Succession Factor Part 1

A few weeks after the events at the cabin Allison and Coal were beginning to strike a rhythm in their every day that worked for them both with Coal now under the official guise of pet/service animal. Even with that paperwork settled Allison was having...

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HUNTED The End? / Epilogue

The End? / Epilogue Raku slept for almost a day solid after his first transformation if it could even be called that. Garrock and Reecie managed to drag him out of the woods on a piece of the remaining runner from the church. Escaping proved to be...

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Chapter - 16 "Mind Games" Garrock found himself drifting in and out of consciousness. The fog was all he could breathe and with each heavy gasp, it felt as if it was creeping into his head more and more. Jostling along as the Brute dragged him. All...

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Chapter- 5 " Baymon The Worthless. " Haraku got up drawing Anareecie's attention from the flames. "Where are you going?" She asked with an annoyed yet concerned tone. "Taking a piss," he stated plainly. "Care to join me?" Just as the last...

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Chapter- 4 " Of magic unknown. " When Haraku came to, he found himself once again inside that tiny farmhouse. Only he was in a part of the house, he had never seen. To his left was a window looking out into the woods and a simple end table. Outside...

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Chapter- 3 " Knowing when to give and take. " Harakus eyes shot open as he reeled in the bench seat. A sharp gasp of air filled his lungs, his hands clutching at his throat. The wolf had to brace himself in the seat as his head began to spin. His...

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Chapter- 2 " Thieves and Liars " Haraku awoke the following morning to Anareecie's father kicking him in the foot. "You dead beast?" Haraku groaned. He hadn't shed any gear last night except for his rain-soaked cloak that hung on the door. A Pounding...

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Chapter- 1 "Meet the Vile" Are you Looking for a tale? One with tails? Perhaps Elves, Dwarves, sentient beasts and monsters of yore, death, love, and battle? Well then welcome to the World of Alta! Our story begins like many before, outside...

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Chapter 7 - "An Old Flame" The two of them had moved to the back of the cart where Reecie could easily remove his stitches using one of the daggers from his pile of gear. Every time she plucked, one or another would give her trouble and Raku's tail...

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Chapter- 6 "Weight of the World " Raku remained awake for the remainder of the night allowing Reecie to sleep, albeit a light sleep with the events she endured still fresh in her mind. The dull murmur of a bustling tavern roused her the following...

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Chapter - 9 " Close Call " A few others had trickled into the Alehouse as it was getting later in the day. Garrock and Raku were nearly 5 tankards in and Garrock wasn't showing any sign of slowing down. Raku, on the other hand, was starting to have...

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Chapter 8 - "The Colds Embrace" "He's a fucking cheat! I'm tellin' ya!" a voice cried out near the fountain. Raku's ears honed in on the shouting as he made his way to the source seeing two men about to fight. Seems the arm wrestling wasn't going...

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