Drawing Prompt Revision

Story by cardia on SoFurry

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#2 of Stories from the Modern World of Huiop

Writing prompt: DrawingMain Character: Caroline MoriahHuman: 31 years oldBig Booty Pred. Usually pants tend to slip somewhat down her butt, showy but not obscene. Likes squeezing prey out of her butt. Gossipy but does have a nice pleasant side.Works at: Food and Beverage Company as a Lab Tech. Not full chemist, but more of an assistant.Minor mention of Heather, her boss.Lives in: Claby, has a house on West side, has one son and one girl and husbandSetting: Church (Slussas'mrisslussa) of Estosszoh of the Religion of Prymendo (Pesriserszohdesoss), where Desesevis (Devon) the Emerald Dragon is the founder, the kindly whole swallowing dragon, it is the religion of the pacivore non hurtful redirection of deadly vore into safe productive vore. Prey and pred are terms seriously discouraged and referred to as pesrissans't (pred) and pesers (prey). Along with chakra exercises and attunements to actually be able to physically do vore, they also practice subduing self defensive hand to hand techniques for capture and resistance. Vore (estwussanosswus wusssaossmosese) itself is the main sets of techniques and is practiced like a weapon where each vore technique and move has a dragon language name.From: Town of AuchtermuchtyFour Humans, 6 animals: Mynah bird, Parakeet, Porpoise, Lizard, Doe, RamWriting Process: 20 minute trial for word length for 4 parts in 80 minutes with 5 minutes each summings upHuman, Dale Ian, Enju (teacher priest); Human, Davin Jason, Enjo (attendant layperson); Human, Walker Landon; Human, Easton Sebastian, Mynah bird: Lily Adrienne, Parakeet: Irving Tate, Porpoise: Harley Matthew, Lizard: Reagan Cameron, Doe: Ingrid Natalie , Ram: Nathaniel DorianKaren the artist, a wildcatLanguages created and used: desrissanshe mosshes'msansheese - dragon languagedragon = desrissanshedevon = desesevisloving kind eating = mosossvis seydes esesans'tab c d e fghiJ KSan Sle Slu Des Ese Fsh She Ssa Kes Kos SeyLM N O P Q RS TU V WMos Zos Osh Oss Pes Soc Ris Est S't S'm Vis WusX Y ZSss Ers Szzfull body tour = fshs'm sleossdesers s'mriscarnivore = slusanrisoshkespredator = pesrissans'tprey = pesersstomach = osszohsanslussamouth taste = zohosss'm s'tsanesecapture = slusanpess'ts'msubdue = ests'msledess'mesebutt = sles'ms'ts't

Writen both as a request by Eggybread on discord and for the Thursday Prompt: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/32246856/

Posted using PostyBirb

?Carol stood in front of the belly of the statue of the dragon right in front of the bus stop. The statue was part of the wall that made up an old church in the old section downtown. She walked up to the front pulled open the double wooden doors and was bathed immediately in the musty smell of the interior. The hall ahead to the main hall was dark but she could still see the gleaming eyes of the status of Desesevis, or Devon the Dragon, the founder of the churches of prymendo. Carol didn't go toward there but turned to the left and went into a carpeted medium sized room. It had a mirror to the left wall and two doors to the locker rooms at the right end.

She hefted her gym bag over her shoulder and went into the ladies locker room. She paused to look at herself and her blonde hair and hourglass figure and smiled back. She put the gym bag down and got changed into a white t-shirt and tight purple stretchy pants. The pants she grinned feeling a slight turn on as they gripped her lower half and came up just halfway up her ass. She checked it in the mirror and it show half her butt as she liked just showing her crack but not too much. She put her gym bag away and walked back into the dojo.

Dale came into the dojo and walked up to her when he noticed her, "Carol, would you help us bring in the mats, please."

"Sure," she said, although when he turned to leave she looked down at her hand, it was still smarting from the hot beaker she touched at work. She was wearing a mit for grabbing hot objects but still felt it through there. She'd put it down but Heather wanted to file a report. Carol didn't want to as she didn't think it hurt that much. It didn't when they carried the mats in with Dale and Davin, the layperson that helped the priest out.

They rolled the mats out taking up almost the whole carpeted space with its rubbery smooth gray surface.

"How's your wife and kids, Dale."

