A Real Commission 2

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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Jeremy gets another commission! It's everything Myu wants.

A commission for a Patreon.

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How long had it been? Jeremy had lost track of time, she was too big to even see a normal sized clock, and she lost track of how many times the sun and moon have alternated in the sky. Jeremy was a giant female beaver anthro, one with a swollen pink anus, all thanks to Myu, and a 'commission' she had requested from Myu, one Jeremy deeply regretted. Cities were destroyed, and buildings were demolished as Jeremy had penetrated her anus with so many things, trying to find some form of relief from the itchiness sensation in her anus, only to find none would sate her. People had tried to stop her and get her under control, and while Jeremy herself knew she had to try to fight her urges, her anus always itched to have something, anything penetrated inside of it.

Myu, the anthro equine horse that had not only gifted Jeremy such a form, but had her way with it more than once. Myu had since vanished, gone onto other things, but not quite bigger things, as Jeremy's size was absolutely massive with her height taller than most buildings.

Jeremy groaned as a light orgasm wracked her body. She had since travelled to New York where she had been satisfying her anus with skyscrapers, many of which were destroyed after just one strong anal orgasm. Of course the city was in a panic, but there was nothing they could do with Jeremy. Her body was too big, too strong, and too indestructible. Jeremy never meant to cause harm to people, although the collateral damage from her trying to satisfy herself was unpreventable. "Myu...where da fuck...da fuck are you." She muttered through her buck teeth. She had been trying to call the horse back for ages, but nothing she thought of worked, granted thinking of things was hard when she also thought much like a bimbo. She tried to recall what it was that got her into this mess, and what summoned Myu in the first place.

Then, it hit her. "Myu, where are you?" she said aloud, a tone normal to her, but loud to so many below her. "I need a commisshhion done!" Her buck teeth impacted her speech slightly, though that was the least of her worries. She was a giant sexy nympho beaver anthro.

Just then, Jeremy felt something on her shoulder. Myu showed up in her kimono and brown equine hide. Her green eyes looked to Jeremy's massive beaver ear. "A commission you say? Well, you ARE one of my most loyal customers." Myu suddenly smirked. "What did you have in mind this time?" She was a bit bigger than a person, but still so small she could rest on Jeremy's furry shoulder.

Jeremy didn't hesitate as to what she said next. She said the very thing that was on her mind. "I want a do-over of the commisshion. I don't want to be a shuper huge ega eaver fucking buildingsh." She turned her head to her shoulder to just barely see the horse on her. The equine, while six feet tall, was absolutely tiny compared to Jeremy. "I want to be ack to oral!"

Myu fell silent as she looked at Jeremy with an angry glare. "I don't REDO commissions." She crossed her legs on Jeremy's shoulder. "You got a full finished commission, fuck if I'm redoing that. Now, if you want a new commission, I can arrange that, but to hell if I'm redoing this. Pounding your beaver ass was the most fun I've had in months."

Jeremy didn't want to admit how much she loved it too, but she knew it was the nympho in her that made her love it, and it made her want so much more. She knew Myu could satisfy her far more than any building could, all she had to do was ask, but she wasn't sure how much Myu was into being a giant. "I uh...I mean..." she had to think of something besides sex for five seconds, something that could get her out of her situation. "Don't you...don't you fink you could do sho much more if we were oral shized?"

Myu leaned on Jeremy's massive shoulder, her head closer to Jeremy's ear than her hooves. "Explain." She stated, plainly.

"I...I mean don't you think like, crushing buildings would get old with love making? Don't you want to do other things? Like...like...get Ashley involved?" Jeremy half didn't even know what she said, just that she wanted to say something, anything to get her out of her situation. "She can't get involved with ush if I'm thish huge."

"I mean, technically speaking she CAN." Myu's fingers drummed on Jeremy's shoulders. "Buuutttt it wouldn't be nearly as fun. Alright, point proven." With a snap of her fingers, everything turned white before Jeremy. When the whiteness faded, Jeremy was back in her house. She was still a busty beaver bimbo, but everything else was back to normal, well, Myu was also right behind her as the two now stood in Jeremy's living room. Jeremy's living room was basic with a couch, two recliners with a small table between them, and a coffee table in front of the couch. A television sat in front of all of the seats, currently turned on to the News and showing a picture of New York, surprisingly back to normal and untouched, as if Jeremy had never been rampaging any city at all.

Jeremy blinked rapidly as she recovered from the bright white light, and found herself able to see the television. "The shity is...noral?" she asked.

"Eh I'm not the biggest fan of violence and terror. As a giant I don't care that much because, you know, humans are tiny pathetic worthless insignificant beings, but if I'm their size, then I don't want to turn on the television to some channel about how some beaver tried to fuck the empire state building with their anus." Myu paused. "Okay, that would probably be pretty amusing to hear."

