Diapers & Drunks Ch.1

Story by ghostpooka on SoFurry

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#1 of Diapers and Drunks

This is just something that popped into my head and wouldn't go away, so I decided to get it out. I don't normally write this sort of thing, but you know how it gets.

This story is going to be a (probably) two-parter about three roomies with a... complicated relationship. It's got some stuff not everyone will like (in addition to diapers) so do check the tags, but if you think you might like to take a peek, please do. Let me know what you think.


Darren's been an inattentive boyfriend, recently. His drinking, whilst not an alcoholic, is causing troubles between him and his erstwhile girlfriend, so their mutual gypsy vanner stallion room-mate Alex steps in with some strange but apparently effective solutions to help get things back on track for the vixen Erica and the skunk.

"Mmm, I love you honey pie, so beautiful... so special... hrmmm... so hot, your thighs, your..." Darren yawned as he planted his face between Erica's legs, "your... you..."

"My what, stud? Stud? ...Darren? Darren! Oh jesus fucking christ... again."

Erica gave out a small shriek of annoyance as Darren started snoring, between her legs. He'd come home drunk again, which had been... fun, at first, but now it was getting boring and repetitive. She picked up her pillow, threw it across her face and screamed into it. Pushing the booze-stinking lump off of her, she pulled her own cover off the bed and stomped out to the 'guest room'.

"Hey Ri-ri, you two done al... oh, again, huh?" Alex pinched the bridge of his broad, equine nose as he watched the angry vixen stalking across the landing. "Let me... let me tuck you in, at least. I don't know why you put up with him. Not trying to come between you, just... I know it's a man thing to say this, but you could do much better."

"He's... not like this usually."

Alex snorted, swishing his long tail. "Yeah, yeah he is." He paused for a moment. "This is where you say 'oh you're wrong' and 'but you don't know what he's really like'," the gypsy vanner stallion prodded. He watched as Erica slumped. He sighed. "Come on, forget it, it's none of my business. All you need is--" he paused as Darren started snoring in the other room, then he winced, "--a good night's sleep. And you're not gonna get it in there. Come on, I'll get you set up."


Erica stared at the ceiling. With both doors shut, Darren's snoring -- something that was oh so much more thunderous when the jerk was drunk -- was muted enough for her to sleep. So why couldn't she?

Her first reaction was to be angry at Alex for his butting in. Realizing he was right annoyed her about Darren. Wondering if she had to put up with that drunk's bullshit pissed her off about herself.

"What am I being 'loyal' to though?" she whispered to herself, flushing with shame as she said it. Alex wouldn't come between them, though, Erica pondered, he was too... honourable for that. Then she... kind of wished he would. You know, not in that 'seriously considering' fashion, more in that kind of... what if that people played sometimes. Yeah. That was all. What if. Eventually, of course, she did sleep, thoughts of Alex and Darren both swirling in her head.


"Jesus fuck! Ow... shit, my mother fuckin'... my head! Oh god..."

It wasn't so much the shouting, but the heavy footsteps and crashing from the room across the landing -- her room, nominally -- that woke her. Swearing, Erica got herself out of bed.

"God damn it Dee, can you shut the fuck u-- did you piss the bed?"

"Uh... no, that was, uh..."

Erica glared at the skunk, then put her paws to her muzzle. "If you've stained my mattress I'm going to fucking kill you. Strip the bed you piss bucket, right now! Strip it! Then take the mattress to the balcony so the whole fuckin' world can see you pissed the bed like a... like a fuckin' toddler! I'll get the washing on, you'd just fuck that up too."

Darren was standing in the hallway, blushing beneath his fur, holding the sheets from the bed which were practically dripping. He dropped them, then moved to get the bed covers, which he'd originally placed to cover his shame.

"If the mattress is that wet, get a fuckin' towel, you pig, don't use my duvets! Fucking hell, I didn't need this..."

Alex poked his head out of his room blearily, locked eyes with Erica, shrugged, mouthed 'I'm sorry' and shut his door again. A few moments later, he opened the door, "Do, uh, you need any... uh, help with your, umm, washing?"

"No!" shouted Darren.

"Yes," hissed Erica, gritting her teeth. "Somebody had a little accident all over my bed and I could do with some help carrying all this extra fucking washing down to the machine." She'd originally planned to handle it alone. Originally she'd been quite happy to not have Alex poke his nose into things, but to see Darren try to hide something so blatant... ugh!

