An Addendum to an Adjustment

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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#3 of Story Commissions

The conclusion to the previous story for which saw Modo become infected by a strange rubbery goo.

Previous Chapter:

Commission for


Biker Mice from Mars: Rick Ungar

Commissions are open if you're interested!

"MODO!!" Vinnie shouted as he threw his riding helmet off his head onto the floor. "Bro! You here?!" lowering his motorbike's kickstand the white martian mouse hopped off his bike and then began wildly looking around for the oldest member of their group.

"Cool it, Vinnie." Throttle commanded as pulled off his own riding helmet.

"But...!!" a strong hand placed itself onto the younger biker mice's shoulder, long dexterous fingers curled around his shoulder blade as Throttle silently demanded that he settle down.

"We don't know what's going on here yet, so we need to retain the element of surprise for now." Throttle, ever the strategist, had already been thinking over the several dozen reasons as to why Modo's bike, Lil Hoss, had returned to Charley's garage without its rider. Many of those said reasons had left the orangish-tan mouse with a cold pit inside of his stomach, but at the same the hope that they still had an opportunity to save the grey martian flourished within him, however, said hope would die a grisly death if they didn't play their cards right here.

"It'll be alright, Vinnie." Throttle whispered as he gathered the slightly shorter biker into a brotherly hug, "No matter what's happened here, everything is going to be alright."

Vinnie's shoulders, which had been as tense as a live wire, slowly relaxed upon hearing these words. The white mouse nodded a few seconds later, though his face was still covered by a mask of worry and fear as he looked into his leader's shade covered eyes.

"Come on." Throttle pulled back from the younger martian, grabbed his laser pistol from out of his hip holster, and then took the lead towards the back area of the lair.

Vinnie follow suit a few seconds later, the white martian's tail snapping behind his back wildly as his trepidation at what they would find silently nibbled away at his fledgling resolve.

Moving through the deeper area of the lair Throttle and Vinnie noticed that there was some kind of strange goo lining the walls and floor of their hideaway.

"What is this stuff?" Vinnie asked as he watched how easily his boots became stuck to the odd goop.

"Not sure." Throttle murmured as he reached up to activate the biochemical analyzer within the green shades. "My scanners keep showing me that whatever this substance is it's not native to any elements commonly found on Earth."

"Oh please don't let it be some kind of fleshing eating bacteria." Vinnie whimpered.

"Keep calm, bro." Throttle chuckled. "This isn't one of Charley's horror movies."

The sound of a familiar moan made both biker mich jump slightly.

"That sounded like..." Vinnie gasped but was swiftly silenced by Throttle placing one of his gloved hands around the younger martian's muzzle.

Throttle waved to the door that the moans were coming from, which just so happened to be their bedroom. Removing his hand from around Vinnie's mouth the orangish-tan martian pointed to himself and then to the room before pointing to Vinnie and then the wall right beside their bedroom door. Understanding quickly filled the white martian's mind. Throttle watched in silent approval as Vinnie took point next to the door, his laser pistol clutched tightly within both of his black gloved hands, before he eased himself over onto the other side of the door. Changing the scanner on his shades to check for biological life signs the orangish-tan martian looked through the walls into their bedroom.

What Throttle saw made him gawk in confusion.

"What's in there?!" Vinnie whispered with great amounts of dread lining his voice.

"I-I think it's Modo." Throttle answered with confusion quite evident within his words.

"Is he alright?!"

"Oh yeah, he's fine, unless my scanners are malfunctioning." Throttle's nose twitched as he watched what Modo was up to.

"Is he alone?" Vinnie asked as he lowered his pistol somewhat.

"Very." Throttle answered. "No! Wait!!" he tried to say but he was too slow to stop what happened next.

"Modo, you better be nearly dead in here!!!" Vinnie shouted as he stormed into the room, anger completely overtaking the fear and anxiety which he had just felt.

Throttle managed to swing himself inside of their bedroom in just enough time to watch the younger mouse drop his weapon. Turning to look at where Vinnie's gaze had landed the orangish-tan mouse found himself gaping in awe as he looked at Modo...or what he thought had was Modo, as the massive nine foot tall creature currently masturbating within their room could not have been their bro. Of course because the brain sometimes moves a lot faster than it should Throttle found himself calling out to the other without thinking about what the ramifications of doing so would be, "Modo?!"