Jeremy waved her hands quickly, her webbed fingertips. "No, no! Let'sh jusht..." it took her another moment to think of something. Myu made it difficult for Jeremy. She had thoughts of sex constantly, and it didn't help that Myu's kimono was open to reveal that equine set of cock and balls. "Jusht..." she had totally lost her train of thought. Her eyes were fixated on Myu's crotch.

Myu smirked at Jeremy. "Fuck? I mean, hey, it's what readers want, I'm sure." She took a seat on Jeremy's couch, and spread her legs with a grin. Jeremy might have been normal sized, but she was still a big beaver nympho. There actually wasn't too much Myu even wanted to change with Jeremy, aside from more bizarre and lewd things.

Just then, the door to the home opened, and a woman entered, Jeremy's fiancee, Ashley. Ashley had dyed pink and blue hair, and she was wearing her work uniform. Upon entering, Ashley froze at the sight of Myu and Jeremy.

While Jeremy stared at Ashley with fright, Myu looked at the new human woman with interest. "This is Ashley I take it? Well, we can definitely get her involved in your commission...threesomes aren't normally my thing, but hey, I can make an exception."

Ashley stared at the horse, and then at the beaver. The horse admittedly looked familiar to Ashley, but she was still in disbelief that such a creature stood in front of her then and there in the living hide. "Myu?"

"In the living hide." Myu spread her arms with a smile just as wide as her arms were spread. "Jeremy wants me to redo a commission for him, can you believe it? I think we need some involvement from you. How you want to get in on this?"

Jeremy blushed deeply underneath his short brown fur. "D-don't like...I don't want her involved!" Jeremy spoke hesitantly. "J-just me, we don't need her to be changed too."

Ashley had dealt with transformation stories before, but this was on a new level to actually have it be involved. She looked at Jeremy, and took a moment to realize that even was Jeremy in the first place. The beaver bimbo's body still had Jeremy's eyes. "And...Jeremy?"

Jeremy, the beaver bimbo, slowly nodded to Ashley. "Ith a long shtory." She said, her voice still a lisp thanks to her buck beaver teeth.

"Well, about 8k words to be more precise." Myu casually shrugged her shoulders. "It was fun sex though. You know what makes sex even MORE fun is when a third person is involved! Maybe not COMPLETELY a person though..." she looked at Ashley up and down. "So, what do you think you should be? I'm thinking either my cock, or maybe Jeremy's vagina."

Both Ashley and Jeremy shook their heads quickly. "Neither!" Both of them said, in perfect unison. "You should turn Jeremy back to normal!" Ashley added.

Myu casually glanced to Jeremy, and then back to Ashley. "No, I don't think I will." Myu smiled slowly. "I mean, a clean slate is fun to work with, but hell, we can have some additions to her form. If you don't want to be her vagina, or my cock, then maybe you can be Jeremy's asshole." She waved her hand up in the air.

Ashley raised her own hand, ready to speak out against what Myu had in mind, but she felt a sudden pull towards Jeremy, as if her ass was magnetized to Jeremy's own. Suddenly, Jeremy's tail lifted up, and the two found each other's rears pressed up against each other. There was a sudden rip of Ashley's clothes as her ass began to fuse with Jeremy's. "NO!" she tried to pull away, but it was like Jeremy was an incredibly powerful magnet.

Jeremy tried to pull away from Ashley, but just as Ashley was magnetized to Jeremy, so Jeremy was pulled to Ashley. Jeremy heard the rip, and then she felt the extra weight on her ass. "Like, thish ish totally not what I meant!"

"But maybe it's what I want." Myu put her two white hide hands on Ashley's face cheeks, and smiled as Ashley's form was slowly sucked downward. Her entire rear was gone, and her own vagina was pulled into Jeremy's anus, as was her thighs. "Just imagine, an anus that puckers and opens periodically, as if it were trying to say something." she opened and closed Ashley's lips with a smile. "What do you think? Would farting now be a little too much?" she teased. "Or should we wait and give her a taste of cock?"

Jeremy shuddered when Myu grabbed hold of Ashley. It felt as if Myu was holding Jeremy's own anus, and as if by instinct, Ashley's mouth opened and closed with Jeremy's reflexes. "I don't...I don't..." she shuddered, unable to form words with the amount of pleasure her body was getting. Ashley felt incredibly sensitive, and with how large her form was, it was a lot of sensitivity for Jeremy to take in.

Ashley could still talk, though even she felt an increase in sensitivity that made her shiver. She couldn't feel her legs, unaware that her legs had sank into Jeremy's beaver ass so quickly, and that her torso slowly sunk downward. "No...stop." she said, weakly.

"You two are so cute when you're in denial." Myu kissed Ashley's lips, and chuckled. "I can tell a bit of Jeremy is already there. You two are pretty good lovers though, are you not? Just think, now you can be together forever, and I know that Ashley will just LOVE being stretched by a cock." Myu let Ashley's body sink down, her lower torso was pulled into Jeremy's asshole, pulse by pulse, and it left only her breast, and everything above it. Ashley's clothing had ripped to shreds by now, leaving her fully exposed, and in a very humiliating situation.