Silently, Alex came out of his room, shook his head at the mess, then helped stuff the sheets and covers into a big laundry bag. It was followed by a towel as the skunk, red-faced, dried off the top mattress. Then he hefted the bag and nodded at the door. "Get that for me, please?"

"I can--"

"Nah, I got it, shit happens, it'll be easier if you get the doors."

They took the trip down to the complex' laundry in silence, where Alex helped Erica load the soiled sheets into a free machine, contributing some coins for the load.

"Thanks, Alex," Erica said.

"No probs, Ri-ri, shit happens. I mean he's... nah, sorry, I won't stick my oar in."

Erica just sighed. "No, this was... I don't know."

"Okay, we'll just... I'll let you deal with this, then you two can kiss and make up or whatever and it'll never be spoken of again, right? I mean I can talk with him if you want, but... I can see where you don't need me to interfere. But the offer's there, okay? To help."

"Thanks, Alex. Pissing the bed that's just... what is he? Two?"

"Umm, it happens. They make stuff to deal with it, you know." Alex watched the washing tumble amidst the foam.

"It does? They do?"

"Yeah, learned about it in biology a bit. Lotta giggles that day. Astronauts use 'em, race car drivers..." Alex petered off, hoof-nailed hand rubbing behind his head as he grinned, abashed.

"Them? What?"

"Ah, uhm, diapers, Ri-ri. Best way to not piss the bed is to... well, piss your diapers. But that's just a stupid idea. Just gave me a chuckle, thinking of that big idiot in diapers. Would certainly save on the laundry." Alex laughed again, awkwardly. "You got this? I can go, uh, upstairs and make sure he's put the mattress outside, or I can, uh, stay here or just, um, go back to my room and shut up."

"No, you've... thanks." Erica gave him a kiss on the cheek, then ushered him out of the room. "I want to just... be here a while, okay?"

"Okay. I'll... just go back to my room for a bit. Got some revision to do, got a shift later, you know how it is." He waved, and left.


The next few days were pretty strained, but things did get back to normal. Until the next weekend, when Darren once again got himself shit-faced and utterly failed to pleasure his lady.

This time, Erica woke up feeling cold and wet and very, very annoyed when she was too tired to bother setting up in the extra room. This time, she not only sent Darren out to deal with the laundry, but she got angry enough that Alex popped out of his room again to see what was going on.

"Darren again? Wet the bed again?"

"God fucking damn right he did. Asshole! Fucking... argh!"

Alex chuckled, shaking his head. "You tried talking to him, I know you did. Sorry, I've been trying to stay out of it, but... well, wait here. He's gone, right?"

"The dickface is doing the laundry. He'll probably be sulking down there for a while."

"Okay, back in a second. Go grab his underwear. All of it."


"Yeah, just... I promise you'll like this."

Mystified, Erica went back into the room she shared with Darren, and started loading his underwear into plastic bags. It didn't fill too many, but... what was she doing this for?

"I've got them, so... why do I got them?"

"Because," explained Alex as the vixen showed the plastic bags full of boxers and y-fronts to him with a confused expression on her face, "I have these." He held up a large plastic-covered oblong pack of...


"Close. These are like... uh, training pants. You know, when you've got a toddler you're trying to potty change. They're easy to put on, easy to take off, and you can wear them under your clothes. I know a guy, med student, remember? Dipshit Darren is going back to potty training since he can't, you know, not piss himself? Hopefully after a week wearing these he'll learn his lesson."

Alex ripped open the pack at one end, pulling out what looked like a pair of undies, only they were heavily elasticated and thickly padded, front and back. The 'training pants' also had a large plastic sticky tab on the back to wad them up into a bundle after being used. Studying it, Erica was surprised how soft they were. They looked comfortable, and almost identical to their babyish equivalents. They also smelled similar, faintly sweet. It reminded her of something that she couldn't quite place... but it was soothing. She found herself smiling slightly as she played with the item in her hands, stretching it and teasing out the leg guards with a soft crinkle.

"These are thick enough to remind him what he's wearing, but shouldn't cause too many problems with his clothes. And... no offence, but I suggest you kick him out of your room for the week, too. The asshole's ruined your mattress quite enough, hmm?"

"Asshole, yeah. So, want to tell me why you've got training pants in your room?" Erica chuckled, her tail flicking in mirth. "You, what, got them after last week?"

