Joey the Growlithe

Story by Orkinman911 on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissions

This is a commission for qazaq123 and is unlike anything I've published before. Hey, maybe you could commission me!

Joey had been watching the mail for over a week now, but it finally came. It was in a brown mailer with the words "Professor Elm Candy Company" on the front in green letters. Eagerly, he tore it open and poured the interior package into his hand.

It was a clear factory sealed plastic bag. It didn't have a fancy label, just a plain white sticker that said "Strange Candy". There was another one on the back, but Joey didn't bother looking at it. He assumed it was the same as the one on front. It wasn't, but he'd never know that.

He'd ordered it online when he'd gotten well and truly sick of his Dad's growlithe, Charlie, ignoring him when he tried to take him battling. The ad had promised that it would increase his bond with his pokemon. There had been some small print, but like the other label on the package, he'd ignored it.

His parents were both at work. They'd be so surprised when they got home and found Charlie obediently going through his paces. He popped two of the candies in his mouth at once. They weren't fruit flavored like he'd assumed they'd be. They were actually kind of savory. They were good though.

He popped two more into his mouth. He wondered how many he should eat, but decided he should just eat all of them. He wanted a super strong bond, after all. He poured the rest of them into his mouth and chewed. That many at a time were tough to swallow, but he managed it. The taste of the candy coated his mouth and it was starting to tingle a little. He got a glass of water to wash it down and rinse out his mouth.

His body started to feel heavy. Maybe it was time for a nap. He stumbled to his room and flopped onto his bed. The room started spinning and his stomach started to gurgle. Maybe he shouldn't have eaten all that candy at once. Maybe he should have read the labels or the warnings. It was too late now.

He woke up feeling much better, other than the fact that he was much warmer than he thought he should be. He tried to shrug off his blankets to discover that there were no blankets to shrug off. He was lying on top of his bed, above the covers. There was something strange about it, though, it seemed much bigger than it had before. He brought a paw up and rubbed his eyes to clear them and stopped cold. Paw?

He had an orange paw with a black stripe. Two cute little claws at the end of it. He suddenly had an itch behind his ear and unconsciously brought his rear leg up to scratch at it. Right behind his big, fuzzy ear.

He was dreaming, obviously. It was a good dream too. He'd always kind of wanted to be a pokemon and growlithes were pretty cool, even if Charlie was a pain sometimes. He got up and trotted over to the edge of his bed. Maybe he'd be able to talk to Charlie now that he was a growlithe too. He was about to hop down when he caught sight of himself in his mirror and it occurred to him that he was now completely naked. For just a moment, he panicked. He wasn't supposed to be naked. What if somebody saw him? He'd be in real trouble.

But then he laughed at himself. Silly. Pokemon don't wear clothes. He sat down at the edge of the bed and examined himself. He had a new moment of panic. He didn't have any balls. Neither did Charlie, but that was because Charlie was fixed. He was fixed? Why would he have a dream where he was a fixed growlithe? He lifted his leg and looked more closely.

Oh. He wasn't fixed. He was a girl in this dream. He leaned forward and touched his cold nose to his new genitals and pulled back with a start. His nose was cold! And having a vagina was kind of weird, but kind of cool. He'd always wondered what it would like to have a vagina. That made him a girl, didn't it? So he should stop thinking of himself as a he, shouldn't he?

She bent inwards again, only this time she extended her tongue. First she felt her fur against her tongue and she was a little surprised to find out that it didn't really taste much like anything, but it smelled really interesting. It had kind of a musk, kind of spicy. Nothing in her limited experience helped her distinguish what it might actually smell like.

Then her tongue reached her little spade, splitting the lips apart. That smell exploded into sharpness. That was her, that was her smell. The taste still wasn't too strong, but never mind either of those. The sensation! When she'd been a boy she'd played with her penis plenty. While this kind of felt like that, it was like that times a hundred.

It felt so good, tickled kind of, but not the kind that made you laugh. If this was a dream, she hoped she never woke up. This was way better than her little dick had been. She lapped at herself again. It felt even better. As she licked, her tongue went further and further down until she discovered her hole. What did that feel like?

She stretched out her tongue and craned her neck to get as deep a penetration as she could. It felt kind of weird. It wasn't a sensation she had any kind of experience with. All she really knew was that she liked it and she'd never felt anything as good before.

