Elder Scrolls Infinity - 2

Story by Silentfan42 on SoFurry

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Part 2 of a commission for https://www.furaffinity.net/user/devon292/

Massive growth, power fetishism, musk, multi, macro, general insanity... but still some action adventure.

After sitting through the afterglow... and the awkwardness... Kala figured she should probably head out. She still had a world to save, after all. The only problem was her mercenary clothes had long since stopped being clothes, and recently had stopped being altogether, so she'd need a new outfit.

A distant drop of water echoed.

...and it was fairly obvious she would find nothing around here. Abandoned caves with mysterious magic temples were notoriously lacking in textiles. She supposed she could take Nakeem's outfit; wearing your girlfriend's clothes after spending some time together was a time honored tradition, but not even Nakeem particularly liked her clothes.

Also, Tamriel was not ready to be saved by a cute girl in a maid outfit.

Fortunately, there was a solution. It was an all-solving-hammer sort of solution, but Kala figured she was going to have to get used to that. Her power was building, the magic of her gauntlet was opening up new options to her bit by bit, and that meant solving problems with the application of overwhelming force.

In this case, going naked... and setting up a hypnosis effect that would make her LOOK clothed to any who saw her. She wait about generating the actual armor until after a couple more upgrades.

Kala rubbed the gauntlet across her neck and a cascade of fine golden chain links fell down her torso. The base of her outfit would be chainmail. Not the pinchy, real kind of chain mail that your fur gets caught in and torn out and all kinds of awfulness, but the sparkly decorative chain mail that clings to your skin like a belly dancer's finery. Kala took extra care shaping the countless sparkling links around her tits, holding them proud and high; though it was a little overkill for a body like hers.

Next she placed pauldrons on each of her shoulders. Not the oversized kind that made her look like she had something to prove, just some simple armor plates in case she needed to shoulder check fools through facades and didn't want to scuff the silk.

From her pauldrons, she let a chestplate fold out. Tight, red leather capped steel designed to protect the sides and back from the most powerful blows. It didn't connect all the way, instead snapping around her and allowing the maneuverability heavy armor always lacked. It left weak points, her thin undergarment of chains was still visible over her chest and around her navel; but if anybody could bear to strike through those they deserved the privilege of making her block.

The trimmings came last, just as important, though. Laces kept her chestplate secured around her, easy to untie herself, the armor for the lone defender; though Kala upped the charm factor a little bit by deciding to play with actual lace rather than more traditional sturdy strands. Silk was tougher than it seemed, just like her, and it was a nice choice for the furthest forward. She shaped her armor, as well, a five finger motif making it look like a hand reaching up from below, supporting her chest and flicking away swords with fingers. If the gauntlet was her signature and power source, she could at least own it.

Belt, cape, pants... a pouch that didn't contain anything. Everything she needed to look the adventurer. It felt like she was wearing nothing at all, which, she supposed, she was, but apparently she had hypnotized herself as well. Certainly everything below the waist seemed weirdly indistinct. She'd fix it later; for now, she cut a heroic figure.

Red leather and gold. Power and beauty. It was time.

Kala rose into the air and raised her hand to snap her fingers, only to be interrupted:

"So I'm just gonna be naked in a cave until you get back, huh?" Nakeem piped up.

Kala flushed with embarrassment, "Right... sorry, got ahead of myself."

"Tsk tsk, seduced yourself. What a narcissist you are," Nakeem slipped her outfit back on and hopped onto Kala, letting the persistent floating hold her up, "Luckily you won't get rid of me and I can keep you humble. I remember when you were just drop-dead sexy instead of IMPOSSIBLY sexy."

Kala just closed her eyes at the feel of the argonian pressed against her chest through the false armor and made to teleport them away.

They arrived... underground somewhere else. Kala wasn't sure where they were. She hadn't really been paying attention to her destination, which probably wasn't smart, but they were alive so it couldn't have been botched too terribly. The cave around them slowly came into focus, Nakeem casting a light spell and showing them to be on a dais in the center of twelve columns.

"Huh. Dungeon classic. Hey, whaddya wanna bet one of your shiny power stones there's twelve themed puzzles and hallways before we get the treasure?" Nakeem hopped down, marching towards the 12 o'clock column.

"I don't think I'm allowed to bet these..." Kala mused, admitting quietly that it'd be a sucker bet regardless.

"Pretty sure somebody like you is ALLOWED to do anything except go evil or ditch me, but fair enough, I wouldn't take that bet," Nakeem ran a claw along the column, finding some ridges and imbuing them with magic, causing the ruins to light up and the dais below them to slowly rotate, "So... Divide and conquer?"

"Divide and conquer."

