A Deal with the Devil - Part 2 (Hard Soul Vore Version)

Story by TwistedSnakes on SoFurry

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#3 of A Deal with the Devil

Written by TwistedSnakes

Commissioned by Wikiwarrior

Wiki walked among the crowds of one of Silver Serpent's many game rooms in his orange form. Sure, his regular form didn't come with the awesome strength that his demonic form provided, but there's just something that people find unapproachable about a well-built demonic dragon walking through the hallways of the Silver Serpent. And if he were to do his job well, he'd need to make use of his draconic charisma.

This, however, didn't mean that he was deprived of his new powers. Instead, he could still use his enhanced senses to assist his search. He could perceive the nature of people's hearts as a faint aura swirling around their bodies, visible if only he looked a little closer.

He had first discovered this power when Decro had transformed him. At first, he thought the Decro's aura was still hanging in the air as the wolf showed him around the Silver Serpent: a bold but dangerous move. Only upon closer inspection, did he realize that the aura was merely in his own perception and not something that was visible in real life.

After that, he started noticing similar auras around the guests and patrons of the casino. Some of them were pale and white. Hues of purity mixed in with light splashes of yellow or blue, depending on how untainted the person was. Most of them, however, had dark vapours creeping in on the edges as the casino's deprave scenes began to sully their purity. Others had darker auras. Purple and black mixed in with hints of red and green. They were not as dark as Decro's aura, but it was a good sign: the corruption was taking hold.

Now, in his orange form, his eyes scanned the grandiose room like a predator looking for his prey. If one didn't know what he was up to, they'd assume he was merely another guest looking for another handsome visitor to ravish that night.

His eyes fell upon a hybrid: a beautiful mix of gryphon and dragon. The grygon had the body of an anthro gryphon, feathers, claws and all, but his head and wings sported sharp, draconic features such as horns and scales. But what piqued Wiki's interest was the deep, dark aura that stood out, even amidst the grygon's dusky blue feathers.

The dragon could feel a sense of anticipation rise within him as his heart began to beat faster and his body began to feel restless. This person was ripe for the picking. And he'd have the pleasure of reaping the poor soul.

He made his way over to the grygon who was sitting at a blackjack table, glancing at his cards: two nines. Eighteen. When it came to the grygon's turn, he was about to stand when Wiki stepped in beside him and said, "Hit."

The dealer turned to Wiki and the grygon as he waited for a response. The hybrid turned to him too and asked, "What's the meaning of this?"

"Trust me," Wiki smirked, "Hit."

"And if I lose?"

"Then I'll pay you twice what you lose here," the dragon slid his Silver Serpent card on the table into the card scanner's range. The dealer nodded in response, entering Wiki's suggestion into the panel in front of him.

The grygon gave him a dirty look before turning back to the table with a huff. "Hit," he said, and the electronic card dealer on the table slid a card towards him. He picked up the card and flipped it over. A three of hearts, coming to a total of twenty-one. Blackjack.

He scoffed incredulously and then turned to the orange dragon as if asking for an explanation.

"The name's Wiki," the dragon grinned, offering his clawed hand for a handshake. The hybrid took it with a firm grip and shook. "Charrtar," he introduced curtly, "So what do you want?"

"You seem interesting," Wiki mused out loud, "And I think I'd like to know you more." He tilted his chin up, pointing upwards as if towards his hotel room in the floors above them.

"Heh," Charrtar sneered, "I'm not a sub, you know. Just because you were lucky with your guesses doesn't mean I'm about to serve your cock. I'm a dom through and through, so you'll be begging for more of my dick by the time I'm done with you."

"Fine with me," the dragon smirked back, "But I'm pretty sure you'll be the one begging for more."

"Not going to happen, kid, but I like your spunk," Charrtar reached for Wiki's crotch and squeezed the bulge that had formed in the dragon's pants, "And we'll do it in the lounge next door."

