Office Hour Heat

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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#6 of Tishen Vignettes

Neoxx needs help with an experimental magic device that allows people to share body sensations. When he gets to Alexi's office, he finds that shi's in heat. He's always had the hots for hir and, little does he know, shi has the hots for him as well. At first, they're able to contain themselves. But then Neoxx's device causes him to catch Alexi's heat and their interaction devolves into fierce herm on male herm sex.

Neoxx is Jaysky-wolf's character. Click here to see his FA page.

Art is by Homogeneous Rule on FA. Click here for his FA page.

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Office Hour Heat by Zmeydros (Edited by Tiliquain and Pariahlycan) (Neoxx is Jaysky-wolf's character and Jaysky-wolf helped develop this story concept.)

Sunlight was pouring down through the heavily-slanted glass ceiling above tiered hallways. The glass didn't let infrared light in, so the sunlight wasn't warming the fur on the top of my shoulders and head the way I'd normally expect. This building was so state-of-the-art that it smelled brand new.

It was just after lunch and I was on my way to catch Professor Tishen during hir office hours. I was blushing the whole way. Shi was the number one reason I got distracted in class. It was inevitable when one's professor was a porn star in hir spare time.

But it was even worse for me since I was a herm too.

Well, I wasn't a herm exactly like hir. While shi had feminine curves, my body looked completely masculine save for the canine pussy hiding behind my balls. A pussy that was now throbbing between my legs to complain about me having ignored it while I worked on final projects and papers for summer semester. Now more than ever, I desperately wanted to try being on the receiving end of my professor's knotted prehensile cock.

Making things worse was that I could practically smell my way to Professor Tishen's door. The gorgeous dragon's natural scent, a mix of toasted cinnamon and butter, now held a musky undertone that made my tail wag. When I got to hir office, shi was leaning back in hir chair with hir eyes closed and hir green draconic muzzle hanging open, hir blue forked tongue hanging out the side of hir mouth. There was no doubting what shi was up to, and the sounds of hir passionate gasps were testaments to hir ecstasy. Hir left hand and the end of hir tail were both under hir light grey desk while shi held onto the edge of it with hir right hand to keep hir chair from sliding. My wolf ears easily picked up the wet smacking sounds of hir fingers digging into hir snatch.

The undulations of hir body got my tail wagging furiously and blood to rush to my crotch. Worried that I was being a peeping Tom or that I'd get so hard I'd have to run off to masturbate, I knocked on the door frame.

Professor Tishen immediately pulled hir left hand and the tip of hir tail up to hir mouth and licked them off, hir scaly canine-like ears turning toward me. Hir breath puffed out of hir draconic nostrils, making them flare from how hard shi was working to catch hir breath.

As shi continued to clean hirself, shi casually motioned for me to come in with hir other hand. As I approached, she said, "Good afternoon, Neoxx. Sorry about that, it's this damn plant's fault." Shi indicated a strange thick-stemmed plant on the far corner of hir desk with several wide heart-shaped leaves and a giant luminescent blue flower at the top that had petals that looked more like huge limp leaves.

"Oh?" I tilted my head as I walked up to hir wood and polished steel desk with two matching light-gray chairs in front of it. Through the window on my left was a large central courtyard with very tall gnarly conifer trees and what looked like all the world's ferns.

"Someone left it in front of my office with a note saying I should study it. So far, all I know is that it makes dragons go into heat and I don't know how it's doing that. All the normal mechanisms I know of haven't panned out. I have a lot of access to my body's systems, so I'm trying to collect some data to give me a direction for my research." Shi shrugged. " Not sure what I'm looking for, but I'll know when I find it."

Trying to keep my cool, I looked at the plant and tried not to think about Professor Tishen being in heat or the nice bit of cleavage the diamond-shaped window in hir coral-colored top was showing me. Or the clear bulge in hir pleated navy blue knee-length skirt.

If I'd had the guts, I would have asked to help hir out with hir heat. But I was way too shy and found myself staring at the plant with no idea what to say next

"So, what can I help you with?" Professor Tishen asked as shi put hir hands over a translucent softball-sized three-sided pyramid. An orange field of magic one foot long and four inches tall energized above it and shi moved hir hands through it. I needed one of those of those magic hand washers for my kitchen.