"Oh, they're fine," He said plopping his end of the mat down, "The youngest had her birthday. Pizza and Ice Cream and had her friends over. The house is still looking a bit ransacked."

She laughed at that.

"How did your son do with his tooth pulled," Dale followed up.

"Oh, He was out and then was very high from the drugs. It was funny. I wanted to take a video and show him later but didn't."

"Aww," he said, that wouldn't be very nice.

"Yeah," she spoke grinning.

"Ok, you can do your chakra warm ups while the others arrive." Dale finished and started to leave but stopped and turned around looking shy, "Oh, we are going to have an artist sketch us for the circular today. Is that ok?"

She hesitated responding as she was not feeling right about that but then considered that her butt would look good and maybe a good picture for her husband. "Sure," she spoke.


She choose to wait until the other two humans arrived followed by the six animals in their group.

They came close and Reagan a green scaled lizard talked to Carol, "You think we'll do just zohosss'm today."

"I don't know," She said, "You know me. I like the fshs'm sleossdesers."

"Ugh, you like the whole way," Harley, a porpoise who just walked up, spoke.

"Okay everyone, this is Karen who I talked with you about She'll be sketching us," Dale announced.

Next to him was a wildcat carrying and easel, folio bag, and a toolbox. She grinned at them and started setting up in front of the mirrors facing them.

"While she gets ready. We'll do warm ups," Dale continued.

They did their chakra warm ups and stretches.

Dale's voice came over them, "Now, to finish off warm ups, pair up and do the zohoss'm s'tsanese."

Mouth tasting, she recalled the draconic meant. She cast about looking for a partner and settled on Nathan. He was definitely better than Harley who's flipper had tasted odd the other week.

"How about I do pesrisssans't first," the ram said with a twitch of his ear.

She tried not to look unpleasant but felt a lot like that. She didn't want to be prey.

"Sure," She presented her head and the ram glomped her head and she felt the warmth and wetness touch her head as he rolled his tongue around and sucked with his lips and pushed his snout around the top of her head.

"Now switch to another part," Dale spoke over them.

She presented her hand and he put his mouth over it sucking, licking it and getting it warm and wet. They switched up pred and prey positions. She didn't dare use the predator and prey names aloud as it was bad language to the church and considered vulgar. His horns tasted pretty good to her clean and smooth but rough. His hoof was the same way but thankfully clean.

"Ok. Today, we'll do the fshs'm sleossdesers technique. Remember to breathe and stay focused. Switch into the positions slowly, let me know if you need help. Oh, and with a different partner please," Dale spoke.

Carol and Nathan were about to pair up until he added the second part. Instead, Carol looked around and saw Lily the Mynah bird and they came together.

"I'll be pesers," She said looking bemused.

This made Carol smile. The bird was going to be Prey. She got herself into the proper stance and did the subduing take down.

Carol pulled Lily up to her mouth. The bird felt the human's mouth glomp her feathery head. Carol pulled her in completing the head entry to her mouth and pulled her back to her through. The bird made sure to position her head right at the entry into the throat as carol swallowed smoothly. She aligned her chakras to keep from panicking and to protect herself from the inside and Lily was squeezed and pulled and felt the swallowing muscles of the human as her head and her neck were pushed in.

Carol knew this was a difficult way to go in but flexed and pulled herself into a position so that the head and the spine of the bird did not have too much undue stress. Lily got to look at the passage down with ease barely any tension until she could see the stomach open and close ahead of her and she was pushed against it and squeezed inside the wrinkly orifice and squirmed into the fetal position. She bunched up in Carol's stomach.

Carol settled into a wide stance with her feet shoulder width apart. The bird felt this as a settling where she was butting with her butt on the bottom of the human's stomach toward the outlet. Lily moved around until her head was pointed that way. The smell started on her but she focus the vomitus odor out of her mind concentrating on breathing her chakras. The human's heart beat was noticeable as was the gurgling insides she was now in.

Carol felt warm and felt the movements of the bird in her and tingled at the sensation making a titter and grin and looked around embarrassed but everyone else was tending to a similar situation.

"Ok, now your prey is straddled," Dale's voice sounded, "Onto lower bowels after the first thirty minutes."

"Thirty minutes," she mumbled and hoped he didn't hear. Usually they did fifteen minutes in there. She stayed in the stance. Then she sat down cross legged, letting her belly smoosh onto her lap.

