Inaris' Discovery

Story by AtomicCoon on SoFurry

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#1 of Fayer House

_Well, I'm happy to report that I am alive and well. I wanna say sorry to everyone that has sent me an email wondering why I haven't posted. Let's just say that alot of RL was getting in the way.

You're probably looking at this and wondering "WTF? Where's the Complex series?" I had to shelve that one for a little bit. To be honest, I was starting to explore a few things in my sexual life, and I just needed some way to vent it out. And the Complex has too 'cutesy' of a set-up for me to shove in some pretty 'interesting' concepts. So this series was created in an effort to vent them in a non-awkward sense. I don't mind juggling two series if you like them both.

Now, for the manditories. If you gotten this far, then I hope you say the NC-17 rating that's on the main page. If you happen to fall under that rule, stop reading now and go onto the Disney site or something. Same if you're here just to look for an excuse to get bitchy. I think everyone has enough drama as it is. All characters are of my creation, and thus, my property. If any of them are close to yours, my bad. The hypens (---) represent a change of scene/P.O.V., just like in all my stuff.

With that handled, I hope you like my attempt at a comeback.


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Darkness. That was what the majority of the room contained. Pure, unadulterated darkness. Home to some of the most devious, despicable and dangerous things one could ever imagine.

To bad for the poor jaguar. Normally he would have used the cover of darkness to stalk his prey. Moving silently before moving in for his kill: nothing more than a fur's wallet or purse. But his last target was the one he had had bad feelings about. He knew he shouldn't have tried for him. He normally was successful against the larger types. His speed would have been enough to escape. But not this time, it would appear.

Now he was in fear of this darkness. Anyone would have been afraid of it if they were in his particular position. He had been forced into a slave's kneel, a heavy steel collar around his neck. It was chained solidly to what felt like a stone wall, insuring that he wouldn't be running off any time soon. His paws were cuffed behind his back, the metal barely pinching into the flesh of his wrists. He knew the touch was of police-issue handcuffs, and he could have easily escaped them with the key he kept on his belt.

Which led to his next issue. He was stark naked within the 'cell,' and the cold draft that was running through the room wasn't helping his cause in any form. He huffed softly as he looked around what he could of the room, the only light trickling in being from the well-covered window. Even with his advance sight due to his feline species, it wasn't much of one to behold. A lot of stone, the walls lined with a few other places for chains, the steel door at the other end of the room, and not much else. He gave a soft groan, giving up on his attempts to find his location. And giving in to the massive headache that had started to form in the back of his head.

He was distracted as he heard the sound of a small door opening, looking up to see a flood of light coming from the door to the cell. He squinted to try and look at the figure peeking though, whining loudly and pulling at the chain when the light disappeared. He clamps his eyes shut when the door was suddenly opened and closed, thinking that whoever was on the other side was really fucking with the already massive headache he was having.

"Ah. I'm glad to see that the new boy is still alive. You had a couple of us worried." The voice was feminine in tone; it becoming obvious to the jaguar that is was not the one he tried to rob. He opened his eyes slowly, trying to have them adjust to the lack of light again. Until he heard a soft clicking sound, looking up in time to see a pair of small fluorescent lights hum to life. He looked back down to what he hoped was a female form in front of him, blinking quietly at what he saw.

The female had knelt down in front of him, placing down a bowl of water and a towel. She made no effort to hide her rather well endowed chest, the furry mounds hanging firmly on her body. He looked over the rest of her form, guessing her to be a small bit over six foot tall when fully standing. And it was mostly in her legs, he was assuring himself. Her form was that of a statue or a model: well-toned arms and legs, a flat stomach, medium length headfur, well groomed body fur. She was practically a perfect female specimen to the average anything with a cock. It took him a moment longer to realize that she also was a cheetah, which surprised him a bit. She looked back up to him and flashed him a light smile, her soft green eyes seeming to pierce into his very being.

She just smiled for a moment before looking back down to the bowl. She took the towel and dipped it into the water, his eyes watching her intently. He huffed gently and blinked, giving him enough time to feel something ice-cold being planted right against his sheath. He yelped and jumped to his feet, stumbling and leaning back against the wall on shaky legs. "HEY! What the hell was that about?!"

She had fallen back onto her rear when he jumped up, just smirking softly before pointing towards his crotch. He looked down and saw the towel hanging onto him before it dropped, watching as his length retreated into his sheath. He swallowed shallowly as his cheeks formed a bright crimson blush, looking back to her a bit ashamed. "Well... uh..."

"You know, you could have just told me that I was sexy. But that'll do, I guess." She giggled quietly, the tags on the collar around her neck jingling softly. She picked the towel back up, dusting it off and re-wetting it before standing as well, confirming to him his guess of her being over six foot tall. The cheetah gently placed the towel against his head, eliciting a small whine from Inaris before he stopped his resisting. She lightly dabbed on the small welt that formed on his head, shaking her own in light disgust. "That's a nasty little knot that Master placed on your head, Inaris. I'm surprised you don't have a concussion."

"Yeah, so am I." He nodded lightly before his eyes went wide, pulling away from her again and looking to her firmly. "Wait a second. How did you know my name?"

The cheetah meeped from Inaris' surprised reaction, stepping forward to continue dabbing lightly on his head. "You realized you don't have any pants, right? Maybe he took your wallet and read your ID card."

"With that comes a problem." He looked to her softly, his purple eyes locking onto hers. "I haven't carried my wallet with me for the past week."

"Well the only explanation then could be that he-" she started to say, being cut off by the sound of the heavy door opening again. She dropped the towel and rather quickly stepped back from Inaris, the jag watching her before looking up to the source of the noise. As soon as he caught sight of the tall form moving closer he growled loudly, knowing exactly who it was just by scent. He watched as the crocodile quietly strolled into the room, acting as if nothing had happened between him and Inaris. The croc was easily seven feet tall, somewhat muscular, and covered from head to tail in jet-black scales. And the only thing he was wearing was a rather skimpy pair of leather, form tight shorts. He moved rather quietly towards the cheetah, reaching out a paw to pet on the female's head.

"Good job, Misha. Now, gather your things and step outside. I'll need a few moments alone with this..." He looked down to Inaris, arching a brow lightly as he continued to hear him growl. "A moment alone with this punk."

"Yes, Master." Misha nodded silently, kneeling down and picking up the bowl and towel. She looked up towards Inaris and silently mouthed the words 'Don't do anything you'd regret' before she hastily moved for the door, closing it behind her.

Inaris had looked down to her and saw her mouth the warning, leaning slightly to look past the massive reptile to watch her leave. As soon as the door closed, he diverted his attention back to the croc. Just in time to watch a scaled paw place a solid, well practiced backhanded slap across his face. The soreness in his jaw helped to distract him from the headache, but the shot didn't intimidate him for one second. He refaced his captor, looking squarely into his eyes just before spitting on his face.