Ashley's mind was slowed the more she was pulled into Jeremy's anus. She felt Jeremy's cheeks stretch out as Ashley's body was pulled between them, shrinking smaller and smaller. Her stomach was right outside of it, as were her tits and head. Her arms were too, and while she could have tried to pull herself free, she feared what might happen if she even touched Jeremy's beaver ass with her hands. "J-just don't...don't use your ass Jeremy."

Jeremy moaned as Ashley was pulled deeper in. She couldn't help herself, both her vagina, and her anus were leaking eagerly, and since Ashley WAS becoming her anus, Jeremy's anal fluids rushed up Ashley's body, and right out of her own mouth. "I can't help it babe." Her beaver tail flickered and hit Ashley's back gently a few times, which just made the pleasure all the more unbearable, as if she were toying with her own sensitive ass.

Myu giggled at the pair. "That's cute, but you know Jeremy's got to use her ass at SOME point. Maybe not for scat, but hey, surely you must want this by now." Myu waved her slightly erect equine cock in front of Ashley, just as Ashley's stomach vanished in Jeremy's anus, becoming one with the beaver bimbo's body.

Ashley felt her mouth drool with a liquid that wasn't from her own body. She froze momentarily as she looked at Myu's cock. Something in Ashley just pulsated at the sight of the shaft, unaware that she wasn't just fusing with Jeremy, but her very mind was shifting to match Jeremy's own as the two became one. "I...I..." she was speechless. She couldn't feel her heart beat anymore, if because that heart was now gone, into Jeremy's body. Her tits pulled back to Jeremy, but unlike the rest of her body, they didn't leave her, rather they fused with Jeremy's crotch, and pulled forward, sliding to the left and right of Jeremy's cunt.

"I figure we can do another change while we're at it." Myu walked to the front of Jeremy, and grabbed those tits as they darkened to match the color Jeremy had up on her chest. "Crotch boobs! Or would you prefer udders instead?"

Jeremy couldn't stop Myu. She was speechless as she felt the tits slide between her legs. It made her shiver and have a small orgasm, dampening between those tits as they positioned themselves in front of Jeremy's vagina. The two new tits dangled in front of Jeremy, but she didn't get a chance to feel them before Myu did. The two new tits felt just like the ones on her chest. She could also hear Ashley moan from behind. "Ahn- Myu!" Jeremy cried out in pleasure.

"I mean, if you'd rather prefer me..." Myu hugged Jeremy with a grin. Her tits brushed up against Jeremy's own, and her cock rubbed Jeremy's crotch boobs. "I can give you myself first, then we can work our way...back."

Ashley struggled her shoulders, but it was a fruitless effort. She was slowly, but surely, pulled between Jeremy's massive ass cheeks. Her lips turned the same color as Jeremy' asshole, and her face sunk inward until almost all trace of her was gone. The only bit of her left was her tits, which were now Jeremy's own crotch boobs.

Jeremy felt a weight lifted off from her, quite literally in this case as she no longer felt Ashley behind her. She turned to see just her beaver tail and her giant ass. She could feel her asshole pucker open and close, seemingly on its own, and she moaned quietly. "But she's...Ashley's..."

"She's alive and well, believe you me." Myu grabbed Jeremy's ass, and gave it a tight squeeze as her equine cock brushed between Jeremy's crotch tits. "Maybe you want to try her out first. She should be absolutely WONDERFUL to use."

Jeremy felt her anus pucker and open up, as if her ass was trying to speak, yet no words could come out of it. Deep down, she could tell that Ashley was still there, but she couldn't hear her, she couldn't see her, but she just 'knew' she was there, like some sort of sixth sense. "Like...I don't think she'd like it." Jeremy struggled to say her words, not that it was hard to speak, but that her body craved Myu's cock so much. She remembered how the sex was with her, and she was still a bimbo nympho.

"Who cares what she thinks now?" Myu's fingers slowly moved to Jeremy's anus. "She's an asshole anyways. Literally." She smirked as her index finger gently toyed with the outer rim of Jeremy's puffed up rear. "Come on, it's been what, fifteen minutes? Your body must be dying for me by now."

Jeremy's big beaver tail quivered. Having her rear played with felt so much more satisfying than her vagina. She felt as if she were ready to orgasm just from Myu's fingertips, even though her cock was still rubbing Jeremy's front. She opened her mouth to respond, but her lips trembled. "I...I need it..." she uttered, quietly.

"I know you do." Myu shifted herself behind Jeremy, and hugged her tight from behind. Her hands grabbed Jeremy's fake looking tits, and her equine cock pressed between Jeremy's large ass cheeks, right to her pucker that opened up as if on instinct for Myu's equine flared cock. She pressed the tip of her shaft right up against Jeremy's anus lips. "See? She's so eager for it, I can feel her drool."

