The Master's Favour

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Two members of a harem awaken early, and find themselves in conflict over who gets to give their master his first orgasm of the day.

This story was written for Handofblades as part of my patreon request days for the month of October. It contains M/M and M/F sexual acts between consenting adults. :3

The Master's Favour

As Caleb awoke, he instinctively rolled over towards his master. He wanted to be closer to him. He wanted to be there for the giraffe who had given him so much, offered him a life of the utmost luxury and joy in exchange for only gratitude and love that the jaguar had already been more than happy to give. He purred loudly as the man of his dreams came into view, pulling himself slightly more upright upon the lavish bed which didn't so much rise up from the floor of this chamber but cover it almost entirely. Rich blankets, pillows, cushions and other soft furnishings were spread out all over the giant, cosy mattress, and it was amongst those objects that the master lay upon his back. A woman, an antelope with long red hair and curved horns, rested her head in slumber upon his chest, the fingers of one of his hands resting tenderly within the curls of her hair. By his feet, another woman slept curled up in a sweet little ball, the fennec's tail twitching as she cuddled it against her chest like a security blanket.

He could hear no other sounds of movement from the other seven or eight members of the harem, slumbering spread out around the large and ornately decorated chamber. Thus, with a broad grin spread over his features, Caleb rolled onto all fours and began to quietly crawl towards his master. Towards the man whom he lived to serve, and the rigid morning wood rising up from the giraffe's crotch, its glorious ten inch length hovering upright a few inches over the master's lean stomach. The jaguar licked his lips, inching closer and closer, quiet and secretive as he could. It was so rare that he got this chance. So rare that he had the opportunity to claim this first act of the day unchallenged. To suckle upon his master's cock, to welcome his master back to the waking world with his first orgasm of the day solely and completely thanks to him alone.

Ever so carefully he reached out and caressed the giraffe's large, hefty balls, cupping and squeezing them with the greatest care within one hand. He leaned over his master's body, muzzle already open, and planted a soft kiss upon the shaft of the giraffe's cock. It twitched approvingly, straining and flexing upward for a moment and bumping up against the tip of the jaguar's nose. Caleb growled in amused approval, and drew a deep breath as his hand slid up away from his beloved master's balls, gripping gently at the base of his cock and holding it upward so that he could better engulf it between his lips.

Before he could do so though, Caleb felt a gentle tug at his tail. His eyes widened and his head darted around, barely stifling a groan of frustration when he saw the fennec still lying on her side at the foot of the giraffe's body, but now with her eyes open and one arm outstretched, holding onto the very end of his long, lush tail. Before he could say anything, before he could react to her presence the plump canid dragged herself up onto all fours and crawled around the other side of their master. She licked her lips, and shamelessly before Caleb's gaze she reached out and ran her fingertips down the underside of the giraffe's sizeable member. It twitched once more. It strained and pulsed against her lingering touch, and as a tiny drop of pre-cum appeared at its very tip, the fennec darted forward and swept it up with a flick of her tongue.

Under his breath, quietly as he could, Caleb growled at the invading woman.

"I... I was here first, Sumira."

The fennec raised an eyebrow at the feline male, and sure enough he sagged in frustration, knowing how weak an argument that was. She had been with the harem even longer than him. If anything she was probably his main rival for their master's affections, with even the next most devoted of the group a distant third to them both. He couldn't trick her or coax her into simply giving him this time with the master. But... if she was indeed as smart as him, and as well versed in the harem's workings, then surely, just as Caleb knew was the case for himself, she had her price.

"If you let me suck him off, I... I'll eat you out. Twice."

The fennec smiled. She licked her lips and seemed to consider this offer for a moment or two. As she saw Caleb's hungry gaze darting away from her and back to their master's cock however, as she saw his hand squeezing at the base of their master's vast member and his muzzle bowing low to plant a flurry of tender kisses upon its head before stealing the next few drops of dribbling pre, she whined and shook her head.

"No deal. S-sorry, Cal. I want master's cum in my belly. I want him to know it was me who gave him the first orgasm of the day. You know what that means as well as I do, and you know it's worth so much more than just a couple of orgasms... no matter how good you are with your tongue."

Caleb groaned, but he didn't stop trying. He looked at Sumira, then at their master's swollen cock, and he reached between his own legs to stroke at his own straining seven inches. The fennec had a hand between her legs too, and he could see it moving, masturbating her as she began to tease their master's length once again with her free hand and eager maw.

"W-what if it wasn't a certain thing. What if we made this interesting. A challenge to decide who gets master's cock."

The fennec lifted her head, tongue lolling out, eyes glimmering with interest as she loomed over the giraffe's erection. She drew her surprisingly long wet tongue back into her maw, giggling with delight and interest.

"Go on..."

Grinning, Caleb drew back from his master and crawled around the length of the still sleeping giraffe's body to join Sumira in the dim, flickering light of the lantern lit room. He moved in close to her ear, and despite their rivalry couldn't help but nuzzle tenderly against her cheek before moving closer still to whisper his idea.