The crocodile reached up a finger, giving a soft, deep chuckle as he wiped off the saliva. "And you're a feisty one, as well. I think my wife is going to like you." He reached out a paw and snagged firmly at one of the Inaris' ears, tugging the feline closer to him. Inaris yelped from the combination of having his ear nearly pulled off his head and the fact that he was pulled to the end of the chain, choking the collar against his neck. The croc chuckled firmly into the ear in his grasp before speaking darkly. "That is... right after I get done with you, Kitten. You will be broken. Just like Misha." He laughed harshly at Inaris before he let him go, then quickly followed that by pressing his forearm against the feline's shoulders. The force was enough to push Inaris into the wall, his head bouncing off the cold stones before the jaguar dropped into a crumpled mass onto the floor.

The croc looked down to Inaris menacingly, watching the occasion flicks and twitches of his form signal that he was still alive. He then huffed to himself, going a bit tense when something wrapped around him. He looked down to the pair of equally scaled arms wrap around his waist, hugging his form softly. He smiled to himself, leaning back against the silent, emerald green form of his mate. "He will do well, Theresa. Once he sees the doctor. He's going to need a couple days to run out the massive headache that he has to be having in his head."

The female alligator chuckled softly, slowly running her claws along his stomach. "Maybe you should stop roughing them up so much, Crux. By the way, I saw the look on Misha's face after you shooed her away. I think she likes him."

"Well, she going to have to wait till I'm done with him." Crux laughed again, rubbing his paws over hers. "For the meantime, though, get Lance to keep an eye on him. Make sure this kid gets plenty of water. And call the vet to have him here in the morning. I want to make sure I have a solid and stable mind to break."

By now it was a couple of hours since she had been kicked out of the dungeon, and Misha was already fearing the worse. She knew what Crux and Theresa could do when they teamed-up, let alone as a separate entity. And she happened to form some kind of a liking to that young feline now in the same cell she started her 'tenure' at the Fayer House. It was more like enslavement, but she was having her share of fun. But for some reason, she couldn't stop worrying about him, and needed something to distract her.

She was sitting quietly on the stairs that lead up to the second floor of the large house, looking around the main foyer. She had been a pet here for over a year now, and she was still amazed by the elegant simplicity that it contained. A crystal chandelier was the highlight to the entryway, hanging somewhat low off the ceiling. It took her a while to learn that it was just an illusion, made possible by a combination of the Roman-Catholic styled pillars and the mural painted onto the ceiling supporting the massive lighting structure. And with the setting sun managing to stream its light through the massive arch window over the door, one of the far walls became coated with mini rainbows from the chandelier pieces.

She got pulled back from her state of awe as she looked over her shoulder, gulping lightly as she spotted one of the reptiles in question, complete with a leashed and muzzled lupine in tow. Knowing that both of them disliked seeing her sitting around, she started to move off of the steps while hoping she hadn't been spotted.

"Misha!" Theresa barked out, watching as the cheetah stopped midstride. The gator waited for her to come back into plain sight, doing very little to hide the fact she was looking over the lithe form of the feline. "Just what were you doing on the steps like that?"

Misha gulped lightly, looking down to the floor. She fiddled lightly with her paws as she formed her answer, barely looking back up to her Mistress. "I had overheard that you were getting the doctor for the new one. I was waiting for her to arrive."

Theresa snorted lightly, barely causing the cheetah to flinch. "We have requested the vet to come tonight. But she won't be here until much later, maybe not even in the morning. If you wish to stay up and greet her that's fine by me. Just no funny play. She'll be here for business only, not for pleasure. Understand?" She watched as Misha gave a light nod before she thought about something else. "Oh, one more thing. Have you seen Lance go by you recently?"

The cheetah nodded softly, still looking down to the floor. "Yes, Ma'am. I saw him heading into the basement about thirty minutes ago, not too long after you and Master came up."

"Good girl. He'll be tending over your new 'friend' for the time being. Now if you'll excuse us." The reptile looked back to the lupine she had in tow, giving a hard tug to the already short leash she held in her grasp. "This bad little Puppy has a long night ahead of him. Seeing as one of our favorite customers is back in town."

The feline gasped softly, looking to the now wide-eyed lupine before looking back to Theresa. "Are you serious? She's back in town? None of the males have been able to truly please her, Mistress. You're setting Victor up for failure."

"And why do you think he has a long night ahead of him, you silly cheetah." Theresa smirked firmly before giving another tug to the leash, guiding the loudly whimpering Victor to the other side of the upper floor.

Inaris groaned loudly, opening his eyes as slowly as he could to keep himself from going blind. He had no idea what happened to him earlier. All he knew was that the croc whispered something into his ear about breaking something. Next things he remembered was his head hitting the cold stone walls, and just now waking up. He rolled slowly onto his back, moving his right arm to lightly rub where his head had hit. That's also when he realized that one of his arms were free from the cuffs. He groaned again, forcing himself to lean back against the wall as he lightly rubbed his wrists.

"It's about time you woke up, bud. Though I would have to piss on you or something to get your attention."

Inaris yelped lightly from the sudden baritone of a voice, trying to move back into a corner. He almost made it, if it weren't for the heavy steel collar and chain still attached to him. He heard a chuckle coming from a form in another corner, looking over to see a well-built equine of some form down in a crouch. The male chuckled lightly, standing to walk over to the cowering jag. Inaris was towered over by the huge mass of ivory and chocolate fur; some of the muscles on the Clydesdale's form easily the size of melons. He couldn't help but to wander over its form, seeming to pause a moment too long over the just as massive package simply hanging between its legs. When the equine raised a paw to scratch its mane, the feline reached his paws up in what looked like a futile attempt to protect him from a blow.

"Hey buddy. You need to relax." The pony knelt down again, reaching out one of his large paws. "I'm not here to hurt you. Else I wouldn't have picked the lock on the cuffs for you."

Inaris lowered his paws slowly, giving a weak nod before he placed one of his paw in the equines. They both shook hands, the pony's grip much lighter than the feline could have expected. "Valid point. I'm Inaris."

"I just go by Lance. It's a pleasure to meet you, Naris." The equine smiled softly before he looked to the slightly gruff expression of his charge. "I pronounced it wrong, huh?"

"You're closer than others, I'll admit. It's 'Inaris.'"

"Sorry, guess I'm horrid with new names." Lance gave a light chuckle, giving a somewhat cheeky smile as if to say he was sorry. He then reached beside Inaris, grabbing a bottle of water and offering it to him. "So, how'd you get here? Orphanage runaway? Homeless man scoop-up?"

The jaguar eagerly took the bottle of water as soon as Lance finished speaking, cutting into the side of the plastic and guzzling it down. He panted for a moment, licking the drops that managed to cling to his whiskers before looking back to the Clydesdale's surprised expression. "Sorry. I was thirsty. And to answer your question, no I'm not. I just tried to rob a guy, got into a fight, was hit solidly on my head. Next thing I know, I'm tied up in here. And the guy who attacked me is such a jerkface."

"Oh really now?" Lance asked out, shaking off the surprised look. He grabbed another bottle, removing the cap from it before handing over to Inaris. "And just what did this 'jerkface' look like?"

