Joining Epona's Herd

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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When a man buys an island to entertain himself, he finds out that there is an ancient civilization waiting there for him to join them.

Sean drew in a breath, his chest swelling out in pleasure as he drew in the crisp fall air that was surrounding him and making a smile tease the edges of his lips. For the first time in his life he was actually outside of the city, as far as he could get, in a cabin that was nestled on an island that was settled far out to sea, the only residence perched on the green hills and the sprawling spill of the forest. The island was his, finally his, after spending months in negotiations for the estate, finally a gift to his hard work and small empire that he had grown over the last few decades. It was finally coming to a head, giving him the reward that he had so longed for after endless hours in the office.

The mainland of Ireland wasn't so far away from the island, he could easily get there by boat or helicopter if he had need, but while he was here, no one that he didn't want to come here could reach him. He had spent a great deal to get the place hooked up with solar power and one cell phone tower that would allow him to maintain contact with his company if he wanted too. All of it had been cunningly disguised so that it didn't interfere with the beauty of the land around him, the almost mystical aura that surrounded him.

Eihn La Epona was an island that had stories and myths about it that had made most of the native Irish shy away from wanting to actually live on a place that was said to be the birthplace of all equine kind. It was the cradle of Epona, a place that was filled with the old magic, where humans were not welcome except for brief visits. Even the island itself was in the shape of a horse's head with a thick arched neck, helping to increase the whispered stories about the magic that dwelled here. And he could easily see why they felt that way, especially as the evening came with a trail of fog that rose up from the sprawling series of ponds and bogs that were nestled at the base of the hills.

_I should set up some pasture land and bring some horses in, or perhaps look into starting a herd of wild ponies here. Certainly this place would be magical for them. _ He thought idly as he watched a pair of red deer trotting their way across the tree line.

He took a drink of his tea and rested his shoulder against the rough wooden post of the porch, listening to the sounds of the wildlife. This was the sort of place that were hard to find in the modern world, a taste of what life had been like before people had begun to take over and build cities. It made him start to relax and his eyes lidded as the sun began to set and darkness was sprawling over the area. The flash of fire flies were beginning to light up, looking very like spirits dancing on the warm air. Fall still hadn't brought the sharp chill that would soon drive him to closing up the windows of his home and starting up the wood burner for warmth.

He sipped his drink and began to simply soak in the calm surroundings of his new home away from home. The darkness was growing by the moment and he didn't feel any urge to go in, not when he was basking in the pure pleasure that came from not having anything particular to do and no one bothering him. His phone had even been left in the bedroom, forgotten since he had decided to go entirely offline for his first week spent here. It didn't take long before he forgot his tea entirely and the night insects began to sing sweetly. His attention turning to a lazy drowse... until the sound of laughter reached him.

It was echoing and strangely hollow sounding, a burst of noise where there shouldn't have been any, making Sean startle entirely awake and stiffen up. It was sweet sounding, female, filling the air so that he moved towards the end of the porch with a frown, his brows furrowing as he saw something flashing near the forest. It was brief, a flicker of movement as if a deer had gone running across the ground in front of the tree line. If it hadn't been for the laughter that was filling the night air he would have dismissed it as just the wildlife, but there was another serious of giggles that drew his eyes to the movement.

"Hello?" He called out, narrowing his eyes a little bit, his eyes trying to fixate on the sight of movement.

It wasn't pitch black yet, that was the only reason that he was able to see that the shapes weren't human at all, but they weren't animal, at least not strictly animal. The two forms were on two legs, bent legs almost like a deer before they passed right out of the darkness of the woods and into the lighter portion of the cleared area around his cabin. They were flashing with long banner like tails that flowed behind them as a pair of two legged horses flashed out closer towards the cabin, dark forms chasing one another with tails that were flowing like a banner behind them.

They were unearthly looking as they moved about with a grace that should have been impossible on the flashing hooves. They were laughing, entirely nude and curved beneath the edge of the rising move as they tumbled and chased one another, utterly oblivious to the fact that a human was watching. They were a perfect mix of human and equine, soft and full looking breasts were tipped with nipples that jutted out and one of them had flashes of metal as if they were pierced. Their ears were twitched up high on their heads with thick manes that were braided and bedecked in a primal way that made them look even more unearthly.

"The hell..." He breathed out, his eyes widening to show an edge of white as his heart began pound faster, throbbing in his ears.

He felt frozen, barely able to move as there was a flash of one tail and he came aware that one of the females, the shorter one, appeared to be a bay sort of color, the other only slightly lighter. They were moving out into the light, closer towards his house and he found himself moving off of his porch as the pounding of hooves swept by him. They were going back towards the forest, the taller one darting away with a whickering call that echoed strangely. Fog was roiling towards them, being parted and swirling towards the edge of the forest, the fireflies lending it an eerie glow.

They were...beautiful, their bodies moved with an easy grace on their long bent legs, high stepping as the warm curved bodies jiggled slightly with each step. The equine heads were crowned with slender muzzles that led towards velvety soft lips, the nostrils flare open wide with each breath. He felt himself drawn to them, the music of their play caused him to feel slightly heavy and his mind was slowing down. There was a flash of a tail again, the swing of it showing a plush full rump briefly, making him want to see more.

The back of his mind gave a tremor of alarm as he found himself moving further away from his porch. There was something incredibly wrong with what he was seeing, something that shouldn't have existed and that should have made him wary about what he was seeing. He was smarter than this, but even as he contemplated going back to the safety of his house, the mares let out another laugh. The sound ringing loudly and alluringly as there was a flash of a long tail as they disappeared into the woods and he felt a lurch of fear at seeing them disappear entirely, the fog swallowing them.

"Wait!" He cried out and began to run after them, the distant sound of laughter fading away. "WAIT! WAIT FOR ME!"

"Then hurry!" A female voice, the Irish accent giving it a slight lilt as it urged him on and he ran into the swirling fog of the forest.

"Don't get lost!" Another voice trilled back and he stumbled through the forest, seeing moving just head of him.

He pushed through the bushes with a wild caress of need that confused him, making it harder to feel the worry that was nibbling at the back of his mind. He couldn't concentrate on it, not for long, not when he was experiencing a strange flush of anticipation. He struggled and ignored the way that some of the branches slapped against him, instead he kept his sight on the movement in front of him. He nearly fell down the line of a hill when he saw the paler of the two mares stopping head of him, her white starred head watching him as the moonlight revealed the full rise of her very human-like breasts.

He froze and felt the heat rushing to his cheeks, unable to say anything, his mind refusing to work for a moment as a smile spread her soft supple lips. There was a startling flash of white teeth as she didn't run away, instead she whickered a thick throat sound of laughter that caused him to shiver. It was answered with another sound that came from his left and he swung around to see the bay mare was at the other side of the small opening, her ears up and her breathing heavy from her run.

"I.." He started, feeling tongue tied while the paler of the two mares came forward with her braided tail swinging back and forth. "W-what are you?"

"Epona's Children." She answered, her brows raising a little bit as her necked arched in the same way that he'd seen real horses pose. "Surely you came here seeking Epona's Gift."

"I'm Sean." He said, stumbling over his words as the bay moved in from his left, her eyes glittering in the rising moonlight. "I've never seen anything like you..."

"It has been so long since we've had visitors." The lighter mare said with a sweet little sigh. "My sister and I have longed for company. I am Song, my sister is Dance..."

Sean could feel the heat beating in his ears, the embarrassment and arousal were warring against one another so it became harder to put his thoughts together. It was confusing him to the point that he was struggling to make his thoughts work, especially as Song came with a little sweep of her tail, approaching him until he could pick up the slightly sweet scent of equine on the air. It was a heady mixture that left him uncomfortably aware of the fact that it wasn't unpleasant in the least bit, especially as she came in close enough that she could reach out to brush a finger along his covered chest.