"I figured he might act up again so I, uh, got hold of a pack just in case."


Darren trudged back up to the apartment, face flushed. His head hurt and he was itchy, cold and wet from the 'accident' and wished everyone would just leave him alone.

"Get in the shower, Dee," ordered Erica. "Just leave your clothes out here, I'll deal with them."

"I'm sorry, I--" Darren started to mumble, but Erica just stamped her foot and pointed to the shared bathroom.

"Leave your clothes! They're disgusting!"

With trepidation, Darren slowly shucked his clothes off in the hall and strode into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Picking up Darren's soaked boxers and t-shirt, and the sweat-pants he'd thrown over the top, Erica finally claimed the last of Darren's 'big boy' underwear, which she confiscated. They'd need washing too, and she'd have to do it by hand since the idiot hadn't thought to change first before washing the sheets, but then critical thinking seemed to be a skill he lacked. Either way, he wouldn't need them back in a while.

A few minutes later, Darren tip-toed out of the shower and into the room he shared with Erica. She'd gone downstairs, waiting expectantly.

"Uhh, E-erica? Where are my--"

"I moved your stuff into the other room, Darren. You're not gonna be sleeping with me until I'm sure you can control your BLADDER!"

Darren winced as Erica, clearly still pissed, yelled the last word. He guessed she had a reason to be pissed off about being pissed on. Sighing, he walked out of the shared room and into the 'guest room' across the hall. A few minutes later, he called down to Erica again, "Uh, honey, where are my, uh..."

"Top shelf in the dresser, Dee."

"But they're--"

"Top shelf, Darren. If you need help putting your TRAINING PANTS on, then just give me a call, but you want to put them on one foot at a time, okay?"

"Umm, I don't--"

"Understand?" Erica stomped up the stairs. "You don't understand why I'm putting you in TRAINING PANTS for PISSING MY BED, AGAIN? Put on your god damned pullups you pissy little toddler! You're in the fucking dog house, you asshole, until I'm sure you know how to NOT PISS THE BED!"

"Umm, I'm... I'm, uh, sorry, I... I didn't mean--"

"Tell that to my mattress you fuck," hissed Erica. "You've shown me, twice now, that you can't not piddle all over my bed, so you've been demoted to toddler until you convince me. A week, Darren. One week. Keep your piss in you until you're on the toilet, and you get your big boy underwear back, clear? And I don't want to hear a god damned thing about it."

"Ah, yes'm," said Darren, flushing as he realized he'd added the honorific on the end there.

"Right answer, Dee. Now toddle back into your room and get some clothes on. I'm going out to revise where I'm not going to see your stupid face until I don't want to smack it, you can do what the hell you want but don't bother looking for your underwear. You take off those pullups and you can just move the fuck right out with them, get me? I love you, Darren, but you've got to shape up. You're... you're drunk, you fall asleep during sex," Erica almost whispered the last sentence, voice strangled, "do you know how much that hurts me? Just..." she sighed. "I'm going out. Just lay off the sauce, okay?"

Darren watched her go, face still flushed.


Four days. It took four days, until Darren got drunk again. He'd been surly and antsy whilst at home the entire time, but to his credit had been trying, but either it was the stress or just a need to unwind, but when he cracked open a few beers he drank them a little too fast. A few hours later and he was asleep on the sofa, snoring.

"Is he..." Erica asked. Alex snorted and nodded.

"He is. Going to leave him there?"

"Well I'm not going to move... is he... is he wetting himself?" Erica and Alex both watched as Darren's sweatpants, a uniform grey, grew a large damp spot between his crotch. "Oh, jesus..."

"Hey, hey, don't worry. Let me handle this. I'll deal with it. You look like you've had enough for today, I'll... I'll sort this out. You wanna go lie down for a while?"

For a moment, Alex watched as Erica balled up her fists, then she seemed to shrink into herself a little.

"I'll go do that. Thanks,"

Alex waited until the faint hissing of Darren filling his pullups finished, then he went upstairs to fetch a clean pair of sweatpants and a new pair of training pants. Alex didn't bother being too gentle about it, but he pulled off the soaked sweatpants and pullups, ripping the sides and balling the latter up into a thick but neat mass, then roughly tugged up a new pair of training pants and sweatpants. Then he dragged Darren's comatose body up onto the sofa, put a cushion under the man's head and pulled a coat over him. Then he snorted, shook his head and walked upstairs.