"Thanks." The jag chuckled lightly, taking a hard swig from the bottle this time. He huffed loudly, running a paw through his patterned headfur. "As for what this ass looks like, its not too hard to figure him out. About six foot eight, maybe seven foot even. Built like a brick, black scales on every inch of him, and those eyes. That blood red iris on him can't be natural." He shakes his head in an effort to clear his fog, giving a soft chuckle again before taking another drink. "Basically, he could be a lead bad guy in a Disney movie."

All Lance could do was shake his head before looking to the feline with a serious look. "Man, you're in a deep six now. That 'Disney villain' would be Master Crux. And once the doctor comes in the check you out, your ass is toast. Especially since you tried to attack him." Lance chuckled in almost a mocking manner, tilting his large head to the side. "Well, it was nice knowing you while I could."

All Inaris could do was blink, listening to Lance explain his current situation. He growled loudly, tossing what was left of the bottle against the cell door. "No! If he thinks that I'm just going to kneel down and call him Master, he has another thing coming."

"Like you have anyone to fall back on."

"The hell is that suppose to mean?!"

"Pull your head from under your tail and think about it for a second." Lance was obviously frustrated, his gaze to the feline almost as hard as Crux's. "It looks like that in order for you to survive, you had to rely on crime. Meaning that you're either a runaway or you did something so messed up that your family pretty much abandoned you. Just to put the balance more in Crux's favor the cops, or any law enforcement agency around here for that matter, turn a blind eye to this place. So all in all, you're pretty much stuck here until you manage to escape or you repay your debt. But in all honesty, no one has tried either yet."

Lance paused for a while, knowing that Inaris was looking towards him rather confused. Once he gave it a chance to soak in, he continued, a lot calmed than before. "I'll be honest. Once you get past the break-in, you'll soon learn to love this place. I do. Cause I learned that I was into a lot of the dirty and twisted fetishes they've subjected me to." He gave a soft huff, leaning his form back against the wall. "All I'll do is tell you this much for later. The harder you make Crux work for it, the better off you'll be. And you're going to want to stay relaxed." Lance gave a nervous chuckle after that last comment, reaching a paw up to lightly run along the black collar and the silver tags on his neck. "I'm just going to leave it at that."

"Fine, leave me on the edge, Glueboy." Inaris chuckled lightly, thinking that would have gotten more information from the equine. All it got him was a solid slap to the head, right on the spot that had hit against the wall. "GAH! Ok, ok, I'll take it back."

"Though you would." The equine chuckled for a moment before he looked up to the door, watching as the peek-in panel had opened. He blinked for a moment before he watched a set of soft eyes peek in. "Hey, Misha. What owes us this little visit?"

The cheetah gave a soft mew before she closed the access, unlocking the main door and opening it slowly. She shook her head still, hearing Inaris whine loudly from the change of lighting. She then stepped in part way, motioning with her head to the equine to stand. "Let's go, Lance. You know how Dr. Hewlett like to work."

The equine nodded before he pressed against the wall, pushing himself up to his feet with ease. "Mphm, yeah, I know how the good doctor likes to operate. I was about to see about getting out anyway." He smirked lightly before looking haphazardly to the jaguar. "You know I don't like the smell of pussies." He quickly looked back to Misha, smiling softly. "No offense to you, that is, hun."

"None taken, stud. Now get your ass out of here before we both get in trouble." She giggled cutely, watching Inaris form a snarl on his face. Once the equine had moved out, the cheetah moved a bit to the side, offering the path to the unseen medic. "You're going to take good care of him, right Doc?"

Inaris was still confused on what was going on. That was until he watched a female bat walk around the corner quietly. He looked to the pair of females, obviously dumbfounded by what was going on. The girls returned the gaze in turn, the bat in her form fitting, thigh-length labcoat chuckling to Misha. "Oh have no fears, hun. I'm going to take good care of him. I'd figure you knew how I like felines." She reached up and scritched gently behind one of the cheetah's ear, eliciting a loud murr from her for a moment before stopping and stepping in. Not too long afterwards, the large door closed behind her with a soft, yet ominous thud. The bat walked over to the prone jaguar, wondering why he was hunched up in the corner.

Inaris just stared at her quietly, forcing himself to look to her eyes and not to anywhere else. She wasn't the tallest one in the world, but she seemed tall for her species. She was curvy, slim legs, what had to be a pair of middle C-cup breasts, and no weird thing on the end of her nose. That's just what he called it, since he never knew the proper name for it. Her dark blue headfur hid her eyes for the most part, giving her a darker presence than he preferred given his past situations. When she stopped about three feet away from him, he managed to force something out of his maw in a way of speech. "Uhh... who are you and what are you doing here?"

Hewlett knelt down, placing her bag onto the ground between their two forms. She opened it before looking to him with a very toothy grin. "I'm Dr. Ivana-Martina Hewlett. But everyone knows me as Hewlett or just plan 'Doc.' And I happen to be the vet, per se. Now I'm to understand that you have a headache tonight, hmm?"

"Oh you have no idea, Doc." Inaris huffed lightly as he watched her pull supplies from her bag. He wasn't bugged at the first few items: Rubber gloves, a stethoscope and blood pressure monitor. "I've taken a couple of knocks to the head. One by a fist, the other by this..." He trailed off as soon as he saw her pull out a tube of Astroglide and a rather sizable butt plug. He looked awkwardly at the items in front of him before looking up to her. "Uhh... what kind of doctor did you say you were again?

"I never told you what kind of a doctor I was. But I am trained." Hewlett smirked gently, slipping on one of the gloves. She stretched it to assure it was on all the way before letting it go, the snapping sound cause Inaris to flinch slightly. She flicked her fingers for a moment before she moved forward, placing the gloved palm right against his sheath. Inaris gave a light yelp, then tried to clear his throat to try and keep his blush down. "Good boy," Hewlett giggled out, "I didn't even need to ask you to cough. Now bend over."

"Whoa... oh no, lady. I'm not going to let you put that thing into me." Inaris moved more into the corner, pointing to the plug she had pulled out. "Sorry, but it's a one-way street back there."

The bat chuckled softly, moving to grasp the chain. "Wow, Lance wasn't kidding. You are a bit of a pussy. Now come here." She smirked hard and gave a solid yank onto the chain, forcing Inaris out of the corner. She wasted little time in her moves, slipping behind him and forcing him to his knees. She placed a paw on his shoulder and pushed hard, putting him into a position that planted his chest and face to the floor and left his ass high in the air. "Now if you move, you're not going to like what I'm going to put back there. Understand?"

Inaris gave a weak nod and lightly whimpered, surprised by the strength that the smaller albino bat possessed. He looked towards her as best he could, watching as she put a glove onto her other paw. He clamped his eyes shut as she made a move towards her equipment, thinking he was about to get abused and raped by this woman. He whined lightly before he opened his eyes slowly, feeling a set of claws starting to rake through his body fur. He mewed softly when he felt the claws move along his spine, his tail flicking swiftly behind him.