It was really nice, actually. Kala's new telepathy let them keep in contact and being able to focus on her girl was a great way to train the ability, too. They bantered about past adventures, magic use, sword use, all the things people who travel Tamriel end up having to worry about at some point. The dungeon was mostly ridiculously easy. Kala could teleport past any obstacles and fling any mechanisms she didn't feel like dealing with into the wall or directly into the 'done' state. Nakeem... just seemed weirdly competent at this. Kala caught her partner suppressing a thought about some kind of 'mark' at some point; but it was definitely the 'physical object' kind of mark and not the 'patsy for a scam' kind of mark so she didn't worry too much.

If they had brought sandwiches, it would have literally been a picnic.

As it was, it was just a break and a teamwork building exercise. When they finished the twelve chambers of nonspecific doom and returned, the dais had barely turned its most brightly glowing bit past six. As they stood on it once again, the colors changed and a center column rose from the ground, high above the other twelve... with a green gem glowing in a hollow within it.

Nakeem piped up first, "Daaamn, that was way easier than killing a crazy bandit king. Are they just gonna keep getting easier? Do the stones call to each other?" before looking over to Kala and seeing her looking a little flushed. "Oh, sorry, was it not that easy? Maybe I got all the easy puzzles and..."

She was interrupted by the stone forcing itself into Kala's gauntlet. Kala was breathing heavy, looking dazed, as the latest power began to make the effects felt on her body. She began sweating profusely, rivulets of water pouring down her as flashes of accelerated time ran throughout her body.

Kala felt... tired. Weirdly tired for just a moment, and then the changes started. The hair on her head flowed out and out, growing to waist length and burgeoning into a wild mane atop her catlike head. Her chest fur poofed out into a fluffy cushion just above her breasts, before a tingle went down and a patch of darker fur trailed itself to her nethers. Her carefully kept armpits turned briefly shaggy, caught in maelstrom of sweat still falling off her, and she inadvertently sent a spray in Nakeem's direction.

Nakeem orgasmed. She didn't want to, intend to, or expect it; but the powerful sent that usually takes months to accumulate overwhelmed her. It was strong, but it was still Kala, and she couldn't not love that. For the sake of her dignity, she avoided falling to her knees, but she was hornier than ever just being around her.

Kala, for her part, just kept to understatement, "I don't think this is right..."

Nakeem just marched up, reached her tongue through Kala's illusory pants, and licked some of the fluid off her most sensitive areas, "Tell me how it feels."

Kala winced, "Still... Still pretty weird, I don't think I..."


Kala grew a dick. She grew a dick and in her first second of having it slapped her girlfriend across the face. It could have been some combination of telepathic suggestion, passive telekinesis, accelerated time, stretching, anything... she didn't know why she would have grown a dick... but she did. And now she was embarrassing herself with it.

Or would be... if it didn't feel so impossibly good.

Kala moaned.

"I'm citing this as an asset to my skills, by the way," Nakeem teased as she began lubing the virgin shaft with her tongue, "So good will cause growth of additional sex organs so proper advantage can be taken... Speaking of..." Nakeem lowered her dress, her own horniness out of control in the face of the cloud of musk around her. She slowly leaned in to Kala's body, piercing herself on the turgid member. Eight inches deep, fast and immediate as it's inaugural journey.

Kala could barely take it. It was too much too soon on something she was too unused to. She thought for a moment that she must have orgasmed already, but no, the time acceleration merely had her dumping pre into her partner at a speed that seemed like it. The building pleasure was insane, and she had no idea what she was going to do if Nakeem really got going.

Nakeem really got going. She was slowly being flooded, but it didn't discourage her int the slightest, if their first time was charming and beautiful, this could be wet and wild; she was fine with any form of Kala there was to have. Even the high pressure ones constantly pouring pre and musk and everything on her. Even the ones that made her bite her lip so hard the scales cracked in order to keep from screaming while she tried to take the lead.

Even the ones that got caught in a feedback loop of out of control power.

Kala came. Nakeem came. One blew up the other as the other clamped down and spasmed. It would have been absurd... even without the influence of time breaking down. A green glow surrounded the both of them, thoughts and motions slowing as the light held them tighter and tighter. All the could do was feel. Feel a mutual orgasm. Feel two as it was shared through telepathy. Feel four as time reached a stop and looped in on itself, pressing them deeper and deeper into a moment trying to overtake eternity.

At somewhere around sixteen orgasms they lost the ability to recognize what was going on. At sixty four they lost their minds to the pleasure entirely.

At two thousand and forty eight they would actually stop.

