Story by wlfmn on SoFurry

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#12 of Hunted

Haraku is faced with a gut-wrenching loss as his world seems to be unraveling around him.

Chapter 11 "Bury A Friend"

Raku laughed. Reecie glared a little folding her arms.

"What's so funny? Raku shook his head, still grinning.

"Skal must be pulling your leg. Meesari village is a story they tell children to stay indoors at night. There is nothing in those woods but monsters." Reecie smirked a little herself.

"You're scared of those woods aren't you?" Now Raku was the one glaring.

"Me? Scared? Do you know where the name Aku came from? " A villainous grin emerged at the question. Reecie wasn't even listening to him now, her attention focused on something on the far side of the street.

"Raku..." she muttered just over a whisper. Realizing she was elsewhere he glanced over his shoulder to see what had caught her eye. Across the way stood the hooded drow and the blond-haired blue-eyed Luthalve. Both just staring them down, watching, waiting. Raku roughly spun Reecie around and shoved her forward a bit.

"Walk, quickly." He urged following behind her.

"Where are we going?"

"Anywhere just keep moving. I don't want to tangle with then If we don't have to."

"We've been spotted Great Theria. Shall I follow?" The Luthalve asked. The drow's head turned slowly from the depths of his hood looking to the door Reecie had exited.

"Yes... The blood elf believes one does not operate without the other. make sure you get both." The Luthalves eyes flashed brightly for a moment before he simply dissolved into a flurry of snow that dissipated into nothing.

Raku and Reecie ducked into an alley not far littered with crates and barrels. Plenty of good cover as Raku peered out from the corner.

"I don't see either of them. We might be in the clear but Id rather be indoors until we know for sure." The wolfs nose twitched then flared as that strange scent of magic passed by. Just like with the ring but stronger, much stronger. It nearly made his eyes water, the fur on his neck raised. " can you smell that?" He muttered still scanning the street for any sign of the Order. Reecie seemed to have no input but that strange hum was back. "Reecie?" he called glancing over his shoulder. By now it was already too late. The wolfs eyes widened at the sight. The blue-eyed Luthalve had Reecie in a chokehold several feet away. A Column of snow swirled around them from the ground up, growing with intensity as Raku turned. "Reecie!" he cried and dove for the two.

The Luthalves eyes flashed once more just as Raku reached Reecies outstretched hand, the column exploded outward in a gust that kicked up more snow rolling down the alley. In that same instant, the two vanished into the flurry of stinging flakes leaving Raku sprawling on the ground, crates, and barrels toppling on and around him. "Reecie! No no NO! SHIT!" The brute struggled to get to one knee pushing the crates off. A panicked attempt to trace her, he clawed at the stone and snow imprint of her boot scenting it. That familiar smell of Lilac fading just as fast they did. "Fuck!" Rising to his feet he closed his eyes and took a deep breath to collect himself. Think think! Why would the order...why would they want Reeice if they are just after the amulet? Collateral?Raku shook his head making his way to the street. There wasn't an easy answer, but more importantly, where could they have taken her? "The drow" he mouthed the words as his gaze lifted to where the city gate would be in the far distance. Stay away from the castle He thought, remembering the dark elves warning.

It was a long shot but it was also the only one. If Reecie had been taken to Locke's castle he would never be able to find her without suspicion let alone getting overwhelmed by guards and Luthalve's alike. But Garrock... Garrock knew this city better than any! Better yet Raku knew just where to find him. Raku tore off down the street dropping to all fours. People shrieked and dove out of the way as best they could from the beast barreling down the street kicking up clumps of crushed snow in his wake. Careening down the main road he slid through an intersection nearly crashing into carriage starling the horses as they reared up. Raku didn't have time for apologies, regaining his footing and continued before something ahead slowed him to a trot, then a dead stop as he stood upright. No more than a block away he spotted that very same drow mounting a white stallion. Even from here it was as if the drow could sense his presence. That damned abyss of a cowl rotating to face him as the horse reared up and galloped down the street directly at him. Raku moved just in time to avoid being trampled. He watched for a long moment as the drow galloped up the main road towards the castle. He was convinced more so now that, that was indeed where they had taken Reecie. He started back into a sprint for the gate that was just in the distance now. Something else caught his eye. Several small drops of blood in the snow. He slowed realizing they were inline with the drow's tracks. Was he injured? He followed the scattered trail as it slowly arced to his right and up to. "Skal." he breathed The trail stopped at the door of the Purrrfect Apothecary. Rakus heart climbed so high in his throat he thought he might choke on it. "Skal!" He called thrusting the door open. A first glance had the shop empty save for a wall of spilled and smashed bottles behind the counter. A weak moan came from the floor, Raku leaned over. There was Skall in a pile of torn books, chemicals, and broken glass. It was hard to tell what was blood and what wasn't. Her body was littered with shards of glass. Her dress was torn all over, One hand trembled uncontrollably as it clutched a partially broken jar embedded in her abdomen. "SKAL!" He whined climbing over the counter.