"Knock, knock? Am I, uh, interrupting?"

Erica sniffed, "No, no, I... it's okay."

"Aww, baby, come here... it's fine, it's fine. I'm here. I'm sorry. It'll be alright." Alex moved fully into the room, sat on the bed next to the vixen, and pulled her into his embrace. She didn't resist but for a moment, then leaned her head against his chest.

"H-he's s-sweet and k-kind a-and... and... and this i-isn't h-him and w-why i-is h-he--"

"Shh, shh, it's okay, it's okay. He's just... having a hard time right now, I guess. It's stressful, being in his place. Goodness knows it's hard enough for me. Maybe for him, it's just... a little bit too much and he doesn't know how to, you know, cope?"

Erica wiped her face. "What should we... what should we do?"

"Let's give him a few more days, I've got a plan, okay? Just... pretend like nothing happened. You will, I will, and he will, and he'll know we know, but he'll pretend we don't."


The next day, Darren was very quiet. He tiptoed around and stayed in his room the entire time, revising or working on other reports, but come Friday he went out again, still salty from being kicked out of his otherwise shared room.

Erica steeled herself for what might happen, but wasn't prepared for what did. It was two in the morning when a few light knocks became a few louder knocks, and Erica found herself standing bleary-eyed in her doorway as three of Darren's friends -- Charlie the hyena, Eddy the zebra and Morton the lion -- stood there sheepishly surrounding the slumped skunk.

"Hey, er, E-erica, was it? We, er, thought we should... does Darren have, like, uh..." Charlie, sharing a look with his at least conscious, if not entire sober, friends pointed to his crotch, "problems?"

"Yeah, he does, thanks guys," said Alex, coming to stand behind Erica. He put his paws across her shoulders. "You might as well tell them, Ri-ri," the stallion continued. "You know, about his..." Alex stuck out a finger from his paw, then drooped it down, waggling it.

"Yeah, uh... yeah. He, uh... t-takes, umm, medicine for his, ah, little problem, and it, uh... did he, uhm..."

"He wet himself, didn't he?" asked Alex, butting in again. "Look, just... don't say anything about it because he's kind of upset about it, and really kind of stressed and between you and me, that his other performance problems kind of an issue."

"He, er, yeah... he kinda..." Charlie blushed as he stammered.

"He said he hadda go to th'bog, and then just kinda... did. Next thing we knew he was standing in a kinda puddle an', well, we were gonna get him into a spare pair of trousers, right? But, uh, dude was in a nappy so I said I fink it best to just get 'im 'ome, innit?" Eddy piped up.

"So can you guys, er, take him from here? Only the night is young," Morton said, grinning.

"Birds to pull, faces to bust in, yannow 'ow it is."

"Thanks for bringing the little guy home, boys, we'll get him a change and put him to bed."

"Say no more. Seeya, Ri-ri," Eddy saluted as he dragged his two friends away, leaving Darren mumbling incoherently on the doorstep.

Erica sighed long and hard, then stared at Alex. "So, now what?"

"I'll grab him, you go grab a camera. We're going to need some, ah, leverage for this to work."


Darren opened his eyes, then immediately regretted it. The world still swam and he felt... more than a little ill. Still, he was... safely in bed? Huh?


He rolled over in bed to get out, and hit his head on some bars. Then he tried to force himself upright, and slammed his head into more bars.

"Ow! Shit? What the... ooohhh my head. What the hell? E-erica? Umm, what's... what's going on?" The door to what had become Darren's room rattled and then swung open as not Erica, but Alex strode in. "Alex?"

"Ah, the baby's up," the gypsy vanner said warmly. "How're you doing, buddy? Need a change? I bet you do."

"Uhhh, Alex? What's... what're you doing?" Darren reflexively put his hands to his crotch, swallowing heavily as he felt a certain... weight down there.

"Well, my little buddy Darren had a big night last night, didn't he? Came home sopping wet and three sheets to the wind, so he had to be put safely into bed where he wouldn't hurt himself. Want to see the pictures? He's so cute, despite being such a handful."

