Vulpes Lupis Chapter Three: A Momentary Lapse of Reason.

Story by Yukigo Kurosaki on SoFurry

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#3 of Vulpes Lupis

A Note From The Author:

I'm baaaaack! Er, at least for now anyway. Simply put, I was procrastinating. A bloody awful curse that always seems to creep up on me when I least expect it, no matter how hard I try. To the point, I'm going to start writing Vulpes Lupis again now. I really like doing this story and one of the things that I love about my mind (and, in certain contexts, revile) is that I never quite know where it's going to go. This means that my writing will often take on twists and plot turns that I never saw coming. I'm not sure if anyone even remembers this series or even cares, but I'll do my best to get it started once again.

It seems as though I'm getting quite popular as well. I've gotten a couple of commissions, which you can view on my page, and (as of writing) I've got at least 18000 views on my page and 101 watchers. I either have some very dedicated fans or some very deluded stalkers.

Now then, on the subject of FFA. That story is being temporarily suspended for now. I took a good long look at it and went... What in the fucking hell was I thinking?! Well... that's not the only reason, one of the others is that the IRL Alex and I are officially through. I say good riddance, she was annoying as hell, I've met plenty here that I love far more than her. Plus, the story kind of hit a lull and I really didn't enjoy putting out the next few chapters. Therefore, I am now working on VL and The Simpler Times as my main projects now.


Do not view this story if you are under the age of 18, as it contains scenes of a sexual nature and war violence, as well as language. Any product names or otherwise copyrighted names are not used with permission and are not owned by or Yukigo Kurosaki.


The uncomfortable silence set in as the pair stood in complete shock, Liz, embarrassed that Desmond had to see her in such a degrading state and Desmond, shocked and utterly horrified at her need. Neither moved a single muscle, save for an occasional twitch in Liz's wet, dripping sex or Desmond's eyes darting over her nude body, completely stunned and otherwise just shocked to see her in this state. Both were embarrassed to speak, afraid of saying the wrong thing and completely tearing apart whatever they had built before. Desmond was the first to work up the bravery and he took an audible gulp. "L-Liz?"

Liz shook, both winding down from her orgasm and fearing for her safety in Desmond's paws. "I-I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

Desmond came down to her level and she looked away, fearing the worst. When she bravely looked back to his eyes, they were calm and understanding. "Liz... I didn't know..."

She crawled back a little on the bed, still afraid. "You didn't know... what?"

Desmond took her paw, the one that she hadn't defiled quite yet. "I didn't really know that you loved me this way."

Liz smiled. "You saved my life, you avenged my kind, you took me in when nobody else would, why wouldn't I like you?"

Desmond blushed. "Nobody has to hear of this Liz, you're secret's safe with me."

Liz snorted and laughed. "I believe it is too late for that... everyone who has ears heard me."

Desmond blushed deeper. "Well... uh... this is awkward then..."

Liz smiled and licked her lips as she stared down at his crotch. A bulge had formed, obviously. You had to be gay to not enjoy walking into a room with a masturbating vixen in it. She giggled. "It's alright... I know a secret of yours."

Desmond gasped and his mind flashed through everything he held sacred, his past. He braved the question. "Um... exactly what is that?"

She laughed louder, speaking in sing-song. "I saw you in the showerrrrr..."

Desmond gasped and smacked his own paw across his face. "So there WAS someone there... grahh, why didn't I check?"

She giggled like a schoolgirl. "You like me tooooo..."

Desmond was taken aback. "Um well... uh... I..."

Liz grinned and took his muzzle, giving him a kiss. "Desmond, I don't care. I want you, and you want me... you know what comes next don't you?"

Desmond sighed and rubbed his temples. "But... I can't, I have to be professional. If I yiff you it's favoritism and I-Ohhhhh!" He moaned out. Liz had reached down and groped his package, hard. Desmond's will dissolved slightly. "Oh wow... that felt... good..." He took one last look down her body, her breasts hung gracefully on her chest, nipples almost throbbing they were so hard, peeking out her orange chest fur. The thin line of her slit was easily discerned from the surrounding fur, which was wet and matted from her quite... spirited... masturbation efforts. From this flower drifted the maddening scent that always drove men to breaking their will, if they had any to begin with. Desmond took a shuddering moan. "Oh fuck it..." He lunged forward and started to passionately kiss her neck fur, taking a nibble every once in a while, cued by her gasps and whimpers of pleasure whenever he passed certain spots.

