Lopunny Love

Story by Sauceror on SoFurry

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Jake has had enough of the dating scene. Scumbags abound, and it's too much to bear! But maybe the answer was at home all along...


Shoving the door closed with anger borne of frustration, Jake stalked into his apartment, not even bothering to lock the door behind him. His tie felt like a noose around his neck, an after-effect of the botched evening, and he struggled with the garment for a moment before flinging it aside to let it land in an untidy pile on the floor. Something to deal with later. When he felt better.

Several long strides carried him through the living room of his one-bedroom apartment, leading him to arrive at his true destination: the sofa. Built for two, it had been purchased in the before times, when Jake didn't find himself alone every single night. No...even that wasn't true. Alone most nights, certainly, but some nights had a failure of a date to keep him company!

Scowling, the man threw himself onto its comfortable cushions, listening to it creak in protest. Let someone else be inconvenienced for a change, even if it's an inanimate object. Slumping back, the single man rested his head against the back of the couch. What was the problem? He wasn't old. Late twenties, sure, but that was still dating age! Sure, he'd put on a little weight, but nothing terrible. Normal, right? The late twenties are when that sort of things starts to happen...

Ultimately, it didn't matter. Ultimately, his date had stood him up for the second time in a row. The writing on the wall was clear: I'm not interested any more, but I'm having fun toying with your emotions. Anger flaring once more, Jake brought a fist down on the arm of the couch before uttering a groan of defeat. In the end, it didn't matter. Maybe his date was just an asshole. Maybe he'd been abducted by aliens. Who knows? In the end, he'd gotten all dressed up and excited, only to be left alone at the table.

Staring up at the ceiling, he took several long, deep breaths, trying to clear his head. Fine. He didn't need his now-former boyfriend anyway. He'd be fine on his own. All he had to do was keep looking, and he'd find someone who would appreciate him for-

The sensation of something cold and slightly damp found the fingertips of his free hand.

A quick glance down revealed a brown-furred body, head bowed, ears tucked protectively around its frame as it regarded him with a frightened expression, pressing a cold glass of water into his hand with its paws.

Inwardly, Jake winced. Thomas, of course. Thomas had been an adoption from one of those centers where they brought abused pokemon, long before the boyfriend before last had left him. He'd come into the young man's home as a terrified Buneary, but gentle attentions and affections - and a rare candy that had cost a pretty penny - allowed for an eventual evolution into what was commonly agreed was a very large Lopunny. Five full feet tall, the pokemon was still over half a foot shorter than he was, and obviously frightened by the display before it.

"Thomas..." came the apologetic greeting, the rabbit pokemon wincing at the sound of its name. Whatever its previous owner had done to it, it was clearly highly frightened of any human in an upset state. Guiding a careful hand out toward the furred form of his only remaining roommate, he stroked delicately along one long, fluffy ear. "I'm sorry." The words were scarcely more than a whisper, but Thomas calmed visibly at them. "This isn't your fault. I'm not mad at you, okay?" A faint surge of anger at the idea that his now-former boyfriend's antics could cause even an innocent pokemon some suffering welled up within him, soon quelled beneath the more important task of seeing to Thomas's well-being.

Nodding, the Lopunny helped to close Jake's hand around the cold glass of fresh water it had retrieved, before fluffing up some of the cushions and tucking them in against his human companion for comfort. Anger dissolved altogether before the thoughtful gesture, and Jake moved his hand to lightly stroke Thomas's cheek. "Thanks, Tommy." A pet name for a pet pokemon, never once having been forced to battle. "You're too good to me."

An expression of evident concern flashed along the pokemon's muzzle, and it pointed with a paw to the nearby clock by the television before flashing its human a questioning expression that prompted a sigh from its recipient. It was a fair question. Thomas wanted to know why Jake was home so early.