Her nails were thick and heavy, more so than any human, and she only had three thick fingers a smaller thumb. She stroked his shirt curiously as her sister came up and the bay mare gave him a bump from behind, confusing him and making him swallow. His tongue felt dry in his mouth as he felt his body responding with a powerful surge of need, making it impossible to keep his thoughts clear, especially as she pressed against him and gave a playful glide of her own hands against his hips. The fingers gave a kneading squeeze, tugging him in close.

_This.. This is impossible. _ He thought and licked his dry feeling lips before Song laughed and pressed her soft equine muzzle to his own.

He was shocked with the delicate touch of the lips against his own, the softness caressing in a way that was absolutely not like anything he had felt from a human. His body was suddenly pressed against her own as her lips pressed a bit more firmly against him when he leaned into the touch with a soft sound. The whickering laughter behind him was alluring and suggestive as the hands on his hips began to draw his shirt upwards, tugging and coaxing it higher and higher up. It sent a shiver all the way down his spine, a rush of arousal that made him feel a flustered squirm of delight at the way the lips pressed with more force against him.

His mind was starting to try and struggle with what was happening to him, but his body was far more interested in what was happening with it as opposed to concerning himself with the fact that he shouldn't allow the mares to caress him. His eyes narrowed a little and then he felt the warm full tongue of the mare curling against his own, his own lips locked tightly against hers and he pressed forward. The sweet earthy scent of the mare was filling his nose as his shirt was being pushed up and Dance pressed against the line of his back.

He felt the warm breasts pressed against him firmly, pinning him down with just enough force that he was shivering a little bit and he flushed as he felt his body starting to react. He moved his hands out and touched the bare smooth coat, caressing downwards with a rub as the paler male pulled backwards with a wet lewd noise. He panted out, gasping a little as his shirt was drawn up and over his head, his bare chest feeling the brief caress of the fingers teasing down a bit lower so that he felt a flash of raw heat running over him.

The thoughts that were warning him that he should back down was rapidly leaving him and being replaced with the urge to press forward against the female. His shirt was tossed to one side carelessly, barely a care taken for anything as he felt the fingers flexing down to squeeze right against his stomach. He could feel his pants tightening oddly as lower parts of his body began to respond, making sure that he was put on edge and shuddering slightly in response. He moved his own fingers down to glide right against the lower curve of the belly, thumb slipping to trace the dimple of the navel.

Her sleek coat was warm feeling, growing silky as he fluttered back and forth before soft thick lips brushed against the nape of his neck. The whickering laughter delighted him in a way that made his lips twitch up and his mind began to feel heavy and fogged over. There was no part of him that was working the way he expected it to. His cock was straining harder against his pants while Dance gave him a playful push downwards, nudging with just a little more eagerness.

"You should put that mouth to work, it has been too long since my sister has enjoyed a warm tongue and lips." Dance said as he was suddenly feeling his lips pressed right against the warm full breasts.

He didn't try to argue, not when his lips were brushing right up against the swell of the tightened nipple. He blew out a warm breath and then flicked his tongue out to brush right over the taut nub. The taste of it was sweet and he pressed forward, spreading his lips open wider and wider, his tongue gliding upwards beneath it as Song sucked in a breath and pressed forward. His lips glided to either side, caressing and trailing an edge of saliva against her as his hands mounded up to either side.

With him bent over, the other mare was pressed against him in a more masculine way, but there was nothing masculine about the touch of her fingers that ran right along the bulge of his groin. He let out a ragged sound of pure pleasure while he suckled further along the tight stiff nipple. His tongue rolled back and forth beneath the ridge, flickering playfully as he heard the mare let out a sound of pleasure. That made him shift his weight in place while he drew his head backwards a little, nuzzling between both of the full breasts one after another, teasing against them as his hands began to glide playfully along her hips.

He didn't care if this was all some sort of crazed dream, all he cared about was the rush of pleasure that was vibrating through him. His cock was thickened hard and stiff inside of his pants as Dance rubbed along his back, caressing him intimately, teasing with just enough force that he felt his body starting to shiver in place. The small tremors that rippled down the line of his back were building as he used his teeth to playfully tug against the tip of one nipple. The hot breath panted out warmly against her and he rolled his hips forward as the fingers on the bulge of his pants massaged again. The gentle touch causing him to let out a guttural moan of pure pleasure.

"We need to get these pants off..." Dance murmured in his ears softly. "Silly creatures, you humans, wearing pants when it's so much better to be without them."

"Oh yes... we must have those off if we're going to really have fun." Song responded and all Sean could do was moan in pure pleasure as he twisted his tongue beneath the stiff nub.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Song felt the human trembling in her hold, his scent rich and mingled with his obvious need as her sister continued to slide his pants off of him. She did it with a practiced twist and turn, making sure that he was paying attention to them alone rather than the rest of the forest. It had been so long since a human had come on this day, alone and ready for them, so long that they'd barely believed it when he had been waiting there near his cabin for them. He wasn't like the humans that had once been here, he was dressed different, his accent wasn't right in the least bit, nor did he even know their true names. Not that it mattered, not when he was trembling with eagerness and she could feel the trembling lust growing for them.

She coaxed him further, her eyes lidding as his tongue swept along her dark nipples again, rubbing under before there was another run of his teeth that made her moan out in pleasure. He was wriggling and shifting, pressing in closer while her sister gave another little pull, sliding free the human shaft from the material. It wasn't impressive in the least bit, but what human could ever be compared to a stallion? She let out a little laugh and moved her hands to glide down his back, distracting him while Song lightly stroked back and forth along the length of the twitching arousal.

He let out another little moan, a sweet burst of noise that filled the air while he didn't do anything to stop his grown need from getting more and more desperate. It was that lust that was working to blind him to what was happening around him, not that it was terribly hard, not when they were working with the very magic that was a part of this island and on the night of Epona. It was clinging in the very fog as she raised her eyes to see the pale flash of movement just beyond the trees. The breath was hot against her nipple as the man's hands reached up to cup her breast as the powerful form of the stallion solidified.

Capall's eyes were sapphires in the moonlight with the length of his mane falling along his neck, dyed blue so that the streaks blended through with the pattern that spread over his handsome face. He was large and heavy bodied, towering above even her sister and herself by over a foot of muscle. He was nude and confident, his tail raised up behind him as he watched them with the possessive air of any stallion with his mares, the sway of his hips showing off the weighty pouch of his sheath that was bouncing back and forth along his lower belly. The nostrils flared wide, drawing in a breath as he stepped forward and she felt her body responding instinctively to his presence.

The human's tongue worked down against him again, the tip of the tongue pinned against the ridge of his nipple and gave it another pull, obviously thinking that he was the reason she was reacting. She looked up towards her sister as the girl grinned and moved to one side, sliding her hand smoothly along the length of the cock, pumping it so that his hips were twitching and he was lavishing another swing of the tongue under the weight. The panting breath was shaking a little bit as he massaged gently back and forth, the light touch pulling in a teasing little flex.

Not that the man would have any chance with either of them, not with the powerful stallion walking towards them slowly, quietly. She had once been a man like this, so had her sister, both of them had once come to this island on the night when the magic was pulling and powerful. Of course, they had come knowing what would happen to them, this man, this trembling and moaning man, seemed utterly ignorant of the glory that was going to be waiting for him at the taste of the stallion's seed.

"So eager.." She murmured and exchanged a look with her sister, their lips parted in a sly smile.