Liz moaned passionately, lifting her muzzle to allow him access to her neck. She whimpered out and whispered naughty things in his ear. "Oh yes... take me like you mean it Desmond, give me everything you have..." She continually groped his cock through his fatigues as a reward whenever he passed a sensitive spot, which further increased his aggressiveness. After a few minutes of spirited bliss in this state, Liz leaned back and spread her legs. "Desmond, be my first..."

Desmond unclasped his fatigues, releasing his aching cock. "I'm your first? I find that hard to believe."

She blushed. "I never was very popular with the Foxes for some reason, and obviously not with the Wolves." She stared at his cock, nearly drooling at the sight. Granted, she'd already seen it earlier, but that didn't make it any less godly to her. The thought that it was going to be inside her nearly sent her into another orgasm just at the thought. She sighed, letting out a small shudder, her mind already going on wild tangents.

Desmond fully shrugged off the fatigues, throwing them in the corner. He nearly ripped off his shirt, the only thing that mattered to him now was her. He crawled over the top of her, staring down into her eyes. She nodded, grabbing his hips with a smile. "Well what are you waiting for you stud?"

Desmond was many things, but an animal was not one of them. He fully intended to give her as much pleasure as possible. So, with a bit of trial and error and awkward shuffling, he pushed into her slowly. Liz let out a gagging gasp of pleasure as her walls were stretched at the sheer size. He hit the futile barrier of her hymen, which broke under the stress, which caused her to scream. Desmond immediately stopped, a concerned look on his face. "Liz?! Did I hurt you?"

Liz shook her head, panting. "Oh god! No... please... don't stop... it just hurts a little the first time, I'll be fine..."

He nodded, pushing the rest in her, reaching the end of the tunnel. Liz moaned loudly, lifting her legs further, wanting even more of him in her. "Holy fuck... it feels so damn good..."

Desmond grunted and nodded. "Yeah... forgive me if I seem inexperienced, this is my first time since... well... that's a story for another day. For the sake of now, it's my first time."

Liz held her breath, gasping in tight, strained bursts. "Well... you're certainly doing a good job... holy shit... fuck me like it's your last day on earth..."

Desmond, raising his muzzle up further with a pleasured growl, slowly withdrew himself from her. Reaching the point where he could go no further without falling out, he reversed direction and pushed back in again. Liz nearly squealed with pleasure. Years of government induced sexual frustration were being released in a matter of minutes. Likewise, Desmond was giving into his primal instincts for the first ever time, and he was finding it hard to stay in his right mind. He knew that something wasn't quite right about this, but the pleasure overwhelming him was droning out these thoughts. As he once again hit his hilt Liz gave a happy yip and bucked against him.

Liz was in complete euphoria, his size and her blossoming desire drove her to new heights. "Oh Desmond! Harder! I want you to give me everything you have!"

He was glad to oblige, sliding out once again, now using his hips to drive a bit harder into her. The bed squeaked at this vibration, Liz kicking in the air once again letting out a strained yip. She was well lubed, he could probably go as hard as he wanted but he held himself back, fearful of becoming feral. He continually thrust, each time a bit harder, after about 2 minutes of this the bed was literally shaking, Liz nearly screaming.

Nodding with a growl, he took her hips in his paws, hitting deep inside her again and again and again, feeling his own desires start to take over, his knot starting to form, stretching her already wide cunt even further. With a sharp yelp her walls squeezed him for everything he had, causing him to gasp and shudder a little. Liz squealed, panting. "Oh god... You're not even finished, and I just came..." She writhed and murred under his ever deeper thrusts. "Oh fuck... I think I'm going to cum again when you finish..."

The knot snapped free one last time, eliciting a loud yelp from her. Liz's sentence echoed in his head. "Finish... finish... finish..." He gasped and stopped, regaining his mind, his cock inside her barely, but waiting for that final thrust.

Liz opened an eye. "Desmond? What's wrong... you can knot me."

Desmond pulled out, shaking his head, cock twitching. "No! No! I can't! What the hell was I thinking?!"

Liz whimpered, pleasure starting to diminish. "What?! Come on Desmond... we've come so far..."

Desmond stepped back. "It's General Meyers, Ms. Benedick... and I need it to stay that way. If I cum inside you, you'll get pregnant, which will make things... complicated for all of us..."

