I Am The Dragon (Commission)
#17 of Commissions
It's another July commission from MrCario! This time with dragons and stuff!
Luex finds himself in VERY different circumstances until he's aided by a mysterious woman.
I Am The Dragon
By Laz Briar
Bedeviled and betrayed!
In his time with the southland Solarian chapters, Luex was told to avoid the foulness of magic. Impure deviations from Sol Solarius' grand plan could only lead to trouble, but Luex was an empathetic man, a trusting man. It was the way of knighthood, after all - to guide the way forward with His light in hand, a sword in the other. So when he heard an elderly Marsh Maester was in dire need of assistance to continue his studies, Luex was there to answer the call.
Dagados, the chaotic swamplands bordering Sol Solaria, was ever nearing and ever dangerous, after all. What would a poor old man like that do to protect himself from the various monstrosities crawling out from the deep swamps? More so, it was said this Maester had deeper connections to some of the religious pillars in the Solarian capital cities, and they wouldn't take too kind to one of their own meeting a demise by a bunch of filthy moon worshippers, no no. Luex was dispatched to aid him, though was greatly cautioned by his superiors. A man so close to the wicked arcane of the Marshes was no doubt tainted in the head, perhaps dealing with arts foul. Luex wasn't just sent to watch the man, but to execute judgment if needed.
But the young knight paid his chapter masters no mind, as he_should_ have. Otherwise he wouldn't be in this predicament! A harsh lesson was learned indeed. Though Luex dedicated a year of good service to the Marsh Maester, it was all a ploy. The old fiend was indeed touched in the head, secretly conspiring with strange, otherworldly forces, certainly against His design. When Luex confronted him, well. . .
He snorted at the recollection. Yes, snorted. The knight wasn't himself, literally.
He peered through the thick iron bars, the harsh afternoon sun cutting into his cage. Everything smelled harsh, foul. His nose licked at the city aromas, and all of it hit him in a nauseating wave of too much. Even his scales did him little good to shield against the endless sun. What cruel fate - his Lord's Light was now a subject of anguish instead of inspiration. It was said no Solarian Knight could be burned by the sun - but knight was no longer. He wasn't even human!
To make sense of what the Maester did was beyond Luex. Magic, certainly, the kind he was warned about. The mutating kind. Why? For what purpose? He could not say. To sell him to a higher bidder, he supposed. One evening all was well, as usual, the next Luex felt the presence of darkness covet his form, twist him into a bestial, draconic shape. Yes, a dragon, or something like it. Certainly not as the High Beasts who guarded the Solarian Citadels, not them, no. This was something more primal, basic. He was lucky he even held a shape similar to man, anthropoid and all.
But it did little to spare his dignity. Chained like a creature in a massive cage, he was eye candy for everyone. Men of the cloth, soldiers, priests, children. The children. They were eager to mock him from afar, toss rocks or pelt him with seed fit for vermin bird, jeering him, taunting him. He wanted to speak, request them for aid, but he was muzzled. Worse still, he could not form words or basic speech, all that came were guttural grunts and rumbles. It was an indignity - the Solarian Knighthood took pride in their prayer, and now he couldn't even do that. Luex was beside himself with a shameful rage. His pride wounded, his anger growing by the day. His trust broken and duty as a knight betrayed. Betrayed and bedeviled! Agh, would he see that old Maester again, he would surely exact upon him a terrible wrath, fangs and all.
Though, like the others, he was hapless. He was pained with drugs and enchantments after his tormenting transformation. The roads back home were long and arduous, Luex recalled. Once sold to traders, he was kept bound by the cabals known to slum about in the heart of the capital city Vallen. These cabals worked with slavers, privateers, and all sorts of wealthy elite, the type no one wanted to admit to. No one wanted to speak the truth - that blood money ran through the veins of Sol Solaria, like a fungal corruption growing on the flowers of the city's purity. It was this money, this wealth, which eventually dragged him here.
He was caged for near a week, then like a slab of meat, sold to a bidder of undisclosed origin. A man, Luex briefly saw, a man in great fineries, pompous, and with an appetite matching his ego. This man fancied himself a collector of oddities - the mutated knight one of them. He had many cages, filled with fauna and plants Luex had never seen before. One, for instance, carried a great vulture at half a man's height with wings twice as long. Another? Scorpions the size of children taken from the Burning East. One more was like a living set of armor imbued with the skulls of its foes, waving about like some befouled machination.
And now, here, Luex, a "dragon." Well, apparently that was what he was sold as, anyway. A farce, he was still a man within! But it mattered little to the "benefactor," he was quite eager to scoop up such a rare catch. So, like the rest of these poor creatures, Luex was held to a fate most uncertain. Would that he could, Luex would free him and give the purchaser a deserving end, along with that wretched Marsh wizard! Yet, even with his strength, he was hapless in chains.
That, perhaps, was the only benefit granted to him. Strength. He was far larger than before, twice the size of a man easy, raw sinewy muscle chorded through his broad frame. Given the chance, he felt powerful enough to snap a tree in half, like a bone. Pearly teeth sharp as blades, eyes as primed as a raptor, and long, pronounced horns, like a crown. His only lacking trait was missing wings, though truly only the High Beasts held those.
His raw, blue-grayish scales shimmered in the sun while the rest of him bore an almost flesh-like appearance. He was an immense thing, even at the loins. But, none of this did him good here in these bars. Rusted as the metal appeared, it was sturdy enough to keep him locked - some of the wretched black iron used on sailing ships. He wasn't going anywhere.
Not unless someone _bid_for him.
Luex didn't recognize this place. A bazaar, here in the heart of Vallen? Was he truly so ignorant of his own city?
This wasn't like the other open markets where sellers offered wares of various sorts. No, this was a different place, an auditorium of flesh. Once again, he was in his cage, mind muddied and dazed. Either something was in his food or a spell vexed his concentration. Either way, he felt "out" of himself, as though slow to respond when he wanted to move or shift. However, he could still make out details through the bars in his cage.
A flurry of colors assaulted his eyes. Men and women draped in attires from all across the land, hair done with feathers or best by jewels complimenting long robes sporting every shade imaginable. Haughty perfumes and colognes stung the air with collared low beasts attentive to their masters, while other men sauntered about in glimmering armor shined to a mirror-polish. There were faces native to the lands of Sol Solaria, and then some not. Some were men and women with dark, olive skin bearing blue glistening blue earrings, or men with thin pointed beards cloaking their eyes with bands of cloth. Desert vixens coming no higher than a person's waist danced with colored smoke while glimmering scarabs sat upon the shoulders of the impish Fen, their green flesh as pale as a fading forest. White sea-rats bickered and chittered, scuffling over knives, soldiers bore armor of geometric patterns and symbols Luex didn't recognize, and Lord above, even Scarlet Clerics were about, bearing the brass conical helms of their station.