Jeremy moaned deeply. She pushed her ass back against Myu, and pushed her ass down on Myu's cock. She couldn't believe what she was doing, but it felt too good to stop. "F-fuck...fuck me." She said quietly. She could only hope Ashley liked her new position.

It didn't matter to Myu or not, Jeremy consented, and that's all she needed to hear. Sure, her influence might have been swayed with the new sensitivity of the asshole and her nympho bimbo thoughts, but it didn't matter. Myu slowly thrusted her equine cock into Jeremy's puffy, awaiting ass. The inside of Jeremy's ass was slick enough that lubrication wasn't even needed.

Jeremy howled happily when Myu penetrated her. Her body felt satisfied with that cock, and while it was humiliating, it just felt too damn good. "Yes!" she cried out with a happily beaver twitching tail that smacked Myu's belly. She felt her body quiver and orgasm repeatedly, just from having anal.

Myu laughed as she humped and pumped Jeremy's swollen anus. She held Jeremy's fake tits as the equine had her way with the beaver. "This feels good, but we can make this SO much more interesting, don't you think? I haven't even came close to having one orgasm myself, yet here you are hogging them all to yourself! Let's dumb you down a few IQ points for every orgasm you have, that should make things fairer."

Jeremy could barely hear Myu's words with the repeated orgasms she was having. She wanted to shake her head, but her body just quivered from the cock in her ass. She already felt herself approaching another orgasm so quickly, yet now she knew she had to hold back. She was already a nympho bimbo, the last thing she needed was to be a dumb one. "I don't...I don't need to get dumb...dumb-AH!" she couldn't control herself. Her ass and cunt let loose as she had a small orgasm. Jeremy felt her brain tingle during the orgasm too, and while it was a sensation that felt good, she knew far too well what had happened afterwards. Jeremy tried to recall basic math formula, though staying focused on anything during sex was hard.

Myu could tell that Jeremy was thinking. The beaver bimbo had that look on her face. "What's the square root of nine?" she said teasingly. Math was often not something discussed when someone was having their ass pounded, to say the least, but Myu knew what Jeremy wanted.

Jeremy knew she wasn't bad at math, but she couldn't even remember what square roots were. "Uh...sssquare...root?" she tried to think of how it would make sense from a logical standpoint. A square had four sides, she knew that. Something times itself by four must be the square root. She concluded, except she didn't know what could be multiplied four times to make nine. "G-give me an eashter one!" she said, with another gasp and a small orgasm. All of this thought of math was distracting her from her body, making it hard to stop her small orgasms from occurring.

"Five..." Myu thrust her cock in Jeremy's ass. "Times..." Another thrust. "Three."

Jeremy felt another small orgasm hit. Her ass and vagina were leaking a clear fluid from her having so much pleasure brought to just her anus, and Myu holding Jeremy's fake looking tits. Jeremy was confident she knew multiplication, yet as she thought of the formula in her head, the numbers just didn't click together. "Um...e-eight?" she replied with a lack of confidence in her answer. No, that can't be it. That's five plus...uhnnn. She tried to think to herself, but another orgasm racked her body. "T-two! Five one!" She wasn't even sure of her own answers anymore. "Ash me shomething beshidesh math! I'm a shmart beaver!"

"Name one state in the USA." Myu teased. The talk of math and intelligence was making it harder for Myu to orgasm, although with Jeremy's slick wet asshole and furry ass, she felt the pressure build in her balls slowly.

Jeremy swore she knew this one. Names raced through her head as she tried to identify one, just ANY state in the USA. She knew she lived in the USA, at least, she thought she did, so to name just one state shouldn't have been that hard. Alas, her mind drew a blank when it came to the states. She thought she had to get creative, so she thought of United States presidents, but even that was a challenge. "Lincoln State." She replied, with a bit more confidence. He...he was a president, wasn't he? They must have named a state after him!

"Close," Myu chuckled with a hard thrust. "But not...quite." she felt the pressure in her cock begin to build from her fully erect hard shaft. A hint of precum left the tip of her flared shaft into Jeremy's ass.

Jeremy had a small orgasm again as she felt that flared cock stretch her. She couldn't even think of the president that she thought of less than five seconds ago. "No...I don't...I...um..." she couldn't think of a state. She knew she was getting dumber. It made her afraid to orgasm, but no matter how much she tried to hold back, her body just didn't cooperate with her. "Ah- M-Myu!" she cried out again.

"Not a state, but I'll take it!" with one hard thrust, her cock pushed so deep in Jeremy's ass that Myu's dark balls brushed against Jeremy's furry large fake ass. No longer able to hold it in, Myu then came. Her cock pumped and pulsed wave after wave of seed deep in Jeremy's ass.

Jeremy couldn't hold back her orgasms as she felt the hot seed fill her. She orgasmed again and again in repeated succession, as if Myu had done more alterations to her body. She knew not the female body, but she was confident orgasms couldn't happen this rapidly! "N-noo!" she cried out, though in pure bliss. Her ass clenched tightly around Myu's cock.