The stallion was the key, the magic of the island was surging through him, graced with the single drive and desire to grow his herd. It had been too long since he had had a new member and she could already see the pale pink length of his cock starting to grow larger by the moment, extending showing the blunt fat glans drooping downwards. It made her body tense in reaction, her breathing speeding up before the man against her arched up with a moan. Her sister's deft hands keeping his thoughts fogged and contained only one what was happening with him currently. He wouldn't realize what was going on until it was too late.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Gods.. you are... amazing.." Sean panted out in reaction to the way that he was being handled, feeling the warmth spreading rapidly with each passing moment.

The world was fading away into the background, his body throbbing with arousal as the bay mare rubbed along his cock with her thick strange fingers. The light touches were starting to dance against the tip of his drooling cock and he tried to shift upwards, but when he did, the paler of the two laughed and pressed her breasts right up against his face again. The soft dancing of the fingers on his cock began to grow bit more eager as he started to suckle against one of her nipples, greedily drawing against it as he allowed himself to relax into their eagerness and touches. They were so greedy for him and he was basking in the attention, even if it really were a dream, it was a vivid one and he was eager to make it last.

The fingers on his cock began to knead with a bit more force as Song pulled his head up and kissed him again. Her tongue filled his mouth and he moaned against her as his hips twitched forward, imagining the way that she would feel pinned beneath his weight and her body opening up around his painfully hard cock. It was a vision that made his hips twitch again, grinding forward with a series of rolling thrusts that fed his length into the grip of the hand and his legs spread open a bit wider. The other hand began to glide right against the underside of the balls, kneading and rolling back and forth lightly.

"He's nearly as eager as a little stallion." Dance laughed softly, cooing a little bit as the fingers started to work down around his base and made him shudder and give another wild buck forward.

"Oh yes, it's been far too long." Song murmured and her fingers slid along the line of his jaw. "Such a talented mouth."

"Yesh.." He slurred out the words with another tremor that hit him, flushing down the line of his back until he was barely able to make his mind work the way he wanted it too.

There was another pump that smoothed against his length and his entire world narrowed down to the moment of pure pleasure rolling through him. He didn't care about anything except the way that his heart was beating wildly in his chest and the sensation of the mare's caressing him. Hands pressed right against the small of his back and he didn't think about it, didn't experience anything besides an added pleasure that came when the fingers teased against the small of his back and the weight pressed down against him. Song's laughter was sweet as she pushed his lips downwards, teasing along her belly as there was a glide of touch along his hips.

He could imagine Dance pressing against him, so eager as she fondled him, her fingers running right up against the tip of his cock with a delicate stroke that caused him to pant heavily. Sean didn't feel the actual slide of the white stallion against him, the towering equine looming above him as inch after heavy inch of the swollen flesh drooped down from the sheath. It was thickening by the moment. The pink flesh drawing tight along the glans as he felt a brush against the crease of his ass. In his own mind, he imagined Dance stroking him delicately, rubbing him and he arched into the touch with a groan.

"That's right, oh that lovely tongue.." Song crooned. "You are wasted at being a human."

"I'd make a.. rrrf.. better stallion..." Sean answered, but he wasn't really listening, not when a thumb pushed right up against the tip of his sensitive cock.

His fingers kneaded the dark mare's hips, and heard there soft noises of delight as something wet and warm trickled down along the crease of his ass. He wasn't paying attention to that, he was dropping his head down with a glide that nuzzled along her navel as she wriggled and her legs parted. It wasn't enough for him to dip his head down further, nearly pressing right against her soft thick lips as he did so. He was startled to feel the wetness clinging and running down. Even as it dropped downwards, the trail of wetness marked his pale pink skin with a trace of dark smooth flesh that was running towards the lower curve of his back legs.

The weight of the cock was resting against his ass, the weight not at all something that he recognized or paid attention to as his body was turned to a sudden rush of fiery need. The throbbing of his heart was ringing in his ears, beating to the point that he wasn't able to make his mind work, he was thinking only about how delightfully warm it was getting and how eager the mares. He moved his head downwards and started to nuzzle, pushing his nose forward between the mare's thighs as more of the thick precum began to change him with a trail of syrupy wetness that marked and more of his flesh darkened.

He arched his hips upwards and gave a thrust into the hands as there was a whicker and Dance's muzzle suddenly pushed right up against the small of his neck. The teeth pinched and teased, the breath hitting hard before a tongue brushed against him and the wetness was growing over him. He felt it dimly, starting to feel a strange twinge of alarm, but soon his nose was pushed forward to press right against the dark tear shaped mound of the mare. His lips were pressed in tight, his breathing was too fast as she arched and he could push his tongue outwards to glide and press right along her clit.

"You should be with us, one of us..." The darker mare murmured sweetly and the warm weight pressed above him.

"Oh yes... you belong here, this is why you were here..." The croon was in his ears, trilling out sweetly and suggestively.

He wanted to pull his head back as the weight of something fleshy pressed against him and there was another trickle of wetness as his body began to feel feverish. His ears were burning a deep red even as he panted out and then licked out again, the sweet juices of arousal filling his tongue as he did so and there was a slide of a hand along his ass cheek as Dance lifted her hand to stroke the stallion's cock. He should have known something was wrong, the back of his mind was filled with alarm bells and all he could think of was how damned amazing the mare tasted as he rolled his tongue back and forth. He gave his hips another wild thrust forward, shoving firmly right into the mare's gripping hand.

Dance gathered up the thick droplets of precum from the stallion, feeling the magic clinging to the strands and shivered, so like what she had felt when she had been human. She began to slide her fingers outwards, sliding against the opening with a trail that pressed upwards. She cupped the messy mixture in the palm of her hand, strands of it dribbled out from between her fingers, falling to the ground and spreading over the edges. One of the stallion's blue eyes fixated on her as he marked the newest mare, the dark equine flesh spreading down the line of his back as he seemed to be lost in the trance they were weaving.

"That's right, ours, one of ours..." She murmured softly, alluringly as her sister whickered out eagerly and Sean responded with a moan.

He could feel the darker mare starting to glide her touch down his ass, her fingers spread down to press right behind the weight of his balls and he spread his legs wider in answer. His breathing came out faster, his heart was hammering in his chest to the point that he found it was impossible to make his mind work the way he wanted it too. The fingers were wet and suddenly there was a spark of heat that made him tense up and then choke out a moan. His head dropped down lower to the ground, his fingers were twitching a little bit before he pushed his tongue right into the mare's passage.

He was one of them, he should be here, he belonged here and every part of his body was thrilling with that knowledge. The fingers that ran against him began to make his balls glossy dark colored as they changed and his stomach was heating up. His awareness of what was happening to his body was tempered with the fact that he craved more of the mares' attention. The desire for them overrode the fact that his body was quivering beneath the attention of wetness spreading, trickling in trails rise along the crease of his ass until he was moaning under the sensation of something sliding downwards.

The fleshy prod was so like a finger that he ignored the fact the stallion was grinding up behind his balls, orbs that were growing more and more like thick lips as the dark glossy flesh became more equine. There was a fine velvet coating of hair that was trailing down along either side as he moaned felt the hot wet hand pushing up. He muffled his sounds right against the thick swollen clit of the mare in front of him. He panted out again and then started to curl inwards, sliding down with her shivering and arching upwards, the rise of her hips deliciously intimate as he bucked his hands into the wet glistening fingers that brushed against him.

"Mmm so eager to.. please..." He heard her whisper, the voice sweet and echoing as he muffled a groan in response. "That's right, just... enjoy the moment.."

The moment... That's all that mattered to him. There was nothing else that was working besides feeling the waves of the fingers milking and squeezing along his cock. They were powerful movements that had him twitching his hips forward with a moan, the weight against his back muscular feeling enough to make him want to lift his head. He nearly did, but even when he started, the mare's lured him into relaxing with their eagerness to have him use his tongue. He was panting out again while he felt his cock growing strangely more sensitive and vulnerable as his stomach muscles twitched and jolted.