And here he was, put on display, married to other cages thanks to his 'purchaser.' He was one of the main attractions to this studio of wealth. To his left and right, unfamiliar Beasts. One, he had seen, had the dimensions of a feline, bearing a blackish coat which shimmered in incandescent violet waves when touched by light, like an arcane oil. He was quiet, pensive, but like Luex none too pleased. The other was odd, a svelte, lithe creature - bearing fur of literal sparkling white with preened matching hair with come-hither eyes. They bore the dimensions of a rabbit - but Luex could not ascertain whether they were lady or lad, their appearance so ambiguous.
It did not matter. He could not help them, nor they he. Despite the merriment of surrounding conversations, the chatter of vendors and the intrigued glances of onlookers, he was a slave. Funny, he noted not a single Solarian Knight amongst the crowd. Truly, this place was devoid of His light.
The indignities Luex suffered! In his dulled state, he was forced to watch eyes unfamiliar glance over him like a slaughtered hog. Pairs would come about, muttering to the other, pointing at him like he was some object to be fondled. Impudence. It was here he felt his empathy drift. He believed in protecting the works of Sol Solarius, but if this is what Vallen hid. . .
Was he so ignorant? Was this the true nature of his home, and he was blinded by duty? It burned him to know such things could exist in his city. Or, perhaps he was far too idealistic and now the rotten truth was laid before his eyes, or worse, one of them.
His thoughts were distracted by a cutting, repugnant voice.
"Friends! Friends! Gather ye' those around you! I find myself in such splendid company today, I do!"
Agh. Him. Baron Kofkew. This was the man he was sold to, the man responsible for putting him and the others on display. A fellow waltzed into view, wearing a violet long-tail coat, his collar accented by golden broach and fingers glistening with elaborate jewels. In one hand he gripped an ivory cane carved from the bone of some poor creature, while a short saber hung at his side. Portly, but large. Balding man with a twisted, curling orange beard and a cracked smile beset with fake, silver teeth.
To Luex, a tormenter and the reason for his predicament. To the crowds? A welcome source of entertainment. Some greeted him with familiar smiles and others waved, to which Kofkew was more than happy to oblige, drinking in the adulation. He gestured wide, gathering others close, interested parties nearing him as he stood before the cages.
"Time again, loves, time again! The Baron of Bodies has brought you fine collectibles! Your Forager of Flesh with exquisite new choices! Once again, once again! I bring you rare oddities from across the lands! Truly, marvels fit for any collection! Soldiers, servants, perhaps even a fine meal, no? Hwah!"
He bellowed with laughter, met with the same rancor from the surrounding parties. Men stroked their beards, white sea-rats glanced at each other, armored soldiers muttered, and elegant bystanders talked amongst the other with intrigued chatter.
Baron Kofkew waltzed to the feline creature first, pointing his cane, the crowd's gaze following him as he strut about.
"This one!" he announced, gesturing to the panther creature. "From jungles deep in the heartlands few of us dare to go! Why, I shant bother to pronounce its name - my tongue too refined! But legends say these shadowcats stalk when the moon is full! Quiet as death with a knife for every soul, hwah!"
One of the Solarian natives gasped. "Moon worshipper? Heathen."
Kofkew pointed to them. "Right you are!" He glanced to the feline, which cast him a dark, deathly look.
"One can only imagine the terrible witchery and devilwork fiends like this get up to! A score of men died to bring you this fine specimen, so a rare catch indeed, yes!"
Kofkew shifted along, going to the other cage next to Luex. "And here. . ."
Once again, his cruel ivory cane pointed at the specimen within. "Ah, what a sight! Truly, truly, feast your eyes! I've yet seen such a thing so attractive. Though your stares perplex you, this is no lady! Nay, nor a southlander despite his pointy ears!"
The lithe, fragile male looked away, an angry iron collar holding him by the neck. Even in his hazy state, Luex flinched. He could only imagine the fate awaiting this one.
"As shapely as a summer girl but male indeed! Believe my words friends, we checked. Exotic! My servants tell me he hails from lands unknown! Hwah! But surely he would make a fine chamber servant! A bed mate, or even, a spectacular stew, hwah!"
Approving murmurs rumbled from the crowd again. The white sea-rats chittered in excitement especially, snickering and hissing cruel plots.
Now, finally, Kofkew took his attention to Luex.
A dark, rising anger formed in his chest, bestial and primal. If only Luex could shake this aura, this spell, reach through the cage. . peel the cruel man asunder. Why Luex would make him a meat puppet if he could!
"Ahh, but this!" Kofkew bellowed, throwing his arms in a wide sweeping gesture. "This truly is my finest prize today! Look friends, look! No, you aren't deceived! This is no trick! What you see before you is indeed a dragon! A Lesser Drake! Seed of the magnificent flying titans that once ruled our Solarian skies!"
Now there were excited words and pleased gasps. Some stalked forward, hoping to get a better look. Small children gaped and other soldiers recoiled, impressed. Luex felt their stares and he wanted to scream! Roar! He wanted to beg them for help so much as he wanted to frighten them away! No, he was no dragon! No drake! He was a man, a Solarian Knight! He opened his maw to say something, anything, but all that came was a dreary, slurred grumble. The enchantments kept him dizzy, slowing even his tiniest movement.
"By Solarius!" someone exclaimed.
"Sun save us, don't let it loose!"
"It's incredible. . ."
Baron Kofkew's face curled into a pleased sneer. "Oh yes, friends, oh yes! One should be afraid so much as they are in awe! What a fantastic specimen it is, indeed! Note the teeth! The fine sinew of muscle! The scales! With a little training it would no doubt be a loyal beast!"
At this, Luex growled. Liar! Deceiver! It was foul enough this Baron sold off poor creatures for his own profit, but to lie to others? What a wretch. And, in a way, Luex was strangely insulted - to think that he was some sort of untrue dragon instead of the genuine thing.
"Yes, yes," changed Kofkew. "The excitement! I see it! I see you all hungry for exotic treats, and your Baron of Bodies always has them! So, my friends, so! Which one shall take home one of my splendid finds? Who will fancy themselves the winning bid, ah?"
