
Story by Lupine Catastrophe on SoFurry

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#4 of Wulfein

So, I've decided to turn this into a proper series. I want to be able to submit some shorter works while I work on larger projects, so this way you'll have something to chew on between large posts.

This series is a bit on an experimental one. I'm used to outlining my stories but terrible at creating a plot on the fly. I'll be using this series to practice discovery writing a story while gaining experience on doing epic fantasy for a future novel I plan on writing. These installments will be kept to only 1000 words or so, so that I can quickly go back to another project without having to do major planning. I may occasionally use Tayu's writing prompts to design a chapter around, but not all the time.

Hope you enjoy.

"What shall we do, sire?"

Atreyu barely heard the question, his mind racing as he recollected the events of late. The devious warlock Rencor who had somehow breached the doors of the royal palace was now jailed, due to be executed in an hour's time. Even with the threat gone, however, the kingdom was in a panic after the ruckus the warlock caused. Many of those who lived nearby had fled, and when their families inevitably heard about the assassination of the previous King, they would probably panic as well. Rumors about the Order of Onyx had spread, and Atreyu felt powerless to stop the chaos.

How was a King meant to handle this responsibility? He had barely known how to be a Prince, and now he was to assure an entire kingdom of their safety?

"Sire? What shall we do? Sire?"

Atreyu realized he had been staring a spot on the map spread on the table and completely ignored the inquiries of the lupine Archmage.

"My apologies, Korthgar," said Atreyu, recalling the regal vernacular he was expected to use. "I am afraid I do not remember the question."

Korthgar huffed in annoyance, as did the rest of the members of his court he had asked to attend this meeting. Baeril, a grumpy-looking jackal in pompous aristocratic garb scowled at him as he waited. His advisor was known for his gruff attitude, but Atreyu knew that he was kind at heart. The two mages Korthgar and Runil were present as well, dressed in their formal grey robes for the execution. Each of them had noticed the King's distraction, though it was clearly beginning to wear on their patience.

"I merely wondered, my liege, what are we meant to do after Rencor's attack?" Korthgar's question was uttered in a measured and controlled tone.

" not sure." Atreyu gazed upon the artifacts they had recovered from the warlock: a bejeweled golden crown which Korthgar insisted had been ridden of any curses, and the titanite shard Rencor had used to amplify his magical powers. "The Order of Onyx will still be a problem even with Rencor gone. And I doubt that the palace would be able to withstand a full force attack by their hand."

"That urchin never should have been able breach the castle walls," Korthgar growled while his tail lashed behind him. "With our defenses, a warlock of that power that have been spotted immediately."

Atreyu neglected to mention the presence of the warlock in that very castle ten years prior. That revelation would put him in serious peril. "What are you suggesting, Korthgar?"

"I believe there may be a traitor in our midst," concluded Korthgar, his dark eyes roving the group suspiciously.

"Why, that is the single most absurd idea I have ever heard!" exclaimed Baeril with a disbelieving glare. "Why in Lupir's name would you suggest that?"

"I think it is a reasonable conclusion," said Atreyu, drawing eyes upon himself once more. "But we cannot know for sure. Anyone employed within the castle could have let him in. There is no way of telling who is responsible."

"There may be a way." All eyes now turned back to the Archmage. "There is a potion that we can use to force the truth from all who drink it. It may take up to a day to find the ingredients as our stores have run low, but Runil and I can brew a batch. We can have it ready in two days' time."

"A sound proposal. Do what you must to find those ingredients." Atreyu turned to the robed fox beside the Archmage. "Runil, you have been rather silent on the matter. What say you?"

Runil, who had indeed been silent with his head down until now, blinked and regarded the King with a look of bewilderment. "Oh, I - yes, I think this is a great idea."

The timid reply bothered Atreyu, but he did not press further. "Very well. In the meantime, I must find a way to deal with the gossip running rampant through the kingdom."

"I hardly think that is anything to worry about," said Baeril. "Rumors will spread regardless, warlock or not. Those who think ill of the King will never cease their gossip."

"There are people out there - our people - who think I killed the previous King for his crown." Atreyu looked his advisor straight in the eye as he spoke. "I cannot sit idly by as our own people lose faith in their King."

"What will you do then, sire? Hold another event?" Korthgar asked. "I doubt many will be eager to return to the courtyard where such a terrible thing took place."

Atreyu had a plan, and he couldn't believe he of all people conjured such an idea. "I will travel across the kingdom and talk to them personally."

The others in the room fell silent, and Baeril was the first to speak up. "Come again?"

"I need to show them that their King remains loyal to his subjects," insisted Atreyu. "To spread morale, I will travel to each major city within Wulfein and deliver a speech. Perhaps that way I can regain their trust."

"Are you sure that is wise?" asked Korthgar. "It will take many weeks to traverse the kingdom, and you will be leaving us here to operate on our own. Are you willing to leave the city for that long without your supervision?"

"Cynon will be fine in my absence, I assure you," said Atreyu. "I will organize a party to accompany me on my journey. But this must be done, for I am the King of my people."

Baeril huffed. "I see we are not going to change your mind. Very well, I will see to organizing a traveling party after this traitor has been flushed out."

"I will take inventory of our stores to determine what else we need for the Draught of Truth." Korthgar strode purposely to the exit with Baeril in his wake. "Runil, I will require assistance."

"Yes, Korthgar," Runil parroted, though he remained where he stood. "I will follow in just a moment."

Korthgar nodded and left the room, Baeril following him out while grumbling under his breath. Once they had gone, Atreyu regarded the robed fox still standing there with his paws clasped and head bowed. "Runil, are you alright? You're not still rattled from the attack, are you?"

Runil fidgeted with his paws. ", I am quite alright. I just...hmm..."

Atreyu came in close and interrupted mage's stammering with a warm smooch on the lips. Runil mumbled through the kiss but eventually settled down, bracing a paw against Atreyu's hip.

The King pulled back. "Are you sure? You can tell me anything, Runil."

Runil instantly began to fidget once more and averted his eyes. "I...there is something I must ask you, my liege."

At that moment, the doors burst open as two guards rushed in. Atreyu stepped quickly away from his lover so as not to appear obvious.

"What is the meaning of this interruption?!" exclaimed Atreyu, readopting his kingly dialect. "No one is allowed to enter without knocking!"

One of the guards managed between exhausted gasps, "It's the warlock Rencor, sire! He has escaped!"

Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 19

_This is all my fault._ _ _ Those were the words echoing through Zack's head as he drove away from the school with Charlie at his side. After the incident with Coach Salt, the two of them had talked their muzzles off answering the police's questions,...

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Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 18

"Tristan? It's okay, I'm here." Zack lifted a sobbing Tristan out of bed and let him wrap his small arms around him in a hug. He wasn't sure what had caused the younger jackal to burst out crying at six in the morning. Having rushed into Tristan's...

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The dungeons of Cynon were dark and dank as any other, lit only by torches along the hall. Dust blanketed the stone floor, rats scurried about, and various insects clung in dark corners away from harm. A hooded figure glided silently down the entrance...

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