Unable to look hir in the eye because I was starting to get hard from hir scent, I said, "Oh, uhh, I can't get my final project to power back up. I had to hard reset it yesterday and it has been dead ever since." My final project was a translucent half cylinder where the entire top surface was a curved screen. At eight inches long and four inches across, it was almost too big and heavy to hold in one hand. I set it down on hir desk and slid it toward hir.

Hir ears drooped. "Aww, that's terrible." Shi grabbed hold of my project and inspected it from every angle before shi drew some magic. It looked like shi was pulling hot-pink cotton balls out of the air around us. Shi worked magic faster than anyone I'd ever seen, spinning them into wavy lines and then into geometric patterns. Some of the magic was just passing through hir body and coming out in the right configuration.

My project floated up in front of hir while shi sent folded impossible shapes into it, and then got schematics to pop up all around us. These screens were made out of pure magic, adding a hot pink glow to our features. The code I'd put into my device, the connections I'd made inside it, and the way magic was flowing through it: all of it was on display.

"I really like your project, some of this code is beautiful. The safety features are comprehensive...You know, I'm tempted to test your project myself. Sharing body sensations with my wife and my boyfriend would be really fun!" Shi beamed a smile at me.

I couldn't help wagging my tail, all these lovely compliments from hir were making my day. "Well, I couldn't have made it without your amazing instruction."

"Flatterer." She gave me an amused look.

"I mean it, I think this is my favorite class since I started university."

Shi now had the most adorable heartfelt expression. "I'm so happy to hear that."

I nodded. "It's been a great semester."

Hir eyes narrowed in on something on the magic display near my right shoulder which showed a crack in the ceramic my device was made of. A crack so small I'd never found it. It was touching the edge of one of the tiny magic pathways and where it touched it looked like there had been a short.

Focused on hir task to the point that I don't think shi saw anything else in the room, shi started to repair the damage by wrapping magic planes around the crack and fusing the material back together. With that done, shi repaired the pathway damaged by the short and the curved screen that comprised the top surface of my device flickered back to life.

"Hooray!" shi cheered as my project drifted back to the top of hir desk.

"Thank you so much, Professor Tishen!" My ears were sticking straight up and I had a big smile pulling at the corners of my muzzle. All that stress was finally going away. I almost wanted to cry.

"You're welcome and you can just call me Alexi, you know." Shi was leaning back in hir chair sporting a pleased smile.

"Sorry." I kept forgetting that shi liked being called by hir first name.

"It's no problem."

Shi'd probably heard what I was about to say a million times, but I couldn't help wanting to say it, to have this conversation with hir. Pushing back against my shyness, I said, "Alexi, you know that I'm a herm too, right?"

Shi nodded. "A very handsome one, at that. The green outlines and brown accents that contrast against your black fur, those white spots that go up your strong thighs and the pure white fur of your toned front...All of it fits together in enchanting harmony."

I was so embarrassed by the compliment that I couldn't meet hir eyes when I replied, "T-thanks."

"Sorry if that came off a bit strong, my heat is making it very hard to keep those sorts of thoughts to myself. I hope you can see yourself as I do. I know a lot of herms that feel self conscious, like outcasts."

There was no way I was going to just sit here and not respond to hir amazing compliment in kind. I'd been waiting all semester to express this sort of sentiment, now it was time. "Oh, I feel pretty good about my looks, but I'm nothing compared to you. You're stunning with your curves and purple stripes, that thick tail, and those big scaly canine ears...I've always found you very attractive." I blushed hard, I hadn't meant to gush like that, but once I started speaking, it all just kinda rushed out.

There was a blush on Alexi cheeks too making them appear a bit purple. "Neoxx, do you mean to say you're sexually attracted to me? I ask because it's far less awkward to have these sorts of things out in the open."

I nodded sheepishly, as if I'd been caught holding a pack of gum I hadn't paid for.

"Well, I'm attracted to you too."

My eyes widened and head tilted. "Really?"