Hewlett let a soft smile form on her face, glad to see that he was being distracted from what was she had planned. She kept to her scritching before she started removing one of her paws from his back. She grasped the bottle of Astroglide, holding it in her mouth as she placed a couple of drops on her index finger. She closed the bottle and tossed it aside, smirking to herself again. "Ok, kitty. Just keep relaxing, and this won't hurt for one second."

Inaris looked back, an extremely puzzled look on his face. He gave a soft yelp when he felt something cold and wet on his tailhole, wanting to try and run away as he felt her index start to push past his extremely tight ring. He gave a weak meep as it sunk in deeper into him, closing his eyes in an effort to think of anything to distract him. "Ok... I just got to remember that I'm still straight.... And I'll be fine..."

"Oh, a virgin, huh?" Hewlett cackled softly, Inaris looking up towards her and going a bit wide eyed. The bat gave a weak coo, leaning down a fraction in order to lick her tongue behind one of his ears. "Mmm. You know, that's something I'm glad you said now. Otherwise, Crux would have done some serious damage to you. Now, tell me how this feels."

Inaris blinked lightly at that request, looking back to her about to protest. He was left with his maw hanging open, not a sound escaping as he felt her skilled digit pressing against his prostate. He was left speechless as he felt her starting to massage firmly against it, making sure her claws didn't contact it. After a long moment, a weak groan escaped from his throat, having never felt anything as intense as what she was doing. He looked down between his legs, gasping lightly when he saw his cock standing fully erect and dripping his pre profusely onto the floor. He flattened his ears slightly as he heard the bat cackle again, clawing lightly at the floor in an effort to stay calm. "I'm..."

"Getting close? That's what I expected." She looked down to the feline's arms, noting that Lance had left the handcuffs attached to one of his wrists. She pulled her digit free from his depths, gripping his wrists and reapplying his binds behind his back. She then lightly petted on his head before standing and walking over to her bag again. She listened to him whine and curse as she reached into her bag, grabbing a smaller anal plug. She lubed it in what silence she could have over his grumbles, looking down to the feline that had started to make a move back to the corner in an effort to get from her reach. "Silly Kitten. What's the matter? A little stiff?"

Inaris rolled back onto his rump, looking up to her with a hard look of defiance. "Oh shut up, you evil little b-"

Before he had a chance to let the words finish escaping his maw, or even had a chance to see her move away from her bag, he had her foot planted squarely inside of his mouth. She curled her toes slightly, her foot claws lightly digging into his tongue and his gums. She then looked coldly to him, growling lightly. "You finish that sentence, or try to bite me, I'll make you wish Crux was doing this to you. Comprendé?" She watched as the jaguar nodded weakly, slowly removing her foot from his mouth. She then kicked his chest, sending him onto his back before she knelt down. She moved close and pulled his tail aside, giggling to herself before she started to ease in the plug. She watched as Inaris squirmed within her grasp, seeing him trying to clench tight to keep it out. She smirked coldly, continuing to push it in. "Relax... It's not as bad as you think, I promise."

The jaguar continued to squirm and whine softly, finally realizing that he couldn't force his way out of this jam. He clamped his eyes shut and forced himself to relax, giving a soft yelp when he felt it pop into him. He panted for a moment before he looked towards the wall, whining lightly. "Ok.. That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be... but I'm not keeping it in." He started to try and push it out of him, grunting loudly as he felt it start to expand inside of him. "Ahh! What the hell?!"

Hewlett smiled warmly before showing him the small pump in her grasp. "Inflatable plug, Kitten. But I'm not done with you yet." The bat reached into her bag again, pulling out what looked like a harness. She tugged firmly on the collar again, smirking at his yelp and distraction. She lifted his lower body, attaching the strap around his waist, into the crack of his furry rump and slipping his cock through a ring on the front. She attached it firmly to his sides with the buckles before she moved back, looking him over. "Hehe. That shouldn't be coming out anytime soon. Mmmm... You know, you look pretty good with a plug up your ass."

Inaris growled lightly, sitting back up against the wall. "And I'd bet you'd look pretty good with my cock in your throat."

"Kinda like how you'd look with my foot in your mouth again?"

"I think my idea's better." He smirked firmly to the bat before he blinked, watching her go for her bag again. "What? You going to whip me? Or something diabolical like that? I've played around with a dragon before. I think I can handle a flogger."

"And that's where you're horribly mistaken." She smirked again before she pounced at the feline, pinning him against the wall. He opened his mouth to let a soft gasp escape from him, his mouth being stuffed with a vented ball gag. Before he even had a chance to react she had pulled it hard around the back of his head, securing it firmly. "You know you talk too damn much. Luckily for you, I'm done with what I needed to do."

Hewlett stood slowly, walking back over to her items and slipping them back into her bag. She paused a moment, pulling a remote from her labcoat pocket. She hit a button on it; both furs ears perking slightly as an electric motor started to buzz to life. She smirked as Inaris began to squirm again, his erection that had started to retreat into his sheath now starting coming back to life. "There we go. As you can tell, its right on your new button. That will have to do for now. Too bad I couldn't do what I wanted to you."

She smirked and moved towards him slowly, lifting up the front of her labcoat. Inaris blinked and whined loudly, pulling against the binds. He couldn't looking to the moist and slightly swollen folds on Hewlett's form. And after what she had put him through, he was rather excited. "I thought you'd like that, Kitten. I swing by regularly. Maybe after you learn to keep your mouth shut you might be able to get you a piece."

She gave a soft giggle as she tucked her coat back down before she flicked her foot under his muzzle, pushing him back against the wall. She turned her back to him, walking away slowly, her ears flicking at the sounds of his whines. She picked up her bag, making quick work to the door. She knocked lightly on it, looking back over her shoulder and grinning from ear to ear. "Ta ta for now, Kitten. See you in a few days."

Inaris watched as the bat was let out the room by a random fur, not clear to him who it was. The door was almost fully closed before an arm reached in; flicking the overhead lights off before it quickly shut the door. He was now right back where he started. Except he was unable to talk, had a massive boner and had something wiggling inside of his ass right against his prostate. He was in agony, cause it was only enough of a vibration to piss him off instead of push him over the edge. He leaned his head against the wall again; whining loudly as he looked at the door, wishing anyone would walk in to help him with his problem.

'Makes me wish I could use my tail,' he thought to himself, looking to his spotted appendage and flicking it uselessly. 'Now comes the next question. How long am I going to be in here like this?'

After Crux had closed the door to the cell he looked down to the bat softly, licking his lips for a moment. Neither of them spoke for a long moment, listening to the desperate whimpers filter through the thick door. The silence soon grew to bore Crux, forcing him to speak out. "Well?"

Hewlett chuckled softly, placing the remote into his palm. "He's practically putty as it is. Not to mention that he's never been with a guy before. His ass is tighter than the cork on a bottle of cheap wine. But he's on the inflatable plug, so he should be somewhat stretched come when you're ready for him." She looked down and closed the lock on her bag before continuing. "As for the knocks on his head? Judging from how alert he was, he'll be fine. Nothing is the matter with him. Solid skull, I'll admit. Gave him a painkiller on the gag, so he'll be like his old self in a few hours."