"He no-showed again." explained the young man, unable to keep a hint of bitterness out of his tone. "I don't even know why. No call, no text, no nothing. I was there, and he wasn't. I waited, and waited, and waited...but eventually, it was order or leave. So I decided to leave." Glancing down at his lap, Jake felt a rush of emotion: shame, depression, sadness. What had he done wrong? This one seemed like he was the one...

The feeling of a paw cuffed by fluffy fur pressing into his hand snapped Jake out of his reverie. Thomas as doing the best he could to hold his human's hand, expressing sympathy for his plight. The Lopunny's free paw reached out for the framed picture of the human that was not his, and turned it face-down. "Lop." came the quiet, firm statement, before a paw squeezed a hand in a gentle, affirming gesture.

A brief laugh emerged from the lips of the depressed young man, and all at once, he pulled Thomas in close. "Isn't this supposed to be the other way around?" he joked, grinning at Thomas and provoking the same in return. "Aren't I supposed to be taking care of you?" Sensing the opportunity for a hug, the rabbit pokemon reciprocated in kind, pulling itself closer and seizing the moment, pressing itself into his lap.

Even something as simple as that gentle contact was enough to draw out a soft, easy sigh from Jake's lips, and he squeezed Thomas close, petting along his back from neck to tail and back again. "Oh, Tommy." bemoaned the frustrated young man. "Why can't I find a guy like you? You're always there for me when I have a bad date, or when I just need some cheering up." A little chuckle passed as his lap partner leaned in, nuzzling to his cheek. "You're such a sweetheart. Definitely the best thing I've got going for me. I didn't even get a kiss tonight...I had such high hopes, too."

Drawing in a deep breath, Thomas nuzzled softly along his human's face, touching his pink nose to the human's, and looked into Jake's eyes for a long moment. "Thomas...?" inquired the young man, his eyes widening as Thomas leaned in and touched his lips to Jake's for a moment, letting the contact linger for a second before drawing back.

Momentarily stunned, Jake paused for a long moment before offering a warm smile, lifting a hand to brush the soft-furred cheek of his roommate. "Heh. I wish." he offered, the memory of the fleeting contact still lingering in his mind. "If I was to get a kiss tonight, I'd want it to be from someone like you, but I guess I'm just out of luck. Guiding a hand behind Thomas's head, he prepared to encourage it against his shoulder for more soothing snuggles...

...only to find Thomas's lips pressed to his own once more.

Slower, this time. Gentle, careful. Unpracticed, certainly, but definitely not insincere in the slightest. What had only lingered for a moment before hand now lasted for several long seconds, causing Jake's cheeks to color in a warm blush. Thomas was kissing him! His Lopunny was giving him exactly what he'd said he wanted, inadvertently.

Finally letting the kiss end, he paused to catch his breath, letting his hand drift along the side of Thomas's neck. "Thomas. That's incredibly sweet of you, but you don't have to do that." The last thing he wanted to do was take advantage of his pokemon. Sentient though they were, they were still pets, and he couldn't bring himself to force his will on his devoted pet. It would be wrong...

"Lop, pun." The words were quiet, spoken with the human's gaze held by those dark eyes. The calm, tender sincerity of the tone made Jake swallow hard, his heart pounding in his chest. Before he could utter a single word, his vision was blocked once more, lips pressed fast to his own in a third kiss. Not a peck, not a slow caress...Thomas was taking his sweet time on this third occasion, lovingly kissing his human.

Left with nowhere to go, cheeks flushed in a deep blush, Jake did the only thing he could think to do. Pushing Thomas away now would only hurt his feelings, and if he was being completely honest with himself...the experience wasn't unpleasant. Different, to be sure, definitely not what he had expected from the night, but in the end? Here was a doting, loving male who was giving him that kiss he'd wanted. Slowly, he felt himself relaxing into the kiss, gradually beginning to return it in kind. Seconds drew out before him, his arms warm around the Lopunny as he savored the contact.