"Of course I am. You're gorgeous!" Hir utter calm talking about this was helping me feel more at ease. Shi was treating it like the most natural thing in the world. "What did you want to talk about as far as both of us being herms? I think I derailed you."

Knowing shi was into me was almost too much. There was a heavy tingling in my crotch as I begged my prick to stay in its sheath. "I just--it feels good to be able to tell people that I'm a herm and for it to feel normal and I kinda wanted a conversation, but I honestly am not sure what I was going to say...Have you ever been to that new herm-only beach just outside of the city?"

"Are you asking me out on a date?" Shi tilted hir head.

I held up my hands in front of myself. "No, no, I was just asking if you heard about it because I went there and it was a wonderful experience. No one to give you strange looks, no being hassled by people who just want to stare at your crotch to make sure you truly have both parts. And there's a nude section where you can just hang out and enjoy the sand, sun, and water. When I was there, I imagined it would be a place you'd really enjoy."

Shi nodded while I was speaking, hir smile widening. "That sounds marvelous! I'll have to look that up and go there this weekend. The weather's supposed to be nice."

"I was thinking of going there again this weekend too." I quickly added, "Sorry, still not meaning to ask you on a date." My blush was burning on the insides of my ears and my cheeks. The warmth between my legs was now sweltering.

"If you're going this weekend, I'd be happy to carpool with you. Just email me your number and I'll text you to set it up."

My heart fluttered. "Can professors do things like that with students?" I asked kind of talking to myself.

"If you hand in your final project on Thursday, I'll grade it on Friday and there won't be any conflict of interest," shi said.

"Oh, okay!"

"There's no specific rules about relations between professors and students other than codes of conduct about keeping the academic side of things impartial. As long as we act like responsible adults, I think we'll be fine." Shi let that statement hang in the air as shi went over to hir keyboard and the three monitors that were sitting on the part of the desk that hooked around and ran along the window sill. "There was an impurity in the substrate of your final project. I'm making a note to talk to our supplier."

I nearly missed what shi said because I'd caught sight of a bright spot in the air, a bright spot that extended from me, to that strange plant, to my project, then to Alexi. "Shit!" I exclaimed as I reached down and shut my project off.

"Something wrong?" shi asked as shi rolled hir chair back to the part of hir desk that was facing me. The tent in hir skirt was huge! How was shi managing to keep a cool head?

"I'm going to have to make sure my device resets back to the main menu after a crash. It was trying to share sensations between us for a moment there." Wow was I tender between my legs right then and I couldn't look away from Alexi's crotch.

Shi sniffed the air. "Are you in heat too?"

"No? I don't think so..." I sniffed the air to find it really did smell like I was in heat! My snatch was starting to soak my briefs while my prick was bullying its way out of my sheath. "Maybe I am?"

Hir nostrils flared a couple times before shi rumbled and moved hir prehensile length under hir skirt. "Okay, now I'm sure of it. Is it even the right time of the month for that?"

I shook my head while hiding the tent in my jeans with my paws and bending my legs a bit to stop my shaft from pressing so hard against the crotch of my pants. If I had been confident I could walk out of hir office without stumbling on my wobbly legs, I would have made an excuse and found somewhere to get off. But there was no way I could have succeeded. Not with my whole body aching to be touched as my pussy twitched and pre dribbled from my cock due to hir musk.

As I was writhed in front of hir, Alexi had reached into hir skirt and slipped fingers inside hirself. "Mmmphh!" It took hir a moment to realize what shi'd just done in front of me and when shi did, shi grimaced. "I'm sorry, but your scent is driving me wild and I have to do something about it or I'll jump on top of you."

The sight of my Professor masturbating in front of me obliterated my ability to hold myself back. I'd wanted hir when I came in the room, now I couldn't stand the fact shi wasn't pressed up against me. Shi smelled so good, I felt like I was on fire, and I couldn't stand not doing something about it. I reached into my jeans, under my balls, and then shoved two of my paw-padded fingers inside myself. "Alexi, I'm so hot all over. Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing..."

"Are you sure?" shi asked, now fingering hirself hard enough to make squelching sounds.