Kala's arm exploded. Pounds upon pounds of mass, multiple feet of circumference, everything grew in her all at once as her bicep exceeded anything mortals could possibly hold. Her feminine beauty struggled to keep up, silky fur and delicate proportions trying and failing to assert themselves against the change. Veins stood out in her forearm even below the fur as diamond-hard sinew swelled to the surface.

Her shoulders pressed out into boulders, practically knocking her head aside before massive traps formed a barrier around it and kept it from moving entirely. One single pectoral rose above the rest, pressing out into a massive overhanging bulge, disproportionate even to the arms and shoulder around it as a single boob dangled forlornly, still only the size of its mate. A three pack of abs etched itself into her stomach before pressing out like bricks, almost wrenching her in half with every flex.

Then Kala stopped. Not just growing, not just changing, altogether, she stopped.

It was the rudest awakening Nakeem could possibly imagine. Last she had registered, her girlfriend had just become a devastatingly sexy but not at all buff herm and they were having the most mindbending sex imaginable. Possibly literally, Nakeem had a weird dissociative memory of losing her mind at one point.

Psychic powers could probably answer a lot... and indeed they did. Nakeem found the memory. Kala's powers had gone out of control and practically driven them both insane, but her control over the mind eventually returned her to normal, at which point she started trying to put Nakeem to rights. She didn't have the power to do so, however, and so went on a journey to acquire another one of those stones that kept powering her up.

Apparently she fought a dragon. Nakeem smirked as she imagined the exchange. "Bwahaha! I am one of the immortal stewards of Tamriel, whatever you do to me I shall simply recover, even had I not this stone of infinite power!" would say the dragon, "Yeah, but, like, I can still steal your stuff. Can you unsteal things with your immortality?" would bumble Kala. 'Technically no' would be the answer and then Kala would win while he was off balance. Perfect comedy of errors.

Unfortunately the errors apparently got a lot less funny. Once Kala actually used the next stone, it turned out to be MUCH more dangerous than the others. The power running through her was enough for her to immediately teleport home and fix Nakeem in a couple seconds... but then it started tearing her body apart.

It really was a rude awakening. Nakeem got the equivalent of a dining room letter; albeit most girlfriends don't have to say things like, "Surprise! I stopped time for myself so I didn't explode, please find for me an artifact of incredible power," but Nakeem supposed you needed to accept the bad with the good.

Besides, getting to save somebody getting KIND OF CLOSE to omnipotence was pretty amazing in itself.

The problem would be doing it. Finding a legendary artifact of power wasn't usually easy, especially not when most of your assets are frozen in time.

Nakeem sat down to thing. She needed a plan. No, better, she needed a scheme.

She found one.

Nakeem kissed Kala on the cheek. Ordinarily she'd like to celebrate the progress, but now anything more than this would be a bit creepy. Instead, she pried the green gem out of Kala's gauntlet, clutching it tight.

Kala's body started rumbling again, before she spoke with betrayal, "Nakeem, what are you...?"

Nakeem just shouted her goodbye, "I'll be back before I'm gone!" and disappeared back in time.

Back and back she went, ages past, before the countries she knew, before her species left isolation, before anything recognizable. She wondered idly if she might actually meet a dwarf, before finally the part of her maintaining awareness of her surroundings showed her she had reached her destination... and also gave her an answer.

"I say! What's all this then?" a squat man in robes addressed Nakeem as she emerged into a crowd. Nakeem looked them over, these were them, the dwarves of legend... she didn't know what she expected.

"Good people, do not be alarmed! I come from the future in search of knowledge!"

"So the future is full of roight scaly birds, good to know. So, you stole the gubbin we JUST finished sealing away, then? How long did it last?"

"I don't know like ten milennia or something, listen, I didn't unseal it, I'm just borrowing it for good purposes. PLEASE tell me you know the other five gems, right?"

"Indeed, we determined they were too great to be used by mortal hands and so have set to guarding them."

"Great plan. Bang-up job. I escaped slavery from the guy with the yellow one last week. The deal is this: the purple one is about to make everything explode back in my time, I need to know which one makes the purple one easy to control and where you hid it so I can prevent everything from exploding," Nakeem got to the point.

"Do not the dwarves of your time have resources available? Did they not defend the tombs?"

"PLEASE do not make me do anything that breaks time. Can we just trust that me being here means that I'm either worthy or the question doesn't matter?"

"I suppose so. It does sound like a bit of a sticky wicket, and we've still got the jewel of thoughts here confirming that you're doing okay."

"Super. Color and location maybe?"

"We hid it deep in the flaming marshes, behind traps no mortal could ever disarm and mechanisms that would never break."

"Sooo... was this a week ago, or..."

"Two and a half full moons."

"'Kay, bye, thank you," Nakeem disappeared further back in time.