The bat chuckled gently towards Crux, taking a moment to look over the croc. He was still in the buff, which was unusual for her to see him. And she didn't think twice about the fact that his crotch was somewhat swollen. She flicked some of her headfur out of her face lazily before speaking in a gentle tone. "You know the fees by now, Crux. I'll collect in a couple days."

She gave a soft giggle before she started to for the stairs that lead to the main floor. She erfed lightly when the croc placed a paw on her shoulder, turning her form to look towards him. "Something the matter?"

"Why yes, my dear doctor. You smell as if you need some help." Crux smirked as he tugged lightly on the base of her labcoat. "And I'm giving my assistance."

"Hehe. You silly reptile. I think I'm good, thank you." She giggled and tried to walk off again, bumping into the chest of a rather large form. She stumbled back a bit, dropping her bag before coming to a stop. She meeped softly when she felt something hard and slick pressing against her back, looking over her shoulder to the ebony croc.

Crux leaned down and chuckled softly into her ear, his tone deep and sinister. "Mmmm... that wasn't an offer." He looks up to the form that Hewlett bumped into and gave a nod. "Good boy, Lance. I think I can handle it from here." He watched as the Clydesdale nodded in return before heading back up the stairs, the crocodile wasting no time in pinning the smaller mammal against the wall. He lifted up her labcoat, kicking her legs apart as he pressed forward against her. He chuckled darkly before he moved harder, slipping his massive cock under her coat and against her ass. "Ooohh.. you really did work him. I can't remember the last time you got this hot and bothered during a check-up."

"Bullshit, Crux." Hewlett chuckled lightly, looking over her shoulder to him obviously flustered. "Remember when Misha had her incident? I believe she twisted her ankle, right?"

Crux couldn't help but to nod and smirk. "Yeah, I remember that. And you couldn't keep your greedy little paws off of her for a week, you slutty little bat. Just like I'm gonna have mine on you." He snarled lightly as he shifted, starting to grind the girth of his length against her sex. He felt her folds quiver around his shaft, her juices lightly leaking out to coat the length. Both of them gave a weak murr of content before Crux chuckled firmly. "Among other things."

Hewlett had already started to pant out from the movements, managing to regain some of her composure as she looked back to him. "Now you know damn well that all won't fit."

"Not stopping me from trying," Crux grunted out, his lust starting to get the better of him.

"And what about your mate?"

"She's busy with something right now."

The bat tilted her head in confusion, knowing how he and Theresa worked. "You know, normally you'd had to ask her to do something like this."

"And you know what, Ivana?" Crux growled quietly before he lifted her up off the ground, pressing his cock right against her slit. He gripped a paw firmly around the front of her neck, watching her as she started to gasp for air. He then shoved about half of his monster length into her, murring loudly from how tight her smaller form was. "Mmm. You talk too fucking much."

Hewlett couldn't do much of a way in replying as he started to pump his half portion into her cunt. She clawed weakly at the walls, her foot claws trying to cut into his legs. She gave up a moment later, knowing his scales were too thick for anything effective, even with her sharpened footclaws. Not like she cared, since it was all part of their little ritual. She gave a weak moan while still trying to fight for air, starting to grow light-headed from her lack of oxygen along with the intense pleasure from feeling the croc slamming into her sex.

Crux grunted loudly into her ear, his grip on her neck steadily growing tighter. He could feel her walls starting to eagerly pull on his length, trying to coax his seed out of him. He breathed lightly into her ear before he bit down onto her shoulder. He knew just how she liked it, and this was enough to push Hewlett over the edge. The bat cried out loudly before she came, her body arching hard against the wall before she went limp in his grasp. As soon as she went limp the crocodile released his grip on her throat, still feeling her body quiver and her sex milking his length through her orgasm. He moaned softly as he felt her juiced drip down and coat on his cock, leaning in and kissing on her neck delicately.

He lifted her still limp form off his cock slowly, lowering her down to the floor into a sitting position. He huffed softly, using a corner of her labcoat to wipe his length clean. He took a few breaths, forcing his length to recede back into his genital slip before he grumbled towards her. "Geez, hun. You normally last a lot longer than that. I didn't get a chance to feel my orgasm getting close." He watched as she starting to wake back up, the bat rubbing on her head lightly. Crux gave a deep, dark chuckle, making sure she was wake before he spoke again. "Heh. Nothing for you tonight, Ivana. I'm saving this one."

Hewlett shook her head weakly, gasping between words while trying to recover from the lack of air. "It's alright.... You know I.. don't get boned often... To be honest... I needed that..."

"And that Kitten is getting what's left." Crux couldn't help but to let a toothy grin form on his muzzle, looking towards the cell door. He then lost that train of thought, looking to the still recovering doctor. "Hope you don't mind. I'm sure you can find your way out." Crux chuckled loudly as he made his way out of the dungeon, up a small set of stairs to the main floor. He looked around before giving a soft huff, his attention reverting to the slowly reducing swelling of his crotch. 'Oh yes, you're going to get it Inaris,' he thought to himself. He made another slow, sweeping gaze around the front foyer before his gaze moved to access to the public bathes. He spotted a skunk walking out of the room, deciding to try and catch hi off guard. "Ah, I see you're heading out?"

The skunk erfed a moment, thinking he was caught in the process of putting his pants back on straight. He looked to the source of the voice he heard, sighing when he saw it was Crux and giving a light nod. "Oh yes. Finished up a few minutes ago."

"Really now? Who'd you have?"

"I was with Cory and Trini tonight. All I can say is wow."

Crux chuckled gently, scratching his claws on his head for a moment. "Hmm. I know those two can't seem to keep their paws off each other. And they're really good at feeding those with the voyeuristic fantasies." The croc smirked again, tilting his head to the left slightly. "You enjoy the show?"

The skunk nodded eagerly, stopping as he looked like something was buzzing in his pocket. He pulled out a cell phone and gasped loudly, making a move for the door. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm late with meeting with my mate. Cory has my payment. You have a good night!"

All that Crux could do was shake his head, watching as the mammal ran out into the damp night, doubling back to close the front door behind him. It became apparent to him that he wasn't the only one having fun outside of his relationship. Though he doubted that the skunk's partner was either knowing of it or approved of it. He gave a light huff before he silently reached a paw over his shoulder, feeling several bills being placed into his paw. He counted the small pile quickly before he nodded looking over his shoulder to the fur that gave him the sum. "Good work, Cory. I'll be sure to put the tip onto your card."

"Put it on Trini's, Master. It's her turn to receive it." The fox chuckled heartily before he moved past the croc, turning to give a soft bow to him. He then turned tail, whistling his way towards the pets quarters.

Crux watched as the fox rounded the corner before looking up towards the second floor with a wide smile. He then laughed loudly; watching as his mate was leading a rather sticky, and somewhat bruised lupine by a leash. "Well now. How did Victor fair, Theresa?"