The need in my loins was now so extreme, so painful, that I cried out, "Yes, Please! Please let's do something, anything!"

"Fuck, this is hot!" Standing up, shi pulled hir hand out of hirself and licked off hir mess with hir long forked tongue. Then shi took off hir skirt, panties, top, and bra so slow, so sensually, that I whined.

I moaned as I took in hir nice big breasts, hir toned arms and legs, hir huge tail, and hir knotted blue prehensile prick.

As shi walked around to the front hir desk, shi said, "Let's get you out of those clothes."

There was no way I could help hir undress me, I couldn't even get myself to stop manipulating my pussy. First, shi undid my belt and got my jeans open, then shi deftly tugged the front of my briefs over my rock-hard canine cock. I let out a long moan the moment my crotch was bared. Knowing Alexi could see my hard on, knowing I was seconds away from finally having sex with this gorgeous older herm, I felt faint.

"What a marvelous package you have," shi said as shi hooked hir thumbs over my jeans and briefs and pulled them down the rest of the way.

Words were beyond me, so the moment shi was standing again, I just leaned toward hir hoping to express myself with a kiss.

Pressing hir lips against mine and taking my head in hir hands, shi wrapped hir cock around my own and started stroking. I moaned into hir mouth as hir tongue found its way into my maw. Feeling hir pre-slicked prick rubbing against mine was mind-blowing. It was more muscular than any tongue that had ever touched me. Shi could squeeze and tug and do things that made my toes curl.

My hips shoved forward fucking the blue helix that had ensnared my shaft.

Shi grunted, still kissing me, toying with my canine tongue, my teeth, the roof of my mouth, anything that titillated my senses and made me lust for hir even more. Murmurings about hir sexual prowess were all over school. One out of ten faculty members had a tale about hir. And here we were making our own tale!

The moment I thought shi was going to bring me to climax in the coil of hir cock, shi stopped, pulled away, and turned me so my back was toward the desk. "Mind if I take you for a ride?"

Shi wanted to ride me? Alexi wanted to take my cock inside hir? My heart thumped in my ears as I cried out, "Fuck yes!"

"Fuck yes, what?" Shi started undoing the buttons on my maroon shirt, voice as calm as ever. "Do you mind or do you want me to throw you on this desk and sit atop your prick?"

I shuddered, having to sit on the desk or risk losing my balance. Willing myself to answer despite my nervous elation, I replied, "The s-second one."

Shi helped me out of my shirt. "I know you can do better. Tell me what you want to do to me," as shi spoke, hir stare gained a predatory weight.

When I first tried to speak, all I could do was moan. I swallowed and tried again, "I want to knot you a-and..." I blushed so hard it burned.

Shi grabbed my hands and put them on hir breasts. "And what?"

Hir breasts had just the right amount of give. I squeezed them, fascinated by the sensation of supple scaly flesh against my paw pads. My body was throbbing, I could barely think, but I did manage to say, "I want to cum inside you!"

Pulling my arms away, Alexi then hugged me with one arm while planting another deep kiss on my lips. Hir bare breasts were firmly against my chest as hir cock toyed with mine. Our bodies were so hot that it felt like we both were running a fever. I squirmed sitting on the edge of hir desk as shi reached behind me with hir tail and hir free hand. In a flurry of motions, shi pushed some papers, a stapler, and my final project out of the way.

Having cleared out the space behind me, shi broke the kiss and pushed me backwards so I way laying atop hir desk. "Do you want me to fuck you afterwards while your cream drips from my pussy?"

My pussy twitched powerfully just hearing hir say that. "OH! Oh yes!"

Or..." Shi hiked up my legs. "...maybe I'll just take you right now." The pointy tip of hir prick pressed inside me.

"Haaah! Yes!" I rolled my hips. The way hir cock could move on its own, it nearly stopped my heart.

"What an inviting pussy. Love that it's canine, I bet knotting you will be even more fun than usual." Shi stuffed me until I started stretching and then pulled back and thrust more in.

I yipped in pleasure as shi did this several more times.

After all that teasing, shi pulled out just as quickly. "Better idea: you thinking about me knotting you the whole time I'm riding you. You begging me to fuck you. I want to hear your shy mouth blurt out the most erotic dirty things."