Liz whimpered louder. "But Desmond... I want to have one... I want to be your everything..."

Desmond took her paw. "Liz, listen to me... in any other circumstance, I would love to, but I just can't right now..."

She sighed. "Well, you did give me one killer orgasm... so I guess that'll have to do." He looked down at his cock. "Shit... that must hurt like hell for you, you were so close."

He winced. "You have no idea..."

Liz held a single finger to his lips. "Don't worry, I've got it..." She bent down and licked at his tip, his cock giving a violent jerk.

Desmond gasped. "Nnngh! What are you doing?!"

She took another lick. "I had to do some awful things for money in my childhood... but I want to do this... don't argue..." She took the tip in her muzzle, murring gently, vibrations traveling down its length. Expertly, she grabbed his cock with both paws, gently rubbing the knot with one paw and stroking it with the other as she licked the very tip.

With a short, shallow gasp, Desmond bucked slightly. "I-I-I... ohh-hh wow...."

Liz took her muzzle off of him for a second. A tiny rope of pre dribbled from his tip to her open maw and she took a swirling lick over the head. "Mmm... you like that big guy?" She reached around, grabbing his ass roughly, which caused him to gasp and twirl around quickly, swinging at an invisible foe. Liz laughed. "Hey! Come back here! I'm not finished with you..." With a wink she reached around his chest, fondly rubbing his chest fur. "Oh... I can only imagine what you taste like."

Desmond stiffened, his arm twitching. In any normal circumstance he would have elbowed whomever was doing this to him in the face. Not that he enjoy that sort of attention, he was more concerned of being stabbed in the back, he trusted Liz however and left her to her devices. She crept a paw from his chest down to his stomach, then his cock, grasping it firmly in her paw. She gave a few good hard strokes and Desmond whimpered in pleasure, moving his muzzle back and resting it on her shoulder. He saw her neck in view and turned slightly, licking and biting at it gently. Liz murred and traced a claw around the knot. "Whether you like it or not... you're under my complete control right now."

Desmond sighed and licked her neck with a lust he had never felt before. "Oh god... I think I could get used to it."

Liz giggled, flicking his member gently. "Well, I think you deserve to be finished off now." She swung around in front of him again, lowering herself on him. She now took as much as she could into her mouth, licking every inch that her delicate tongue had access to, gently fondling his balls and rubbing his knot with the fuzzy back of her paw. She bobbed rapidly, swishing her tongue across the bottom.

Desmond shook at her expert manipulation. "Holy shit... I think it's soon..."

Liz didn't look up but simply gave him a thumbs up. Her eyes were closed, one paw holding the base of his member and her other deep inside her, already pawing herself off again. She gave a few muffled gasps and moans but continued to suck. Desmond shut his eyes tightly. "Ohhhhh Liz! I think I'm going to cum... I... I.... NNNNNNNGH!"

She opened her muzzle wide, the flood of cum quickly filling her maw. She had to swallow rapidly to keep up, and even then a bit dribbled out of her mouth and dripped down her neck. Yet even with the rapid pace she was able to keep up, sucking up every last drop that spurted from his cock. After a minute he finished and she gave one last lick along his tip. She pulled back and let out a long, deep gasp. "Oh my god, that was great..." She licked her lips. "Hmm... you taste rather nice..."

Desmond nearly fell backwards off the bed. "W-what just happened?"

Liz licked a finger. "Hmm, let's see, you just had a blowjob and came, rather hard I might add."

He blinked. "It was... intense..."

She giggled and crawled on top of him. "Hmmm... glad you liked it." She traced a finger through his chest fur. "I don't suppose you would mind doing the same for me?"

He stiffened. "Well... okay... but I'm not sure how good at it I'll be."

She leaned back with a sigh and spread her legs. "Don't worry about it, just take a few licks and I'll tell you if you're hot or cold."

He shrugged, seeing nothing wrong with this arrangement. He knelt down and slowly extended his tongue, taking an experimental lick from the bottom to the top. She gasped lightly and nodded quickly, telling him that he was doing well so far. He licked again, it was difficult for him to place the flavor. It was somewhere in between strawberries and warm cream, with a slight metallic aftertaste. Smacking his lips a few times, he decided he approved and delved deeper, licking at her walls. Liz whimpered. "Oh! Yes! There you go... a little higher... OH! that's it!" He grabbed her legs, pushing his muzzle as close to her as he could, licking deeper and deeper, trying to taste every facet of her slickened walls, he got as far as her cervix, probing the imposing wall with his tongue and, when he could go no further, turned back, sliding the prehensile organ along the top of her tunnel, and involuntarily, her clit.