Lily noted that she wasn't pushed forward or felt gravity anymore but felt cradled so figured it was a wait. She didn't know how long. She felt the air get tight but focused drawing in chakra power to stay alive. Otherwise, she would die. Carol remembered to breathe and gulp in air every now and then to keep Carol alive. This gave Lily some thankfully cleaner air to smell. The thirty minutes were grueling. The next part would be much more movements then settling but she enjoyed the bird in her belly and put her hands to the bulges and caressed Lily inside her.

Lily felt the massage and settled down into a half sleep meditative state. Carol felt herself get wet at this. It made her instantly red but she brought back in her focus. She didn't want to kill the bird. She'd read stories about things going wrong online. Bird slaughter was as bad as human slaughter and the animals that had it happen in their church's dojo were put in prison for a few years.

Carol eventually roused when Dale indicated the 30 minutes were up. She leaned forward and the bird felt the rocking and knew it was time to descend into the human's bowels. The fit was tight but she inched further into the intestines with a sloorp gurgle. Lily was pushed along by the stomach muscles as it opened and closed her pushing her into the duodenum. She wormed her way through one bend and into another.

Carol stood up halfway and moved and shifted letting the weight of the bird move one side to another. It felt like she had an alien moving through her, a parasite worm. If she didn't find it arousing or wasn't focusing, she was sure she'd be pretty revolted by it. Instead she was turned on by it but shuffled and helped push the bird through feeling the bulge move and shift through her guts. The bird eventually butted against the opening to the human's large intestine.

Carol felt the bird gather to her right side near her lower belly and put a hand there smooshing her. The bird felt that and knew it was good to enter so slowly eased her way into the large intestine. She had to concentrate specifically here as the culminating smells were the most overpowering. She was starting to feel the fatigue as it was well into a few hours since she started.

Carol felt Lily squirm her way up the side of her belly, then across. The bird was much more relieved at the lessening tightness in the colon but personally would rather have stayed further in for longer. She pushed over and eased down toward the human's rectum pushing against the opening. Carol felt the pressure of needing to go to the bathroom. Her butt tingled at the prospect. She had to fight off the urge to be the most aroused now.

Carol pressed in on the bird bulge in her gut and the bird took the indication to push but slowly into the rectal area. The immediate entry of the bird made her doubly want to go to the bathroom. She held the bird in waiting a few seconds. She couldn't keep from feeling wet and looked around the room embarrassed but at the mixed expressions of those coming into the same predicament. Her feelings were mixed.

Lily's on the other hand was less so and she took the time to relax in the tighter rectum. Carol felt the bird bulging in her upper pelvic area and lower belly. She massages the area gently feeling it tender. The bird chuckled knowing that carol would have to release the muscles herself but she rubbed back that she was ready. The human flexed her stifling the moan as she took the most feeling she could pushing the bird down out of her anal passage.

The bird felt the squeeze tightly on herself but this was the first time she had reached an end like this. She felt more disappointment than anything. She noticed that carol was taking it slow and that was fine by her taking extra flexes on her muscles. She turned around in the anal passage as she was pushed out. Carol was deliberately squenching her butt and flexing her anal to push the bird out but to savor every moment. Carol looked for the artist but the artist was sketching from another angle. This made her stop, but the bird started squirming so she pushed and clenched and took as much pleasure as she could. She enjoyed this part the most, and pushed Lily and clenched her butt, slowly, feeling the bird's head, body, and finally legs and feet push on out with a wet plop down behind her. Her pants were most of the way down from it exposing her butt and she pulled them back up in modesty. They hesitated a moment the bird curling up in the spot she plopped down into gathering her chakra energy as did carol standing next to her.

Carol grabbed a towel for each of them that Dale had set out on the side of the dojo and they cleaned themselves off with that.

The others finished sometime after and then the artist waved to them after she packed up and left.

"Thank you all, you did well, didn't have to help any of you out much. Very pleased. I will see you here next week with copies of the circular with our sketches in it."

Gained a Cold

?Gained a Cold Brett grabbed and played with his belly in the mirror pinching and putting a scaly arm under it to let it droop over his arm. The rainbow trout coughed loudly and then heard a moan from the bed behind him. He ignored it and continued...

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