Dance used her gingers, well coated in the cum, to begin to change the shape of his shaft with massaging strokes. It was withdrawing, reacting to the magic in the stud's mixture so that his cock began to grow darker as it withdrew, the nerves bunching together so that they became more tender with each moment. His balls were all but gone, forming a plush set of mare lips between his legs, starting to glisten wetly with the changes to his internal body as he became more fertile by the moment, tender and vulnerable to the effects of the magic that made his body burn with lust.

"Ahh ahh..." Dance giggled when Sean's head lifted and he felt a shock as her hand slid flat along his stomach.

Something was wrong, something had to be wrong there, he knew it and his mind was fogged over in the knowledge that he was fighting to cling to. He let out a muffled noise as the darker mare pressed forward and his lips were sliding along her bare breasts instead of looking behind him. He whimpered out and felt her fingers playing at a spot just along his lower belly, teasing along the twin fat teats that formed in a dark splash of equine flesh along his lower belly. He knew it was different, but his mind was drunk on lust and magic, keeping him lulled as he let out a guttural call and ran his tongue along the other mare's breast greedily. Song's hands slipped against his shoulders, gliding and slipping downwards so that his hips were pushed up.

Sean readily agreed, his mind dazedly imagining the mares admiring his arousal, but as his ass pushed upwards the blunt feel of flesh quested just between his thighs. He felt a hot breath against the nape of his neck, his eyes opened dazedly as teeth reached out to grasp him and grip down tightly, squeezing and holding on just as there was a grind forward and his entire body tensed up. He felt tension and pulses rippling along his lower belly as the fat equine cunny lips winked and flashed the swollen bud of the clit out towards the stallion, reacting naturally even as he muffled his moan around a mare's teat.

"Mmm oh.. that tongue.." Dance's sultry voice murmured in his ear, urging him on just as there was a sudden rush of pressure and ache that caused him to cry out.

For a moment, the entire world blurred as the pink swollen glans shoved forward and the stallion's stomach arched upwards. His dyed and braided mane tumbled against Sean's trembling body as the newly made folds were forced open wide, stretching and straining wider and wider, swallowing around the girth that pushed the estrus laden juices outwards. The sensation was overwhelming, entirely unlike anything he had ever felt and he tried to break free of the spell that wove itself over his thoughts. He could feel the girth sinking into a newly made passage as muscles clamped down and he jerked his head up higher.

"Ahh ahh... don't forget me..." Song murmured and her lips pressed against him, lips that acted like a drug as he heard the masculine grunt above him.

He forgot what he had been trying to struggle against, melting in the velvety heat of the lips against his own while the stallion drove deeper into his passage and parted his walls open to the widest possible point. The tender muscles clutched and suckled as the girth pushed in deeper, the precum flushing out into him a wave as fingers plucked against the newly formed teats one after another. His hips were twitching as the mare's pressed in close, holding him in place with touches and warm caresses, even as another few heavy inches drove their way into his virginal body and he was crying out against the dark muzzle pressed against his own.

"Perfect, just like us, so very accommodating." Dance murmured and licked his ear hotly. "You know where you belong."

"Yes.. with us.." Song said and pulled her lips back with a smile, drawing his head down against her breasts.

"W-with.. you.. ahhh!" Sean shuddered again as another few fat inches sank home and then drew back, his body bucking in place as he experienced the intense sensation of the glans teasing through him again.

It was like nothing he had ever imagined or experienced, but his mind was blurred, half shying away from admitting what was happening to him. Whatever magic the mares used on him, it kept his attention locked on them even as a thrust rocked him further against the warm soft cleavage and he felt the pressure spreading through his lower belly further. The hot heavy sound of breath rang in his ears only to be replaced with his own noises as fingers slid along his lower belly intimately. He tried to thrust against them, but there was nothing to thrust as the stallion began to saw his way in and out of his freshly made body.

The equine features fit perfectly around him, clinging greedily along his length as the former man panted out again and then tried to lick against one of Song's nipples once more. His mind was no longer able to put thoughts together, there was no place left for him to really think, not when he was being used this way. He was only left feeling the pleasure rolling through him, building as the powerful hips crashed down against him, his aching body split open to form a tight lewd O around the white stallion's turgid flesh and the teeth pulled his head upwards. When he was pulled away from the breasts his eyes flashed wide and one of the mares ran a finger nail right against his chest.

He bucked again and then Dance was moving her breasts towards his mouth again and he muffled a moan. No, nothing mattered besides the mares that were teasing him, the only thing he cared about was the fact that they wanted him, needed him. He was letting himself bask in their attention with guttural noises from low in his throat even as he felt the sudden surges of pleasure and aches that came from the powerful lunges behind him. The thickening equine shaft drove into him as surely as any stud with a mare, prodding the tip deeper than any man should have ever felt.

"Mm he knows exactly how to treat a nipple.." Dance sighed out softly. "Taking to it as if he were born to it."

"That'll come in handy soon enough." Song whickered laughter. "Hopefully he remembers, mm?"

It worked with the lust filled spell that was woven over him and the feel of the sleek mare teat in his mouth had him teasing and suckling. The drive of the hips against him were building up as the pressure was growing, he could feel the tip spreading inside of him. Gods above, his body was responding to that sensation, the surge of pleasure was making him nearly giddy as he felt his hips twitching again. The next trembling push backwards came with fingers that caught against the teats on his lower belly and gave them a little twist. The hot swollen flesh was pulled slightly downwards just as a set of heavy swollen warm balls hit right up against the curve of his ass.

It came in a jolt of pressure and pleasure, causing the former many to let out a guttural squeal of pleasure from deep in his throat. It echoed with a louder noise above him as there was a sudden weight that pinned him down to the ground. His lips slipped away from the mares as white hands gripped his wrists and held them down, the hot harsh breath against the nape of his neck panted out while the stallion's cock tip flared deep inside of him. He was shuddering and bucking, his wet glistening pussy winking around the swollen base as the first wave of pleasure hit him.

Sean let out a sound that was inhuman as his freshly made womb was suddenly flooded with wave after wave of hot creamy seed. It was pouring into him, thick and heavy with virile sperm, coating inside of him in such a way that he was trapped feeling the warmth of it spreading deeper and the world throbbed in time with the hot weight of the pink bestial shaft. He felt the mare's stroking his body, caressing him as he shuddered and his vision went dark around the edges as another tremor of his orgasm hit him, his pussy flexing and milking as a dribble of the thick seed escaped around the throbbing spire.

"Shh shh... that's a good girl, take every drop..." Song murmured sweetly in his ear and Dance massaged his twin teats lovingly.

"It'll be so nice to have another sister.." Dance sighed just as Sean's world went dark, swallowed down to the sound of a lewd slurp as the softening cock was dragged from his flexing freshly bred cunny.

He didn't know anything else until he woke in the morning, fully clothed and in his own bed, from a dream that left his shaken... and aroused. The soreness of his lower body dismissed as just a sign of too much physical labor. It had all been a dream... hadn't it?

~ ~ * ~ ~

I'm going insane... Sean's thought came with a surge of dismay and fear as he stared at himself in the mirror that rested beside his bed.

The sound of the city surrounded him as he continued to look at the mirror with confusion and worry as once again he had left his island to take care of his business in the city. It had all started the days after his absurdly vivid dream and the soreness that had lingered disturbingly between his legs. It had all been so intense, that waking up to boxer shorts that had been wet had been humiliating, but it was natural, every man had wet dreams now and then, and the subject matter had just been driven by the nature of his home, nothing more. At least, that's what he had tried to tell himself as the days passed and oddities began to appear.