He snapped his fingers, and an entourage of robed servants appeared at his side, ledgers and counters at the ready. "For the shadowcat, let's begin, shall we! Let us bid, yes, let us bid!"
Someone laughed and hollered from the crowd. "Stop your gabbing, baron, how much do you plan to pilfer from us?"
Kofkew laughed, raising hands. "Guilty, oh I'm guilty! Yes, yes, the price is always the last pain. But worry not friends, I am always a man of frugal sales. Shall we mark our fiendish feline starting at 50 Sellions?"
There were grumbles, but nods all the same. And so the bidding began.
It was hopeless, wasn't it? Luex was forced to suffer the indignation of ravenous shouts as they slowly called and bickered for a settled price. Terrible, truly. Did this mean nothing to the people? Did they not realize what they were doing!? That shadowcat was a living creature, torn from its home, and they remarked upon him like he was nothing more than a trinket. Sol, oh Sol, why were you letting this happen? How could your light shine on such deviances like this!? Kin of the moon or no, was a creature not entitled to their freedom? It was what he protected as a Solarian Knight: the will and hope of people.
As the crowds shouted on and on, steadily raising the bid from 50 Sellions to a now marked 86, he felt something strange. A dull, pale burn swimming through his head, focused. It was bothersome - though, oddly pleasant too, like someone set a candle next to him. A fire he could not see. Strangely, a new sensation overcame him: that he was being watched. Watched? Well of course he was! There were legions of eyes bearing down him from every angle and corner!
But, no. . . this was different. Focused, controlled. Someone was studying him, intent. He could sense it. Whether this was some foul magic or his instinctual senses raising an alarm, Luex didn't know. Well, did it matter? They could stare all they wanted, he was helpless to change his fate.
"One-twenty Sellions!" yelled Kofkew. "My, what a fetching price. Any more, any more? Or are the men in the colored beards about to run off with this fine gift? My friends from Ussad!"
There was a pregnant pause in the air. Kofkew raised a finger. "Once!" he said. The Ussadish men smiled, looking between the other.
. . .
"500 Sellions."
Kofkew, well, _coughed._The portly man sputtered and buckled over while a sharp gasp cut through the crowd. The Ussadish men boggled, looking about, seeking the contender.
A woman broke through the gathering.
"500 for all three."
Amidst the crowd appeared a figure of trim frame, wild scarlet hair, and piercing eyes of golden. She was cloaked in slim black attire with silver and gold jewelry embraced about her wrists, a magnificent gemstone complimenting her neck. Her voice was smooth, velvet, but powerful, commanding an aura of respect, laden with an accent befitting High Solarian status. The crowd gawked, the rats hissed, the soldiers looked each other, while nobility clutched their pearls.
For once, Kofkew wasn't amused. "Madame!" he bellowed back. "Madame of madness! I've yet heard no greater jest, no greater jest indeed! Surely, you joke then, to disrupt my fine auction with your airy submission!"
Luex blinked, dragging his muddled focus to the enchanting lady. That strange burning feeling grew stronger in his head, and his heart fluttered. Who was she?
"Be quiet with your hollering you lumbering sack of bagpipes," challenged the stranger. "Spare my ears. Better yet, spare my eyes, your teeth arouse nothing but revulsion."
Kofkew leered. "Begging _your_pardon, strumpet?"
She ignored him. "You've heard my offer. 500 for all of them."
The Baron growled, heaving with a sigh. "I cannot say what's worse! Your crass interruption or your fantastical offering! This is for bidding, tart! Bidding! We don't buy smoke here!"
At once, the mysterious woman reached in her dress and pulled free a dimension of shimmering gold, a rectangle with engravings of the Solarian Empire. A Galus! Rare, minted wealth only found in the company of the obscenely wealthy, royal, or powerful. A single was worth 500 Sellions easily. Luex brightened. How did she come about that!? Was she part of the pillars? Could she save him? If her offer was serious then yes, yes! He may yet have his freedom!
Kofkew squinted, leaning, inspecting the flank of gold. His features creased, morphing from one of beguiled anger to sudden pleasantness.
"Ah! I see! Well, well, _well,_so we have another patron amongst us!" He bowed, shaven head shimmering in the day's light.
"A pardon, granted me a pardon, you can never be too certain with hocksters today, hwah! Very well then, madame, welcome to my entourage. You've bid a fine penny, and no doubt the auction will continue. . ."
The woman tilted her head. "Auction? I'm here to claim, not bid."
Kofkew boggled, while the crowd behind her muttered.
"Claim? This is an auction! Who are you to make demands, my dear?"
The woman stepped close, her eyes glaring with all the fury of the sun. "Who am I? Emissary and Agent of Her Empress Eternal. Speaker of Fire. Carrier of His Light. Wielder of Wrath and Virtue. You know, all those fancy titles you little vagabonds find so much fear in."
Baron Kofkew blinked, taking a step back, his cheeks going pale, even turning a hue of green. Luex's bestial eyes widened, heart going ablaze. By Sol! Was he right then!? She was of the Solarian Elite! She could save him then, yes?
But. . . something was off. It was unusual she said Emissary. Or Agent. In fact, Carriers and Speakers were entirely different ranks, only found among the hierarchy of the Scarlet Clerics. And Wielder of Wrath and Virtue!? Why there was only one name currently holding that rank: Haad Maezar. This woman was lying! But why?
It didn't seem to matter though, Baron Kofkew was rightly flummoxed and looking all sorts of panicked. As he should! The Clerics looked poorly on the sport and sale of flesh - such a thing was an insult against Sol's Will. Were she what she claimed, crimes like this could land one in penance cages for decades! But she was not, clearly, only using knowledge of titles and names for intimidation. Truly, it perplexed Luex, but for now he watched with intrigue. If she could help him escape, it was all he cared about.
Since the Baron went quiet, the woman continued. "I take it you like my offer then, Baron of Bodies?"
Kofkew cleared his throat, looking about at the confused crowds, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow.
"Well! Ah! I see, I see! Friends, friends, it appears we have a final offer! 500 Sellions paid in one Galus! H-hah! Yes!"
One of the onlookers stepped forward, throwing their arms. "Outrageous!" they spit.
"Who is this tavern wench to take all three!?"
Kofkew raised his hand. "Friend, friend! Mind yourself! H-hah! I don't fancy the wrath of the Clerics, you see. Surely, surely, we can be at peace - we don't need to involve anyone else, no, madame?"
