The Gift, Richard's Story Line
And now, with voting concluded, we can announce the cast: human: richard spirit: balam the jaguar spirit spirit: sabhàna the wolf spirit spirit: treboada the wolf spirit spirit: jack the gryphon spirit voting is now closed, so this is the roster for
The Gift, Edward's Story Line
Edward was selected to be the human protagonist for story line P. Thus far we have two of five main characters selected: Human: Edward Spirit: "The Ancient One", the Dragon/Serpent Spirit Spirit: Treboada the Tribal Wolf Spirit ...
Week 7- Anxious House
Here's how to vote: leave a comment below or pm houndlover56 with the contestant you'd like to see come back into the house. only three votes per viewer. votes are valid until friday, june 3rd at 11:59:59pm est.
The Guilded Cage, It's Pronounced "Cameo"
Okay-- let the votes begin!
Alexander's Vote of Approval
"well you have cecilia and josh's approval and now you have mine. 3 votes for you to become a demi god. lets see if father will accept it tomorrow...." said alexander smiling. i was happy at this.
My Top 25 Songs of All-Time!!!
My Top 25 Songs of All Time (In Order) Say in the comments section of the song YOU LIKE the most. I will see who the winner is at the end of every month. (Exactly 100 minutes of music) List of Songs: 1. The Cleansing by Mirrored Theory/// 3:30 2....
Let's Make a Story #2! (FINISHED)
vote one what you want to be in my next big story. just leave a comment with your choices and i'll tally them all up at then end. the voting is finished!!! - story to come soon.
FINISHED - Let's Make a Story (Voting)
I'm going to cobble together some lists of possible characters, settings, plots, kinks etc. and let you guys vote on which you think are the most provocative, fitting, interesting etc.
A Little Sneak Peek For DMON.
As i asked before that the reader will vote on whether he accept or decline the offer. so i gave thee a sneak peek on thy choices: accept: the situations at tense and al will give the final answer to the clockmaker.
Rocket's Rocket - November Rule 34 Story #2 (Teaser)
Want early access to these stories and your chance to vote on the next stars? join my patreon!
Hey Now, You're An All-Star (Pt. 1)
voting ends on january 21st at 11:59:59 est.]]