The congregation of dwarves stood there for a moment, on the precipice of altering history.

"Should we be worried about that?" One of them asked.

"Hey, ten thousand years is REALLY impressive," Another responded.

Formal debate was opened, and it was determined the solution was not to second guess themselves, but to drink heavily for at least a month.


Nakeem considered having a spectacular adventure through time, exploring the world of the distant past, orienteering using an unfamiliar sky and lands more wild than she could imagine... Then she realized it was probably a dumb idea and went back to the only SLIGHT past and stowed away on an assortment of carriages back to her homelands. She finally got to change her clothes to a practical jerkin. She got to eat something (she forgot how long it had been.) She took it easy on what was apparently a cross-continent adventure... and THEN went back in time to when the relevant things were happening.

From the only swamped dwarf ruins she knew, she started her way backwards again, occasionally shifting forward and adjusting position so she didn't come out inside a wall. She waited until she saw the forms of people swirling around her and popped out, letting the dwarves leave their treasure behind and prepare to set up the oh-so-unbeatable traps. As they closed the door behind them, Nakeem snatched her prize just before the flames went up, rushing back to her time leaving none any the wiser.

Easy or not, she smirked to herself, it was probably the best heist any of her peers had managed.

The orange stone seemed so curious, though. So much more inert than the other wildly powerful ones. She might have been disappointed if she was actually out for ultimate power. She wasn't though. She'd probably share in it when the time came, but her ambitions didn't really extend beyond seeing this whole thing through, not anymore.

It was another long journey back to the mountains holding the cave where time was sealed. Another pop back and forwards to reach the center of the mountain. It was all just so... silly. But it was her job, so she did it well.

When Nakeem popped in, Kala was finishing her sentence, "...Doing?"

"This," Nakeem said with a smirk, popping two stones back into her girl's gauntlet. There was a release of steam, a glow of power... and Kala was fine.

More than fine, she was better than ever.

Iron hard eight-pack abs bulged against her chainmail. Enormous pecs hefted her G-cup mammaries from impossibly perky to downright hypnotic. A bubble butt of pure muscle, lats that swallowed up what should have been a billowing cape, massive arms so tight with power that there didn't seem to be a limit to how far they could swell if she ever dared to truly flex them.

Sparkling sweat framed all of her in majesty. Wild mane to twitchy tail, giant muscles to exaggerated curves. The cat was almost complete now, the epitome of male and female beauty. Her voice was somehow sexier than ever when she spoke, "What happened?"

Nakeem was stripping down as she answered, "Nothing much, just had to get you one sixth of infinity to prevent you from exploding, hey, you saved me at least once so I gotta, right?" Nakeem started rubbing herself across Kala's silken fur.

Kala blushed, "O-oh... thank you. Was it difficult?"

"Nah," Nakeem said, "It took no time at all."

The argonian reached down to her paramour's crotch, fluffing the dick and balls towards her. The shaft had reached at least sixteen inches after the last transformation, and Nakeem couldn't begin to imagine how heavy those balls were. When she attempted to heft them, they refused to move, all her strength not enough to so much as send them wobbling. As she rubbed them, she began to feel a tingle, and saw her own muscles slowly start to grow.

Kala grinned, "Well then, I believe I owe you a celebratory bout."

Nakeem curled her toes, her rapidly enhancing strength digging through the stone, "Technically, you owe me two."

Fortunately, they had all the time in the world.

Kala was slacking off and she knew it. She couldn't help it, though. Her girlfriend Nakeem was lying next to her in a simple red dress and the sight alone was enough to make her want to stop time and go nuts all over again. They both had a look about their features of somebody who wanted a smoke, and, without it, would settle for a second round.

It was one of a number of good looks Kala was trying for them. She had to admit... she was kind of enjoying being powerful. Time travel, teleportation, strength, stretching... actually it was long past the point where listing her abilities was any kind of practical. She wasn't omnipotent, though. Not yet.

That was kind of what she was putting off. Six stones, that was what she had to collect before the end of the world. One she stumbled into, one she fought for, one she found in ruin, one she took from a challenger, and one her girlfriend found almost immediately with, like, no clues. None of them had really required her to find something lost for tens of thousands of years before, and she wasn't really looking forward to it. So, really enjoying what a lucky find Nakeem had been as sexually as possible felt like a good way to spend some time.

Nakeem looked pretty relaxed about the whole thing. That was partially what made Kala feel so at ease. There was an aura of 'I know something you don't' about her scaly countenance that was keeping Kala a curious Khajit. The urge to pop into the future to see if she was hiding something was fighting with her urge to stretch time as much as possible.