Writhing in arousal, I reached down and put my fingers inside myself. I couldn't stand it, I couldn't use words, and my snatch had to have something in it!

Alexi pushed me farther onto the desk before climbing up to join me, straddling my groin. After guiding the hand I was using to play with myself to hir shaft, shi grabbed my dick and aimed it at hir snatch. I could feel the heat radiating from hir sex as shi lowered hirself.

As my tip entered, I yowled and grabbed at my nipples. Shi gave me no time to adjust, shi just fell onto me taking my whole length like it was nothing. Hir snatch was tight and easily as wet as mine. Hir inner smoothness was interrupted by ridges from hir ridiculously strong pussy muscles.

Gasping, shi started bouncing against me. "Nice big cock! Fantastic!"

I could hardly breathe. The intensity of hir motions was making my body freeze up. My hands eventually found hir breasts when hirs found my chest. Shi grabbed onto my fur, tugged at my nipples and dug hir claws in: anything that got me to moan louder.

A friendly male voice came from behind us. "Alexi?"

We'd been doing all this with the door open!

Alexi looked toward the doorway and kept riding me as shi metered out hir words, "Sorry. Ian. I. need. a. rain. check. and. please. close. the. door."

"S-sorry! I'll come back later." The door closed.

"So hot!" shi exclaimed as shi picked up the pace, hir prick rubbing itself against my belly. "Love getting caught!"

While I squeezed hir nipples with one hand, I grabbed hir length with the other. Shi started grinding each time our bodies met. Making no attempt to stifle hirself, shi moaned, squealed, growled, and cried out my name.

Hir complete disregard for decency was the hottest thing I'd ever seen. No one enjoyed sex as much as shi did. Even in heat, I was too self conscious to completely let loose like shi was.

The more I felt hir cock, the more I wanted it inside me. My knot swelled, ready for me to bury it in hir. But shi didn't let me, shi kept stopping just before it would go in.

Eventually, I was leaking pre constantly inside hir while I looked into hir eyes, wondering how long shi could hold on. There was a challenge in hir gaze: a dare.

The tension in me built and built until I was gritting my teeth. I wanted to impress hir, I didn't want to be the first to cum, but I knew I was going to. Then I couldn't take it anymore and I grabbed hir hips. There was no way it was going to work, but I tried to pull hir down anyway, begging, "Please!"

As if all I'd needed to do was ask nicely, Alexi just plopped down into my lap stretching hir pussy over my knot. As it popped in, shi hissed, "GAH! Big knots are the BEEESSSSTTT!"

My eyes went wide as I came so hard my cock felt like it was made of granite: I'd never been stiffer. Unable to quiet myself, I howled as my knot expanded and I filled hir with the largest load I'd ever produced. I thought I was having the biggest male orgasm of my life until shi shoved the end of hir tail in my pussy and I made some sort of bird call. Seriously, I didn't know I could make noises like that.

Hir belly rounded a bit from the sheer volume of spooge I was putting in hir as shi roared and ground atop me. I could feel hir entire body vibrating as shi threw hir head back and cried out even louder. Hir pussy pulled at my prick so viciously, so wonderfully that I saw stars.

Not long after, we were both panting with hir laying atop me, still tied to me. After pulling hir tail out of my snatch, shi said, "I can smell your pussy clearer than ever and it's going to need attention soon. You ready to talk dirty to me?"

Oh, I was throbbing so badly down there that I was starting to get impatient with my knot. It was a bit softer, but still snug inside hir. The feeling of hir breasts against my chest and the way hir erection was idly exploring the space between our bodies almost made up for the fact shi wasn't inside me. Hir cock, I needed it so damn bad! All my fantasies about hir fucking me rushed through my mind, "I want to feel you make waves inside me!"

"Ooh! What else?" Shi licked my neck.

I gasped and squirmed under hir. "C-can you make a corkscrew?"

"Absolutely! Anything more?" Shi bit my neck.

No words came from me until shi released that love bite. The whole time shi had my neck in hir jaws, I was practically vibrating with need. "I--OOH!--want you to--AAAH!--k-knot me and cum inside me!" Shi gave me two more nips as I tried to speak.