Theresa snorted softly, looking to the still-muzzled wolf as he stared down to the floor. She then shook her head at him before looking back to Crux. "He didn't do so well. He managed to sate her appetite, but she still not fully satisfied. She'll be back next week to try again." She huffed gently before she tilted her head gently, spotting a labcoat wearing bat walking gingerly towards the front door. The bat turned and gave a tired wave to the small assembly on the main stairs before she saw herself out.

Theresa watched as Hewlett left, giving a stare to Crux that seemed to burn into his soul as soon as she heard the door close. "You have any luck with the new kid?"

Crux was silent for a moment as he felt his mate's eyes burning into him, knowing that he knew what he and the good doctor did. Remembering that he was asked a question, he shook his head lightly. "I haven't done anything to him yet. Ivana has given him the ok, and she's obvious still recovering from her boning. He's good to break now. But..."

"'But?' What do you mean by 'but,' hun?" Theresa looked to Crux, then back to the lupine behind her before a smirk formed on her snout. She laughed loudly to herself, causing both the males and the couple of the other random pets roaming around to look towards her. "Oh gods, I have the perfect idea." She looked among the small gathering before smiling, knowing what they were all going to ask. "How about you break in the new boy, then we give him to Miss Tian?"

Everyone who had assembled let out a small gasp. All, that is, except for Crux. He just laughed as loudly as Theresa did until he looked back to her, his eyes ablaze with mischief from her question. "That's a damn brilliant idea, Love. I think we can prep him in less than seven days. Though he's going to need some serious training. He's a 'virgin,' if you catch my drift."

"Well then." She looked up and spotted a female fox walking down the steps, motioning her to come closer. Theresa then handed the leash over to handing her, nodding that it was still attached to the lupine. "Trinity? Could you give Vic here a bath? And be gentle about it. Miss Tian was rather firm tonight." Theresa watched the vixen nod and lead the wolf to the bath before she continued with Crux. "Well then. Guess you need to get started. He'll need to be able to take you fully by next week."

"That's a tall order, hun." Crux chuckled out, leaning lightly against one of the handrails. "But I think he can handle it. For the meantime, though, he'll need to sleep it off."

"Fine, Cruxentine. But I want a piece of him when you're done."

"Deal." The croc couldn't help but to look over the railing, down towards the pathway that lead to the dungeon. He thought for a moment before a twisted smile slowly formed on his snout. "Hehe... between the two of us, that little jag is toast."

Misha looked around the basement quietly, staying close against the wall as she made her way towards one of the cells. It had been a long night for her. She had been wondering what was going on with that jag she meet earlier that day. Her worrying about him, combined with pushing off the advances of the recent raccoon acquisition to the pet pool, she hasn't gotten much in the way of sleep. And now she was risking getting into some serious trouble for sneaking down to the basement and planning what she had.

She moved down the hallway, it having less of an ominous feeling that the cells had. Only because the hall was so well lit that you didn't feel like you were in a dungeon. She worked her way down the line of cells, looking over them quietly before she reached the one she needed. She gripped onto the handle, pausing to make sure she wasn't followed. She knew what could happen to her just from being down here, but she didn't care. She felt that she had to see him.

She grunted lightly as she forced the door open, quickly stepping in and closing it behind her. She blinked as she sniffed the air, flicking the overhead lights on and looking around for what obvious smelt like lube and sex. She gasped quietly when she found Inaris tucked into the corner; his muzzle having been ball gagged, what appeared to be a plug harness strapped to him. His cock was fully erect while in a small puddle of fluids and his demeanor rather drunken. She whimpered before moving over to him, reaching back behind his head to remove the gag.

Inaris panted softly once the gag was off, spitting out onto the ground. "Ugh.. that fucking bat drugged me."

Misha shook her head slowly, looking to the gag and sniffing at it. "Barely. The gag has a coating of a basic painkiller. Probably to help with the headache you had. If she truly tried to drug you, you'd be asleep. Believe me, I know." She gave a light huff before she sat down, leaning against the wall to the jaguar's left. "I twisted my ankle a while back and I got held up for a week. Well, aside from when Doc tied me up and..." She blushed firmly as she thought about just how Hewlett used her for her own pleasure. She then quickly shook off the thought before looked back to Inaris. "Never mind that. But what the hell did she do to you?"

Inaris disgustedly nodded down to his cock and the harness, his length still leaking a small bit of pre. "Can't you tell? I've had a butt plug vibrating in my ass for god knows how long."

"Well, it's about 10PM right now, Inaris."

"And I tried to jack him about..." Inaris pondered for a moment before he cursed, causing the cheetah to flinch. "I've been down here for 24 hours. And like this for half that long. I think." He whines loudly as he gives a light tug against his binds. He then stops as he looks up to Misha, his purple orbs practically begging his thoughts. "I need to get released."

Misha whined quietly to herself, moving to sit next to the jaguar. "I'm going to be in some deep trouble as it is just being in here, you know. Last time I did something like this was when Lance was brought in." She gently rubbed at her face as she gave him a once over with her eyes, then to the strain in his jade pair. "Of course he wasn't as badly handled as you."

"Now would this be because he begged not to be turned into glue and dog food?" Inaris' tone showed apparent frustration, more emotional now than sexual. "Or is it cause he's as much of an ass as Crux is?"

"Now that wasn't nice of you, Kitten," a voice boomed out, Misha and Inaris both yelping out before they looked to the main door. They saw that the look-in panel had been opened, and judging by the red eyes peeking in, both knew exactly who was doing the looking. Misha wasted little time in pulling away from Inaris, both watching as the main door was opened. Crux stepped in quietly, completely nude from head to toe, and his demeanor showing that he had only two things on his mind: Pain and lust. He held a small bag in his right hand, his grip becoming a bit tighter on it as he looked over to the felines quietly. He snarled rather loudly when he looked back to the cheetah, point towards the door with his free hand. "Out. Now. I'll deal with you later."

Misha gulped lightly, hesitating for a long moment while looking to the jaguar. She then quickly stood and ran for the door, yelping loudly and almost tripping to a halt when her tail was grabbed. She looked up to Crux, a light frown forming when she looked into his eyes. "Yes, sir?"

Crux looked harshly to her, practically raping her form with his eyes. He watched as a chill crept up her spine before he snorted. "And don't peek in." He let her tail go, swatting her on the rump with a backhanded slap as she ran off and closed the door. The croc then looked back to Inaris, a devious smirk forming again as he heard the feline growling loudly. "Ah, still defiant, I see. That's good. Though I know you're still groggy, for the most part. Now...."

Crux walked over slowly, the sound of his foot claws clicking on the floor forming a deafening echo in the room. He knelt down in front of Inaris, placing down the bag he was holding before he opened and reached into it. He pulled out a black leather collar, holding it up by the buckle end. He spoke softly, just enough for the jag to hear over the sound of the tags jingling. "Now here are your options," Crux finally spoke out, his tone a lot calmer than his eyes let on. "You could willing take this collar and accept your position as a pet. I'll then uncuff you, pull that plug out of you, make sure you and I have a good time out of it, and then I let you have your way with any female you choose.