Myu's cock pumped and pulsed for almost half a minute before she was finally finished, though as her cock softened, she kept it in Jeremy's ass for as long as she could. "See...what I mean? You must have an IQ only slightly more intelligent than an amoeba by now."

Jeremy didn't even know what an amoeba was. She panted heavily, and stuck her tongue out a bit as she did so. "C-can...you...pull...pull out now?" she asked, as much as her body loved it. She felt her anus clench down on Myu's equine cock repeatedly, as if it begged for more. She couldn't tell if that was her doing, or if that was Ashley, though she doubted Ashley was having THAT wonderful of a time down there.

"Oh I suppose. You're lucky I don't give myself a dog knot." Myu teased. "Then again, I'm sure Ashley would absolutely love that." She slowly pulled out of Jeremy's ass, and stroked her slim shoulders. "I can tell you're worried about her." Her cock pulled out with a slick 'schlop' noise. Jeremy's ass drooled both Myu's, and her own liquid. "She's fine. She was panicking a bit, wondering why she can't breathe as an anus, but after that round of sex, well...imagine immense pleasure racked through your entire body. That's what she went through right now, so she's a little...out of it."

Jeremy felt her ass pulse gently once freed of Myu's cock. Her body felt empty, longing to have that shaft again, but with her sexual desires craved, if only briefly, she resisted. "C-can we talk about a new form for me now?" she asked with a nervous tone. "I...I don't want to be a beaver anymore."

"But beavers are rare! Besides, the sex is SO good with you in this form." Myu gave Jeremy a hug from behind. Her wet sheathe brushed against Jeremy's thighs. "Let's talk about some new additions instead." One of Myu's hands brushed in front of Jeremy's face. "Like, let's talk about more stuff people like about sex. I'm thinking you need a tongue, a special tongue that can stretch for days! Well...six feet at least." Myu brushed her hand along Jeremy's lips, and her buck teeth. Magic flowed from her fingertips onto Jeremy's face.

Jeremy shook her head rapidly, but it was too late. She felt the magic hit her face, and then her tongue. She felt her tongue grow inside her mouth, and while she could curl it up at first, it eventually grew so long that she just had to open her mouth, and let her tongue loll out. Her newly grown tongue easily went down between her tits, and continued to extend downwards.

Jeremy couldn't roll her tongue back into her mouth if she wanted to. She could only watch horrified as it grew downwards, and she tasted her belly, her vagina, and then she watched as her tongue almost touched the ground beneath her. She turned to Myu with wide eyes. "Pus ick fack ta namal!"

"You're lucky I can read minds, because fuck if I can understand what is coming out of your mouth." Myu said with a laugh. "Anyways, because it's fully grown now, you, well, I can make it grow and shrink at will, and since I don't need a super long tongue..." Myu made Jeremy's tongue shrink down, quite rapidly at that, right back in her mouth to a more normal size, long enough to touch her nose, but not so long she couldn't keep it hidden underneath her lips.

Jeremy gasped as her tongue suddenly came back into her mouth like a tape measure set to shrink. She covered her mouth with wide eyes as she stared at Myu. Part of her was afraid to speak without testing her tongue, although she knew she had a small lisp anyways.

"Now, there's still so much more we can do with you." Myu smiled at Jeremy. "From your head, down to your...well...paws. Let's make those teeth bigger, and REALLY get a lisp going." Myu used her magic to swell up Jeremy's two front teeth,

Jeremy wondered if Myu kept reading her mind. She kept her mouth covered, but she felt her teeth swell. "No!" she shouted, muffled, but there was nothing she could do. Her teeth grew in size to what one would simply describe as hyper. Her two front teeth practically covered her entire mouth, and almost went down to her chin. She couldn't see a mirror, but she could feel her massive teeth. She felt as if she were some sort of silly cartoon beaver now. "Chafff e fack! Chaff e fack!" She made even less since with her new buck teeth.

"I'd ask you for a blow job, but I don't even think you can open your mouth wide enough for that now!" Myu said with a huge laugh. "And yes, I can read your thoughts, it's much easier to understand than what you said." After a small pause, Myu frowned. "Jeremy! Language with your thoughts." She crossed her arms. "Just for that," she made Jeremy's tongue grow back down, though just down to her crotch. "You're going to use that tongue of yours on me."

Jeremy couldn't help it as her tongue rolled out of her mouth once again. She couldn't see it underneath her massive breast, but she could feel the wet slickness of her tongue, and taste her tasteless beaver fur. "Fack goo!" she would have crossed her arms over her chest, but she didn't want to touch her tongue any more than she already had been.

"That can be arranged." Myu held up a single finger. "But first, you should clean my cock off with that tongue of yours." With her index finger, she moved it around, and Jeremy's tongue moved around with it, as if the two were connected somehow. Myu moved Jeremy's cock down to her cock and balls, and made Jeremy stroke her tongue up against Myu's dark balls. "It was just in your ass after all. Really get in my sheath too, I don't get many tongues in there."