The large dark gold figure gasped and shivered as it pumped one of its massive hands down the front of its body while at the same time it rolled its hips forward once, a spurt of white goop launched its way out from the gargantuan rod of purple flesh which throbbed in between the alien mouse's legs. A few seconds later the creature that looked an awful lot like Modo blinked and then spread its gargantuan legs wide while reaching out to crook a finger towards the two startled martians. That the shiny creature's engorged sex turned towards them, the long tentacle-like appendages on the length of it wriggled out almost expectantly, was not missed by either Vinnie or Throttle. Both biker mice blinked in complete bewilderment before turning slowly to look each other.

"Yes." Throttle answered before Vinnie could even breathe a word of the question which looked to be about to exit out from his mouth.

"Oh. Ok." Vinnie finished before swallowing thickly and then turning to look back at what he hoped was still Modo. "Any idea what happened here?"

Throttle actually paused as he thought about that question. Moving his gaze around their bedroom the orangish-tan mouse studied the area in question for several minutes. From what he could see, whatever had happened to Modo had clearly affected their sleeping quarters, as evident by the fact that the entire area had completely changed. No longer did the room possess their beds and other knick knacks for which the mice had collected throughout their time here on this planet, instead it was now a strange hive-like area which was covered in the same sticky goo that was currently infesting the hallway. Kneeling down and then poking at the shiny floor with a finger - a stupid idea but at this point the leader of the biker mice knew that they three of them were neck deep in trouble no matter what happened next - Throttle found that the substance in question was both strong and flexible like the rubber which covered their bike's tires, and yet supple like flesh.

"What are you doing?!" Vinnie screeched as he looked down at his leader. He was shushed to silence as Throttle attempted to piece together what might have happened here.

'This stuff...could it have been from that facility we destroyed?' Thinking back the orangish-tan mouse recalled how annoyed Modo had been after having his head assaulted by the egg of that odd black bird which had been inside of the facility they had raided. Turning his head to look at the dark gold martian, who was patiently looking at him with shimmering crimson eyes, Throttle guessed that perhaps the avian had been infected with whatever that weird black tar-like substance had been. Which meant that because Modo had been touched by the yolk within the egg it had dropped onto his head...

"Damn it." Throttle cursed, his nose and tail twitching angrily as he did so.

"What?! What?!" Vinnie chittered while staring down frantically at the older mouse.

"I think I have an idea of what happened here." Throttle admitted somewhat tiredly.

"Don't keep me in suspense, bro!"

"Whatever fish-breath had found out there in space has some kind of infectious qualities to it, the likes of which can do that," he nodded to Modo. "to a living creature."

"Uhhh...ok? So...what do we do to help out Modo."

'Come over here.' both mice jumped as they heard Modo's baritone voice echo within their heads. Both martians turned to look at the dark gold creature, their eyes wide in surprise.

"I...don't think that's a good idea, bro." Vinnie chuckled, all the while his long white tail curled timidly around his leg.

'I won't hurt you, bro.' Modo reassured with a sultry purr lining his voiceless words.

Vinnie turned to look at Throttle at that point; if there was one thing that he knew about the older mouse, it was that the other didn't lie. But did that mean that they could trust him, given his new state of being?

"Vinnie." Throttle said grabbing the younger martian's attention. "Go and send a message to Charley. Tell her that this area is to be quarantined off until she hears from us." those words made Modo grumble softly, Throttle narrowed his eyes at this. "Also, don't tell her anything about what's happened to Modo, the last thing we need is for her to try and come here to mount a rescue."

"Alright." Vinnie said as he turned on his heel towards the door. He stopped before he could get more than two steps away though. "What are you going to do?" the white martian asked as he turned back to look at the orangish-tan mouse.

Setting his gun back into his hip holster Throttle held up both of his hands and then walked towards Modo, "Try and see if I can figure out what's going through Modo's head." amusingly enough this caused the giant dark gold mouse to let out a mental chuckle at the same time he thrust his hips forward.

