Kanga's Awakening - Chapter 3 - Seasonal Changes

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Kanga's Awakening

Chapter 3 - Seasonal Changes

© Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka: Anthony Wain)

19th May, 2010

All Rights Reserved

Christopher looked at the miserable expression of Eyore, then he felt guilty about excluding Eyore from the pleasures that he and Kanga had shared - and then he decided he would make it up to Eyore - as Eyore was Christopher's original night-time companion, but when Kanga was given to him, Christopher slowly fell in love with Kanga, and poor Eyore got seemingly forgotten...

"Eyore - I...please, forgive me - " Kanga sniffled, as she genuinely reached out to try and mend the rift that was forming between herself and Eyore.

"No Kanga," Christopher stammered, feeling hot, salty tears stinging the corner of his eyes. "Eyore's right - I used to do those things with him, when I was younger, then - I - I don't know why, but I just...it just happened Eyore, I - I'm sorry - I didn't mean to hurt you."

Eyore stared with a look of pure, abject misery, his drooping ears laying limply on the mattress, as he looked first at Kanga, then at Christopher - both Kanga and Christopher exchanged glances, then Christopher climbed down off the bed, naked as the day he had been born, and then knelt down beside the miserable Eyore - and placed a hand around Eyore's neck and pulled the donkey close. At first, Eyore resented the sudden show of affection, but a glance from Kanga, made Eyore's resolve falter, and he sighed and leant gratefully into Christopher's cuddle.

Just like that - years of neglect from Christopher and resentment and jealousy from Eyore, were washed away in that loving hug. Kanga looked at Eyore, who blinked away his own tears, then a weak smile curled Eyore's lips and he nuzzled Christopher lovingly, his warm breath making Christopher chuckle.

"Eyore...I - I mean - would - could we - " Christopher stammered, then looked at Kanga , who merely raised an eyebrow. "I...I want too - I want to please you Eyore - like...like what I tried to do, when I was younger - if...if you don't mind...."

Eyore flicked his ears, then rolled his eyes back to look at Christopher.

"I - I'd like that - " Eyore mumbled, his voice choked with his emotions. "I know - I can't hope too please you, but if - if you want too -"

Christopher nodded nervously, then looked over Eyore, whose front legs lay sprawled on the bed along with most of his weight, his short, almost stumpy, hind legs barely touching the floor. Christopher walked behind Eyore, who weakly raised his tail, then as if it was all too much, Eyore groaned and let his tail drop back to the ground and sighed tiredly.

"You never were very strong Eyore," Christopher chuckled and put his hands under Eyore's belly and began pushing.

Eyore grunted and squirmed, slowly wriggling his weight up onto the bed, where he lay with his hind legs folded under his chest, and his hind legs splayed either side of his body. As Kanga watched with interest, Christopher placed a thick pillow under Eyore's chin, then looked at Eyore, who glanced back from his heavy-lidded face.

"Comfortable?" Christopher asked.

"No, not really - " Eyore mumbled, then wriggled his hips, sighing as he tried to find a way to get himself comfortable.

After much pushing and shoving, Christopher finally got Eyore comfortable, another pillow was propped beneath Eyore's hips to lift his rump up slightly. Eyore wriggled until he was more comfortable, his short legs forelegs tucked beneath him, his hind legs splayed either side of the pillow, then he whuffled through his nostrils and Christopher glanced at Kanga, who merely smiled and nodded - then to Christopher's surprise, Kanga crouched down on to all fours, then nuzzled Christopher's semi-erect penis with her cold, wet nose.

"Hey - " Christopher gasped, as he gently pushed away Kanga's muzzle. "That tickles!"

"Well," Kanga smirked, then clasped Christopher's penis in both her supple paws, holding it gently between them, as she looked at it, then up at Christopher. "I don't think, you'll please Eyore much, with it like this!"

Christopher blushed deeply, feeling his semi-erect penis twitch in Kanga's supple paws. Before Christopher knew what was happening - Kanga lowered her head and her warm tongue slurped over and around Christopher's penis.

"Oh...oh god - " Christopher gasped, never realising such pleasure could exist.

Kanga giggled quietly, then folded her ears back, and cupped her paws beneath Christopher's penis, before she looked up at him, then just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, Kanga laughed delicately - then her muzzle dropped and she took as much of his penis into her muzzle as she could. Her warm breath rippled the pubic hairs on Christopher's groin, and her wet, slippery tongue washed over, then down and underneath his rapidly swelling erection. It didn't take long, before Christopher rested his shaking hands on Kanga's head, gently stroking her ears as Kanga closed her eyes and concentrated on what she was doing - listening intently to Christopher's gasps and panting, feeling the swelling organ in her muzzle slowly lengthening and firming.

Once Kanga was satisfied, she slowly pulled her head back, giving Christopher one last long, sensual lick with her warm tongue, before she looked down at his fully erect penis and noted the saliva that soaked it. Carefully standing back up, Kanga smiled and licked Christopher's face, then gestured with her left paw to Eyore, who still knelt on the bed, his drooping ears draped either side of the pillow and sighing softly.

"Go on, give Eyore what he desires Christopher, but remember - be gentle with him!" Kanga whispered into Christopher's ears.

Eyore raised one ear, then turned his head far enough to look at them from the corner of one eye, before he snorted and turned his head away.

"Be gentle? Bah - I'm not like you Kanga, Christopher can be as eager as he wishes, what do I care - "

"Oh, cheer up Eyore!" Kanga admonished the sulky Donkey.

Christopher nervously knelt behind Eyore, who gazed back over one grey shoulder, to look at Christopher, then he nodded once and Christopher carefully pulled aside Eyore's tail and looked down. Eyore's tight sphincter muscle looked impossible to penetrate, but Christopher held his slippery member in one hand, and gently rested the other on Eyore's rump.