All her concerns were answered in the same form. What was either 24 hours or 15 years (depending on reference frame) since they had gotten their fifth piece into their makeshift base, they were discovered. Kala put on her best supervillain face as though idly considering whether or not to sweep the arrival from existence. She couldn't have been very convincing, as their guest just marched straight up to them and pouted.

Kala looked over the dark-haired Altmer who had wondered in, about to ask some very pointed questions when the guest beat her to it.

"So... still pretty worthy of that ultimate power, huh?"

"Uhh," was all Kala could manage.

"I'm just screwing with you. Feeling bad is proof enough that you aren't the worst choice. So, I've got a funny little surprise for you," the elf continued.

Kala just stared.

"See, I MIGHT have two of the stone's you're collecting."

It was a definite statement, and the obvious rebuttal of 'but I'm only missing one' was heard by all without being said.

"Exactly. And I MIGHT be a little disappointed about that, because it looks like one of mine was the first one you got. So here," the elf handed over a simple blue stone. It was almost nostalgic, receiving again the first piece that set her on her journey.

The elf looked at her expectantly, and Kala thought. She wondered why somebody would do this completely on their own, just give up ultimate power. She wondered how their could be two of them. She wondered what was expected of her.

She realized she only really knew the third. Holding her gauntleted hand out, Kala cut through time and space, gingerly placing the 'extra' stone back where her journey had first began. She struggled to remember the prophecy she had heard, but eventually recalled it and spoke it through the gate. Her own transformed voice was the source of the enticing oracle from what seemed so long ago.

The elf smiled at her, "Good enough, kid. If you're going to be a goddess, you have to learn to see everything, and I mean EVERYTHING as a unit. Time, continuity, cause and effect... they're not so much immutables as cogs in a whole. Don't ever be afraid to look at something as a solution. That's my antepenultimate lesson for you, and I hope you never see the ultimate one. In the meantime... well... there's not a lot of time left, so good luck."

With a crack, the elf disappeared, leaving behind one final stone of purest red. Kala's journey had been completed for her.

"So, uh, what the fuck was that?" Nakeem spoke up from behind her, silent witness to the conversation.

Kala thought, and came up with her answer, "I think that was the penultimate lesson."

"Oh. Good. You've become powerful enough that you can only talk in poetic vagueness. I always wondered if it was an inherent part of ultimate power and now I know," Nakeem quipped.

"Fine, ya little doof lizard, I'm pretty sure they used their limited reality warping to set this up as an object lesson that it's impossible to ever know everything. Something is always going to surprise you, and that alone can humble you if you get too used to thinking of yourself as center of the universe from power alone," Kala explained.

"You'd think at some point getting humbled would stop, you can, what, eat time now?"

"I think that's what makes it extra important. Are you ready?" Kala slowly lowered the final piece into her gauntlet.

"What, I'm coming too? Hooray for humility, then," Nakeel hopped onto Kala's foot as they prepared.

Kala placed the stone. A whirl of energy, matter and time flew before her eyes. Distant stars to distant planes; gods, demons, and things that lurk on the edges; all the people of the world and all the worlds she had never known had people. It wasn't enlightenment, merely awareness. They were as alien as they ever was, but now Kala could feel a little pinprick, a tickle on some unseen part of her being that told her she could mold every one of them into any shape she chose.

She didn't. There was only one thing that needed to be addressed at the moment, and only a few that would be needed later. For now, it was time for what she did all this in aid of.

There was one being, one beast far in the distance that felt different. This thing she could not alter. She had complete mastery of the universe, but this being was alien to it and shook and shuddered in her psychic grasp.

It was also eating her planets.

She could probably put them back, but it was still really rude.

Kala gave Nakeem a quick boop on the nose to alter her physiology for inexhaustible magical flight, immortality, and bigger tits before snapping her fingers and sending them off.

Astronomical Units, Light Years, Parsecs, they traveled far. Far even by the standards of units that aren't ever supposed to be relevant to a traveling guard and an argonian homemaker. They still reached their destination instantaneously. A great indistinct darkness clutched at all the world around it with an odd number of limbs, tearing celestial bodies from the firmament and leaving cracks in space itself behind.

It was hurtling towards their home planet at impossible speeds. Beyond superluminal, beyond anything, it moved in a way that by all rights time should not allow, putting a ticking clock on an event whose subjects shouldn't even be able to feel simultaneity.

Kala matched speeds.

If the beast had a mind, diplomacy had to be an option. Kala probed the indistinct mass, looking for something to communicate with, and eventually found her channel, something she could use to open negotiations.

"Hi, welcome to this universe, please stop breaking our stuff," Kala introduced herself as an ambassador, noting distantly that her mental voice was starting to match her vocal one.

