Apocalypse: chapter one

Story by Red Ferret on SoFurry

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#5 of Apocalypse #1

Okay so this is my first story. Please comment and tell me if I should keep going or just give up.

To start things off I'll tell you a little about myself. I'm a snow leopard with a dark red base coat and big black spots. I'm around 5'11 and 200lbs. My name is Jake but most people call me red. I always carry my 9mm glock.

It all started on a rather normal day. I woke up groggily and looked over at my alarm "shit!". I was already late for school. I grabbed a pair of jeans off the floor and threw on a t-shirt. I grabbed the glock from my dresser and ran out to my car. It wasn't much but I loved it.

I pulled into the street and headed towards school. As I pulled onto the main road I saw a man covered in blood chasing a fur into an ally. I pulled over and jogged into the ally With my glock aimed at the bloody mans head. The other person screamed right as i shouted "turn around". I almost vomited when the bloody human did. His jaw was hanging open with a chunk of flesh between his teeth. One of his eyes was hanging out and a large portion of his face was gone.

He suddenly lunged at me reaching out. I punched him breaking his nose. He didn't even flinch and what scared me most was that he didn't bleed.

He just kept coming trying to bite me. I tripped backwards over trash can as I tried go back away. I gave up trying to stop him and pulled the trigger. The hollowpoint ripped through his cheek spraying the brick walls with gore. I fired again and blew a hole through the back of his skull. Just as I started to calm down the fur I had tried to rescue stood up. He was a tall gray wolf wearing shorts and a Hawaiian shirt. Both pieces of clothing where soaked in blood. A large piece of his neck was missing. He started shuffling towards me. It was then that I realized what was happening and quickly shot the wolf in the head. As I started to get up I heard a loud bang and crunching metal. I looked back to the road and saw my car in ruins with a large truck parked in my trunk." Fuck can this day get any worse?"

I started walking towards the surplus store across town.im pretty good friends With the owner and His sexy daughter Jess.

I tried to stick to the shadows at first but I quickly found out that's where they like to hide too. I was jogging past a dumpster when a small child jumped out from behind it knocking the glock from my grip. The small girl stared at me for a moment her eyes foggy and void of life. As she leapt at me I reached up and caught her throwing her on the ground.

I said "Guess you should have picked a prick with a heart." As i stomped on her head with all my weight. Her head cracked open like a watermelon spraying her brain all over my legs and the surrounding walls.

I grabbed my glock and walked to the end of the ally and stuck my head around the corner. I barely had time to jump back as an SUV swerved around a zombie and slammed into the corner. Sending bricks and glass flying down the ally. I ran up to the SUV and ripped the door open to find the drive frantically blasting at the passenger door.

"Hey calm down I'm not one of them."

"Thank god, I'm Mike who are you?"

"You can call me red but if you want to live much longer we need to go. NOW."

"Okay but where?"

"I'm headed to the surplus store across town. Since its getting we need to fond a place to hold out for the night."

"How bout the bank I work at? Its around the corner and I can get us into the back rooms."

"Sounds good lead the way.

He got out and started to walk back into the ally when several zombies walked around the corner.

"Shit, RUN!"

We sprinted to the other end of the ally only to get headed off by a huge muscular zombie. I emptied my clip into his forehead without breaking my pace.

"Sorry big guy no time for games."

We rounded the corner and sprinted toward the banks entrance. Two zombie stood in our way. I pounced on the first one snapping his neck. I looked over at the second one to see Mike pulling a knife out of the back of its head.

We ran into the banks lobby and up to the employee access door. Mike swiped a card in the reader next to the door and it swung outward. We entered quickly and shit the door behind us. I slammed a fresh clip into my glock and surveyed the room we where in. It had sever al lockers along one wall, a door marked security on another, and an unmarked door on the final wall. Mike went toward the door marked security and I walked through the unmarked door. It led to the Tellers area. I heard a muffled scream from the room I had just left. I ran back through the door just in time to see Mike's head in the arms of a zombie with the rest of him laying on the floor. I shot the zombie right between the eyes and watched him fall to the ground.

I said "sorry I couldn't save you." And dropped to my knees as the events of the day hit me. I realized everyone I knew was either dead or soon to be dead. I just hoped Jess and her dad held out.

I found nice corner in Tellers area and curled up for the night. I woke up early the next morning to sound of several large explosions nearby followed by an empty car crashing the the rear wall of the bank. I figured now was as good a time any and jumped out the hole left by the car.

I checked a nearby street sign figured I had around a mile left to go. I made sure my clip full and chambered a round. I started jogging through the street not seeing any zombies.

I started to hear gunfire, and the closer I got to the surplus store the louder it got. I was starting to worry about how I would get in. I poked my head around the corner and surveyed the situation. A small swarm of zombies was trying to get into the store through a broken window. Luckily I was on the same side of the street as the store. I took aim and fired at the zombie closest to me hitting it on the temple. The shot got the attention of several more that started moving in my direction. Just as I was about to shoot the next one i heard Jess call out "who the fucks there!" I stepped out from the corner while taking out another zombie. "Don't worry Jess its Red." I took out a few more out and ran up to the broken window.

"Mind if I come inside?"

Jess yelled "hell no, get in here and what the hell took you so long? I thought you would have been yesterday?"

I told her about my journey there and said "wasn't too bad tho."

"Sounds like a shitty day" she said with a smirk as she shot two more zombie climbing through the broken window with her m16.

"Where's your dad?" I asked.

The smirk disappeared as she said "a zombie snuck up on him and dragged him outside. It was faster than these idiots." she gestured to the slow stumbling zombies. she dropped to her knees and buried her face in her hands sobbing quietly. I noticed several more zombies getting too close to the window.

"Shit, I don't want seem cold but we need to leave. This place wont hold em off much longer"

"I know I was waiting for you." she smiled a little. "We already have the Humvee loaded with the best guns and enough ammo to last us awhile."

"What about food?"

"We have enough MRE's to last about three months."

As I started to help her up a zombie jumped in through the window. This one was different, faster. We opened fire but it leapt behind a pyramid of ammo boxes. The zombie leapt over the boxes at me. I turned and pulled the trigger. My shot went wild as I was tackled to the ground. I slammed my pistol into its head. It lunged at me again with its mouth open wide. Right before it bit me its head exploded spraying me with bone fragments and bits of flesh. I looked up to see Jess standing there with a desert eagle.

"Lets get the fuck outa here."

apocalypse: chapter two

Okay so I guess I need to write a disclaimer. If you're under 18 or the legal age in your area don't read this. If you do and get caught pawing off you made god kill a kitten and it's not my fault. Now on to the story. :P we went into the back room of...

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