Vinnie said nothing as he watched his leader made his way over to the hulking figure sitting on the floor. He did however gasped when he watched Modo's long golden tail whip out around Throttle's thin waist, the larger martian drew the smaller biker mouse over to him but made no move to do anything else as he listened to Throttle let out an audible squeak of terror. Moving on quick booted feet the white martian hurried to make that call to Charley.

Meanwhile the orangish-tan martian suddenly found himself very close to the older member of their team.

"Uh, Modo, I know that we're close and all, but I think this is a little too close, if you catch my drift?" Throttle said with all the courage he could currently muster, which, sadly, wasn't all that much as he looked up into the mouthless face of the much larger mouse.

Modo let out a chuckle at this.

'Won't hurt you, bro.' the mental voice promised right before the larger martian uncurled his tail from around his leader's waist. 'Never hurt you.' Modo said right before he leaned down to rub his face against the side of Throttle's startled face.

Throttle gasped at that this, his entire body going painfully still as every conceivable fear over what may have happened next assaulted his mind. Thankfully, as promised, the dark gold martian did nothing more than nuzzle into him. The cool feeling of his new face did slightly bewilder the orangish-tan mouse, though this didn't stay a problem for long as Throttle quickly became comfortable with the rubbery feel of the strange new flesh his bro now possessed. Reaching out a gloved hand to poke at the side of the larger martian's face, Throttle found himself in slight awe as he noticed the strange mix of soft and tough that made up Modo's new cheek. When a large hand reached out to lay itself over his fingers Throttle chittered slightly.

'Never hurt you.' Modo whispered all the while his other hand moved to begin pawing at the back of the back of the smaller mouse's blue jeans. 'Want to be closer to you, bro.'

"I..." Throttle swallowed as he attempted to pull back slightly. "...don't think that would be a good idea, especially since I need to keep a clear head in order to get you back to normal." the orangish-tan biker finished however his conviction to see his conviction come true ended up wavering greatly when his naked rear was soon revealed to the world following Modo ripping a hole into the back of his pants.

Modo pulled the younger martian close his chest. 'This is normal. For me, and for us now.'

Throttle attempted to stay something but he found his words coming out into a small squeak as two of Modo's broad fingers moved down, then around, and finally up against his vulnerable rear. The larger mouse didn't advance forward, instead he merely teased his fingers along the rim of the shivering biker's rump, playfully pressing the tips of his fingers against the tight hole he knew oh so well.

"Modo, we...can't..." Throttle tried to say while a deep rumble from the pit of the naked mouse's chest silenced him.

'We can,' Modo rolled his hips around until the length of his two and a half foot long purple manhood trailed against the length of Throttle's backside. 'if you let me.'

The orangish-tan martian tried to say something, anything, that would relay his objection to what was happening right then, but it was damned hard to with the lump in his throat. Swallowing thickly Throttle breathed in a large gasp of air but found his mouth covered by Modo's featureless muzzle pressing against his face. The biker wriggled at this, quite sure that he was going to suffocate, but lo and behold he didn't as the dark gold rubber mouse willed his face to extend outwards to the point where something resembling a tongue was curling itself around inside of Throttle's maw. In an instant the leader of the martians found himself going boneless as he wrapped his tongue around Modo's flexing appendage, his unoccupied arm soon followed suit as Throttle curled himself tightly around the larger mouse's massive body.

"Damn it." Throttle grumbled as he pulled back several seconds later. "You know I could never resist you when you kiss me like that." Modo chuckled as his crimson eyes looked down at the now panting biker. Throttle then gasped when the fingers at his backdoor suddenly decided to enter into him.

'Leader thinks too much.' Modo mentally spoke at the same time he stretched his fingers within Throttle's interior. 'Good for the hive, but not good for self.' the orangish-tan mouse moaned deep and low when two more fingers entered inside of him. Gritting his teeth tight Throttle didn't think about anything as he bucked his hips back and forth along those exquisite digits.

"Please...Modo!!" at this point Throttle didn't know if he were moaning for the other biker to stop or to go even deeper, that was just how much the pleasure racking itself up throughout his body and mind was confusing him. Luckily enough for him Modo decided to go with the latter option as he spread his four fingers as wide as he could within his leader's thoroughly experienced rear. Waiting a few moments to make sure that the smaller mouse's body was prepared for what was about to happen Modo slowly collapsed his fingers back into each other and then silently dragged them back out from Throttle's now twitching tailhole. "Modo..." the smaller biker whispered as he looked up with half closed eyes up at the larger martian he still clung tightly onto.