"Hmm. A talking insect. How very droll." came the reply, an unbridled and almost overwhelming knot of thoughts slamming Kala's mind as she tried to unravel it into familiar concepts.

"Drollll enough to get a request?" Kala continued, the mass slowing imperceptibly as if in thought.

"Very well. Choose a segment of this pocket and I will leave it as a curiosity. Possibly even protect it."

"Aww, that's nice for a stranger. But I kinda feel like I do have to insist that you leave a bit more than that. There are other 'pockets' you can do stuff with, right?" Kala pressed, feeling increasingly nervous.

"Countless. I have used most of them. If I have not simply kept them. Or found them kept." the mass ruffled as it thought.

"Oh, hey! That's an idea, then. I've been here a WHILE, can I keep this one?" Kala asked, feeling a mental snapping point build.

"Let's find out." the black mass stopped.

It's processes hadn't been so alien that Kala couldn't get an impression of what it wanted. In this case, it wanted a fight, and Kala was willing to oblige. She'd been able to avoid a worst case scenario of fighting it in her home system, she'd even possibly avoided a scenario of having to kill it.

Though coming at it with intent to try seemed prudent.

Kala snapped her fingers, and the battlefield was set. Great discs of pure force queued up across the cubic light year they were in, shuffling and moving underneath her in response to the slightest thought. A second wave and countless weapons clattered to the floor, copies of every magical creation in the history of the universe for Nakeem to play with.

Then, her preparations were over. The entity struck hard and fast, leaving purple auras in its wake as it cut through the very fabric of space time like butter; but when it reached Kala, she simply blocked it with her bare hand, sinking into the surprisingly plush tendril and attempting to pull it forward before some fibers came apart and the tail was released, drawing back to the center and leaving a trail of Kala's own energy slowly sealing the universe back up.

It came relentlessly, nine attacks every instant, and Kala responded reflexively, growing to ten arms and blocking each in turn as her torso stretched out to accommodate them and her head began growing to support the new brain tissue she was using to coordinate them. With every snap of darkness on flesh there was a shockwave as vacuum became displaced like air from the sheer anathema that the entity proposed.

But with every block, Kala herself grew stronger. When the universe started to crack, Kala stabilized it with a thought, for it was hers. When she felt as though she would overbalance, her rear stretched out and she became a taur, stabilizing herself on six legs. When the straing of mending the universe grew too great, she grew two additional heads to focus on other tasks while she struck. One new Kala holding the fabric of reality together, another blocking, and leaving her completely free to think even in the midst of fighting an eldritch abomination.

She tentatively probed its mind again, and it recoiled from the surprise intrusion with just a brief flash of feeling impressed. With nothing to block, Kala's second head joined the first, parallel processing accelerating their planning to an appopriate scale. They began to position their force disks around the invader, hoping to seal it up entirely, only for the invader to quickly unravel.

Limbs punched through Kala's indestructible discs like they were nothing. The great beast uncoiled, revealing an almost humanoid shape beyond the coil of tendrils. It was enormous, taller than planets, and it stared Kala down with an indistinct face.

Kala just shrugged and prepared to continue the fight.

Artificial asteroids to bolts of dark lightning. Arrows massed the sun to great vortexes in nothing. Every spell from the history of the world amassed to a cluster of three runes the subject of legend in universes that had perished eons ago. Each party threw more and more at the other. Grandiose, esoteric, absurd. It was a battle of gods if such a thing could ever be envisioned... but neither could make headway against the other.

As Kala set ten trillion undying duplicates of the greatest warriors the universe had ever seen to try and harry the invader, it became more and more apparent that there was simply no manner of hurting the being.

As the entity tore 720 rents in reality spanning the whole of the universe in the shape of perpendicular circles of origins for great fibonacci spirals only to watch them seal almost as quickly as they appeared, it became more and more apparent that the universe just wasn't caring about the fight to a satisfying degree.

Kala and the entity both hardened their faces. Reaching inside themselves for something drastic, something special that could end the battle in a single blow; and reality began to shake. The panicked thoughts of beings everywhere rang in Kala's mind as she felt more than ever how she had to finish it quickly, when one particular thought caught her mind, and she stopped.

"Ha! Got 'em."

Across the battlefield, the entity slowed their assault as well, looking down at a pathetically tiny lizard falling limply next to a sword. For once, the entity initiated contact.

"Was that your herald?"

"That was my girlfriend," Kala felt a cold sensation go through her.

"The power did not feel like yours."

"I gave her everything the rest of the universe had to offer," Kala thought, almost trailing off.

"Interesting. If that is the power this world can bring to bear, perhaps I am better off staying away."