Exploration time was over, she decided. She redoubled her efforts at pleasing herself. As she did, she found part of herself that she never even suspected existed. Inside herself, embedded in her vaginal wall was some kind of magic spot. She couldn't really reach it with her tongue, because it was inside her insides, but she felt it anyway. Every time she put pressure on that spot she felt a jolt of pleasure. She started concentrating on that spot, though it was hard for her to get herself.

The pleasure built inside her until she couldn't sit still anymore. She rocked her pelvis forward, trying to get her snout into herself, but she couldn't quiet reach as far as she wanted. She didn't really understand why, but she wanted something inside, something more than her tongue, as much as she was enjoying that. In the end, she brought herself over the edge of orgasm despite lacking that something that she instinctively knew she needed to be satisfied.

She laid down on her side, panting. The thought of battling, of getting a stronger bond with Charlie, that was all gone. She wanted more of that, please. Although, the thought of Charlie might not be something so easily dismissed. Sure, he was fixed, but she might be able to get something out of him. Maybe she could even get him to put his muzzle inside her if everything else failed.

The front door opened and interrupted her thoughts.

"Joey? Joey, I'm home," came the call from her mother. Shit! How was she supposed to explain this? She couldn't talk anymore, could she? She was just some strange growlithe that had somehow gotten into the house. And Joey was gone now, Joey the boy, anyway. What was she going to do?

She jumped off the bed and ran for the back door. There was a dog door there that Charlie used. It shouldn't be locked, even though Charlie was in his ball right now. They never locked it.

"Charlie? What are you doing outside of your ball?" her mom said. She didn't slow down or acknowledge her mother in any way. She bounded through the door without breaking stride and dashed off into the woods behind their house. She didn't stop until she was completely out of breath and could not run any more.

Gasping for breath, she collapsed among the roots of a tree. The reality of her situation hit home. She couldn't go back. She wasn't Joey the boy anymore. She was Joey the female growlithe. There was a chance that maybe they'd adopt her as another pokemon, but what if they wouldn't? She wanted to cry. Could growlithes cry? Apparently not, so she started whining instead.

"Who's there?" a rough voice called out. "Show yourself right now, or you'll be in big trouble."

Who was talking? She opened her eyes and raised her head, trying to find the source of the voice. She didn't see anyone.

"Hey, you. What do you think you're doing in our territory?" She snapped her head around. Just on the other side of the tree was a growlithe. Her breath caught in her throat. He was gorgeous. She'd never really thought of a growlithe before in those terms, but this was a day of firsts.

He was bigger than she was, much bigger. From his paws to his ears to the fluffy white tuft on his chest, he seemed the perfect specimen. His mane looked perfectly quaffed. And she couldn't help noticing he was not fixed. A pair of perfect balls hung down between his legs in an orange sack. Her mouth watered, despite her predicament with her living situation.

"I'm talking to you. You'd better not be ignoring me" he said.

"Uh, hi?" she said. Part of her was scared and wanted to cringe her way deep into the roots of the tree, but there was another part of her that just wanted what was in those balls, though she didn't quite understand it that way. That's the part of her that won.

She stepped out from behind the tree into full view of the handsome stranger.

"Uh, hi?" he said, imitating her high voice. "What kind of response is that? You're in our territory and you didn't even ask permission."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know," she said.

"What do you mean you didn't know? We've got this whole place marked from root to branch. How could you not know?"

We? She realized he wasn't alone. To the left, just out of her field of vision, she saw another one. This one wasn't as beautiful, but he was just as male. A twig snapped to the right of her and she looked to see a third male. There was another crunch behind her and she realized she was completely surrounded. Frightened, she looked over her shoulder and saw another male. He winked at her. She wasn't sure if that was supposed to be reassuring or not.

"Come over here. Let me get a look at you." the leader said.

She stepped forward, trying to make herself look as small as possible. It was completely instinctive. She knew that her only chance at getting out of this situation was to be as nonthreatening as possible. If they decided to hurt her, there was nothing she could do about it anyway.

She felt the others closing in on her. How much trouble was she in?

"You're a girl," he said. She didn't know how to reply to that, so she said nothing. He slowly circled her. She could feel his breath on her fur as he walked around her. He was so close. She felt him breathe on her hindquarters and she instinctively moved her tail aside. He huffed at her sex and she shivered. Her legs automatically spread to give him more access, but he continued his inspection. She dropped her tail, disappointed.