The stranger cast her gaze to the other, casting them a challenging look. Her eyes alone were enough to silence them.
"Smart," she said.
"Now wait just a damn minute."
Luex glanced as one of the soldiers spoke up, armor flashing in the sun. He pointed an accusing hand at the woman.
"You speak like a witch. You're no Emissary! You're no Cleric!"
She wasn't deterred. "You doubt me? Not a fate I'd test, sieur."
"Please, please!" Kofkew interjected, waving arms. "No trouble, friends, no trouble! Perhaps a fresh bid will ease our minds, no? I have other exquisite subjects here. . ."
The soldier went for their sword, grabbing hilt. "Quiet, doddering fool. This thing speaks lies! I know my ranks and no Cleric comes alone! Where's your habit!? Your chains of prayer!?"
The stranger rolled her eyes, raising a hand. Wordlessly, she snapped her fingers, and a great whirlwind of fire burst to life before her, a cyclone of flame blowing back the accuser, heat consuming the plaza in a roar.
"You dare challenge His might?"
Screamed erupted throughout the gathering, scattering most. Kofkew sputtered and hobbled away, his servants flinging themselves in directions away from the woman. The soldier, taken back, clambered to his feet, metal stinging his flesh raw as the sudden cyclone of fire scorched his armor. Whatever their accusation, it made little difference now. This woman had clear command of flame and would not be deterred.
Wordless, the crowd scrambled away, shouting and hollering. Some continued their cries of 'witch' while others simply fled. Satisfied, the woman dusted off her long coat, returning gaze to the caged beasts. Luex blinked, astonished. Now, he was uncertain who she truly was - command of the flame was not a skill most possessed and such practices were looked down upon by the secular pillars. For who was truly righteous enough to wield light in the name of Sol? Oh, indeed, this woman was _not_who she claimed to be - so what did she want?
"Well, I suppose that's enough trouble then?" she said, striding up to Luex. The unusual burn in his head grew, but it wasn't painful. Rather, it was an engaging, fascinating blaze, as though something were calling to him. He realized, then, it was her.
She looked about. The crowd was gone. "Won't have quiet for long," she continued. "Pity."
She jammed the Galus back in her coat and when to Luex's cage, taking a finger and striding it along the coarse metal. The shadowcat and rabbit watched her with hopeful enthuse, realizing she was their only salvation.
"Numbing enchantments? How quaint."
She snapped her fingers again, but this time, it wasn't a surge of fire born from her. Instead, the enchanted lock holding Luex's prison shattered. At once, clarity besieged his mind, the dense fog of confusion and fatigue vaporizing from his thoughts. Luex shook, sitting upright, flexing finger and grumbling. This was incredible! Finally, he felt in command of his form - beast or no.
The stranger did the same for the other cages to the delight of the captives. The shadowcat roared with defiant joy and the rabbit stood up, ears tall.
"Magic of Myn - so fragile. To think they held something like you with it," she said, gesturing to Luex. "Though I suppose there are reasons for that, no?"
Her gold eyes rolled over him, as if knowing. He was surprised - was she aware of his fate? Her motives were unclear, and he already had bad luck with wielders of beguiling magic.
In the meantime, the stranger glanced at the others. "I suppose you two are free as well, though technically I am the winning bid. The city may not take so kind to wandering Myr, no?"
The black cat - upon stepping free from his cage - gave her a cautious gaze. It said something in a language Luex did not recognize.
"Who are you?"
The woman laughed. "Not what I seem."
She pointed towards an alley. "If you wish to live with your hides intact, I suggest you come with me. But you. . ."
She stared at Luex. "You shall come with me regardless."
Luex hesitated, throat vibrating with a dull growl. Who was she to command him? "Hrrrgh."
"That's Ashra to you. You've nothing to fear though, not from a fellow drake."
A what? Luex's eyes widened. What did she mean!? Impossible! Drakes had the shape of, well, what he was now. They were beasts and found in sparse parts of the world. She was only a human, what could she possibly have meant by 'fellow drake?'
The 'Ashra' wiggled a finger in the air. "Yes, yes, growl and confusion, they make a fine mess. You two are free to do as you please but I recommend the option that doesn't have you both skewered. But you, beast, will not survive a moment out here. What shall you do, truly? Caught again by the oaf's men? You'll be stew by day's end."
Luex grunted. Damn, she was right. He couldn't very well wander Vallen the way he was. Besides, Ashra clearly possessed grand power, if she wanted to hurt him she likely would've anyway. Still. He had no choice. He was 'free' but not. He sighed, nodding, much to her delight.
"Very good."
The shadowcat hissed again. "I don't trust you."
This time, another voice intruded, one soft and gentle as velvet, like honey. "Oh, hush. If she wished us arm, certainly we'd be smoking remains."
The lithe rabbit stepped forward, fur sparkling in the sun like radiant white jewelry.
"Of course the pretty one has the most sense," chided Ashra. "I won't spend my time arguing. You come, you live, you stay, you die."
The shadowcat hesitated, glancing at Luex, who was just as befuddled.
Another finger snap. "Let us be off, then."
As much as Luex wanted answers, he could do little in protest. Whoever this Ashra was, his fate was in her hands now. But, perhaps she wasn't a new jailer, perhaps she could offer solutions to his current bestial predicament.
A large stagecoach minded by a small, green creature awaited them. Luex followed along, adjusting to his odd new walk pattern. Bipedal, though his muscular legs were new and unfamiliar. He wasn't alone though, the shadowcat and the bun were along too.
"Ogg!" shouted the woman. A small, impish thing at the carriage front rumbled to life, having been asleep. A fungal hat fell from his brow and his beady yellow eyes flickered into focus.
"Who. . . wozzit!? Who dat! Oh. Oh! Iz da lady. How ya doin, mizz?"
In front of the carriage were two beetle-like things, massive in size, rivaling the steeds of the empire. They were bathed in a white carapace, hissing as Ashra approached.
"Fine, fine. I have what I need. We must make haste to home now, the swords of this place are as randy as a bronco in heat."
"Wowza," said Ogg. "They alwayz makin trouble."
The carriage in question was quite big, ideal for carrying numerous large beasts. Which was good, as Luex was massive compared to his counterparts. Even the shadowcat, a creature of impressive stature, was still nothing against Luex's draconic frame.
"Trouble I'm not interested in. Now, you three, on."
The rabbit wasted little time, whereas the feline paused. Luex, though, was already settled on his new fate. It was this far and his strength and focus was returning. If there was trouble, he would fight, even if it meant death, so the stranger's intent mattered little to him for the time being.