"Of course there's option two." He paused for a long moment before he started speaking again, letting his tone drop back to his natural menacing baritone. "Which involves me doing some pretty nasty things to you to make you submit. You don't want to know what the could entail. To be honest, I'm hoping for the latter." Crux chuckled firmly, watching the eyes of the feline wander for a bit. But he already knew what he would say, just by judging from the headstrong mentality he saw from the fight he had the night prior. He shook his head slowly, flashing a toothy smile to the feline. "So it's the hard way, huh?"

"Nice that you noticed, Crux," Inaris grumbled out with an obvious tone of annoyance. "I wasn't going to play nice that night. What makes you think I'm going to play nice now?" Inaris chuckled firmly before inhaling deeply, trying to clear his head. He erfed loudly when he felt a paw wrap hard around his cock, lightly stroking along just the tip of his already oversensitive length. He whined loudly as he looked down to the paw, then back up to Crux with a puzzled look. "Wha-?"

Crux chuckled loudly, continuing to stroke on the aching, blood red cock in his grip. "Wow, you feel pretty tense. I'd hate to see something else mess with your arousal. Maybe.... this?" He reached into the bag and pulled out the remote, watching Inaris' eyes start to go wide as he hit an upward pointing button. Within a second Inaris cried out softly, feeling the vibrations in the plug nearly triple right against his prostate. The croc just chuckled loudly before deciding to release Inaris' cock, licking the generous amount of pre that had spilt onto his hand. "Mmm... You're not bad. But now you see how serious I am. So how about now, boy? Will you co-operate with me, seeing as you have no chance of escaping?"

Inaris blinked awkwardly, looking up to the croc with his steady look of defiance. He locked onto the red eyes of the massive male poised in front of him and squinted, seeing what appeared to be some level of trust in them. This sent the jag out on a loop, having totally expected someone like Crux to be nothing more than a heartless shell of sexual lust. And it seemed to diffuse a majority of the anger that Inaris held towards him It was about that time that a little voice popped into the back of his head. 'Dude, this is your chance. It has been about three years since you've been wanted in any capacity. But..'

"But what's the catch, Crux?" Inaris finished out loud, knowing that the voice in his head would be right about something being fishy.

"Catch?" Crux chuckled softly, leaning his massive form forward slowly. He stopped dangerously close to Inaris' muzzle, speaking barely loud enough for even the feline's ears to hear. "You'll learn everything and all the rules after you answer. Besides... I think someone would really like it if you joined up." Crux gave a lazy nod towards the cell door, knowing the Misha was probably still on the other side. "So you in?"

Inaris sat in his corner quietly, looking into Crux's eyes. Neither of them blinked for a while, both just trying to figure out what was really going on in the other's head. Inaris still didn't want to trust him, especially after what he had been through for the past twelve hours. He also needed to cum very badly. He swallowed his pride, knowing to himself that he just wanted to belong, as he spoke out in a firm tone. "Alright, I'll do it."

Crux smiled to himself, reaching up a paw to scratch under Inaris' muzzle. "Good choice. But that's not stopping me from doing what I wanted to." Before Inaris could even answer back he felt himself being pulled forward, his neck straining against the steel collar on his neck. He gasped loudly for air as he felt Crux pressing his paw against the back of his head, holding him forward. He clamped his eyes shut and strained to stay calm, feeling as the plug harness was unclipped and then the plug being removed from him. He blinked and looked over his shoulder, wishing he could gasp from what he saw.

'Oh Gods' was all that Inaris could push out when he looked to the package that had emerged from the slit on the croc's crotch. It could have easily been a foot in length and his balls were just... he couldn't guess how big they were. He gulped as he watched Crux move behind him. "Hey now wait a second. I thought we went over this before. That's a one-way street!"

Crux chuckled firmly before he slapped Inaris on the back of his head. He waited for the jaguar to stop whining before he spoke. "Can the 'I am straight' jive, Inaris. I know you liked it from last night."

The jag growled loudly, ignoring the small throb in the back of his head from the slap. "If anything, Crux, that cause she was a girl. And she didn't use anything that was based off of a cock, let alone a real one."

"Looks like I'm about to change that. Stay relaxed and you will enjoy this. I promise." Crux gave a deep rumble before he rather easily shoved half of his massive cock into Inaris' well-stretched tailhole. He watched as the jag screamed out raggedly, his spotted form bending practically in half from the hard pressure. Crux waited a moment before he started to pump into the feline, gripping onto the spotted tail and tugging firmly. He tilted Inaris back slightly before he smirked, pulling out almost fully then shoving in his half serving of his cock.

Inaris clamped his eyes shut when he felt his tail being tugged on, trying to remind himself that he was straight. His sexual mindset, along with his body, was acting otherwise. He was getting some form of enjoyment from what was practically rape to him, and the pressure of Crux's girth against his prostate caused his own length to throbbing lightly. He was about to let a hearty purr slip from his throat, just before he felt Crux shove into his depths. What ended up coming out was a rather loud cry, mixed with both pain and pleasure. "AHH! Oh gods.... Do... Do that again."

Inaris gulped lightly, not believing the words that just escaped his mouth. He was even in more disbelief when the croc actually did what he asked, adding more of his length as he did it. The jaguar groaned loudly, feeling the throbbing length press against his prostate once more. It wasn't the fact that Crux was thick, which he wasn't; he was thrown off by the curve it had, it teasing his depths and sending a pleasure he never thought he could ever experience.

Crux didn't want this to end, apparently. It had been ages since he had anyone so tight wrapped around his cock, let alone a virgin. And the fact that he kept himself pent for almost a week just for this moment heightened the experience for him even more. He used one of his claws to pick the small lock on the steel collar, letting the heavy weight drop from the felines neck to the floor with a heavy thud. He then gripped a paw around to the front of Inaris' neck, caressing the soft fur before he gripped tightly around his throat. "That's it... be a good little bitch."

Inaris gagged loudly, one of his paws reaching up to try and claw at Crux. He couldn't sink his claws into the scales, although the ones on his hands were suppose to be more giving than the rest of his scaled form. He gasped for air as best he could as he started to become light-headed. His felt his body tensing as it tried to grab what little air he had left. This only caused the feeling of the cock in his ass to grow that much more intense. He then felt silent as he felt an odd sensation, coupled with Crux groaning rather loudly and a feeling a warm liquid being injected into him. The croc was actually cumming into his form, filling his bowels with his seed. As if claiming him. He groaned as best as he could, clamping his eyes shut as he started to feel his own seed start to spurt out onto the floor. It was all too much for his oxygen-deprived system, his form going limp against the croc's paw as he blacked out.

Inaris sat up quickly, panting loudly gripping one of his paws around his neck as if checking for any marks. His throat felt as if someone poured sand straight down into his stomach, giving him a lot of trouble as he tried to catch his breath. He managed to fight off the pain and take in a hard breath before his mind finally caught up with what was going on around him, the feline holding his breath as he slowly scanned the room.