"Are you looking for a pack? You don't smell like you've been claimed yet."

She still didn't know what to say, but she got the feeling she needed to answer now. He stopped in front of her and met her downcast eyes with his own fierce gaze. Her mouth went dry and she froze.

"Are you going to answer me?"

"I am looking for a pack," she said. It was true, she supposed. She probably couldn't go home again. Maybe this pack would take care of her. She wondered if there were any more of them, or if it was just these four. Part of her was really looking forward to the possibility of being the only female among so many males.

"Well, you've got a funny way of going about it, just barging into our territory like this, ignoring all the signs."

"I'm sorry," she said, "I haven't been a growlithe long."

"What the hell does that mean?" he said. "You're no ditto."

"Uh," she said.

"Uh," he said, mocking her. "Whatever. If you want to join the pack, you've got to get marked, just like everything else." He lifted his hind leg. "Come over here," he said.

She didn't move. What did he want her to do? The others growled at her, startling her forward.

"Don't make me tell you again," he said. She got closer until she was staring right at his sheath. The red tip of his penis peeked out and suddenly her vision turned yellow as he released a hot stream of piss directly into her face. She gasped and sputtered in surprise. Her mouth fell open, capturing the stream.

It was hot and salty, like nothing she'd ever tasted before. It was bitter, but not to the point that she couldn't stand. In fact, she found that she kind of liked it. Maybe it was the taste, maybe it was the heat, maybe it was how it made her feel dirty. She didn't care. She swallowed as much of it as she could until the stream tapered off.

"Holy shit, Spike, she swallowed it. What a freak."

"Lucky us," said the leader. "You need a freaky bitch when she's got to this much cock to take care of."

"You mean we're going to share her, Spike?" a different one said.

"No," Spike, which was apparently the leader's name, said. "I'm going to share her, but she's mine. Understood?"

"You've got it, boss," one of them said. There was a chorus of similar answers. None of them addressed her. Her pussy shivered. No one had consulted with her. They were acting like they just owned her.

She licked the piss off her lips. He dropped his leg and turned so they were face to face. He jumped and put his fore paws on her rump. His cock was right in front of her. The pointy tip was already out of the sheath and the rest was quickly following it. He pressed forward and she opened her mouth, greedily accepting him. The second he felt her warm, wet mouth on him, he started humping like he was in her pussy.

He was big, big enough she had to open her mouth wide to allow his full length access. Her muzzle was long enough that despite his length, he didn't go too far down her throat. She could breathe at least. He tasted good. Kind of metallic, like pennies. Thin precum was running out of the end at a constant rate. That didn't have a very strong taste, but she loved it anyway. She gulped it down as it came.

Everything changed when he readjusted his position, pulled her closer to him and began thrusting harder. Her mouth was forced wider. She could feel his knot on her tongue and the length of her muzzle was no longer a concern. It was hard to breathe. She had to catch breaths in between rapid thrusts. Fortunately for her, growlithes didn't seem to have gag reflexes.

"Hey, Ash, why don't you come over here and lick her pussy for me. I'm going to take her in a minute and I want to be sure she's not dry. I hate that."

One of the others stepped up behind her.

"I don't think you'll need to worry about that, Boss," he said. "She's so wet it's running down her legs. The bitch is hot."

"That right?" Spike hopped back, pulling his hard cock out of her gullet. She gulped in air. She was a little disappointed she wasn't going to get her pussy licked, but she was sure that what she got instead would be even better.

"Turn around, Bitch," Spike said.

"My name's Joey," she said in between gasps.

"Did I ask your name? Bitch is good enough for you. Turn around."

She did as she was told, pulling her tail aside for good measure. She knew what he wanted from her. He didn't make her wait. He hopped onto her back and wrapped his paws around her ribs. She liked feeling his weight on her. Even more, she liked feeling his hardness on her withers as his tip searched for the entrance to her spade. It took less than two seconds for him to sink into her.

Her brain exploded. It was the most incredible feeling she'd ever head. His cock was so long and thick. It touched every millimeter of her and his knot wasn't even in yet. She'd never felt anything like it before, even when she'd experimented with herself before. Compared to his penis, her tongue and muzzle might as well have been a breeze.

"Oh my God," she said. She felt herself squeezing his cock uncontrollably. She'd given herself an orgasm before, but this was like that times a thousand. She almost fell over, but he was holding her up as much as he was bracing himself on her.