When Modo used both of his hands to lift the other mouse up Throttle slightly came back to his senses. Blinking and then looking down the orangish-tan mouse spared a second glancing down at the mass of purple rubber which was now pointed at his tailstar Throttle snapped his head forward in an attempt to shake his head at Modo. The larger martian didn't say anything as he gently sat the smaller biker onto the top of his herculean manood. When a glob of something cold and thick raced up into his nethers Throttle let out a squeak of startled pleasure.

And that was how Vinnie found them.

The white mouse blinked in stunned awe as he watched Throttle's naked rump sink down over the head of Modo's massive shaft. When the first few inches silently popped into the older mouse Vinnie found himself unable to do much of anything to stop what was happening, his entire body was just that shocked by what he was seeing. His mouth did find itself opening in protest when the next few inches of Modo's manhood sunk deep enough into Throttle to make him hiss in obvious discomfort.


Modo turned to look at him, and even though the rubbery rodent didn't have any lips to scowl with the narrowing of his crimson eyes made it quite clear that the larger martian wasn't happy with what he had just said.

'Come here.' Modo's baritone voice echoed within Vinnie's head making him move forward before he could think to do otherwise. Once he was close enough to the pair that he could reach out and hug the shivering Throttle the white mouse was treated to one of Modo's massive hands reaching out to grab at his head. Thankfully no pressure was applied to the grip, as even in his stunned state Vinnie was well aware that Modo could probably seriously hurt him right now. 'Kneel.' the mental command made the white martian's legs tremble. Soon enough Vinnie found himself on all fours in front of the two older members of their gang. 'Help our leader.' Vinnie shivered at the authoritative words. It didn't take a genius to figure out what the other had meant, though the younger martian was somewhat hesitant to act right at that moment. The hand on top of his head helped with his reluctance as it drew him forward to the point where his black button nose was at the junction of where Modo's manhood was pressed deep into Thorttle flexing rump.

Thought didn't enter into Vinnie's mind as he rolled his tongue out of his mouth. The first swipe against Throttle's warm rear made the older martian moan. The second caused him to hiss. On the third however the orangish-tan mouse was all but wiggling on top of the cold spire which was slowly skewering him.

'Good.' Modo commended and Vinnie couldn't help but feel proud of himself.

When the hand that was on top of his head moved down to take one of Vinnie's arms into its grasp the younger biker found himself slightly confused but compliant as it drew his hand forward onto the large sack which sat quietly underneath the shadow of Modo's monstrously larger form. Caressing the large mound of rubbery flesh caused it to start squirming, something which stunned the white mouse. Modo didn't let him pull away though as he used his long dark gold tail to hold the younger biker into place.

With Vinnie held securely in place Modo returned his focus onto his shuddering leader. 'Relax.' he mentally commanded, however it was very hard for Throttle to do as such, seeing as he was sinking down onto the purple rubber shaft. Realizing that the younger martian was not in a state of mind to comply with his directive Modo willed the eight inches of his manhood inside of his leader to extend outwards. Soon enough Throttle was moaning to the ceiling as strange tentacle-like extensions began squirming within his body. Modo chuckled as he watched his leader begin to hump up and down along his shaft.

It was very clear to him that in his current state the younger mouse was not going to be able to fit the full length of his two and a half foot manhood fully inside of his body, however that would change in time. First though, Modo needed to fully initiate his leader. Grunting deep and low the dark gold martian curled his arms tightly around Throttle's smaller body and then pumped his groin forward in slow measured arcs. When a large glob of the white latex within his testicles ballooned outwards and then up into Throttle's rear Modo knew that his leader was now completely contaminated; there had been a slight chance that the first pulse of his infectious essence might have been able to purged out of the younger biker mouse but the second pulse of his essence inside of the other had all but sealed his fate as a fully organic creature. The third was merely icing on the proverbial cake. However, all of this was a moot point when compared to what Modo's true goal was. Said goal became very apparent when, upon Vinnie squeezing his testicles in just the right manner, one of the bulges within his sack moved up through the tube of his purple shaft and into Throttle's rear end. The orangish-tan martian yipped as the mass squeezed deep into his guts and then held firm.