It wasn't any one thing that made him think that something wasn't right, it was a series of small things as of late that had made him wonder if he really was thinking straight. He had been working on his cabin and his island, he should have been getting into shape, but lately his pants had begun to feel too tight, tighter than normal. He had to strain to button them, though he didn't think he looked any bigger or rounder. It was as if what he was seeing didn't match the reality of what he was feeling. It made things confuse him in entirely new ways, and his life was already oddly confusing.

He continually dreamed of that night with a lust that left him sometime shaking as he woke up and other days he was simply left feeling odd at his own masculine arousal. His dream self didn't think of himself as male, but that made him rather nervous that he wasn't quite thinking straight. It made it hard to concentrate on his work, especially since he found himself drawn towards the island. It was an urge that made him restless whenever he left it and as he shifted in the mirror he frowned to himself. This wasn't like him, something had changed, something beyond the fact that he was finally relaxing.

_This isn't right, I normally enjoy my work. _ He thought and turned away, picking up his shirt so that he could slide it on with a light shake.

He had decided to take a week to concentrate on his overseas investments, but after three days he had found himself growing more and more restless. The close press of the buildings around him made him feel as if he were being closed in. He wasn't able to sleep right at night, he felt as if he were feverish at times and his attempts to keep his mind on his work was starting to suffer. Even his VP had begun to notice it was happening, giving vague suggestions that perhaps he take a bit more time off. He would have normally been enraged by the very suggestion, but now, now he wondered if perhaps he should return back to his cottage.

The justifications were starting to build up so that it became more tempting for him to simply give into the urge. He had never become this successful by simply giving into whims. He could continue with his work here and he would reward himself for the weekend with his cabin. Just because his business was doing well now didn't mean he could let his guard down. Even as he considered that, he felt the twinge that was almost painful as he imagined the days between now and his time at the cabin.

_It wouldn't be so bad to go back, just for a little bit. _ He thought and licked his lips lightly.

Even as he rolled over that idea he felt a strange twist of arousal and warmth spreading over his lower belly. He didn't know why he reacted that way, but he couldn't ignore it. He needed to go back to his island, he had to.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Two Weeks Later

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Oh so tired, but growing a foal is exhausting." The familiar voice of the mare filled Sean's ears, interrupting his restless sleep.

"Come on, wake up, you can't sleep away the whole night." Another voice said as fingers trailed against the line of his chest and he shifted a little bit in his bed.

"Mmm come now, come on..." The voice murmured in his ear sweetly and the man let out a noise, shivering as he felt the fingers dipping downwards against the curve of his inner thighs.

He came awake with a jolt and let out a short noise, his nostrils flared open wide as he sat up and nearly hit against the mare above him. His nostrils flared open wide, sucking in a breath and letting it out in a shaking rush. The world was strangely fuzzy looking as his mind refused to come to terms with the fact that his dark room was occupied with the mares that had been haunting his dreams. The darker of the two mares was lightly straddling his lower legs, her hands were gliding against the line of the lower belly, the fingers spreading wider as the other mare was stroking his cheeks.

"Mmph..." Sean jerked and tried to pull away, but he was pinned in place. "Wh-what's happening?"

"You sleep so soundly." Dance said with a lazy smile, her weight shifting against his legs. "We will have to make sure that you correct that if you're going to be our sister."

"Sister?" He said and his mind felt rather slow and heavy, his breathing came out in a bit of a hitch, feeling hands pushing up along his bare chest.

He trembled at the attention, unable to stop himself while he let out a short noise from low in his throat. The reaction was making him squirm in place under the pair of them caressing and rubbing him in a way that made him let out a breathy noise. The air was sweetly filled with the scent of mares that made his heart beat faster and he shuddered a little bit in reaction as the fingers began to slide right against his boxer shorts. He couldn't help himself, he let out a groan of pleasure and arched himself upwards while the fingers curled downwards, brushing right near the rise of his cock so that he started to feel a flush of arousal.

It was growing as Song stroked her fingers along his chest, drawing him up so that he was pressed right against the warmth of her soft body. She felt so very real for a dream, his body keenly recalling the taste of the mare on his tongue and that made him tip his head backwards. Another dream, but gods above did he want more of it, every day dream that he had had while he had been away from the island and now it was happening again. He moaned as the darker mare pulled his pants downwards, tugging firmly so that she began to draw them off as he panted out a breath.

"Feels so real..." He moaned out and shuddered as Dance whickered laughter in response.

"Oh you think you're dreaming?" She crooned out warmly. "Do you even know what's happening to you?"

"I have a good idea..." He managed to pant out and then moaned as the fingers trailed all the way down towards his balls. "Nnf.. gods.... Both of you are amazing..."

"Let's see how she's progressing, we don't want to risk our newest sister and foal.." Song responded and then her fingers dropped down to glide right against the lower belly towards his cock.

As the fingers danced against him felt a shock of pure pleasure that ran over him with a wave of heat and suddenly the world blurred strangely. He thought that his vision was being affected, but as the hand glided down along his chest he realized that it wasn't his eyes that were having problems. His small nipples became thicker and heavier by the moment, jutting out and tender feeling beneath her finger tips, but that wasn't the truly frightening change. Where Dance was stroking along his inner thighs, he was horrified to see the vision of his erect cock melting away.

The heat was throbbing through him, the arousal twisting together strangely as he arched his back and then his fingers twitched down against the ground. He couldn't help but feel the way that he waves of warmth that were building with a pressure that was building by the moment. His balls twitched as the mare's made sure that the wasn't able to evade them as his entire lower body began to change. He whimpered out and his eyes flashed about

He tried to jerk away, squirming as far as he could, but the fingers ran up where the skin was turning darker and the splash of color was changing as his cock faded away entirely. Instead, there were two fat teats that jutted out against the lower belly and he let out a short choked noise. The swell of his balls disappeared entirely, withdrawing beneath a ripple of change that left him with a set of dark thick lips. They weren't even human lips, instead, tear shaped lips were pursed together while he tried to get away and the mare's held him in place. The fingers danced back and forth as his stomach began to grow heavier and rounder, stretching and making the lower teats stand out plainly.

"Wh.. what's happening?" He cried out as the lighter mare reached down to massage against his rounded stomach.

"Oh we just pulled away the illusion, we had to make sure that your breeding had taken." Song giggled happily and reached up to rub against the full stiff teats, fluttering back and forth delicately.

"Wait.. b-breeding.. oh god.. stop that!" He let out a panicked yelp as Dance's thick hoof tipped fingers delicately curled between his thigh, delicately caressing between the full puffy lips.

The touch made his entire body jolt as he jerked and twisted, squirming towards the edge of the bed as the mare's finger tips lightly curled between the glossy black mare folds and trailed right up against the bud of a hidden clit. The touch caused him to have a flashback to what had happened to him the last time he had been with the mares, causing his body to react with a sudden shudder. His inner passage started to contract around nothing as the fingers swirled in circles, stimulating him while he gave another low throated sound in reaction.

His stomach wasn't heavily swollen as hands stroked him, but it was larger than it should have been. It was lower than it should have been as he started to whimper out as the fingers teased him, making sure that he was kept on edge with his cheeks flushed a deep heavy red. Even his ears were flushed as he choked out a noise from low in his throat, feeling the darker mare starting to sink one thick finger right into the tender opening of his passage. He let out a choking sound, nearly a moan that he wasn't able to hide.

"Mmm yes..." Dance murmured as she curled her finger right inside of his aching passage, stimulating him so that he whimpered out. "It's been so terribly long since someone has offered himself up.."

"I didn't offer anything!" He squealed, his voice cracking a little bit as the other mare rubbed along the swollen upper nipples. "STOP THAT!"