"Did she just cum?" one of them asked. "We just hit the jackpot."

Spike pounded at her spade, trying to get it to open enough for him to get his knot in. She pushed back, trying to match his rhythm. She knew that getting that knot in would make her feel even better. That spot she'd found in herself earlier, she knew it was in just the right spot for a knot. That was what it existed for. That's what she existed for. She was just a hole for a knot. Her front legs collapsed.

"Hey," Spike said in her ear. "Hey, you've got a job to do still. Ash, Blast, and Crisp have got cocks too and they're just as pent up as me. Hey, boys. Come on over and see what you can get out of her face."

Obediently, she pushed herself back up on her weakened legs. She wanted to please him. She needed to please him, whatever that meant.

She didn't know which was which. They decided not to take turns. The three of them all jumped up, putting their forelegs on her back and thrusting their cocks, which were fully free of their sheaths, into her face. She opened her mouth. One of the cocks found its way inside, but the other two just ground their leaky cocks against the fur of her face. After a minute, she turned her head, trying to capture a different cock.

Spike was unrelenting in his assault. She was opening up to him, he could feel it. His knot was getting a little deeper every second until, with an audible pop, it forced past her opening and locked in.

She howled around the cock in her mouth and almost choked on the precum. Again, she collapsed. The sensation of being knotted was just too much for her. Spike didn't stop moving. If anything, his humping became more frantic as he filled her with his seed. Every time his knot slammed into her entrance from the inside, she saw spots. The other three members of the pack didn't really seem to mind that she'd stopped participating. Their wet cocks felt great in her sloppy face fur.

Finally, Spike stopped moving inside her. He threw his leg over her and turned around, which put light, but pleasurable pressure on that special spot in her wall. She was able to push herself up again and take an active role in pleasing the other three, turning her head so that the last one would have a chance in her mouth.

Spike only gave her a few moments of rest before he put one rear leg on her rump and started to push. His knot had gone down a little, but it was still too big to come out by itself. He pushed hard with his leg and pulled with the rest of his body. For her part, she relaxed as best she could, but the combination of pleasure and pain made that difficult. Still, he was strong enough and she was elastic enough, that he managed to pop it out of her again. It was both a relief and a disappointment. She felt so empty. She whimpered.

"Shut it," Spike said. Then he was on her again. Her heart leaped. But then she felt where his cock was pointed and she didn't know what to think. Instead of parting her spade, he was pressing into her ass hole. He was slick from their mixed juices, so it wasn't as bad as it could be, but she'd never had anything like his cock insider her ass. It didn't feel the same as being in her vagina. She didn't know if she liked it or not. But she also knew that didn't really matter, so long as he liked doing it to her.

He pulled out and entered her pussy again and for a moment she though he was going back to pounding her pussy, but he pulled it out again and went back to her anus. She realized he was just taking advantage of her sloppy sex for lubrication. She felt the knot pressing into her and had a moment of panic. It would never fit in there, would it? Her pussy was meant to stretch around a knot, but her butt?

She whimpered again. Spike smacked her on the back of the head. She tried not to whimper again.

"Relax or it's going to hurt a lot more," he said. She did her best. He thrust into her hard, much harder than when he'd used her pussy. She decided she liked it after all. She realized he was hitting that special place inside her from the other side.

The other three were still humping their wet cocks against her face, pouring on more and more precum until her fur could absorb no more and it started dripping to the ground. It went up her nose and glued her eyes closed.

Spike slammed his hips into her rump one last time and forced his huge knot into her tender anus. It hurt more than it felt good, if she was to be honest with herself, at least, at first. But she quickly got used to the feeling of fullness. Besides it was still putting pressure on her insides.

Spike surprised her by grasping her tight and rolling to the side. She went along with the roll as best she could, not having a choice in the matter. They stopped with them both on their backs, her on top of him, with his knot still locking their bodies together. The other three were surprised themselves. Lucky for the one that had been using her mouth her teeth hadn't been near his cock or he might have been hurt.

"Boss, you got to tell us when you're going to do something like that."

"Sorry boys," he said sarcastically, "But do you want to get your shot at my new pussy or what?"

"You mean it?"

"Yeah. I even left my cock in her so she should be able to feel your needle dicks after I stretched her out."

"Hey, I don't have a needle dick."

"Ash, shut up and get your dick in her," Spike said.