Liz almost screamed. "Ooooh! That's it right there!" Desmond blinked in surprise, and licked the same spot. Her response was fairly animated, bucking straight into his muzzle, squealing and kicking her legs. "Oh shit! Yes!"

He grinned, firmly holding down her legs as he took another lick. She wriggled a little. "Nnnnnnya! Fuck!" He shook his head with a chuckle, easing his assault on her clit, instead going back to her walls, which were now practically dripping with her juices. He slurped up her cum with a wide smile, finding himself quite addicted to the taste. She squealed and murred loudly as he sucked on her. "Oh fuck... just finish me off Desmond... I need to feel this..."

He was happy to oblige, returning to her clit, running his rough tongue over it and suckling the tip with a murr. He licked incessantly, wanting her to feel the orgasm that she desired.

She screamed and writhed about in pleasure. "Ohh god! I-I-I'm cumming! OOOOOOHHH FUCK!"

He pressed inside her and licked up the flooding juices before they could escape. Well, most of them anyway, some still dribbled down and pooled ostensibly on his bed. Her orgasm continued for a couple of minutes before she wound down, cum dribbling out, coating it seemed everywhere with the sticky cream. "Holy.... fucking... shit..." She managed to pant out. "That was... amazing."

Desmond lied panting beside her. "That took more out of me than a 10 mile run." He sighed, shaking a little. "We're going to have to burn these sheets..."

She giggled. "There are worse things you could have to do."

He sobered for a second, shivering. "That there are... many... many... unpleasant things."

She shifted next to him, wrapping her arms around him. "I love you..." She nuzzled him and murred.

He frowned. "I... lo-" He shook his head. "I don't really want to answer that... it's just... so against protocol."

She crawled over him and planted her lips on his, passionately intertwining her tongue with his. He moaned slightly, feeling over her body and grabbing slightly at her ass. She released the kiss with a small pant. "Desmond, let protocol go for awhile. I know you love me, and I really love you back. I'm sure the others will understand. They aren't emotionless beings, many of them have already had love in their lives and will completely understand." She ran a hand down the side of his muzzle. "Sure... some of the girls may be jealous, but they won't judge you. Besides, we're too far to go back now."

He blinked impassively and closed his eyes. "Ok... I... love you Liz. I would love to start a family with you, after all this... unpleasantness is finished. Just remember... I'm putting our entire cause in your paws, so please... be careful."

She nodded. "Of course Desmond."

He pet behind her head with a smile. "Just remember, you're STILL going to be a private when you enlist, I can't show favoritism."

She lied on top of him with a sigh. "I can handle that."

He giggled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Night Liz."

She poked his nose back. "Night stud."

And they both passed out on the bed.


Liz opened an eye in complete darkness. Desmond lied beside her, murring ever so slightly in his sleep. She yawned, whispering. "Why'd I wake uh---" she gasped and realized why. The burning in her crotch had returned. "Oh god... not again..." She carefully got up and snuck out of the room, sticking to the shadows as she ventured downstairs. She was sure that this was futile however, as anyone who was within 20 feet of her could probably easily smell her. "I have to find out what's going on... this isn't normal." She squinted at a door, marked Cpl. Chloe Graesser. "Oh please god, be awake..." She knocked gently on the door and after a few choice words from inside, a sleepy Chloe appeared at the door. "Ok asshole, what do you- Liz?" She blinked and sniffed. "My lord, what the hell happened to you?"

Liz shuffled nervously. "Corporal... please help me. It... hurts. It's like a burning in my crotch, and it won't go away..."

She gasped. "Uh oh... wait here..." Liz heard rummaging in her room, as well as her mumbling under her breath. "Come on... where is it..." She came out and nodded. "Liz, do you know what's happening to you?"

She shook her head. "N-no... I'm scared. I've been extremely horny lately."

Chloe chuckled. "I can imagine. You're in heat."

"HEAT?!" She said loudly. Chloe covered her mouth quickly.

"Quiet! You want every guy in here to hear that?" Chloe released her grip on her muzzle quickly. "You have to know what that is by now, you're what, 20, 21?"