The couches of the lounge turned out to be surprisingly comfortable for sex as Charrtar joined Wiki on the spacious velvet sofa. The dragon was lying on his back, still wearing his business suit with his hands running over Charrtar's chest. The grygon was nuzzling back, brushing his muzzle against the side of the dragon's neck and eliciting soft moans from him.

Wiki's hands found the hybrid's shirt buttons and he began undoing them, revealing his soft, feathery chest. The grygon did the same, stripping the dragon down as he stroked down Wiki's scaly chest with his tongue. Their shirts came off and were flung onto the floor, giving them full access to each other's upper bodies.

Their bulges rubbed against each other as Charrtar nibbled the edge of Wiki's ear and the dragon squeezed the hybrid's nipples in response. "F-fuck," Wiki gasped as Charrtar explored the erogenous zones of the dragon's auricle with the tip of his tongue. Spasms of arousal shot down his spine, making him squirm beneath the hybrid's body which was pinning him down.

Moving on to Wiki's other ear, the grygon slipped his hand down to the dragon's crotch, cupping his palm and feeling the firm, rounded bulge beneath the cashmere fabric of his pants. He gave the bulge a light squeeze and a small tug, making Wiki moan one more time before he began undoing his belt and pants. Both their pants came off, leaving Wiki and Charrtar in their underwear. The dragon was mesmerized for a second as he stared at the outline of the grygon's sizable member on his underwear.

Not for long, though, as Charrtar resumed grinding his bulge against Wiki's. Their pleasured huffs filled the lounge as Wiki leaked his pre into the cotton fabric. His rump clenched instinctively as if eager for the cock that would soon be entering. He nuzzled back against the side of Charrtar's maw, feeling the soft feathers against his smooth scales.

The firm shaft of the grygon rubbing against his crotch told him what he needed to know about the hybrid's size: it was great and girthy. And Wiki craved that inside of him. His hands glided down the Charrtar's obliques and hips, and he began slowly pulling down the grygon's underwear. The top of the underwear slipped down, revealing the thick base of the grygon's shaft. Then the engorged knot followed, then the shaft. And finally, the glorious, tapered tip of the grygon's cock was showing as the entirety of it stood erect in front of Wiki.

Wiki licked his lips, slipping off his underwear and unveiling his own member to Charrtar. His hands grabbed the armrest that was over his head and he raised his legs, offering his tight pucker to the grygon. "It's time to deliver on your promise," he challenged, "Make me beg."

"Oh, you will," the grygon puffed out his chest and sneered. His hand gripped the head of his dick, milking the liberal amount of pre from his cock and smearing it over his entire length as a natural lubricant.

Taking the residual amount, he stuck his fingers against Wiki's tailhole, gently shoving in to coat the entrance and insides with the slick liquid. With a firm and controlled motion, he began thrusting in and pulling out his fingers, fucking Wiki with his digits. The orange dragon began groaning in pleasure, feeling the grygon's sturdy fingers invading his insides as he tensed his quivering pucker against them. "F-fuck!" he gasped as his erect cock throbbed in a fervent announcement of his hunger for more.

Then the grygon pulled out his fingers, giving them a lick to taste Wiki's ample rear and smell his musk. "Your fuckhole tastes pretty good, boy," Charrtar declared, "Good enough to ravage with my cock."

Wiki's moans were his response, one that the grygon was more than happy to accept. His hefty cock was soon nudged against the dragon's loosened tailhole, letting the orange dragon feel just how big the grygon was.

"Ready for it?" Charrtar challenged, "It's not too late to change your mind."

"Give it to me," Wiki insisted.

"Heh, take a deep breath then," the grygon instructed before plunging his length right into the dragon's tight flesh.

"Son of a bitch!" Wiki yelled as he felt the firm shaft against his inner walls as he clenched back. There was a painful tightness in his rump as the phallus within him filled him up as no cock had ever done before. The grygon remained hilted within the dragon, letting him get used to the size of his member.