Then, without warning, the kiss was gone along with the presence of the body in his lap. "Tommy?" he asked, confusion evident in his expression as he watched the brown-furred form rise and move, only for the purpose to become clear. The door, locked. The tie, picked up and draped over the table. The blinds, drawn. The meaning became clear: the pokemon knew what would happen if they were seen, and wasn't taking any chances.

"Tommy, I...we...shouldn't do this." breathed the young man, even as that curvaceous figure drew close once more. A brief expression of frustration much like his own crept along that lapine muzzle, its presence uncomfortable...and both paws took one of his hands, resting it to a furred chest.

"Lop, punny." came the quiet, insistent reply. Once that hand was planted, a paw moved out to open the top few buttons of Jake's shirt, revealing enough of his chest for that paw to rest against his chest in return, over his heart. "Punny."

The touches made Jake's heart leap in his chest. Sure, he couldn't understand the specific words, but the meaning was clear enough. Thomas had seen him try again and again to find the right man to be with, seen him fail and be hurt over and over again, so the message was simple: I know you love me, and I love you, too.

Without further warning, the gentle Lopunny retook his place in Jake's lap, working to open the rest of those buttons while pressing into a fourth kiss. Slow, deep, passionate. He was learning, getting better at it each time, and the feeling of delicate paws roaming over his bared chest caused Jake to shiver just a little bit. Could it be...should he...

Fingers roamed along that soft-furred form as if for the first time, exploring with a touch intent on more than simple petting. Silenced by the kiss that he had begun to genuinely reciprocate, he felt his fingertips draw along that slender frame, down along thick, strong hips, over the bit of fluff of Thomas's tail. His new paramour began to explore as well, coaxing his shirt off of him and casting it aside, leaving Jake bare from the waist up. Bare to exploration, caresses, quiet and candid admiration.

Finally parting from that slow, sweet kiss, Jake felt his heart pound in his chest. "You...really want this?" he asked in a quiet, pensive tone, looking deep into Thomas's eyes. He didn't dare be anything less than sure about this, would never forgive himself if his loyal pokemon's wishes were disregarded for his own selfish needs.

An answer came in the slow unbuckling of his belt, in the deft opening of the button of his slacks and the gradual tug of a zipper down to its lowest point. "Lop..." Thomas was smiling a true, genuine smile, slowly easing from his lap to tug his pants down and off, leaving him clad only in his boxers.

Jake could only watch in confusion as Thomas hopped off into the bedroom for the moment, then blinked in surprise at the sight of the shades being drawn closed and the light dimming. "It...was you." he murmured, internally facepalming. "Those times I came home drunk, it was you who got me undressed and into bed. Which means..." Which means the ex couldn't be bothered. It had been his faithful Lopunny all this time. Watching him go out on bad dates, taking care of the aftermath...

Stepping out of his slacks, Jake slowly walked toward the bedroom, closing the door behind him. The dim light of the room cast Thomas in romantic ambiance. Shades drawn, front door locked...no one would see what happened in this room. They were safe. Swallowing harshly, Jake's boxers began to tent; this was the start of something new, something taboo and wonderful all at once.

Arms encircled the human, squeezing him tightly as paws worked to tug the final garment down and off. "Tommy." whispered the man, tenderly brushing along those long, agile ears. "Any time you want this to stop, I want you to tell me." One last safeguard, so that the loving Lopunny knew that it could end any time he chose.

Instead, he felt himself being rid of his clothing and encouraged toward the bed. The bed he had shared with other guys, guys who had their fun and left him. Settling down on the side of the bed, he opened his arms to welcome Thomas in with him, but instead the Lopunny stepped closer, standing between Jake's legs. With the human sitting, Thomas was the taller of the two, undoubtedly.

Unable to help himself, the newly-minted pokephile gazed down first at his own erection, standing tall...then at the emerging Lopunny shaft, his pokemon letting one length slide against the other. His cheeks burnt at the sight; clearly, Thomas was a grower and not a shower, and a paw stroking both lengths at once confirmed the undeniable; the rabbit pokemon was slightly better-endowed.

