with the force of freight train, and the shark gripped Mr Ackerman's head as he came into the frog's mouth.

Blast after blast of shark cream exploded out of the shaft and filling the frog's mouth, and gulped down like nothing, much to the surprise of the shark who now collapsed onto the couch as the frog removed his mouth from the now soft cock.

Mr Ackerman got off the stool and went over to the now sleeping shark and kissed his head lovingly, and as he pulled out his cellphone to call his son, the frog heard the shark whisper "don't go daddy" out of the blue.

And at that moment, the frog smiled and closed the phone, moved over to the shark and helped him to his feet, before the two of them left the house and to the car that was parked out front.

On the drive back to his home, one thing was bothering Mr Ackerman, how in world was he going to tell his son that he had spanked and sucked off his bully's father or that that he was going to be living with them.

Only time would tell if Mr Ackerman's plan would succeed, or come back to bite the frog in the ass, and who knows, maybe the the shark would learn how to be a better father or be a huge brat and end up getting his cute ass blistered with the frog's tongue or perhaps his belt.


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