Disjointed Prologue (part 1)

Story by WetCoyote on SoFurry

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My first attempt at writing. This is a story thats in my head, and wanted to let it go. Its rough, I hope for good feedback to improve.

"Disjointed Prologue"

The first thing I remember, is my muzzle. Yes, my muzzle, on something cold, stony, and rough.

Opening my eyes, i quickly shut them again from the painful feeling of light, as that seemed to awaken the rest of my senses and body. My head hurt, my body hurt, and - the smell. A mix of days old urine and fresh urine. I recognized my own, but the rest... some seemed familiar somehow, the rest the fact of being a canine my sense of smell generally being sensitive, never mind the fact I smoke, and enjoy a good cigar from time to time. As these muddled thoughts upon awakening swirled in my throbbing head, bits and pieces came back to me.

Ah yes, the bar..., downtown, First gay bar I ever visited in the seven years I lived here, too afraid to try, to conservative and inhibited in social circles to go to, but last night I did.

The "sheath and Knot" is not as such a rough and tumble type place you would expect, although they do try to give it that rough feel even if it was located in a decent part of town. Dark lighting, dark woodwork, well worn and dark stained bar, tables, chairs, and a perpetual smoke cloud hovering around a painted black ceiling. I slipped in as unobtrusive as I could, dressed in black clothing that did not clash badly with my mostly brown and spotty grey fur, pretty usual colors for a nondescript average coyote, and sat down at the bar....

"Ouch!" I stirred a little from where I was laying, and slowly moved my left paw up the side of my neck, across the underside of my muzzle, and to my left ear, that I managed to move my head and rub on the ground. Tenderly feeling it over, I felt a bit of crusted blood, and a few holes in it, damn, what the hell...

Oh yes, the fox... The red fox in latex with the piercing eyes and huge white teeth, and a perpetual smile that sat next to me. He was stunning. His latex fit over him like a perfectly matched glove, and I shot a glance at his package, seeing a thin outline of a decent sized sheath, and a very nice set of balls for a fox. "Damnit" I said under my breath as I looked back up quickly and waved the bartend over for another pint of beer. What am I doing? I mulled over in my head. Then i heard a chuckle from my right, it was the fox. I looked over as he started to speak.

"its ok you know, you don't have to be embarrassed here" as he spoke, he turned on his stool spreading his legs a little and putting his paw between his legs "your not going to be thought of in a bad way, must be your first time eh?"

"no" i managed to stammer, "well, yeah, kinda..." and trailed off at that point.

More chuckles - did I mention he had a smile that could melt stone? I was hot, so scared, so nervous, but but so, so whole feeling, like I was seeing life for the first time, excited but nerves on the edge. Its hard to explain perhaps, but that's it.

Rolling over on my side, and edging my eyes open a bit to try to get used the light, more was coming back to me. My ear, the fox bit my ear hard... when?... another shot of a throbbing headache bounced in my skull, and I threw both paws up on my muzzle and wimpered a bit, immediately smelling more semi fresh urine on my right paw... so familiar, but I couldn't place it.

My mind digs back hard at this point. I left the bar with the fox, oh its coming back slowly now, but yes, I followed him home. I was going home with another male, a lot drunk, but rational enough to decide I knew what I was doing...

His place was a rather tidy and well kept studio apartment somewhere in this huge and sprawling area in the heart of downtown, sparse place of sorts, but probably decently expensive for the location as best I could tell, by now I'm completely lost as to where I'm at, except I'm still in the main city. We sat on the couch and talked - about what, I recall little, but it was basically my history. Gay I am, but never with a partner, not a living partner, I coped with toys, etc, but was always just shy enough to never seek a serious relationship with another male...

At some point he took me to his bedroom and sat me on the bed, and slowly undressed me, and I sat there and looked at his smile, and felt safe.. He stood in front of me and slowly slipped out of his outfit, presenting me with musky fox sheath inches from my muzzle. I dove my nose in, and inhaled deeply, the fox scent driving spikes in my brain as much as the alcohol were doing to me as well. I chuffed a bit and he grabbed my muzzle and pulled me away, tilting my head up to look into that fabulous smile "relax a minute, my cute innocent coyote" he said to me, as he gently pushed me back on the bed, climbing up on top of me, his slowly erecting fox hood slipping from his sheath as he sat on chest and slipping a paw back fondling my swelling sheath... The scent, the musk, yes... Wet warmth on my chest, slowly spreading...

I sat up slowly, the throbbing in my head finding a level it seemed to want to stay at for now... I felt my chest, damp, filled with the scent of fox... More comes back to me, yes it does.. The fox slipped his torso down my chest, leaving a trail of his scent till he tickled my balls with his stream., and gently took my sheath in his paw, and rubbed it back and forth, causing me to become erect and slip out of my sheath, but my knot was swelling in my sheath... He clamped his paw around my knot and gently tugged, my nostrils now filled with fox scent, my member having never been touched by anyone else, and I shot pre and a bit of piss quickly, moaning loudly, while my body tensed and relaxed from this orgasm I had never experienced before, as the pre and piss turned into jets of cum. After a minute, and my panting coming back to normal breathing, he leaned down and locked his muzzle onto mine. We kissed deeply, tongues exploring each others mouths - I had no idea if I was doing it right but I didn't care... That's when he bit my ear, and I pissed myself. He let go, and licked my ear slowly, "love bite" he said, and smiled, the smile that kills...

He got up and went to shower, and I sat there for a bit, then my old enemy came to haunt me...my self doubt and fears... I quickly dressed, finding my collar under me, I put it on - wet with fox scent, like the rest of me, and slipped out into the night, my intoxication taking over, I ran and ran, lost, but kept running, ducked down alleys till i couldn't go any further, and passed out.

I force my eyes open fully now, I'm in an alley still, where, I'm not sure but when I can get up and move, I can find a cross street and get my bearings. I slowly stand and work my way down the alley to the street, and find my way home, undressing, i throw my clothes into the wash and get a shower, letting the water wash off the filth, the fox scent, and my ... my - sobs come from me, i put both paws on my muzzle and stiffle a whimpering cry. My hang ups... "DAMNIT!"

I climb out of the shower and find the only thing left, my collar, I grab it and inhale deeply, the foxes scent - I do not even know his name, I cannot recall where he lives except near that alley location where I woke up. I sink to my knees and cry...

Catharsis is a strange thing, and I had mine...

I have an apology to make, and a fox to find again...

For once in my life, I think I'm in love, and I might have thrown it away.

The fox with the smile that melted the shell around my heart.