Finally though, the shadowcat conceded and jumped into the carriage. Ashra, satisfied, shut it close and strolled to the front, taking seat with Ogg.
"Wha?" spouted the creature. "Wat you doin' mizz? Ain't you gonna go all fly-in-the-sky now?"
"Later," she said. "Too close to the capital."
Ogg shrugged. "Iffin ya' say so."
Luex heard this, and it gave him pause. 'Fly in the sky?' What an odd thing to say. Did this woman possess a flying machine? Luex knew of those, rumored to be used by higher elite in Solaria in other places of the world. Still, it didn't matter now. The carriage clamped shut and the leading beasts skittered to life. With surprising strength, they yanked the caravan forward, towards a destination that was hopefully safer than this.
There was a surprising degree of haste to the many insects carrying the stagecoach, rivaling even the steeds of the empire. So much so the capital of Vallen was soon no larger than a thumb. Each time Luex glanced through the tiny window afforded to him, the spires of gold and white were nothing more than a memory. Once again, his home was an alien place, one he wasn't sure he could ever go back to.
The way towards the trio's newest destination was mostly quiet. Luex didn't consider these others his friends, but they at least had the mutual appreciation for freedom.
In his native tongue, the shadowcat spoke. "Where are we going?"
Luex didn't understand him, though the rabbit did.
"To safety," they asserted.
"How can you be sure?"
"We're still alive," said the elegant figure, adamant. "Who troubles themselves for strangers like this?"
The night creature wasn't convinced. "Hmph. If we die, it's you who goes first."
Luex didn't want to think of it. But then again, if indeed the woman intended to cause any of them harm, it was likely she could have already - and with great ease. It certainly intrigued him, morbid as it was. How did she come about that command of fire? And why did she say 'fellow drake?'
Did that mean. . .
Hmm, no. He shook the thought away. Right now, there was a more pressing matter at hand: figuring out where they were going!
The strange, high-pitched tone of Ogg buzzed Luex awake. His eyelids yanked open and a cascade of unfamiliar sights and smells assaulted his senses. For a moment, fear splintered his heart. Was it a new, dangerous setting? Was he about to find himself behind more cages, bid to strangers? But, these concerns were quickly put to rest when the beast looked about. He was still inside the carriage, but this time, by his lonesome. However, the cart wasn't moving, the hatch opened. From here he could see rolling hills of thick green grass and aged trees covered with strangling vines. Twisted brushes and plants blossomed over craggy rocks and the dull chirp of insects filled the air.
It was peaceful. And he wasn't a prisoner? No! No cage or iron braces around his wrists or ankles. No magic dizzying his mind. For the first time in what seemed an eternity, he had control of himself. It was a welcome relief!
Curious, he stretched, chords of muscle flexing underneath his bluish scales, tail winding about. Luex emerged from the carriage, soft earth meeting his feet. His talons tapped against the ground and a strange yet pleasant sense of connection cascaded through him, as though his flesh and the world communed in an abstract, hidden language. He never felt it as a man. As a beast, a Myr, it was completely different.
He ventured further. Here, the carriage was set at the foot of a great hill next to a winding stone path. Upon this hill was a building, a bizarre structure of tilted proportions, jutting through the air hither-and-dither, making no sense from a builder's perspective. In fact, there was no earthly reason it should stand, yet there it was. Near its edges were massive, blossoming mushrooms of strange shapes and colors while a trail of purple smoke sifted from its top. By Sol, what was it?
"Oh! You'ze done with ya' big nap?"
The pitch of Ogg pulled his concentration down. There, looking up at him, was the bug eyed Fen, grinning with his tiny knife-like teeth.
"I thought went all dead in da head, but guezz not. Don't lollygag! Mizz been wantin' to chat with ya!"
Luex blinked. "What do you want with me?"
He gasped. He spoke! He could speak!
Well, speak in a way. His words were certainly rough, mangled by his new body. Speech came out in rumbling growls, the deep roar of a great beast. It was coherent if you paid enough attention. Ogg seemed to understand, at least.
"I don't want nothin!" said the impish thing, hopping to the cart to give it a once over. His clawed hands pressed against the wood spokes, searching for damage.
"The mizz though, she's all het up on ya'!"
Luex was interested to test his newfound ability. "You mean. . . Ashra?"
Ogg didn't look at the drake. "Ye. Go up hillside, she's doffin' about up there, somewhere."
Hmm. Did he have a choice? Just as well, maybe she could help him. She had already shown great generosity by saving him.
"Where are the others?"
Ogg shrugged. "Got a room er' something. Eatin? They'ze around."
A room? Interesting. The building ahead was indeed large, like it were multiple taverns stacked atop each other. The magic, the smoke, the uncanny company. . . was this Ashra a witch? He hoped not. The clerical body warned against their kind, and already profane enchantments caused him enough trouble.
"I see. And where is she?"
Ogg paused, considering. "Errreehhhh. . . garden I thinkz? Check 'round back of da place."
Hmm. Well, the small creature was certainly helpful. Despite his features, wrinkled visage, needle-like teeth and beady red eyes, he was oddly friendly. Did Ashra help him too? Questions for later.
As instructed, Luex followed the winding rock path towards the towering building. As he did, unusual fauna littered the surroundings. This place was engulfed by a forest overlooking a lake. Beyond that, however, there was little else to see. Hmm, odd, he didn't know it. Anything close to the borders of Vallen were usually minded by Solarian patrols or towns, but this area looked downright deserted in terms of local population.
When he reached the building, the sheer grandeur of it loomed over him. It was herculean, a perplexing monolith of unusual architectural geometry. Vines of various colors wrapped over its woodwork and ravenous ravens sat atop its frame. This woman had to be a witch! How else could one explain this?
He stomped passed it, behind the building, hoping to find this garden. Fortunately, his drake body offered him a slew of advantages. Strength and muscle certainly, but his nose could parse the air like a man looking for a good bargain. It helped, as there were sharper aromas tickling the air, fragrances different from the surrounding woods. Things like flowers and edibles - everything from the alluring smell of a rose to the fresh skin of tomato. Luex followed this, a little ways past the establishment until he reached another clearing. This clearing was surrounded by black, rusted bars overgrown with vine and moss, but beyond them was fertile ground ripe with various forms of plant life.