"23" She responded. "And, yes, I've heard of it... but I've never really... felt it."

Chloe raised an eyebrow. "You're 23 and you've never had a heat cycle?"

"N-no... Ever since I was ten my mom gave me this pills every 6 months..."

She nodded. "Ah, government issue heat suppressers. Also fertility killers, use them long enough and you'll never be able to reproduce. Of course they never tell you that part." She sighed. "Well, I'll explain. During heat, you WILL be extremely horny and it WILL hurt. The first time is always the worst, it'll hurt so bad you wish you never had a pussy. After that, all the others seem a lot easier. The only way to end it is to either have someone cum in you, which I would not recommend for obvious reasons, or to wait it out. The latter is extremely painful, but... it can be a little better if you paw."

Liz raised an eyebrow. "Paw?"

Chloe laughed lightly. "Yeah, you know, rub one out, go number 3... masturbate."

Color flooded her face. "Wh-what?!"

She rolled her eyes. "Oh come on Liz. We ALL know you did it earlier, we'd be deaf not to hear you. Sounds like the general had some fun with you too." She grinned. "Alright Liz, follow me, try not to hump everything that moves."

They walked over to the clothing storage, filled with packed boxes. "Wh-why are we here?" Liz asked.

Chloe pushed her over and tossed her a vibrator. "Don't worry, I washed it. Just do what you need to do and I'll be back in the morning." She ran out of the room, quickly locking the door.

Liz ran to the door. "Wait! You can't just leave me here! Come back!" She banged on the door a few times. "Hello?! Anyone?!" When nobody responded she looked down at the vibrator in her paw, poking a switch lightly. It started to whirr gently. "Well... here goes nothing..."


Liz moaned, opening her eyes. Her head was swimming. The entire room smelled like a locker room. "Wher---where in the hell am I?" She heard a faint buzzing and pulled the vibrator out of her dripping pussy with a squelch and gasp. "The fuck is this? What happened?" She got up, holding her head and groaning. "What the fuck happened last night?" She looked down at the white, creamy puddle below her, some of it having solidified during the night. She regained a bit of her memory. "Oh... right..." She shakily got to her feet. "I think I'm... sated for a while..." The door opened and she gasped, sighing in relief when Chloe stepped through. "Oh thank god..."

Chloe grinned, holding a mop. "Three things, one, good morning my horny vixen, how was your night? Two, here are some clothes, and Three, shower, NOW." She threw her a towel to cover herself with and some clothes for after the shower. She was happy to oblige, she had never felt so dirty in her life. Before she walked out, she turned to Chloe. "Um... Corporal Greasser? Thanks... really... I feel embarrassed now."

She smiled. "Don't worry about it, you did the right thing in coming to me, we girls of BRAGG have a motto here: 'Heat Happens', so don't be embarrassed, it's only natural." She grinned. "Oh! And congratulations on snagging the general, now my envy has turned to jealousy. And, before you try and deny it. I heard you, clearly. Made me damn horny myself." She booted her ass gently. "Now shower, before I get sick."

She ran off to the showers and found Desmond there, furiously scrubbing out his fur. He looked up. "Oh, hey Liz..." He smiled, leaning down to give her a kiss since nobody else was around. "Why'd you leave last night?"

She looked up with a blush. "My desire came back... so I snuck out to ask a few questions, found out I was experiencing my first heat. What happened the rest of the night I care not to describe."

He chuckled. "Explains the hornyness." He grinned and gave her neck a lick. "Still... I rather enjoyed our time last night, and I really do love you." He slapped her ass. "Now, off to the other side of the showers, I can't shower with you, as much as I'd love to."

She giggled, groping his ass back and walked over to the opposite wall, turning the water on and nearly moaning when it hit her body. She never wanted a shower more in her life. She squirted a copious amount of fur shampoo on her paws and lathered up her body, paying specific attention to her pubic region, which had been nearly drenched in all manner of fluids the last 12 hours. She sighed and murred, meeping gently when a pair of paws reached around her, pulling her close. Desmond whispered in her ear. "See you later Liz, your first mission is today, stay safe." He kissed her cheek with a smile on his face.

Liz cracked a smile too. "Hey Desmond... wait up..."