"Okay, okay." he breathed, biting his bottom lip as Thomas grinned at him, those slow, rolling strokes coaxing a bead of slickness from his tip. "Nnnf...ah...I admit it." Swallowing harshly at the sight of the pokemon's unrelenting smirk, those slow strokes emphasizing that last extra inch, Jake found himself squirming nicely. "You're...bigger than me." Rewarded with the acceleration of that gentle stroking and another deep kiss, Jake could only writhe where he sat as Thomas took control, guiding him to lay back upon the bed.

Feeling the nimble frame of his Lopunny climbing up onto bed with him and perching atop him, he could only breathe, "What are-" before he found himself interrupted, the feeling of soft, humid wetness surrounding his shaft. "Ohhh, god..." It had been so long since he felt a mouth around him, always treated like a privilege he had to earn, but here was Thomas going down on him with obvious enthusiasm. How long had the rabbit pokemon waited for this?

The feeling of something slick brushing his cheek snapped him out of his reverie, his eyes widening. He had a stellar view of that curvacous behind - how had he never noticed that before? - but his attention was dominated by the feeling and flavor of something brushing against his lips. Something thick at the base, tapered, slick and hot...

Drawing in a deep breath, Jake nodded once. In for a penny, in for a pound. It was far too late to go back now, and he'd always been taught to reciprocate. Letting Thomas tend to him without returning the favor would be unfair. Lips slowly parted, capturing that dripping tip, and Thomas did the rest.

Groaning softly as Thomas thrust into his mouth again and again, it was all he could do to gently lap along every inch of that warmth he could take. The flavor was surprisingly pleasant, he decided. Ever-so-slightly sweet, a bit musky, but not at all unbearable. Clean and warm. Better than some humans, he quietly decided as his beloved pokemon set the pace, that pink nose nudging to his balls with every smooth bob while those strong hips pumped into the softness of his mouth in a steady rhythm.

Time began to lose all meaning as the two shared in their intimacy, Jake's toes curled as Thomas tended to his shaft with all the eager skill of someone who had dreamt of this for some time, his lips drawn snug around the base of that thick Lopunny shaft. Letting his fingers roam along his new lover's body, it was all he could do to stave off the slowly rising feeling of an impending climax for as long as he could. I...I could really get used to this, he decided. It's nice...

Tension began to well up within Jake's muscles, his pulse racing, his breath quickening from the steady erosion of his resistance. "Mmmph..." With his mouth full of Lopunny, there was no way to give a proper warning, and Thomas certainly wasn't intent on stopping any time soon. Two fingers tapped at the based of the pokemon's spine just above his tail, in hopes that Thomas would understand the warning.

If anything, the warning only seemed to spur on his lapine lover; the tightness around his length increased, his balls tightening with each passing moment as his heart raced. Two fingers tapped anew, but that served the opposite of the expected effect, Thomas's head bobbing faster and faster until finally, those paws scooped under him to give his bottom a firm, kneading squeeze.

Resistance finally worn away to nothing, Jake announced a muffled cry as his shaft twitched and surged, flooding his faithful pokemon's muzzle with line after line of white, his climax stealing his senses and making his muscles tense like steel. Lasting for what seemed like forever, he drained his balls into Thomas's eager mouth, the dutiful pokemon not letting a single drop slip free.

As suddenly as it had come, his climax began to ebb away, leaving Jake awash in a sea of pleasure. Momentarily forgetting the stiffness within his mouth, he slumped back, panting through his nose for breath, only to abruptly have his mouth liberated. Feeling that soft-furred body turn atop his own, he felt Thomas nuzzle into his cheek, pressing him into another sweet kiss for him to eagerly return.