The stallion pulled his phone out of his back pocket, unlocked it, then flipped it around, fingering through a set of pictures. There, in front of Darren's eyes, was... Darren. Naked, except for the soaking wet pullups that had leaked through the sweatpants he'd been wearing. Naked apart from the open, clean diaper between his legs, Darren junior on display, swamped in powder, a stack of used baby wipes beside him. Darren, swaddled in a diaper and what he now realized was the same sleeper he'd woken up in, only open from the back, where he could see a thick pair of plastic pants over said diaper. Darren, curled up with his thumb in his mouth.

"Now, does my little buddy need a change?"

"N-n-no, I, uh... no! J-just let me out! Let me--"

"Look, buddy," said Alex, scrolling past a few more pictures, though Darren could no longer see them he was sure it featured him, "there's two things that can happen here. One, you pipe down and do as I say, or two, these pictures could accidentally find their way to the general public. I think number two would be unfortunate, don't you?"

Darren went white, stammering, "y-y-y-you wouldn't!"

"What, me? Spread pictures of my little buddy at his most vulnerable? Never. Now, do you want a change?"

"Fuck off!"

"I'll take that as a no. Here you go, then. Breakfast. And a second one of cold water to help clear your head. When you want out of your crib, give Daddy--" he pointed to himself, "or Mommy a call, okay?"

Darren watched, flabbergasted, as Alex put two baby bottles, of all things, next to him in through the bars of the crib -- the bars were on all four sides and the top of the bed -- and sauntered out of the room.

Before closing the door, and turning out the light, Alex turned to look at him, "I suggest you drink up, buddy, because that's all you're getting until after you've had a diaper change. Now, Mommy or Daddy will be up in a bit to check on you and if you're very good, you'll be let out and we'll tell you how things are going to be for a while, alright? Now, you can nap for a bit if you want, okay sweetums? I know your head is hurting. If you need something for it I can get it for you, but you might not like it. See you later!"

It went a long few seconds before Darren could do or say anything. When he did, it was to shout obscenities at the resolutely closed door and lift up the nearest bottle to throw it. It bounced off the bars and hit him in the face, leaving him swearing again. When he picked it up again, he noticed it was an off-white color and surprisingly warm. He sniffed it, it smelled strange, sweet but... odd. Self consciously, he tasted it. It wasn't... it wasn't horrible, but it was odd. He was almost surprised when he'd finished the bottle. Surprisingly he felt better after drinking them, and better still after drinking the water, though he took the top off this time. Then he explored the strange sleeper he was wearing. He pawed at it experimentally, it was a one-piece thing and very strong... with no visible zipper. How did it? ...Ah, there was a zipper on the back, a thick one, which went all the way up to the back of his head, so if he was careful he could...

"What the shit?"

There was a... lock, or something? Through the zip? He was locked in! There was no way he could take it off, and it was clear from the weight between his legs that despite his protestations, he needed a diaper change.

He blinked. He needed to get the diaper off, he meant.

He groaned. The mass between his leg was growing colder and more uncomfortable the whole time, and his legs were growing itchy. Despite himself, he heard whines coming from his muzzle, though aloud he started shouting.

"Hey! Uh, guys? Get me outta here! Get me the fuck outta here! It's not funny! It's not--"

The door opened, and both Alex and Erica stood there in it.

"What was that?"

"Get me outta here, Alex! It's not funny! It's weird and--"

"Woah, woah, woah, what did I ask you to call us? Say it and ask for a change."

"You fucking--"

"Hush! You better watch your mouth, little man, or Daddy will have to spank you."

"Daddy!?" spluttered Alex.

"That's right. What else does the little baby who needs a clean didee call the man who changes his diapers? Didn't I tell you just last week that you'd been demoted to training pants? Well guess what we found on our doorstep last night?"

"I, uh, I can explain..." Alex watched as the even the very tips of Darren's ears turned a bright pink.

"Oh we don't need an explanation, do we, Mommy? We found a little pissy baby who'd wet his pants because he wasn't ready for training pants. So you've been demoted. AGAIN. So ask. Ask Mommy or Daddy to change you out of your piss-filled diapers, or you can stay in there until you do."

"C-can, um... fuck, do I have to?"

"Yes. Ask."

"Please change my diapers!" Darren blurted. "Please, just get me out of them! It's cold and uncomfortable and itchy and--"

Alex chuckled, shaking his head. "No, no, no. I said ask Mommy or Daddy to change your didees. Your choice. You can ask both of us, if you want, but you're not getting out of those diapers until you ask properly."