"Poor little filly, regretting lifting that tail?" Song said in a sing song voice, giggling a little bit in delight. "You were moaning at the time."

"I wasn't! OH GOD!" He yelped out and jerked away, heaving himself up with a little as the finger curled right into his passage. "I don't have a tail!"

"Not yet, but soon enough..." Dance laughed and pumped her finger again, gliding in and out with enough force that her walls were contracting down wildly.

He couldn't evade the touch as his inner walls started to suckle and pull, the tight ring opening up wide to form a tight ring. Sean couldn't stop himself from reacting as the newly made nerves were expertly stimulated, the mares looming above him as their eyes were bright and eager looking. They refused to let him go, instead, he was forced to feel the way that they were teasing over him. It was a dream, just a dream, a dream that was horrifically changing as he moved his legs up, pushing his way towards the head of the bed wildly as Song's fingers twisted right along the lower nipples at just the ring angle to make him choke out a soft noise.

"This isn't real..." He stammered to himself and then choked out a moan as the finger lightly drew backwards.

"Really? Do you think it's a dream?" One of them murmured teasingly. "How strange if you know how a finger feel driven inside of you..."

"And does this feel like a dream?" Song said and then the fingers flexed right against his belly, the bulge of it all too real feeling.

It didn't feel like a dream, gods above it didn't feel like a dream, the finger was dragging in and out with smooth strokes that stimulated and made his body react with flashes of raw need. Each movement caused him to give a little bit of a jolt upwards before he dropped back down again, his cheeks burning a deep red. He couldn't think as the fingers began to twist and turn, a wet lewd noise that filled his ears as his arousal grew and he wasn't able to stop it. Their warm bodies pressed intimately close, very like they had been the first time they had appeared, but now his body wasn't feeling anything like masculine arousal.

He wasn't able to stop himself from feeling the way the fingers were turning and pulling backwards, a slow withdraw that made his hips jerk up. His eyes went wild as he felt the bite of the nails against his nipples, a turn that should have shocked him awake, but it didn't. Instead, he was left letting out a low noise, the sounds panting out while he felt another curl of that thick full finger inside of him.

"Don't worry, you'll admit the reality soon enough, you'll be fattening up with that foal." The paler mare whickered her laughter tauntingly. "Such a fine mare to join us."

"Not.. Not a mare..." Sean gasped out, his breathing came out in a gasp and suddenly another finger started to push forward.

He moved his hands down to try and cover himself as best that he could, but when he attempted to hide himself he felt the equine hands easily pushed them away. His body was trembling in place as he felt the heat burning through him, an arousal that he wasn't able to easily ignore. Even as he shuddered and his hips jerked upwards the two fingers were stretching him open just that much wider. The slow pumping movements were building up, inches and flexing a little bit with a taunting roll that brushed right up against a tender area that caused him to let out a ragged whimpering call.

"Ahh I beg to differ, such a wet eager mare, how can you say you're not one?" Dance said with a low whickering laugh. "You'll come around, we'll teach you..."

"We want to make sure you have a healthy foal..." The other murmured and he let out a throaty noise from deep in his throat.

He couldn't stop those reactions as his body was throbbing with need, their touches roused him until he was letting out helpless noise from low in his throat. He wasn't able to stop it, instead, he was shuddering while a hand slid right along his swollen lower belly. The fingers began to open up wider, dipping to either side and it felt horribly real. The scents and feel were starting to make him doubt that he really was dreaming, the need rolling over him as he let out a series of low noises. The sounds trembled out of his parted lips.

"Notta... mare..." He managed to choke out the words as there was another pumping stroke through his passage.

"You'll change your tune." Song said with a playful twist along one of his perked swollen nipples. "I certainly did when I was in your place."

Even as the fingers pumped in and out, a series of rolling movements slid back and forth, drawing backwards until he let out a short throaty noise. He didn't want to sound as if he were enjoying it, but it came out of him anyway. Even as he felt himself growing wetter by the moment, the trails of arousal clung along the edges of the outer lips, humiliating him further even as the touch began to draw away. The fingers teased against the bud of his dark clit as he let out a shuddering whimper, squirming and unwillingly lifting his hips up in place. He was trying to chase after that touch no matter what his mind was screaming at him.

The fingers slipped all the way out, not moving away entirely, but instead there was a light series of rolling drags that began to make sure that he was trying to push against her. He didn't want to crave that touch, but he felt the lust rolling over him, throbbing and caressing him, making it harder for him to think straight. Song's fingers trailed up to his upper nipples and rubbed the thumb back and forth so that his chest rose upwards before her fingers drew away, leaving the nubs overly sensitive and craving more attention. His cheeks were flushed a deep red as the mares withdrew from him, his bed bouncing slightly as they stood up.

"This can't be real.." He choked out, flushing as he realized that he felt a stab of disappointment that they were moving away from him. "W-where are you going?"

"Oh don't worry, we'll be back to you soon enough, we aren't going to want to mix how you continue to blossom." The darker mare said with a slow smile.

"Th-this is it then?" He asked, shuddering a little as he sat up and tried not to linger on the way his body was craving their touch, wanting to feel the fingers gliding back over his overly hot body.

"I thought you wanted us to stop?" Song said with a laugh that was more like a whicker that spilled past her lips. "Maybe next time you'll be a little more welcoming of us."

They laughed at him, the merriment in their voices sent shivers rushing down his spine as they faded from sight. His vision blurred and shifted, giving him a faint headache, even as his body began to change and the dark flesh was swallowed up by his normal pale pink skin. He let out a noise from low in his throat as he watched his balls appear once again, his cock stiff and jutting up along his lower belly, the tip of it rested against the line of his belly, but... The sight of it didn't come with the normal sensations of his hard shaft, instead, he could still feel his full soft lips flexing and full, pursed together between his legs beneath the sight of his familiar body.

Even his belly was smooth again as he sat up all the way and was trembling, swallowing around a tongue that felt dry. He moved his hands downwards and then let out a short noise as he brushed against his cock, but his fingers didn't feel his cock, instead, he felt a set of full teats that were jutting out. The reality of that feel made him move his hand further up to glide against the swell of his belly. A swell that he didn't see, but gods above, he could feel it beneath his fingers, the bulge of his growing pregnancy.

This can't be real... it can't be. I'm in a nightmare, I'll wake up, I have to wake up... He thought and licked his lips, trembling slightly as when he moved he saw the wet spot on the bed from his arousal. What if its not dream... God above...

~ ~ * ~ ~

Seven months later

~ ~ * ~ ~

Sean's fingers trembled as he gathered up his shirt from the bed, his eyes sliding to one side in an effort to ignore the fact that his lower belly had a set of thick dark nipples. He trembled a little bit as he slid his shirt on, doing his best not to think about the fact that his nipples were not the shape they should have been. The upper pair were jutting out and larger than they should have been, the flesh around them soft and tender feeling. His entire body was starting to change, and not simply from those times that he was with the mares. Nothing was the way it should have been, everything was being twisted strangely until he wasn't entirely sure what was reality anymore.

What he had thought was a dream was cruelly reality now as his body changed under the assault from creatures that never should have existed. The mares called to him, it didn't matter how strong his will was, or how often he left, he always returned to them. It wasn't a dream, no matter how he tried to dismiss what was going on as something that wasn't possible, he was confronted with the reality of his changing body as the mare took pleasure in revealing just what was happening to his body beneath the magic that kept him looking human.

His body craved their attention, despite the fact each time they visited him he was shown just how far his pregnancy was advancing. He wanted to deny it, but the reality was always there in the back of his mind as he was forced to experience the way that his body was changing. It didn't matter when the illusion was lifted, he felt his pregnancy each and every day no matter what he looked at when he looked down at himself. The mares' magic kept his body looking the same, even his clothes mostly fit the way they should have, despite the fact that he was drastically changing.