Lips met, a tongue was within his mouth...and Jake groaned softly at the realization of what was happening. Thomas hadn't swallowed a single drop; it was being gently but forcefully fed back to him, shared with him, a paw gently rubbing along his throat until he swallowed his own seed. "Mmmph!" came the exclamation, but there was little he could do in his position beyond cooperate. Blushing fiercely, he began to realize that Jake must have seen him with a partner or two, to know this trick.

Slumped back limply after the intensity of his climax, Jake could only wait for the experience to end, for Thomas to be satisfied with his sharing. The kiss was broken after a short while, with the rabbit pokemon smiling lovingly down at its human with that same tender affection. "D-damn, Tommy..." murmured the relaxed man with a warm blush, his own flavor filling his senses enough that he didn't notice himself being turned little by little to lay upon his belly.

Not until he felt paws at his hips tugging his lower body upward a little bit did he realize that he was being guided, and not until he felt that slick lapine shaft rubbing along the inner curve of his bottom did he realize why. "Tommy?" he murmured, still gathering his wits, feeling that soft fur caressing his bare skin while his Lopunny hot-dogged its shaft along his bare bottom. "Are you...?" Did he dare say it? Oral pleasure was already a step too far according to social mores, but this?

Leaning down low to nuzzle at the base of his neck, Thomas wasted no time in uttering, "Lop, pun..." in a soft, needful tone. One arm was already tucked around his waist, holding him in place while the other moved behind Jake, hidden and un-felt. With little warning, there was the sensation of flesh against flesh, of tip against ring, ad Jake could only moan and blush as that streamlined shape proved more than capable of easing itself into him.

Jake had always been a quick learner, and he was rapidly absorbing information about this new experience. For one, once Thomas was inside him, the pressure didn't stop until every inch of Lopunny shaft was pulsing inside him, radiating heat. For another, that position didn't hold for long; deep, rapid strokes followed, making the man groan in pleasure. Thomas was not shy about fucking him, using those powerful leg muscles to rut deep and fast. And third...

...third, damn it, this was the best sex he'd ever had.

Fingers clawed at the pillow tucked beneath his head by his considerate lover as those powerful, plunging thrusts hilted inside him over and over again, soft-furred orbs pressing to his own at the apex of each thrust. Thomas was loving, but he was not gentle, going so far as to knead and grope at the firm hemispheres of Jake's bottom with both paws while he pounded ceaselessly into that tight heat with the stamina that was his birthright.

Those deep, plowing thrusts seemed to last forever, the human's loud panting breath mingling with the short gasps of his lover to fill the room with the sound of satisfying sex. Still, even a Lopunny can't last forever, and Thomas soon began to tense atop Jake as those arms returned to his waist. More than any obvious sound, it was the cessation of panting that heralded Thomas's climax, a gap in the sound caused by breath catching in its throat.

Trembling, Jake could feel that length throb and surge inside him, flooding him with a potent, rich offering to rival his own. In all ways, Thomas had proven to be a lover equal to or improving upon his past failures, and there was no risk of his doting pokemon vanishing on him; the emotion felt by both was real, the affection proclaimed by his lapine consort entirely accurate.

Feeling Thomas collapse against his back, still achingly stiff within him, Jake closed his eyes and rested his forehead against the pillow beneath him. This had gone...far better than he had anticipated, in all truth. A passionate lover, a doting partner, a considerate roommate. Right here in his own home. Everything he really needed, in truth. Sure, Mr. Right was a pokemon...but it was his pokemon, and that was what counted. And he was its human.

"You know that date next weekend?" he began once he could speak again, prompting Thomas to nuzzle between his shoulderblades. "L-lop...?" came the response, quiet and hesitant, as if afraid to hear what might come next.

Reaching back with one hand, Jake traced one of Thomas's arms down to his paw, giving it a tender squeeze. "I think I'll cancel."

As if on cue, Thomas's hips began to churn anew, those deep thrusts picking up tempo for round two. It was going to be a long night, but a good one.