"I don't have all - " Eyore suddenly gasped, his eyes widening.

Christopher pressed himself to Eyore's rump, guiding himself against that tight, puckered muscle - then to his surprise, thanks to Kanga's saliva, he slid almost effortlessly into Eyore. Eyore grunted and squirmed, feeling Christopher mount him, then for the first time in a very long time, Eyore actually smiled. Christopher gasped, feeling the incredible tightness and warmth - well beyond what he had experienced with Kanga, and he paused, but Kanga merely watched, then nodded and grasped Christopher's hands, sliding them down around Eyore's hips, and pushing them inwards. With a few awkward thrusts, which made Eyore gasp and grunt, Christopher got himself comfortable - then pressed his palms deep into Eyore's flanks and began tenderly rocking.

"Oh...oh Eyore - " Christopher moaned softly.

Eyore grunted and pushed back as Christopher moved forwards, and they established a rapidly increasing rocking motion against each other. Christopher's grasp on Eyore tightened, as Eyore increased his natural rocking motion - almost dismounting Christopher, then pushing back hard - Eyore's rump meeting Christopher's groin with a faint slapping sound. Encouraged by Eyore's movements, Christopher squeezed Eyore's flanks tight, then began enthusiastically humping against the Donkey's rump. Kanga watched with interest, her eyes widening as she realised just how eager Christopher could be, knowing she herself, could never be so enthusiastic with Christopher - but Eyore being larger in body, seemed to have no such worries.

For over an hour, Christopher and Eyore made love, and Christopher learned a secret about Eyore, he never knew - splayed over the broad back of the small Donkey, Christopher kept up his eager thrusting against Eyore's rump, then his hands reached out and grasped Eyore's ears. Eyore uttered a short, sharp barking-type sound, then his eyes snapped open as Christopher began to lightly rub and massage the long, floppy ears, as he thrust as hard as he could against Eyore's rump. Eyore gurgled and his eyes rolled, as his entire body trembled with pleasure - and his spincter clutched greedily at the humans member buried within it.

Kanga giggled, then watched as Christopher's eyes rolled back in his head and he began to pant in short, sharp bursts - before he dropped Eyore's ears, right before he gave one last, convulsive thrust and began shaking, his orgasm even more powerful than the last. Eyore winced, feeling the hot semen flooding into his body, but accepting it none the less, for the pleasure that Christopher had given him, in making love with him - especially as vigorously as he had. Christopher collapsed onto Eyore's back, his whole body shivering with post-orgasmic tremors, and his hot breaths rippled the fur on Eyore's neck.

Christopher gasped and shivered, laying sprawled over Eyore's back, and even Eyore felt the pleasure from their combined lovemaking - and a gentle smile touched his lips as he looked at Kanga, who lay sprawled on her back, her back propped up against the wall, one paw buried up to the elbow in her pouch, the other, she was using the soft, leathery paw pad to rub and massage her groin. Kanga giggled softly, not ashamed to be caught at masturbating herself, and Eyore merely rolled his eyes and grunted, before giving Christopher's wilting erection a gentle squeeze with his muscles.

"Well Eyore," Kanga groaned, as she continued pleasuring both her pouch and groin, trying to bring herself an orgasm. "Was it everything you hoped for - I know he never mounted you before - come close, yes, but actually - mounted? No."

Eyore squirmed and trembled, then whiffed through his nostrils and looked at Kanga, Eyore's eyes retaining their sad, mournful look - yet the weak smile on Eyore's lips said a different story altogether.

"It...him - I mean," Eyore mumbled, then shook his head, his long, floppy ears slapping against his neck. "I...it felt nice, having him, inside me - but when he - it..."

Kanga smiled, then rolled over to all fours, then crept over and pressed the paw she had been pleasuring herself with, against Eyore's lips. Instinctively, Eyore inhaled the scent of a very receptive Doe, and he moaned softly, before his long tongue flicked out and began licking Kanga's wet paw.

"Oh, I got something better for you to lick Eyore - I know...you're lacking - in some regards - " Kanga whispered, lifting up one of his ears, and breathing huskily into it. "Yet your tongue is - I imagine, quite - adequate."

Eyore whuffled again, then nipped Kanga's paw playfully with his lips, then winked suggestively at her. Kanga merely began caressing Eyore's ear, using her black claw tips to lightly scratch at the flesh beneath the fur.

"What about - " Eyore muttered, glancing back at Christopher, who still lay sprawled over Eyore's back, and still firmly inside the trembling donkey.

"Well," Kanga pondered, then winked again. "I'll try to help move him, if we can't - then I guess you'll have the pleasure of him inside you for some time Eyore - and I assure you - after he recovers, Christopher may well be ready to pleasure you again!"

Eyore uttered a low, groaning moan, rolling his eyes and trying to look miserable and apathetic, but his eyes sparkled with longing - and the smile that spread across his furred lips told the real story....

To Be Continued...

Kanga's Awakening - Chapter II - Eyore's gift

Eyore's Gift (c) Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka: Anthony Wain) May, 2010 All Rights Reserved Christopher looked out his bedroom window, watching the last of the fall leaves being shed from the Oak tree, just outside his bedroom...

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In My Masters House - Chapter Five - Lovers Bond (Final Chapter)

In My Masters House Chapter Five â€" Lovers Bond © Cederwyn Whitefurr 10th October, 2009 All Rights Reserved. When Kelsie awoke from her exhausted sleep, she found the bed empty. Blinking sleepily, she rubbed her eyes with her soft...

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In My Masters House - Chapter Four - The Ties That Bind

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