Strange, unusual flora, the likes of which reminded Luex of his time near the swampy borders. For a moment, he thought this woman was certainly like the Marsh Maester, but he decided to set his concerns aside. At least for now. He wasn't dead, in chains, and no one was around to gawk or make bids at him. He was a great beast too - like it or no - and he could defend himself still.
As he approached, flying insects buzzed about near flowers the size of a child's torso. The scent of damp honey stained the air and the sky was painted with the overcast glow of a slowly fading son. This land was peaceful, truly, another remarkable artwork by the will of Sol Solarius.
"You snooze far too much for a drake."
The familiar tone of the woman broke his musing. Luex glanced to the side to see the stranger again, draped in a more casual attire. Cloaked still, but not like her regal fixings from before. Upon observing her, Luex's mind swam like an angry river full of questions. He didn't know where to begin, what to say, or how to say it.
He started with the obvious. "Who are you?"
Ashra walked close and chuckled. "Ahaha. You sound like a chorus of oafish bulls. Perhaps it's better we left you dizzy, no?"
He bristled. Luex was in no mood for games. He leered down at her, growling. "I want answers."
"You're quite indignant to the one who saved you. I thought you knightly lot were trained on, I don't know, manners?"
Luex's bluish cheeks flushed. How dare she judge him! It also befuddled him - she knew he was a knight?
Ashra waved a hand. "Oh, lighten up. I didn't safe you to be all stuffy. We'll have to rethink this relationship if you're going to be a bore."
He blinked. Relationship?
She cast him a knowing look. "Yes, well, I see you're still so utterly confused. Large of cock, light of brain eh?"
Luex grunted. "What!?"
Again Ashra chuckled. But this time, she didn't toss him another piercing quip. Instead, she took a deep breath. As she did, the air around her shifted, flickered, an abrupt heat percolating from her frame. Little sparks of gold fluttered about and her flesh rimmed with bright orange light, like she was wearing a dress of flame. No, not like, she was!
Luex gawked as a whirlwind of flames erupted around Ashra, a pillar of volcanic energy surging from her with incredible ferocity. The wind howled and scorching heat billowed from her, a gust of blazing red consuming the wind. Luex stepped back, shielding his eyes as the strange woman all but set herself to immolation. Was she mad!? Did she simply drag him all this way to end herself in a spectacle of golden flame!?
But something changed. No, Ashra wasn't gone. As Luex looked on, blinded by the eruption of fire, he saw a silhouette step through the whirlwind. Taller, shapely, familiar, yet unfamiliar. The inferno settled, dissipating as quickly as it burst to existence, the veil vaporizing. The heat vanished, yet what remained was not Ashra. Or, it was, yet. . .
Luex was speechless. Before him was a drake. A dragoness. A curvaceous figure of sculpted dimensions and delicate strength. Scales of blissful, glistening scarlet accented a golden chest beset by dazzling, sunny eyes which glowed like pregnant embers. Horns of curved ebon crowned a slender yet bestial visage which pulled into a smirk, while a long winding tail snaked across the ground like a delicate metronome. Immense, shapely bosoms wobbled with teasing grace with hips as wide as the day, only amplified by strong, taut thighs. Twas not Ashra the human now, but Ashra the dragon.
She stretched, leaning, allowing a rather generous gaze at her busty front. "Agh, so much better. I tell you, I don't know how fragile Myn can stand it. Skin as brittle as a pig's hide and bones as weak as glass. Tiny things. Every time I play with them I break them in half."
Luex couldn't find the words. It made sense now! Yet, it didn't. "You. . ."
"Me?" Ashra chimed back, a palm resting on hip. "Yes, me."
She swerved a finger in the air, taking a step towards him. "Slow on the draw, are we? Fine, fine. Guess you're a little too dense to figure out my grand mysteries."
The remade woman gestured to herself. "I'm Ashra, a drake. Yes, that's right, drake. Daughter of the great, winged sky gods you hear about. Or that's how the legends of Myn go, yes? Back when you were all carving stones and sharpening sticks, our kin travelled the world. Our primal origins."
Luex gazed at her, the words flooding him with realization. "But. . . I am no drake," he admitted.
Another step. Here, Luex could appreciate how much of her there was. An impressive frame, like his, and she stood at his height easily.
"Dragon enough for me," she cooed. "I'm aware of your plight. Your essence is tangled and mutated by strange, bleak magic. Old incantations, older than the swamps it came from."
There were many things to process, but that was important to Luex. "If you know it, you can reverse it!"
She laughed. "Hawh! I first must wonder, why? Returning to that little form of yours? How dull. But second, I cannot. It's not only your flesh which changed, pet, it's your very soul. To mend that, rearrange it, why it requires arcane arts of such perversity. . . blagh, I don't even like thinking of it."
The words fell upon Luex like an avalanche. Was it true? He was crestfallen, his heart sinking into a pit of despair. Was there really no going back, was he trapped inside this beastly frame for the rest of his days?
Ashra shot him an amused look. "Oh, do cheer up. Your body is a gift. You are part of a greater lineage now. The blood of a dragon flows through you."
Luex growled. "I'm no dragon!" he bit back, defiant.
"I am Luex, child of Sol Solarius, knight of his name, carrier of the bright banners!"
Ashra rolled her eyes. "Ach, yes, I forgot how silly the names of Myn were. Bright this, light that. Worshippers of the sun and a fellow claiming himself savior of the land. Hmph. There's only one thing in that statement you have the right of. . ."
She came closer, so much that her fat breast pressed into Luex's stern chest, her soft nips racing across his soft scales. Luex watched her, perplexed, a faint warmth blooming in his chest. His heart started to race and a strange impulse ran through him, like a creek becoming a river.
"Dragon? No, no, not quite. Dragons are proven things, testing their mettle. You've yet to test anything, pet."
She smirked at him, a free hand wandering to Luex's shoulder. A tingling, radiating heat rushed through his frame, and he shuddered. What was she doing? Her muzzle was so close to his, and now confusion found itself replaced by a different feeling. A wanting one.
"I am no pet," he grumbled back. Again, Ashra laughed, her tone sultry and beckoning like warm honey. The wind danced with the chirp of singing insects, as though encouraging the pair. But for what?
"No?" the dragoness grinned. "I disagree. That's why I saved you, after all. Not exactly for altruistic reasons. . ."
Luex knew it! Of course she had some scheme up her sleeve! "I won't be sold again," he threatened in his bestial tongue.
"I should say not," said Ashra. "I'd like to keep you all to myself."