Modo chuckled at this.

Once he was sure that his leader had been seeded the dark gold martian gently pulled Throttle up from off of his manhood, consequently forcing out a white gush of his semen onto Vinnie. The larger mouse snickered as he watched the young biker cough and then sputter comically, however he kept a firm grasp on the smaller biker with his tail, the last thing he needed was for the younger martian to try and run away from him right now. Turning his focus back to his leader Modo carefully watched the reactions on Throttle's face as he slowly began to realize what had just happened to him. When the orangish-tan mouse's face scrunched up into a slightly betrayed looking expression Modo brought the other forward and then nuzzled him.

'Never hurt you.' he mentally promised.

And while all common sense told Throttle that this statement was one that he should HIGHLY question, the younger biker merely sighed and then nodded up at the older mouse.

Modo purred at the trust and acceptance that his leader had shown him, he now firmly believed that Throttle would be the best when it came to leading both him and their people once they were contaminated. Setting that thought aside for the moment Modo used his claws to gently tear the rest of the smaller biker's clothes from off of his body, marveling at the younger martian's tight muscular form as he did so, and then carefully set the other down onto the cool floor of the hive's sleeping area. Crimson eyes watched in almost perverse delight as Throttle reached out to poke at the large mound which had settled into his guts, the bulk of which quickly drew itself downwards as the egg 'hatched' inside of the orangish-tan martian. Throttle squeaked as he felt his insides churn in a very unfamiliar way before groaning out loud.

"Bro?!" Vinnie called out, even as he still attempted to wipe the sticky white gunk from out of his face.

'He's fine.' Modo reassured, thought Vinnie wasn't quite willing to believe that.

"It would be nice if I could see that for myself!" the white mouse complained.

Vinnie yelped as he found himself being dragged upwards to face the larger martian. 'I'll help with that.' the younger martian wasn't sure he liked the sound of what, especially so when the white goo on his face began to twitch and then flex. Vinnie yelped but was soon silenced when the latex tightly sealed itself around his itself around his face. Modo watched in silent amusement as the liquid rubber molded itself around the metal plate that was fixed firmly into the white mouse's skin, restoring his sight to him several seconds later as the contamination reconfigured his eyes, nose, and ears to better suit his coming evolution. The white mouse was not pleased by this, as evident by how he attempted to pry the substance off of him but in doing so he found that he only ended up hurting himself in the process.

'Not cool, bro!' Vinnie thought to himself angrily.

'Looks good on you.' Modo mentally replied, slightly amused that the other martian had adapted to their abilities so quick. Trailing an eye over to his leader the dark gold latex biker watched the other in in amusement. 'Will be even better once you are contaminated.'

'Huh?!' was about as far as the younger martian got before he suddenly found himself on his backside. Grunting in confusion, as he couldn't exactly see anything at the moment, Vinnie was startled to feel something long and thick tease against the cleft of his rear. 'B-Bro?! What are you...'

'Giving what you enjoy.' Modo teased before pressing the tip of his shaft into Vinnie. The white mouse squeaked deep into his throat and then began thrashing like mad, thankfully for the older martian his dark gold tail was able to keep the other from squirming out of his hold. Rolling his hips forward Modo groaned as the warmth within Vinnie's rear quickly wrapped itself around his manhood. Holding himself still when the first few inches throbbed inside of the younger martian's body Modo watched as Vinnie squirmed wildly underneath him, all the while his mind was filled with the inconsistent babbling of the smaller biker's mind twisting and turning on itself as both pain and pleasure curled around inside of his psyche.

'More?' Modo asked calmly.

'YES!!!' Vinnie shouted at the same time he gripped his gloved hands against the latex beneath his body.

'Little slut.' Modo watched as Vinnie shivered, the younger male always did enjoy being reproached for his sexual appetites. 'Will give you everything and more, but you need to accept this first.'

'Yes!! Please!!Please!!Please!!Please!!Please!! More! I...!!' Vinnie pleaded and cried and wriggled all at the same time as the larger form of his bro leaned down to nuzzle against the side of his rubber covered muzzle.