Jeremy couldn't stop her tongue. She grabbed onto it, but then she quickly let go when she realized she was tasting her own hands. It didn't help when she was soon tasting Myu's salty balls and sheath though. She grabbed her tongue again, and tried to pull it back, but her tongue seemed to be so much stronger than her hands were, and very slick too. She tried to shout, but it came out as pure gibberish. "I waa mah taong ack! If ick ack!"

"You'll get control of it back, just as soon as my cock is nice and clean." Myu continued twirling and moving her index finger which made Jeremy's tongue move and clean Myu's cock as it reemerged from its sheath. "Then we can dirty it up again, and you can clean it again." She stuck out her own flat tongue. "This is much kinkier than being giants! Oh, maybe we can change your body to appeal to as many people as possible, the perfect sex beaver!"

"Ah erfick ex eavah?" Jeremy pulled back, but even when she had control of her body, her tongue just kept pulling out from her and pleasured Myu's cock, no matter how much she pulled away. Worse yet, the sensations of Myu's cock against her turned her nympho body on. "I own anna!"

"Oh stop being in denial." Myu's finger stopped waving, yet Jeremy's tongue kept working on Myu's cock. "I can tell your body wants it, your body NEEDS it. You're dripping wet from your ass, AND your cunt. Now do me a favor, and sit on that huge ass, and show me your paws. We've got to make sure your body can appeal to all audiences, after all."

Jeremy felt her body fall under Myu's control. She inched herself back towards Myu, and plopped down on her huge fake looking ass. She stuck her webbed paws up in confusion, wondering what Myu had planned for them.

"Now, paw play isn't normally my thing..." Myu grasped Jeremy's pawed feet, and brushed a thumb over her 'toes', buuuuttt I know some people are fans of it, and we need to make everyone happy after all." With a brief rub, Jeremy's pawed feet began to grow. Her webbed hands did the same too. "Just by say...bigger than average I'm thinking. Not enough to be hyper, but enough to give an amazing pawjob or handjob if given the task." Myu smirked. "But maybe not in this story, this is YOUR commission after all, and I don't see you being a fan of the paw. That doesn't mean we shouldn't make OTHERS happy!"

Jeremy moaned underneath her buck teeth as her paws grew, both hands, and pawed feet. Both doubled in size, and she could only look on humiliatingly as her tongue continued to pleasure Myu's cock. The worst part of it all was how much her body loved it. Her pawed feet could almost reach Myu's cock, and she knew that just touching that shaft with any part of her body aroused her tremendously.

"There are stranger fans than those of paws though. You ever heard of a larger snout? Apparently some people get off to that. Nose fucking miiight be over the top though, but hey, giving you a huge nose isn't out of the question!" Myu pressed a single finger up against Jeremy's black beaver nose.

Jeremy's words were gibberish as her heart-shaped nose was pressed, and then it too grew. Jeremy could only stare as her nose doubled, tripled in size in front of her. It was a sensation that was hard to describe, though with the increased nose size also came enhanced smells, although the only thing she could seem to focus her nose on was the scent of Myu's musk from her cock, now covered in Jeremy's saliva from her tongue that still just lapped away. Jeremy felt as if she looked like a strange monster beaver now than a sexy one. Sure she had the ass and bust, but now the paws, the nose, the teeth, and her tongue made her feel so incredibly awkward.

Myu knew Jeremy's form was now incredibly strange, but she didn't care. Just as Myu loved to turn a man into a beautiful woman, she also loved turning beautiful women into...well, whatever the hell happened to satisfy her at the time. With Jeremy's nose as big as a tennis ball, Myu stopped its growth, and looked over the beaver. "I think my cock is clean enough now." She gave Jeremy control over her tongue again. Myu did not let Jeremy shrink Jeremy's tongue back in her mouth though. "Now, what else do you think you need? Maybe you should lay eggs, or maybe a shortstack?" Myu chuckled. "What else do you think turns people on?"

"I odda wadda udda!" Jeremy replied in frustration. She tried to put her tongue back in her mouth, but to no avail. She felt disgusted as it dangled down in front of her. Sure, she could keep her tongue from touching her body, but it was hard to keep her instincts under control to just push that tongue right between her legs with her nympho mindset. It was hard to get rid of the thought of getting rammed with Myu's cock too, and with how dumb she now was, it was hard to think of anything else to take her mind off of it. Everything she tried to think of just turned back around to humping and pumping.

"You want an udder?" Myu shrugged. "I mean, it would look weird on a beaver, but hey, it's your body." Myu suddenly grabbed Jeremy's crotch tits, and began to reshape them. She pushed the two tits together, fusing the pair, and then pulled out an extra pair of nipples. The fur on Jeremy's crotch tits, now fused into one larger sphere, shed and revealed a pink tender softness underneath that Myu happily fondled.