Again, Luex stirred, but not from anger. His flesh ached and spoke to him in a language all things were familiar with. This Ashra was indeed powerful, but she was also so, well, attractive. Her front was as large as his head, despite his size. She had hips and thighs strong enough to bear an entire army of strong children. She looked capable of besieging a citadel by herself. In other words, a beautiful specimen, a lovely woman. It didn't matter that she was a dragoness. In fact, it only accented it. Why, even if he were still a man he would find her alluring!
Once more his thoughts were dizzy, swimming, but not from a magic spell. "What do you mean?" he chanced. But it wasn't hard to figure it out, was it?
"Oh, pity, I wager you've a cock the size of a cannon, but still not so bright, are we?"
Ashra clicked her tongue before leaning in, pressing her lips to his briefly. They were warm and inviting, wet and delightful, promising so much more than a brief bess.
"Silly fool. Luex, was it? Ach, can you not see it, truly? Even when it's staring right in front of you?"
Luex blinked. Of course he wasn't this dense, but he was in disbelief. He was far from home, In a strange place beset by numerous oddities, never mind himself. And now, this dragoness, this Ashra, she. . .
"I desire a mate, to put it bluntly," she said. Then, she paused, finger tapping her lips, considering. "No, no, just a mate. I haven't ridden a drake's cock in what feels like eons. And that's you, oh dear Luex. You shall be my plaything, yes?"
Luex was stunned. His mind was blank, though his body screamed yes. Instinct hijacked his common sense and filled his thoughts with the notions of bedding this fertile creature. It no longer mattered he was now beast - he was still a male, and such a male, no doubt bequeathed with malehood rivaling the greatest swords in Sol Solaria!
"Then it was you?" he muttered, hunger taking his tone. "You made me this way?"
A laugh. "Hawh! Oh hardly, darling. Only by chance did I discover a fellow drake in my territory."
Her palm slipped to his loins, digits sneaking upon his testes to grip the stones with firm but gentle pressure. Luex grunted, a spring of pleasant, warm electricity radiating from her touch, the air caught in his throat. His sheathed dragonhood stirred, blood surging to the soft flesh, tip starting protrude from the apex.
"Stick to your strengths, dear. Skilled with a blade and skilled with a blade, no?"
Luex's head craned as she continued to assault him with diligent rubs, a rumbling purr escaping him. "I don't. . ."
Ashra granted him a predatory once over. "Don't what? Want to bed a dragoness? Don't be daft, pet. Who would deny a pair of warm, soft lips wrapped around their cock? Much less one from a dragoness like myself? Ah, but even better, you needn't imagine. . ."
Heat rushed through Luex's frame, and before he could chance a protest (not like he wanted to now, anyway), the curvaceous dragoness slipped to her knees, licking her maw. She gazed at Luex's loins, his massive cock now springing free from its scaly hilt, a throbbing, virile flag of thick, powerful inches, twitching in the air, begging for attention.
"Ahhh, there we are. . ."
Ashra wasted little time, the fever of lust taking her as well. Her hand slipped under the mighty cock, stroking it with practiced, smooth motions, simpering as she did. "What a thing for me to play with. You don't mind, do you pet?"
She gazed up to him with a pleased expression, a knowing one. Obviously, Luex was going to object. Hardly mattered now, predicament aside. Didn't even matter they were in the open - others could watch for all he cared. Instinct - new instinct, animal urges - took hold, filling him with thoughts, ideas, the desire to be sated and bury himself in this regal dragoness pussy.
Wasn't much time to mull that over. He gasped - new sensation overcame him. Ashra's head dove forward and her supple, soft lips wrapped about the edge of his crown, wet heat embracing him as she mumbled with approval.
"Hmmmf. . ." A hand went to his waist, the other toying with his testes while Luex unleashed a long, rumbling growl. How could he not? The pressure was perfect, so tight and inviting.
"Urgh, Ashra," Luex grunted, watching her work. Those supple, plush lips dove upon his inches, pulling at his cock as they swept along him with timid rises and dives.
Asha released him, letting her tongue drift to his base, taking a slow, tedious lick. She then chanced a steady, pleasant lap against his soft stones, massaging the sacs with her snake like tongue, mouthing and kissing them.
"Ahh, having second thoughts, are we?" she teased, smacking his testes with wanting, invigorated kisses. They dripped with her saliva like glistening gems, assaulting him with sharp, pleasant spikes of heat.
The animal in Luex spoke. "More," he demanded. Oh, he wanted more. If this was his fate, so be it! He would embrace it.
"More?" Ashra cooed. "Oh, that's the spirt. We need to stir that fire, don't we pet?"
Luex wasn't sure how he felt on his new title as "pet," but his reservations were swiftly tossed to the wayside when Ashra engulfed his flank into her tight, awaiting throat. He gasped, gripping her horns as she tossed her maw against him in rhythmic, swift throws, trails of saliva drifting from her lips with each stroke. Sloppy slurps filled the air, mixing with the chirps and noises of their surroundings, a trail of presex dripping from the dragoness' maw as she toyed with her new meat. She popped him free, smacking her lips, tai swinging about the air as she shuddered with womanly lust.
"Oooo it's been sooo long since I've found a cock worthy of my time," simpered Asha, taking the ebon flesh and rubbing the tip against her cheek, gently slapping it against her visage. Luex went hot, hot as fire! No woman had ever done that for him in his time as a knight, not that he had time with many.
If he was indeed worthy, he didn't want it to stop. He snagged Ashra's horns, holding them like a sword, slamming himself back in her throat. She yelped with surprise, her cry muffled by his thick shaft while he buried himself in her hot awaiting oral tunnel. Like a rabid beast he swung his hips into her mouth, pounding his length into her servile throat. Each stroke bulged the tunnel while she winced, gasping and gagging as Luex used that maw like a personal cock sock.
"Ghgmmf!" Ashra whined, her mouth helpless against the assault of Luex's desperate thrusts. Ah, but of course, not truly helpless. In truth, she enjoyed Luex's newfound wellspring of lust, sloppy rivers of saliva flooding down her chin. She slurped with gusto, returning his motions with vigorous submission, fat tits clapping together with each rough swing of hips.
Luex's flesh was impatient, though. He unleashed a hungry roar, entire body twitching as he swung one final time, his cock throbbing and bursting to life with rivers of searing white seed. He flooded Ashra's maw, coating her tongue and throat with him, forcing her mouth upon his cock while he drained his weighty stones of all they had to offer. Only when he was a panting, useless mess did he finally release her, bluish scales coated with timid drops of sweat, his chest rising and falling with voracious breaths.