Darren grit his teeth, holding onto the bars as he glared from Alex to Erica and back. He stared at Erica, "Come on, Erica! This is--"

"That's not going to work, Darren. Ask p-properly!"

"Shit... uh... Daddy, umm, can you... can you get me out of m-my diapers?"

Alex blinked. "That was... " He recovered. "Say 'Daddy please change my didees', little boy. Go on."

"Daddy please change my didees," said Darren, finally, defeated, slumping as he stared at the floor.

"Sure thing, buddy. You want Mommy to watch?"

"N-no! Th-that's w-why--"

"Ahh," said Alex, sharing a look with Erica. "Now it becomes clear. You know what? I think Daddy needs some help from Mommy, don't you, Mommy?"

"Uh, yes, I... yes, I do."

"What? No! Don-- mmmf!" Darren's complaint was brought short by Alex's hand darting through the bars to push a rubber-tipped object through them and into his mouth. Darren's first instinct was to bite down and pull away, finding a plastic shield flush against his lips. He pulled it out with one hand. "What the?"

It was a large, oversized pacifier.

"Now that's for you, baby. Put it back in your mouth. I think we've all heard enough of you complaining, and I haven't even had breakfast yet. Put it back in! And if you even think about complaining, you know what happens with those adorable pictures of our baby boy, don't you? Right! now, I'm going to put the side of your crib down and put the top up, and then you're going to assume the position and behave whilst you get your diaper changed, okay?"

Darren gasped. "O-okay, j-just, I don't want... please, this is... please don't."

"I wouldn't be doing this, Dee-dee, if you hadn't pissed in my bed, twice," hissed Erica, as Alex busied himself at both ends of the crib.

"I didn't mean to! I just--"

"Too late for that," interrupted Erica, taking the pacifier and pushing it back into Darren's mouth. "Now, lie down, that's it, and roll over so we can get that sleeper off you. Al--er, 'Daddy', can you get that lock off?"

"No probs, babe. There we go." Alex fiddled with the lock up near Darren's neck as he lay on his side on the bed, then unzipped the sleeper right down to the skunk's tail. "Roll over, baby, legs up! Up! That's it... lift your arms too! Good!"

"Guys you don't have to do--"

"Yes, kit, we do," Alex said. He stared down at the sodden diaper between Darren's legs and pursed his lips. "You know we changed you into a diaper last night, right? And it was dry, right? Because the pullups you toddled home in were ruined, RIGHT?"

Darren shrunk into himself, putting the pacifier back between his lips. He nodded, as Alex man-handled him back onto his side to undo the tail-strap on the plastic pants swaddled around his rump.

"Wooh, Mommy, can you go get a towel? Our baby's a heavy wetter and I don't want to change the sheets just yet on this bed as well."

Erica sighed, shaking her head, before disappearing out to the bathroom, returning with an old towel, which she spread underneath Darren's backside, with the strong stallion lifting the skunk up by both ankles.

"Thank you Mommy. Okay, off with the panties... annnnddd off with the diaper. Yep, you're a gigantic fucking piss baby, aren't you, Dee-dee? Say 'Yes Daddy'."


Easily, Alex pushed Darren's legs towards his stomach and brought his hand down in a quick smack to the skunk's backside. "Say it!"

"Y-yes! Ow! Yes Daddy!"

"Good. Mommy, the baby wipes. For our gigantic fucking piss baby."

Getting into it, Erica smiled down thinly at the skunk, her tail twitching. "Here you go, honey, I'll let you actually change his diapers because he specifically asked for Daddy, you know how little boys get." She stuck out her digit like Alex had the day before, then drooped it down, wiggling it, grinning evilly as Darren moved to cover his crotch, which earned him another slap from Alex.

In short order, a pack of baby wipes -- already opened from the night before -- were produced and Alex set to cleaning up Darren's tailhole, taint and crotch, wiping carefully over the skunk's cheeks, balls and cock, with the skunk whining and whimpering the whole time.

"Oh my, looks like our little boy likes being cleaned, huh?" sang Erica. "That's the most I've seen of his cocklet in several fucking weeks." The change in her tone of voice stung, making Darren whine again.

"You're definitely right about little," sniggered Alex. "Okay Mommy, now get a clean diaper for the baby."

"Here you go, Daddy."

"Thank you. I'll get this on him whilst you go get his clothes."