"Ass oot wak I faik!" Jeremy just couldn't form any comprehensible words with her massive teeth, and now her long tongue. She could moan however, which was exactly what she did when Myu fondled her crotch boobs and turned them into one massive pink cow udder. Jeremy's weight felt entirely thrown off with the huge thing. She reached down, and held the bottom with her massive hands.

"I'm PRETTY sure it's what you said." Myu shrugged as she gave the udder a light smack. "We just need to fill it up with something now! Milk is SO yesterday. Hey, remember that time you commissioned me to make you a frozen yogurt girl? Why don't we fill your udder up with that?!" Myu didn't even give Jeremy a chance, Jeremy's udder suddenly became colder as it filled, not with milk, but with frozen vanilla yogurt. "I'm thinking needing to be milked every couple of hours. Enough that you know it has to be done, but not so much that it gets in the way of everyday life, well, whatever everyday life a beaver girl like you goes through anyways."

Jeremy shuddered as her udder became cold. She was ready to wrap it up in a blanket, but she knew it would do no good if what was inside of it was cold. She half wanted to rub her massive paw hands on the udder to warm it, but feeling the pink sphere between her legs made her feel disgusted. She didn't feel like a sexy beaver anthro, but she still felt incredibly horny despite all of her many awkward changes.

"I can tell you still want more sex too. Well we had anal, but we didn't give your cunt a try!" Myu gave one of the teats on Jeremy's udder a gentle squeeze, and white frozen yogurt slowly came out of the teat as if it were an ice cream machine. "Hmmm, maybe after all of your changes are complete. For now, why don't you give this a taste? Hell, I bet your tongue can milk it." It didn't matter whether or not Jeremy wanted to, Myu was going to make sure she had to.

Jeremy felt her tongue move on its own to squeeze that teat Myu squeezed. She felt the frozen yogurt leak onto her udder, and then her tongue lapped it right up, and quickly shrank into her mouth for her to taste her own frozen yogurt. She didn't want to admit it, but it tasted...good. At least her tongue was back in her mouth, but with her massive beaver teeth, speaking any comprehensible words was still a huge challenge.

"Let's see...I'm thinking maybe one or two more additions to your body, then you'll be absolutely perfect. First thing you need is more tits. You can NEVER have enough tits. They need to be special though, just like you. You are a very unique specimen after all." Myu's hands suddenly grasped a spot right below Jeremy's large fake tits, and as if Myu were molding clay, she pulled and stretched Jeremy's flesh and fur, creating a second pair of tits directly beneath Jeremy's first pair.

Jeremy wanted to run, but something inside of her prevented herself from doing so. She knew it wasn't Myu. It felt like there was just a sixth sense in Jeremy that told her it wasn't Myu. She slowly realized that it was just her who wanted to be changed and manipulated so much. She didn't know if it was something Myu did, or if it was something that she wanted all along though. She had been changed so much physically, and mentally, she wasn't even sure what she originally wanted. She moaned through her buck teeth as her new pair of tits grew, but they didn't just grow to match the pair above them, they grew a good three cup sizes larger than the tits above them, with swollen pink nipples. The new pair of tits looked just as fake as the ones above them, and as they were larger, they made Jeremy's beaver body even more awkwardly balanced.

"Now you're looking pretty unique!" Myu let go of Jeremy, and clapped her hands together happily. "But there's still something missing...like, yeah you're special, but there's still a good chance someone could end up looking just like you. We need to do something even stranger."

"Een shtraker?" Jeremy couldn't take her eyes off of her lower pair of tits. She had recalled Myu adding extra breasts before on other commissions, but never before did she see the lower pair of breasts be larger than the upper. Normally the lower breasts were smaller, or at least the same size, yet Myu wasn't even done changing her yet? She had gone through so many other changes already, and she didn't even say the ones she wanted Myu to do for her commission!

"Just a little bit." Myu bopped Jeremy's huge nose with a single finger. She then took two of Jeremy's tits, and grew them out even larger, by another few cups. The odd thing was the tits that Myu decided to grow were Jeremy's left tits. She left the right sizes completely unchanged, giving her an uneven appearance, in addition to so many other things Myu had changed about her. "NOW I'd say your commission looks good." She held out her hand. "That'll be thirty two fifty."

Jeremy looked at Myu with anger in her eyes. She tried to think of herself as human, but she couldn't stop picturing herself as a woman, and on Myu's cock no less. "Dis ishn whu I wandded!" She turned her body away from Myu in a huff, though as she turned, her many boobs jiggled heavily as they turned, as did her ass. Even her udder bounced a few times, and sent waves of pleasure through Jeremy's body. She couldn't hold back her moan as her beaver tail held high up in the air, and showed off her wet, pulsing, anus to Myu.

"You say it's not what you wanted." Myu stroked a single finger along Jeremy's spine. "But I can tell your body is so aroused by it. You didn't know you wanted it until you got it, and now you're in denial that you have it. Perhaps we need to do more for your commission though. You have the body, you just need to learn to enjoy it, maybe not as a macro, but something...smaller."