Some of the scattered glass cut into the pads of his feet and burned with the concoction that was brewing on the floor. He pushed this out of his mind as he sat next to her putting one hand over her holding the broken jar. "Skal..." He whined again her head turned to look at him, one ear torn and partially hanging on the side of her beaten a bloodied face. She shook her head.

"D-dont...wont help," she muttered blood dripping down her chin as her mouth opened. Rakus eyes began to tear up uncontrollably and bead down his cheeks. She smiled putting her free hand to his muzzle before sliding it to his head where she scratched behind one ear. Raku clutched it to his face not wanting to let go. If Reecie was here she could help just like she did with him... if only. Raku began to sob. Yet another vestige of his past dying in his hands. No matter how many lives he spared. No matter what good he did it seemed as though he could never save the ones that mattered most. Skal smiled letting her head rest against the shelf she was propped against as she continued to cradle the wolfs head. "Did not could cry." Raku shook his head fighting a pitiful chuckle. Always with the jokes, even in the end, it seemed. "Just...just tell me why....why did joo never come back...for me?" Skals smile started to fade, Raku felt the strength leaving her hand. Her eyes fluttered for a moment before her head drooped forward. Her body finally giving out.

"Skal?...come on Skal..." he whimpered putting their foreheads together one last time, a symbol of affection among Katt's. Raku began to audibly weep as he hugged her body. "Damn it where is your brother? Why is he not here!? He was supposed to take care of you..." he sobbed rocking gently back and forth. He didn't want to leave her, not here not like this. She deserved so much better. Better than this shop, better than him. Raku feared though if he didn't act fast Reecie would fall to a similar fate. "I knew you were better than I... far better, I was afraid if we stayed together...I would drag you down with me..." Raku gently folded her hands in her lap holding them for a long moment. "Seems I did anyway." The broken brute reluctantly got to his feet and slid back over the counter where he sat for a moment catching his breath and wiped the snot from his face. I killed him deep down to just leave her there but he had little choice in the matter as he quietly exited. The cuts in his feet leaving bloody paw prints as he went. A small penance for losing a long-time friend and lover if only briefly.

"GARROCK!" Raku shouted from the ground as he reached the gate not long after the events at the potion shop. "Garrock where are you damned dwarf!?" he called again. Above Raku heard a bit of shuffling and things being moved around before he saw that familiar helmet pop over the wall.

"Dog? What are ye doing what's going on?" Raku eyes shifted around a bit as various other guards were whispering and pointing some cracking jokes.

"I need to speak to you, in private."

"Bah, cover for me," he said to one of the guards up top. More shuffling could be heard until Garrock appeared in a side door near the gate. His hands placed on his hips. "Whats sis all about yer tracking blood in the snow, ya look like shit, what happened?" Raku drew close speaking softly as he tried to keep his composure.

"The Order, they took Reecie. I'm pretty sure she's in the castle, I need your help to find her though. I'll never make it on my own." Garrock nodded slightly stroking one of his beard braids.

"So this is it eh? You wanna storm into Locke's home? While it's littered with some of the most dangerous beings in Alta." Garrock looked up to the beast somewhat hesitant. Raku's ears flattened as he let out a soft whine.

"Please...I know its suicide but, I have to try and my chances are better with you by my side." Raku felt the slightest pang of hope seeing the dwarf nod then smile reassuringly.

"A dwarfs word is his bond. You've got my head and my hammer right behind yeh." Garrock smacked his hammer against his helmet with a loud clang. "Meet me at my house with whatever resources ya got. We're gonna need everything." Raku nodded, that ever idle tail of his swaying once again.