Ashra pulled away, coughing and gagging as waterfalls of seed fell from her. But she wasn't displeased. "That. . . ghgh. . . was marvelous. . ." the dragoness wheezed.
Luex wobbled, taking a step back, looking around. He remembered himself, and a wave of shame fell over him! He was no animal, no beast! He was a knight still! Wasn't he?
"I. . . my lady. . ."
Ashra laughed, licking her chips, swallowing the rest of his virile nectar. "Oh don't get all apologetic on me, pet, I like you this way. Hmm. Seems you still need a reminder of your new station, yes?"
She didn't let him respond, quickly standing, only to shove him to the ground. With rather terrifying strength, Luex went to his back with a loud thud. The evening sky filled his vision and cool grass tickled his scaly back as Ashra loomed over him, wearing her predatory grin. She had cleaned the liquor of his sex from her face, but didn't deter her. In fact, it only seemed the appetizer to her.
"Now, truly I'll make you mind. Make you my mate!"
It wasn't like Luex's body resisted. In fact, he was still as hard as stone, his ebon flesh glistening like a freshly polished spear, smeared with his seed. This mighty dragoness wasn't deterred by his ferocity, only encouraged, and it aroused the hungry animal within him. Yes. . . mate. Such a concept, such a word. To claim or be claimed. If she wanted to mark him, then so be it. Perhaps he was better off as Luex the drake, lineage to dragons, than Luex the Solarian knight. He was duped by a foul magician, after all, perhaps the title wasn't fit for him.
Ashra approached and seated herself upon his waist, the weight of her soft, warm frame apparent now that she was so close. Despite the delicate sinew of muscle rushing through her, her delectable scales were inviting, smooth, supple to the touch. It only helped her fat bust wobbled at every motion, weighty, jigglng things as big as his head!
"Nnnnff," uttered Ashra. "Quite the mighty blade you have, Luex."
She wiggled her thick rump, pushing the scarlet cheeks against his ebon flank, squeezing the inches between the split of her read peach. Luex groaned, grabbing her hip, the other chancing a rough, squeezing grope of her backside.
"Gh!" she whimpered. "That's it! Get rough! You're a beast now, accept it!"
Luex growled back. "Stop teasing and bounce on me!" he commanded. If he was truly to be her mate, then Luex would start acting like it!
Ashra cackled. "Oh if you insist, pet!"
Her palms rest on his chest, gripping firm, claws digging into his scales as she raised her hips. Her sodden, hot cleft dribbled with arousal as the moist lips wrapped about the tip of Luex's ebon crown. He groaned, the proximity of her snatch sending waves of enticing lust through him. And the heat, oh the heat! It was incredible the flesh could feel like fire! Perhaps it was because Ashra was a dragoness, but as she sank on his inches, it was like being enveloped by suckling flames.
"Oh goddess above," cried Ashra, throwing her neck back. "L-larger than I thought!"
Indeed, as she fell upon him, Luex's flank bulged her inner walls, nuzzling her womb. She gasped when she fully embraced him, the ebon inches throbbing and twitching inside her. Luex moaned too, wordless, consumed by the sight of the scarlet dragoness holding his flank hostage within her. For a moment, they were frozen, beset by the reality of each other, enjoying the moment of warmth and heat and company.
But Ashra wasn't keen on sitting idle - she was more interested in sitting on Luex's dragon cock. With steady bounces, the scarlet dragoness tossed her hips upon the sleek length, smooth motions eclipsed by her fat, jiggling rear. Each motion caused the red hills to wobble in ferocious waves, the impact sending loud, heavy claps into the air. Her strikes were so great, so strong the ground beneath the couple shuddered and cracked, the earth splintered with every toss.
"Harder, harder!" Luex demanded, watching the amazing creature serve his flank with steady, hopping motions.
Like a stallion, Ashra obliged, riding the beast in hasty jumps. Each lift of her frame caused hefty front to crash together, and Luex shot his palm forward to grip one of the hefty mounds, kneading it through palm. All the while her snatch stroked and pulled against his flesh, a snug fit, tight yet not overly so. Their tails intertwined like coiling snakes as Ashra mewled, her usually quip-ridden mouth now only a temple of satisfied groans.
Luex was besieged by instinct. While he relished this sight, this vista of dragoness bouncing upon him, the male within overtook sensibility. Why let the dragoness have all the fun? He was a drake now, time to start adapting to his new role. In one motion, Luex swung Ashra to her back. She gazed at him with a surprised yet excited expression, as Luex grabbed her ankles and forced them forward to her neck.
"Oh my!" she chimed. She didn't have time to speak for long though, as her male counterpart retrieved his cock, only to plunge himself back into her valley of scarlet. With a hungry roar, Luex hammered his length into the awaiting, sodden lips, disregarding all sense of rhythm aside from _hammer._He was a battering ram to her door and he wouldn't stop until the gates were breached!
He loomed over her frame, beastly teeth sinking into her neck as he bit. Not hard, though in a possessive display of dragon. His hips slammed into her, sending dribbles and drops of their dewy coupling into the ground, intermixed with Ashra's loud, delighted moans. His hefty testes slapped into her and his ebon spear throbbed to life once more. Oh, he was close, desperately so, and like before the animal inside desired one thing: to release_inside_ this dragoness.
Oh yes indeed. With a triumphant bellow, Luex's cock burst to life yet again with another flood of issue, his white seed flooding every pit of Ashra's cunny as he dove as far as he could into her awaiting tunnel. Balls deep as the unproven soldiers from home might say. Ashra was froze, assaulted by his cannon fire of ichor, testes twitching as they drained themselves of every drop, drowning the dragoness' womb in himself.
The heat, for a spell, started to fade, Luex taking great heaving breaths as he fell upon the dragoness. His head found cushion in her soft, supple front while Ashra's legs were released, along with her own peak. They both shuddered and waited, the dizzy afterglow of post orgasm consuming them.
Once more, Ashra took lead. "Oh you're terribly fun, pet. Or, Luex. Still want to return to your old, human body?"
Maybe Luex was cloudy from their coupling, or maybe insanity had finally taken him. Or, maybe, he accepted his new lot. Perhaps Sol had plans for him. Perhaps not. But, once you bury yourself in a dragoness, it's hard to argue with the fate you've been dealt.
"I think not," he rasped. "I think I like this."
Hmm. Yes. Luex the Solarian Knight no longer. I am the dragon, he thought.
I am Luex, dragon of Sol Solaria.