Each time the mares came to see him and showed him what was beneath the illusion, he found that he didn't change all the way back the way he should have. This last time, his balls were gone, replaced with the thick plush mare lips between his legs and he tried not to think about the fact that dark grey hairs were starting to sprout along his upper legs. The last time he had been mortified to see how large his stomach was now, and it had all been covered in white looked like short smooth hairs. Like every time, they had mercilessly teased and touched him, even let him stroke and use his tongue on them, but had left him just on the brink of cumming and trembling in place.

_Why are they doing this to me? _ He thought and swallowed a little as he picked up his pants and awkwardly began to draw them on.

Winter had come to the island and still he had come here, not caring that his partners in business thought it was rather odd that he would come to a place with barren trees and violent weather. He had been stranded here twice, but it didn't matter, he had to return here, being in the city left him restless and unable to think of anything besides returning to his cabin. He knew that his business was suffering, his partner was moving to remove him from a position on the board of directors, but he had larger things to worry about. There was no denying that he was pregnant and changing, and he had no idea how to stop the changes.

He hadn't been back to the city in nearly a week, he had been drawn back to the island, unable to even think about leaving. He needed to be here, the sound of the spring insects singing and the scent of new life soothed him, no matter how he struggled to free himself. Every day since he had arrived he had been waiting for the mares to come for him, craving for their touch, even if he wasn't allowed to cum, it didn't matter. It was something and his own touch couldn't pleasure himself, not with the way his body was starting to be twisted a bout and changed to show his growing pregnancy.

As he sat down to draw on his pants, feeling the weight of his pregnant belly despite his human smooth looking stomach, he caught the sweet scent of equine on him. He wrinkled his nose a little bit and flushed, the scent had been growing lately, thickening so that he had actually been asked if he had begun to ride. Whatever strange magic had done this to him refused to release him and left him terrified to imagine what was going to happen to him. The pregnancy was growing so close that he was faced with the realization that he was going to end up having to give birth.

He began to reach down to start to draw his pants on when there was a sound that rang over the cabin. The whickering call made him stiffen and his breath caught in the back of his throat, his chest tightening oddly as he jerked his head up. It wasn't the familiar sound of the mares calling to him, their voices were ones he knew well, they haunted him and tantalized him every time he heard them. This sound was deeper, heavier, making him swallow as his tongue felt dry and he stiffened further as the sound came out again. It was a sound he had only heard once before, a sound that had come from the feverish night the mares had first arrived.

"No..." He managed the word, his voice rough as he forgot doing up his pants and the call came again, calling him so that his body was moving without thinking about it.

Sean felt his heart hammering in his ears, drawn from the house, stumbling over his feet and he couldn't stop himself from moving through the cabin. The spring insects were sweetly singing as he pushed the door open to the night air, the cool spill of it ran against the line of his cheeks as he saw the stallion waiting for him. The white form was nearly glowing in the moonlight, the braided mane spilled down along the line of his shoulders and mane, nude and incredibly masculine as the tapered ears were twitched up high in the air. The way his eyes locked on him made the man swallow, wanting to shrink back towards the cabin, but he couldn't turn away.

He had never seen the stallion before, the night he had been taken, he had been so distracted by the mares that he hadn't even glanced behind him. The idea of his being fucked like a mare hadn't quite been a reality, but now he saw the heavy pink and white sheath hanging down along his lower belly. The heavy swollen balls were swaying down between the powerful legs as he moved and the sight caused Sean to vividly recall those fat warm orbs pushed right up between his own legs, twitching and heaving as he had been flooded with the flush of rich sperm.

He took a step forward, and as he did so, he felt his breathing coming out faster as a warm arm slipped right into his own and he heard the mare letting out a pleased noise before the other mare caught his other arm. He let out a soft noise before there was a little swing of the hips that pushed him forward. Even as they touched him, he could feel the illusion slipping away, causing him to suck in a breath as his stomach began to grow heavier, rounder by the moment. The sight of it catching his eyes by the sheer weight of the foal filled belly, a belly that had a trail of dark grey hairs that were thicker than they had been.

"Come here." The stallion spoke in a deep thick voice, thrumming and Sean couldn't help but let out a soft noise. "My sweet mare..."

"I.." He started and there was a slide of the fingers against his wrist teasingly. "I'm notta.. "

"Best to not keep our stallion from waiting." The darker mare murmured, her voice warm and inviting before he was given a firm push forward. "He is so pleased you're so close to foaling."

"Gods.." He managed to say and he was suddenly being pushed towards the stallion that was waiting for him.

The velvety lips twitched upwards in a smile that sent an unwilling thrill down his back and he tried to balk as the two mares escorted him forward. The stallion's eyes were fixated on him, an interest in them that caused him to tremble a little bit as a wave of heat flushed over him. The feel of his swollen stomach made him unbalanced, his feet stumbling beneath him as he tried to ignore the fact that his nipples were perking in reaction. One of the mares ran a hand along his back and as the touch slid against him he let out a low noise before he realized that his chest was growing warmer.

The stallion stepped forward, the muscles rippling as he came closer, the sharp rich scent of stallion on the air. For the first time, Sean realized that the equine scent on him was mare scent, the virile stallion's scent was more earthy and made him suck in a deeper breath. The spring air was cool, but he felt feverish as he felt the area along his chest and nipples grow more tender, an experience that made him pant out shallowly as the stallion reached out to slide a finger to brush right along the curve of his jawline. The light touch made him let out a soft noise, a breathy trembling noise that didn't sound very masculine... or human.

It was an electric jolt as one of the mares slid upwards against the line of his chest, the fingers gave a gentle glide along the perked tips of his nipples. The fingers slid along the edges of the heating flesh, massaging movements causing him to give a short jerk in place. His nostrils flared wide and he tried to pull his head away, but he couldn't make his muscles move as the scent of the stallion filled his lungs and the towering male moved closer. He found himself shuddering in place as the fingers worked up towards the tip of the vulnerable nipple.

"Such a fertile little mare..." The stallion murmured, that voice rippling through his mind before Sean let out a short cry.

The way the fingers were working against his swollen nipples were plucking and pulling as it had so often happened when they'd toyed with him, but today his skin was starting to grow more tender and soft feeling. The stallion was pressed in close, sliding forward with an intimacy that made his body react as the foal swollen belly was soon pushed up against the muscular body of the stallion, feeling the warmth radiating from him. He felt a surge of arousal that hit him and he couldn't stop it, his body intimately remembered what had been done with him with the stallion and responded with a pounding heat even as fingers kneaded against his forming breasts.

Breasts, gods he was growing breasts, starting to become more and more full against the fingers that kneaded against him as he felt the slide of the weighty sheath against the line of his lower belly. The fleshy swell of the glans was pushing out as he panted out and trembled as the slow roll of change that was pushing over him. He was trembling in place, his nostrils flaring open wide as he gulped down breath after heavy breath, his ears flushing a deep heavy red as he struggled against the draw of the stallion that suddenly darted his head down to nip his shoulder firmly.

"I... I'm notta mare..." He stammered, the words stumbling over one another, but even as he spoke the words he felt a twinge of pressure building between his legs.

"Are you not?" The stallion said, thumbs slipping down against the curve of his sides, nails raking lightly. "My foal swells your belly."

Sean opened his mouth to answer, but what came out was a low throated moan, a sound that came out with a trembling burst. The swell of the stallion's girth began to bulge further out of the sheath, heavier and he experienced a stab of remembered pleasure that came from that cock. His body was trembling in place as the fingers kneaded against his breasts from behind before the stallion pulled him in closer and the heat of the lips slid against the curve of his shoulder. The breath was hot and heavy even as his body experienced another twinge and he realized that it wasn't only his chest that was starting to change.