Kala had trouble believing what she heard, "I'm sorry, what?"

"Goodbye, small one. I recognize your claim on this universe and I apologize."

It was the entity's last thought before she winked out of existence.

Kala was stunned. Even with three minds, it took her what felt like ages to process. Eventually, though, she went to where Nakeem had been flicked away, still falling next to some crumbling bit of daedric stupidity.

She had no armor, just a silly red dress for when they were enjoying each other. She was supposed to be invincible, but... well... a fat lot of good it did. Why hadn't Kala prepared more? She was supposed to be omnipotent and she couldn't spare one moment to prepare?

Kala's left head was the first to feel very stupid.

Six hand facepalmed against three faces as one remaining snapped its fingers and Nakeem came back to life.

"HAH! I stole your kill and whaaaaaat the hell happened?!" Nakeem beamed her thoughts at Kala as she came back to life.

Kala honestly hadn't noticed that Nakeem was smaller than her fingertips. She had only barely noticed that she now technically had 19 extremities, not counting the tail...

Kala looked backwards. There was a mass of writing tendrils on her butt that she really didn't feel like counting.


"I might have made a few alterations to myself during the fight. It got pretty heated, y'know?" Kala boomed down to Nakeem.

"You look like a ten cart pileup made of cats... except really buff," Nakeem returned.

"Oh yeah, well what would you say if I poked you and made you grow a whole bunch of heads?"

"I'd say 'hurry it up, why the hell did you think I was teasing you?'"

Kala really did love that woman.

The goddess snapped her fingers, and Nakeem began to change.

The first change was one of proportion. Nakeem raised an eyebrow as she suddenly became incredibly bottom heavy, thighs thickening to be each as wide around as her torso as her posture changed by force from her rapidly ballooning ass. Nakeem made to take a step forward to articulate her annoyance, but found herself tripping... as her thighs stuck together.

Knees, calves, feet... down to her base her legs were merging together like clay in Kala's hands. Even as she watched them merge, they lengthened, more and more, eventually leaving Nakeem finding her balance on a long snake tail that she could feel lengthening even as she tried to rise up.

"Very funny, but I wanted something impressive."

"Wait for it."

Nakeem felt the power, first. Strength welling within her from her core, making her tongue loll out of her mouth involuntarily as she stripped and looked down. Perfect, adamantine abs lined her stomach... and her tail. She counted a six pack, an eight pack, a twenty pack, and lost count around fifty as she looked for the end of her tail following muscle all the way.

It was far from her only new strength, however. Her pecs pumped up into massive muscle mountains raising her modest bust, her back flared out like wings of an angel, even forgotten things like her obliques tightened into a V leading to her long trail.

Her arms were definitely the greatest, though. Massive biceps rising above her head, first in terms of size, second in terms of location as she flexed again and again only to watch the peak rise higher. Her forearms were the size of most peoples thighs, and so taught beneath her scales that she couldn't help but love it. Her shoulders looked a little lumpy, but they were powerful and twice as enormous.

There was a reason for that.

Nakeem's bones cracked dully without diluting her pleasure as two additional arms sprouted from her shoulders, each new arm as massive as the old set, pumping new blood into themselves and back throughout her system as even her neck pumped up massively.

Almost too massively, her neck muscles almost eclipsed her vision when the reason for their growth became apparent. Her head popped away from her torso on the end of a long neck of pure muscle. Nakeem felt her neck, it seemed totally boneless, but incredibly steady, and moving her head around to all sorts of positions felt as natural as breathing. She experimented to see if she could tie her neck into a knot, and Kala just giggled.

"Don't tell me you can't even handle one."

Nakeem licked her lips looking at her paramour's three heads as she realized what that must mean. The scales seperated, and from her neck emerged another, a second head slowly emerging to partner the first.

Then another.

And another.

Another. Another. Another.

Seven. Seven heads. The actual cranium was slow to grow in, and Nakeem winced in anticipation of some horrible feeling of vertigo.

What she got was somehow the exact opposite. Instead of a sinking sensation of 'I can't handle this' there was an anticipatory sensation of 'this world can't handle me'. Every brain was independent, but every one was her. No, more, they were her but even smarter than she had been before. She felt like she could dissect time with the power of thought, understand anything, but all her attention was still taken by her final transformation.

Size. Pure, beautiful size began flowing into her. Past the size of giants, past the size of dragons, past the size of mountains she grew and grew as she approached Kala's enormous form. Seven heads all tried to comprehend every aspect going into making her be so much more so effortlessly, and seven heads all began to drool lustfully for their own reasons.

Nakeem was ready to pounce when Kala was eye level once more, but something surprised her. Notably, she kept growing. She took one quizzical look down at Kala, before the cat started growing as well.