By the time Raku rode up with the cart Garrock was sitting on the step of home. The dwarf's hands were folded over the top of his hammed set between his legs on the ground. A similar two-headed battleax rested on his back. Raku could see now the armor that matched the odd helm he always wore. Thick Interlocking plates covered him from head to toe. Each piece with a design of lines and sharp angles that flowed from one part to the next. In the center of his chest, all of the lines converged to form some sort of crest Raku had never seen before. This was far from anything issued by Locke.

"Do you intend to stand against the entire castle itself dwarf?" Raku marveled at the small mountain of steel before him. Garrock stood bringing his hammer to his chest.

" I have kept my old Khaldahn equipment hidden for over a century dog, I'm surprised I still fit in it!" Garrock bellowed a hearty laugh throwing his head back. With the death of Skal still fresh in his mind and Reecie's kidnapping, he was in no mood for humor.

"Is this everything then?"

"Everything I need I can carry." Garrock patted a small empty tankard dangling from his hip. Garrock was every bit dwarf as he looked putting drink and battle before most. "Yer going to want to lose the cart though, we need to be fast and light, if ya can't carry it ya don't need it." Raku nodded, it was about time he got rid of it. If he wasn't hauling breathing bodies or severed heads what did he need all that space for any way? He collected the few essentials from the bench seat including Reecie's bow and quiver, and his old sword. Garrock approached him as he unhitched the horses.

"Are ya sure you want to go through with this?" Raku yielded a questionable look. Garrock shrugged "I mean after everything you went through with Firebrant to get her back. Is she really worth all the trouble? You know the Order will hunt you to the ends of Alta and what about the King?"

"I would be here were it not for her, besides I've dodged Locke most of my life. What're a few more dainty elves?" Garrock nodded grinning a little.

"I like the way you think dog. It's going to you killed though" Raku handed Garrock the reigns of Reecie's horse.

"Wouldnt be the first time" He muttered mounting onto his horse. Raku watched as Garrock attempted to throw a leg over the horses back with no success. Without so much as even a saddle for either of them, Garrock had no chance of mounting a horse himself admittedly.

"Uh... little help?" he asked looking up to the waiting wolf. Raku sighed shaking his head before bending down and grabbing the dwarf by the back of the armor. It wasn't until he had put all his effort into hoisting him up that he realized just how heavy the dwarf was in full gear. He clenched his thighs around his own mount for fear of pulling himself off as the feet dangled for a moment before he was plopped on the horse.

"By the hells you are heavy!" Raku huffed and adjusted his position.

"It's not me it's the armor!" he argued. However, Reecie's horse didn't seem all too happy about the dwarf being on its back either prancing in place for a moment. Raku looked up the road leading to the castle.

"So what's the plan dwarf? Any idea where she might be?" Garrock scratched his chin a little taking a moment to think.

"Well I was gonna ask you where she might be, what did they take her for anyway?" The wolf shook his head looking to Garrock.

"That's what I can't figure out. They were harassing her about her amulet yesterday, then this morning one was tailing us and snagged her when I wasn't looking." Raku waited for the dwarf who stared off up the road for a long moment before trotting ahead.

"That thing around her neck?"


"But the took her too... hmm. Well unless Locke himself is a part of this, which ah find hard to believe because he is certainly busy with...the festival!" Garrock smacked his helmet suddenly. "HA HA! I had forgotten about that drab display of wealth he throws every year! Follow me dog I've got just the thing to get us in and out without stirring up to much trouble!" Raku was suspicious of the dwarf's enthusiasm but followed along none the less as Garrock lead him down a few streets to a tailor shop. The Favored Tailor the sign read.

"She's been here..." Raku craned his head forward as he scented the air. " not recently, I think this is where she ran into the Luthalve yesterday." Garrock Looked back at him.

"Small world, you think you can track her down in the castle with that nose of yours?" The dwarf dug in his collar for a moment before producing a small coin purse, tossing it at the wolf. Raku Had to react fast to keep the bag from hitting him in the face snatching it in one hand, reeling slightly.

"Possibly. I tend to block most things out but I've got a good fix on her. What's this?" The corner of Garrocks mouth turned up slightly.

" Yer a nobleman from whatever land you beasts come from, here for the party."

"And you?" He looked from the bag back to the dwarf.

"Yer escort of course! Now go get something flamboyant to hide your armor"

Raku sighed as he slid down giving the dwarf a slight glare digging his claws into the bag slightly. If there was one thing he despised wearing more than collars, it was fancy clothes.