After the dragon's breaths had calmed down, Charrtar gently pulled out, giving the dragon a brief moment of relief before he shoved his massive cock back in. Wiki yelped in pain and pleasure as his legs wrapped around the grygon's waist. Charrtar began thrusting in and out of Wiki's tailhole, pounding his firm and supple ass like how a fuck toy is meant to be abused.

The dragon humped back in response, rocking his hips in time with the hybrid's plunges. Their moans were so loud, it was a wonder nobody from outside heard them and came to have a look. Wiki watched the grygon's expression of pleasure: his eyes were closed and his mouth was gaping open with his tongue lolling out.

Wiki could tell that the hybrid was close to climaxing. He would, too, given his arousal, but he had something better in mind. He focused deep inside him as if drawing out his inner power. Sure enough, his muscles began to bulge out as his scales took on a latex sheen. His horns and features sharpened and soon his body was back to its demonic form. The latex from his body began to spread to Charrtar's body, spreading up his cock and to his hips.

"Mfft!" the grygon panted. He had not yet noticed the rubber that was slowly transforming his body as his mind was consumed by the imminent climax. Sure enough, he shot his warm load into Wiki's latex tailhole.

"What the fu--" the grygon opened his eyes and noticed what was going on, but it was too late. The latex had consumed his lower body and wings, and his chest was next. Charrtar backed off in fear but Wiki wasn't about to let him go. He grabbed the back of the grygon's head and pulled him in, forcing him into a kiss. Their lips touched and the dragon kissed hard.

"Mfft!" Charrtar yelped in terror as the latex from the dragon's lips spread to his. It crept up his face, slowly encasing his entire head in rubber. The latex over the grygon's body shifted, slowly warping his form to exhibit sculpted, muscular features. The rubber around his lips turned into the valve of a gas mask, and the rest of his face followed. The squirming grygon's eyes were soon covered by dark, emotionless lenses on his face.

Then a dark vapour began to enter his gas mask: a light sedative mixed with a chemical concoction that would soon brainwash its inhaler. Sure enough, Charrtar's shoulders drooped and his hands fell to his side. A glazed look washed over his eyes as he remained knelt in front of Wiki.

The dragon stroked the back of the grygon's rubber-encased head, caressing the smooth surface. "You look hungry. Hungry for my cock inside your rubber fuckhole." Wiki's cock throbbed in response to his own suggestion. The drone nodded back in a daze. "Then I want you to beg for it." Without hesitation, the drone put its hands together in a begging position, whimpering for the dragon's cock.

Charrtar was no more. In his place was an obedient drone who would listen to Wiki's each and every command.

"Look who's begging for more now?"

It was a pang of hunger. Hunger that started out with a small craving. Hunger that grew each time he devoured another soul. Hunger that had turned into a ravenous appetite within six months since he had received this power.

Wiki had amassed a small army of subservient drones. Drones that would serve him and the Silver Serpent. But each corrupted soul he reaped would only satiate his hunger for a small moment before coming back more tenacious than ever.

That feeling of hunger left him feeling a profound sense of emptiness within his chest. A desolate void that seemed to consume his very soul. And no amount of exquisite food or lavish wine could gratify the acute need.

But he would content himself for now by consuming the souls of the corrupted. He'll clear their minds so that they would be uninhibited to obey his instructions. He'll remove their wills and replace them with his own.

They would serve him with their lives. And he would be their king.

Decro was calmly sitting on a grand throne made out of black marble when the demonic dragon burst into the dimly-lit room. His muscular form had no need for clothes as he made his way between the rows of tall pillars, striding swiftly to the foot of the steps which led up to the raised throne.

"Master!" he called, looking up at the wolf.

"What have you called upon me for?" Decro responded.

"You...you gave me this hunger, didn't you?" Wiki panted heavily, "This craving...for more!"