"We fuck. R-right now. We keep it quiet, but... we fuck each other, and... the first to cum gives the other the chance to drink master's first load of the day."

Sumira smiled, murmuring happily under her breath as she removed her paw from between her legs, suddenly no longer quite so interested in driving herself closer to orgasm.

"Interesting. I like it. But... I don't like the idea of being left hanging when I win. How about this. Same rules, but while whoever wins sucks master off, the loser has to keep on pleasuring them. Has to make sure that they cum while they pleasure master. A doubly sweet, doubly fun victory."

Caleb grinned.

He pulled Sumira away from their master's cock, grasping at her wrists and pinning them down to the soft sheets and pillows beneath them. He straddled her, and let loose a soft, muffled laugh when she grinned and rolled them sharply over once more, leaving him pinned beneath her.

"I'm gonna milk you dry, just like I'm going to do to master."

She straddled his cock, moaning as she felt the jaguar assisting, guiding his erection home. They pressed against one another, flinging their faces into the crook of the other's neck to muffle their moans and whimpers as their needy, eager bodies were united. It felt incredible, but Sumira tried her very hardest to hold back, to not let the pleasure consume her as she began to rock and grind down against the feline male's member. She still shuddered in excitement though, fighting back the instinct which told her to urge the male on in fulfilling his promises when he growled back at her.

"I'm gonna make you squirt so hard you'll wish you'd beaten me just so master's cum could help rehydrate you."

They blushed. They grinned. They giggled under their breath as they began to rut feverishly against one another. At first their eyes continued to dart back and forth between one another and their master, but soon enough, as the pleasure between them began to intensify and they became ever more focused on the task of making their harem-mate lose control while not doing so themselves, they ceased paying any attention to the slumbering, still rock hard and now pre-cum dripping giraffe. At times, it was hard even to remember that they were supposed to be trying not to cum. That they were doing anything more than enjoying the body of one of the few people in all the world who truly understood just how blessed they were to be here, to share in their master's life and in his bed each and every day.

"F-fuck... oohh, oh Caleb... y-yes..."

"Gods, Sumira. You're so tight, so hot. So... so beautiful."

They rolled over upon one another. They writhed and whimpered and bucked feverishly against their lover as the pleasure of their shared exuberance began to override all other considerations. They clung to one another. They blushed. They nuzzled, rubbing noses and panting heavily as lips met in brief, fevered kisses.

Indeed, the two were so caught up in one another's bliss that they didn't notice a third pair of eyes opening within the harem's chamber. A head rising from the chest of the giraffe to whom every last person in this room was so gleefully devoted.

Jane sighed happily as she felt her master's fingers still lingering in her hair, exactly how she had fallen asleep with him stroking her after their final, fevered mating of the day. She had been the first to make him cum that prior morning, and as such it had been her who was first to receive his attentions when his time allowed it. Her who reaped the benefits of his generosity in exchange for her own. It had been a truly wonderful day, but... never in her wildest dreams had the antelope imagined that it might only be the first of two.

She extricated her hair from her master's touch and snuck quietly down his body, disguising her motions alongside the rocking, the shuffling, the muffled but audible moans of the fennec and jaguar somehow fucking one another while entirely ignoring the fact their master's manhood was unattended and in need. She shivered in delight, reaching out with both hands and boldly, shamelessly beginning to squeeze his large balls just as she had the day before. And sure enough, as her more firm and passionate touch roused the slumbering giraffe, he raised his head just in time to see her soft lips sliding around the tip of his cock and engulfing its length against her tongue and soon down the back of her throat.

David watched, rising up onto his elbows with a happy moan, his newest addition to the harem proving her devotion yet again. He watched her bobbing and hungrily suckling on his morning wood, and shuddered in bliss as his eyes rolled back, feeling pre-cum drooling from his tip and feeling the stirrings of yet more as she continued to massage and tease his balls. As more of the giraffe's mind rejoined him in the waking world though, he also noticed something else. He raised an eyebrow, chuckling as he glanced to his right and saw two of his other, more experienced harem devotees writhing and wrestling around together, moaning, kissing, fucking feverishly as they did so.

He smiled warmly.

Normally those two were so competitive. Far more likely to fight over him than to fool around together. But, he was glad to see them doing what they had obviously done. Glad to see those two taking an interest in ensuring that more members of the harem got a chance to learn and gain their own experience, so that they could become as masterful at knowing what their master wanted as Caleb and Sumira did.

He would have to reward them for their generosity, for their kindness to Jane in letting her have yet another day as his most favoured lover.

But not right now. Right now they seemed to be more than content rewarding one another. And right now, he had a very personal reward indeed to deliver to the antelope suckling and slurping him ever closer to his first orgasm of the day granted by her touch. No doubt the first of a great many, which he would oh so eagerly return in kind

By Jeeves

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