The first thing that became apparent to him was the fact that he was on a bed. A rather large and comfortable bed at that. After what he had been sleeping on over the past few months at the warehouse, it felt like a cloud. Covered in a vibrant red satin, he could help but to run his paw through it. He continued to scan around the room, managing to give a slight gasp of awe. The refreshing gleam of sunlight and colors that are more vibrant than the damp and ominous stone and darkness of the dungeon he was in. There wasn't much else to the room, aside from what looked like storage for some kind of items. And the flogger sitting just underneath it on the floor was an obvious clue to him on what else was hiding in the oak box.

He whined loudly as he continued to rub his neck weakly, still having a hard time breathing since he was choked out. A soft jingling perked his ears when he felt a cloth material scratching under his claws, causing him to stand and make a move for the mirror on the far wall. His first task was to look at the collar, seeing the black mesh wrapped around his neck snuggly. On the front was a D-ring was a simple black tag, his name neatly engraved with recessed gold letters. He looked over his form quietly, giving a weak chuckle and a playful pose when he noticed his complete lack of clothing. 'Should have seem that one coming, Inaris,' he thought to himself, his tail flicking behind him quietly. He blinked when his ears perked again from hearing a jingling, one that he heard since he got out of the bed. He looked to his tail and yelped loudly, looking to the bell clinging to the tip of his slender tail. He gripped his tail and pulled it closer to his eyes, inspecting it closely to find that the tip had been pierced in order to hold the bell.

"Well ain't this a bitch. I got a bell pierced into my tail. Just what am I going to find next?" He shook his head lightly before he looked back into the mirror again. He looked downwards towards his crotch when a small glimmer caught his attention out the corner of his eye. He tilted his head quizzically to the side, seeing a silver barbell pierced through the end of his sheath. He flicked it quietly, hearing the light clank of his claws contacting metal.

"Wow, that was fast. Ok. So I have a couple of piercing in places I'd never expect them." He groaned quietly to himself, reaching a paw behind him to rub on his toned rear. "My ass feels as if someone drove a Mac truck into it, which isn't too far off the truth. And I have a nice new bit of hardware on my neck. All I need now is a rather hot looking dragoness to walk in and tell me what the hell is going on."

Almost as soon as he finished speaking Inaris heard a door opening, quickly turning to confront the fur who was walking in on him. He blinked as he looked towards the rather tall alligator standing in the doorway, scanning the creature's features. He then sniffed the air, shaking his head and grumbling when he picked up the very apparent scent of Crux. "Hmm. You're no dragon, but you got Crux's stink all over you. I have a few ideas of what that would make you, but my safest bet would be that you're his mate."

Theresa leaned against the frame to the door, a firm smirk forming on her face. "You made a very wise choice of words, Inaris. And if I could guess some of the other options that were brewing in that thick skull of yours, you're lucky you said what you did." She chuckled loudly before she walked in, her form nude to show off her soft emerald scales. Inaris couldn't help but to stare at her chest, a bit puzzled about their form. It was obvious she had what would resemble breasts. However, her mounds weren't very pronounced, and she lacked nipples. 'Has to be reptilian nature,' he thought to himself before, coming back to reality as he heard a snapping noise.

"My eyes are up here, Kitten," Theresa spoke out firmly, watching as the feline looked back up to her eyes. "Looking at you, its good to see that Ivana finished with the modifications."

Inaris chuckled softly, shifting his form before he leaned back against the mirror. He folded his arms against his chest while gently flicking his tail, causing the bell to jingle innocently. "So the Doc did these? Good. At least I know they'll be sterile."

The gator giggled quietly to herself, flicking her head to move her jet black headfur from in front of her face. "Like you're one to be concerned about being clean, Kitten." She gave a gentle smile before it faded to a serious glare. "Now, lets stop dancing around the bullshit and get to the main reason why I'm here. You, my pet, have a long deal of training ahead of you."

"Oh really now," Inaris snapped back, a bit of his defiant nature starting to peek through again. "If it has anything to do with what happened before I blacked out, it better be good."

"You have no idea, Inaris." Theresa snorted quietly as she moved rather quickly to pin the jaguar against the mirrors with her forearm. She growled into his ear, her knee moving up to press squarely against the feline's crotch. She gave a quiet hiss, her tongue flicking over his ear before she whispered into it. "You're going to have your body put through a rather vigorous endurance test. All the pets that you'll meet later have gone through it. But they had it over a two-month span. You going to have to be as good as them, or better, within a week."

Inaris gulped from her words, and from what was happening to him again. The odd warmth coming off of her and the rubbing on his crotch was causing him to become aroused rather quickly. His length slid out and pressed against her leg, the abrasive feeling of her scales on his sensitive flesh being strangely enjoyable. At least until he felt a pinpoint pressure on the underside of his cock. He managed to push her arm off his chest with a shoulder, dropping down to the floor and crawling onto the bed. He looked down to see that the barbell was pressing against his urethra, which would effectively slow the progress of any fluid that happened to come out of his cock.

Theresa churred lightly when she saw Inaris' arousal, it being more impressive than Crux said it was. "Oh yeah, you're going to have fun getting used to that. It'll be in all week, and maybe it'll stay in if you get used to it." She chuckled deviously before she turned, not even looking towards him as she made her way to the door. "Now, I'm going to leave you to your devices. Have fun, Kitten."

Inaris simply watched as the alligator strolled out the room, her hips swaying as she stepped. Theresa paused for a moment when she reached the door, looking as if she was speaking to someone. "Wear him out, girls. And make sure you use the good lube on the strap-ons."

With that said she left the room, her presence being quickly replaced by that of a lion, a Bengal tiger and a panther. All of who were female. Between the three of them were several sets of bondage rope, a blindfold, a small tub of lube, a strap-on harness and several toys that looked like they'd fit in the harness.

"Looks like you have a long night ahead of you, cutie," the pantheress cooed out gently, letting the coil of rope within her paw unravel onto the floor.

Inaris looked to the trio, a soft smirk forming on his face. "I think I can handle you three. I've been in my share of orgies"

"Not likely, hun." The tigress chuckled gently before she licked her lips slowly. She strolled into, leaning down underneath the oak cabinet. She then let an evil smirk form on her muzzle as she nodded to the two felines that walked in moments later. "Cause see... all three of us are in heat. And we haven't had sex in close to a week."

Inaris' heart almost sank into his chest when he heard that, though his cock was eager and leaking pre already. Looks like he was in for a long night....

Complex Party Day 1 -- Silver's Dilemma

_Well, look at this. AC has come back. Again, after a loooonnngg hiatus. I blame my real world on keeping me from writing my stuff. This one I almost finished, then let simmer on my floppy for gods knows how long. Finally finished it up and will...

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Pool Party Prior - Kiwi Cinnamon

Yah! Got another one done. :D No, I didn't half-ass it. Ok, maybe a pinch. But I won't spoil it for you guys. And now, to keep the legals off my tail... "Kiwi Cinnamon" and "Vulpeschild" are (c) Vulpeschild "Meredith" is (c) her player "350Z"...

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Pool Party Prior -- The Contest

Hehehe...well look what happened? I decided to make another story. Believe it or not, this one was done before I went on my hiatus. I decided to peek through it and give it a few tweaks to make it "flow" a bit better. I hope that you enjoy my attempt....

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