"I did no such th--"

"Then explain to me, why do I feel this craving? This emptiness inside?" the dragon retorted.

"That's the nature of your mortal form," Decro explained composedly, "Once you get a taste of my power, you unwittingly desire more. You feel starved because of an appetite your earthly body forced upon you."

"Take it! Take it away from me!" Wiki demanded, his voice turning into a vicious growl.

Decro smirked, apparently immensely pleased with himself.

"What," the dragon snapped angrily, "Are you not going to help me? Do you think this is a joke?"

"Oh, on the contrary, servant," the wolf got up from his seat, "All this while, I've known that you'd come to feel this burning urge. I've only been waiting for you to ask."

Decro walked down the steps until he was face to face with the dragon, observing his dark, latex scales and razor-sharp horns. Features that Wiki could have sworn grew sharper and more angular over time. The wolf's clawed hand raised a finger to stroke the underside of the dragon's jaw, sliding down his neck to his jugular notch. A dark aura seeped out from Decro's being, swirling around them.

"My faithful servant," the wolf whispered softly, "Today, you shall transcend the limitations of your mortal husk and reach your true potential." A tingle shot down Wiki's spine as he stood still.

Decro opened his mouth, baring his sharp fangs. Wiki stared back, entranced by the hypnotic motion of the wolf's long tongue as it danced between his teeth. Then Decro seemed to take a breath, but instead of drawing air, he seemed to be breathing in the ethereal threads of reality.

It was like a fog had seeped into Wiki's mind, clouding his thoughts. His vision turned blurry for a second as if he was looking out through frosted glass. Wiki tried to blink, only to realize he was looking at himself from outside his body.

His demonic body was standing stiffly with a blank expression on his face and a glazed look in his eyes. Black and purple smokey strands led from the dragon's half-open maw, up into the air, and towards his wispy form. His consciousness was contained in this dark vapour as Decro extracted his corrupted soul.

Wait, what was Decro doing to him?

Wiki panicked and tried to speak up but his corporeal form could not do anything. Instead, his physical form opened its mouth and spoke, "What are you doing to me?"

"I shall consume your soul and you shall be mine."

"Wait, no!" Wiki's body responded and his arm rose to push Decro away but the wolf caught the palm mid-swing and held it firmly in place.

"Your husk of a body isn't as strong without your soul," the wolf flashed a smug grin as he inhaled again. Wiki's soul was drawn into his waiting maw, consumed in the darkness of his throat. There, Wiki could feel the rest of his soul leave his body, joining him in the depths of Decro's being.


He was gripped by panic as he felt himself dissolve into the ethereal fabric of the universe. His sense of perception spread outwards, allowing him to somehow observe the scene around him. His body was still standing there without movement. Decro let go of the dragon's wrist but the dragon neither reacted nor lowered his outstretched arm.

Some of the dark mist plunged into the dragon's half-open mouth. The dragon blinked as it took stock of its surroundings. It looked at its outstretched arm and flexed its fingers, getting a feel of the body it was in.

"Like what you see?" Decro spoke to Wiki as the disembodied soul watched in horror, "But fret not, I will make good use of your mortal body."

Wiki whimpered pitifully, begging for his body back. But it was not his place to make demands as his vaporous form was slowly being dissolved in Decro's dark mist. His soul was being digested by Decro's, slowly reducing him into nothing but intangible victual for the wolf's spirit. With his fading vision, he watched his draconic body walk out of the room as it acted on the wolf's commands. The room got darker and darker until he could no longer see.

But he was still here, right?

So long as he could think, he was alive.

If being in a corporeal, metaphysical form counted as living.

A form that was slowly dissolving.

So long as he could think...

The wolf's aura seemed to tear at his soul, gradually ripping it into shreds.

Surely there would be something left of him.

So long as...

He could feel the dissolved fragments of his being feed Decro's hungry soul.

Reduced to nothing more than spiritual soup.


The void opened up to swallow him.




~ End ~