He perked an ear when he heard his name. "Yeah Liz?" He gasped and let out a surprised moan when her lips met up with his and he jumped up to reach him, wrapping her legs around him, her tongue entering his mouth. His surprise soon faded and he eagerly pushed her to the shower wall, his tongue fighting with hers. She gasped and adjusted her muzzle quite a few times, never quite sure which angle to assault his mouth with. Desmond's paws roamed her body, occasionally groping at her ass or breasts. She giggled. Years of denied sexuality were finally being released for the both of them, and they loved it. Desmond closed his eyes, biting gently at her neck. She immediately responded, throwing her head back and panting heavily, her paws traveling to his sheath. He shuddered and moaned, looking into her eyes. "Oh Liz... fuck favoritism... as soon as you get back... I'm going to give you my all."

She smiled. "You know I'd like that..."

They both turned when a new person entered the room. Major Trippi stood in all his furless glory. He blinked a couple of times in surprise before a wide grin crossed his face. "I'll look the other way..."

They immediately broke apart, somewhat ashamed they couldn't control themselves in public. Desmond rubbed the back of his head. "Oh... Major Trippi... I... um..."

He winked. "Relax General Meyers... I don't judge you... everyone needs release sometimes. I'm kind of glad you found love too, we were getting worried that you'd lost emotion." He blushed and Trippi grinned. "Look, don't worry about it, everyone heard you last night, so no point denying it." Trippi put a hand on Desmond's shoulder. "Good Job."

After the rest of the shower, Liz dried off, smiling. She was finally completely clean, 3 days and uncountable orgasms later. She put her clothes back on, smelling faintly of peach blossoms. Desmond and Major Trippi soon followed, they were both wearing their normal fatigues. Trippi beckoned with his hand. "Come on Private Benedick, your first mission is today." She nodded happily and followed him, looking back at Desmond. He smiled warmly and winked, waving goodbye.

He led her away and handed her an M-16. "Here you go. Now for a briefing. This is a modified M-16. It's light, it has a 12x scope, a 30 round clip of 5.56 rounds and a suppresser, or a silencer to you nonmilitary folk. Only problem is that it's rather weak against armor... but we don't anticipate any on this mission, but just in case, Indie's got an M-21 EBR. 10 round clip of 7.62 by 54 mm rounds. Hit damn hard."

Liz nodded. "Um... who's Indie?"

Trippi pointed to a wolf in the corner, polishing the barrel of his rifle. "Morning Private, I'm squad captain Indie Reginald Alighieri." Smoke drifted from the lit end of the cigarette in his mouth. He snapped a magazine in his gun and looked over. Liz gulped at his cold eyes, but sighed lightly in relief when he cracked a toothy grin, the cigarette still smoking. "I heard you had fun last night... well... If all goes well, you'll have some more today too." He became serious. "But... if something goes wrong, listen to my every word, because if you don't, you'll be dead. Got that?"

Liz saluted sharply. "Sir, Yes Sir!"

He chuckled. "Already in the swing of things I see." He crushed the cigarette under his boot and breathed out one last cloud. "Alright then Private Benedick... let's go and raid that warehouse."

She raised an eyebrow. "Sir?"

Indie looked back. "Oh, the major didn't tell you yet? We're getting some supplies from the police warehouse. It's not very well guarded, surprisingly, and the codes given to us by the new recruits from the other day will help us get by the rest."

She nodded. "Alright Sir, tell me what I need to do."

He grabbed his gun. "You'll be with my squad, this is simple, a one squad mission. We take out the guards and the infantry will take out anyone inside. Then we move up and provide backup for the extraction. Simple enough?"

Liz saluted again. "Sir, Yes sir!"

Indie cracked a smile again. "Alright then, let's go, move move move!"


Beatrix and Indie - A commission for Indie

Disclaimer: Kay kiddos, turn away now, 'cause this story is not for you! Seriously! Go! \*Sighs\* Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you! Real Disclaimer: Do not view this story if you are under the age of 18 as it contains scenes of a sexual nature....

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With the End of the World, comes a new beginning.

Disclaimer: Do not read this story if you are under the age of 18 as it contains scenes of a graphic sexual nature. Seriously, don't do it, if you do, don't come whining to me if you get...

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Vulpes Lupis Chapter 2: Tales From A Troubled World

Disclaimer: This story is rated R for scenes of a violent nature, and quite possibly some yiff. Look, just don't read it if you are under 18, It'll save you a lot of guilt. Of course I know that'll never happen. ...

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