Pulling his hips back and then thrusting forward the older biker both watched as Vinnie tensed his body around his gargantuan form. Curiosity made him wonder as to how far he could push himself inside of the other and so with a gentle flex of his inner muscles Modo released a large glob of his white essence deep inside of the smaller martian. Vinnie shivered but didn't complain. Seeing this Modo waited a few seconds for the latex to meld inside of the white mouse's body before he then tugged himself free from the cloying depths of the other's tailhole.

Because of his angle the larger biker couldn't see the pucker winking almost desperately for him to return inside of it but he did certainly feel that rampant need as with a mighty jab of his hips Modo surged forward into Vinnie. The howl that came free from the white mouse's throat was like music to the larger mouse's ears, if only because he knew that this was exactly what the youngest member of the group both needed and desired, that he was able to get ten inches of his purple shaft inside of the other was just an extra added bonus to Modo. A growl tore free from the dark gold martian's throat as he began to slowly mate with the smaller male, the pressure of his testicles squirming beneath his body was not missed but the older biker held off fully contaminating the youngest member of their group, if only to see how far he could take things.

A moan over to his right drew Modo's attention away from Vinnie, though his instincts were as such that his pelvis continued to move on its own, the need to breed the smaller mouse into their ranks was just that strong. Crimson eyes watched in slight amusement as Throttle, who was now on his hands and knees, arched his body up and down onto the floor as the liquid latex pouring out from his body formed a large gooey puddle underneath him. Interestingly enough the dark slime was dark purple in color, Modo wasn't sure why this was, but at the same time he wasn't all that concerned, instead the larger mouse found himself watching in awe as his leader reached down to cup some of the goo into one of his hands.

Rolling over onto his back Throttle spread his legs wide and then splattered the dark purple goo onto his unsheathed manhood. Rubbing the sticky latex over and across his eight inch shaft the orangish-tan martian didn't stop to think about what he was doing as he reached down with his other hand to began palming at his tightly clenched testicles. The living latex was quick to help the other out with his physical stimulation of his body as slimy tendrils rose up and around Throttle, curling deep around the muscular mouse's torso, groin, and thighs. Once they had wrapped tightly around his prone form the liquid goop began to slowly massage Throttle, tugging hard onto his shaft at the same time two long tentacles slithered up and then into the tip of his manhood. The younger mouse squeaked while Modo chuckled. Throttle's shade covered face dipped down just in time to watch the purple goo filter down deep into his shaft, completely unphased by his long fingers curling around the outside of his shaft. When the long tendrils began rolling forward and then back into his shaft the orangish-tan mouse let out a long wail of undisguised pleasure, the fact that his sex was growing, both deep red and longer, was completely missed by the biker leader. Modo didn't miss this little fact however, though he chose not to make a mental comment as he gleefully watch the rest of the latex surrounding the younger mouse's body draw itself up along the length of Throttle's muscular form.

Modo grunted when a tight clench from Vinnie stimulated one of his eggs to travel up from his sack through his manhood, but by this time he was almost halfway buried inside of the white mouse who just so happened to be nuzzling himself as deeply as he could against the other. Sparing a second to nuzzle his face into the younger martian's cheek Modo let out a strong purr from deep within his chest. Vinnie squeaked at this, or maybe it was from the mass of pure latex pushing through the tip of Modo's sex deep into his guts. There was no way to be sure, but then again neither biker really cared as the clung deep into one another. Modo bucked his hips forward for several more seconds before slowly going still inside of Vinnie. The smaller mouse let out a cute little whine at this, to which the dark gold latex mouse simply chuckled at him.

'More later.' Modo said as he carefully tugged his shaft out from Vinnie's cloying depths. Once the large purple mass was fully free of the other's backside Modo clenched down once more, causing a spurt of white goo to shoot out onto the massive crater that was now the younger mouse's tailhole. 'Now it's time for you to join our leader.' Modo said as he crawled his way over to where the nearly fully covered Throttle was restlessly squirming onto the floor.

Once he was next to the other Modo gently tugged Vinnie's arms and legs from around his massive frame. Crawling backwards the larger martian watched as the white mouse looked up at him somewhat sadly, that was right before he found himself embraced by their leader. Turning his masked face towards the other Vinnie was treated to Throttle licking and kissing his face. Basic instincts made him return the favor, his long muscular arms quickly encircling their way around the older mouse as he humped forward against the other's latex covered thighs.