"I don't see any reason we need to stay small at this point, do you?" Kala asked.

"Not even a little bit," Nakeem answered proudly, realizing that she could answer on her own terms, her heads slowly developing psychic powers on their own.

She would call it their orgy of power.

Nakeem and Kala began pawing at one another, greedily. Heads paired with heads and Nakeem gave three simultaneous kisses, tongue exploring the depths of her partner until she almost hit the stomach and realized with one of her unoccupied heads that she couldn't find the end of her tongue. Two more hydra-like necks wrapped around Kala's breasts, teasing and licking them as a fog of sweat from engaged bodies started to surround them.

Kala pulled her gauntlet on tight, apparatus disappearing as she thoughtlessly absorbed it into herself, thoughts drifting downward as she grew massive sets of genitals, male and female, between each of her legs, the scent of each of them powerfully enticing enough to act even through space, spurring Nakeem to grow faster... and position herself carefully.

Nakeem reached six heads down, astronomical length tongues plumbing three vaginas as powerfully flexible necks deep throated three planet sized cocks, massaging them with all the force they could as Kala started squirting prematurely, then altering herself further to sustain simultaneous orgasms in a single moment with but a single organ.

Cum pumped deep into Nakeem, bloating out even her enormous body into a sphere, and spurring Kala to alter even more; rewriting reality so that her own cum would be absorbed almost instantly and grant greater power. Immediately, Nakeem flattened out again, growing into her own wall of muscle and slowly leaking her own sweat into the air.

The combined scent just made Kala hornier. Which just made the scent stronger. Which just made Nakeem hornier. Which just made the scent richer. Which just made Kala lustier. Which just made her produce cum faster. Which just got absorbed into her own body. Which just made her stronger. Which just made her produce cum faster. Which just got released faster. Which just made Nakeem stronger. Which just made Nakeem more intent to please Kala. Which just made Kala cum faster.

On and on. Feedback loops on feedback loops. They could only grow faster, love each other more. When they began bumping into planets, one head of many would briefly distract itself to make an alteration.

Their bodies could only give pleasure.

But that still knocked them out of orbit.

Nakeem could have infinite space inside her.

But their hands were too busy groping each other.

Nakeem's cloaca could contain as many prehensile hemipenes as she wanted of any length she wanted.

That worked.

Nakeem added frotting to her list, shoving her dicks against Kala's body and almost losing it from every perfectly muscled bit.

Kala saw no reason to force her to hold back and altered Nakeem's rules for orgasms too.

So Nakeem licked her own dicks, and put them up to Kala to suck, and they placed a half dozen between them as they kissed again and again blowing each other up and just barely causing an almost perceptible change to their taught stomachs.

So Nakeem's cum had to be altered to.

So she hurriedly reached out, pulling in the planets and stars they had displaced, drawing them in to Nakeem's depths for safekeeping as she reached out further and further, pulling the entire universe in. Stuffing planets and stars within herself effortlessly before growing further and pulling galaxies to stuff all at once.

Into herself, into Kala, between them, wherever.

Cum and sweat poured off them with the force of a supernova. Orgasms past the number of atoms in the universe. They fucked harder, and harder, completely unbound, completely unstoppable, until they came to the end.

The end of the universe.

They took a moment to marvel, bowed at each other, and simply kept going and growing. The barrier wrapped around them, marking the limits of their power, as they attempted to grow into it all the more, stretching it if possible.

It resisted them for just a moment. Just one.

Then it all snapped.

Kala's armor was back on her, and Nakeem was back in her dress. The universe wrapped around them like clothes took on the form of their actual preferred clothes. Their power could not exceed the universe... but they could make their universe greater.

To their godly awareness, they were each translucent. Inside Nakeem half the universe trailed down her immeasurable tail. Inside Kala each of her own tails were tipped with a galaxy.

And inside them the people were prospering.

On every planet in every system in every galaxy life would thrive. Giant plentiful fruits feeding the masses effortlessly, magical capacities expanding for every life form every second. Living in worlds suffused with the fluids of their great goddesses made each of them as a titan to their old perspectives, and as they grew in power, they expanded their worlds, and expanded the worlds of their goddesses.

Beyond their universe, beyond everything, in the interplanar void, Kala and Nakeem were still growing.

Just a little more slowly.

They looked at each other, truly arisen as guardian goddesses...

And decided they could fix that.

Elder Scrolls Infinity

The dragon just came out of nowhere. One moment there had been clear skies all around, the next an enormous darkness fell upon them and they scattered. Kala felt useless, she had been hired as part of a group to protect the merchants on their travels,...

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