"My wha'?" Darren wriggled as Erica walked over to the dresser where his clothes had been the night before, pulling open a drawer and pulling out something that looked a lot like a t-shirt, but bigger, with an odd shape to the bottom, ending in a 'V' shape. Alex lifted the skunk's butt and slapped it again, twice.

"Stay still! Now, I'm going to put a clean diaper on you, and then Mommy and Daddy are going to dress you because if you can't get yourself to the toilet you can hardly do something so complicated as put your own clothes on, and then we're all going to go downstairs for some breakfast, alright?"

"Ow! Dude! What the--"

Alex slapped the skunk again. "Shush! Oh, and that reminds me... stay still."

The stallion lowered the cowering skunk onto the diaper that he'd opened up beneath Darren's backside, then moved to the smaller dresser, letting the other man go. He didn't even bother making sure the naked skunk didn't try anything, he didn't need to. He returned with a handful of small items and a jar of... something. Alex unscrewed the lid, dipped in his dark fingers and then applied a large glob of petroleum jelly to Darren's pucker and crack. He then picked up a couple of pills and, working them easily passed the tight little ring, pushed them inside. Darren's sharp intake of breath was met with a hand on his stomach.

"There, there. I told you I'd get you something for your head, and I also told you that you wouldn't like it. They're suppositories, and you'll need a few more... that's right, it won't hurt, there we go. Good boy. Now for the diaper, you won't get a rash." Alex rolled Darren onto his side, expertly tightened the tail-strap around the skunks tail and then rolled him back to fasten the front wings, getting the diaper good and tight. "Sit up. Okay, Mommy, let's get our baby's plastic panties and then his onesie on."

Darren found himself man-handled again as a fresh pair of plastic pants -- see-through, rubbery and noisy -- pulled up between his thighs and then and a large, t-shirt-like garment pulled over his head and snapped around his tail and between his legs. It pulled his diaper and the plastic pants he'd been put in up against his crotch, the somewhat-familiar bulge tight between against his body.

"Up you get. You can put some socks on if you want, but today Mommy and Daddy want to be able to see the state of your didees because you've proven that you just can't stay dry, can you? Say 'no, Daddy'," Alex pointed a finger at the skunk. Darren dropped his gaze, defeated.

"No, Daddy."

"Good boy. Now go downstairs."

Waddling awkwardly, unfamiliar with the extra padding on his frame, Darren shuffled himself out of his room, blushing furiously, unable to meet anybody's gaze. When he was gone, the gypsy vanner stallion and the vixen looked at each other silently for a moment before a small smirk split Erica's muzzle.

"There, that's what I've been missing for the last few... weeks? Months? Man, I'm so happy for you!" Alex leaned forwards impetuously and hugged the fox, moving to kiss her on the side of the head. As he did, she turned to speak to him, and unexpectedly their lips met. Erica gasped and jerked backwards.

Alex reacted similarly. "Oh! No, s-sorry, I..." he began, but Erica put a paw to his lips.

"Shh, no, it's alright." She leaned forwards again, and kissed him tentatively. Alex, who had stiffened appreciably, relaxed, pulled her closer, and then kissed her again.

"Okay baby," called Erica at the still-open door, looking at Alex, as she projected her voice downstairs, "You get yourself settled into the kitchen, get yourself some oatmeal, because Mommy and Daddy are busy up hear cleaning up your dirty diapers!" She went and closed the door, locked it, then turned back to Darren. Then, very slowly, she shucked her clothes, standing naked before the stallion. Alex whistled appreciatively.

"Oh, well, now you're talking my language."


Ch.9: Playmats and Traintracks

* * * I zoomed the car around and through the blocks as I lay on my tummy, kicking my legs in the air. "Nyoom! Screech! Vroom! Pew Pew!" It was kind of like Grand Theft Auto. Kind of. I blamed the fact that Daddy hadn't plugged my games console...

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Ch.7 : Pampers and Perfects

* * * Suzy strode ahead of Agatha, carrying me in her arms. She showed me off to Archax, who flicked his tongue in surprise, blinking, as he saw how I'd been changed. Then he turned to the gnome mage. "Greetings, Mistress Agatha. I see you are...

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Ch.5 : Tab A and Slot B

* * * My room was full of kobolds. "Bo-- kobolds!" I said, somewhat unnecessarily. "Indeed," Archax added, stomping up behind me, giving my head a gentle pat for the correction. "I was out today getting some new furnishings for your room....

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