Modo watched all of this in silent approval.

Crimson eyes twinkled almost like twin stars as the oldest member of the gang took in the slow contamination that was overcoming his two best friends. For Throttle his change came along much more quickly of course, yet Vinnie's development was just as rapidly taking place as the egg inside of his stomach slowly depressed itself. A whimper escaped from the white rodent's throat as the latex underneath Throttle moved forward and then around his lower form. Neither mouse seemed to care about this, too caught up in their little maker out session, for his part Modo took slight note of what was happening, if only because he now knew what to expect when he and his bros contaminated the others of their kind.

As the minutes passed the rubbery goo on the floor slowly overcame the two martians, sliding almost seductively across the pair's thighs, on down to their muscular legs, and then finally covering their feet. Modo silently wondered if the living latex would create boots for his bros, and amazingly enough his question was answered as the goop wrapped around their lower extremities flexed, then darkened, before widened to give the two martian mice a pair of shiny looking footwear. Why the tips of Vinnie's boots became white Modo couldn't say, but he knew for certain that they would catch attention once the others of their kind were brought into the hive. A groan from both his bros refocused Modo's attention back up to their upper portions of their respective bodies.

The living latex, which had already traveled up across both of their stomachs, continued to travel up further and further, over their pectorals to their shoulder blades, before moving down their triceps to their biceps and then finally overtaking the martian mice's fingertips. The pair didn't seem to care as the dipped their heads down to begin nuzzling at their engorged crimson shafts. Modo had slightly paid attention to how the rubbery goo had infiltrated and then expanded his bro's manhoods but even he had to admit that he missed out on the work that the living slime had done, as evident by how both Throttle and Vinnie's shafts were now dark red in color and double their original size. Modo slightly wondered as to why the pair didn't seem to have the large concentrations of contaminate rubber within their now black testicles, but he simply assumed that perhaps because he was the first of their kind to be changed he was going to be the only one of them able to breed others of their kind into existence. This slightly worried the older martian, however his fears were placed to the side as he noticed white frothy latex sputtering its way out of both Throttle and Vinnie's shafts.

'Or maybe not.' Modo shook his head and then returned his focus back onto watching the last remnants of his bro's evolution.

Up across their necks the living latex moved until soon it covered both of their faces. Once they were fully encased within dark blue and dark purple rubber, respectively, Modo moved back over to his bros. Rubbing his head against the sides of their faces the larger mouse watched in silent joy as the rubber curled along both their heads, forming familiar lines and contours, until soon the familiar faces of Vinnie and Throttle stared back at him. Small red antennas quickly grew out from the tops of both martian's head, something for which against made Modo slightly curious, but ultimately ignore as he stared down into the 'eyes' of his two bros who gazed back up at him. Modo nuzzled his face deep into the green visor which now acted as visual receptors for Throttle before he then ran his nose over the blackened rubber plate which glowed with a gentle gold light along Vinnie's face.

'Bro,' Vinnie mentally said in a tone that would have been as breathless as he would have been had he still needed to breath.

'This is...amazing.' Throttle finished, his long gooey dark purple tail wagged behind him as if to add emphasis to this comment.

'Yeah.' Modo replied. Reaching down the larger rubbery martian took both of his bros crimson shafts into his cold rubber hands and then began to pump on them. 'And it's only going to get better from here.'

Throttle and Vinnie couldn't but agree with their bro, the thoughts of getting the materials needed to call the other members of their people here to this place forming within their collective thoughts.

An Adjustment of Priorities

Crimson laser fire tore through the metallic tower as the fight between three martian mice and horde of robotic sentries became ever more vicious. A few lucky shots were able to puncture through the barrier made from a desk and random bits of debris...

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Blue Dragon Dreaming Story Commissions Open!

Story Commissions Now Open! Will write 1000 word stories for $10! There is nothing that I won't write, but feel free to ask me if you're not sure. XD

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Lynel Heart

In hindsight he should have listened to his father. The older hylian had always told him to not overestimate himself just because of his lineage, however Kline was a hard headed elf. Stubborn, prideful, and very, very strong, the young blonde couldn't...

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