The stallion wasn't just making him breathe faster and feel confused, he could see that the short grey hairs were starting to spread along the freshly forming breasts and even along his arms as he reached his hands up towards the chest. He attempted to brace himself as best as he possibly could with his hands pressed right against the chest as he saw his fingers were thickening up, his nails growing larger and less human as he watched them. He jerked his hands back, but the stallion drew him in closer with his nostrils pushing in close against him again, letting out a thick heavy rumble, intimate feeling and that only made it harder to think straight.

"Do you think you would change this way if you weren't really a mare?" One of the mare's said suggestively. "He's showing exactly what you are, truly what you are..."

Sean tried to make his mind work, but he began to feel the waves of heat going further down him as he watched his hands becoming even less human. Where they were pressed against the equine chest, he realized that his two middle fingers were pulling together like the three thick fingers of the mare. That should have terrified him, but he wasn't thinking about fear, he was thinking about how powerful the stallion was against him, how the scent was making him react with waves of rearousal that made him painfully aware it had been too long since he had last had an orgasm.

The stallion's cock was spilling outwards, growing heavier by the moment while he felt the cock twitching slightly against him. He moved his hand downwards, dropping low enough that he suddenly felt the weight of the cock tip that sent out a dribble of wetness. He panted out heavily and jerked backwards a few steps, but that only allowed him to look down at the weight of the cock drooping down lower. It was growing larger by the moment, drooling out of the sheath and he was drawn to it, unable to stop himself as his body was starting to feel a warm curl through his lower belly. His breathing was coming out in short heavy bursts as his hand moved down a little.

He wanted to stop himself, but his will power was crumbling as his body started to beat in time with his heart. He let out a series of hot snorts and shuddering breaths, feeling his lips starting to grow heavier as there was a push from his back. One of the mare's was making him drop down to his knee and he felt a dim surge of panic as his nose was suddenly pushed down on a level towards the thickening girth. Sean's movements were awkward with his heavily swollen stomach, his breast bouncing slightly and his hands reached out to catch the white hips as the stallion's hand dropped down to line of his head.

Stop it... Don't do this... He thought wildly, willing himself to pull away even as he found his lips forward with a puff of hot air escaping his parted lips.

He couldn't control himself, he felt his mind weighed down under a wave of pure desire that he couldn't push away. He felt himself tensing and relaxing with a breath as the weight of the cock bumped up against him and he found himself leaning into the attention. He wanted to feel the weight of the cock against his lips, the scent causing his tongue to flick out to brush his tongue along the glans. He was panting out as he tasted the salty flesh in his mouth before he licked out again, a trail of precum dribbled right down against his lower lip.

It was slippery and made him shudder even as he realized that his arms were being covered in the equine hair, his entire body was being covered. The warmth was throbbing as his entire body was starting to change, making him feel it as the blunt swollen tip suddenly pushed upwards right against his mouth and his lips began to spread open wide. The girth was stuffed home with a powerful lunge that caused him to choke in reaction as the sheer size that was being pushed into the depths of his maw. The precum drooled out heavily, spilling down the back of his throat, causing him to shift and arch his back a little bit.

"That's right..." The stallion rumbled out, the voice thick and heavy sounding as the hand pulled him closer, forcing the cock deeper and deeper into his maw.

He nearly gagged even as he felt the concerns in the back of his mind sliding away under the surge of lust and need rising through him. Even as the pale length was pushing between his lips, caressing and pushing deeper so that his nose began to grow larger, longer. The faint heat of his jaws started to strain slightly as he leaned forward, choking a little bit as the cock was pushed all the way into the back of his throat. The contraction tightened down, gripping and suckling before he pulled back, the stallion's rumbling sound thrilling through him before he suckled backwards.

He knew that he should have been mortified by what he was doing, but his body was alive with arousal, the combined weight of what he had experienced with the mares. His body was hot and strange, causing him to feel the wetness gathering along his mare folds as he let out a trembling pant. His nostrils flared open wide and as he took in a breath he moaned out, wanting to make the stallion's hips jerk forward. The thrust lifted towards him, stuffing more of the fat heavy glans into his greedy maw. He wanted more, the craving was growing worse by the moment. He found it harder to remember why he should be struggling against it.

One of the mare's pressed behind him, her warm hand curled up right between his legs so that she suddenly felt the fingers curling upwards. The slow massaging press made him choke out a noise and his hips twitched forward before he pulled backwards. The thick fingers rubbed with a glide that pushed right up against the puffy outer lips, swirling along his swollen clit so that his tail was twitching upwards. He couldn't' stop himself, his body wanted this, it was running hot and heavy, craving every curl and stroke.

The slide of the mare's hands began to glide along the line of his back, the gentle touches spread over the edges and down towards the curve of his ass. The salty taste and the scent of the stallion made his mind begin to concentrate only on the need that was rising inside of him. It was an urge to please the stallion, making sure that he was entranced with heat that was building as he pushed his lips down lower, swallowing the inches further and further, gulping and tightening as he muffled a short guttural moan. It was a sound that didn't sound masculine at all, it was sweet and feminine as his nose began to push further out.

It was forming a muzzle, he felt a jolt of shock as he realized that his lips were growing softer, thicker, his neck beginning to thicken as the length of his hair was growing. The effects of the stallion were changing him, rolling through him so that he was letting out a high pitched sound from low in his throat... her throat. Sean felt her entire body softening up as she craved the slide of the stallion's hand along her thickening neck. It was nothing compared with the way that he was pressing himself in close. The white hips twitching a little bit as the former man panted out and pulled her lips backwards.

Her muzzle was longer and heavier than she had imagined, thick horse lips were wrapped around the swollen cock tip as precum rolled out in thick droplets down along her tongue. She pulled off of the cock with a wet popping sound and trembled in place, her head tipped down as a spill of her mane started to flop right into her eyes. She looked down at her swollen belly, her entire body covered in a grey flecked coat as she tried to shrink away from the attention the stallion was giving her. Her mind was trying to wrap around the reality of what she was seeing.

Her nails were now thick and hooflike, her mane was tumbling down along the line of her shoulders and onto the full female breasts. It wasn't the body that she was supposed to be looking at, it was entirely a mare's form, so much like the other two that she was left shuddering before the length of the blunt cock tip pushed right up against her muzzle again. She tried to shy away, letting out a short noise from low in her throat before there was a smear of precum that spilled down along the line of her nose. She couldn't stop herself, she licked out and then cupped up right under the stiffened pink spire.

She should have pulled away in denial, shrank from the stallion so that she wasn't giving into him, instead, she let out a trembling moan of pleasure as a finger pushed into her passage. She pushed her muzzle down along the stiff length, slurping and suckling, drawing deeper as she began to bob her head back and forth slowly. There was no way for her to evade desire even as the stallion's fingers curled into the thick spill of her mane. Her head was tipped up so that her eyes were locked on the stallion watching her with pleasure.

"Such a lovely lovely mare...." He said as she ran her tongue upwards, the hot breath flushing out in a rush. "Melody, our newest herd member..."

Sean closed his eyes and shuddered as the word flowed over her and something gave deep inside of her mind. Her stomach gave a little twist as the magic locked her, claimed her, even as she let out a throaty moan and began to bob her head back and forth along her stallion's cock. This was where she belonged, at her stallion's hooves, and the small part of her human mind that was protesting was pushed further back as she pushed the cock tip deeper into her throat. This was where she belonged.... With her herd...

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User Agreement

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Daddy's Favorite

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