He licked her behind her ear, probably the only place on her head that wasn't covered with precum. "You're going to like this, I bet," he said. She believed him.

He was right. Ash wasted no time lining himself up with her used, sloppy cunt. She didn't really know if he had a small dick or not, but between it and the huge knot in her ass, it sure didn't feel small. And it felt incredible, having that special spot inside her attacked from both sides. She howled in ecstasy. Would they both be able to knot her at the same time? Would she even be able to survive that amount of pleasure? Surely her brain would literally explode at that.

One of the other two presented her with his cock and she dutifully took it into her mouth. He humped into her throat. The other one got on the other side of her and humped across her throat. They traded off who got her mouth every few thrusts. When one pulled out, she turned her head so the other could use her mouth. Her throat was starting to get sore from so many hard cocks being forced into it, but the thought that she wanted to stop never entered her mind. She liked the taste of their cum too much, not to mention her general light headedness from not being able to breath properly.

The one in her pussy pounded her as hard as he could. His knot kept trying to gain entrance into her, but the knot she already had in the other hole was making that difficult. Finally, though, he managed it. She felt it try to push the other out, but neither one was willing to budge. They squeezed her special spot from both sides and she felt so good she lost consciousness.

It was only for a moment, it seemed, just long enough for the growlithe in her pussy to pull himself out of her and be replaced by another. She tasted herself as well as the cum from two different growlithes on the cock in her mouth. It seemed like it was the most delicious flavor she'd ever tasted. Maybe it was still sensitive, though, because its owner abruptly pulled it away from her and laid down a little distance away.

Now that he had a monopoly on her mouth, the remaining growlithe that hadn't used her pussy threw his leg over her head and started using her face like Spike had earlier, pounding his cock down her throat. Only her mouth not being able to open wider stopped him from knotting her throat.

By this time, her cunt was so wet, sloppy, and stretched out, that it didn't take nearly as long for her to become knotted. He ground his knot against Spike's, shuddering and shivering as he emptied his heavy balls into her to join the two loads that were already in her. When he was finished, he didn't even need to try to force it. It just slipped right out.

"You're up, Crisp," Spike said.

"I don't know man," he said, "I think I could cum right here."

"Yeah, but I'm telling you to cum in her pussy. Are you going to disobey me? You want me to knot you next?"


"Shut up and do what I tell you."

Crisp pulled out of her throat and scooted down her body. He added his cock to the cum soup in her pussy. She was loose enough his knot went right in and wouldn't lock. That felt incredible too. She hoped this was never going to end, as exhausted as she was. She wondered if you could live on a diet of growlithe cum. That way they wouldn't even have to stop to eat.

He came inside her a minute later. Because he couldn't lock into her, he slipped out part of the way through and sprayed his cum all across her belly. When he was finished, Spike rolled them over onto their sides. He easily pulled out of her butt. She was so worn out now that none of her muscles seemed interested in doing their jobs.

He stood up and put his cock in front of her face. She could smell her butt on him. It didn't smell dirty, really. Without hesitation, she took him into her mouth and cleaned his cum and herself off his cock.

"Blast, Crisp, get your dicks cleaned. Hygiene's important."

They obediently presented their cocks to her as well. she licked them clean, then did her best to lick the cum off her face.

"Clean yourself up. If your pussy is too sloppy, we won't even be able to feel it," Spike said.

"I kind of liked it."

"Shut up, Blast."

She did as she was told. Sore muscles complained as she curled up and started lapping the cum out of her pussy. She winced at her tenderness.

"Don't forget your ass too," Spike said. She followed his instructions, stretching her tongue out and lapping deep into her ass, tasting herself like never before. She glanced at the boys as they watched her tongue herself clean. All four of their cocks were standing proudly outside their sheaths. Her cunt twinged at the sight. They were going to fuck her again, she knew.

She licked herself clean and swallowed all the fluid she came across. The precum on her face that she hadn't been able to reach was drying out. It crackled as she moved her face.

Spike marched up to her, his balls and cock swinging between his legs, but to her surprise, he turned around when he reached her and raised his tail. His anus winked at her. She knew immediately what he wanted. She didn't hesitate. With all the enthusiasm she could muster, she dived into his butt, licking him, pleasing him in the dirtiest way she could imagine.

"Go ahead, Ash," he said, "any hole you like."

Like the good little bitch she was, Joey lifted her tail and spread her legs, bracing them on the forest floor, ready for whatever came next.