"Then I shall!" Shi sat up and started lifting hirself off my lap.

As shi tugged at my knot, I groaned and rolled my hips making hir moan. There was just barely enough room for me to come back out and when I finally came free there was a sucking sound and a wet pop. Then it was as if a dam broke: my own spooge flooded out of hir making a mess of my crotch.

As I struggled to keep track of hir in the haze of afterglow, shi got between my legs and tugged me toward hir. I yipped as shi wove hir cock up and down while sliding deeper and deeper inside me. My breath caught in my throat as I nearly orgasmed. Shi was attacking my clit with hir movements, blowing my mind before shi even fully entered. Shi placed one of hir hands on my thigh, wrapped the other around the third of my prick that was still out of my sheath, and started stroking.

Somehow, possibly because of me being in heat, I started getting hard again! I thought I'd cum so hard it would be a while before I was ready for more but oh, how I liked being wrong! As shi continued to stroke me to full hardness, shi gave me every inch of hir mobile shaft. The moment shi was all the way inside me, hir prick sent rolling waves crashing into my body.

I scratched at hir desk and wiggled my hips in utter ecstasy. Shi grunted and groaned and gyrated against me as shi fucked me without thrusting. My body raced toward release when shi started winding hir cock into a corkscrew inside me, unwinding it, and then winding it in the opposite direction. It was like having my pussy stretched in every way possible, like being fucked by a skilled tentacle monster. It felt so good it had to be a carnal sin.

Leaning over me, shi gave me access to hir breasts. I couldn't get enough of those scales or hir hard nipples against my paw pads. They were the most pleasing objects to squeeze and fondle in all existence.

Cumming without hir having thrust even once, I arched my back and yowled. My passionate exclamations got louder when hir cock fought with my pussy as it milked hir for cum shi was denying me.

Not even waiting until my ecstatic explosion had abated, shi pulled back with hir prick in a loosely-wound corkscrew. Then shi thrust back inside. The helix of hir length was supported by powerful muscles and stirred my passage around it in a way that made my head spin. I felt light-headed, like the orgasm I was just barely coming down from was only the prelude to an earth-shaking crescendo.

The smacking sounds of our bodies colliding filled the room. Alexi was sticking hir tongue out and panting from the exertion and shi had my legs pushed back so shi could get in as deep as possible. I got close to orgasm four times, but shi slowed hir thrusts each time to bring me back down. Hir grip on my prick was nice and firm while shi teased it the same way shi was teasing my pussy.

Shi kept surprising me with new shapes: hir cock twisted, made waves, and even curled around itself to spread my passage wider. Hir knot popped in and out testing my canine pussy's endurance. Soon, I felt like a wire with a trillion volts running through it.

Out of my mind in need, I said, "Alexi! Give it to me now! PLEASE!"

Redoubling hir efforts on both my snatch and my shaft, shi cooed, "Are you sure you're ready?"


"Then take it!" Pushing my legs against my belly and putting hir right foot on the edge of the desk, Alexi changed hir angle so I was trapped between the desk and hir knot. Growling and leaning into me, shi stretched me to my limit, before shi popped inside.

I was howling at the top of my lungs. So much pleasure was radiating out from my pussy that everything in my vision lost meaning. All I could do was feel. Sensations came to me one by one as my sex tugged at hir pulsing length: hir cock squirming in orgasm inside me, hir firing jets of hir dragon cream into my depths, hir knot inflating and stretching me even more, the weight of hir body against mine, my own prick as I shot my seed onto my belly, hir hot breath against my neck as shi pressed hir head against my shoulder and roared.

There was pressure inside me, a bulge in my belly, and a joyous kaleidoscope of bliss in my mind. I felt like a leaf that had been caught up in a storm, thrashed by the forces of nature. Alexi was a living sexual tempest and I was happy to have been swept away by hir.

A while after our bodies came to rest, shi licked my muzzle and said, "You're an exceptional sex partner."

Putting my thoughts together into a sentence took serious effort. "That was...I can't remember cumming that hard, ever."