Jeremy had two ideas that Myu had in mind, and her heart pounded heavily at the thought of both of them. She shook her head rapidly, but she couldn't get the strength in her legs to run away. Her body ached, wanting that huge equine cock in her, and while it was so incredibly hard to think about anything else, she had to try to remember who she was, and why she even summoned Myu back in the first place.

"I can tell. I do like the idea of a shortstack beaver bimbo." Myu suddenly grabbed onto the top of Jeremy's head, and pushed her downwards, eliminating two feet from Jeremy's height, just as simple as that. The change was much swifter than the other ones she had done, if only because it was amusing for Myu to shrink Jeremy so easily. "But I was thinking...hmmm...micro?"

"Go fico! Go fico!" Jeremy shook her head left and right. She tried to run from Myu, but her sudden sense of vertigo, as well as her new weights on her body threw her off. She fell forward down right onto her boobs and udder. Her massive asshole was even more prominent in front of Myu, and she couldn't get her beaver tail to go down to cover her donut anus.

"I can't tell if you're agreeing with me, or if you just want to be fucked again that badly." Myu got onto her knees, and smiled down at Jeremy. "But we already did your ass! You have to give Ashley some time to rest. Come on, turn around and let's see that beaver cunt of yours. I may not be as big as a building..." Myu chuckled. "But you know I can satisfy you, and then some."

Jeremy's body ached for more sex. Her dumb mind found it hard to think about anything else. She knew Myu wasn't holding her back, she could run, but she had no idea where to run too. Her body had been changed once again, but this time to satisfy some of the strangest kinks. She put her hands onto the floor, but only to turn herself around and expose her bare naked front side to Myu. Her udder felt full of pressure, and her cunt felt just as, if not, needier than her ass. She needed a cock, she needed Myu's huge equine shaft.

Myu leaned down, and the equine anthro gave the beaver anthro a long, loving kiss. Tongue was...difficult with Jeremy's buck teeth, but she didn't care. She wrapped her arms around Jeremy, and helped stand her up, slowly.

Jeremy couldn't help herself. Her teeth were massive, but she kissed back through them. She closed her eyes, and wrapped her arms around Myu. As she was pulled up, she didn't even measure up to Myu's own tits anymore. Jeremy had been transformed once again by her, and while her new form was no doubt humiliating, the horse just knew all of the right ways to turn Jeremy on, regardless of what Myu made her into. She felt her udder brush against Myu's horse shaft, and her massive breasts up against her equine hide, and she loved every moment of it.

Myu broke the kiss, and smiled at Jeremy. She snapped her fingers, and a large mirror appeared. "Let's take one more look at you, then...we'll have our fun." Myu turned Jeremy to face the mirror, and put her white hide hands on Jeremy's shoulders.

Jeremy turned to the mirror, and stared at her body. Behind her teeth, she was frowning, but at the same time, she felt incredible arousal that she just had to get sated, and she knew the shorter she looked at herself, the more time she could spend with Myu to sate her lust for sex. Jeremy's head was still its beaver self with feminine hair, but it had a large nose so big that Myu had to have tilted her head to get to Jeremy's lips. Jeremy's lips were pouty, and her buck teeth were still massive. Her tongue was its only slightly increased size now, though she knew that could change at any moment.

Jeremy had two rows of massive breasts, larger than a typical woman, and very fake looking at that. Her nipples stuck out prominently too. The top pair of her tits were smaller than her bottom pair, and her left pair were larger than her right. It left a very awkward appearance where none of her tits even measured the same size. She had an udder that was between both sizes down at her crotch that was constantly cold with frozen yogurt, as well as oversized paws, a huge fake looking ass, and a donut-anus that was once a woman. The longer the shortstack odd beaver looked at the mirror, the more she found herself looking up at Myu, if only because she couldn't see her cock behind her body. Her back slowly pushed against Myu, and her large fake-looking ass rubbed against those equine cock and balls. "C-caff we shop looheen ah ee?" she spoke with a quiet moan.

Myu chuckled, and kissed the back of her neck. "You're too distracted by being so horny, aren't you? Don't worry, your commission may be over..." She squeezed Jeremy's ass. "But now the real fun begins."

Jeremy moaned underneath her massive buck teeth. She couldn't help herself. As much as she wanted to escape, her body wanted Myu, her body needed that horse, and she was going to get it. She turned around, swifter than she swore she should have been able to, and gave the horse a long, loving kiss behind her teeth. She then dropped down, and spread her legs, eager to take Myu once more.

Myu moved down right on top of Jeremy, and returned the kiss happily. She knew that, on top of everything else with Jeremy being a nympho, she also had a smaller IQ, and it was going to be that much harder to fight her body's urges, and Myu was going to take every advantage she could with it.

Frozen Foxurt

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Tribal Matters

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Insect Queen

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