"I take pride in being the best fuck of everyone's life." Shi chuckled.

"You're well on your way," I murmured dreamily. "It's hard to go somewhere on campus and meet someone you haven't had sex with."

"Are you calling me a slut?" Shi nipped at my neck.

"GAH!" I tried to backpedal. "No, I mean, I don't think it's a bad thing!"

"I like being called a slut because I think it's a good quality to have. I know I'm certainly happier just letting sex happen if there's sparks and both parties want it." Shi ran hir fingers through the light green fur of my mane.

"I feel the same," I said tracing my fingers over hir shoulder blades.

"I'm glad this happened."

"So am I!" I kissed the side of hir muzzle.

Shi turned hir head and we shared a passionate kiss that varied in intensity and eroticism over the course of what felt like hours. Then shi just stayed there, pressed against me.

"So, I can keep my knot hard as long as you like. You want to stick around for a while and just enjoy knot cuddles while I get some work done?" shi asked.

"Sure!" I said.

Shi stood up and loosened hir knot. Both of us moaned as we got me turned onto my front. As shi held me tight against hir, we stumbled together toward a cabinet near hir door. Opening it, shi handed me a towel and then grabbed one for hirself. While shi cleaned up between hir legs, I wiped off my front. We tossed our towels into a hamper in the bottom of the cabinet and shi got out another towel from the upper part.

After picking up my backpack on the way to hir desk, shi laid the towel down on hir chair and we synchronized our motions so shi could sit on top of it without tugging too much on hir knot. We both used hir magic hand washer to clean off traces of what we'd done so the things we were working on were under no threat from intimate bodily fluids.

The fact that shi hadn't shooed me out of hir office or voiced regret about what we'd just done was giving me this warm fuzzy feeling. A feeling enhanced by the fact that shi was still inside me. It was so intimate and wholesome.

As I got out some of my study materials, shi used hir magic to get the tablet to float just off to the side.

Ten minutes later, while I was looking over some class notes, Alexi broke the silence. "Okay, I am puzzled by what happened." With hir left hand, shi pointed at locations on a timeline only shi could see. "You came into the room not smelling like heat. You gave me your project. I fixed it. It turned on and started sharing sensations. And then you were in heat...The problem is, I don't think your project can share things like that. It only shares localized sensations, right?"

"Well, I think I can make it so it shares full body sensations. But even if I got it to do that, it would only share the sensation of someone else's heat, not the heat itself. I was still in heat when it was off, so..." I shook my head. "I have no idea what happened, but when it was trying to share sensations between us, it was also linking up to that plant."

"Huh, that plant only affects dragons...Could you hand me your project?"

I handed it to hir, and as she was linking it to hir tablet to it, shi said, "You know, you really need a name for it."

"Yeah, I kept coming up with bad ones. I was going to try and come up with something today, actually."

"How about Sensation Exchanger, or Sensation Swapper? Something like that?"

I nodded. "Sensation Swapper has a nice ring to it. I'll ask my lab partner if he likes that name."

"Okay, I'm going to go through the logs." Shi was silent for a few minutes until shi said, "Neoxx? Your project is quite functional and well designed. Can I just give you an A and keep it so I can study it? It may be the key to understanding this plant. The logs show a bizarre interaction between them."

My tail wagged against hir belly. "Sure! If I told my partner we already got an A, he'd be overjoyed."

"Great!" Shi set down my project and gave me a hug.

While wrapped in hir arms, I asked, "Can you show me the bizarre interaction you mentioned?"

Over the next hour, we worked to figure out exactly what had happened. I'd come to Alexi's office hour feeling like shi was an untouchable sex goddess and now, long after hir office hour had passed, both of us were reluctant to stop touching.


This story was up on my Patreon two weeks ago.

If you want to see my stories weeks to months early, click here to become a patron. There's other perks too, like voting on the monthly Patreon short and monthly pinup art. Voting for the pinup will happen in a couple weeks!

If you liked this story, you might like "Ian's Interview" because it's about Alexi interviewing a male skunk for a position at her company only to have things get out of hand.

I'd like to acknowledge my first $20 patron, Navajo Demar, for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!